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tv   Fox 5 News at Ten  FOX  February 23, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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. the beginning of the nascar nationwide series takes a dramatic twist in the final laps. tonight, dozens of spectators are injured after a multivehicle crash sends a car and parts of it into the stands. >> a smooth road ahead in virginia. lawmakers pass historic
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legislation to reform the way transportation is funded. and a prince georges county community is morning the loss of another child tonight after a deadly house fire earlier this week. how firefighters are stepping up safety awareness to spare others from similar tragedies. i'm maureen umeh. >> and i'm laura evans. the news at 10 begins with a top story of the day. a huge crash during nascar's race. fans were on their fight and cheering driver when is a car hit a fence, the pieces went into the grand slam. lindsay murphy has more on what happened out there. what are the details? >> reporter: the daytona 500 will run as scheduled tomorrow here on fox despite the fiery crash that injured 33 fans and left one with life-threatening head trauma. it went down in daytona beach. let's see the video now. the final lap of the race, leader reagan smith tries to block a move and it triggers a
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12-car accident. the number 32 car is airborne into the catch fence and sends debris into the stands where thousands were watching the race. a tire in the engine from the car and breaking through the catch fence. the 20ier old larson is able to exit what was left of his car under his own power. that is his engine burning where all the fans were standing. one driver will have to spend the night in the hospital for observation and any concern, of course, shifting to the safety of the fans involveed and somewhere treated on site, others had to be taken to a local hospital and this is the track president. >> first and foremost, our thoughts and prayers are with race fans. following the incident, we responded appropriately according to our safety protocols. we transported 14 people off property and treated 14 people at our on-track care center. we're in the process of repairing the facility and we'll be ready to go racing tomorrow. >> reporter: nascar will conduct a complete
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investigation of the incident to determine if safety changes are needed. race winner tony stewart was in no move to celebrate and skipped the traditional post race victory celebration. a very scare scene -- scary scene there and most people ended up being okay, but there are one or two people in critical condition at this point. >> we'll have that on the news edge at 11. thank you very much. >> sure. the final hours of the virginia state senate session handed governor mcdonnell the legacy-building legislation he's fighting for. lawmakers voted for a landmark transportation package to raise $880 million for road construction, maintenance and transit. audrey barnes has more from the newsroom. >> reporter: that videova house approved a transportation bill friday by a vote of 60-40. now the senate has followed suit. the entire package goes to the
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governor for his signature. >> reporter: it's called the most significant funding package for transportation in virginia since no one 86, when law-- 1986, when lawmakers agreed to raise the gas tax. it raises the per-gallon gas tax with a 3.5% tax on gas at the wholesale level and a 6% wholesale tax on diesel fuel. the state sales tax will increase from 5% to 5.3%. and the motor vehicle sales tax will rise from 3% to 4.3%. >> it's a major step forward. it -- obviously to deal with the problem that has built up over the last 27 years. we're going have to continue to address the issue. >> reporter: in a statement, governor mcdonnell called this a historic day. we have worked together across party lines to find common ground. and pass the first sustainable long-term transportation funding in 27 years, he said. when it's fully phased in, the
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reform bill will raise more than $500 million to erase the maintenance budget deficit and to fund now roads, mass transit and provide more money for hampton roads and northern virginia. >> there is a whole wide range of projects. the key, they have to reduce congestion and be on a regional plan. >> reporter: from the coalition for smarter growth, he is cautiously optimistic. >> we need to ensure we're fixing congestion at tysons and i-66 and investing in the route 1 quarter, investing the transit that northern virginia needs. >> reporter: getting this bill through was in jeopardy until the last few hours of this, the final day of the session. the senate democrats have threatened to block passage of the tax and foe increases&unless the governor agrees not to block expand of medicade to 400,000 uninsured in virginia and back to you. >> audrey barnes, thank you for.
