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tv   Fox 5 News 4  FOX  August 21, 2019 4:00pm-4:58pm EDT

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if you head south there out of the beltway.un that's where you r into a few showers and over by with that particular cell asd well. t takingo the north just a little bit. there looking like sandy hook right t seeing a nice drenching going on you can really tell that by yellow, orange, red, heavier precipitation we're starting to see and that's what we'll have once again with isolated storms. heavy wind. heavy rain, strong, gusty ell and potential for hail. that's all still going tore in and with that said, no ecrnings int right now for the area of course but we still have a severe thunrm watch that was issued a half hour ago there and that goes until 10 p.m. tonight. keep that in mind and that's for areas around the district there around beltway and all the way traveling along i aanorth you c i come runnto head to later evening hourse once again keeping our eso the sky for that. checkmp out eratures now across seeiower 90s. so it's stilhot.
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and it's still pretty humid acss area. not as warm as we have been over the past several gaze. there 91 in district right now seeing 90 quantico and fredericksburg 92 it it. 89 in mannasas and areasut little west we had a little more cloud coverage only 81 in martinsburg. we'll continue ts track shand storms and keep you updatedhe comerre in aes fe. >> and maryland scol starts in less than two weeks as a parentp wow be happy wh your kid was shareing a classroom with orld students. >> that's what's happening in several schoolsncerned guardner sharing with first graders and that's thanks to stafng shortages they're dealing w tisha lewis live tonight with what's going on. and tisha, how many schools or classrooms are we talking about her >> reporter: well, angie, we're talking about several classrooms to be exact. it's ten schools including parkway elementary school which is the school behind m in fredericlk we're tag about potentially huchbdf receipt
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students impacted by this change. multi-grade classrooms that literally will be decided school c by school whichlasses will be combined. and which grades will be combined. so certainly a shift from elementary school as you and i know it >> all right. tisha. rnw are officials aing parents' conces about the have on their studentsould development. i'm sure they expressed they're not happy with this. >> well a lot of parents are not happy with it we had a chance to sit down and speak withrederick country school super intend enter and she says research indicates ere's not necessarily negativees impsentially in terms of what you may think is a huge vast difference between the devepmental and also the majority gap you may think it's vas but reserve indicate otherwise. she's been sharing some o that research with parents that expressed concerns. >> all right. and learning curve for everyone here. thk you, tisha .
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ho no cell phones in sight during schoours that's policy of frederick county school bembers purposingpose m for. luis jarman is requiring phones off and away while at school. jarmin has concerns about affectsf technology ol stoup and proposal on the school board meeting calendar t did discuss in the fall. it could go into effect vinks 2020. u. park po chief is stepping down. "fox5" paul wagner is first to report that thief roshtka mackathleen announced he are resigning to take a new job with developmentnterior. he was chief for six years and t onhe park police force for a total of 26 years. no word yet on who hll replaceim. mcclain leaves office without ever publicly addressing november 2017 shooting death of bee john geyser by two of his officers in itairfax county u today. coming up at 5. do not miss paul's exclusive
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interview with theutgoing chief. is and helmory issued for ducket, reservoir andel and that's because ofn lergy. any contact with allergy can cause. no humans orbitzthro if you have contact with that reservoir experts recommend >> msoe cars on dmv roads soo . maerk trains coming into the district and maryland from west virginia they're set to come to a halt. west virginia never pa for the service and maryland foot the bill maryland waps more than 3.5illion to keep the service from west west next year. west ver vir colleed 1 million to most to go away. >> right now w have three trains in the moing and evening. to win it makes servicele unwo there's no flexibility in the skechbling
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the hours don't make sen for almost anyone i talked to. entcally it renders service useable.up >> maryland department of transportation is holding public hearing sapt, september west backe after primminister of denmark dismiss missesdear hk is idea of buying greenland. she stood her ground say arctic territory not for sale and he is said had he is moeingt post popeing his trip due to her remarks. >> it's with regret and siped receiv the news that president trum scheduled state visit to denmark on the 2nd and 3rd of september. i have been looking forward to the visit our preparations were well derway/. s president trumpalled her remarkbin probability of buying greenland nasty stung the danish palace which
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formerly invited him to visit the country. >> video from panama this is called the cobra ppening over the weekend. just as the ottrator is ing ready to - shoot the yeah, had he was about to shoot th up in the air by une way. one of the be cables there snap leaving that thin strand attached to the frame. you can math fin that was up in the air. operator and another worker quickly came bacrsto check on the ri and they got them out of the seats and they were same the woman actually behind the camera recording all this said that she is actually been s oncobra thing many, mtiy s but she will not do it again. >> i can see why. >> i'm with yous. >> thi week already stivrkz for on police officer in massachusetts. look at this video trying to help skunk that has his face stuck in yogurt and knocks thethskawnk saving the animal and the officer paid the ultimate price and sprayed right back.
