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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  October 1, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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sabre about an hour ago on the 3100 block of north 15th street. we have just learned the boy has died from his injuries. police say the driver did stay on the scene and no drugs or alcohol were involved. >> also breaking, a stunning find in the death of cooper health systems ceo and his wife. investigators now say the fire at his home was intentionally set. >> their bodies were discover sunday and people throughout area have been dealing with heartbreak an lot of questions ever since. good evening and thanks for joining us i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy nolan. details in that fire just coming out a short time ago. fox 29's jenn for joyce is live at cooper university hospital tonight. what do you know, jennifer? >> reporter: well, good evening, lucy. the somerset county prosecutor' office is calling this an exhaustive investigation and as you mentioned, today they made a ruling of arson in regards to a fire at the home of cooper university health systems ceo john sheridan and his wife joyce. the couple was found dead insi inside. investigators say fire crews and
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police respond to do a 911 call sunday morning around 6:15 alerting them of a fire at the sheridan's home on meadow run drive. the fire was contained to the upstairs master bedroom where both john and joyce were found unresponsive. the 72 year old president of cooper hospital was dead at the scene and 69 year old wife was pronounced at the hospital. now, three days later, the fire has been ruled arson. cooper university health carey leased this statement saying "we are saddened and shocked by what has been reported about the death of john sheridan and his wife joyce. their deaths already unbelievably sad are now tragic. our deepest condolences go out to john and joyce's family for their terrible loss ". investigators say the causes of death have not yet been determined pending lab results and reiterate that this is an active investigation. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, jennifer. a busy evening we're
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following another breaking story are the now. secret service director julia pearson resigns a mid serious security lapses at the the white house. this resignation comes one day after her appearance before the house oversight and government reform committee. the committee grilled pearson on how a man was able to jump a fence and make the it all the way inside the white house with a knife. that man fled not guilty in court today. pearson spent 30 years with the secret service. she became director in 2013 and administration officials had hoped she could overhaul the scandal plagued agency. >> happening now, the ebola epp depth mick reaching far behind the african continent. a patient in texas tests positive for ebola while on american soil. this news continues to sing in, we learned today of some troubling questions about what happened the first time that patient showed up to a hospital. fox news john roberts has the latest on the case from outside the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta. >> reporter: fox news has not confirmed his identity but the
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ap reports thomas eric duncan remains in isolation at a dallas hospital after testing positive for ebola on tuesday. the patient traveling to the area from liberia last month becoming critically ill a few days later. ebola isn't contagious until symptoms are present but health officials don't believe there's a risk of an outbreak here. >> this virus is not transmitted by the air. the not transmitted by the wat water. it is transmitted by direct contact with an individual. >> reporter: cdc and others are working to track down every person the patient could possibly have infected. there's also concern over the time between when he first went to the hospital and was sent home only to be brought back in an ambulance two days later. the patient did tell a nurse he was recent until west africa but the entire care team was not aware of that fact during the initial visit. >> regretfully, that information was not fully communicated throughout the full team. and as a result, the full import of that information wasn't
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factored into the clinical decision making. >> reporter: it's not yet known how the man contracted ebola while in west of a forty three casm the situation in the region remains dire with over 3,000 deaths so far. un representative says, the world needs to do more in liberia. the country hardest hit by the virus. i bowl la needs to be tackled here or it will be on everyone else's doorstep. >> cdc and us military personnel are on the ground in west africa doing all they can to try to contain the outbreak. at the cdc in atlanta, john roberts, fox news. >> doctors are also monitoring five children who officials say had contact with the infected patient over the past weekend. now after that, they went back to class at four different schools and so far officials say they show no symptoms of ebola. now in just a few minutes we'll take you live to dallas for a first hand look at the impact. in the meantime keep checking for updates. we'll post the very latest information right on our home
