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tv   Fox 5 News Edge 6  FOX  January 6, 2017 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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least 13 people. eight people, as i know right now, are in area hospitals being treated. i don't know the degree of their injuries. five people have circumed to their wound and tragically are dead. >> reporter: witnesses report seeing a man who appeared to be in his 20's wearing a star wars t-shirt following a weapon near a baggage car sell. they say the shooter was silent, reportedly shot by police when he tried to reload a gun. police saying one shooting suspect was taken into custody. sources identifying him as a 26-year-old man named esteban santiago. and they say he was carrying a u.s. military id. as police and medical crews responded, security officials moved passengers and areas outside including on the airport tarmac >> it was frightening down here. everybody is crying. pretty upset. r
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were investigating, came new unconfirmed reports of additional shots being fired on airport property. prompting a lockdown, and an active search by police. >> the investigation continues. we have areas swat teams and the broward sheriff swat team clearing the airport. >> reporter: the president is being briefed on the incident while on twitter, donald trump calling the situation quote terrible and sending out his thoughts and prayers. in new york, julie bander es fox news joining us is seth kaplan, a manage be partner of airline weekly. he's a national airline expert and is familiar with the airport in fort lauderdale. seth are you there >> i am. >> thank you for joining us. first i know you lived in fort lauderdale. you live here now. you know the airport well. talk to us about some of these images that we saw today and that we're showing right now. listen, i understand
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fluid situation, but there seem to be chaos there at some point this afternoon. >> confusion, tony, about whether there was perhaps more than one active shooter. people at a different terminal, there are four terminals there, reported they heard what sounded like shots fired. there was a pilot getting off a flight who said he thought he smelled gun powder. seems like people are understandably sensitive after learning what had happened and probably just thought they saw and smelled things they hadn't seen or smell or heard but that did force law enforcement to take action, and in some cases, send people scrambling a different direction than they had just ordered them to go. >> we're again watching these images coming out of the airport. just heartbreaking people not quite sure what's going on. based on your knowledge of the airport and the airline industry, do you think now we might even see changes?
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we know that this man had a gun in his checked bag. he went into the rest room where he loaded and came back out and began shooting. do you think we'll see shooting possibly airports nationwide >> i'm sure we're going to hear a lot of ideas. shawn, this is particularly difficult. in this case, before we knew, for example, that he had the gun, why not have more securit: as difficult as that is it wouldn't have helped. it's kind of the broader gun control. in this case, you know, somebody. we don't know all the details but likely carrying a gun that was bought legally and all the rest of it following procedures who got there and then, as you said, did what he did. so it's going to be difficult, and you know, short of not allowing guns and bullets in checked bag, which is kind of wh
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hard to imagine really what could have prevented this in airline, broader debate about all of this, in terms of the airline industry, just hard to say what could have prevented it >> thank you so much for joining us with your perspective. we appreciate it. >> thank you, shawn and tony. there were emotional reunions at reagan airport as passengers flying from fort lauderdale arrived >> lindsay watts witnessed some. i have to imagine some folks here breathed a sigh of relief when they watched their loved ones get off. >> reporter: right around 4:00, we saw three different flights from fort lauderdale come here to reagan, some of the last flights to leave after the shooting, and to take you right to video. as i said people were very relieved, happy to see their loved ones. the young woman in the dark blue
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on the plane when the shootings happened. people on her flight were made aware of what was going on before they took off. she was able to text her partner and family here in virginia and let them know she was ok. she told me it was difficult to put into words how she was feeling knowingly how close she came to this crime. >> the only thing we did know is we were the last flight that let us out. >> during the course of the flight, what had been on your mind? >> like it's just been crazy. i just felt really lucky because -- there's no words i can explain. i can't explain it. really, really lucky. >> i was just worried and then hearing another guy's story about not hearing from his wife, that's terrifying and to think that could have been my girls s. >> reporter: we'll take you back to some video after math. i talked to a man who
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walked through this very terminal about 20 minutes prior to the violence. also, as you heard in the interview, there was a man waiting here at reagan for his wife. she was flying from fort lauderdale and he hadn't heard from her. he didn't know if she had made her flight. he told me he called the broward county sheriff's office and only found out she was ok when she landed here in virginia and called him from the runway. back here live it's unknown when service is going to resume at fort lauderdale airport, you can see over here on the departure board there were two flights that were set to depart from here at reagan tonight, 1 at 7:30, one at 8:41, both have been cancelled. i reached out to a spokesperson for the airport to see if they had made security changes here following what happened. she told me that they don't discuss security adjustments at the airport but they certainly do make changes based on events elsewhere. live at reagan national. lindsay watts fox 5 local news. we encourage you to stay
