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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  October 3, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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>> and three children are being treated for muscle weakness here in philadelphia and it's raising fears about enter row virus. what doctors say you need to know. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 5:00. >> and first on fox 29 news at 5:00, a live look at doppler radar. rain is on the way and you might want to brace yourself for what's behind that wet weather. we are about to get a blast of cold air. good evening i'm dawn tim mini. >> i'm iain page. let's get right over to fox 29's meteorologist caitlin roth. how much rain can we expect and how cold is it going to get. >> not much rain that's the good news. it will be kind of a soggy start to the weekend but the bigger story probably at least more impactful and long lived will be the cold air behind this front. we'll be seeing temperatures we haven't seen in months. so fall is here. it's going to feel like it pretty quickly. this is the cold front we're tracking bringing some showers across the state right now just some clouds around here in philadelphia. we've still got a few hours to go. i don't think we see the rain until late tonight. we have a coastal flood advisory
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for all of delaware and south jersey counties including cumberland county, salem county and cape may county only until 7:00 p.m. lots to do with the incoming rain behind tides occurring now you might still see minor coastal flooding along the back bays and that's until 7:00 p.m. mainly due to high tide. but let's track those showers for you. fox future cast starting out at 6:00 o'clock tonight. friday evening as you head out we're not looking at any issues you probably don't need the umbrella tonight. most of those showers not even arriving until after midnight. so the early saturday our morning we're seeing some of showers move through it will continue through the day. this is just a lot of green so this really indicates more light rain than heavy rain. by eight, 9am still raining but by noon it's quickly moving offshore. we'll see some pretty quick clearing probably a good amount of sunshine late in the day before all the wet weather moves offshore. with that being said the sun comes out the cold air and the winds will increase behind it. temperatures right now mainly in the 60s in the 70s future temperatures show we actually rise overnight start off kind of
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mild tomorrow around 70 degrees. we fall into the 60s by evening. and check out sunday morning temperatures in the 40s and y, the 30s. that's what we have to look forward to second half of the weekend. for tonight mostly cloudy at 7:00 o'clock. same with 9:00 o'clock 63 degrees. see the showers move in after midnight. we'll have much more on the rain timing and those temperatures still ahead. dawn and iain. >> you did say 30s, caitlin? >> yeah. okay. >> you can track the rain and the falling temperatures any time of day. just go to and click on the weather tab. >> a developing story tonight that has heightened concerns locally about the enterovirus even more serious problems that may result from it. reports this week suggesting there may be a link between a so-called d68 virus and a spinal cord abnormality that produces muscle weakness in children. seven's bruce gordon is live at the children's hospital of philadelphia tonight. bruce? >> reporter: iain, we are here at chop because they have now reported to the center are for disease control three such new cases of children reporting
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weakness, acute muscle weakness been problems with their pipes that may, may be caused by a viral infection. perhaps d68. the enterovirus d68 looks fairly benign. sort of like a black and white aerial photo of shrubbery but enter row d68 has sickened more than 500 people across the nation most of them children. parents and grandparents we spoke to have taken note and precautions. >> well, i'm tracking how fast it's spreading, and then, of course, you want to isolation your children. >> you've got grandchild? >> yes. >> reporter: make you a little nervous when this stuff goes around. >> makes me very nervous y. >> reporter: how nervous are you as parent? >> i'm very nervous. i always get scared. every day i call down to make sure she wash her hands. >> reporter: the centers for disease control is investigating acute muscle weakness in the limbs of several young patients in colorado. they have asked for other children's hospitals across the country to report similar cases. chop has three.
