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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  October 3, 2014 3:00am-4:01am EDT

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fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of aweso awesome. >> right now we are on top of breaking news. a deadly stabbing near drexel university. police tell us a 57 year old man died in the 3200 of summer street a few blocks from drexel campus. investigator it's say he was arguing with another nan his 50's before he was stabbed several times just before 8:00 this evening. two women were also in the house writ happened. a three year old was asleep at the time. police have arrested a suspect. and right now, new fears about ebola in the u.s. with new frightening details about the patient in dallas. tonight close to 100 people are now being monitored aft coming into contact with him as we learn he may have lied about exposure to the deadly disease before leaving avenue of a forty three a good evening, i'm iain page.
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>> i'm lucy noland. airports are scrambling to calm passengers now afraid to fly. our chris o'connell is now philadelphia international airport. they are already prepared, chris. >> reporter: as they're hoping they're prepared, lucy. over 4 million inbound are international passengers come through philadelphia international airport. that is why philly is one of 20 airports nationwide where the cdc has started up a quarantine station here at the airport just in case a passenger here is infected with ebola or another infectious disease. four airports on three continents. that is how the ebola virus made it on to u.s. soil. now, some air passengers are concerned about their next international flight. frank, just arrived from kenya in east africa. he says all of the passengers on his plane were screened and asked travel questions before boarding. >> what kinds of questions did they ask you before you boarded the plane? >> they ask me whether you are
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exposed to ebola. report roar centers for disease control says ebola can only spread through direct bodily fluids. so the chances of catching the virus even sitting next to someone on a plane who is infected is minimal. >> i think it's a legitimate concern. >> reporter: george bee just flew in from london with fellow passengers wearing protective masks. he's glad to hear that philly is equipped with a cdc quarantine station where passengers and potentially infected patients could be treated and isolated. 2cdc medical personnel are also stationed here and trained to spot sick passengers. >> just make sure you wash your hands, and can't really let the fear control you. >> reporter: airlines can deny boarding to anyone showing symptoms of a serious contagious disease. but in the case of ebola, those symptoms may not appear for up to 21 days. either way most travelers say they won't change their plans.
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>> i often travel across the borders it's normal. no problem. >> reporter: not worried? >> no. why should i? >> reporter: do you think the u.s. is doing enough? >> doing the best it can. >> reporter: now, some lawmakers in washington just today have asked for congressional hearing to see if the cdc is doing enough to protect u.s. borders against ebola. the cdc has also issued a travel alert for those people traveling to west africa but so far stopped short of a full out ban on those flights. lucy? >> all right. chris, so as a dallas hospital continues to treat thomas duncan for ebola, liberian authorities say they are going to prosecute him. they say he lied on his airport screening questionnaire. when asked if he had contact with anyone fighting the disease. meanwhile in the united states health officials are now contacting nearly 100 people who may have had direct contact with including residents of the
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apartment where is he was staying. the centers for disease control says duncan did not have any symptoms until four or five days after arriving in the u.s. the d.c. d says it's confident it can control the spread of ebola in the united states. now we are breaking down the specific way doctors are treating that patient in dallas and you'll also find exactly what can put a person at risk on >> now, a story you saw first on fox. police hope you can help track down a man who tacked a woman in popular park. take a look at your screen. this is a sketch of the man they are after. he grabbed a 51 year old woman as she was walking in wissahickon park. she says he approached her house road late friday afternoon. the man came from behind, grabbed her by the shoulders and then demanded money. when she showed him she did not have any, she says the man pushed her to the ground, started choking her and then tried to rape her. police say they struggled for 10 minutes until the woman finally broke free, escaped and called 91 weren't.