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deadly airport shooting. we'll have the latest on our website and on both facebook and twitter pages as new information comes in. we're following another developing story tonight. police are investigating a deadly shooting at a house in fairfax county. skyfox was over the scene about an hours ago. we're told one woman is dead. a man taken to the hospital. in critical condition. investigators say at this point, the incident appears to be domestic. we will update you with any new information. many of us woke up this morning with no snow on the ground. it could be a completely different story this weekend at least for some. gwen tolbert is down at the weather center with more. . you're absolutely right. we're anticipating seeing some snow appear in the overnight hours into your saturday. so let's take a look at radar and show you what's happening right now. you can see there is snow on radar here to the south of us. that is actually not the system
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this is all associated with a trough, areas to the south near charlottesville and parts of virginia are seeing light snow right now, but this is a far cry from what we are looking at in terms of the next 24 hours. so here's a look at what our totals are anticipated to be with areas to the south and southeast of the i95 corridor, and the beltway to get the heaviest amount. so southern maryland, st. mary's, central and northern areas of delmarva are expected to get hit pretty hard. we have a corridor there and to the west of that, we're talking a dusting one to two inches which includes metro dc. could it change? yes, absolutely. it could change if the track of that system decides to move more to the west. right now, this is what the forecast looks like it's going to be. we have winter storm warnings in effect for the areas where the heaviest amounts are and then to the west of that including dc,
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weather weather advisories in effect. kick in tonight through into saturday afternoon. it's only until the saturday afternoon period that we do anticipate seeing it start to taper off. storm passing south and east. overnight to saturday afternoon, looking probably beginning after midnight closer to 2:00 a.m. southern maryland getting most significant amount of snow and accumulations and a lot of low confidence as we get closer to i95 for anything that will were accumulate. i'll have your full forecast and the seven-day coming up. coming up we'll take a look at how the district is preparing for the inauguration of donald trump as he will be officially sworn in to office two weeks from today. michelle obama gave her final remarks today as first lady. but it was just a start of a big day for the first family. we'll tell you what's planned for tonight when the news at 6:00 continues. es.
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afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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. final electoral vote count which secures donald trump as the next president of the united states of america. he finished with 304 little while votes which well above the 270 needed. none of them were successful. three protesters were kicked out of the house chamber and arrested for shouting. there are no word if charges will be filed. new declassified report says russian president vladimir putin ordered the effort to influence the presidential election. they released the 25 page public version of the report after they briefed president-elect trump and other lawmakers on a classified version. they say it was to help donald trump by discrediting his
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hillary clinton. the inauguration is two weeks away but the planning has been underway several months. dc mayor and other city leaders brief the media about the events, matt ackland hats details. >> reporter: just a couple of weeks before the inauguration and this week alone here on the national mall, a lot of work has taken placing take a look behind me. that is is where donald trump will attack the oath of office. you can even see the chairs are being set up right there in the front. there's going to be thousands of people lined up here also down the national mall to cheer on donald trump. also keep in mind a lot of protesters coming to dc today. muriel bowser and many press officials held a press conference. two weeks before the swearing in, pennsylvania avenue is bustling with traffic and pedestrians. on january 20th, this will be one of the most secure places on earth. >> we're well prepared and ready
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>> muriel bowser is confident it will be a peaceful transfer of power >> my expectation of this entire team is that they have prepared for any and all circumstances. >> reporter: security will be tight. thousands of national guard members, dc police and secret service also thousands more law enforcement officers traveling to dc to help out that day. peaceful protesters are welcome. but the interim police chief has a message for those who have threatened to cause problems >> the fact that you have some folks that are indicating on social media that they're coming to shut down the inauguration of the events is something that we will be prepared for. as you know, we've experienced that thing before in the city. >> reporter: metro rail is extending hours of operation, opening early at 4:00 a.m. to midnight. but five stations will be closed for security reasons. >> they will be mt. vernon square, ash kinds of, federal
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pentagon. >> reporter: trying to make sure everyone is connected leading up to the inauguration, also as the inauguration takes place and there are special twitter sites and text message alert, you need to go to matt ackland fox 5 we've listed it all there for you. matt ackland fox 5 local news. in just 14 days, believe it or not the first family will say good-bye to the white house. not before throwing one last bash with some closest friends, joining us to talk about tonight's festivities. reliable source columnist for the washington journal. i am not on the invite list but we know there's a lot of big names expected to come for this party. tell us a little bit more about it >> sort of like a usual suspects for the obama party, opera, gail kink samuel jackson and had us wife, michael magic johnson and cookie johnson.
