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tv   Fox 5 Morning News 5  FOX  January 6, 2017 5:00am-6:00am EST

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>> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> today on fox5 news morning, even with a bit ofis foxn fo snr are in pretty g
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morning except hee.morng exce i-95 south in jessup near route 175 a wreck involving toog trucks has closed several has ce laned s. we hav e team traffic coveragec c to get you around the mess. m >> president-elect donaldresi trump is preparing tdeo meetngo with the nation's intelligencele leaders to be briefed oners to russia and the presidential election.tion >> let head back outside liveutv look there. if you live north and west of w the district, then you arere waking up to the first snoww accumulation of the season. sea good morning to you. we're glad you're starting your morning with us.yo i'm holly morris.ur m >> and i'm maureen umeh.m holly. today is friday january 6th.uath we're beginning to see moreee m school closings unfortunatelyna and delays coming in.d lays they're all updated at theedt bottom of your screen. s take a look as they start thest scrolling. >> here's the few we need tofe note this morning.orni loud could you be schools areld on a two-hour you delay this frederick county schools arek also on a two-hour delay.coa o-o again the best thing for you y to do is check the bottom of bo the it will have the latestt updates. >> traffic being impacted withte
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we got.ot. erin is checking on that. t let's start with mike to talk me about the t snow.the s it wasn't as much as we thought. some people are saying whate ary happened? >> well, you know what it w depends on where you live.s here in d.c. we were callingon g for a dusting to an we ended up on the lower ender with ended with a dusting. dusti snow lovers are going to be disappointed in downtown d.c.w c areas south, areas east but iff you are living in southern sther maryland you may have another shot.ot you're aunt winter storm watch. we'll talk more about thatre a cormmingtalk up at about 5:15.:. temperatures outside it's very chilly. chilly. 33 degrees here in washington. i snow is done by the way. w it's moved off to the northo e h and west. gaithersburg is at 28. 29 degrees at dulles, 28 in frederick. frederic again frederick countyrick couny maryland schools on a two-hourch delaooy as are loudoun countyouy schools.hos. winds are a little breezy outre there this morning.there you can feethl it as you stepase outside.ou it feels like 23 degrees in washington.wash 19 at dulles.ul 22 at baltimore and 19 at westminster.west so definitely bundlet
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to the school on time. the only 37 degrees for a daytimeay high today, a cool and breezy bz one coming your way. w that's a check of the of forecast. erin como has traffic. traff >> on-time traffic brought to bo you by toyota. toya. visit buy a that special offers.hat >> mike right now gettinget reports of icy conditions indios both directions fors gaithersburg the entireithersbue stretch of the icc you can s eee that light dusting of snow inw the center median and off to o the side there.he very light traffic but watchht h for those slick spots andicspot please slow it down give give yourself he extra time to get tm through the icc this morning. m. this is a live look at theook wilson bridge.dge. right now the inner loop and lop outer loop volume is increasing.crea traffic is flowing okay.fic we don't have any accidentscc reported but my best advice toic you take it it you especially want to use to u caution on bridges andon bries d overpasses. watch for those icy conditions, as we look inin jessup 95 southbound completely stacked up between 175ly sta and 100. tracking a crash involving a ivg box truck a tractor-trailer an-l fuel
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our team coverage thisage this morning. she's tracking that backup andck the latg est on that crash. anjali. >> reporter: hey, erin. erin. well, yeah, you can see we'reee' pulling up to the accident right now. the timing actually is quites it perfect when we're hittingit here. right on the right you can seehn all those flashing lightsing lis there and several trucks therete with their arrows pointingointg everybody to the left.ef last time we spoke it took usk about 10 minutes to get tge through this traffic i'm thinking now, now that tha more cars are on the road it's i probably doubleds at least 15 minutes, maybe 20.0. again, as traffic continues to build. it looks like they still have se three lanes blocked to theto t right and when we get furthere r up you can clearly see an overturned tractor-trailer ineda the three lanes on the rightht and an overturned box truck t down the right embankment.mben embankmentnk so as you can see everyone is merging in that zippert zipp formation to get into oneet int single form 39 get b
5:05 am guys, you want to be cautiouse t here when everyone is slowing down on the roadseryo here justr before this accident on the thi shoulder we saw two cars ps ulll over who probably got in aot ina little minor fender-benderendere probably trying to it looked like one of the carsle had their side mirror rippedor r off because of caus so, you know, guys got to beot cautious out the roadways are lookingoo really good, though. tho no snow on the roadways, notayst even really wet but again, not clear if this accident is related to weather.eather if it is, you know, again,ga roads looking a lot better nowtn later in the morning thann probably this accident when iten happened around 2:30. 2 that's the latest we have here h out on the roadways. the rays. back to you, erin. >> ♪♪ >> developing overnight aevelopv family out in the cold afterd a their home in clinton, maryland, became engulfed inme n flames. take a look at that videoideo pretty dramatic. d happened late last flight ingh the 6500 block of springbrookspr lane. officials say no one was hurt
