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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  September 3, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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the latest store investigating a breach, why it may be even bigger than target's data breach. remember from over the holidays. >> gosh. >> that's not good news. >> no. >> we'll let you know what's going on. >> meanwhile, good day, september 3rd, 2014, back to school season in full swing. that started well started yesterday, really, officially. couple of schools headed back next week. we would like to you sends us your photos of your kids as they head out to the bus. tweet us using hashtag fox 29 back to school. shows some of them on the air as the morning continues. meanwhile though do have a loft news to cover, reporters covering your top stories, steve keeley live at the round house, where philadelphia police are looking for a gunman who shot a nine year old boy. >> dawn timmeney in holland, bucks county student mourning the loss of three of their classmates, first checking in with dom kane davis and your weather on the one's.
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>> warm one, thunderstorms that we had last night, and we're dry. today we are looking at a much nicer day, so weather by the numbers, give it a eight, still hot, but humidity is much lower. so, you'll definitely notice the difference by this afternoon. bus stop buddy showing that we do have less humid conditions, 70s, temperatures mid 70s all around, so fairly warm morning, showers are gone, drying out, the clouds will decrease through the afternoon, and 87 degrees for the high, and tonight fall to 66, about 63 in the suburbs, we get a check of the seven day coming up in a little bit. but now check to the traffic. on i95 southbound between route 1678 and route 42, freeway, currently construction in this area. also, in depford, route 42, freeway, northbound between route 55, and i-295, there is construction, there, as well. >> 60:00; man in critical
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condition following shooting, in philadelphia. this happened around 10:30, the 500 block of mcclellan street in the city's pens port section. victim shot in the stomach. authorities now looking for that gunman. meantime fire crews on the scene after fire in east mt. airy. the former smart start day care center at provident road and wadsworth avenue. crews were called out around 3:00 this morning, firefighters brought the fire under control, few minutes later. no injuries reported. >> 6:02, somber start to the school year for one bucks county high school classes beginning just four days after three classmates were killed in a crash. >> council rock high school this morning,. >> good morning, chris, kerrey, it is going to be very tough first day of school here, heavy hearts, definitely mourning the death of threated teens, sophomore year here today. usually kids look forward to the first day of school, but that's not the case here today at council rock high school
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south. more than 2,000 people pack the school's gym last night, to remember these three that were kill on saturday morning, and this tragic car crash, the student told stories, as they paid tribute to cullen can he err, ryan letter and seamus digney. the service was private. the media ya was not allowed in, flood of family and friends said good-bye. the school superintendent acknowledged the death of these through seeds ends, school doing testifying can to provide support to these student and help them cope. counselors will still be on hand, they were on hand even before school started, and they will continue to have adults here to give support to the student. now, these kids were killed on saturday morning, while coming home from breakfast. the suburban they were riding in flipped over on rural roadway in wayne county, that's in the poconos, three other teens were injured including the driver who police say was a 15 year old girl, unlicensed driver from
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new york from the west chester area. wayne county district attorney says that teenager will be criminally charged. meantime, those three young men will be laid to rest over the next several days. the school superintendent says student here will be allowed to attend those funerals, again, school doing everything, chris, kerrey it, consideration to try to make what is just a horrible difficult, unimaginable time, tiny bit better. they try to get some sense of normalcy, as they start the new school year. >> dawn, thank you. 6:04, new this morning, white who is confirm the execution to american journalist steven sotloff is in fact authentic. the islamic terrorist group isis is calling this new video a second message to america. sotloff's executioner blaming his death on president, for ordering air strikes against isis in northern iraq.