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page. torments night the centers for disease control confirms four more cases of enterovirus d68 in new jersey bringing the total number of cases in the garden state to seven. the new patients ages range from one to nine years old. they are in the hospital for treatment. the respiratory illness comes with symptoms like coughing, runny nose, sneezing an low grade fever. doctors say children should wash their hands often to prevent infection. >> to a developing story that we've been following. the tragic death of a pennsylvania state trooper 26 year old trooper david kedra died yesterday investigators sea he was accidentally shot during a training exercise. tonight fellow officers are remembering their fallen colleague much it is the second time in three weeks pennsylvania state police are mourning the loss of one of their own. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at the montgomery county public safety training complex in conshohocken. dave? >> reporter: lucy, the investigation into exactly what happened here yesterday afternoon is still underway by the pennsylvania state police
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and the montgomery county district attorney's office but today was a day of mourning for the state police over a young man who was just proud to be a state trooper. >> he was an excellent trooper, and a great individual. >> reporter: the flag flew at half staff over the skippack state police barrack wednesday following the death of 26 year old state trooper david kedra tuesday afternoon during a firearms training session. >> extremely enthusiastic trooper. he was highly motivated and you could tell every single day he walked in. >> reporter: the trooper worked here for over year after joining the state police in ju june 2012. he was assigned to troop k, well liked and admired by his fellow troopers. >> this kid loves his job, and with that kind of attitude, you're determined and bound to be a great state trooper. >> reporter: trooper kedra was shot in the chest during firearms training exercise at the montgomery county public safety training complex in west conshohocken around 5:00 tuesday afternoon. sources confirm he was accidentally shot by a state
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police training instructor during a class exercise on the new six hour handgun. >> i couldn't believe i got the phone call. phone call you never want to receive, and it's difficult. it's very difficult. >> shocked, shocked. someone so young and full of so much promise, just -- everybody is still numb. >> reporter: the trooper was also mourned wednesday at roman catholic high school where he garaged in 2006 an honor roll student and cross country track athlete. he also graduated from temple's criminal justice program. >> he seemed like someone who was made to serve. >> it was an honor to work with him and we're all sorry that this incident occurred and he's no longer with us. >> reporter: now trooper kedra survived by his parents, fiance', two brothers and a sister. he was voted trooper of the month just six months on the job back in july 2013. he is the 96th member of the state police to lose his life in the line of duty. lucy?
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>> thatching dave. your fox 29 weather authority now. let's hop outside take a live look at center too. it's another cool night and it's gorgeous outside. more chances for some rain possibly for some folks. chief meteorologist scott williams what do you have on tap? >> hi, lucy. right now the month of october has begun on a pretty mild and pleasant note. i have this camera zoomed in across the street. you can see the leaves have already begun to somewhat start to change colors and that is typical for the month of october. the peak foliage viewing for our area typically the latter part of the month. but right now it's 71 degrees the sun will set this evening at 6:43. and as we talk a little bit about the pattern right now, we're watching an area of low pressure off the coast of new england and it's bringing in scattered clouds but most of us are dry. look at the temperatures upper 60s by 7:00 o'clock as we move toward 9:00 mid 6060s. low 60s cool conditions for 11:00 o'clock and then overnight there could be some pockets of drizzle. but right now, pretty quiet but
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our next system is out to the we have. showers thunderstorms even a severe thunderstorm watch and tornado watch for parts of missouri. coming up we'll the timing of that system, when to expect some rain for a part of the weekend as well as a push of some fall air headed our way. back to you, iain and lucy. >> scott, thank you. the red cross is helping 12 people who lost their homes after a fire in atlantic city. firefighters say it broke out and side a consignment shot on atlantic avenue just after 10:00 last night. because of the wind it quickly spread to three other buildings. two of them partially collapsed. fortunately, no one was hurt. new information tonight about the possible future of atlantic cities revel kaseen knowledge the canadian company that won a bankruptcy court auction for the revel plans to reopen it as a casino hotel. a bankruptcy court hearing to approve the $10 million sale to brook field us holdings is scheduled for october 7th. two year old revel casino one of four in atlantic city that went out of business this year.