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>> we're at 33 mike thomas working hard this hh i know mike people might be ae i little disappointed if youifou wanted more snow this morning mg but we're not out of the woods o yet. more could be headed our way.ury >> you're absolutely rightyig holly especially if you're in southern merchandise.uthe that's going to be the best thet chance of maybe getting more mor accumulations as we headons d through the course of yourthe ue saturday. today is dry and fine across acs the region now just to let youet know. know. what are you waking up to? ifow you live north and west you'reeu probably happy if you likef you snow. sn winchester virginia two and agi half ha that's aboutlf what we expectedc manchester maryland in carrollcl county 3-inches of snow. hillsborough virginia loudounudu county on a two-hour delay d this morning 1.8-inches of snow. purcellville maryland less m than an inch. here at reagan national just anl dusting is what we're waking up to. now that storm has pushed off to the north and to the east.e here in d.c. we're drying itrygi out. maybe a little bit of townt of o start the day here but then t we'll cloud it up again during n the afternoon hours.oohours. here's your planner for ther foe day. 34 at 10:00 a.m. with a mix ofh clouds and sun. more clouds clmove in by the by
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35 degrees at 1:00 p.m. andnd breezy and chilly and cold by 4 o'clock.o'clock. only 36, 37 degrees for your daytime high on this friday.y. but the good news is it is is it friday isn't that right, erin comosn't t. >> on-time traffic brought to you by trayo visit buy a for special offers. offer >> that is great news mike. 5:07. 07 only a dusting of snow in somenm areas but heavier snow in other. we're hearing in marylandin state highway they're giving gin us an update that more than tha 1500 pieces of equipmentquipment deployed to treat the roads. roa pavement temperatures justnt t below freezing and most roads right now are justeezing wet. wt but continue to use cautionse and that's advice we're givingrv folks around the dumb.themb slow it down watch for slick slk spots especially bridgesll overpasses on and off ramps they tend to freeze first tend around the dmv theto beltwayel seems to be moving just fine fie in both directions the entirent stretch inner loop and outer loop n jessup maryland anjalinj hemphill has been providing usdu with great team coverage and fir hands look at this it's on the southbound side ofe 95 between 175
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involving a box truck as wells l as a tractor-trailer.-tra injuries involved as well andd d also a fuel spill and we're dealing with about a 10 to 15 t minute backup coming down from o 895 to past 100.t00 watch for extra congestion ongen the on and off ramps around a 100 as welndl. o wel as we take another look at ourt cameras in the district thistr is new york avenue at ninth. nin advising folks to use caution u as things wake up.ngs wake up. if you want to avoid the roadstt keep it to the rails all metroet rails on time right now.ow watch for slick spots on theots sidewalks as well.sides as holly and maureen. maureen. >> all right, thanks, te coming up on fox5 news fox5n morning congress holding a holdi vote to condemn the united unite nations and show support for israel.el >> doctors say the best way toeo prevent peanut allergies is tols give children peanut based foods.od we'll explain when we one.when . >> let's head to break with a hb live look across the d.c..c. region.regi things looking pretty clear onkl the roads. if you look to the side you looe see the dustin sg ofide snow me a little bit more in this area. that was the tale we gotale g today. some people got snow, some didn'tly
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on all the details when fox55 news morning >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> 5: zero fin. the republican held house has declared a measure that declares unwavering supportes u fornw israel. th
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states reject any furtherth actions by the un that are deemed anti-israel. anti-rael. >> for the first time three t women will serve inhe f the marn corps ground combat unit. uni officials said yesterday the yee three women will serve as a rifle man a machine gunner and mortar maureen at camp cam lejeune. lejeune. they'll report next theport women's names and rankss have not been released. entry marks ongoing efforts togo open all military jobs toobs women.wo >> a handwritten diary by diary dylann roof was read to jurors r yesterday. in it he wants to make crystalst clear he doesn't regret what wht he d he wrote he has not shedhe a tear for the innocent people e he killed. the reading of his diary comesiaom in as jurors weigh in onh whether roof should beetr ro sentenced to death.eath. >> lifetime is making ang original movie about the flint water crisis starring cher.cris the singer and politicalis activist has been outspoken ospn about the crisis since the beginning. she'll play a flint rbeesident whose family is
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the led contamination.miti lifetime says the film willil look back on what led to the "toxic crime against thegainst t city's residents."esiden the movie is expected to begin b production sometime thisuc spring. >> actor violatiis davis celebrated the new year way yeaw star on the hollywood walk of of fame. fa last month she received a golden globe award for her role in fences.ces. she's expected to win heroin third golden globe on theenlobe new advice for parents who w wants to prevent their their children from having peanutut allergies.rgie guidelines recommend exposingesr yourec babies to peanuts earl ts prevent a possible allergy tollr the food. covering to the national nationl institutes of health respectes found in allowing babies toowbas eat foods containing peanutsg pt before their first birthday dramatically lowered their chances of becomingical allergii >> coming up on fox5 newsing fo5 morning a number of localf l contractors say they still sll have not been paid for working i on donald tru
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>> and the washington capitals trending this morning foror doing what they were asked too do. core goals.als. >> yes. >> they sure did. et's>>reak letd to break l take a live look across thecrose d.c. region on a fridayriday morning, 5:12 right now,ow 33 degrees.33 degrees cold out there, slick in slin spots. spots. be careful as you head out.u het fox5 news morning is backs right after this. thi >> ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ it's go time at dunkin' with two wake-up wraps for $3. enjoy two freshly made oven-toasted wraps with bacon, sausage, or ham and keep on all day. america runs on dunkin'.
