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tv   Fox 5 News at 11  FOX  January 15, 2012 11:00pm-11:15pm EST

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>> i thought she would have a private one. >> she's so public, would want to keep something private. >> she was nominated for a golden globe tonight. it didn't win, but early in the award season. the last thing i had, is good luck at the oscars. >> are we going to keep hearing about this? >> no, no. what do you think of the dress? >> i'm not a huge fan, but she always looks stunning. the dress isn't one of my favorite. but she's beautiful, so anything she wears -- >> i'm no expert, but what i appreciate is they epitomize hollywood -- >> old hollywood glamor. >> effort that goes into it. >> speaking of glamour, gwen talbart. >> laying it on thick tonight, maureen umeh. >> i'm sincere, will. >> i know. >> really cold today. went to get a sandwich and -- >> are you going to tell us
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what kind of sandwich? kidding. >> even colder tonight, my fellow coanchors. someone said to me, what's up with these cold conditions? the 20s tonight. i said, oh, it's january. we are where we should be for overnight lows. but not so much for the daytime highs. will continue to be on the cold side. unsettled conditions to talk about. and conditions up and down on the five-day forecast. in the meantime, today's highs, we hit 36 degrees at national airport. 34 at dulles. 34degrees at baltimore airport. those temperatures actually anywhere from 4 to 6 degrees cooler than the seasonal average for the day. it's really chilly now. teens here. 28degrees at national airport. 24 at baltimore. 19 at gaithersburg.
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same at dulles. 18 in frederick and 19 in culpepper. mid-atlantic, only 11 degrees for boston at this hour. 18 for new york city. colder air settling in because the jet stream has set us up to get a chilly northerly flow. fairly clear conditions. a ridge of high pressure gradually starts to slide off. what we're going to keep an eye on is our next weather maker. that will be a frontal system and low pressure system that will bring us wet weather through into late monday night in the overnight hours and tuesday. for tomorrow, increasing clouds throughout the day. starting out with mostly sunny skies and warmer. futurecast showing you by the time we get into the overnight hours of monday and early hours of tuesday, you can see plenty of wet weather headed our way. some of it will be locally heavy at times. on the back side of it, cooler
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air. so we could see winter weather across areas of the mountains and depending on how our temperatures go, won't rule out a passing flurry. now looks like a pretty big rain event. cool tomorrow. midday about 35 degrees. it will be a little bit warmer. 23 for tonight for the overnight low. in the burbs cooler. tomorrow, for martin luther king day, mostly sunny in the morning. winds will pick up. by the afternoon, increasing clouds. 42to 44 degrees. the five-day forecast, wet weather kicks in overnight hours monday. tuesday is a definite washout day. like i said, warming up to 54 degrees and down to the 30s and 40s. >> thanks, gwen. it is another milestone in the life of mohammed ali. the champ is turning 70 years
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old. celebrities from all over came to celebrate his life. >> it's not just his birthday party, it's a fund raising event and it cost a thousand bucks a head to get in. [ chanting ] >> reporter: mohammed ali looks over his adoring friends and family. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [ applause ] >> reporter: he was serenaded and you could tell he liked it. around 350 guests, many of them celebrities, including singer john mellencamp providing entertainment. today show ann curry was there. >> i was in there and seeing all these fancy people. people well known musicians and sports people. can you believe we're here? they were all saying, i can't believe it. we're in the same kind of zone.