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mid winter brook field u.s. owns other casinos including the hard rock in las vegas and atlantis paradise island in the bahamas. >> welcome to new area in philadelphia. possessing an ounce or less of marijuana in philly is no longer a serious criminal offense. mayor nutter signed a bill into law this afternoon that makes history. philly is now the largest us city you can carry that amount of pot and not end up serving time in jail. >> i do not take these actions today lightly. it comes at a time when many other jurisdictions across america municipalities and states are re-examining and changing their approach to enforcement of marijuana laws. >> the mayor also said the city is beginning an out reach campaign to educate people about the impact of marijuana use and where to get help to overcome the habit. it is a trashy problem in north philadelphia tonight. >> imagine living in this. just take a look. mounds of garbage piling up in an apartment complex. why residents say it is not
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being cleaned up and we're work to go get results. >> and a brutal beating on an arizona bus. the driver pummeled with punches. how the suspect's own brother helped police make an arrest. later it started out as the type of story we report all too often. a missing boy, his loved one desperate to find him, how a reporter covering the story helped bring a family back together. howard? >> all right. so what's the biggest issue for the eagles getting the offense going? the eagles lesean mccoy was not too happy answering that question today. was not too happy answering that question today. that's coming up in sports.
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i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families.
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>> breaking news into florida murder trial tonight. a jury has found a florida man guilty of first degree murder for shooting and killing a teen after an argument over loud music. this happened outside a jackso jacksonville convenience store. prosecutors say michael dunn shot with intent to kill when he fired 10 times into an suv carrying 17 year old jordan davis and three of his friends in november of 2012. du inform inform testified that he thought his life was in danger. fallout continues from the first diagnosis of ebola in the u.s. today. we learned several children may have been exposed and that's just one of today's unsettling revelations. fox's natalie sole lease is live outside texas health presbyterian health hospital in dallas where the patient is in isolation tonight. >> reporter: the patient was upgrade critical to serious condition and we're learning about his circle of contact. up to 18 people we know that
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includes five children that were living at the home where he was staying. those children attend several different schools. they now are at home being monitored. we also learned today from a hospital official that this man was asked by a nurse when he first came in, his first visit, if he had traveled to west africa. he acknowledged that he did. the hospital says unfortunately that information was not shared with the rest of the care staff. right now, their priority taking care of this man the first ebola patient. as well as keeping a very close eye on all of those people that he came into contact with. they want to make sure they don't develop symptoms like a fever. if they do, they will go into strict isolation. iain. >> fox's natalie sole lease in dallas for us tonight. thank you. >> of course in the meantime keep checking our website for updates. we'll post them the latest information right there for you on the home page. >> armed man holds up a local hoagie shot and police are after
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him. he robbed subway shop on the 5700 block of baltimore avenue in cobbs creek. it happened just after 9:30 monday morning. police say he made off with cash and the clerk's iphone. >> a two year old boy in delaware remains in critical condition tonight after shooting himself in the head. the shooting happened yesterday morning in claymont. police say the toddler somehow got a hold of a gun inside of his home. the delaware attorney general's office is reviewing the case to determine whether to file charges. fox 29 is getting results tonight in north philadelphia. how would you like to live right next door to all of this? mounds of smelly trash overflowing dumpsters at a north philadelphia housing complex. frustrating residents called our bruce gordon looking for answers and some relief, and bruce is live at the woodstock mutual homes tonight in north philadelphia. bruce? >> reporter: yeah, iain, around 100 occupied units the doesn't take long for the trash to start to overflow when the collection schedule is for some
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reason interrupted. well that's exactly what has happened here at woodstock and the residents, they're not none too happy. long-time residents say woodstock mutual home used that be nice place. over the past 30 plus years, they've seen a steady decline in conditions. >> it's like horrible. who wants to be -- i don't even want to live here now. >> look at the trash. it's not getting picked up. >> reporter: residents told us trash is supposed to be picked up here on an almost daily basis by a private contractor. but they claim they haven't seen anyone come by for well over a week. the result, mountains of garbage at all four dumpster locations. >> it's not safe. it's just a mess. i think it's ridiculous that we have to live like this. no one should have to live like this. >> i have two children. >> reporter: you let them play outside. >> i don't let my children come outside because there's more rats and raccoons outside than anything and i feel unsafe for my children to be outside. >> reporter: woodstock is a co-op residents pay for a share of the 108 unit property. then pay monthly fees that are
