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tv   Early Today  NBC  July 23, 2019 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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massive protests overnight as the pressure builds for the governorer of pu rico as crowds demand the immediate resignation of their governor. >> iran ups the ante by claiming to have broken up a c.i.a. spy ring inside its borders. the u.s. denies the account. the provocation raising tensions betweethe two tions. >> mr. president, are you worried about wednesday? >> no, i'm not going to be watching -- probably, maybe i'll see a little bit of it i'm not going to be watchingca mueller bee you can't takete all those bis out of the apple. >> the president signalling he might watch special counsel robert mueller's tesmony as his department of justice warns
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him to stae y inbounds of report >> we'll look at the controversy and backlash over tom brady's cliff jump with his daughter >> a naked man casually strolls into a vermont coffee shop this morning for his cup joe how is that for a wake up call "early today" starts right now good tuesday morning i'm frances rivera >> and i'm phillipe ena. that wave may have moved on, but more severe weather has followed a series of thunderstorms swept to 2 inches of rain coming down per hour at some points. drivers faced dangerous flash flooding many roads across new rk and new jersey were transformed intt rivers, brinffic to a stand still. there was a similar scene in the midwest. downtown eureka, missouri, was under water after getting 5 1/2 inches of rain over just a few hours. and in chicago, powerful winds of up to 25 miles an hour sent dangerous waves crashing into bikers and joggers along the shorine. >> after 15 hours of largely peaceful protests in puerto
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rico, chaos breaks out poli fired tear gas into crowds outside the governor's mansion. one of our affilte reporters shel muniz of wtvj was caught in the cross fire live on the air. hundreds of thousands of protesters blocked the major highway and the mayor of san juan was right by their side >> you know, people willot forget that he would help aide after the hehurricane. not remorseful. he cares that he got caught. that's it. >> and the governor refuses to step down. >> aar of words triggers new tensions between iran and the ir u.s. making some bold accusations against e u.s. the country claiming it busted up a c.i.a. spy ring inside its borders. the iranians laying out their case on state tv, but the white house was quick to dismiss those
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claims joining us now from doha, qatar, matt bradley the process now is looking bleak. >> reporter: it is, phillip. you know, these sorts of accusations don't help at all. mike pompeo, the secretary of state, he very quickly dismissed them yesterday and he was followed right after by the president who had these words about those accusations. >> they put out propaganda they put out lies. let's see what happens with iran we are ready for the absolute worst, and we're ready for sense, too but we are very geared up. >> reporter: you know, phillip, we like to think about this in terms of the u.s. and iran the u.k. is very much involved, and just yesterday secretary -- foreign secretary jeremy hunt, he came out with a plan tote crea new european effort, maritime effort to defend
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shipping in the strait of hormat th where 20% of the world's crude oil passes now, you said thatgo it's g to be very complicated have a diplomatic solution to this. this is a very, very bad moment for this wo be happeningh the u.k. they've had one of their vessels just seized by it iranians on friday, but nog w they are havin a leadership change in london and that's going to make it very, very complicated for any of their plans and promise s to go through in the next couple of weeks. phillip? >> a lot of complicateissues going son there in the strait of hormuz matt bradley, thank you. >> we are just over a day away fromerhaps the most anticipated testimony on capitol hill in a decade former special counsel robert mueller will speak in backo t back hearings first before the house judiciary, and then the house intelligence committee and in a new letter, thert depament of justice is advising mueller on the boundaries of his testimony. let's get to nbc's tracie potts in d.c bipartisan ship on the hill this earn montgomerie >> reporter: right as we await mueller's teimony, frances, we have learned the
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president cut a dealre with cong to extend the debt limit for two years past the election and come up with a budget deal that will prevent in fact, it gives more, uts. democrats say, to some of the domestic priorities that they wanted so on thathey agreed for now but ton this mueller testimony, it's a split right down the middle democrats are planning to ask him about details in his report, evidence of obstruction of stice that he detailed in the report, but then said he could not indict president trump on any of it. speaking of the president, big question here, is he going to be watching mueller >> i'm notoing to be watching -- probably, maybe i'll see a little bit of it i'm not going to be watchingle muelr because you can't take all those bites out of the apple. we had no collusion, no we had no nothing. >> reporter: so tot talk abou
