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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  July 25, 2019 12:37am-1:37am EDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- billy eichner, star of "orange is the new black" actress dfrielle brooks music om hobo johnson, featuring the 8g band with fred armis ♪ [ cheers and alause , ladies and gentlemen seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause that is great to hear. in that case, let's get to the news special counsel robert mueller testified before congress today, and i got to say, he didn't seem thrilled [ laughter ] he had the same look on his face
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that billy joel has when someone yells, play "piano man."hy "w you already know it. [ laughter ] this morning's house judiciary committee testimony from special counsel robert mueller ran behind schedule to the point the committee democrats weresked to limit their questioning time, because it's not like mueller could further limit his answers. >> yes no correct. true no correct. thank you. yes. [ laughter ]>> eth: in a new interview, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg dismissed republican speculation about her health saying, quote, "there was a senator who announced with great glee that i was going to be dead within six months. that senator whose name i've forgotten is now, himself, dead, and i am very much alive." ] [ laught and that's how we learned rbg one time killed a guy. [ cheers and applause today was cousins day, or as rudy giuliani calls it, my
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anniversary! [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] hey, i mean. there's got to be a price for doing it [ laughter ] t-mobile and taco bell are running a promotional event this weekend called t-mobell which gives out free tacos inside t-mobileellphone stores. not to be outdone, arby's just announced their new promotion, sprint to the bathroom [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause today was amelia earhart day and people celebrated alst all the way around the world [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] y i'm not saying're wrong -- [ laughter ] but it's a [ bleep ] well-written joke. [ laughter and applause so let's agree -
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let's agree to disagree the content. [ laughter ] and finally, a flight attendant required five stitches earlier this week after being bitten during a flight by an emotional support dog. "i hate those animals," she saii about peoplecoach. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight [ cheers and applaus he is one of our favorites an incredibly funny comedian and actor you can hear as the voice of timon in e live-action version of "the lion king. billy eichner is back, everybody. [ cheers and applause so happy he's here she is t star of "orange is the new black" whose seventh and final season is available to stream this friday on netflix. we love having her here. danielle boks is back. [ cheers and applause and we have music from bo johnson so it's a great show for you guys before we get to that, it was a busy day robert mueller, the former special counsel in the rusa
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investigation testified before congress today for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: of course, mueller's testimony was highly anticipated with lots of people expected to watch except one guy who claimed he wouldn't watch, a guy notorious for watching more tv than is medically advisable, ant th the president of the united states. [ laughter ] trump said this week he would not watch the testimony because democrats shouldn't get to keep talking about the russia investigation. >> mr. presi ont - >> question. >> no, i'm not going to be watching probably maybe i'll see a little bit of it i'm not going to be watching mueller, because you can't take all those bites out of the apple. o >> seth:course, trump thinks you can't take all those bites out of the apple, because he's never taken more than one bite out of an apple. and that was a mistake "this meatball is disgusting." [ laughter ] but it would have been instructive for trump to watch, because he clearly has not read the report
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i an, it's over 400 pages. there's no way trump's ever read anything that long in his life if he gets a fortune cookie with his takeout, he hands it to oned of his a "just give me the gist." [ laughter ] in fact, despite his obvious lie, trump was almost certainly watching the hearings, because before they even started he predictably lost his mind on twitter. agn, all of these are just from this morning. >> "so democrats and others can illegally fabricate a crime, try pinning it on a very innocent president, and when he fights back against this illegal, treasonous attack on ourtr coun they call it obstruction? wrong! why didn't robert mueller investigate the investigators? >> "why didn't robert mueller & his band of 18 ang democrats spend any time investigating crooked hillary clinton, lyi & leakin' james comey, lisa page and her psycho lover, peter -- andy mccabe, the beautiful g ohr family, fusion, and many more, including himself & andrew w?" "so why didn't the hhly conflicted robert mueller investigate how and why crooked hillary clinton deleted and acid washed 33,000 emails immediately