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>> a philadelphia firefighter is accused of impersonating a cop, kidnapping a woman and then sexually assaulting her. lieutenant jamal johnson, 18 year old veteran of the department is accused of stopping a woman on north third street last night. investigators say he asked her if she was getting high and then ordered her into his pick up. that's when he forced her to perform oral sex according to police. she managed to jump from the truck. >> she hides between vehicles at some point in time when she exits the vehicle and he maneuvers around several cars looking for her. >> the woman called 911 with tag number of johnson's truck. he was picked up by police a short time later. the fire department says it will conduct its own investigation before taking disciplinary act. >> real housewives of new jersey star theresa guidice headed to prison. a judge sentenced her to 15 months behind bars. a conspiracy bankruptcy charges. she dried cried as she apologized to the judge. her husband joe is serving 3.5
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years in jail. earlier this year the couple admitted to hiding assets from bankruptcy creditors and submitting phony lone applications. >> only on fox tonight, a major shake up for the phillies. howard eskin who are now with the exclusive details. >> as we all know, iain, the phillies season was not acceptable. it wasn't acceptable for the fans, it wasn't acceptable for the players but it starts at the very top, and that's what the phillies are changing. now, august 28th the phillies announced that president and ceo david montgomery was taking a leave of absence. that's not what i was told by sources they told me david montgomery was pushed out of the top spot because in reality many of the problems with this phillies team started in the office of david montgomery. his loyalty was his biggest enemy. the phillies had no comment on this story. there's more to come later in sports i will tell you about the new change that possibly and probably will occur in own are in ship. back to you guys. >> a lot more to tack about. thank you very much, howard. in chester county tredyffrin township police have taken two
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drug dealers off the streets. police say 20 year old timothy vase of berwyn sold the drugs molly and marijuana. he's in chester county prison with bail set at $50,000. they also busted 31 year old chad terry of philadelphia for selling heroin and oxy condone. his bail is also $50,000. >> a hot air balloon comes down hard in bucks county. it landed unexpect thely this morning outside the warrington township building on 800 block of easton road. warrington police and firefighters showed up on the scene right away and were told no one was hurt. caitlin roth here now with tonight's big weather story. caitlin. >> hi, iain. our big weather story far out towards our west a potent autumn cold front slicing through the midwest bringing rain and severe weather to the portions of the mid south that will move eastward and bring us wet weather by early weekend. so tracking this cold front by tomorrow night, it's still back towards our west. but as it approaches it will bring a healthy doze of some rain at the worst time. saturday to start our weekend
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off with some pretty damp weather. so as we go through the morning hours you see that rain pushing through probably going to delay maybe cancel your golf game or some of the kids sports games. luckily though this cold front is quick moving and should be out by late afternoon. we'll see some clearing in late day sunshine behind it but the impacts will carry over through the weekend. timing out this rain, starts off dry friday night. it should arrive closer towards dawn. when you wake up it's raining steady at times north and west where we expect half inch to an inch possibly more up in the higher elevations of the pocon poconos. following that we see the quick clearing in the afternoon. steady to falling temperatures and behind that cold front is another weather story. the second half of the weekend with real fall weather returns. i'll have that coming up in your seven day forecast at 10:35. >> lucy. >> we'll see you then, caitlin. stretch of philadelphia's east market street that has seen better days is about to get a big old makeover. all in the hopes of luring shoppers to center city. fox 29's bruce gordon shows us it's not easy to coax customers away from those big suburban
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malls. >> reporter: too much of market street between independence mall and city hall has for years been a commercial dead zone. the developers of east market want to breathe new life into the district with a combination of boutique shopping, major retailers, restaurants and apartments. they note this stretch used to be a commercial hub. >> it's important to us to stay true to that vision of philadelphia and bring back that spirit of this as philadelphia's retail main street. >> reporter: the four plus acre site will be bounded by 11th and 12th street, market and chestnut. artist renderings show pedestrian walkways designed to create open public spaces, lined with shops and restaurants. project will create nearly 1200 construction jobs. developers promising an all union work force. >> they're going to get a decent wage. they're going to get good benefits. they're going to get decent pension. and they're going to work in the safe environment. >> reporter: mayor nutter brags that center city in