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some lawmakers would like the president to do more to combat this terrorist group. >> never air power will require more support on the ground. and it can succeed. >> president obama in europe, addressed the execution saying the us will not be intimidated. meanwhile, isis is now threatening to kill another hostage, identified as a british citizen. more on that as the morning continues. meanwhile, police on hunt for gunman who opened fire at busy northeast philadelphia neighborhood. sending a nine year old boy to the hospital. >> police headquarters, and what the boy said, steve? >> rough summer for kids, but look, it is a summer of a matter of inches. how about this? the police officer, grazed in the head, another inch, and co-have been dead. same case herement going to the video, because you will see it happened right in front of a philadelphia public
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library at the after school time, 320, when kids are at libraries, walking in, going by and walking to, right on busy torresdale avenue in the talcony section, at its busiest time, too, afternoon rush hour, none that far mattered, though, to the guy who probably didn't spends much time if any in a library in his life or in a gym, who needs a gun to show his toughness and his muscle, as a way of tackling the problem instead of talking it out, or thinking it out and said shooting it out, young monday with her four year old, known year old, guy with the gun, bad aim to go with bad timing doesn't hit who he was intend to go shoot. but grace, nine year old in the head. good part of the story is the kid already out of the hospital and home, but you can imagine, if you're a nine year old boy and you just got shot in the head, do you even want to go outside any more? even if you're okay to do so. future injury to him, psychological wounds, probably worse than the head wound from
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that bullet. >> 6:07. happening today, philadelphia mayor michael nutter will sign into law new legislation that protect the rights of women in the workplace. >> this new law requires businesses to accommodate a woman's need to pump breast milk while at work. councilman david o introduced bill late last year, says success for women in the workplace is critical in orders to have a competitive economy. >> looks like septa planning big name change for the market street east station. >> yes, the transit agency expected to announce it is renaming market street east to jefferson station, for nearly jefferson university hospital. officials say naming rights is great source of revenue tan will help septa's bottom line. not the first time that septa has sold naming rights. paterson station was turned into at&t stations following a $5 million deal. >> how about this? text message that can put your identity at risk? what you need to look out for before you return that call.
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>> pennsylvania groom probably didn't think his wedding night would ends up in the back of a patrol car. >> this is not the groom we're looking at. >> 's little young. >> little young. >> pennsylvania law would preclude that from happening. no, but this waitress that got this guy thrown in jail, and how long is the marriage going to last? oh, wait until you she story. coming up after a quick break.
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>> rain came down pretty hard last night. >> torrential. also caused couple of problems in new jersey, as well, tree branch fell on route 70 in cherry hill, snarling up traffic. right around the ponzio diner. that will mess thankfully cleared up this morning so shouldn't cause any problems as far as your commute this morning. >> the real message this morning for the garbage collectors, trash morning for us, all of that soggy cardboard for those gentlemen. >> hate that. >> while stuff last night. it is all over, which is certainly good. and we are looking at much better conditions, didn't really knock out the heat with the system that moved through, but did knock out the humidity. let's start county by countiment temperatures you're working with this morning, pretty good up to the north. sixty-three mount pocono, allentown coming in at 65. the clouds are still around, so temperatures haven't moved much this morning. we're holding steady at 75 degrees, in philadelphia. and then, down, along the shore, there 75, in cape may.
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seventy-five in ocean city, as well. then lower 70s, elsewhere. malt dot letter showing the batch of showers now pushed off to the coast. mostly cloudy sky for everybody. they'll be decreasing through the afternoon. there sass look at fox future cast, as we head through about lunchtime. looking at mostly sunny skies and then clear skies through the rest of the day right into this evening. so pretty good looking dayment keep in mind the pollen forecast, ragweed, the most prevalent, still in the medium high range, will stay that way through the rest of the week. eighty-seven your high today. temperatures around this time of the year should be low 80s, so still trending, well above normal. and that streak continues until saturday. colds front comes through, and knocks the temperatures back into the 70s, by sunday, so actually looking pretty good for the eagles forecast thereon sunday. that's checking your forecast, now let's check the traffic. on route 422 eastbound, off of the ramp to arm and hammer boulevard. there is construction that will have the ramp closed beginning today, until
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november, so keep that in mind. kerry? >> all right, very good, dominica. 6:13 right now. another big box store investigating a possible data breach. why it may be worse than the one that we saw from target last year. tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks.