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>> oh, my goodness going beyo the call ever sduty right. >> soccer star provin she good at football as well. take a look at screen. world cup chat m carli lloyd appearing at the joint practice session. look at her. >> she'sstotal bea >> kicked it out of the park. >> this say giant practice happening between philalphia and baltimore ravens yesterda yesterday. lloyd was kicking 40 yard fieldgoals with ease. i mean she can dot stuff in her sleep it looks like. she nailed that 55 yarder document middle. and i think that it's fair to say that someone needs to sign her up. they need to offer her a contract. >> nfl calling or xfl maybe. >> students in fairfax ready for r.e new school yea today fairfax county fire and rescue department hosting free hair cutld for the cn there event held atri gun ngs recreational center in alexandria. >> i honestly think it's pret cool it's an excuse for me to be out with my dad and we drove on the wayere it was honestly pretty fun. i've always about kind after attached with this community and i kind of grew up here and
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i think freshman year of hh school i played football here. i honestly have a lot of good themryesg here gettin a haircut here it's sort like a walk down memory lane. >> so cool, snupts fairfax kouxty start school next month monday. >> tomorrow giant panda baebae rall celeb with panda friendly caketeen forly we all knowy his birthdarks ttho say good-bye. age four is usually when the s aafore breedingesearch purposes part of the deal a went zoond china. which means it it is time may jofo timur to pop out another baby. >> yeah that's what i would say. we love that camera. know. >> prego cam. >> we've gop from panda twooch prego cam. >> still to come get ready fo to cheer for a new team. d.c. niingt football team has a name and logo.
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yep. >> plus a few hours away from udoun south next game in the little league world series. and the hometown hype is growing. it's off the chain. >> i can n wait and here's a ve look yes, it rush hours just as ramsd it looks likean thing a urep smooth on s . likean thing a urep smooth on s . 5@4.m. coming right back.
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loudoun south little league team whipping games in demanding fashion. >> next up t undefeatedeam out of hawaii could be toughest opponent yet. ike ejiockh in nohern ghrginia at the big site for tonis watch party. how is it looking not a l of people there yet but they're getting read give it time this place wil be ridiculous here at glory days in northern virginia and this iheone of hubs for the watch party. here looklo at oun south meriabilia and other jerz yet and things here to xhep rate this lile league teamand it re i'll show you something right inside h this is why everything going happen. on sunday this is where they had watch t phis place >> i'm told they expect to see
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the same thing if not moreke peopled insideed this bar and restaura see loudoun south lite league team. there.>>. >> it will be hard to get in here. >> tilldy will be row. you have to kn the play book they're leading west up feated like loudoun south they'reted to go just as echere. far as loudoun south people say here in virginia this is the team that does it. >>his could be most formidablepponent.