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subsidized by the federal department of house and urban development. residents told us there are lots of problems here. few of which are addressed by the property manager. on this day, residents were set to meet with a hud project manager to address their concerns. we intercepted carolyn anastasia when she arrived. >> i'm here to visit with the tenants and get all their complaints so we can do something about it. including the trash that's been piling up for trash. >> including the trash. >> the trash has been piling up for a number of days now. we call the phone number and told hud is concerned about conditions at woodstock and expects the property manager to meet standards of off tee and cleanliness. residents say those standards are not being met. >> when you look at these dumpsters you look at this mess what goes through your mind. pitt full, disgraced. >> reporter: we could not get a comment from the property manager, but hud assures they are in touch with the manager to demand some answers. and they say they will be in
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touch very shortly with the trash hauler to find out the status of their contract with this complex and to see if that hauler or another can get out here, clean up this mess quote immediately. iain, we will be watching. >> reporter: bruce, i know you will. thank you. if you've got an issue you'd like fox 29 month help you get results with, it's easy. just head to our website, click on the news link and send us an e-mail. >> news breaking right now out of texas. let's go there live life. this is a live look at the naval air station joint reserve base. this is in fort worth. the base we understand is on a partial lock down after an unauthorized car somehow made it on to the base. it happened right around 3:00 this afternoon local time. we do not have lot of details right now about what exactly is going on. where the car may be. what kind of threat level it posts. however, you understand that the bases is on lock down they think something is going on. they need to figure it out right now. we'll continue to follow this and bring you updates when they become available. >> let's go back to your fox 29
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weather authority right now. the chances for rain apparently they're out of here but the cooler temperatures they're still here. i kind of like it, scott williams. >> lucy, if you like the cool temperatures now, wait until the next several days because we have some of the coolest air this season on its way toward our area. right now, the satellite and radar showing just scattered clouds across our area. most of the rainfall well to the north around sections of new england. it's ban pretty damp and dreary day for the boston area and as we continue in time, we'll watch some of that activity pinwheel back toward the area but anticipating a mainly dry evening for most. low 70s in philadelphia right now. low 60s as we move into the poke neck mountains. 66 degrees in wildwood as well as atlantic city. so for tonight we'll call it movely cloudy. temperatures bottom out in the upper 50s for the city. low 50s for the suburbs. there could be patchy fog her perhaps drizzle developing late tonight. but you can see here's that area of low pressure pulling away. we'll have a lull in between systems but take a look at the
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next system taking shape in the midwest. we'll have the timing of that. when to expect rain as well as that cool autumn chill on the way. iain and lucy. >> scott, thank you. >> police say they found the man you see in this surveillance video brutally beating a bus driver. how social media and the suspect's brother helped police makmake an arrest. >> working long hours is not healthy. how your job could be raising your risk for diabetes. >> and just one month into their marriage a woman loses her memory. how her husband used their wedding pictures to bring it how her husband used their wedding pictures to bring it back.
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ah! how her husband used their wedding pictures to bring it back. come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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>> an arizona police arrest a man wanted for brutally beat ago phoenix bus driver. the september 8th attack all caught on surveillance video. 27 year old robert white had been on the run sin the beating. police say roberts was upset with the driver because he stopped the bus next to a puddle. that's when he demanded the driver move forward but the driver did not and police say that's when he went off and
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started beating the driver who is now talking about what happened. >> i kind of forgive him but he needs to do some time. if he does this to me, he might do it to somebody else he needs to learn his lesson that you can't go around doing this to people. >> the beating left the driver with a concussion and cuts all over. suspect faces aggravated assault charge. >> wife of suburban los angeles mayor being questioned after she admitted to the deadly shooting of her husband. daniel crespo was shot inside his home. police say crespo and his wife were fighting when their 19 year old son tried to break it up and just shortly thereafter police say the mayor's wife grabbed a gun and shot her husband several times. >> during their argument in their bedroom, their 19 year old son daniel, jr., tried to intervene, and we do know that the father daniel, sr., became physical with his son. early reports are he punched him
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in the face. >> crespo and his wife were high school sweethearts who married back in 1986. prosecutors are now deciding whether to file charges. >> in hong kong protesters are warning if top officials do not resign by tomorrow, they plan to step up their actions including occupying several government buildings. the protesters oppose beijing' decision that candidates for the 2017 elections must get approval from committee mostly beijing elites. student protest leaders say they know by raising the stakes they are risking violent retaliation from police. these protests began last friday. >> you know with the constant selfies and social mode ya updates, it may seem like today's young people now i feel like my grandma, you young folks are pretty self centered some people think. >> but there's a new study that suggest that's not necessarily the case. wait until you hear there that. plus day 18 the search for eric free accused of gunning down a pennsylvania state trooper. how lives have now changed for hunters in the area. >> first, though, bombshell
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developments in the nation's capital today as the head of the secret service announces she is stepping down. the neck step in over hauling the way our president is prote th[ male announcer ] tomcat bait kills up to 12 mice, faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik!