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after getting a subpoena from the united states congress she must have great lawyers! >> "no collusion, no obstruction! u.s. history, by far!" hunt in >> seth: dear god, his tweets would make more sense if they pe were scribbled on paand faxed to a newspaper under the zodiac [ laug ] but at the very least, today's hearings might have been informative, both for trump and for members of congress who've admitted they didn't read the whole report more than a dozen members of congress readily admitted to politico that they too have ar skipped nd rather than studying every one of the special counsel report's 448 pages. that might explain why some democrats have spent the last few months trying to educate their republican colleagues by reading sections of the report into the congressional record including sections of the report that include colorful language which has given us fun clips like these >> page 38, volume 2, of the report says, and i quote, "when sessions told the president that a special counsel had been appointed, the president slumped back in his chair and said, 'oh,
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my god, this is terrible this is the end of my presidency i'm [ bleep ].'" >> quote, "on saturday, june 17th, 2017, the president called mcgahn and told him to have the special counsel removed. that evening, mcgahn called both that he intended to resignd them priebus recalled that mcgahn said that the president had asked him to, quote, 'do crazy'" [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] >> seth: it is both great and weird to hear a curse word come out of elizabeth warren.[ ughter ] it's like watching a nun take a hit off a joint. [ laughter ]at whhey were reading into the record were details from the report on trump's various attempts to obstruct justice including ordering his former white house counsel n mcgahn to fire mueller. but trump has repeatedly insisted falsely without offering any details that on article 2 of the citution, which is about the executive branch, gives him the power to
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fire mueller and do whatever he he's repeated that argument over and over including during a rambling speech yesterday. >> article 2 allows me to do whatever i want. article 2 would have allowed me to fire him. it gives me all of these rights at a level that nobody has ever seen before. we don't even talk about article 2. then i have an article 2 where e hahe right to do whatever i want as president, but i don't even talk about that [ laughter ] >> seth: first, "i have an article 2" is such a new york way of saying it "it's not jaywalking when i do it, because i got anar cle 2 right here, buddy. [ laughter ] stop your honking. [ cheers and applause also i like how he says "i don't talk about that" even though he constantly talksbout that. he's like a grandparent who won't stop talking about how you "i never hear from yout a phone call, not an email, not even a card, but still, i don't
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complain." [ laughter ]so alrticle 2 does not give you the right to do whatever you want if that's the case, it would have been a lot shorter. [ laughter ] this is why today's hearing was so important thenlawless president who op welcomed foreign interference and then tried repeatedly to stop the investigation of that interference thinks he can do whatever he wants, which is why we need a congress that will hold him accountable now you heard the president in his tweets today and for the lasty ew months, he was totall and completely exonerated by the mueller report since donald trump is known as a truthful guy, i'm sure once the hearings began, that robert mueller confirmed exactli what the president sd. >> the president had repeatedly claimed that your report found there was no obstruction, and th it completely and totally exonerated him but that is not what your report said, is it? >> correct, that is not what the report said. >> so the repo did not nclude that he did not commit obstruction of justice is that correct?
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>> that is correct >> and what about total on exation? did you actually totally exonerate the president? >> no. >> seth: what? but trump scream tweeted, "no collusion, no [ light laught it was in all caps and if it's in all caps you know it's true, like when you get an email that says "free boner pills" you know it's legit [ light laughter ] you're not going to pay for those boner pills. [ laughter ]t, right off the bahis was the key exchange we heard from the investigator, himself, that his report did not exonerate the president. in fact, there was at least one very specific reon mueller couldn't just go ahead and charge trump with a crime, and it's because of guidelines from the justice departme's office of legal counsel, or olc, that say a sitting president cannot be indicted, which mueller confirmed toy. the chairman of the judiciary committee jerry nadler also asked mueller about his attempts to interview trump, which trump refused, and realed how long mueller had tried to get trump to sit down for an interview >> did the president refuse a