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that. and to a news alert. police are investigating a murder in langley park. the officers responded to a call early this morning in the 8100 block of rigs road and when police arrived, they found a man stabbed and he was pronounced dead at the scene. police have not released information on the suspects or a possible motive in the case. police in d.c. also on the lookout for the suspect in a deadly shooting. it happened early this morning on livingston terrace in southeast and police say damon brown was found with several gun shot wounds and later died at the hospital. the police are offering reward for information leading to an arrest. and in the district, a man is behind barsccused of fatally shooting another man after a bar brawl. it happened around 1:30 this morning on 9th street northwest, about a few blocks from howard university. police say a fight at the 1920 d.c. night club got heated and the 24-year-old shot and killed 30-year-old joseph hardin of
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alexand radioya -- al,andrea. the fourth family member died after a tragic house fire in prince georges county this week. fox 5s lauren demarco has more from the latest. >> reporter: firefighters were inspired to learn their public awareness campaign helped the mother and daughter survive. at the same time, they're also sad and frustrated because three little girls and their father were killed. firefighters believe there is a good chance it could have been prevented. >> reporter: good people who did not deserve this tragedy. that is how friends describe the family. a teddy bear sits in front of their fire-damaged home in glen arden, a teeny tribute to the little ones lost here with their father. the firefighters found no smoke detectors and the spokesman said had they been present, it's possible this could have been avoided. >> and that alarm should have been loud enough to awaken
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anyone in that house and because we found the victims in the bedrooms, once the fire started and they started to inhale the smoke, they never awakened. >> reporter: the 11-year-old passed away last night. her father and her sisters were killed during the fire thursday morning. the children's mother and one eight-year-old daughter survived and that little girl said it was because of something show learned when fire officials visited her school. >> and she learned how to do a home escape plan, share that with her family and practice it. that is probably why she was not injured more critically than she was. she and her mom knew there was a second way out and used it to escape safely. >> reporter: the mom directed firefighters and show waited in a neighboring yard, the family's dedicated meeting place. >> and that re-enforces the
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firefighters' belief of what they need to do. >> reporter: from march 1st- 10th, firefighters will step up safety efforts, re-enforcing the importance of smoke alarms and having and praying a home escape plan. >> a good time to do it is once a month when you test the smoke alarm. have the kids around and have them hear what it sounds like and instruct them what to do if there is a fire in the home. >> reporter: during the 10 days, firefighters will also go door-to-door across the county installing and checking on the alarms. they increased your chance of surviving a fire by 50%. residents who need a smoke alarm can call 311 or 301-864- safe. that is 301-864-safe and crews will install it for free. they have been running low but pepco is donating several hundred smoke alarms to the county and now is a time to call. >> and that is good information to pass along. thank you. turning to the weather now,
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a damp and dreary start to the weekend and gwenn tells us more. >> reporter: and after today. >> okay. >> and some things will be different. and can you see wesa have a lot of clouds there and they're going to move out as we have a ridge of high pressure that is building in. also, a chance of patchy fog here and there and leave all, not bad at all and this is that look at our numbers today. we reached 46 degrees at reagan; 43, dulles and 45 at bwi thurgood marshal. the temperatures, two to five degrees below the seasonal average for the day and we're looking at temperatures that are in that range right now, actually. 45 at d.c. and with 44 at fredericksburg and baltimore and 43 in dulles. cooler to the north, though, 37
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in frederick and 39 degrees at hagerstown. overall for tonight, 36 for your overnight low and mostly cloudy. fog developing. we had originally thought there might be some passing showers and that is taken out of the forecast and there is some news tomorrow. i will have the details later. back to you. coming up on the news at 10, the latest on the oscar pistorius -- pistorius investigation. and a california family is fearing the worst after a couple goes missing. >> and coming up later, the pet owner's worse nightmare. a routine dog walk sends this guy to the pet er after an angry property manager sprinkled a dangerous condiment on his lawn. the news at 10 will be right back.