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home and take that victory. >> all right. ike ejiockh live in loudofo rce. thank you,t ike. >> in't be be long after superbow 54 on "fox5" next febt d.c. will have niingt football team on the field. >> that's right get ready we want to welcome d.c. defenders ever the xfl remembertwo deck sglaidz long time. >> reaction ngready pourin as you can imagine. take a look for yourself. rsd.c. def top trengd topic pretty much all afternoon sinceam all thise out. they revealed different tes as well as different logos. you notice though the logos actually they all kind of look alike which iweevrmentd andthe e 8 teams performing i see myself rocking a d.c. defenders hat somethinghating home down. bee o. i th hinave a chance
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now to root for a new team right? how about redskins. how about def?ders if you look at the pro position we have here i believe we have one. there we go. and this kind of shows you a little taste of what we can expect in d.c. overall, i'm seeing positive reaction online ase peopllk about welcoming something to d.c. area take a listen. >> marching everrd for a force ited. one quest, one purpose. one resolve. seeking gloryhrough grit and victory through valor. >> all right. ere you go. you can feel it? you can feel how intense it ndis? ers play aat audi field. some xfl games will be played on fox. th original only lasted back
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in 1999. it was very, very short-lived and so just to add to the findinent, what i people are just sota nosic about it. it has been 20 years. let's see what they got. >> we need somebody to bring a championship back. caps were not able to do it maybe defendrs next hope. speaking of championship a w nicekend here. >> yes. >> especially after this week. >> i know i thier we des it it's arold we ward. what we had to dealye with erday was hectic. today we have s risevere weather. let's go ahead andit get into and talk bay bridge it headlines re across the area here still having the chance for isolated evening showers and stoormz cots area. keeping that in the forecast. and then leadingno tother warm and muggy night as we head into tomorrow morning. prty much we're going to stick with unsettled weathda untily and so the stormy compsties will with us two more dayswi andll lead to a beautiful weekend.
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hold on a little bit longer. good news is. tomorrow is the last day of the heat wave. just so you know. there stormtracker radar want to get to a few thingsoing on for the most part quiet. we started to she a few of nd maybeowers downpours and little bit of lightning associated with them. popup there. lightning sociated with thi cell near and heavy rain as wael. just south. mt. clair showers here north. anyone travel ago long i 0 or if you need to wait a few minute because we are starting to seeew showers heavy showers at that push across area. not a lot ofh lightning sos yited what that. leave itsville seeing lightning associateded with that cell. with that id we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. this was issued an hour ago. this will go until 10 . notice, though, this tim around it's not as far out as yester we hadntry claoundie this time . you're looking at pretty much5 from prince william yum
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county through the districts to baltire. there pretty much to the pa line headed to philly. cotraveling you me across a few storms. with that as well this issued here. we have now under a slight risk for severe weather. but just a little bit just the corner which you saw there cut out for the severeun derstorm watch. temperature-wise we dive nutly got enough sunshine and aretodayed to see a few sts popyb. e a few isolated storm and definite still feel the humidity out. there feel the triple digits oncegain in the quanitco. 101 that's what it feel like for you and 103 inrederick fredericksburg. leading iveoning hours we'll still have chance tore mit or miss showers and few storms might be on the sever side. i think once we really lose that energy and daytime he weatin we'll quiet down a littlell as we head to tomorrow morning. speaking of tomorrow. stormy conditions once again i think we'll start offry. definitely leading to stormy afternoon as that cold ont inches closer and closer to
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the .ea here we'lwith pretty humid conditions for tonight and not oling do much. check out the next 7 days this is our treat for deal with all of the stoory conditio thisweek we will not be as warm friday but i still think a lot of models showing morning hours and into the afternoon.pretty much rainy. gorgeous weekend, saturdaynd su, low 80s. partly, nice, stick with temperatures low to mid 0s as we head to next week ladies. a couple more days and things will quiet down for us. >> thank you michelle a plane crash usually, usually no laughing matter for two survivors an opportunity took take a selfie. ?what >> we'll explain about that. t'>> thas child. >> let's take a live lo's at happening on land here. a live look at i 4935 bradley boulevard in maryland. under raves light, a lot of sunshine and heat. cars moving along long. sunshine and heat. cars moving along long. we'll be right back.
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pass pass
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st between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. etwell i switched to swiff jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down di and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep side. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop., plusit's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor try wet jet with a moneyba guarantee
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and off the goingt of california appoint loot and passger survived and were fine and videos of he's cg up in the back. >> they're just fine pilot outer wear company learn once the plane hit the water he had 30 seconds to grab pho and flotation device before plane
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sank and the pair got yung b a few jelly fish and the coastguardto was able come and scoop em up. seiz the moment. >> it's called aden lynn rush. we're going from plane crash do pam sander on. >> sglv okay pam ander son cover girl for high waist swimsuit ever since immortalizing the look on "baywatch". >> she may be 52, 22 years lailder fits andar she still s it monl of two admits she puts on the suit time tod time deping on foot and surprises her dates. >>. >> those dates are getting more than what they thought they were. >>.