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request toe interviewed by you and your team? >> yes >> yes and is it true you tried for more than a year to secure an inteiew with the president >> yes >> seth: well, you didn't go through the proper channels. if you want trump to give you an answer, you either need to go to fox news or send him a rambling tweet that praises him in syntax he is familiar with. "mr. very innocent president, sir, we would love for you to sit down for a very exonerating inrerview, sir, because you' the best and most not guilty president, with the most innocence, sir, and everyone says so, sir."er [ laug and then - [ cheers and applause then after the chairman's first questions came time for the republicans to open up their questions with the ranng member of the committee, doug collins, who warned mueller that he would try to speak slowly and then immediately mbled so quickly even mueller couldn't follow him. >> i'll talk i'm said that i talk i will talk slowly your report states that your investigative team included 19 lyers and approximately 40 fbi agents and analysts and accountants. are those numbers accurate >> could you repeat that,
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please [ laughter ] >> is it also true you issued 2,800 suoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, obtained more than 230 orders for communications orders and 50 pin registers? >> that went a little fast for me [ laughter ] >> seth: dude, are you a member of congress or an auctioneer [ laughter ] he didn't get the answer he wanted bute did sell three paintings and a hog. [ light laughter ] republicans also tried to grill mueller by criticizing him for specifically stating in his report that trump had not been exonerated but as usuantthey devolved ipartisan name calling, when one republican congressman called democrats socialists and slammed mueller for how he handled theti allegas against trump. >> americans need to know this, as they listen to democrats and socialists on the other side of the aisle, i agree with the chairman this morning when he said donald trump is not abovee w. he's not but he damn sure shouldn't be below the law which is where volume 2 of this report puts him. >> seth: i agree, because that isn't a thing. [ laughter ] thowgh, if anyone could be b the law, it's donald trump trump looks up at the law the same way he looks up at an eclipse.
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[ laughter ] below the law sounds like a stgaight to video steven sea movie starring donald trump. [ laughter ] now, compare that tirade to the straightforward questions of some of the democrats which produced matter of fact yes-or-no answers. >> an unsuccessful attempt to obstruct justice is still a crime, is th correct >> that is correct >> does that mean you have to investigate all of his conduct to ascertain true motive >> no. >> president trump directed to fire you.counsel don mcgahn isn't that correct >> true. >> seth: damn. this hearing was flying so fast leit must have been impossor trump to follow along. remember, he's used to fox news wherhis favorite hosts speak slowly and loudly in words he can understand >> paul ryan needs to step down as speaker of the house. >> seth: see, nice and slow in a new york accent. [ applause ]rr jeanine --
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jeanine pirro is like dora the explorer if she'd grown up on d. long isl "can you help boots find the auto body shop good job." [ speaking in foreign language ] [ laughter ] this captured the fundamental weirdness of the hearing muelr wants the report to speak for itself, and that report is incredibly damning on its own which is why mueller yes-or-no simple in fact, so much of this hearing consisted of democrats just reading excerpts of the report to mueller and having mueller co irm that he did, indeed, write those excerpts >> on page 77 of volume 2, your report also stated, quote, "in addition, some witnesses said that trump privately sought information about future wikileak releases. end quote. is that correct? >> correct >> the president engaged in efforts and i quote, "to encourage witnesses not cooperate with the investigation.
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is that right? >> that's correct. >> didn't the president say, quote, and this is on page 116, if he doesn't write a letter, then maybe i'll have to get rid of him." end quote. >> yes >> seth: yeah, he wrote it that's why this whole thing was so weird he already wrote down everything he knows it's like if you called in ernest hemingway to grill him about one of his books o "is it true that of the characters is an old man?" "yes." [ laughter ] o "and he is, in fact,the sea? "that is correct." [ laughter ] republicans, meanwhile, tried to impugn mueller's credibility, like wn congressman louie gohmert bizarrely asked mueller if he was friends with former fbi director james comeyu who ofe was fired by trump after trump asked him for loyalty and told him to shut down his investigation into former national security adviser michael flynn. >> you and james comey have been good frien, were good friends, for many years correct? >> we were business associates we both started off at the justice department about - >> you were good friends you can work together and not be friends but you and comey were friends.