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>> and there is a brighter white appearance to this area here which is abnormal. >> dr. brenda band well says the patient's mri's show a gray area in their spinal columns. that has led not to full blown paralysis but to pronounced muscle weakness in their limbs. >> the prominent involvement of gray matter is something that catches one's attention because that isn't what we would normally see. >> reporter: that does suggest a viral infection? >> yes it has been seen with other viral infections so therefore it actually prompts a search to see whether there's a virus causing this presentation. >> reporter: mill dollar question is whether enterovirus d68 is causing the muscle weakness. parents are waiting for answers and hounding their kids to wash regularly. >> there's concern as always with children. >> reporter: keeping your eyes open about this? >> keeping my owes open but not panicking. >> reporter: doctors at chop say test results on whether those three young patients with the acute muscle weakness actually have the enterovirus
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did the 68 should be back in about a week. preliminarily we do know that one of the children seems to have some sort of viral infection. it is not known whether it is in fact d68. parents here and across the country are holding their breaths waiting for some answers. dawn? >> all right, thank you, bruce. there may ab case of ebola in washington, d.c. howard university hospital is treating a patient with ebola like symptoms. doctors say the patient is in stable condition and is in isolation. fox has learned the patient is a student who recently traveled to africa. we've also learned an american free lance photographer working for nbc news in liberia has tested positive for ebola. the photographer was working with the network's lead medical correspondent dr. nancy schneider man. schneider man will return from liberia and go into a 21 day quarantine along with her crew. the photographer is also returning to the united states to be treated. >> and in texas, private hazmat crews are clearing out the apartment of ebola patient thomas duncan.
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crews are sorting through anything duncan might have touched or left behind at the complex in dallas. he was staying there before he was admitted to the hospital for treatment. coming up, how the ebola virus is not only impacting patients, but also food supplies, business and travel. and the search for the man wanted for killing a pennsylvania state trooper in the poconos enters its third week. authorities say they have found clothing, food, ammunition and even explosives but no sign of eric frein the survivalist continues to allude authorities. officials believe he is still in the area of pike and monroe counties. frein is charged with killing corporal brian dixon and seriously wounding his colleague last month outside their barracks in blooming grove. authorities say there have been three unconfirmed sightings of frein this week alone, and they even located a camp sight. >> because we continue to push him and seize the items he needs to survive, we believe he will be forced to search for food and shelter in other locations.
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>> officials believe frein will be forced to look for food soon. they're asking grocery stores and restaurants to be on alert and to check their surveillance. >> a woman is dead after a car crash in chester county. skyfox over the scene in exton just before noon on commerce drive and indian run street. 78 year old mary beth smith of downingtown died. a four year old boy in the car with smith an man from the other car were taken to the hospital for injuries. there's no word yet on their conditions. the accident remains under investigation. >> and a delaware man is accused in a violent crash after running from state troopers. authorities responding to a tip of possible drug activity tried to stop 32 year old steven jeffreys thursday night on the 3600 block of miller read in wilmington and when a trooper approached him, investigators say he took off eventually crashing into another car. two people were taken to the hospital for injuries. jeffreys and his passenger were arrested. troopers say jeffreys had 19 bags of heroin on him. >> a shake up for the phillies and more to come.
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yesterday howard eskin reporting a change in the phillies ownership. >> howard is here tonight with the phillies response an lot more on this story. howard? >> all right. first of all, let me capitalize or capsulize what i reported last night on the fox 29 news at 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00 o'clock. sources told me that the president and ceo david montgomery was push out. and i also reported that one of the limited partners john middleton was making a move to purchase majority ownership of the phillies. today, phillies issued a statement which i expected denying my story and it reads "contrary to the fox 29 report last night, david montgomery's leave of absence from the phillies is entirely due to his medical condition. as previously announced, over the life of the phillies partnership, no one entity or family has owned a majority of the partnership and we do not for see this changing in the future ". >> not exactly a strong denial. so here is my response to the phillies statement. in five words, i stand by my