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hey. they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four monkey? a baboon? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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. police have a suspect in the deadly shooting in las
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vegas. they're looking for 26-year-old amar harris. police found the black range rover, which they say is involved in the shooting and they believe harris shot and killed aspiring rapper kenny clutch after a heated argument. he crashed his maserati into a taxi killing the driver and a passenger inside. the corrections officers paid oscar pistorius a visit at his uncle's south africa home. the blade runner is staying with his family since he was released on bail yesterday. he's charged with murder for killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp on valentine's day. the court rules say he can not leave south afrion and must tur passport and any guns he opens. he is due back in court on june 4th. kidnapped, hurt, or worse. the relatives of one couple can wait and pray as the search for their loved ones continues in peru. they have been following the couple's vacation through their check-ins on social media sites and weeks ago, all
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communications stopped. fox's eric rosales reports. >> reporter: this is 25-year- old garrett hahn and his girlfriend, 27-year-old jamie neal. both are avid cyclists on an adventure trip touring south america. tonight, both are missing, believed to be somewhere in peru. these pictures show the couple enjoying their trip. they're smiling, excited to spend time with new friends they met along the way. family members say garrett and jamie's bike tour began around thanksgiving. they started in buenos aires, argentina. they travelled through the mountains to chile and to cusco, peru. along the way documenting their adventures daily on facebook and at least once a week, they would talk to family in california through skype. on january 25th, all communication stopped. garrett's mother francine fitzgerald said the last communication we had with them, they were boarding a bus in
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cusco, peru, heading to lima. garrett's ipod posted the location on facebook. after that, the couple hasn't checked in. francine says we are alarmed. all communication through facebook, e-mails and financial transactions all stopped on january 25th. ironically weeks before the couple went missing, the u.s. embassy posted this warning to u.s. citizens of potential kidnapping threats in the cusco area by a criminal organization. francine said we are praying and hoping they come home soon. the family made a missing person's report and has been working with the u.s. embassy in peru. and the state department issued this notice asking anyone who was seeing the couple to report it. the family said all they can do is wait. from fresno, california, eric rosales, fox news. and closer to home, a skier died after an accident at the resort in western maryland. the authorities say the 38-year- old lost control while skiing
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on an expert level. he was the second man to die on the same ski slope this winter. last month, a 40-year-old rockville man was killed after crashing into trees. the senate intelligence committee is getting what they asked for. coming up, we'll tell you what the white house agreed to hand over. >> plus, and a cloud of controversy over the vatican. the new reports coming out of the media that suggest the pope was forced to resign. we'll be right back.  dinner's ready.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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. nation's governors are gathering in d.c. for their annual winter meeting. the democratic governor jack marco of delaware is the chairman of the national governor's association. he and other state leaders are discussing many issues, including the economy and ways to try to improve it. >> and when barriers present a significant segment of our population from participating in the workforce, tallent is being wasted and our economic competitiveness suffers. >> the governor's discussed the
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looming automatic budget cuts and they urging lawmakers on capitol hill to do something to avoid the march 1st sequester cuts. the white house agreed to give the senate intelligence committee documents related to the attack in benghazi. they include e-mails discussing how to describe the attack last september 11th. the white house said it turned over more than 10,000 pages of documents, including witness interviews, and hours of testimony. republicans are demanding the documents before voting on the nomination of john brennan for cia director. pope benedict xvi is scheduled to resign from the papacy on february 28th. the italian moda is reporting a whirlwind of controversy around his resignation. >> reporter: pope benedict xvi praying with cardinals on the last day of religious services. outside that spiritual haven, a storm is brewing. the vatican is lashing out at the italian media for a string of what they call, quote,
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defamatory falsified reports. >> it's deplorable that as we draw closer to the time of the beginning of the conclave and the cardinal electors will be held in conscience and before god to freely indicate their choice that there be a widespread distribution of often unverified, unverifiable or completely false news stories. >> reporter: italian newspapers in recent days suggested a secret docier prepared for the pope by three cardinals who investigated leaked documents in 2012. the report alleges a series of scandals involving sex, money, and power and suggesting a, quote, shadowy gay lobby in the vatican. -- vatican. there is speculation the contents is what caused pope benedict xvi to resign. >> this is not about suing and any legalak, but a call to truthfulness and authenticity of the journalistic protection will -- profession. >> reporter: the pope said he doesn't have the strength of mind and body to continue his
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role, but the next pontiff will have to navigate a mine field of controversy, including sex abuse within the church allegedly covered up. >> i would say you can't evangelize it if the house is not in order. >> reporter: the three cardinals are expected to meet with pope benedict xvi on monday. meanwhile, the pontiff will hold his final sunday blessing tomorrow. in new york, molly line, fox news. still ahead on the news at 10, a maryland councilman lands himself behind bars for drinking and driving. scary moments at the zoo for dozens in texas who spent part of their day stuck some 20 feet in the air. >> plus, an angry property manager taking things too far and trying to get even with dog owners near his building. next when we come back. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend.