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particular is experiencing an unprecedented retail boom. >> ladies and gentlemen, you're looking at the future with more to come. >> reporter: among the new offerings, japan based clothing retailer opens friday on the 1600 block of chestnut street. just up the block at 17th and chestnut, in order tromm rack is slated for a late objection opening. also this month eighth and market will be home to century 21, no, not the realtor, the department store. one promising designer duds at discount prices. >> this is a historic section of the city of philadelphia, one of the nation's earliest retail hubs and it will in fact be return to its former prominence as one of america's great urban centers. >> reporter: when complete the east market project will create nearly 300 permanent jobs. demolition existing buildings is set for this month this project will be built in phases with final completion expected in late summer of 2016. in the newsroom, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> i'm looking forward to that
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actually. i know you are. >> got my credit cards ready. talk about coincidence. how is this for lucky? two lottery players who bought both their tickets at the same north jersey convenience store will split an $80,000 jackpot. >> crazy. incredible. only two winning tickets were sold for yesterday's drawing that matched all five numbers. the winning numbers were 01, 06, 12, 23 and 26. both tickets came from a quick check in hopatcong. retailer will get a pair of $2,000 checks for selling those winning tickets. >> happy retailer. it is the great trash can caper. one minute you see it. the next minute you don't on local vote. now what you see in this video actually costs you money. >> what did you do once you saw that video tape? >> i called the police. >> that's when things got out of hand. fox 29 investigates. plus, moms and dads listen up. it's one of your kids favorite accessories but that loom bracelet could carry a hidden and deadly danger. why authorities are seizing them
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by the tens of thousands. >> and talk about sneaky. a group of women walk out of a local restaurant carrying purs purses. all seemed normal, right? well, except for what cops say was hidden inside. how they made off with almost 20 grand in cash. and emotional roller coaster for a local 11 year old. within ago tv cooking competition becomes one of the last things she can share with her dad. >> i don't know how long he's going to be here for. i wanted to give him all the good news i possibly could. >> how she's using her
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>> neighborhood in philly is invent add new game called hide the trash can and we're actually not kidding here. a can was dropped off but somebody swiped it, and there's a lot more to this story and it's costing you. crack investigative reporter jeff cole thought that sounded too crazy to be true. he's here tonight with what he's calling the great trash can caper. jeff? >> reporter: on penns grove in philly one minute you see the trash can, the next you don't. we dug into lots of stories here at fox 29 investigates, but the case of the disappearing city trash can is a first. ♪ >> reporter: take a good look at what this security camera captured on an early morning in july 2014. the man in the white shirt has a city issued trash can balanced on a handtruck and he's wheeling it away from the spot where the philadelphia streets department placed it for the residents never to be seen again. >> what is this with the trash can. >> joanne manual at the block captain. >> this is the great trash can caper. where is the trash can.
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>> where is the trash can. >> reporter: who oh and that individual. according to this police report it's the guy who lives on penns grove. hudgens. seen on his facebook page where he writes he work in the prison system earns about 42 grand a year as a guard. >> trash can right there. >> reporter: manuel says when the trash can vanished, she tracked down the closest security camera. >> what did you do once you saw that video tape? i call the police. because i am responsible as block captain for that trash c can. >> reporter: that's where the police report came from. there have been no charges or an arrest. we wanted to find out from city worker hudgens what's his beef with the trash can? but he does he want to talk. we knocked on his door. sent him repeated text messages and even called his brother. but fred hudgens would not meet to take a look at the that video and explain it. in two short phone calls he
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claimed he didn't want the trash can in front of or even near his home and claims he's been harassed by block captain manual who denies it. >> she says the residents want it only hudgens is opposed. >> i didn't understand why he wouldn't want it. it's such a nice block. it keeps the block clean. i don't understand it. >> reporter: you may think an argument over a trash can is pretty silly stuff, but why are trash can as part of philadelphia's on-going battle with the 600,000 tons of garbage produced here? they cost 60 bucks each. 900 of them, that's 54 grand but there's an issue. >> we also have our share of residents that just simply don't want to wait till trash day, and that's a big problem. >> reporter: a big ugly often smelly problem. these are pictures the streets department gave us to prove just how bad illegal dumping around wire baskets is. you don't want people to take their household trash and stuff
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it in the wire baskets you have along neighbors? >> it becomes a problem where these baskets need to be serviced two or three times day. >> reporter: but the streets department only has the manpower for one pick up daily. there are several trash drop off sites in the city and enforcement officers will slap tickets on people who illegally dump all in an effort to push back against the street corner eye sores. as for the trash can caper, on penns grove -- >> is the first time we heard of neighbors removing basket themselves. >> reporter: the video s shows the wire basket being wheeled right out of site. the man reappears but runs away when a car comes down the stre street. again, there's no longer trash can on penns grove a street recently spruced up by residents for a beautiful block contest. and while fred hudgens isn't talking about the trash can controversy, the streets department is.