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hey, agnar! what's up with you? funny you ask. i'm actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. ♪ [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill.
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>> breaking news. skyfox over a tragic accident in
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philadelphia's nicetown tioga neighborhood. police say a six year old boy was hit by a brown buick will he sabre on the 3600 block of north 15th street. this happened shortly after 4:00 p.m. we have learned the boy has died from his injuries. police say the driver did stay at the scene and no drugs or alcohol were involved. >> meanwhile, secret service director julia pearson resigned from her job after a series of presidential security breaches tarnished her reputation. >> my emmanuel explains why pearson almost had no choice but to step down. >> reporter: secret service director julia pearson stepped down today a mid a series of embarrassing mistake made by the agency. pearson a 30 year secret service veteran submitted her resignation to homeland security secretary jay johnson and also spoke with president obama by phone in which he thanked her for her service. >> and the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was require. >> reporter: move comes a day after a contentious hearing on capitol hill over how an armed man managed to jump the white house fence and enter the
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executive mansion last month. lawmakers seemed unimpressed with her explanations and one by one they came out expressing doubts about her leadership and called for her resignation. many on the hill are also calling for the department of homeland security to conduct a top to bottom review by an outside panel mainly looking at the secret service's culture and tactics. >> i do think we need an overhaul both policy wise and culturally. >> reporter: omar gonzalez plead not guilty to charges related to jumping the white house fence with a knife. another black mark coming to light the disclose insures that an armed private security contractor who had prior arrests for assault and battery shared an elevator with president obama just two weeks ago. white house press secretary says there's not a timetable for selecting a permanent replace many for julia pearson. in the meantime, retired agent joseph clancy will serve as an acting director of the secret service. in washington, mike emmanu emmanuel, fox news. >> northeastern pennsylvania hunting and trapping is now
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banned in seven townships while the search continues for the suspect in the deadly ambush of two state troopers. this week investigators found explosives they believe the man they're after eric frein left behind. they found two pipe bombs in the woods where they think he's hiding. so now state officials banned hunting and trapping on all public and private land in the seven townships in pike and monroe counties. tomorrow will mark three weeks that authorities have been trying to hunt down frein. >> philadelphia police want to catch a concierge accused of burglary in girard estates. leonard burton work at the west apartments on the 200 block of south 15th street. police say video shows him stealing numerous items from inside an apartment. the stolen items worth $7,800. and a judge has now issued a warrant for the 51 year old's arrest. a $2 a pack tax on cigarettes in philadelphia is now in effect. the money generated would go to the citi' cash strapped school district. school officials say the new tax
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will pump about $83 million into philadelphia schools every year. >> republican governor tom corbett and his democratic challenger tom wolf went head to head in a heated debate this morning sparks flu during their meeting at a philadelphia tv and radio station. the hot button issues, the budget budget, taxes and funding for the city's cash strapped schools. at times the pair even talked over each other and challenged each other' statements. >> so you obviously, you know, clipped the books to look like it was balanced it wasn't. there's real concerns about this budget as to whether when you get to -- >> you say cook the books. >> yeah. it doesn't -- you're accusing me of a criminal act? i'm a cushion you of over estimating what the revenues were going to be in last year's budge. we were $700 million short. >> we came out, we balanced it on books. the revenue did not come in but that's happened in many administrations in the past. you know, but -- but you
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also had -- >> governor said he did manage to balance the budget on the books. today's round table debate loud the candidates to discuss key issues without a time limit of traditional debate format. the election by the way is november 4th. >> the race to become homecoming king and queen in high school is usually known as the bit of a popularity contest. but for one local high school it's taking on new meaning. cane gomez a senior the a glasgow high school and one of the newest members of the homecoming court. he is one of four candidates for king and he says he's not your typical pick. cane has asberger's syndrome he's on the autism spectrum. and he says he's using his campaign to spread awardness boutade order and other students with disabilities and his campaign comes with a bonus for him. >> i hang up moo posters and announced for, um, homecoming court, and people have been congratulating me. people i never even scene befo before. >> the race for king has turned into family affair with his twin brother also up for the crown.