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and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street,
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sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. >> gunman opened fire on officers and helicopter fors them to return deadly fire. officers were originally called to the scene because neighbors reported hearing gunshots. one neighbor says the man was quiet, but she new that he had shotguns for hunting. 911 calls made to police immediately after the tragic accidents have now been released. take a listen.
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>> i have an officer got shot in the head ... >> okay, is he breathing? >> yes, he is. he is having convulsions. you need to send ems right away. >> police say the girls parents took her to that shooting range, according to the police report. the girl's parents did not release the instructor -- realize that the instructor was shot at first because their daughter was complaining about her shoulder hurting. the little girl also reportedly told her parents the gun was, quote, too much for her. >> talking about of course that story where the little girl accidentally shot and killed her shooting instructor there. she is from new jersey. they were on vacation in arizona. >> meanwhile 6:16. president obama and western allies set to discuss security, this comes as ukraine's president announced cease-fire with russia. further details about the cease-fire haven't been revealed. nato allies had been scheduled
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to discuss ukrainian and russian tensions before the cease-fire was announced. meanwhile, president obama arrived in astonia overnight, welcome ceremony held at the country's presidential palace. will meade from leaders to discuss security concerns there. president obama announced he would send more air force units and aircraft to the baltics. >> international group doctors without borders warns the world is losing the battle against ' bowl a the outbreak now killed more than 1500 people and thousands more are infected. meanwhile, in liberia, another american missionary doctor has become infected. 's male obstetrician, not immediately identified. did he not work in an ebola ward. liberian doctor on the missionary treatment team said it was too soon to tell whether he will be evacuated. >> here we go again, another possible credit card data breach. this time linked to home depo. home improvement store say it is working to find out if hackers have indeed struck.
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home depo says it will let customers know right away if their information has been come pros mood. several banks believe the breach may date back to late april or early may. if that's in fact the case, this impact could be larger than what happened to target last year, in that case, hackers stole 40 million credits and debit card numbers over the course of three weeks. meanwhile, police in south jersey are investigating a credit card scam. people receiving bogus text message for members first credit union telling them to call a certain number because their kid it cards account has been blocked. police say they've been receiving calls non-stop about this susus pushes message. and they are warning people not to open it. >> you should never, ever open up an e-mail or epp up a text message that you don't recognize or seems too good to be true. >> banks also taking steps to protect its customers, members first sent out an alert about the scam and is advising customers not reply to it.
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6:18 right now. the philadelphia fire department has launched an internal investigation into a former philadelphia eagles player. >> so, what's going on here? well, according to njea. com, former offensive lineman danny watkins in full gear, fire gear, at the scene after fire in 2012, fire officials told the website even though he may have signed a waiver, the department is treating this as a serious matter, watkins was first round draft pick in 2011. but released after two seasons. he is now working as a firefighter in dallas, texas. but a lot of questions about why he was fight that fire in full gear in philadelphia. >> that's a little bizarre. 6:19. good day starts well in about 41 minutes. taking the show on the road. >> mike, you have made it to quakertown, we understanded? >> beautiful. >> yes, i'm parked in front after dental dream office at west broad street and 14th. look at the sign, well column
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alex holley, even spell her last name right. they've got welcome, and this is just, just getting in, what, about a half mile away? >> hi, everybody. good to see you. >> hi, mike. >> let me turn this camera around again. we pull out here. i think we're less than half mile from the site itself. but yes. welcome signs already. it is a combination dentistry and sleep center oh, the dream dentistry, i get it. >> what are you seeing? you guys punch up live at the scene? >> seeing it downtown right now, tons of vendors lining the streets, and looks like hundreds of people already out. >> this is all for you analling. >> oh, great. well, for alex actually. i don't think they realize i was coming. people is would start running.