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>> we are back at 5:14.are take a look here. sctahool delays some coming in now. we even got some we're showing you a few inshing virginia. loudoun county schools delayedel two hours. unless virginia shenandoahoa county schools closed today. t >> take you up to frederick county schools on a o two-hour delay. in west virginia jefferson and hardy county schools are closed.. berkeley hampshire and grantnd all delayed for two hours.layed
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delays scrolling along theollin bottom of your screen.ttomf yo you can also find the updateshet lited on and the fox5 news app. >> we have mike thomas here to r explain it all. >> if you're waking up northex p and west you're probably probaby satisfied with what you got.d wi i mean we weren't calling foralg record totals. tot it's not the blizzard of last os january certainly not by at by long extender. exten we are though already starting g to focus on rounds two.ous weekend storm is what we'rere watching, potential for more for snow on saturday. on sa more on that in a minute.inut here's what's left oft'ft of yesterday's system pushing uphiu through new york and southern sh portions of new england here. here in washington we cleared c it we had some early flurries butis those pushed out over ther t eastern shore moving off tomov the north and west and thed wesd rest of the day here in d.c.n dc will be qui. now the next system we'rere watching is down to the you see the snow coming out oft oklahoma of all places evences e northern suburbs of dallas gotla a little snow last night. nht look at this little moisturee mi stream comin off the
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these two features are goingwo f to form our nextea these ones that come from theome south and travel up the coast c tend to be the juicier stormscis that have more m this will be fighting it ahtin little bit. litt here's our maple bit and overlai here the brown is very, veryer dry air and the green here is the moisture coming off the look as the storm tries to triet pull up closer to u it's going to be fighting that dry air as far as how far toto the west here we can getet snowfall as we move throughou the course of your saturday.urda so, very, very tricky forecastt here. i can tell was, if you live y north and west, maryland panhandle, panhandle of weste, p virginia, northern portions ofr virginia i don't think you see'e snow on saturday. i think you're okay. oi k yo so, snow unlikely up there inhei the red.e r here i-95 corridor d.c. baltimore, snow, certainlyerta possible as we head throughd th the course of your saturday. sda this is kind of your uncertainri area zone. z snow more like as you get towards southern maryland.hern saint mary's county in they bull's-eye on this one as well o as then eastern shore where whe winter stormar
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in effect.ffec so, how about a first crack atra what we can expect here on saturday. this will need to be adjustedted as we head through the morning and we get new data in but for r now i'll call it a dusting too 2-inches possible here in thee t washington, d.c. area.on, d. a there will be a very tight t gradient. as you go east here, snoww totals will kind of ramp up rp u very quickly and by the time t e you get to southern portions pti like leonardtown california, maryland, 48-inches of snow is i possible. so, again, that's what we're wt watching as we move through the course of your saturdayf yoy today. is fine. 37 degrees for your friday. fda weekend very, very cold as wee watch saturday. s all right, that's a check oft, the weather.w erin como has traffic thishi morning. hey, erin. moing,, mike. 5:17 right now. rht now keeping our eye on the traffic around the dmv. dmv we'll start you off with the biggest problem we're tracking k out of jessup maryland this jesa morning. 95 on the southbound side lookto at that big backup because ofuna a crash involving a box truck tu a tractor-trailer as well as awa fuel spill.pi and this is the delay between bt 175 and 100.00. traffic is basicly
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the on and off ramps at 100t 100 also seeing an influx ofnflu o traffic.traf give yourself about 10 to 150 t extra minutes from them the baltimore beltway to geto through that area.hat baltimore-washington parkwaye- or route one southboundwa better bets to get around that. t we'll let you know when thingsoe start moving again.t movi one left lane getting by, three lanes blocked. block this is 95 northbound atbound prince william looks to be a typical morningng commute. comm congestion building on theti but northbound side. traffic moving at speed.ving atd looks like the road washe rd treated and we're not seeing any icy patches slowing youhes o down. down please use caution especially bridges overpasses on and offonf ramps they tend to ice first. as we look at our maps aside asi from volume building 95lding northbound past prince williamcl keep in mind that marylandar state highway letting us know that they have trucks deployed. depl pavement temperatures below freezing but seems to be a wet commute on theteut s roads. roas any questions at erin fox5ue d.c. on twitter. we're going to keep you moving this friday morning. g tothis maureen.. ♪♪♪♪ >> it's 5:18. 5:1 let's look at the storiess lo
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this morning on social mediani with our realtime newsngltime ns tracker. r. first up local contractors say they have not been paid for their work on trump's hotelave o rk oright here in ntrum d.c..c one company says trump owesrumpe them almost $3 million.mill another says it's owed more than $79,000. a spokesperson from the trump organization released aperson statniemenzatti saying inen developments of this scale and complexity the filing ofiling normal liens at the conclusion u of construction is nots no uncommon. it's part of the closeoutseout process. >> a former principal at kentucky high school admittedite to stealing nude photos from aem student's phone. he's facing federal charges ofdr possessing and transportingnspog child pornography.chilporn he pleaded not guilty and wasnd fired from his job.. >> sad news from bollywood.lyod he was known for his grittyis gt performances in a number of gritty films in the 1980's.19 he was just 66 years oldly.8 yro >> a father fired for fathefire attending his child's birthld bh has been getting plenty of job offers. from new fm hampshire couldn't go to worktok when his wife went into labor.ab