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what mueller can say and cannot say, a letter from the justice departmentue detailinger cannot talk about anything outside his 448-page report, including anything privileged, like why his teamade certain decisions or any communications with the president of course, mueller has said that what hn said ithat news conference and in his 448-page report is all he will ad when he goes before these two committees tomorrow. frances? >> all right, testimony and the president's twitter feed to see any comments there. tracie, thank you. >> meanwhile in the u.k. a leadership shake up is in the works. in a matter of hours boris crowned the w conservative party leader and the next british prime minister euro news correspondent isin g us from london vincent, boris johnson made big promises when it comes to the importanissue of brexit. >> reporter: good morning, phillip. that's right boris johnson will become th u.k.'s 77th prime minister we
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expect tomorrow. the queen will invite him to t.rm a governmen it is likely he's going to sack a number of theresa may's government team. he thinks that they are too much in the remain camp, that they haveent been strongh leaders. so many of those ministers are actually starting their resignation process today. he's pmised to put a team in place that will get ready for the possibility of "no-deal" brexit the u.k. leaving the eopean union without the trade agement and having to renegotiate from scratch, the deadline for that is the 31st of october. and his team have also start today signal that they aren't going to be going around the capitals of euro pleading for a deal with leaders. they're going to step up the planning for no deal, and we think as well that boris johnson will be getting on a plane quite quickly to washington, d.c. meet with president trump. he wants to try and get some kind of preliminary agreement on trade talks so he n use that close relationship, that prospect of a deal with america to put pressure on the e.u. to come up with a deal. so it will be quite a ep
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ange from theresa may who many people think has been too weak over the past three years when it comes to these netiations and we'll see whether or not boris johnson will fare any better when he goes behind that famous black door tomorrow afternoon. >> set to be an historic day in britain. all right, thank you, vincent. >> an urgent manhunt is underway for a killer in canada authorities there released this rssketch of a pe of interest in the death of a couple an american woman and her boyfriend were found murdered while traveling in one of the most remote parts of the country. now officials say the dippearance of two teenagers could be connectedhe nbc's morgany has this report >> reporter: the investigators believe this remote canadian highway may hold answers in a murder mystery north carolina native on a road trip with her australian boyfriend lucas fowler when their 1986 chevy van broke down. >> it isot yet clear whether lucas and china were targeted, or if this was an opportunity, a crime ofpp otunity
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>> reporter: police say sunday the couple pulled over at laird hot springs, a tourist stop, 16 hours from the near of the major city, juneau, alaska monday morning their bodies were shot to death.he road, reports of missing teenagers on another remote canadian road, their car found on fire. police were asked if the cases artee connec >> it's possible >> it's possible possible santa teresa police urging anyone with a shcam who traveled that highway to come forward in hopes of getting answers. as families remember a young couple full of life, exploring canada's national parks. >> for something like that to happen, it must ve really been something. because these are two people world and were not people to be caught off guard >> reporter: growing questions asolice hunt for killer. morgan chesky, nbc news. >> we're still cooling down from t's see what is ahead of us. janessa webb, good morning >> good morning. i feel like people got a good
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night rest tonht here. more breathable air. you can see the clearing that happened for the upper midwest the cloud coverage and showers, they will continue for the northeast, mid-atlantic and the southeast. we also have this development of this tropical depression three we think it's going to veer mostly off the coast here, but it could cause some heavier downpours across the carolinas into the northern panhandle of florida. now, temperatures i feel like you're going to need a coat this afternoon with daytime highs, they're still going to be in the 70s, bute'll watch this rain from raleigh to wilmington 2 to 3 inches that's a look at the big weather story of the day now here's a closer look at your day ead. lots of sunshine acrosthe ohio valley, but highs are back in the mid 70s, very strong cold front. it's going to be continuous rain here for at leas 2t the next4 hours. highs in florida in the mid 90s. so we're watching this development of a tropical
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depression, but really going to fade away pretty quickly >> we have tho comfortable temperatures back. all right, janessa, thank you. >> a rough day on the job, check this out the chicago cubs ground crew were trying tock roll ba the the guyrp at rigly wh trips. he gets rolled up inside you can see he's hanging onto the tarp the rest of the crew keep going. fortunately the guy was not hurt >> i wish we could see the whole thing. how far along before they realized he was still in there. >> probably all the way to the ivy. >> why an aspirin a day may not keep the doctor away and chaos in the courtroom y a former judge was dragged out of her sentencing next on "early today." moving into our new apartment. icwhy don't we just ask gefor help with renters insurance? i didn't know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch too. f antonich computer! tonio?