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>> so cool. >> i thought we were closer. oh, we're two minutes away? come on, tom. >> driving us to washington, d.c.? town is shutdown? >> does tom have gps or just showing off his knowledge of the greater delaware valenzuelay? >> listen to there is just going with knowledge. now, he's switched to gps. right, tom? >> yes, i it, i got us to quakertown, the specific street, i didn't want to mess around. and we stopped to show the sign, thank you. >> that's true. we saw that sign. let me see if i can get. >> this oh, that's it. hold on, hold on, i got something else to show you. hold on, i know this is great television. >> rivetting. >> what's going in? rivetting. there is another little sign. >> the coffee shop says welcome.
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>> it is carlton cafe, welcomes our new fox friend alex hollow. >> oh, we're here, hold on, let me turn around. oh, manure ' right. they shut down the place. >> awesome. >> is this amazing or what? >> wow. oh, they're going to let us in through the bear cave. look at this. quakertown fire department. okay, i know, okay. bye. >> we love you. we'll see a lot of this coming up at 7:00. >> i made it. >> you can see clouds overhead in quakertown. >> sun's about to come up. still looking at mostly cloudy sky. did you guys see when they were showing that shot, some vendor putting out a sign that said it was free diamond, i swear it, said if he dime. yes, we must investigate that, kerrey. get on that real fast. let's go ahead, take a look, what do you have going on right now? still mostly cloudy, clouds will be decreasing through the morning, so we have fallen now to 73 degrees. it is a mild start, still little humid out there, but all gets better, through the afternoon, 87 is our high today, a lot less humid today.
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but the heat will continue. we'll get a check of the seven day in a little bit. but, checking the traffic right now, in bellmawr, at i295, the construction that occurred earlier, that has now cleared. so, that's some good news there.
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this is fox 29 sports in one minute. good morning, i'm howard eskin. the phillies are playing the role of spoilers. and the braves are helping them out. lets guess to atlanta the braves haven't scored a run in 24 straight innings, one in 36, and carlos ruiz then gives the phillies all they need with this homerun. the phillies beat the braves last night four to nothing. the quarterback to start this season has the number one is nick foles. that's not the way it was last year, michael vick was the starter for the opener last season. so this is different for
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foles. this year he's loaded with optimism. but where does that come from? >> it just goes back to chip, he is always that guy to make decisions, you know, run the offense, the keys to understanded g the offense, understanded g why chip is calling a play, when he calls a play, we know what he is looking for, we know how to read it, we're prepared in practice a certain way. so i think the big thing is the preparation. >> more from the eagles today at 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00 and the phillies go for the sweep this afternoon. that's sports in a minute. i'm howard he is begin another fight on another flight. this is the third time in less than two weeks a plane had to be diverted because of rowdy passengers. be diverted because of rowdy passengers. what what's with the suit?
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oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. students return to council rock high school with heavy hearts, three of their classmates died in a crash just before school. how the community is coming together to help these children with their grief. >> nine year old boy grazed in the head by a bullet when gunman opened fire in the busy after busy street. how witnesses are able to help him until police got there. there is going to be large group of kids, 80, 90 kids, super frustrated, not any opportunity to experience this equipment. and, thieves break into a school stealing thousands of dollars of equipment, from students, with special needs, the story you'll see only on fox. good day everyone, it is