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was fired when a local l newspaper reported his story ary go fund me page was started ontd his behalf end says hed sa h received a lot of job offers.s. austin's baby was the first baby in the state of newhestatee hampshire to be born in 2017. 2 >> i want to know who is thathot boss that fired him. seriously.. karma.a. >> the caps ending the columbus blue jackets 16 game g winning streak last night. columbus hadn't lost a game hn't since november a 26 coming onegn victory shy of the nhl recordhlc set back in 1992 by the the pittsburgh penguins.enguin it was an especially impressive night for bradenraden holtby who stopped all 29ll 2 shots he superman on duty last night i l say. >> i see you're rocking theckg t red today in honor. >> see, i hadn't done it on it purpose but now that you saidnoy it yes. it >> claim it. >> i'm all in. ps go caps. >> coming up on fox5 newsfox5 n morning, even with all thell exploding phones that you'vehat heard about this has been aab pretty good yearou fort th samsu in fact, let's just say a really goodyear. >> and its neck time you g buy b ford vehicle it could
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a new feature courtesy of amazon. amaz >> we're heading to break withni a live look outside across thecs d.c. region.c. regio take a look at it.takeoo things looking much better as be the morning progresses. it's 5:20's right now and it is 33 degrees. back with more weather, newser,w and traffic after the break.ak >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy
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>> $2 billion loss from itsllio exploding galaxy note samsung says it's expected toted see a 50 percent rise in rise in profits in the fourth quarterrt which would be its highest in years. >> no surprise here. new numbers show a big b increase in online shoppinge shn for the holidays according to adobe which tracks digital sales. consumers spent
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online.. alexa was one of the holiday's hottest items andtemsa pretty soon you'll be able toble take her for a drive, too.oo ford announced a deal withh amazon that will put alexa inlei a number of its vehicles. the system enables users tousert access their car from inside iid their home and call up other utr features while driving.ures you can start or stop the engine, look at your wn st garas levels even check news or dare a s say shop. >> oh, no. >> while you drive. while you d. >> i like it and i don't like it. maybe we'll discuss on goods ond day. day. okay, let's move on with ihop offering all you can eat ce pancakes again as part of the ot deal customers can order the hot cakes with a combo plate of eggs hash browns and breakfast meat.eakfast meat. customers can seep a short stack of two buttermilktermk pancakes coming again. >> next time you head to shakeha shack you could be paying more for your
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slake hack rose prices lastces l year -- or they increased inc prices last year for the very same reason. >> rosing prices. rosince i do be talking on this fridaysa morning. >> all right, so it is 5:24 on a friday. fday. thank goodness.k gooes mike thomas -- so here's my question, mike.tion,e. >> uh-huh. uh-huh. >> what really constitutes a dusting?dug? >> what constitutes a dusting.tu >> we've been talking aboutng at this. this >> if you wake up and there's a couple of flakes.up >> so even just a couple cou specs. >> all you need is a little a lt layer of white and we neededhite to a report a trace at the airport. >> very good. me k, me ask, were you disa wppointed this morning whee you wo. >> yes. >> i was a little -- let me put it this a lit way. w i was not disappointed that itda was less because i didn't dn' necessarily want to have to have scrape it off my car but i was s disapp pointed in the factoied i that it didn't turn out moreor like what y'all said. sai i was disapp pointed for that. >> so you think weoint overplayd eight little bit.ight little bi. >> no, i think you called it.hik >> you did what you need to y do but, you know,.
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>> came in a little less than t what was expected.t wa >> came in towards the lowerow end of our range. we were a dusting to an inch near washington and we got thet dusting. sorry. we try. we here in d.c. though we're donerd for the day. all the snow showers haveav moved off to the north and nth d west. west that does not mean we're clearrr from the threat of snow,fno though, as we head into yourintu weekend we are watching ad we storm system coming up from the south. that one is going to be a tough forecast. astem c ne we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. is of t artoe gusugtingh outfore north this morning bringing inhn colder air. a. 15 miles an hour inour in washington.wa 12 miles an hour in annapolis. s you factor that in with thewith air temperature out there and this is what it feels like asels you step outside your dooroo today. feels like 23 in washington,hino 20 gaithersburg.ersbur 19 in loudoun county at dullesle airport. temperatures later on this afteurrnoon, 3es7 degrees here n washington.. only 30 for gaithersburg. some may stay in the 20's to 2s the far north and west. wes so chilly, chilly friday onidayn the way. th more details on the storm ine l just a couthple e minutes. m all right erin como getet everybody to work and school
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sounds good mike.sounds 5:26 right now. taking a live look behind meehid this is 270 on the southbound sd side by falls road.oa traffic is increasing.reasin we're seeing more volume thanoln we typically see before thehe 5:30 half hour. h give yourself a little extrae ta time to get down from 70 too the spur but so far no major volume. vo skip the roads and take metrods all metro rail lines on time o right now. no i want to take a look at our i net camera. we've been tracking a big slowdown out of jessupdown maryland. 95 on the southbound side side traffic is parked right now. n seems like now that more folks f are hitting the road the delay y is getting br. there's a crash between 17575 and 100 involving a box truckru a fuel spill and a tractor-trailer.r-trailer. take baltimore-washingtonal parkway south of southbound or route one southbound to savetimf yourself some time coming frommo baltimore and keep it to fox5.ox we'll be back in just a fewew with your 5:30 half hourfou keeping you posted on thishi sort of snowy friday >> ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> become at 5:30. overnight flurries in the d.c. region didn't last lison foxg.>n the snow mostly stayed out toedt the west. while a lot of us dodged as dodg bullet, a new system couldtem dump a couple of inches of of snow. snow it's heading our way. our >> also on the scene avenue sceu major traffic accident in i howard county. crews right now cleaning up alep fuel spill after two tractor-trailers collide on i-95 in jessup. insup. >> good morning to you.rning y thanks for joining us.ngs. i'm maureen umeh.ureemeh. >> i'm holly morris.ors. school delays evening