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story. and to further the john middleton part of the story, the way the language of the limited partnership of the phillies reads, any own are in needs ooh nan muss approval of all the other partners to get majority. however, there was also language that read that any owner could not purchase any additional percentage that was more than the original percentage. john middleton's father herb originally had approximately 10% of the team. john has purchased a percentage from the other owners that has now taken him four times over that original investment and not a part of their bylaws. middleton now owns 48%. the other partners are not the same people. it's the family and children of the original owners who want the money from their asset of own are in ship and don't want to put any more money into the operation of the phillies. the phillies lost money last season. and middleton has been paying the needed money. there is an internal struggle with the majority own are in ship question, but i'm told
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eventually it will happen. unfortunately, i'm not sure when it will happen and not sure it will happen before next season. iain and dawn. >> howard, thank you. now to some breaking news out of shanksville, pennsylvania. we are looking live from the camera at the flight 93 national memorial where three buildings have gone up in flames. remember of course that's where the victims of united airlines flight 93 crashed on 9/11. fortunately no one was hurt but investigators are trying to figure out what started the blaze this afternoon. the burned buildings include the park headquarters and superintendent's office. the fire is not affecting the memorial itself or the visitors center. we of course will keep an eye on this and bring you knee details as soon as we get them. >> well being in car accident is traumatic enough but for one local family the crash was the beginning of their nightmare. >> rival tow truck companies pulled up to the scene and things really got crazy. the beef between the drivers that put accident victims in a really dangerous spot. next. >> it's the great trash can
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caper. one minute you see it and the next you don't. it's costing you money. fox 29 investigates coming up. >> emotional roller coaster for an 11 year old girl from our area. she wins a tv cooking competition but loses her dad. how she's using her new found fame to help others. >> caitlin? >> dawn, temperatures along the east coast seasonable. we're seeing 60s and 70s right now. back behind this cold front, rain, 50s, 40s, yes, even 30ing on the map. we'll track those changes and have the changes over the ♪
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♪ come on, try a little ♪ nothing is forever ♪ there's got to be something better than in the middle ♪ ♪ me and cinderella ♪ we put it all together ♪ we can drive it home ♪ ♪ with one headlight [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save.
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>> a dispute between towing companies boils over at an accident scene. a story you will only see on fox. police say the drivers of two competing companies go at it with accident victims and witnesses standing right there. and it turns violent. the drama is nothing new. >> in fact these companies have a history. our dave stratt wise sr. live outside police headquarters tonight with more. dave? >> tempers flared at h and hunting park at the accident scene. two towing companies going at it a shot in fired. and tonight we're talking to man who was right there when it all went down. >> my daughter was on the gurney and when the shots came out -- >> it started with an accident involving his wife and daughter at h and hunting park. ended in gunfire from a tow truck operator battling it out with another towing company. >> tow truck drivers facing off with one another. five or six in each group and they were yelling and screaming, cursing and threatening each
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other. >> bob asked to us conceal his face after violence are a rupped around 10:00 monday morning. says while medics were tending to his wife and daughter, tow truck operators from central penn towing and another towing company got into it. things escalated an driver from central penn pulled a gun. >> next thing i know i heard a shot guy got shot in a back. i turned around and looked and saw the smoke coming out of the barrel of the gun. >> police arrested central penn driver wilfredo rosario on aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and other charges. shot the owner of sianni's hip in the wounded owner would not speak to us on camera friday. >> one of the reasons we put our tow program in effect because of this. >> battles between tow company operators made headlines for years here. even a tv reality show about it. a new towing system was put in place by the city and things seemed to calm down but now sources say central penn and sianni are at odds over parking lotting rights.
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this man seize drivers are caught in the middle and should beware. >> i'm worried about the public, and they're unawareness of the tow trucks and their wars going on right now. >> bottom line again something we will not tolerate. >> reporter: now, we tried to talk to the owner of both towing companies. they refused to talk to us on cam are about this dispute. and the gunfire, the suspect in this case is behind bars tonight on $250,000 bail. coming up at 6:00, why the police department will be keeping a close eye on this. iain? >> dave, thank you. more than dozen people are forced on to the street in the middle of the morning after fire rips through their homes. happened on west oxford street in north philadelphia around 1:30. fire crews were able to get the blaze under control before anyone was hurt. the red cross is giving assistance to the three families displaced by the fire. no word yet op a cause. >> a philadelphia firefighter accused of impersonating a police officer and sexually assaulting a woman is out on $100,000 bail tonight.