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wednesday, september 3rd, 2014, it is back to school season, of course, we want to see your photos. you dress up the kids, we got some photos yesterday. back to school for some other schools. use the hashtag fox 29 back to school. >> we'll share some of the pictures throughout the morning here on the air. 63:00; time from weather and traffic on the one's, hi, dom cane. >> hey, guys, looking pretty good out there specially after the thunderstorms that we had last night. we're drying out. still some clouds around. but today's going to be nice day with plenty of sunshine coming in by the afternoon, lower humidity. weather by the numbers, give it eight for today. still hot. a lot less humid. that will will make it comfortable. bus stop buddy showing some light gear today. because it is in the 70s this morning. it is less humid. it will be hot by the time you leave school. 87 degrees, so we're still looking at temperatures well above normal. but, some cooler air is in the forecast, and i'll show that you coming up in just a little bit. a check of the traffic, route 422 eastbound approaching route 202, there is a disable car that's in the right
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shoulder. kerry? >> okay, dominica, thank you, 6:32, students at bucks hunt i high school preparing to say their final good-byes to three students killed in a crash over the weekend. >> so those funeral services will be hell over the next three days. student return to class today. dawn timmeney outside council rock high school itself this morning. good morning, dawn. good morning, chris, kerrey, i have a feeling there are going to be lots of tears, heavy hearts today, no doubt there is will be a very emotional first day back for not only students, but teachers, here at council rock high school south. and as this community continues to grieve, the loss of those three students who were killed in a weekend crash, we are now learning that the driver of the suv was a 15 year old girl, and unlicensed driver, from new york state. now, last night, a vigil was held to remember those three students who were killed. the gymnasium packed, more than 2,000 people filled the
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gym to capacity to remember cullen keffr. , seamus big any, and concern err, friends, family members shared stories, and paid tribute to these young men. these three were well-liked, they were good student, this yes student athletes, excelling in soccer, basketball and lacrosse. and they will be sorely missed. >> it will be hard for a lot of people, a lot of people are very, very, very close to these kids. >> our kids are about to go through something we don't even know how to manage. >> but of course the school is trying its best to help students cope. these teens were killed on saturday morning, it was 11:30, on their way home from breakfast, the 2001 suburban they were riding in flipped over on rural wayne county road in the poconos, and there were total though of six teens in that vehicle. the three others were injured, including another teen from council rock south, all of the teens are out of the hospital now. but the wayne county district
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attorney is revealing that the driver was unlicensed, she was a 15 year old girl, from the west chester-new york area. she and a 16 year old girl had pick these boys up for breakfast, and that 15 year old driver this morning will face criminal charges at some point. police say that drugs and alcohol were not a factor here, but that speed was. a witness saw that truck speeding. the funerals for the three young men will be hell over the next several days. cullen keffr's viewing tonight from 5:00 in the 8:00. the others will follow. school superintendent tells us student will be dismissed for the ruin rails over the next several days with a note from their parents, but again, the school district is trying to help students cope on this very first day back. these three students, chris, kerrey works have been beginning their sophomore year here, so counselors will be on hand to hopefully ease some of the pain that everyone is feeling here today.
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>> so, so young, dawn, thank you. 6:34. west philadelphia, police say a thief got away with $140,000 worth of gold. police say the gold was taken out after carlo kate dollars on 52nd and market streets. a man broke the passenger side window to get in and then took off on a bike. the victim works for gold company. police are still searching for the gunman who shot and killed a 17 year old boy on north philadelphia basketball court last week. dozens of people were there, at the time, but still, no arrests have been made. and, now, another innocent victim hit by gunfire there is time while walking out of a bleigh burglary in the philadelphia talcony section. >> nine year old boy is truly lucky to be alive. steve keeley live now at police headquarters with the story. steve, this was cents matter of inches between live and death potentially? >> yes, difference between a graze wounds, and getting hit between the eyes. that's a couple of inches when it is a little boy's face. and this is a good news-bad news story.