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closings continuing to comee in. we're showing you a few of the bigger loudoun county schools delayedey two hours this morning.hours thr also inni virginia shenandoahhe and warren county schools arere closed. . >> in maryland, frederick, fre county schools are on aty sls a two-hour delay.. gap rhett and allegany county ay schools are also on a two-hour lay.y. in west virginia jefferson and hardy county schools closed. berkeley hampshire and grant all delayed two hours. al de we do halave all the closings ci and delays scrolling along thelg bottom of your screen. you can also find the updates on the list at andc. the fox5 news app.s app >> all right. let's get right on over toght o mike thomas now and talk aboutaa what happened and what's goingsi to happen.ap >> what happened is if you'res u waking up in d.c. we're towards the lower ends ofr end o those totals but if you'rels b waking up north and west it'st ' not what we expect -- it's i about what we expected upe exedu towards frederick maryland. myl that's where the heaviest bandra of snow set up. or a long period ofriodf time we were just kind of evaporating the snow throughing the atmosphere because it wasspu seso dry winchester virginia two and ani half inches of snowman chesterer in carroll county maryland inryn
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that's one of the higher'sne o totals i've seen so far. hillsborough virginiagia 1.8-inches of snow and loudounw county where schools are on a two-hour delay and firstvilleire maryland just under a inch. i here in d.c. most al dusting dus so technically not our first o f measurable snow of the season. o will we have a chance on chancen saturday? we'll talk about w t that in a in the storm has pushed off topuedt the north and east here.nortand we're done with snow for today t and we'll clear it out but out b keep it cold throughout the afternoon.teoon. 33 degrees your current number n here in d.c., 27 at gaithersburg, 25 up towards westminster 30 at baltimore, 34 degrees this morning in thisn leonardtown.dtow here's your planner for ther f day today. y today. keeping it in the 30' i we'll mix with sunshine during the morning hours but then t clouds return in the afternoon.rn and it will be breezy this afternoon as well so very,as wev very chilly friday coming ourinu way. wa all right, that's erin como has got traffic thisft morning. >> all right, mike, right nowig we are seeingmi prokeblriems one roads already.roads lrea we'll start you off with some w good news. metro rails on time if you want to skip the roads.he whoers a problem in
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we're dealing with water mainwa break repairs just beforeust ber suitland parkway.itla parkway that's causing big delays on stanton so please use caution ci there. watch for some delays building d on suitland parkway.arkway taking a look at our tweets ours maryland state highway lettingta us ktenow that more than 1500n 5 pieces of equipment wereme w deployed to take care of theof t roads and they're seeingreeeing pavement temperatures justnt below freezing but most t roadsr are just wet. ar you still want to continue tonut use caution especially on bridges overpasses on and offvep ramps as well as secondaries.ors watch for those slick spotslicks just reduce your i'd allow for extra time toime t get around this morning. mor we also have icy conditionsons reported on the icc in both directions between 370 andions d route one coming out ofe comingo gaithersburg.ithe so in both directions on theonhe icc please plan on slowing itlog down. a quick live look outsideut where we're tracking this breaking news out of jessup.of s big delays 95 southboundouth because of a tractor-trailer-tir crash between 175 and 100. 1 our team coverage on thatage on crash continues. fox5's anjali hemphill she's she been sitting in delay andit finally approached that
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now it looks like they're cruising around once again.oncea >> reporter: yeah, erin, eri we're on the side roads now.adsw we're on route 100 approaching c 95 to get back on to show youou those delays.ose delay again we've had to kind of maneuver around here.uver ahe we got some shots actually up u close shots as close as we can of the accident off of a sidef s road there.roadhe it looks like the box truck involved is a clover landd farms dairy truck and what weha can see from the vantage pointti earlier it looks like they le th have now uprighted theed t tractor-trailer that was w blocking three lanes ofee lan o southbound 95. so, good news there. the they're on their way toir way t getting that scene cleaned upled sewn hopefully traffic willic start to move but at thist is time, delays are stills are stretching way, way back asks most of those lanes have been he blocked for several hours now and people are just getting by b on the far left lane in a single file line. file again, we're hearing this was two trucks involved a box b truck and a tractor-trailer-trar a-fuel spill also onto the spi ll
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so much cleanup involved. both drivers were taken to therr hospital. the driver of the tractor-trailer i believe wastr taken to shock trauma andaile bd the looks of it like i said sd when we first pulled up overturned -- both trucks werewe overturned so pretty nasty n crash hoping those drivers arei okay. however, though, erin, roadsds conditions in terms of weatherfw are looking really, really rea guilty things are clear.ty t even the secondary roads arere starting to look good now too.oo that's the latest. back to you in the studio. stu >> thanks anjali. 5:35. also developing overnight weelon have a family out in the cold tl after their home in clinton cnt maryland became engulfed infe i flames. >> take a look at this video. vo this happened late last nightst in the 6500 block of block springbrook lane.ngbroolane thankfully officials say noullyc oniaels s was hurt. hur >> due in a chicago courtroomgoc today the four young suspects ss charged with hate crimes ind wi connection with the video broathectidcast lonive on faceb. it showed a mentally disabledab white man being beaten and a tortured.ur police say the assault went on n for hours. it all started after the 18-year-old victim met up withph one of the attackers said to