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♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. . the baltimore county
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councilman charged with driving under the influence and negligent driving. republican todd huff was arrested around 3:00 this morning in towson. he had a blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit, .20. the police report shows that he asked the arresting officer don't you know who i am? and he was elected to the couple in 2010. a woman is in the hospital after being attacked by her own pit bull. the police say the woman was bitten by at least one, possibly both of her pit bulls and she's seriously injured. the police were forced to put one of the dogs down because it was said to be extremely aggressive. and to washington state, the seattle property owner is turning up the heat on dog owners not cleaning up after their pets. she may have gone too far after the dog was injured by cayenne pepper sprinkled across the sidewalk. here's more. >> reporter: meet buddha, walking around her greenwood neighborhood last week, this pit bull unwittingly stepped in
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a patch of cayenne pepper. a sprinkle of the stuff can be harmful to an animal, irritating their skin, causing diarrhea and leading to ulcers. >> she was licking non-stop in her throat, her esophagus, her tummy. >> reporter: monica wallace said piles of pepper were dumped here, enough to sunday buddha to the vet. >> i said it could have burned her esophagus and her stomach and her feet is feat started getting red and her legs. red, red, red and looked like cuts. >> reporter: the greenwood court manor property manager dumped jars of the spice because she said the grass is being used as a public toilet for people's pets. >> like putting antifreeze for the raccoons. a deliberate health hazard. >> i was wondering if we could talk to you quickly about the cayenne pepper situation. >> reporter: she doesn't want -- didn't want to comment on camera but dog owners in the neighborhood agree that animal waste is a problem. >> people are not cleaning up after their dogs and that is a
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hassle. but, it's no call to go making things poisonous. >> people can't use things, particles, substances without really knowing the negative effects. >> reporter: since last week, someone's picked up the jars and the rain washed away the cayenne but she said it never should have come to this. >> why do you feel the need to police the area when you don't own the land, the property, the complex, the sidewalk, or the streets. >> she probably intended it as a deterrent. >> yeah. >> and that is a dangerous deterrent on public streets without public knowledge. >> and as for buddha, she's licking her wounds and recovering. >> we found another grassy area. >> always on the look out for pepper traps. i'm kate but burgess, fox news.
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>> and some scary moments for a dog. began jumping from piece-to- piece and after falling several times. a kayaker came to the rescue and guided the dog to land. >> and i wanted the dog to live. >> the rescue mission lasted about an hour. animal care and control took the dog in for treatment. and 100 people ended up getting stuck at the zoo and the money rail stopped working. they all got down safely. and coming up, the ovechkin we know bedevils the new jersey and in that matinee. and look, we have some cooler air settling in and some warmer air to the south. what will we benefit from? we have a ridge of high pressure building in. i will have details coming up.
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after the break. dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious.
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i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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go, go, go, go! bye sweetie. honey whatat are you doing? we gotta go! it's dress-like-a-president day, i'm supposed to be martin van buren. who? martin van buren! google? martin van buren. ♪
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. they're tied for first place in the big east and that is the most important thing and the last time they will play a conference game in syracuse. a big deal for the teams and the students. the nba mean home for auto porter jr.. he accounted for more than half of georgetown's points and what is that grand fin 58y for the hoyas and syracuse. yes, they had to camp out for the tickets. the largest on-campus crowd ever to witness the battle. 16-15, the hoyas led by two at the break and five minutes to
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go, georgetown by 4 and to porter. leading georgetown over syracuse, 57-46. >> and a special day today. lefty gisel, who coached the terps from no one 69-1986 was honored at halftime. the terps hosting clemson and with that turnover and with that and maryland up 39-35 and with that minute 1/2 later. and drove for three, a season high and defeats clemson, 72- 59, the fourth straight bin over the tigers. the wizards hosting the rockets and from that 17-point deficit and to that lay-up. the wizards by a point and with less than 30 and harden with a
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game high 27 points and with that five picks left, okafor, oh, no and with the rebound. the wizards hold on and defeat the rockets, 105-103 and they six straight wins better than 500. >> and ovechkin and the capitols. first period, no score. jason chmurra and one-times it past him and that is his sixth of the year. and caps in front, 1-0 and third period, tied at 1. the vintage ov and through the legs of the defensemen and that is who was good. the second of the game and gives the caps a 2-1 advantage and in the third, caps up 3-1 on the power play and the third goal, 11th career hat trick and with that assist and defeating the devils 5-1. and making the first spring start since he was shut down last september. he would allow a leadout single