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because the good news first, the little boy already out of the hospital, treated at st. christopher's, back home in his own bed last night. bad news while the kid is out hospital, guy that shot him still out on the street with the gunment going to the video just past 3:00 in the afternoon here on busy torresdale avenue, right in front of the library you talked about, while lots of people including a young mother, her four year old, and the nine year old, ducking for cover, running for their lives, as the gun gets fired, right in front of them. and because young guys not tough enough or man enough to fight with their fists, but with guns, total disregard for life, tunnel vision at who ever he wanted to target, not either noticing these little kids or lots of witnesses all around them, the boy luckily only grazed on the top of his head, and probably scared to go outside ever again on the street for awhile. >> upon the first officers' arrival, he was met by mother, and she had a nine year old son, that had just left the library with four year old
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sibling, putting her four year old in the car, when shots rang out on the corner, and it seems the nine year old, innocent victim cents was hit in the crossfires, we do not believe he was the target. >> that's what the boy said to me, bottom line was it just breaks my heart. please don't let me die. i've been shot in the head. that's what he said, that's what he said. >> pretty emotional at that point? >> at that point, i just said to him everything is going to be all right, boy. help is on the way. >> broad daylight, 3:20, after school, busy intersection. >> absolute insanity. there is total disregards for human life, very busy stretch of the neighborhood, and there is a lot of people out here today. could have been a lot worse. >> well, here's the other good part of the story watch you are looking at, not bullet casing but the actual bullet, there you see it, circled by
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police chalk, sitting right in the street next to the curb between the curb and the car there. good thing police were able to pick up that bullet. and it didn't have to be a coroner pulling that bullet out of this little boy's brain. chris, kerry? >> goodness, steve, thank you. matter of inches. >> yes, 6:38 the time. happening today, research center for atlantic city laid off casino workers opening today at the convention center. it is called ac unites here. it was created for the thousands of workers who have recently lost their jobs, our steve keeley has been reporting from there, that the unemployment rate is expected to sky rocket in atlantic city to 20%, in light of all of these casino closures. the center will offer help with filing unemployment applications, signing up for health coverage, access to other state and federal resources, the egg harbor township committee hosting informational setting for all residents facing unemployment from the closing of those atlantic city casinos, and related industrials, there will be representatives from several agencies to provide guidance an assist residents
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in the areas of unemployment job training, social services and overall general information. a tough time for a lot of people in atlantic city right now. meantime 6:39. >> this isn't what this groom was thinking of when he was talking about the old ball and chain. what a waitress at his wedding reception says he did that landed him in handicuffs, possibly in front after divorce attorney. >> yes, that, as well. and could penn state trade its nittany lion for sneezey the squirrel? oh, ya. the rodent that has facebook likes that the university's the rodent that has facebook likes it makes me happy tos go on the computer.
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i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide.
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>> looking at clear skies, storms from last night are over nowment better conditions on wait for today. so county by county here we are. this morning looking at temperatures in the low to mid 60s, in bethlehem, 65, allentown, 65. and in the city, we're holding steady in the low 70s with cloud cover still around. those clouds are going to be eroding through the morning. we will look at wall-to-wall sunshine by lunchtime today. fifty-seven in ocean city. it is 73 right now in cape may. there is a look at ultimate doppler, in the last batch of showers, passed through atlantic city about couple of hours ago. we still have the clouds around. but those will clear out. so by lunch time, we call it mostly sunny sky. there is a look at fox future
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cast, no rain in the forecast, we stay dry for the next couple of days, high pressure is in control. however, the temperatures are going to stay hot. so it is sunny, hot through the afternoon, but the humidity has come down, and when you walk outside this morning, you will already notice the difference, a lot less muggy than it has been over the past couple of mornings. 87 degrees, that's going to be the high today. tip he cannily around this time of the year, temperatures sitting right at 83. so we're still trending on the high side. but we will get into those cooler temperatures, by the end of the weekend. there is a look at the seven day forecast, back up into the 90's, thursday, and friday. we stay sunny, and hot but the humidity stays low. then by saturday, front works through here. so it is going to be a hot day, but the front comes through by the evening, and that noxious down into the 70s by sunday. by the way if you are going to the eagles game sunday it, will look pretty good. plenty of sunshine around, break from the heat. so more appropriately so feeling like football weather. that's a look at your