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police eventually found him foud bloody on a chicago >> happening today, donald trump will be briefed on theiehe suspected russian hacking byrusa director of national intelligence james clapper.pp he said russia stepped up cyber espionage but stoppedut short of declaring the russian hacking an act of. >> okay, let's head back over l to mike thomas foret's anothernh check of outer loop forecastf ou this morning. it's been all about the snowte all that wabe gouott the sn or didnt depending on where you live. l >> or could still be coming. com >> if you're waking up this up s morning in southern maryland in particular, east of 95,f 9 southern maryland, and you're yr disappointed with what you gotht you have another shot and innd i fact it's a pretty good chance on saturday of getting someurdat more snow.morenow. here in washington we're kindgtk of in the maybe zone and then t north and west you're in thest y very unlikely zone. zone. more details on that stormthat m coming up in 10 minutes. min i want to show you what we had last night. there it is, our little clipper system pushing off toff the north and east.h andas it's out of here.ut we're done with snow forw
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but temperatures will remain ilem very cold. 33 degrees at reagan national with highs only about aut 6 degrees warmer than thatt today. to dulles 29. bwi 30 degrees at this hour.hish again, here's your forecastrec for the next couple of daysf day here.he. 37 degrees today.od. we'll mix with sunshine sunin throughout the morning hoursut r but by the time we get to the te afternoon more kind of clouds c roll in. high of only 37 tomorrow we are very, veryry carefully watching that again snow looks more likelyk the farther east you go where gw winter storm watches anderes warnings are in effect.ings an we're going to run through allto of those coming up in about 10 minutes or so much here's he' dames i'll put snow in thei'll p forecast but just how muchhow mh we're going get is still kind of up in the air. a i'll give our first guess here e at fox5 in just a couple ofoue o minutes. all right, that's a check ofmiao the weather. erin como has a cthheck of the e roads early this fridayrida morning. mo >> that's right. 5:37 mike.ik keeping covered around the dmv d starting you off with a lookh ao at the breaking news out ofs out jessup maryland. 95 on the southbound side between 175 and 100 traffic a basically parked with a 10 toy w 15
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ow 8 895. tracking a crash involving anvoa tractor-trailer a box truckck and a fuel spill. one lane getting by.e getti you can always exit and takend k baltimore-washington parkwayre-w or route one souasthbound to geo around that huge delay. de we'll let you know as soon as k things start moving a littleovgi bit better there. as we tre. forward our cameras much m different story inside theent st district right now.di thisst is 295 northbound anddnd southbound between 50 and eastern. where traffic is flowing on the southbound side. volume is increasing a lthe itte bit in both directions but notbt enough to cause any majorajor slowdowns yet.wns yet. just watch for slick spotsor sls with the light dusting we gottit and heavier snow in some areas especially frederick for example in maryland and i would just say slow it downple n bridges overpasses on and off ramps they tend to isis first ti and secondaries. as we switch to our maps thehe beltway for the most part is pai and and quiet. metro if you want to keep iteep to the rails nice and clear.le i'd bundle up though as youugh head around the area. a keep it to fox5.keep i5. we're back in just a few. few. >> ♪♪
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>> 5:41. snow lovers might be wake up a bit disappointed. bijustawthe areas just saws ami light dusting.ti >> but temperatures are veryempe cold so ice is still a concern e if you're driving to work this h morning. mo fox5's melanie alnwick iswick live in frederick marylandaran checking out accumulationumulat levels there. hey, mel. h, >> reporter: hey, guys and guy a so we know that there's a twot hour school delay here inn frederick county and i think ani part of the reason has to beo
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lot of sidewalks here that are e covered and even some of theth roads you can see if they if t haven't been treated or ifed or they were treated a long time t ago there's still some ice and a slush that's building up and's a so folks near frederick county definitely got a little bit b more snow. s i think, i'm digging down herenh look at that, i would say wld s that's a good -- a good, what,h, two, two and a half inches or so. here in frederick county this is pretty good packable kids will have fun walking to school. we know there's lots of equipment out here on the kno row pment the main roads are okay but side roads secondaries andonda definitely parking lots asot a well we've seen those areho going to be issues thiss morning, too. t as we were driving around,d, guys, we saw this strange blue u glow in the distance.glow i so, that is why we had to stop s and get out of the car.get out i want to show you what it is.h take a look at this. t i don't know that i've ever seen a neighborhood treee display a private homeowner do o such a fantastic job withith lighting
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you know that this is exactly et what they were waiting for, right, because it just lookst ls amazing here in the snow, s don't you think, guys? that'sts absolutely gorgeous.s. >> wow, okay.kay. i love it melanie and your mom y called and she said where is your hat and gloves? glos? >> she came from the balmyhe d.c. regionism i know, well,w,el you know, i left them back in bc the >> right, right. rig so, as you can see here it's i definitely shovel worthy thisrti morning. talking about -- about -- >> is this your tree.>> i >>s yes, it is. >> reporter: hey, can i talkr: k to you real quick? we're liveir on fox5 p look ate t this is -- >> that's awesome. >> reporter: congratulations. >> thank you. >> reporter: on probably the most beautiful tree i've ever seen. >> well, thank you. >> reporter: how did you do all that. >> the fire truck back there. ter:utifulve they got a fire trucrk w>>it wh theormter: guy s,ire trhey t a too, so too appreciation to you this morning. >> thank you. appreciate that. >> reporter: okay, guys, epor to you. >> that was worth the drivee alone. >> it's like he hung everyung ev single strand has like a light a on it.
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>> i don't know but that's a holiday destinati't kon.estinat. >> i'm telling you. >> although i got to say today>t is the last day technicallyec you're supposed have lights s out. >> really. a yeah, according to theuppohts chriccdistmangs to calendar, ts is the last day. day. you got to take it down. dow >> how long does it take to dog thatdo. that >> i don't know. s stillkie is still talking to him. >> i would stay out there and take as many pictures as yould y can mouel. have mmore.much more. it's 5:44 right now. n we're at 33 degrees. you're watching fox5 newsre wath morning. we'll continue the stores right after the break. don't go anywhere.