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>> we will try to correct the action additionally and replace the basket that had disappeared that you spoke of, and once we tried to replace it, the other resident said i'm taking it again report roar i'm taking it again. the streets department doesn't know if that other resident was hudgens but tells us the person lives at his address. the disputes became so ugly joanne manuel's daughter was charged with assault after an argument. she plead to lesser charge. hudgens claims there's a court order on placement of the trash can but he's not offered us any proof. in penns grove, remain without a trash can tonight, folk. lucy? >> final chapter waiting to be written. thank you very much, jeff cole. great trash can caper. 2014. >> all right. so a philadelphia police officer under arrest tonight. prosecutors have charged officer kenneth allen with assault after investigators say he hit his female partner during an argument. they were both in uniform at the time. we first brought you this story monday night, and authorities
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say the female officer was injured. allen had been on desk duty since the incident was reported. atlantic city is trying to stop price gouging at parking lots and garages. the city council has just introduced an ordinance that would increase maximum fines from $100 to $1,000 for not informing the city of parking fee increases at least 48 hours in advance. the press of atlantic city reports caesars and bally's got into trouble affidavit charging $50 to park during the free blake shelton beach concert in july and that was a big one, t too. >> some of the city's best restaurant at a tasting party right here in old city tonight. >> what a shin ding. it was. >> my good he is in. hundreds of people turned out for the very first ya got to try this tasting. our mike jerrick hosted it an lot of fox 29 news team was right there with him. jeff cole was right here. iain, howard, scott, caitlin whole bunch of wuss there for little bit. best part here, proceeds go to the second chance foundation.
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benefiting the vital community based organizations that serve at risk children. young adults and families in philadelphia. >> how low can you go? creeps digging out personalized bricks from a 9/11 memorial and they're smiling the whole time. one thing in this video cops hope would epp catch them. >> and people are shelling out a lot of money. ticks are selling out all to learn how to grow pot? >> i don't use marijuana. i have a 2.5 year old son. i'm what you would call a stay at home mom. >> why this mom says she's doing what she's doing right now. plus a young girl's fight to keep her site. a growing tumor threatening to take ita way. no one in her home country c
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♪ >> another bad day for window washers in california. this time, two guys caught dangling outside an office building in oakland stuck on the 19th floor. firefighter had to repel down and each guy was hoisted up one by one. police had to shut down the streets until they made it to the top. they're okay tonight. remember two window washers rescued from building outside of los angeles just yesterday. a long island community is grieving over the loss of a high school football player who died from an injury on the field. dozens of teammates, students, staff and parents gathered for a vigil on the football field in new york this evening junior
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tom, suffered a head injury during a hard hit and then died later after surgery. the popular student was remembered by his family as a person who chem applied the values and morals that were instilled in him. >> this just in. police in washington state have arrested two people for vandalizing a 9/11 memorial. camera caught the whole thing go down. police say a man and a woman dug out and stole engraved bricks from the memorial tuesday afternoon. you know donors paid $175 a piece to place them there and that helped pay for the memorial itself. visitors they can't believe what happened. >> it means a lot. you know, everybody that went through it, you know, you got through it. you look at those, jeez, you know, just amazing. >> police had hoped suspects would spark leads. apparently it did. authorities say the memorial is one of a kind. two massive steel beams from ground zero are part of it along with other art facts from new york, washington, d.c., and
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shanksville, pennsylvania. the faa is reroute something u.s. flights in alaska to note because of this. 35,000 walruses have washed ashore on a beach in alaska. the faa is asking planes to stay above at least two thus san feet and more than a half mile away from the shore. the fear when walruses are disturbed in big groups there could be a stampede putting calves at risk of injuries. >> we have all seen high speed chases. this one was something. a truck racing the wrong way down the highway. this is not the craze zest part here. how it finally jaw droppingly ended. sabina. >> reporter: six women walk into a chinese restaurant and what happens next the own are in says broke her heart. the video she wants everybody to see. >> we're looking at a decent end to the work week. but some wet weather to start off your weekend, if you think it feels like fall now just wait until sunday. we'll have your seven day forecast coming up next. iain.