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i'll get it. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. if your mouth is made to amaze, legiphilips sonicare its care a raise. get a months worth on manual brushing ijust two minutes. philips sonicane, next-level clean,-level care. there's always a way to make life better. philips sonicare. you can't fake the goodness the crunch of real almonds. how chocolatey chunks taste cold milk. we keep it real. because you can't fake... delicious. special k. jimmy's gotten used to his whole room smelling likep,weaty odors. e's gone noseblind. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells ily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics...
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...there's febreze fabric refresher. febreze doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors you' ...gone nod to. and try febreze unstopables for fabric. with up to twice the fresh scent power, you'll want to try it... ...again and again and maybe just one more time. indulge in irresistible freshnes febreze unstopables. breathe happy. yof your daily routine.lf so why treat your mout any differently? listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque,as early gum di and killing up to 99.9% of germs. try listerine® >>in> chaos n ohio courtroom a former judge who was convicted of using her position to help a family member was dragged away to jail by a the scene broke out right after a judge sentenced tracy hunter six months behind bars . supporters, you could hear them yelling and screaming. a woman wearing a juice at
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this for hunter t-shirt. even rushing the defense table t under her arms while hered her heels were dragging the floor. >> lding the news, if you're taking an aspirin for heart health, you may rethink it they say those who take an aspirin without 'sa doctor supervision say you should stop. 29 people ages 40 and oldewere taking the drug dailviin 2017 despite ha no known history of heart diseaser roke experts say taking aspirin daily can have dangerous sidkeeffects li bleeding in the brain >> the fake heiress who swindled new york's elite may not get a dime she offered $100,000 to adapt her story. thanks to new york law, she may not see a dime now she got a $30,000 when she signed the deal. that was used to pay her lawyers fees
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as for the remaing 70,000, prosecutors are arguing that money should bpaid as restitution to the banks and hotels she defrauded >>vi 9/11 ims are watching with cautious optimism as the senate prepares toote on the september 11 compeation fund comedian and activist jon stewart fought forofermanent extension the fund. that action is set to run ounety year. but the bill is expected to pass and be sent to president trump's desk by next week. >> just ahea d criticsh it out to macy's over plates they say promotes body shaming. and not your a average joet one vermont coffee shop. of the bizarre moment n a naked madropped in next on "early today. art failure pill that helped keep people ave and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if preant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney had angioedproblems,an ace or arb. or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. where to next? with tough food, your dentures may slip and fixodent ultra-m hold gives you the strongest hold evertu to lock your ds. gh so now you can eat touood without worry. fixodent and forget it. it's for breakfasmt.ning introducing the jimmy dean delights breadless egg' we got rid obread, and replaced it with two egg fritatas. for a protein packed start to your day. and that is something else. kinda makes you hungry don't it? ♪ we switched our detergent to one that's clean. ♪ ♪ and if you make tha switch you'll seewe mean. ♪ ♪ tide purclean, because it's made with plants. ♪ ♪ tide purclean, gets stains out his pants. ♪ ♪ tide has nothing to hid ♪de
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♪ it's ma with plants and ♪ th♪ has the cleaning stref tide. ♪ the first plant-based detergent with the cleaning power of tide.
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♪t's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ wouldou be mineou ♪ you be mines ♪ >> that'the first trailer for the up coming film, beautiful day in the neighborhood. it dropped monday and for anyone o ever watched mr. rogers, you'll likely agree, tom hanks's portrayal is spot on the video already has more than 3 1/2 million views on youtube the film hits theaters november 22kend mame want to go back and watch old episodes of mr. rajrs. >> i just did that with my niece not that long ago. and weave one of america's most lovable actors playing one of america's most lovable people it's going to be good. looking forward to that.