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forecast, now a check of the traffic, and on i476, the blue route southbound off of ramp to media, swarthmore, there is an accident, the vehicles coming off the ramp will not be able to make a left to go eastbound on the baltimore pike. also, the right lane is blocked on westbound baltimore pike at 476. >> good to know, thank you. >> love the eagles weather for sunday. >> right? >> rocking! >> it is quarter of right now. there is a controversial name change for a new jersey community sent their will not happen now. >> a huge crowd turned out in willingboro last night, to address the issue at a township council meeting. now, this all started with a resolution to re-name the kennedy center the obama center. the change was approved last month but without public input. residents say they did not want the name change siting the history, and heritage that far building that was once a high school. >> it was jfk high school, now
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jnk center we were victorious. >> township agreed last night not to make a decision similar to this in the future until the public was fully aware. >> 6:45, now a story you'll see only on fox. philadelphia police searching for robbers who stole equipment used to teach kids with special needs right out of a local school. police say somebody took two flat screen tv's, four gaming consoles, six laptops, used to teach kids with autism, from the hill freedman world academy. the tow al lost close to $25,000. teachers say the loss to the student cents i shall measurable. >> there is going to be large group every kids, about 80, 90 kids, super frustrated but not have any opportunity to experience this equipment. >> why would you do that to children? like it is a shame. >> it is, really sad. police believe the robbery happened sometime over the holiday weekend, but they don't have any surveillance video. if you have any information, call police. in pittsburgh, a groom
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ends his wedding night hitched and in handicuffs. >> oh, this is too good. a 19 year old waitress who was also pregnant says the groom got, quote, a little touchy feel i with her, he even tried to pour alcohol down her throat. she is pregnant. she called her boyfriend, and when he showed up, that's when of course the fight broke out. in the end police arrested the groom, his brother, and that boyfriend. >> what a wedding night. and another flight diverted after two passengers get into a brawl over leg almost. >> this time it happened on delta flit from new york to florida over the weekends. witnesses say flit attendants tried to step in and help. >> she started swearing at the flight attendant, then demand that the flight land, the flight attendants woke up, spoke with the captain, and while somebody was walking her past to the cabin. and then few minutes later announcement came on we were diverting to jacksonville.
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went to jacksonville. police escorted amy fine off that plane they released her without incident. new video surfaces on line showing iranian woman dancing and very clearly defying strict islamic code. take a look. fox news hasn't been able to independent verify the video, but it was reportedly shot in iran. it starts off showing the woman wearing her traditional gear, her garb, which show removes while she dances, while onlookers cheer her on. this is in very clear violation of the dress code in the islamic republic of iran, where women must have their heads covered. if she is identified, from this footage, she could face punishment from the government, or the private end forester. earlier this year, a group of young iranians were aggressive and later freed after videotaping themselves dancing to the song happy by fer al williams. >> apple is denying its i
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cloud system was broached there is comes of course after nearly 100 celebrities their private photos stolen, jennifer laurence, kate upton, they were knowledge those hack. but after investigating they discovered the stars were specifically targeted, and they're continuing to work with law enforce. meanwhile apple also urged its customers use strong passwords in two step verification to protect themselves from hackers. joan rivers remains on life support. >> river's daughter melissa confirms the comedian is still ton life support. the 81 year old stopped breathing at a procedure at a doctor's office, taken to mount sinai hospital on thursday. melissa said she knows her mom would be overwelmed by the continuing outpouring every kindness. >> justin bieber, good news or bad news when say his name? >> bad always. >> another brush in with the law this weekend, kerrey, were you right, pop star arrested after allegedly crashing his atv into mini-van, at least
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his assignment was in canada. police say there was physical altercation between bieber and the other driver. his attorney says he's facing dangerous driving and assault charges. bieber released and will arrive in court later this morning. meanwhile, being err -- bieber still on probation for egg ago home in los angeles. >> snoop dog is a wedding crasher. and we've got the pictures to prove it. the rapper happened to be at a chicago hotel where a wedding was taking place over the weaken. the wed egg photographer said snoop and the photograph her a great conversation. he just kind of happened across and jumped in and -- >> see, if you have invite to that wedding, i just don't want to go that wed being and you don't go, you would be kicking yourself because snoop dog showed up. >> but how long was they? >> he was there, though. hey, we're going to be there in quakertown, in just a few minute, as good day gang has arrived, taken the show on the