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>> caitlin, thanks. >> ♪ >> you're not crazy. how they can pass on traits years after you knew them.
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♪ >> right now at 10:30 they look like a group of women out for just a nice lunch but a local restaurant owner says they had something sinister in mine. she says the women worked together to rip her off to the tune of almost $20,000. >> fox 29's sabina kuriakose report new jersey state police believe the women are targeting other businesses. >> saturday, 27th they took my whole life. >> very nice hard working. >> when customers work into this chinese restaurant, they're now met with these photos of a band of six motherly looking middle-aged women who police say robbed the family owned williamstown business on saturday afternoon. >> my social security, my credit card.
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>> the owner doesn't want to show her face on camera. the woman didn't use force. they used distract. >> that lady she want a surprise party. >> that woman took her to a corner of the restaurant she describes served as look outs while the woman rummaged behind the counter. not once but twice. eventually they got her purse with almost 20 grand inside. the alleged crooks didn't run. >> they still wait for the other woman. >> police say the thieves took off in a tan toyota siena with temporary plates. >> police say the woman hit a nearby nail salon earlier in the day left after the owner got suspicious. he showed us a video but didn't want to go on camera. >> back at the restaurant she wants these women off the streets so they can't prey on anyone else. >> i don't want more victim. they go everywhere people get hurt. >> reporter: she's offering a thousand dollars reward for the alleged gang of thieves. new jersey state police are on the case and the good news they
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say, they have strong leads. sabina kuriakose, fox 29 news. >> let's hope they get them. the search is on for armed robbers who terrorize add delaware county familiar until their collingdale home. four masked men in black armed with guns busted in the back of the home on lafayette avenue. they confronted the homeowner. three the gunmen then stormed upstairs where his wife and two adult sons were and threatened to shoot them. they ransacked two bedrooms before taking off. detectives think they specifically targeted the family but they don't know why. as you can imagine neighbors are shaken up. >> it's terrifying, because this is the worst feeling anyone can have in their life. >> doesn't make any zen. something not right. they're looking for something and they have some prior deals with this the family or the sons. were don't know. >> the robbers apparently failed to find what they were after which was cash. no one physically hurt.
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fox 29 getting results. we first told you last night about uncollected trash piling up around dumpsters at the woodstock mutual homes complex in north philadelphia. residents at the federal subsidized housing co-op told us in one picked up the trash for money week. bruce gordon reached out to the department of housing and urban development and this morning the trash was finally picked up. a hud spokeswoman would not say service had didn't interrupted but did promise they will be keeping a close eye on the property manager's handling of maintenance and safety issues at this sight. >> all right. let's head on over to your weather authority. caitlin, very nice out. >> it is very nice out. at least for now. we are enjoying an early october evening. where temperatures were pretty mild. clear skies overhead right now. we should have a very pleasant friday. despite the fact the clouds really wouldn't out earlier today, we are seeing thinning. some more sunshine tomorrow. but what is waiting in the wings is our big weather maker out towards our west this is a very strong cold front strong enough that an early october it's causing severe weather outbreak
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in portions of the mid south down to the gulf coast. not uncommon but it's a test tam to the cold air behind it. cutting into the warm air that's been gathering across the southeast. so it's strong, it's moving across the country and by the time it reaches us, it will bring us wet weather ourselves. i don't think we see anything severe but that with that being said we'll see the significant temperature drop behind it. so impacts all across the area through the weekend. recapping today, again, really nice thursday. we had lot of clouds. little cool at times in the afternoon but still we hit 73 degrees in philadelphia. that's a degree above the normal of 72. haven't really had that early fall indian summer heat yet. record high 87 set back in 2002. it was 86 over the week and so i guess we were close for the last weekend in september. right now 65 here in philly. 63 in pottstown. 62 in trenton. 62 in millville. as the clouds thin overnight i think we all start to drop down into the 50's pretty cool to your friday morning. fox future cast showing clear skies by early tomorrow. any morning clouds that we see i think we have a better chance of burning off and seeing more