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and that is on a full count and to that two-run home run and 2- 0. later, with two outs and gets him to strike out looking. goes two innings, allows three hits and two runs. fallling to the mets, 5-3 and in that opener. no big deal that they didn't win and no big deal that they didn't strike out 13 people. >> and they have a long way to go and with that long season ahead. and what happened when three teens were forced to give up their cell phones and fend for themselves. >> oh, no. >> and that story and the full forecast. here you go little man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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. could you spend a week without your phone? what about your teenagers? do they spend more time with
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you or texting their friend? brook thomas has a experiment to see if three types could go without their phones for five long case -- days. >> torture. >> i'm going to die. >> reporter: you won't believe what caused these teens to reaction this way. >> and that is the main topic now. everyone has twitter and phones and facebook and that is one of those things that people think they can go without now. >> technology and that is with them all of the time. >> and the first thing you do? >> i check it. >> die. >> and i see if someone talked to me. >> reporter: eighty% of high schoolers and helpful of all middle school students carry a cell phone. >> and that is constantly everywhere. >> he's got earphones in.
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>> reporter: the 17-year-old hanna smith, 16-year-old brian and they were unknowingly about to be challenged. >> they sent continue thousand text messages each month and that doesn't touch what they do on facebook, twitter and instagram. >> reporter: the technology in their lives created a new realm for parents to police. >> and -- . >> and that is not appropriate. >> and those parents and i wanted to know what would happen if we removed technology from their lives for five days. no phones or social media. we didn't take away all technology but sent them home with the camcorders, how we got
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these. >> and i don't know what i'm going to do. i'm a noticed. >> and it's been a stressful day. >> and well, it's wednesday. i am counting it down. today, i made cookies. i don't cook. >> reporter: the teens and their parents agree that they are addicted to their phones. signs bad, but parents expert and author brian houseman said it's not the technology that is bad but what you do with it. >> and when they removed, there will be some natural a.m.itation. >> they got their precious. >> i joy phones back and while they were too busy -- busy, the fair know -- parents filled us
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in. >> and that was pretty fun. >> it even sparked change in the entire household. >> and to see she is obsessed with it, i'm surprised. >> we're going to have conversations, my husband and i. >> for them to say i don't think i can and i started during the week putting my phone away more. >> reporter: they all made it and didn't die but even so, they agreed that they will never try this again. >> and i just, want to give up. i'm bored. >> poor child, she's bored. [ laughter ] the harlem shake is
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officially viral and people overseas giving it a try and this is the biggest gathering of people to date doing the harlem shake and this is how it works. one person wearing a mask starts dancing and others just sit around and when the music drops, everyone, as you can see here, breaks out into dance and i was saying earlier that i had no idea what -- and i heard about it and didn't know the rules. >> is it a dance or you lose your mind? >> and that is a fad. and we're shaking the clouds. >> moving in and getting rid of the cloudy skies and some sunshine, finally and shook out the rainfall earlier and week
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have fog and from the tower cam and some overnight fun and happy to hear that. i know some of you are tired of the rain and some gray skies and the look at the temperatures today, two to five degrees below the seasonal average. 46 degrees at reagan national airport for the high and with 43 at dulles and 45 at bwi, thurgood and marshal and that is within the range. we haven't dropped much and that is currently 45 at d.c.; 49, gaithersburg and cooler for hagerstown. the double force is kicking in at fredericksburg and quantico and 43 degrees at leopard town. as we look at what is happening
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in terms of the skies, i said the clouds are in full force and they will move out and that fog definitely could impact the morning services and that is patchy in nature here and there and into the 30s in boston and new york and new england and there is that colder pool of air and that is into the area of the great lakes and that is into that colder air. one or two inches near boston and into the course of today and some pockets of heavier rainfall as well and i know any precipitation, they really, really do not want to have to deal with. unfortunately, once again, they're being hit. and that ridge of high pressure is building in and as that low