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>> we were friends >> seth: gohmert might just be jealous that unlike him, people have friends [ laughter ] "and this friend of yours, he's someone you can have lunche ith, maybtch a ball game? [ laughter and applause and when you're going through a rough patch in your personal life, 's there to lend an ear? maybe your family and his family take a vacation together once in a --be well, that must ery nice for you. [ laughter ] mr. mueller, i have one question for you, will you be my friend?" >> no. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> seth: and then gohmert went off on an unhinged rant that went on for so long, he eventually got cut offany the chairmf the committee which led to a very kurt response from mueller. >> if somebody knows they did not y conspire with anybodom russia to effect the election, and they see the big justice department with people that hate that person coming after them, and then a special counsel appointed who hires dozens or
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more people that hate that person, and he knows he's innocent he's not corruptly acting in order to see that justice is done what he's doing is not obstructing justice. he is pursuing justice and the fact that you -- >> gentleman's time -- [ gavel struck ] >> -- ran it out in two years means you perpetuated injustice -- >> i take -- i take your question >> gentleman's time is expired the witness may answer the question >> i take your question. [ lit laughter ] >> seth: now, apparently, "i take your question" is a pretty sounded like some dowae, but it countess-level shade [ laughter ] "i take your question, now, if ]u don't mind, do [ bleep right off. [ laughter ] [ applause ] in particular, republicans seem focused on the fact that mueller listed possible instances of obstruction of justice and said cannot exonerate the president. republicans basically argued
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that it was unfair for mueller to put that information in the report if he couldot indict the president. even though the rule specifically said he wasn't allowed to indict the president. but then one republican congressmaaccidentally got mueller to offer an extremely revealing answer on whether trump could ever be charged with a crime in t future. >> was there sufficient evidence to convict president trump or anyone else with obstruction of justice? >> we did not make that calculation. >> how could you not have made the calculation? o >> because the olcnion - the olc opinion, office of legal counsel, indicates that we cannot indict a sitting president. >> okay. but the -- could you charge the president with a crime after he left office? >> yes >> you believe that he committed -- you could charge the president of the united states with obstruction of justice after he left office >> yes >> s fast yesesse were very [ light laughter ] "and would you like to be there the day he's arrested? "yes." that guy was a republican. [ cheers and applause
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was a republican - who accidentally got robert mueller to say on national television that after trump leaves office, he can be charged with a crime you know when ump heard that, he started pushing the sofa in front of the door. "you'll never take me alive. [ laughter ] the bottom line from today's hearings is the same as it's always been. we just got to see it played out live on tvss interfered in the election to help trump trump welcomed and encouraged that help. and then he almost certainly committecrimes to obstruct the investigation of that help mueller couldn't indict trump, so the only remedy is impeachment. it's up to congress now. they're the only ones who can hold the president accountable for his -- >> crazy [ bleep ] [ laughter ] >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ♪ lly eichner, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer look" be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube.
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♪ [ chee and applause >> seth: welcome back, everybody. give it up for the 8g band, right over there [ cheers and applause also, so happy fred armisen is back with us this week and, fred, you are a renaissance man. >> fred: oh, thanks. >> seth: i've said that before about you. comedian, sician, writer, everything and, yet, also i find out this week that you are an art connoisseur. >> fred: i am, yes
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[ light laughter ]et >> s and you told me backstage that you have an art historian's knowledge about everpainting ever painted. >> fred: every painting. [ light laughter ] >> seth: and i said, fred, i said - you remember, it just happened o said, "fred, don't lie tme." >> fred: you said that, yes. b >> seth:ause i will put you to the test. >> fred: you said that yes. >> seth: it's time once again for "fred armisen: art aficionado." ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: all right, fred let's see your art historian's knowledge. this is jackn pollock's sterpiece, "one: number 31, 1950. fred, tell us about this painting >> fred: very, very famous paintings a lot'ppened to it over the years. [ light laughter ] it was lost. >> seth: uh-huh. >> fred: for a day [ laughter ] but they found it again at a yard sale. >> sh: wait. over the course of aay - >> fred: of a day. and showed got lo up at a yard - >> fred: very famous case. [ light laughter ] this is 1974 right? '74. and they found it agai
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and it fetched -- it fetched a million and a half at sotheby's. >> seth: uh-huh. >> fred: and then it just -- and then they resold it again. it fetched $2 million. they resold it again it fetched - >> seth: sorry >> fred: i think it fetched -- [ light laughter ] >> seth: i feel like this -- i've known you for so long, i don't -- i feel like this is the first me i've heard you use "fetched" like this. [ laughter ] >> fred: well, you know, it's just in the art world, that's just what we use >> seth: oh, that's an art term? fetching >> fred: yeah. so the same guy sort of bought it and kept selling it back to them. like, "i don't know if i want this." they're like, "well, we're going to have to charge more for it. [ light laughter ] so they -- they kept -- >> seth: this wasn't a re-auction this is, like, a sotheby's return policy? >> fred: it'how they operate that part of the -- that world i don't know as well but then he brought it back. he's like, "you know, it doesn't fit. [ light laughter ] and they're, like,ou know -- so he sold it back they're like, "well, did you try the barn?" he's le, "let me try it again. so it's a lot of reselling >> seth: so he would - so he would return it, say "it doesn't fit. they'd take it back.