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sunshine into the afternoon. it does look like we'll ab little bit brighter than this afternoon. from there your friday night looks good but we're waiting on the cold front that will bring showers in during the overnight hours into early saturday morning. 8:00 a.m. saturday morning up early with the kids, start your week and, golf games, plenty going on across the weekend these fall weekends are very popular. unfortunately it will be a damly chilly rain through most of the morning. sometimes that rain could be coming down steady, too. the only good news with this it's pretty quick moving once it reaches the delaware valley. that rain into jersey by noon. by mid afternoon it's offshore quick clearing expec expected ts also testament to the power of this cold front. strong breeze that will dry us out behind it but bring in cold canadian air. sunday look great. very sunny what you can't see behind this map that will be the impact our temperatures. ran fall now through saturday generally look half inch to an inch. models have been consistently putting north and west in the lehigh valley higher elevations of the poconos you'll see more rain. that could be kind of heavy at
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time saturday morning. tonight move the cloudy, temperature in the 50s. 74 tomorrow. dry and mild. pretty nice friday afternoon and a nice friday night. your seven day forecast showing that roller coaster ride as we head into saturday. so rain will be the big impact. damp and dreary gloomy start to the weekend luckily we end with sun soon behind that it is chilly. look at that morning low on sunday. 45 and that's philadelphia. i would not be surprised to see frost advisories out to the poconos, and lehigh valley because if it's 45 here, you're probably going to be in the mid to upper 30 there is. then we see some moderation after a chilly breezy sunday. temperatures are back into the 70s. even though it's a one-day cool snap the eagles are in town playing. 58 degrees looks like the can be off temperature and with those gusty northwest winds feeling cooler. >> 58 degrees? >> can you believe that? >> eagles game time temp. >> dropped by 3 degrees since 6:00. i just dropped it by three. >> last sunday it was 86 degrees. i know. so we'll dress a hill bit
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differently this weekend. >> all right. caitlin, thank you. >> outrage over the cell phone video. a 62 year old woman pays now a cop is off the street. what investigators say happened moments before he broke out that pager. >> and the booming business of pot. everyone is getting in on it. why one stay at home mom says now is the time to pay up to learn how to grow weed. >> and find a penn nearing pick it up. one guy put that advice to good use over several years and now he's donating all of it. it's a lot. when you hear just how much cash he picked up, i'm think
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>> in florida police are looking for bumbling beer bandits. their escape if you want to call it that caught on camera. watch this here. oops. oops. no. police say they grabbed six, 12 packs strolled to the register instead of paying they tried to make a break for it. he couldn't open the door because his hands were full of stolen beer. they final dollar get out hop in the car but they left a whole trail of beer behind them. in your money tonight, get in early and make a bundle. that's the message at a marijuana investors conference in texas. the conference is bringing together entrepreneurs, investors and people whose businesses could become partners in the pot business. medical marijuana is not legal in the lone star state but investors believe it's only a matter of time until it is. and they want to get in on the
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ground floor. experts say there are a whole diversity of businesses involved from financial services, accou accounting, app developers and people who do agricultural supplies. >> one man's trash is another man's treasure. >> indeed. not that spare change is trash by any means iain but a bunch of it became a real treasure for an animal rescue group in florida. i want to you meet a guy name rick schneider. he donated more than $21,000 he'd collected to the gulf shore animal league all of it in spare change he had picked up over the past 10 years. schneider says he loves animals and noticed there seems to be a lot of loose change lying arou around. so he did this. >> incredible. >> hey they are one of the most popular accessories for you and your children. but now authorities are seizing them by the tens of thousands. why they say they may be linked to cancer. and jennifer? >> reporter: we're in the kitchen with 11 year old lilly the newest and youngest winner of the food network show chops.