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>> i told a friend i was going to mohammed ali's birthday. and my buddy i grew up with, said you're kidding me? he said, are you serious? i said yes, i'm serious. >> he's meant so much to the world, the fact we can have this focus on louisville and him is wonderful. >> it was my job. i worked at "sports illustrated" and happened to cover boxing. i was lucky enough to have probably the greatest subject anyone could dream of at the height of his career. >> reporter: you know the champ well. his younger brother. and i had to ask how it was growing up with mohammed. >> did he beat up on you? >> no, never did. never tried to hurt me. always gentle towards me. he's a big sweetheart. like a hunk of love. >> reporter: he says he was 10 years old when his brother began to shine. >> at 12 years old he showed
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signs of greatness, the way he moved. always been the greatest, even as a small child. >> reporter: the champ is loved by many, and tonight was a chance to show it. he's been battling parkinson's disease and had a scare in the hospital last year. but his legend lives on around the world and in the city it started in. this is one of five birthday parties for the champ. his actual birthday is tuesday, january 17th. just ahead, what girl doesn't want to look her best on her big day? businesses are teaming up to help you slim down before you head down the aisle. that's coming up. ssssssgaga
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for many women wedding planning involves more than the ceremony and reception. most want to look their best and that means hitting the gym.
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beth parker shows how local businesses are helping future brides get in shape. >> you look at your mirror. >> reporter: many brides to be gaze in the mirror and wished they looked different. a study says 70% of women want to lose weight before their wedding. >> the purpose of a wedding is not to look a certain way or feel a certain way, but it's a marriage. >> wow! >> reporter: joanna wong doesn't need to lose weight, but has workout goals. >> just to tone up a little bit. >> the gym thing that gives you a curvy look. >> reporter: at chevy chase bridal, lisa works to make sure everything is perfect. >> you flap, flap, let it go. >> reporter: they're teaming up with a gym. if you buy a gown in january, you get a free one-month membership. >> they said, good, i don't have to starve myself. >> reporter: in the study, the
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women wanted to lose on average 16 pounds before their wedding day. and that meant that many of them are in a hurry. >> people do come in and they're frantic about i got to get in shape. is there a nutritionist on board, a trainer on board? i have to get into this dress. don't start at the last minute. that's probably the rule number one. take your time. make sure your goals are digestible goals and small, short-term goals, right, so you can get an achievement, you can achieve them. then the third part is really what you're doing on your own, outside of the club. nutrition. how are you addressing that component of it? >> reporter: the healthy your your approach, the more likely you'll stay fit happily ever after. >> [inaudible] -- a lot of hugging, you need a lot of kissing. how beautiful you look. >> reporter: beth parker, fox 5 news.
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news tonight is far from over. >> the news edge at 11:00 starts right now. five people confirmed dead after a luxury cruise ship hit a reef late friday night. about 4200 people were on board as the ship began to sank. >> now they're telling their story of the chaos during the ship evacuation. >> as thousands of passengers are recovering in italy, their stories are starting to come out. shaken survivors compare their experience to the movie "titanic" as they describe the moments the ship begin to sink. some crawled through hallways and down ladders, and others leapt overboard into the frigid sea. >> at the very end, before we jumped off, one of the crew
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members was telling us to stay on. mark was saying we don't need to stay on, because it was sinking so fast. where we were standing was under water now. that's when about, i guess 100, 150 people started swimming. >> many passengers were inside the restaurant having dinner at the time of the accident and say waiters instructed them to remain seated even as the ship began lifting. chaos as the crew attempted to evacuate women and children, splitting up families. once aboard life boats, they say one didn't seem to be able to steer, until a passenger took the lead. >> the rescue was awful. it was very disorganized. we had not had our muster check. we did not know where to go. when we got to the side of the boat to board the rescue boats,
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they were full. it took us five tries on different boats to get on. >> the state department says 125 americans were on board. some are still unaccounted for. family members here in the united states are eagerly awaiting their return home. in new york, julie banderas, fox news. >> few of the victims are from our area. one from gaithersburg, the other from virginia beach. both are okay and on their way home. a delaware death row inmate granted clemency. 49-year-old robert gadis will spend the rest of his life in prison and will not seek further appeals or pardons. he was facing execution this week for the 1990 murder of his former girlfriend. the board said it was swayed by facts that emerged recently about abuse inflicted upon him as a child by a relative.


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