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pressure system pulls its way out and this is building in, winds could be strong to 25 and 30 miles per hour and some bright skies. we can't have it all in one shot. not yet and mother nature dealing her hand and tomorrow, sunny and windy and that is about 46 degrees. 36 degrees for tonight and the light northerly wins again and that is some fog into the leave night hours and that is not happening and look at all the changes coming up in the seven- day forecast. we get a lot of things
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happening temperaturewise and also, some dry days and precipitation and this is what is happening. into tuesday, that is a rain day and temperatures about 48 degrees and then when we muff to the later part of the week, especially wednesday night, it looks like we could have a mixture of some snow and some rain. we have to watch the temperatures there and see how the changeover occurs and sunshine again. >> all right. >> and 50 degrees, 48, mid-40s, up and down. >> okay. >> and thank you. the magazine gq named what it considers the best meal? america and that is not in new york or san francisco but in d.c. >> and in case haven't noticed, d.c. is a hotspot in the american scene and beth parker takes a look at how the nation's capitol is coming into its own. >> reporter: lincoln. jefferson, washington. they're the people who helped
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build a nation now that the nation's capitol is building into a foody frenzy. >> yes, washington is developing culinary cool. >> and when i moved here -- >> and everyone loosens up and have a few drinks and go out. >> reporter: they don't oat out but work for it. >> and i will do what i have to do. and there is no sign. >> i'm in for an epicurean experience and the service is fantastic. that is always a plus. >> and that is called little ceros, northern thai food whose restaurant helps put the d.c. food scene on the map and in
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their case, pull up a chair and the laptop and this is religion for some and bring fortitude. >> and there is one course that is spice, we had to keep eating more. >> and some tears of joy. >> and dunkin donuts before and now for good food. >> reporter: wolf gang puck is a culinary team -- king and said cooking shows and farmer's markets helped americans turn into smarter food consumers. >> and they know about the ingredients and how to cook it, but they know what it should taste like. >> and that allows the executive chef to serve up some dishes and around the time he was contemplating a change of
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jobs. >> the career change. the corporate tax attorney. >> and he did fine, a study is one of d.c.'s hottest restaurants. >> and we are not yet, obviously, at the level of new york, san francisco, or chicago and los angeles and once you past the four cities, i think that d.c. can hold its own with anyone. >> reporter: can can you see that from here in the rooftop in northeast and what is old is new again and on what is the old union terminal market and he works for eden, the developer of union market and he heard the same questions over and over. >> and where can i get this. >> the best in the country. >> reporter: and spices and vegetables. >> we don't want to be a food court. we want experiences. travel throughout the market and you hit the soda shop and
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come in and do some shopping. >> and right there. >> and in finish a treat. because -- for a treat. these days, it's not just politics that washington is serving up. beth parker, fox tie news. just ahead, some people watch the oscars for the awards and others for the fashion. we have the preview of what they will be wearing. >> spent on the news edge lip, more on the huge nascar crash in daytona, florida, that sent dozens of fans to the hospital. details are next on the news edge. we'll be right back. ht back.   here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again?
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[ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one!
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hours away from walking the world's most important red carpet. >> go towards the now and different. you have to be careful you don't go over the line to fashionville. you will get -- [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: some of the ladies are thinking about what to wear for weeks. others even longer. >> and most girls dream about their wedding dresses. i dreamed about my oscar dress. >> this year, i'm going with the idea that, like having fun and just sort of fulfilling a fantasy of going to the oscars. >> and i have some ideas. some cool options. >> the last time was comfort. this year, i'm like suck it up. wear a cor set. yeah, i'm going go for fashion this time. >> and i love fashion that celebrates a woman's body, that maybe is a throw back to the glamour of old hollywood. that silhouette and making it modern. >> reporter: with a variety of ages and body styles, viewers can relate to the women who walk the red carpet than those
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walking the catwalk. >> women look at this and go okay, i'm in my 60s and this is -- and i am tall like jennifer lawrence. the right dress on the right actress can launch a craze. >> if that is chemistry that hits, the results is huge and that may not sell. because of the couture dress and the impact of that look, of that sillo with the and that spa within both the designer and other designs around the country will be enormous. >> reporter: in hollywood. dominic dinatali, fox news. >> and. the news is far from over. >> and the news edge a


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