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tonight at 10:00 the road to homecoming coronation transformed into a lesson in not only acceptance but also in embracing our differences. and you can see cane's story tonight right after a new episode of hell's kitchen and red band society. all right. so you watch what you eat. you exercise all the time. but could something that you're doing still be putting you at risk for diabetes? >> how your job could be raising your risk. and just one month into their marriage woman loses her memory. how her husband used their wedding pictures to bring it all back. >> and coming up at 6:00 do you remember this guy here little logan phelps? he's the local boy raising money for new zest hearing aids at his lemonade stan. his family just posted some great news on facebook. that is coming up and right now, scott. hi, lucy. well it's wednesday but we're already thinking ahead and planning for the up coming weekend. it will feature some rain but it will ab washout? also the it will feature some rain but it will ab washout? also the timing of a cool push of fal
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i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families.
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>> look at your health news now. could your job be putting you at risk for diabetes? dr. oz
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explains the new link between what you do and how you feel. ♪ no surprise that long hours on the job can take toll on your health. but a new report found that men and women who work more than 55 hours a week more than a third more likely to develop diabetes. increased risk was specific to those working physically demanding jobs. including manual laborers and it wasn't just here in the us. that serious long hour toll was also seen by researchers at workers in europe and japan and australia and all they show the same thing. the cause for that increased risk wasn't clear. one possible reason simply be the lack of time for healthy behaviors like relaxation and proper sleep. this isn't the first time we've seen a link between occupation and diabetes risk. previous research shown shift work also increases risk for me this study major implications for the strategies we use to prevent diabetes. reducreducing risk some just abt controlling obesity.
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the also about putting measures in place to ensure health and well-being especially for those doing physically demanding jobs. >> be sure to watch dr. oz right here every weekday on fox 29 at 1:00 p.m. you know the saying a picture is worth a thousand words. one man from new york is hoping that really is the case. >> he's using photos to help jog his wife's memory. here's what happened. tow knee is a hall went to the hospital in july thinking shed a bad headache. it turns out she was hemorrhaging around her brain. her husband raleigh soon realized that hemorrhage wiped out all of her recent memories and that included their wedding day. so he's hoping to bring the all back through photos. >> after two days, i said i got to do something. >> i remember that my husband was going around the room putting up the pictures. i don't know why he was putting up the pictures but i was just watching him. >> she started coming around, and it drew questions about, you
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know, when we were married, are we married? >> wow! the couple was married for just one month when the tragedy struck. doctors say the photos are indeed helping her remember thing. raleigh is recording artist by the way and he wrote about the experience and surprised his wife with a song. iain doesn't this sound like one of several hollywood movies? >> like -- ooh read the notebook. >> i didn't see the movie. a great book. >> the list goes on. we wish them all the best. absolutely. >> you have kids, i have kids. yes. >> my kids do the selfie thing all the time. they have this obsession with selfies and facebook posts and weather posts. the whole thing. some think today's young people may be they're more self center. that's what they them knew study suggests that is not necessarily the case. a boy goes missing. his family desperate for clues. luckily for them an observant tv reporter was on the case. tonight the boy is back home. the amazing story coming up. howard? >> i see lucy take selfies, too, come on now.
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let's own up to it. >> howard! >> so do you. >> what's the problem with the running game for the eagles? don't ask that question of eagles run back lesean mccoy. but did he get the question today.