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all right. was this family fun or a dangerous stunt? that's a question a lot of people are asking about new england patriots quarterback star tom brady check out the video. he posted it of him leaping off e cliff while holding the hand of his 6-year-old daughter it happened while they were vacationing in costa rica. it rested inlenty of extreme reactions online some say his daughter appeed to be hesitating before jumping. others say she came dais drucely close to the rocks below even j dwayne "the rock"nson commented, this gave me anxiety. but show -- you see that video, right beforehand, she doesn't want to jump right away. >> she kept holding his arm. what if he went so far ahead it's not just quitting hugettint he could have dislocated her d elbow. >> youo something like that, you have to be all in or not you can't hesitate >> i want to know what gisele thinks about the whole thing, if she was angry. >> very had to be pencive like everybody else watching. >> no coffee, no cream or sugar,
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no pants last week a man casually strolled into this vermont cafe looking for his caffeine buzz in his birthday suit. a >>s one does >> we all do, right? he asked for directions to the nearest swimming pool anedd strollight on out. while it is not illegal to be publicly nude in the town of bennington, the cafe's owner hopes this won't be sort ow f a netrend. in how, the cashier totally kept her cool during this entire thing. kudos to her she's probably in complete ock. >> yeah. my question is how are you going to be a nudist and not be tan? that's weird good point. especially in the summer >> you walk around getting some sun, this guy doesn't. >> i'm more concerned, the sleeve isn't going to be too hot for a dude like that >> macy's is under fire fo selling body shaming plates.
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ali tweeted an imageat of the how can i get these plates for macy's banned in all 50 states? they have sections dedicated to portions sizes the largest one you see says mom jeans. in response to the backlash, macy's relented. they agreed to remove the product from allf its locations. >> ineffective anyway because these days mom jeans are cool. and they make them way, way skinny you'llee them all over your influencer fashion bloggers right there. >> not the culture c when weome back, remembering the pioneer of thegr u.s. space proam you're watching "early today." ♪ ♪ ♪ walgreens
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i'll only use an oral-b! oral-b. brush like a pro. just dayafter we mark the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 moon landing, we remember a man who did so much to make that mission possible legendary nasa flight director chris kraft has died described by neil armstrong as the control in mission control, kraft was one of nasa ams founding engineers and instrumental engineering spacehe program. solved all of the mercury flights and helped design the apollo missions. he later served as the director of the johnson space center in houston overseeing the development of the space shuttle.1 in 201e mission control center was named this his honor. chris kraft is dead at 95. >> that really highlights the work thousan of nasa employees get us to the moon up next we'll show you the new spor o yr omown kyo.tsneeafr n i
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i used to not love wearing an spf juwa because i felt like it so oily w and greasy and that itas going to clog my pores. but what i love about ol s regenerist whip withpf 25 l is that ithtweight, it's barely there. and thov i can put makeup on it if i want or if i'm not working, you know, just roll.ere. it's perfect for me. i'm busy philipps, and i'm fearless to face anything. if your mouth is made to amaze, let philips sonicare give its care a raise. get a months worth of manual brushing in just two minutes. philips sonicare, next-level clean, next-level care. there's always a way to make life better. philips sonicare. aaaah! nooooo... nooooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker be and is 2x more absornt. bounty, the quicker picker upper.
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now on news4. it ding rain and wind, did keep you up? another night of strong storms, relief from th high temperatures and seve weather is finally on the way. we have a morning before you
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begin your next vacation. tainted alcohol on a popularu tost spot making people sick. we will tell you the steps to make sure your trip is not ruined. a woman is rescued from a unvine and she believes the person who fod her had help from above. >> on i don't know how sh made it through days without water by herodlf. a go tuesday morning to you. i'm jummy olabanji. aaron gilchrist and eun yang have the day off. >> i'm adam tuss. >> let's start off with chuck ll with the weather. >> we had dangerously high heat indexes over the weekend. rain to d


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