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>> fred: yes >> seth: and then he'd go -- they'd say, "try the barn. he'd be like, "great." and then ty would go, like, "whoa, whoa, whoa. not so fast. >> fred: yes >> seth: "you got to pay us again. >> fred: this is ours. and he was like, "comen, be cool i've been here for, like, 15 minutes." and they're, like, "this is how we - this is, like -- it's in our hands. i'm sorry. if you don't want it, we'll sell it to somebody else. he's like, "fine." and they brought it back so that's the history of this -- >> seth: i feel like that's so little about this actual painting do you remember the name of the guy who bought it all those times? >> fred: i do. [ laughter ] [ applause ]iv >> seth: git up -- [ light laught ] give it up for fred armisen, everybody. [ cheers and applause our first guest tonight ishe emmy-nominated host of "billy on the street." you can currently hear him as the voice of timon in the live-action remake of "the lion king", which is in theaters now let's take look.
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>> oh, no, it's a little lion. >> that is not a lion. >> well then, go che it out. what is it >> that is not a lion. it's a furry bird! >> it looks like a lion. >> that's not a lion let me get up closer look. excuse me. ugh, all right leg me see what we're dealin with here. it's a lion! run for your life, pumbaa! >> hey, timon! wait, wait, wait timon, wait. ti's -- it's a little lion >> it gets bigger. >> can we keep him can we please keep him oh, oh, i promise. i'll walk him every day. if he makes a little mess, i'll >> you'll be his littlmess he's going to eat you and then use my body as a toothpick >> but one day, when he's big and stng, he'll be on our side >> i've got it what if he's on our si hear me out! [ light laughter ] >> seth: please welcome back to the show our very good friend billy eichner. [ cheers and applause ♪ seth: congratulations >> thank you hey, guys. [ cheers ] >> seth: this is - >> hi, fred. >> fred: hi.
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>> seth: this movie -- i know everybody was very worried that it would not make any money. >> yeah. people were very concerned >> seth: they were very concerned. >> it was a little indie movwo but of mouth is spreading to the tune of $1 billion! [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> seth: and this is - look, this is an incredible cast >> it is >> seth: a lot of our dear friends are in this film >> seth: beyonce is ins film >> one of your dearest friends >> seth: dearest friends [ laughter ] who is coming tonight? maybe she didn'tme i can't reer >> oh, is she? oh, okay >> seth: she always likes to watch from the audience. >> she likes to surprise with a ten-minute set at the comedy store - y >> seth:h. >> and then come >> seth: but "entertainment weekly" said there's a clear standout performance in "the lion king" and it's not beyonce. they fully give you the standout performance. >> yeah, that's very - [ eers and applause yes, all right thank you. except with a headline like , thatliterally, because of beyonce, have to join the witness protection program >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ]>> ou know, which didn't stop me from retweeting it, by the
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way. [ light laughter ] but, still no, it's very nice the reception has been really amazing. >> seth: like, is -- let's talk oscar buzz, because there has yet to be anyone nominated for voice work, right? >>no didn't realize this, bu one has ever been nominated for a voice performance ever a in anycting category >> seth: i feel like this is - like, what better year to get it started, right >> well, i agree with you, seth. [ laughter ] look, you know, i'm just a simple, ordinary, man with an emmyg om and oscar buzz, tryin to make it in our cruel and unforgiving world. [ light laughter ] >> seth: my fingers are crossed for you. >> fingers are crossed >> seth: you had a premiere. and you got to meet -- you can see right there, you got to meet meghan markle. >> yep >> seth: there she is right there. >> and prince harry. [ laughter ] >> seth: prince harry. >> that's me and seth rogen. [ light laughter ] >> seth: but you and meghan markle, you went to college together same school i went to. >> same school you went to yeah meghan markle and i went to >> seth: yep together. >> and we were both theater majors, and we didn't --
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[ scattered cheers ] okay, we get it. ] [ laughter we were both theater majors. go, cats i love northwestern. we were both theater majors andh we were e at the same time we didn't know each other. but in the midst of all this pomp and circumstance and at that premiere --y, literalle're in a row. a receiving line with prince harry, meghan markle, p beyonce, elton john,harrell, tim rice, all these people me, obviously. and in the middle of all that, meghan and i are having a very casual conversation about who our acting teachers were at northwestern and she said, "congratulations on your career." and i said, "congratulations on your career. and she said, "well, it took a [ laughter ] but she had a great sense of humor. and they were lovely very down to ear>> eth: that's great. so you got to watch it with them and all the people you mentioned. but you have also tried to see wellith a regular audience as >> yes i did. we had two premieres and that's fun there are celebrities and industry people.t wanted to see it with