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lieutenant jamal johnson an 18 year veteran of the department was formally charged with kidnapping and sexual assault today. he's accused of stopping a woman on north 13th street wednesday night and investigators say he ordered that woman into his pickup truck and forced her to perform a sex act. the woman managed to jump from the truck and called police. >> police investigate a series of car break ins bucks county they say at least nine were targeted in falls township. the thefts happening on thorn bridge drive and tulip lane overnight. authorities say the vehicles were all unlock. at least $3,100 worth of items were taken. >> to the ebola virus and impact on the world. the deadly virus is not only impacting patients and those close to them, but as fox's jonathan serrie reports it's also affecting food supplies, business and travel. >> reporter: the centers for disease control and prevention is closely monitoring the spread of ebola as more hospitals isolate patients they believe
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may have been exposed to the deadly virus. dr. beth bell director of the cdc center for emerging and infectious diseases. she says, "we recognize ebola seems threatening. the simple truth is, we know how to stop the spread of ebola between people. "investigators in dallas are closely watching 50 people who may have had contact with ebola patient thomas eric duncan. while they believe most are at least low risk there is a small group they're monitoring more closely. duncan's case affecting international travelers despite monitoring systems at airports and advisors how ebola cannot be spread through the air many businesses are putting on hold plans to send employees to the area. >> we put travel ban in place. there's no one going back and forth and have not been for several weeks now. >> reporter: and one the virus if liberia involves foodism. many who are now sick used to work in the field. getting food no those who need
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is tough and paying for it even tough. >> we're looking at prices rising 30%. >> cdc issued a level three travel advisory to west africa which means people should avoid non search travel to those countries affected by this ebola outbreak. in atlanta, jonathan serrie, fox news. >> new jersey's acting governor is out of the hospital a day after falling from a bicycle breaking her wrist andly bow. the lieutenant governor crashed her bike yesterday in sea bright the acting governor right now because governor christie is campaigning for candidates out of the state. the governor' office says she never lost consciousness so power did not have to be transferred to the next in line. the senate president steve sweeney. >> the daughter of cincinnati bengals player devon still continues to recover. >> and he tweeted this picture of four year old lea wearing his bengals shirt. still says "start of the fifth round of chemo today. let's go, trooper. hash tag she likes wearing my shirts "lea was diagnosed with pediatric cancer back in june
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much she's being treated at children's hospital of philadelphia. >> to your fox 29 weather authority now. a wet and chilly weekend. fox 29 meteorologist katelyn roth is here. caitlin, how much rain are we talking about for tomorrow morning. >> only a quarter to half inch, dawn. no the a ton of rainfall but it will make a soggy start to the weekend. saturday morning plans whether it's golf game, kids sports running errands in jeopardy being a little wet out there. the in mat doppler not showing any rain here. back towards our west in portions of the western and central pennsylvania. here's one band just northeast of pittsburgh but more organized area of what we would call pretty light rain this is in west central pa just about to cross the mountains going to take few hours to reach us. and while we may hear a rumble of thunder or two i don't expect any rain to be very heavy during the over into the and early morning hours. fox future cast showing showers arriving any time midnight or after. i would say. if you're out late you might see the rain. going bed early probably not. you might sleep right through it because it's about seven to 9:00 a.m. that we'll have the best chance to see instead did he
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rain moving through early tomorrow morning. by noon, it starts to move offshore. we see some late day clearing. some sun return by the time saturday ends but with the return of the sun also means we'll have pretty brisk northwest wind behind it. rainfall estimated off doppler radar only look to be about a quarter to half inch. this is forecasted estimated rainfall. so nothing too substantial. but it's just the impacts having a damp and dreary kind of morning and pretty cool, too. i think we hit our high temperature by around sunrise and temperatures fall throughout the day. 63 in the city tonight. 55 in the suburb much it's actually mild as that rain moves in. we start off around 70 degrees. we'll fall into the mid 60s by late afternoon morning rain giving way to afternoon sunshine becoming breezy and cooler. sunday looks bright but very chilly we'll have the latest on the temperatures stelaid when. dawn and iain. >> katelyn, thank you marriage, divorce and sexual will the topic of conversation at the vatican this weekend. why bishops conference could lead to some heated debate and major changes within the
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catholic church. >> plus a python in the big city. urban developers are stunned to find an 8-foot snake just hanging out. and things take a scary turn when the police show up. >> a bride claims president obama made her late for her own wedding. obama made her late for her own wedding. why she says he got in the
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i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families.