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>> thousands of students take to the streets in havana cuba calling on the us to free three of their country men from pris prison. the three men are all part of a group known as the cuban five. us authorities arrested them in 1998 and they are still in prison in the us on charges of spying and other illegal
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activities. three massachusetts youngsters are charged with assaulting a teen and then posting a video of it on snap chat. the father one of the teens is facing charges of trying to cover it all up. timothy sakowski could face prison time for his role in the sex assault and kidnapping of a 16 year old girl. but it's his father matthew who ended up behind bars. police say he destroyed the phone allegedly used to record the assault and up load it to snap chat. >> why did you try to cover up -- >> i did not. >> anything to say? >> no comment. >> i moon this was heinous crime. why would you help cover this up, sir? >> they say his son was recognized by friend of the victim who gave police images of the assault from the app. >> missing florida boy has a happy reunion with his family after a tv news reporter covering his story actually found him. >> thank you jesus! >> you see the joy and the relief right there. that was reunion as police brought 10 year old paul fagan
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home. he disappeared last thursday. the reporter found him. he found that little boy standing alone by a fence in the neighborhood. he had been away from home for 14 hours. paul's father is also thankful he's home safe and sound tonig tonight. >> like a wonderful joy. like you saw him first being born. i love him. that's all i can say. i love him. >> the boy's father and his grandmother have custody of him. the family says he has a mild learning disability but he's never disappeared before. the boy reportedly told police he needed quote space from his brother. >> it's happened again. police say someone is stealing luggage from sky harbor airport in phoenix. surveillance video caught two people snatching bags last month. now they say it happened again yesterday. according to police the thieves park at the curb, they walk in, choose three bags off the carousel then walk back to your car and drive off.
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some passengers say they're not too worried. >> you never travel -- i've been traveling over that's right years and i haven't had it happen yet. >> knock on wood. >> yeah, knock on wood. >> police say in both incidents the men are very casual about their crime. airport officials say it's best to always get to the carousel as soon as possible to wait for your bags. >> i had three bags stolen all at one tile. never did get them back. anyhow selfies and constant inn is it a grams may make the younger generation seem like narcissists. i don't think that. but it's a prevalent enough thought that researchers well they decided to look into it. what did they find? that is not true at all. the study says today's young people donate half their income to charity. researchers at oxford university surveyed 2,000 people born since 1982. 66% say they would donate half their salary to a good cause. one in 10 have left jobs to actually create charitable businesses and many say they're quite worried about fixing issues in their local communities. a prestigious award for
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philadelphia's reading terminal market named one of the 10 great public spaces in america for 2014. the award comes from the american planning associate. the market was cited for character, quality planning, cultural and history achievement i know someone who looks a place a lot and here's our chief meteorologist scott williams. >> i'm right there with you, scott. i know that you're a foodie and they -- i can spend all day. >> you and me both. i love the place. >> yeah. >> it doesn't matter what the weather is it's always beautiful and side. as long as you're eating, right? (laughter). >> let's talk about this weather right now. it's the first day of october and take look at the leaves outside of our studios. they've already begun to change a bit. that's because those nights are getting longer. the days are getting shorter and those temperatures will be cooling down as well. 71 degrees right now in philadelphia. the sun will set this evening it blends in with the trees at si sick 43:00. let's talk little bet about the satellite and radar because we
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have scattered clouds across the area right now. not anticipating any rainfall most of the rainfall today well into the north and east of us. but 73 degrees that was the high for today. the low this morning was 63. the normal this time of year is 72 degrees. so 1 degree above average today. 66 right now in atlantic city. low 70s in dover. 70 in pottstown. low 60s right now toward the pocono mountains and low 70s in reading as well as lancaster. let's tack about the system leaving us and you can see right now spinning around new england, damp and drearier day for bost boston. in between, we're dry and quiet. so thursday looking pretty good. friday looks pretty good as well. but here's our next system out toward parts of the midwest. picking up some intensity as well as some rainfall and rain will be a part of our weekend forecast. so once again, tomorrow's dry. let's advance the clock to friday. friday morning, dry and quiet as we move toward friday afternoon and evening for your plans no
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rainfall expected. friday night, here the clock at 11:00 p.m. if you'll be out late still looking dry. not until after midnight that we start to watch that rain move toward our area impacting the first part of the day on your saturday with cloud cover, rain. it could be heavy at times and perhaps even a rumble of thunder but then it gets out of here. so once again our next best chance for rainfall saturday morning with that front but behind that front, we're talking about a cool push of some fall air and temperatures will be diving only into the 60s for high temperatures so timing that fall chill it's a big dip in the jet stream. we call this a trough and you can see the blues as well as the green that will be headed in our direction dropping those temperatures well below average for both saturday as well as sunday. so for tonight, mostly cloudy a little bit of drizzle. late maybe some patchy fog. 50s for low temperatures. then tomorrow, we'll call it partly sunny. it will be dry and mild.