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regular moviegoers >> seth: yeah. and kids it musbe fun >> and kids. it's a movie for children and for families ultimately. so i went to see it in imax. i snuck in to a regular screening in imax in l.a. over the weekend, which was beautiful. the movie looks incrediblefu it's so beautilooking. but, you know, i haven't been to a movie where a lot of children are in a long time so basically, it's parentsun spending a hed dollars to take their kids to the bathroom, is what i realize -- [ laughter ] it's, like -- so against theau beful "lion king" for two hours is a silhouette of children being dragged up and down the stairs to the bathroom for, like, two hours i was like, "why are tents paying for this? >> seth: yeah. >> but i enjoyed it. you know, it's a nice movie. >> seth: and you had a connection to "the lion king" on broadway >> yes >> seth: as an actor, people might not know your connection to "the lion>>ing" on broadway yes this is a true story i was a bartender at "the lion king" on broadway when i was a struggling actor
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still struggling according to some critics [ laughter ] but when i was a struggling actor, i was a bartender at broadway shows. and you know it's a bad sign -- i ats a bartender at one the and then they moved me to "the lion king." which means i'm a bad bartenderg [ light laer ] because no one's making martinis at "the lion king", right? [ light laughter ] so basically, you're selling candy and so the whole time. and -- and in a foreshadowing of my later career, where i have to shout a lot, my job during t intermission wasshout over all the kids in the lobby, "all food, water, and soda, can be brought into the theater!" [ light laughter ] that was my job, was to make sure that parents knew if they continue to eat them dact could two. yes. >> set speaking of kids and food, you're a happy meal toy. >> i am a happy meal toy >> seth: you're merchandise. >> yes >> seth: that's very exciting. [ audience aws ] first time merchandise >> aw, isn't that nice yongcan eat that while getti a heart attack at the same time.
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[ light laughter ] yes, that's fun. who knew i'd be a happy meal toy? >> seth: happy meal. and you mentioned you are nominatefor an emmy for "billy on the street. >> i am. >> seth: congratulations [ cheers and applause >> thank you >> seth: are you - >> thank you >> seth: how do you feel about your chances >> i mean, i'm pretty sure i'm going to lose to freaking ar "carpool kke." >> seth: yeah, it's a juggernaut >> now, they - they're in every cat - i love -- i've been onpo "c karaoke." >> seth: you have, yes >> i literally did it. i did "carpool karaoke" with metallica, which is tually - don't clap, okay [ laughter ] because now they're my competition. but, no, i feel like i'm going to lose to "carpool karaoke. but, you know, maybe not >> seth: yeah. >> maybe on the wind of my oscar buzz - >> seth: yes, that's true. >> i'll get -- >> seth: that's true because sometimes emmy voters are like, "you know what we could just -- we could be, like, oscar-adjacent with our vote." >> right exactly. >> seth: yeah. >> so we'll see. "carpool karaoke" has, like, 30 emmy -- they're in every category! >> seth: yes >> "carpool karaoke" is nominated for, like, best supporting actress i'm not kidding. [ light laughter ]
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somehow -- i don't know why we're promoting your stiffest competition. ] [ laughter he's on right now, if you want to change the channel! >> seth: no. well, you could, but come right back say hi and then come rigo back. thanks sch for being here. >> i love you. >> seth: it's always great to have you >> thank you >> seth: that's billy eichner, everybody. [ cheers and applause "the lion king" is in eaters now. we'll be right back with danielle brooks. [ cheers and applause ♪ [text tone] [text tone] [text tone] ♪ ♪nice ♪ ♪mmmmmm ♪ ♪so nice ♪ ♪nice
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hey, you wanna shoot me one? steady the elbow. ♪ oh. amateur. someone show him how it's done. ♪ ♪ ahh boom shaka laka. feisty. ♪ ahh dangerously cheesy. they wanted a war, we need to get off the grid. we create new identities.ll me to reintroudce myself, my name is ♪ mike oxmaul? i go by michael.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: our next guest is a grammy award winning and tony nominated actress you know from heitwork as taystee on the h series, "orange is the new black. the final season begins streaming july 26th on netflixle s take a look. >> just keep her happy and keep your trouble away from me >> i told you. it's not my phone. >> why are you still talkingve i don't gi [ bleep ] just get rid of it while you're at it, dump that janky ass shiv you also got under yourillow. >> seth: please welc, e back to the shownielle brooks, everyone