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>> supporters of chinese rule clashing with pro democracy protesters in hong kong. the protesters are demanding change from the chinese government. they want democracy and self governing chinese territory. the protests are the biggest since the british colony was hasn'ted by the chinese rule in 1997. >> hundreds of thousands muslims traveled from across the world to one of the hoely sites in sudden rabe. they're praying at mount arafat near mecca where the prophet mohammed delivered his farewell sermon at the end of his life. the gathering here at the climax of the annual pilgrimage to mecca that every abled body muslim is asked to make at least once on this day the faithful believe prayers are answered and since are forgiven. >> no conversations off limits from sexuality to divorce to marriage it will will all be discussed during a two week meeting of catholic business shops at the vatican and the
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results could change policy in the church. the bishop starts on sunday. there are already hints change is on the way. many speculating post francis might let did you veried catholics take community. it's forbidden receipt now until you get a null many. bishops have different priorities depending on where they're from. >> you have to remember also that this is international meeting. we're not talking just about north america or europe. where the issues like divorced and remarriage are very much in the for front. there are issues of pill lig gam me in other countries and components. >> discussions will continue into next year. that's when pope francis wants final proposals for any changes. a lawsuit is planned in the death of legendary comedian joan rivers. >> her daughter me list is suing her mother's doctor. friend says me list is plans to file a lawsuit against dr. gwen core vin they performed an unscheduled biopsy on the 81 year old comedian and continued to so patients and even accept
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new ones. rivers went into cardiac and respiratory arrest august 28th while under going a throat procedure in new york see. she died september 4th. >> it is the great trash can caper. >> one meant you see it, the next minute you don't. and what you see in this video actually costs you money. >> what did you do once that was video tape. >> i call the police. >> and that's when thing got way out of hand. fox 29 investigates. professional movers thought they had seen it all until they discovered a mysterious envelope in an elderly woman's home. what they found inside that had the homeowner in tears and
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>> police need your help nabbing two men who robbed a fill a deli or ford road in wynnefield heights monday evening at about 6:40. police say one of the men pointed a gun at the employee and demanded money while the other went behind the counter and stole cash and cigarettes. they took off on foot heading north on the 2600 block of cranston road. if you recognize these guys, give police a call. a neighborhood in philly invent add new game called hide the trash can and we are not kidding. a can was dropped off but then somebody swiped it but there's a whole lot to this story and it's costing you. our investigative reporter jeff cole thought that sounded too crazy to be true. he's here what he's calling the great trash can caper. >> sure are. on penns grove in philly one
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money you see the trash can, the next you do not. we dug into lots of stories here at fox 29 investigates. but the case of the disappearing city trash can is a first. ♪ >> reporter: take good look at what this security camera captured on an early morning in july 2014. the man in the white shirt has a city issued trash can balanced on a handtruck and he's wheeling it away from the spot where the philadelphia streets department placed it for the residents never to be seen again. >> what is this with the trash can. >> reporter: joanne manuel is the back captain. >> this is the great trash can caper w is the trash can. where is the trash can. >> reporter: who is on that video? according to this police report, it's the guy who lives here on penns grove. fred hudgens. hudgens seen on his facebook page where he writes he work in the prison system, earns about 42 grand a year as a guard. >> trash can is right there. >> reporter: manuel says, when
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the trash can vanished, she tracked down the closest security camera. >> what did you do once saw that you video tape? i call the police. because i am responsible as block captain for that trash c can. >> reporter: that's where the police report came from. there have been no charges or an arrest. we wanted to find out from city workers hodge gins what's his beef with the trash can. but he doesn't want to talk. we knocked on his door, sent him repeated text messages and even called his brother. but fred hodge gins would not meet to take a look at that video and explain it. in two short phone calls hodge gins claimed he didn't want the trash can in front of or even near his home and claims he's been harassed by block captain manual had denies it. she says, the residents want it. only hodge gins is opposed. >> i didn't understand why he didn't want it. it keeps the block clean.