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been trying to prepare for this day... and i'm still not ready. the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> we are back at 5:46.e ar you're taking a look ate i-95-9 southbound where a crash at maryland 175 is blocking threegh lanes. quite the backup in that area.he this is around the jessup jp area. so if you're heading out take ok heed. i-95 southbound around maryland 175 there's a huge crash that's block severaloc sev lanes. we're going to try to get you around that area.t erin como is going to come up u with traffic letting you know what you can do to help avertelr these that looks like a mess and a some.ome. >> stay home. >> yeah, that would be nice. n >> if i had to go that way it wa would try to delay heading toeao work. 5:47 is our time right now.ightn we are going to talk a lot l about weather because that'sause what everyone is talking aboutbo this morning.orng >> yeah. >> hey, mike. >> you know what, some are now ing about it in a disappointing fashion.oi some are happy north and west where melanie just was.appy nniw >> whereas melanie was they're ecstatic. >> yeah they got a good amount of snow. got >> if you're disappointedappoted today you'll give us some newsew
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happy if you didn't think youthu got enough today. >> absolutely depending onependi where you live. if you live off to the southouth and east southern maryland you y should be watching out for for saturday. even here in d.c. i can't rulear out there we can't get maybe gey an inch or two but we're not n willing to go there yet. 33 degrees your current number in d.c.. winds breezy out of the north-northwest 15 miles anrthw hour so it feels like 23 degrees as you stepes ourutso this morning. just a dusting of snow for us inting o d.c. there..c. e. system has pulled off to the p north and to the east here.ulas. it's done for the day so no n more snow this afternoon.fteron just mixing with clouds anding o sun. we'll keep it cool today.l da next system we're watching coming out of the southerne ut plains combine wind gust agust stream of gulf moisture. moi that's going to form our next tm storm and that's going to bengo heading in our general ger direction as we head through tou the course of your saturday.ur here we are again today. tod we're dry this afternoon.fterno we work our way through thegh te evening hours tonight. tonig this is 2:00 a.m. earlyar saturday morning. mng there's that storm systemthat ss coming up and then look how tight of a pass it is here in in d.c.c. heavy
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the south and east of us. of u here in d.c. we may get some som light snow here but i think thik the farther north and west youau go, you're out of out it. i don't think you're going tooig see any snow on saturday at at all so second storm passing p just to our south and to our east during the day on saturday.tu dune midafternoon is kind of the timingtern for everything.rn southern maryland significant snow is possible. posble. just how much you'll get we g w still have to pan out over theut next 24 hours the model rang 2e here in d.c..c is anywhere from a dusting to 6-inches. right now if i'm a betting mantn i'm putting my money on closer e to the dusting than the 6-inches but again we'll have ah to adjust the forecast here asea we head through the course ofh f the day today. so, right now i'll say alay dusting to 2-inches in the i white zone, kind of dusting dusi the farther west you are here ar to 2-inches as you approachpproc the blue there which is two to t 4-inches and then down dow southern maryland leonardtown california, maryland, there in i saint mary's county four to 8-inches and with that snow s expected these are all the thesa warnings you have. hav winter storm warnings anywhere you see the blue here wasar the storm kind of rounds the the
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locally we have winter storm h watches up for saint mary's county, as well as sussexavup fs county there in delaware.elar winter storm warnings now sto including the city of salisbury here acrosrmscl tudhes southern portions of thehe eastern shore, the delmarva region. advisin tther advisory in the purple. we'll watch and see if thosee io don't get expanded as we head h through the course of the dayur today.toda 37 degrees your daytime highourm today. we're keeping it cloudy thisis afternoon.afternoo snow is possible tomorrowe tomo especially if you live east of i-95 regardless of where youre y live it is going to be a cold cd blustery day.ry day. highs only in the 20's both saturday and sunday. s all right, that's a check ofa k the erin como has a check of theche roads. 95 looking busy this morning,ori >> yeah, 95 is definitely the t biggest problem coming south sth om j jessup. as volume increases we'ree' seeing slower conditions.lo we're dealing with a crashweg wc involving a tractor-trailer araa box truck a fuel spill.l spill. three lanes blocked.ree nes one left lane get buying sog from 175 to 100 where thathere a crash scene is just south of that point you're basically parked with about a 15 minuteoun delay right now.
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seeing a lot of volume on theumn on and off ramp by run hundred d as well coming down fromnro baltimore take 295 that willt wl save you a lot of time goingeoi south this morning so youthis don't get stu mck in that mess.s let's switch it over and show you a look at the beltwnday. traffic on the beltway hasel has been moving okay.been some increased volume by by central avenue on the innerth loop right now comine g downgow towards oxon hill.onil outer loop a little slow as a well. want to use caution especially bridges overpasses on and offera ramps and thosess secondaryonday roads you may encounter icyrcy conditions so be prepared for.dr that as we switch over to ar toa look at our maps not the onlynly problems we're dealing with this morning. some other issues for yourr friday morning commute. volume starting to indiana i crease. stanton road in southeast closed.os they're repairing a water mainir break from earlier just beforeii suitland parkway and watcher for some delays as you head out on stanton and suitland parkway.. 295 still looking good.oo and keep in mind marylandd state highway letting us knows k that more than 1500 pieces ofce equipment were deployed. pavement temperatures are justpa
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more just wet and sluggish.lugg. advising you to use caution to o and leave early to get around ad the area. th we'll keep you posted on thathat between 370 and route one onoutn the icc we do have icycy conditions reported.eporte light volume but use caution c in both directions. just reduce your that's my best advice to you. starting to see volume pick upv 95 northbound through dale throu city in virginia and 270 and 2 southbound coming down towardsds the truck scales. good news metro is onthe time across all males if you want wan to opt for metro and skip the roads this morning. bundle up and watchroads for sk conditions on the sidewalks asnh you walk around the dmv as a back to you holly and maureen. >> 5:52 and now a look atk a what's happening around theroune dmv. we'll start on capitol hill where congress will meet in a joint session to officiallyiall count the electoral collegelege votes. joe biden will announce thehe results but several democraticc lawmakers are set to be t considering challenging thosealo results. >> also on the hill a push forh a national memorial to honoror the victims and survivors off that mass