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i mean, it's just like a who's who george lucas, stevie wonder, this person named beyonce you may have heard of us will probably be performing. obamas don't like to release a lot of details about these private parties they have before the fact. and they confiscate everyone's cell phones. let their hair down and enjoy themselves from the bt party if you remember in october. usher released a tiny video and you see the president dancing in the state room, which was amazing and hilarious and i'm sure the girls are mortified. they haven't a set guest list and it's the same people over and over, a list but the a lot of the same >> this was a way to say good-bye to their supporters. is it just celebrities? are there other people who will be there? political donors >> absolutely. big donors, i heard eric garsetti who
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mayor of los angeles as well as staffs will be there, they've had some of their own good-bye parties, intimate good-bye parties for staffs, the first lady had a party we the pizza on capitol hill for east wing staffs some time earlier in december. it's definitely like just kind of like their farewell. their last big harrah, something to celebrate eight years of being in office. today the first lady gave her last speech, the president sat down and talked about the affordable care act. on next week, on january 10th, he'll be giving his farewell address in chicago, it's almost like the kickoff to a good-bye tour they're doing in his last 14 days >> is this typical to see for a first family to sort of do a good-bye party or is this the obamas who we know who have embraced put up culture >> it's typical not to do it this big but the obamas always said the white house is the people's house and they like to invite friends and people they know. people that wou
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come to the white house or be invited to the white house, they like to open up those doors, it is a list, i'm not going you're not going but it's something they like to do for their friends. something they're paying for themselves, that's a million dollar question, when they have a private party, they do pay for it. >> you've given us a lot of interesting information. for the reliable source in the washington post post and if you can get tickets i'll go with you. >> we'll have much more, coming up at 5at630. we'll have the latest that says vladimir putin ordered the interference with the presidential election, tweet us yours thoughts, use the #5at630. we'll be right back.
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second story is the cold. it's going to get colder and wind ierand snow. it's on its way. >> ok. well, you know what? here's the deal. not everybody is going to see a you huge amount snowfall but some will. we'll break that do you want for you. definitely we're talking snow. now, it's going to start in the overnight hours into your saturday. but primarily, it will stay to the east and the southeast as far as the track of that system looks right now. very cold definitely we're just talking that temperatures definitely in the teens, single digits windchills on sunday and we have a windchill advisory for our far west and temperatures moderating into next week, we're going to go see a temperature rise once we get into the later part of the week that will carry us into next
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happening all over the place in terms of all of these different factors. we start off with satellite and radar. you can see white snow to the south. this is not the storm system that we are talking about moving in tonight into your saturday. this is actually a trough to the south that's causing some of this snow activity. that system is coming in from the gulf states. one of the factors about it for us is that we've got a lot of really dry air in place, so it's going to really challenge that system, and it will limit the amount of snow that we will get as a result of that. the difference, of course, will be whether or not this system stays on track. if it should happen to move toward the west. things will change for us in terms of what our forecast tomato. snow possible in terms of the midsection but not much. very unlikely for far west. we do have winter alerts. we have the winter storm warning eastern sections include
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delmarva. southern maryland and the i95 corridor. windchill advisory in place for the far northwest. here they're going to go see windchills up to minus 20, minus 30 single digit temperatures and gusty winds. as we talk about snowfall accumulations, the gulf states, it will move its way up to the carolinas four to eight inches for southern maryland, two to four inches in this corridor here and from the a dusting to up to two inches primarily as far as dc to the south and north is concerned. but this could change as i mentioned. as a result of that system getting off track and maybe going a little bit more to the west. this is what it looks like, futurecast. starting and becoming more widespread. here's 4:00 in the morning, 8:00 in the morning, 1:00 in the afternoon, starts moving out. 3:00, 4:00, 5 in the afternoon, here's 8:00 and it's going to head to the northeast. th
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place, 20's and 30's. it will be bitterly cold. here's your overnight lows. 23 in the city. 23 at quantico. 26 at annapolis and 20's at dulles. teens to the west. here's a look at your fox 5 seven-day forecast and as you can see, it does warm up once we get to wednesday. once again, right now, looking like as far as the district is concerned, a dusting maybe two inches in our eastern suburbs. other than that, we aren't talking much for us, not a great chance, but if it should change track and move more towards the west, we'll definitely make a big difference. >> thank you very much. you've made sure we're well aware of it >> well where >> we'll be right back my daughter wants to stay organic. my husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. whole family nts to stay free from artificial preservatives.
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wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 organic and free-from items. eat well for less. my giant.
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if you're
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cakes, you may want to pay close attention. i hop is offering customers all you can eat pan cakes as part of the dealing customers can order pan cakes way combo plate of eggs, hash browns or breakfast meats. once serving is finished. customers can order a short stack of two butter milk pancakes and another and another until they're full. >> is this every day >> the promotion ends on february 12 >> i guess that's now. >> 5at630 is next. >> 5afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road.
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the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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♪ ♪ breaking news on 5at630. the new declassified report and vladimir putin's hand prints are all over it. use the had aing


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