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>> which one whos she marrying these days >>. >> long time ago. >> thank you so much michelle. >> more store dwroyz come. including burglar after booze. we'll show you video of a bold break in in north west. >> late fir look fsummer trip. checking out great falls narcotic virgini looks lovely. narcotic virgini looks lovely. there .'ll be back
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♪ you know when you're at ross and that cute dressgets eve? yes.u or when yocan say yes... to both? (smiling) suren or wheyou find that brand at that price? are you kidding me? yeah. that's yes for less. anysthat's what ross al has in store. whoa. anysthat's what ross al (sighs) yes... oh, ah. it feels even better when you find it for less. at ross. yes for less. from fire sunday id boy louisenceed department in normwe
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d.c. died. the fire probi up before 10 in the mng 7:00 brock of kennedy stet. man died inside and police do not believe the man and boy are related and a few minutes ago mayor bowser announced she's referring case to d.c. attorney general and u.s. icattorney oe for a criminal investigation. >> and lere's ak at top stors we're following no, i with the sky fox over the scene of h this morning geroute 210 priorge county and this happening on southbound lanes near for the washington road around 7 a.m. investigators say this flipped over vehicle lost control hit a tree and one person had to be pulled out the car. but is expectedo be okay. >> take a good look at surveillance your screen. d.c. police hope you recognize this man that broke intsi a ss in the 200 block of usher street in the pet worth neighborhood. you see the suspect take booze before hitting up the cash register and taking off. anyone with information is asked to call police. >> and trump administratn announcing changes to its immigration picy aimed as
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lowing down the number of children trying to cross into the u.s.d home land security leaders juan the government to be able and children ib definitelyies instead of max numb of 0 days referring to change closing loop in the law and say it's a major reason why so many families tryinrossg to u.s. it could affot in t monthsif aved by atby at judge p judge. >> and facing balash on tisanctuary ci officials say areen dangering public and immigration officials. four illegal immigrants have bay bridge charged with sexual assault in the last week. take another lookpolicy ofy to not working with officials. tom fitzgeralds live in what are the officials saying to all tl,s 6. >> for right now. they're stajd by. markelrich signed over the
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summer and basically what it says montgomery county officials will not work with authorities in enforcingce federal immigration law it goes further angie and says th you know ice agents federal immigration law enforcement officers are not allowed to enter any county facilities beylid the pub areas. it's a snp not-good relationship between this local jurisdiction and federal immigration officials. however, they're reaching a tipping point here ieylkthse es. you have four different sets of charges against right nowar g there are real questions going tarounds county right now as whether or not the sanctuary city policies that government here in montgomery county follows is allowing environment here right now for
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people who are illegal immigrants could be coming .ere and committing crimes of federal immigration officials should not have t here in the first place. >> it's conundrum andeems to be standoff at this point neither are side sounds like they're about to make a deal with the other side. >> and i mentioned those four cases. and i know that you have some new information about onef those recent cases involving a sexualssault in silver spring. what you cs tell u this points. >>in and kev mendosa. 26 years old. and the charging documents at they alleged arere horrifi horrific. they say mendosa strangled his victim and they say he beat his victim and then raipd hisct im. these are very serious charge charges. this individual is r, what launched that into a whole new level is
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h officials later confirmed thatp dose ais in ft a hon door an national and in this country illegally right now. >> tom fitzgerald for us in rockville. thanks so much. >> and soll t come, well, u know we lov our fox 5 fans and we lover en they up gauge with a show and soon we'll have a new brand new way in fact to do it we'll show you how it works next. >> plus could you call it maybe parting in the usa. i thinkou could. liam hemsworth files f divorce from miley sigh russ. 're talking to tmz about th >> and hitting the road i 9 the 5 alexandria virginia ditraffic builng up on this wednesday afternoon. ditraffic builng up on this wednesday afternoon. we're back after this
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>> welcome back giving i a looket new way you can active part of our newscast. called "fox5live insta poll. >> y use the "fox 5 news" app on your hope to, computer, you can see how your vote counts in realtime. jim lokay explains. >> reporter: we' launching somethin exciting "fox5". it's a new tool to allow to you interact with th stories you see in o shows. you have opinions and you can us how you feel. there's a way for point act us with at your trippinger tixtz at the bottom of your tv sdlooen will be a poll on a variety of stories it will be easy tohe get involved in t conversation.n ck up smart phont go to "fox5" april and vote an t foox5dc.comd go?apl yocan s in realtime on your dend ice and tv screen. we'll talkbout results on sale.