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arizona that targetedarte gabrielle six people died in thatd inha attack. 13 others injured includingng giffords.ords. the january 8th memorial is8th already in the works but legislation will be introduced today to recognize the t significance of the memorialemoa by listing it as part of theof t national park service. service >> this afternoon the mysteryten will finally be revealed whend w a prince william county coupleny holding onto a $1 millionion lottery ticket will collectl cot their prize.their ize the year's millionaire ralphairl ticket was sold at a 7-elevenlen in manassas. manassa >> at the white house michelle obama will deliver her finalherl remarks as first lady today at this year's school's counselor event in this east room.oo then later she'll be joined by y president obama to host aa to ha goodbye party. it will p feature several sev a-listers you might have heardu of them beyoncé,mi oprah winfrey, just to name a few.ew. >> our invitation surely inur the mail. >> maybe got delayed by the gotd snow. >> that's what i'm thinking too. >> i think that's whats wh happened. >> has to be. >> time for our f
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today it is the adorable adore o department nira williamliam harris. ha looks like she got torr meet the beautiful allison seymour. sey >> she turns seven years old. her mom says her daughter is ara fox5 super fan and loves lov watching us in the morning. mni she says a birthday shout outut before she goes to schoolool would make her day happy birthday.irthday. seven looks good on you >> i would have guessed eight at least, have right. rht too cute both of you by theou b way.way. allison and denira.enir mike you're not so bad either. e >> thank you holly. you holly not nearly as cute as denira. dr happy birthday to you. i hope you live in a county couy with a school delay for your birthday.birt loudoun county frederickn coun county schools in maryland onoo a two-hour delay today. delay td you will not be out thereot bt h early for the bus stop but for f those who are in on time, 244 to 32 degrees as you starttart your day. day. snow flurries and snow showerssn are done for this afternoon at least. thi we'll mix with some sun early ey on i
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time we get to the after into ai hours more clouds are rolling ri in. 30 to 38 degrees yourees r temperature range after schoolr but with the winds blowing out of the north and west probablytl feels five to 10 degreesdeee colder than that all day longon so bundle it up today before ber and after school you'll need'l e the heavier jacket. j let's do the seven-day today up to 37 mostly cloudy during the clo afternoon hours.n hos tomorrow we are watching the t chance for more snow here inn d.c.c. how much will we get here in town? kind of hard to say.d of right now we're leaningwee lean towards more a dusting thanng t measurable snow but we'll haveno to adjustw that forecast as wet head through the course of theeo day today.oday. more definitely in southern soun maryland. you live in saint mary'ssainry's county? you want to keep your e eye on this one.e on potentially up to half a foot ao in some locations just acrosstcr the bay there. the. sunday lots of sunshine but deceptively sunny.unny 28 degrees for a daytime we work into next week. monday mostly sunny skies,ostl 34 degrees. look how cold we start. starting a de hgrowees, c maybes, m even some single digits northith and west. we couldn't to roll through next we'll finally break the cold t l pattern and head into more ofe
5:56 am showers possible on wednesdayib with a high of 54 degrees and we'll keep the chance of showers in the forecast nextxt thursday. thur all liquid rain withsd aay highf 50 degrees. all right, that's your 67 day seven-day forecast. forast. friday morning erin hurrah. >> 5:56. not hurrah for jessup. f 95 southbound remains superer heavy. dealing with a crash involvingnl to tractor-trailers a fuel f spill. three lanes of 95 blocked blockd south of 100.uth of. there's also a fuel spillspill cleanup.cleanup. from 175 to 100 you're parked.rd traffic sluggish back towards tr 895 coming down from fm baltimore. if you don't want to sit in about 15on't w extra minutes ofs traffic right now take 295right5 southbound from baltimore. that will get yound f around tht huge delay where as you can c see traffic is parked rightig now trying to merge into thatnto one lane. aside from that we'll go ahead e and switch over to our maps. relatively quiet morningor around the dmv.nd the dmv. the good news is no metro delays. if you want to skip some ofskip those icy conditions on theon te roads and take metro all railllr lines are on time. time. just be extra careful as you
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to those metro or bus stops. sts the beltway still 395 looking good but again,ga just slow it down this morning. my best advice to you is tovice get an early syotau rt.istart. holly and maureen. maureen >> all right. thank you much. we want to take a live look t right now.akrigh there's the salt dome indomen northeast, right, this is in i northeast d.c.ast d there's plenty of salt stillal in there. >> plenty. >> probably didn't have to use a lot last nightdi becaudnse wew didn't get much here in thee ine district but, you know, north nh and west they definitely got more. >> more fox5 news morning coming up after thefox5 break. 6 o'clock allison, steve, ste tucker back with you.
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>> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> overnight flurries in the d.c. region didn't last long. the snow mostly staying oisut tt the west and while a lot of us f dodged a bullet, a new systemys that could dump a couple inches of snow is headed or was.wa >> also the scene of a major maj traffic accident happened upent in howard county.inard delays on 95 continue to growe w this hour as crews continue toto clean up a fuel spill afterup a two tract for-trailers collidedi in jessu >> good friday morning goo everybody, i'm allisonerody, seymour. >> and i'm steve chenevey. welcome to fox5 news i'm mornin. well, it might not have been non as much in your house informse r some places it was in you have e to call school delays andschooly closings. >> let's take a look at them. tk ine a virginia loudoun countyno schools delayed two hours.delayo also in virginia shenandoahndoah warren and page county schoolsco are closed


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