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i'll tell her heart warming story about her motivation to win this competition. >> ♪ >> ladies -- i like this song. sister sledge. old school. did you ever look at your children and for some weird reason they remind of an ex one that was out of your life long before you had babies. >> why researchers
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>> los angeles loves a good car chase. this one even had californians glued to the tv. a man wanted for grand theft led police on chase that landed hours. you see him right there in that truck going the opposite way in traffic. it began around 10:00 this morning. he led police all over orange county. three hours you see what happened. he lost control flew off the freeway and lande landed landed. he's going to crawl out of that truck and then he finally decided i guess i should surrender and so he did. >> a tallahassee, florida, police officer is on administrative leave after he used a taser on a 62 year old woman he later arrested. now camera caught what happened. >> oh, my god!
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>> owe! >> now, this happened while officers were investigating complaints about drug sales on the street. police say officers told the woman to leave the scene when she questioned an arrest but she refused. the police chief promises to get at the bottom of what happened. >> i think i tried to make very big effort to be open and honest with everybody. whens occur that raise questions we're here to answer them and regardless of the out come of the investigation we'll report those findings to the pub pub live. >> tallahassee police have had several internal investigations. >> police in italy confiscated 20 million rainbow loom bands. why? they may be contaminated with chemicals. police say three people from china are facing fines and they've been fired from their jobs for importing the products which don't meet safety requirements. similar incident with bands um poured from the far east happened in britain last month. >> a local 11 year old girl wins a national tv cooking
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competition. and it turns out to be one of the very last things she can weigh share with her dad. emotional roller coaster for this really brave young lady. but as fox 29's jennifer joyce reports she's now using her new found fame to help others. >> this 11 year old is proving size and age do not matter. >> my favorite noise. >> when it comes to skills in the kitchen. >> i've been watching food network my and tour life. >> reporter: the sickth greater at cinnaminson middle school picked up tips from the pros and this week became big winner herself. the youngest to ever win on the food network show chopped. >> in the first round i actually thought i was going home because they did not like the meet ball. >> despite hurdles -- >> i kept dropping everything. everything kept breaking. power threw it. i was like, all right. i guess i have to. >> she persevered in honor of her father jeff who suffered a trauma brain injury.
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>> i didn't know how long he was going to be here for i just wanted to give him all the good news i possible. >> three intense rounds late, she got the news she had hoped for. >> congratulations. >> and proudly delivered it to her father in the hospital. >> dad, i wouldn't chopped! >> i just like -- even though he couldn't talk, i could see his smile on his face. >> lilly's dad died three days later. >> she did it for her father but has made this entire family so very proud. >> reporter: she made it her mission to raise awareness of traumatic brain injury. >> i wanted to let people know that had a traumatic brain injury in their family they're not alone. >> lilly brought her chef jacket home with her it's autographed by the judges. what are you going to do with this. >> i'm going to have it framed. every time i walk in my room it's a reminder if you push you
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can get there. >> her guardian angel and best bud dad will be by her side. jennifer joyce, fox 29 news. >> good job, lilly. >> great story. >> a few months ago, the future for a little girl from haiti hung in the balance. >> but thanks to team of south florida surgeons that has clearly changed. a large tumor was forc forcing r eye from the socket nearly taken her vision away but thanks to the medical staff at baptist health neuroscience center her sight has been saved. the 12 year old's years of suffering now over. >> the hospital in haiti, there is no hospital in haiti that could have had surgery like that. it took, i believe, close to 12 hour surgery and this is big. >> the hospital partners with haitian christian mission group to help those in need like the girl. doctors say her eye ball is back to its normal position. her double vision is gone and she's looking forward to a more comfortable life back home. >> all right.
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crazy story of the night. could a past romance influence how a woman's children look. you'll have to follow the bouncing ball on this one little bit. scientists at the university of new south wales studied fruit flys and say they've discovered sperm from a female fly's previous mate influenced genetic traits in her future children. yes. really weird but researcher this molecules in the sperm could be absorbed by mom's immatur emma . they need to figure out if the theory holds true for humans. i think it's time for sports. what do you think? >> let's follow the bouncing ball. >> you're talk bowing flys mating and fly sperm? >> it's a late show. >> from that we good to chip kelly. another one of those days with the media. when he has a problem with the question he's right there to let you know about it. the phillies have one change at the top and the ownership looks like that will be changing next coming up in sports.