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keep an ey out for the polls on your tv screens and pug up the phones and vote you. >> actually know what people are thinking it's not just us. >> it makes it easy. we were talking about it all our friends facebook live joining us behind thecenesit's p the conversation going two ways. >> updates realtime we know exact what i people are tuning in and what they think i love it. >> still to come, take a look at these moves break danceur battle taktu sise teyoures sg is challenges police officer. but, first, hey michelle. >> ley,adies. hot and >> they are continueing across the area. but we are now starting to ack some showers and storms poppg up across the a. i'll tell you when and whatca we expect for the revlingt evening comingp in a few expect for the revlingt evening comingp in a few minutes.
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is is annie. and thhe is annie paying back friend for the tickets with zellar® before the previews t. and thistos annie getting ready enjoy the show. [whispers] this is your right here, right now bank. this is wells fargo.
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e' still nervous about buying uh-oh, la new house. is it that obvio?us yes it is. you know, maybe gu'd worry less if youot geico to help with suranc your homeowners insurance.s e. you know, maybe gu'd worry less if youot geico to help with yep, they've been doing it for years. at are you doing? big steve? thanks, man. there he is. get to ch you could save on hd how renters insurance.
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>> our newsroom hard a at on for >>ah simmons has more what's coming up in the next hour. hi, sarah. >> all new a 5 the college admission scandal back inheheadt is revealing what actress laurie laughllny thinks about her alleged involvement in the case and do you exercise outside or do you hit the gym. why rsearchers say one of those openings is a whole lot o better than thether, guys. >> it would be nice have a heat wave and maybe we could do it outside. >> i'm with you on that. >> not doing anything outside now. >> thi true, thanks,nks, sarah s sarah. >> what if you don't do eithe either. >> i'm part of that camp. >> okay so actor robert di nero proves he did not play around when it comes to he slapped a former employee withit a for 6 among other this binge watch this "friends" at work. >> during o empou fyeneer watch5
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episodes sean single saturday on the job watched 32 episodes. daping it's like a record. that 16 hours by the way that's not although she's accused of rackg up millions in hotelur rant, and traffic costs. the won resigned back in april concerns of company sabotage. >> what was she going to sabotage she's watching friendnd all day. >> speg that money. >> remember that contest. >> they could win it. >> steams likelreadyeady won won. >> and after this lawsuit she may netflix she may not be ableanything you whip flx for a year. s they he they want u to take a live look at ocean city. looks storm yu y. wehave better weather in the dmv. >> michelle. >> all right ladies hot and, better dayssome ahead. especially for the weeound. if yead out to the beach,
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upper 0s. lots of sunshine. lots of things to look forward to. we have to get throughendsy because we've been dealing with unsettled weather all week long and still holding on to chance of isolated evening showers and storms in the it should calm down oncee a wndm and muggy oine aganto the overnight hours. ke ac cranked on. upsetl through friday stormioy cons continue throughout chance of them in the afternoon hours and we'll be much cooler at least it will feel that way and dry for the weekend. midi for saturday and sunday. yes, keep plans if they're outdoors forhis com weekend. rit now quieterarli see a few ts poacross area. and isolat there just the souvrj culper noticing a little cell. there not much lightning with it and we're starting to see things shift a littleatew downpg more and more poacross the area there. d if youthere out on 2 could c7s
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showers lead into that direction. so down to leesburg there pushing to maryland and heads up to german up to and also bavillas well. with that said we have the chance for a severe thunderstorm watch here in play upntil 10:00 tonight. so thatas issued earlier this afternoon and risk for severe weather. wi the storms,st the bigge khingz we'll watch once agngn is d wins, chance for hail which is yesterday we saw hail over inch in diameter. yes, they were strong storms. more isolated chance for them despread and scattered and still pack quite unthech and we heat it up. and we vin greed yene out. 9 the 1 is in districts now. good evening to you. 9 the owe quanitco. 9 mannasas and areas out west saw a little more cloud cover. so you reallydid not get khapts to heat that much up today. ice breaklt like a