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> hi. >> seth: welcome back. >> i'm so glad to be back. >> seth: and i want to congratulate you and talk about the last season, but also, evena more congratulations in order. you are about to be a mom for the first time >> i'm going to be a mom [ cheers and applause i'm so excitedtu >> seth: that acly helps explain your footwear right now. >> yes my mama's going to kill me for sitting like this. let me not do that [ laughter ] had to my feet are swelling and i brought some shoes and they don't fit s h: yeah. >> and they hurt >> seth: yeah. >> and i'm going into my third trimester tomorrow >> seth: yeah. >> so i'm going to keep it 100 [ cheers and applause
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>> seth: yeah. great. we -- you -- i know you'ree keeping thx a secret >> yes >> seth: but are you working on names? >> yes i am working on names. it's fun you say that because my mother is an "l." >> seth: uh-huh. >> but everybody else in my family are "ds." and then on my boyfriend's side, everybody's "ds. so it's like, okay, maybe i can find a waytho incorporate my mo's name in it. so, i'm, like -- my mother's name is lorita so i was, like, dorita, defeata. i know, horr dajitaght? my boyfriend says, yaneeda stop ughter ] i was like, yeah, baby, i should stop but we got some od names >> seth: that's good you got this in. i read that you did shakespeare in the park. >> yes >> seth: how was that? >> crazy i was pregnant doing i and it's because it's outside. >> seth: yeah. >> so you're in the elements whether it rains or not, you are onstage. and we've ly called the show twice, but you still have to go and perform until it's rainingca
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so hard where you t perform. >> seth: wow so you just -- and who makes that call? who says - >> the stage managerak i think i should mthe call [ laughter ] and, like, it was an 1,800 seat house. and they stay and watch it >> seth: wow >> it's really magical but it's a lot of animals >> seth: what kind of animals? raccoons >> raccoons. and bugs like, gnats flying in your nose. >> seth: oh, wow, did anyone come onstage did the raccoons come onstage? >> no, and i wonder, because seth, we were actually the first black show to ever do shakespeare in the park after 60 some odd years. [ applause ] i know >> seth: fantastic >> give us a broadway house. we need a broadway house but, i think, i'm not trying to say it's because we was black, but this is the first time i thgek no raccoons came onsta [ laughter ] i don't know if we intimidated them, our presence, what it wa but they didn't come onstage >> seth: stacey abrams came to
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the show >> yes, she did. >> seth: that must have beenre ly exciting to have her there. >> that was great. i should play her in a movie, shouldn't i? >> seth: yeah, absolutely. >> yeah, she's wonderful she really enjoyed the show and she had a great time >> seth: and then "orange is the new black," this is crazy, after e ven seasons, you were thst scene shot >> last scene shot, seth >> seth: and how was that? must have been so emotional. >> it was emotional but it helped because i shot it by myself >> seth: uh-huh. >> so no one else was -- i wasl on a phone cing my last scene, so it kind of was easier than connecting and having eye contact. >> seth: yeah, yeah. >> jenji was there all the writers were there and i actually sang a song i wrote a song for my cast mates called "seasons" and the whole crew and cast came back to te a final photo and i sang the song, barely sang the song kind of talk-sang it because i was crying so much yeah, they just enjoyed it so i found a way to incorporate as tmany of their names into song or memories that we've had
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together into the song and shared it with them. it was crazy because jenji decided to put it in the show. >> seth: oh, wow >> so it will be in season 7 you'll get to hear "seasons" on season 7 >> seth: that's fantastic. you also have a new lp >> yes go listen to it. i'm so proud [ cheers and applause thank you. yes. s >>h: that's excellent. well, i am so happy for everything that you have going on, but most of all, this thinge you'bout to make and bring into the world >> yes you have any advice now? your husband to do eveing e for you need >> well, wait, before, i got to get one of those [ laughter ] i love you, boo, but - >> seth: that is my advice if you are watching, that is my advice >> love you, d yes. >> seth: that's daniel brooks, everybody. the final season of "orange is the new black" begins streaming friday we'll be right back with music h fromo johnson.