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i don't understand it. >> you may think an argument over trash can is pretty silly stuff, but why are trash -- wire trash can as part of philadelphia's on-going battle with the 600,000 tons of garbage produced here. they cost asking bucks each. nine hadn't dread of them. that's 54 grand. but there's an issue. >> we also have our share of residents that just simply don't want to wait till trash day, and that's a big problem. >> reporter: a big ugly often smelly problem. these are pictures the streets department gave us to prove just how bad illegal dumping around wire baskets is. you don't want people to take their household trash and stuff it in the wire baskets you have along neighborhoods? >> it becomes a problem where these baskets need to be serviced to or three times a day. >> reporter: but the streets department only has the manpower for one pick up daily. carlton says there are several trash drop off sights in the city and enforcement officers will slap people who illegally
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dump all in an effort to push back against the street corner eye sores. as for the trash can caper, on penns grove -- >> this is the first time he ever heard of neighbors removing basket themselves. >> reporter: the video shows the wire basket being wheeled right out of sight. the man reappears but runs away when a car comes down the stre street. again, there's no longer a trash can on penns grove. a street recently spruced up by residents for a beautiful block contest. and while fred hodge gins isn't talking about the trash can controversy, the streets department is. >> we will try to correct the action additionally we will replace the basket that disappeared that you spoke of and once we try to replace it, the other resident said i'm taking it again. >> now the streets department doesn't know if that other resident was hodge gins but tells us the person lives at his address.
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this dispute has become so ugly joanne manuel's daughter was charged with assault after an argument. she plead to lesser charge. hodge gins claims there's a court order on place many of the trash can but he's offered no proof. this morning, the streets department said it would return a trash can to penns grove. folks? >> all right, jeff. nice work. >> still ahead on fox 29 news at 5:00, the 24 hour breast enhancement. >> there's no cutting, no recovery. the new cosmetic procedure that gives you a bigger bust for one day only. >> and good things come in small packages and this little girl is proof of that. she's working to make a difference for a cause close to her heart. how shows doing it one stroke at a time new at 6:00. caitlin. >> iain we're checking rain headed our way. nothing showing up on ultimate doppler quiet yet. you can see the showers behind me. that will signal the beginning me[ male announcer ] tomcat bait kills up to 12 mice,
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faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what's up with you? funny you ask. i'm actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. ♪ [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. ♪ >> we're following breaking news just into fox 29. you're looking live over the scene of an accident along mlk drive near girard avenue.
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this the scene from our traffic cam a as you can see there's a lot of police activity and mlk drive is closed in both directions. so far no word on any injuries. we'll bring you details as soon as they become available. >> a local shop rite spread goodwill in its community in hahn northern of recent remold link in fairless hills. shop rite owners donated $1,000 to the lower bucks family wmca the announcement coming today at the ribbon cutting of the store's new brown chef market and beer garden. shop rite is now the first supermarket in lower buck county to sell beer. >> in wore cheddar find 10,000 of cash an big stack of bonds. they moved a piece of furniture in back room a manila envelope with rubber bands around it fell to the floor. and side the cash and dozens of $1,000 bonds. the movers took it right to the homeowner. >> she was in the room with her daughter and i came in and showed her.