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for some of you here. when y humidity and moisture out there and atmosphere 24 is what it feels like and for some of us day four year. we're going to lead to day five tomw orroelas w slix for si 101 whing and 103 with fredericksburg addse head throughout the rest oevening showers and coe'ute home w keep eyes to the sdi a we can a little line of showers developing there to the west of the area. but, as i mention, going into the hours it's muggy, up comforta. should lead to quiet start to thursday thursday. tst after that notice unset tomorrow aernoone have to shawr chance sealing the way through frida. not cooling off much. morrow, last day in 90s. thank goodness here back to the 0s for friday and still holding on to a chance of showers morning and now
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afternoon hours as well. but we will dry out leading to a really nice weekend here. low 8le owes. partly sunny andco noler there on sunday and feels nice with low humidity. chance of showers po back to the forecast for next weekr . hotemperature-wise we'll bege below averan low to mid 0s. ladies. >> we deserve it. >> we do. >> liam hemsworth pulling plug on marriage with highly sh russ the actress filed divorce. lauren, it soun like there's a prenup and made easier beuse there's no babies, things wl cleanup well here. >> yes. so, liam filed for divorce here in l irreconcilable differences a source close to the couple tells h prenup and kept earnings in marriageeparate. there won't be awiumon heyigll y
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split. dsnce no ki wre saratn ont ugus10th year of marriage.t they had beey bu trying to figure it out sometime and been together quite some years a and he wants to move on at this point. it was hisirst marriage or first marriage for both of them they were together on and off a decade. it may be team to start fresh. >> they're still young. disk owe queen laura wesler isw separation which would play out inseourts. s like miley tried to give thin a second or maybe at this point a fourth shot in the lasts couple days here. >> yeah, we were hearing that miley was saying that she was thinking possibly they could work on some things built according to liam and you know this nileing today he is not -- doesn't want to do that hwa nt to move on. at s some pming somebody has to flow down the hatet and put it into it if that's
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whatappens. liam was first to do so. >> and seems miley didn't do herself favors by releasing that son last week slide awayg because she eluded that liam jus ink prhaoblelso someou hdee's is quite sometime i don't i know ao when w miley eye o russ comeut on vacation with her new friend d out i don't think -- cyouan tell heot nas her infidn the past. there's been a lot ofat point they need a real break or real onrati. sox. catchmz on "fox5" after "like it or not" angie. >> thanks so much mare a wewantt or n.
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last night we were talking about this woman from atlanta bio paid f $it,000 a arllbo attention of director tyler perry. perry lightly scolded her for the stunt and looks like it worked anyway she land aid role on perry new show sistas. >> iove a good hustle she's a hustler and got what she waed and even though tyler perry said you're trying too hard those were exac words fist time around guess what now she's on the show. >> i d't want to drive down the road and see 30 billboards with 30 different people on side of road sgle it will get old quickly. yeah i know if you apply for a jobhiet creativenk of another way to do it think a. several mars are oering the chance to do this a balloon filled with vodkaed a. those say it
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taste gross and gets you drunk past and wears off aftnu 20 te some of you alreadr y. so weighing in on ths new fad. let'sing repeatedly innovative and sell wine in aa cap, spirit sector hold my balloon eran we nraerd another pn who was soundsing off. this is chrissy all dererve a prohibition can't be trusted to ause alcohol a inyn way. people are inhalling alcohol in bars. ssems kind of bizarre. i guess unleou don't like the if the gas't look good i'mer what'sef the ben. >> i don't dislikety like the fact after 20 minutes gabbing to nor slte. you don't like if you d have to commit f you drink vodk it takes a lot to ware out. >> i have to think it's doing something or killing brain lls. >> i'm sure the other part. >> is this fda tested do you know. >> save them for 7:00 angieg
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more attention on stage than the artist. more attention on stage than the artist. stay with us.