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: his album, "the fall of hobo johnson," is out on september 13th making his late night tv debut, performing "typical story," please welcome hobo johnson. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ it's a it's a it's a it's typical story where th bassist kills the singer ♪ ♪ t guitarist and the drummer find they're i love with each other ♪ ♪ it's the story of the kidea who cly won' know what to say ♪ ♪ when the love of his life starts to calmly walk away ♪ ♪ and it's the story of the dad who decides chase his dream ♪ ♪ he quits his jo he falls apart and loses everything ♪ ♪ and it's the stor of the kid who jus wants to make a record ♪ ♪ loves and crafts it but nobody ever ever cares about it wel hey hey ♪ ♪ what's your nam talk is for th guys you hate ♪n ♪ we should sit isilenc while we think o what to say hey hey ♪ ♪ i don't think this is working out ♪ ♪ will u forget i eve asked you to come over to my house ♪ ♪ i don't think i know much but i know i couldn' take a good punch ♪
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♪ so if you feel like i've been talking enough ♪ and i will gladlo shut up shut the up ♪ ♪ you kno i'm afra staying the same or worsening ♪ ♪ what's the point of finding calm when calm to m♪ is unsettling ♪ settle down little ki your bones a shaking in your skin ♪ ♪ go and try and take a breath thoug it's a typical story about the king who had it all ♪ ♪ except for citizens whot didn't wanhis head up on a wall ♪ i s the typical stor about the wife who couldn't quit ♪ ♪ being in love with such a giant piece of ♪ ♪ it's the story of the queen who coul never ever think ♪ ♪ of any redeeming qualitie a man could ever bring ♪ d♪ it's the story of the who wanted to run away ♪ ♪ 'til he learned thafe his s much safer inside a cage ♪ ♪ i don't really need muc just a place to be alone see me much ♪ really ♪ i think i'm invisible my mirror show another gu the guy doesn't do ♪ ♪ he just sits inse bl everybody's gott live a life ♪ ♪ that they didn't ask fo
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why would he put me here just to di just to justo die ♪ ♪ hey hey what's your nam talking to the guy you hate ♪ ♪ we should sit in silenc while we think o what to say he hey he♪ don't think this is working out ♪ ♪ will you forget i eve asked r u to come ove my hous hey hey ♪ t i know i couldn'know much take a good punch ♪ ♪ so if you feel like i've been talking enough ♪ ♪ just tell me to shut up and i willladl shut the up ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: hobo johnson, everyone. the fall tour of hobo johnson on kicks off ctober 9th in seattle. for dates, go to we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause [alarm beeping] {tires screeching} {truck honking}
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so you can use less. and it's softer than ever... so it's harder to resist. okay, thisirs getting a little we we all go, why not enjoy the go with charmin? [ cheers and applause >> seth: my thanks to billy eichner, danielle brooks, hobo johnson b fred armisen, the 8gd. stay tuned for "carson daly. see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ ♪ >> carson: hey folks carson daly here with "last call" from the flatiron room let't


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