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road yet again. mike, alex, this is going to be so fun. >> oh, ya. real quickly, just did the justin bieber story, he's a tool. so alex holley is so nice, she showed up twice. how about this? >> double your pleasure. >> who are you? >> i'm on tonette. >> who are you? where do you work? >> american heritage. >> oh, i need some money. come over, meet the real alex holley. >> i'm here, there, everywhere. >> okay. go on over here. >> my gosh, so keel. >> there is three of me. >> because it is day three of the alex holley welcome to quakertown. hi, quakertown high school. >> hey. >> this is one of the best marching bands in the country. so we're going to showcase them today in a little bit. we got the cheerleaders over here, smile. there you go. >> hey, ladies. >> and the football season coming, fire department is out. i don't know what the sign says. anyway we've shutdown broad
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street alex. >> completely shutdown. this is so exciting. it will be a fun morning. >> heck ya. so right at third and broad right now, but so come out here, we'll show the start in about eight minutes. >> we need to go to quakertown more often. >> yes. >> we love quakertown. and they love you. fun. good morning inch go, good morning, 51:00, weather on the one's. >> the sun is coming up there in quakertown, at 66 degrees, mild morning. and the clouds are clearing out after the rain that we saw last night. we have some pretty good thunderstorms that moved through the area. all dry, 73 in the city, winds coming out of the north-northwest, refreshing conditions, still hot today. but humidity much lower. and when you step outside, you will notice the difference. that is lock at the seven day, stays hot for the rest of the work week. ninety-one on thursday, 09 on friday, front rolls through saturday, stay in the 90s, but
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by sunday 78 degrees. that means, game time, eagles, looking good. 1:00 o'clock there, temperatures will be in the 70s, a little bit more appropriate for this time of the year. a look at the werth, let's get a check of the traffic. i476, the blue route southbound off ramp to media swarthmore, there is an accident, the vehicle, coming off the ramp will not be able to make vehicles coming off the ramp won't be able to make a left to go eastbound on the bamm more pike. we'll be right back with more
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♪ ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather?
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for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls.
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penn state student gaining internet fame, as a squirrel whisperer, for befriends being g, freezing, dressing up, furry friends she named sneezy. mary said she is able to dress up the squirrel in party hats, or get sneeze toy hold doll size props by feeding the animal. chronicles in facebook page titled sneezy the penn state squirrel. so far that squirrel is proving really popular. in fact, facebook says that that one has more likes than the page dedicated to the school's official mascot. of course the nittany lion. many kids first day back to school this week, taking a look at your pictures, tweet
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us, we love seeing these. so, here's heaven on her first day of fourth grade today. >> tweet us hashtag, fox 29 back to school. love the red dress. >> good day philadelphia is next. taking the show on the road. alex, mike, sue, hanging out in quakertown today. you can see they are setting up the street right now, it is pack, they've shutdown broad street. stop by, say hi, be there all morning
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were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy.
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this is "good day philadelphia". ♪ this is so cool. >> are you all right? >> we didn't hurt anybody. >> alex, what do you think about this? >> this is a day. wow. >> you can tell bucks county loves you already. >> and we love them. my goodness. >> thank you so much. you guys have shutdown broad street. this is how you shut it down. >> what a great bands. >> yes, thank you. >> great cheerleaders. >> you know, they have freshmen on the cheerleading squad. how is that allowed? so welcome to our show. and thank you for welcoming us, big time. now by the end of the show,
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you know, we will gun in the hot air balloon. >> oh, you just told the secret. >> i want the people to know. >> that's true. >> thank you all. >> thank you, everybody. >> sue? sue, where are you? >> alex, mike, not only have they rolled out the red carpet, they rolled out the red bagsment look at these personalized bag, women coming us to quakertown, alex holley, and good day, from miss cindy school of dance. celebrating today. her 35th anniversary, look at that, they are practicing right now, they'll be dancing for us, those high step ers. and they got these red bags, they just -- made just for us. i'm overwelmed. it is crazy, amazing here in quakertown, so we will meet as many of you as we can, i don't think anybody's at home in quakertown today. but just in case you are, it is 66 degrees, when you walk out the door. let's check our number for the day. happily it is a higher number than it was yesterday. we had five's on monday, tuesday, well, today, it is