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♪ >> phillies as we know completed another dismal season. third straight missing the playoffs and changes will happen ownership looks like that's one of them. on august 28th the phillies announced that president and ceo david montgomery was taking a leave of absence while he went through treatment for cancer in his jawbone. but sources told me that montgomery was pushed out as the head guy. i'm also told that there's a move to have a new owner of the phillies. john middleton is one of the limited partners of the phillies but has been buying more of a percentage of the team from the other partners over the years. i'm told he now owns 48% of the phillies. the way the limited partnership was set up, no partner can own a majority without unanimous approval of the other partners. now with the deaths many many of the original partners the
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families are willing to share their shares. he needs unanimous approval of the other partners. montgomery made the final decision on every part of the organization. montgomery's decision helped make the phillies the second oldest team in baseball. it was montgomery who made the decisions to sign jimmy rollins, ryan had you ward, chase utley and carlos rye uz. david money is a really loyal guy. that put the phillies in this spot. loyalty is a great trait sometimes but not in sports. john middleton sold cigar company for $2.9 billion in 2007 has been the most aggressive of limited partners and will continue to be when he finally gains majority control. i'm toll it's almost a accept ryan howard will not be back next season and phillies will be paying to pay all of his 62 million he's owed in trade. if they trade him and sources also tell me that pat gillick and ruben amaro will look at trading cole hamels to get much needed young players. chicago cubs and boston red sox want hamels very badly.
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>> all right. going to be a rough ride with the rebuilding of this team. but this should have been done two years ago. but these decisions need to be made. eventually getting the phillies back to being a winning team. all right. watching out for those baltimore orioles to baltimore. baseball, g playoffs tonight. watch how aggressive they are. man on second. eighth inning against detroit. the runner homes from second on the error. eight run in the eighth and they win it, 12 to three. >> eagles need a win sunday against st. louis and chip kelly wants good questions at this news conferences. check it out t today. >> how much of your playbook would you say you practice heading into a game. >> 44-point 6%. >> i never really thought of it that way. >> sarcastic answer because i never thought of it that way like how much of our playbook overall generally just what are we doing to prepare for them. you don't have an opportunity to practice -- how many third calls can you get. how many third down reps can you get in practice? you know, you
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can't have 47, third down calls. you're not going oh get 47, third down reps in pack toy. obviously you won't get a chance to practice it. >> i guess you're pot going to have that many calls at practice you don't have that many calls in the game. >> i have question for you. >> sure. >> you're the this news conference of chip kelly's. somebody asks question like that. he does that to them. do they sling down little bit. >> i'll say this reporter comes back for more every time. (laughter). >> he never learn his lesson. >> he still goes on forever with his questions. gets those kind of answers. >> do it all season i guess. >> watch tmz at 11:00. we're back here at 4:00 a.m. for the fox 29 morning news and "good day philadelphia". be sure to stay tuned. >> i will.
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♪ [ woman on p.a. ] now boarding track 6. ♪ do not leave bags unattended. [ male announcer ] maybe you see something suspicious. but you don't want to get involved. it's nothing, you think. can you be sure? ♪ if you see something, say something. report suspicious activity to local authorities.
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>> reporter: eighteen year veteran of the philadelphia fire department just released from the headquarters from the police department for some serious charges after being arraigned and let go on a hundred thousand dollars bail, chris. we will check back. they are not your usual culprits middle age women go to the popular local restaurant but then took off with more than just a good meal. plus sue serio is sleeping in this morning after a big event we will get to later chief meteorologist scott williams is in, good morning scott. >> good friday morning, everybody. coming up we will talk bay storm system heading our way that will impact the weekend, timing and expected rainfall amounts coming up. very good scott. are you in one of the 76 million household as affect by a huge data breach? smal


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