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74 degrees will be the high temperature for tomorrow once again a few degrees above average give or take. as far as friday, sun to clouds. 74 degrees for the high temperature and friday will be dry. but early saturday morning until about lunch too many we have that window for some rainfall and temperatures only in the 60s for highs saturday. 64 on sunday. chilly for the eagles game. >> that's good to play football in. >> it's not chilly much the football weather. that's all it is. get the sports right who are. (laughter). >> the eagles they better get it right, too eagles face the st. louis rams as seven-point favor are the on sunday at the linc. linebacker michael kendricks will not play again this sunday for the eagles dan the rams head coach jeff if you shore said his starting quarterback wok austin davis for the remainder of the season. i'm in the sure that's a problem for the eagle. one problem would be the eagles they've addressed this week at practice it's the running game. they need to get one going again
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with lesean mccoy on sun today after the gap mccoy was not talkative when addressing the problem. on monday he blew off his radio show because he really didn't want to address the questions there either. what do you think the first question today was for mccoy? >> what's going on with running game? >> here it goes. >> what does lesean think the problem is. >> executing. you know, executing, getting the guys on each other. getting the backs one of our match ups. >> chip kelly thinks he knows part of the problem. >> we're not blocking very well at wide receiver, offensive line, tight end. you look at our production in the run game it's not where it should be so it's not -- there's not one specific area. i think everybody from a blocking standpoint needs to improve. >> but one thing won't change. >> i'm confident in my game. i mean, i know who i am. >> the team thats we play they
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know what type of player i am. that doesn't bother me. i can answer the reason why we can't get the running game going. i'm not going to. i'm not going to fight that battle. >> he doesn't want to answer the question. big issue the offense suv line. now one of the other issues was the passing game last sunday. jeremy maclin did get a lot of passes thrown his way but only four receptions the. it wasn't more than just the running game in that last game. 14 times eagles targeted jeremy maclin on sunday. you need to have more than four catches. so what needs to be fixed is more than just one or two areas, maclin put a different perspective on that today. when you win, it's never as good as you thought it was or when you lose it's never as bad as you thought it was. so obviously you got to be very -- gout to be very coachable in those situation so we go back and look at film. yeah, there's a lot of stuff we messed up. but there were plays that we made. >> we'll start off coverage of goals and rams with fox 29 "game day live" at 11:00 live at the
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linc followed by fox nfl sun today at noon. can be you've is 1:00 and we'll wrap up the game with post game report at 4:30. >> tonight the national league wild card game season france at pittsburgh. the wild card game is a one game elimination and last night in the american league it was a wild game. to kansas city. kansas city was buried. they were down seven-three late in the game. ninth inning down one. a steel on third base. that's gut. that let to a having chris face fly that tied it up at seven. twelfth the as had the game again. two in the 12th. cap can city wins it nine-eight and they move on -- care phil what you ask for playing the angels the best team in baseball. nonetheless that's good for the people -, that's good for them. >> 29 years since they've been in the playoffs. >> good for them. >> that's exactly right. >> thank you howard. all new at 6:00 beloved family pet is back home tonight but a lot of questions remain unanswered.
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the surprisin surprising persons he found the dog and how he says he did just that. >> plus making sure history does not repeat itself. the new plan being tried out to make sure local kids don't miss as much school as they did during this pas
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>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> we are on top of breaking news right now. one answer but a lot more questions in the death of cooper health systems ceo and his wife. firefighters discovered their bodies sunday after they put out
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a fire at their home and tonight investigators have announced someone set that fire on purpose. good evening, i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. let's get straight out to fox 29's jennifer joyce. she is live at cooper university hospital tonight with the late latest. jennifer? >> reporter: well iain within the last half hour, i talk to the attorney who is acting as the spokesperson for john and joyce sheridan's four adult sons and news of the alleged arson surfaces attorney tom wilson says "no one is more eager to fine out everything related to the couple's death than they are". cooper university health systems ceo john sheridan and his wife joyce were found unresponsive inside their home sunday morning after fire crews were called to put out a fire in the couple's master bedroom. investigators say they were called to the sheridan's home on meadow run drive around sic sick 15:00 a.m. the fire was contained to the upstairs master bedroom where both john and joyce were found.