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t did you know tevery single flush [toilet flush] then they get releasack intot the air so you smell them later. ew. right?th at's why febreze created new small spaces. [clicking sound] press firmly a watch it get to work.. [poppingounds]ke the leading cone,
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small spaces continuously eliminates odors in the air and on surfaces [popping sounds] so they don't come back for 45 days. now that's one flushin' fresh bathroom. ♪breathe happy febreze... la la la la la.♪ alright, so this is how you e going to say... you'll get the best deal of the year on xfin gy. and you evet this.
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ja >> she skised me. >> i cannot ignore that. >> does my butt look okay in these pants. >> your butt looks great. >> meet ou amazing writer. >> i'm excited to be work on this project with you guys you. >> slept with my wife. >> somebody had to do something about that guy's dialogue. >> 90210 six-week summer even event. >> it's nice to be back w >>nesdays on fox. >> i'm loving it ving itsore fac cathat new episode of the 90210 reboot tonight 99 on fox 35. >> this video is amazing. a sign language interpreter on stage with rapper twista she solt show. her name is gala he managed to keep facpewith the r and known in asl world. he once did a tech talk on how sign language can bring music to life. it's like 280 words a minute the fact she can keep unit's a feat in hadself i'm sure breaking world records. >> we a know music is more
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than words. she proved it right. there speaking of sic.getting de ttle out in denver between a young boy and california police officer that kills iten on thet. oh, my gosh the 7p-year-old goyrl belong to local dance group and was not expecting to have a chance-off with one of te officers. theyk turns serving up moves. this is what i like to see.>> tp witheall ther, not bad, eye like it i'm in. >> take a look at this. look at this dog. in the hole was dead. that he dug. ks an ostrich apparently. that ostrich is wilbur. he was cauert by own this hilatious situaon. he loves digging holes andee slng in them. enthe video captures a momt his owner woke him from a nap and got stuck. you can see desperate attempts before he wigg as way.
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wilbur, you're the true champ. >> i love his nickname wil se fullack of potatoes that's on iu can't help but say free wiie. >> free willie please. >> wake up. >> wake up.? what did i miss >> we watched this 1,000 times before the show. >> on that note thanks forin ing us 5 at 4. >> serious. >> "fox5" at 5 stts rightw no. >> breaking rights now u.s. pa police khiv stepping down and in intervi you will see only on "fox5" that's his name on instagram. >> the shooing death of bee john gay czar bywo officers. >> several schools in maryalnd l comes less than two weeks befo school starts. >> and some astonishing image images. >> it was like the ship was
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wink the at me. >> ocean explorers looking at wreckage of tie tantic. your stz news starts rights now . first at 5ta we lking about this hazy,d hot, humi weather out. there day five of it in fact this heat wave. >> we can see more popup showers and storms overnight. parts of region under severe thunderstorm watch now. sue standing by withhe latest. big difference between right now and what we saw yesterday at this tim w warnings yesterday. we're seeing wches. >> i love how warm or where you arestic. >> at this hour we were slammed and had severe thunderstorm warnings and had over 30 doing a lot of damage unaarod once again today we have anotherevere thunderstorm watch going until 10:00. soar. we have not had oneer seve thunderstorm warning let's keep ouredingers c and help there's way fewer.
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theyburg and germantowh soanute. could havauhegue stav e, 30, 4n hour and possibly pea size hail and down to south we're watchi a few more through nanjamoy a culpeper also ngmovi saying as much lightning and not seeing as much structure and yes, so far, so good in terms of seeing warnings and that vere thunderstorm watch in untilif that gets droppedea eaouy we'll let ynow. one thing thata hel little today we deposit get up to mido up ter 90 s. i believe high has only been 92 so far and i say only beuse we were in upper 0s so much this week. call person got rain there and cooled to 78. is oppressive and fee0 like


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