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and emotion just overcame her. she took a step down sat on the bed and tears came to her eyes. tears of joy. >> the money was hidden by the homeowner's late husband. she had no idea it was there. well, we've got instant coffee, instant breakfast but how about instant breasts it's happening in new york believe it or not. upper east sides will take surgeon is offering women the chance to enhance themselves temporarily. the new breast augmentation technique is being called inn is it a boob. designed to increase breast size for just a 24-hour period. there's no cutting involved. saline solution is injected into the breast adding volume to the area. >> i always thought about having a boob job. so with having this procedure i'll see how i'm going to look. >> so you probably asking how much will this cost you? get this. $2,500. >> local little girl wins a tv cooking competition and ends -- it ends up being the very last time she shared something with
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her dad. >> how she's using her painful loss and her new found fame to help others. keith? >> one eagles player is catching plenty of praise for the team's three and one start. talk about the biggest change in
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>> check this out. a rare and scary sight in the city. a giant python deciding to take shelter inside a garage in chicago and it's took quite a few people as you can imagine it was just hanging from the garage door. sabina gonzales' house guest discovered it and called police. >> the other cops pushed on the
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garage so it sort of created an opening. it was the thickest par of the snake was caught and it fell and according to my house guest it fell on the head of the police officer that was trying to free it. >> wow. the snake they got it. it's in the custody of animal control. and officials don't think it's dangerous. homeowner says she's lived there for more than 50 years and has never seen a snake in the neighborhood until now. a local 11 year old girl wins a national tv cooking competition and it turns out to be one of the last things she can share with her dad. it's been emotional roller coaster for this brave young girl. >> fox 29's jennifer joyce reports she's using her new found fame to help others. >> this 11 year old is proving size and age do not matter. my favorite noise. >> when it comes to skills in the kitchen. >> i've been watching food network my entire life. >> the sixth greater at cinnaminson middle school picked up tips from the pro and this week became big winner herself
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the youngest to ever win on the food network show chopped. >> in the first round i actually thought i was going home because they did not like the meet ball at you will. >> despite hurdles -- i kept dropping everything. everything kept breaking. power through it. all right. i guess i have to. >> nichols persevered in honor of her father jeff who suffered a traumatic brain injury. >> i didn't know how long he was going that be here for. i just wanted to give him all the good news i possible. >> three intention rounds later, any can you tell us got the news she had hoped for. >> congratulations! >> and proudly delivered it to her father in the hospital. >> dad, i wouldn't chopped. and i -- even though he couldn't talk i could see a smile arose on his face. >> lilly's dad died three days later. >> she did it for her father but has made this and tire family so
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very proud. >> reporter: nichols has made it her mission to raise awareness of traumatic brain injury. >> i wanted to let people know that had a traumatic brain injury in their family they're not alone. >> lilly got her chef jacket home with her autographed by all of the judges. little wal are you going to do with this? eventually i'll have it framed and every time i walk in my room it will be a reminted keep on pushing and unite get somewhere. >> little system convinced no matter the challenge her guardian angel and best bud dad will be by herself. in cinnaminson, new jersey, jenn for joyce, fox 29 news. >> lilly nichols will be on "good day philadelphia" monday morning. tune in to hear more from this incredible local girl. >> beautiful blushing bride is all dressed up with no way to get to her wedding thanks to president obama's motorcade. take look at these pictures of the bride. blocked on lake shore drive in chicago as president obama leaves his home in kenwood. debra ann robinson said the motorcade took an hour an hour
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making her late for her 11:00 o'clock wedding at city hall. if you think she was nervous weight imagine how the groom felt waiting and waiting and waiting. >> he was here already waiting so he was calling and wondering where we were. i told him that we were stuck in a motorcade and in the traffic. >> of course my nerves was shot. still is a little bit but i'm a lot better now. >> good story to tell, right? after they finally tied the knot the newlyweds say -- said they wanted that catch up on what the president did during this trip home. a pair of giant twin pandas making a very special debut. >> kiki and ciancia living in a chinese research center for three years but the pair along with seven other giant pandas meeting the public for the first time. they're part of a program to help captive pandas develop survival skills before they get released. researchers say all nine pandas are healthy and have developed a degree of turf awareness which will help them prepare them to survive in the wild.
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and time now for your fox 29 weather authority. i know we're talk something rain but iain and i are freaking out over the cold part of this forecast. >> they are freaking out. (laughter). >> a lot of people will once they really feel the rush of cold air because you compare it to last weekend we had temperatures 85 and 86. >> gorgeous. 80s to 40s. i know. rapid change really quickly. if you have yet to unpack the fall clothes and the jacks now would be the time. put that on the to do list this weekend. weather headlines starting off with the rain that's arriving. dry for now we'll see that arrive late only talking about quarter to half inch of rainfall with on and off showers on saturday morning. we are expecting quick clearing on saturday afternoon. but that's courtesy of a very brisk northwest wind which will bring the cooler air and cause these temperatures to actually fall throughout the day and then pretty rapidly into saturday night. ultimate doppler right now showing an area of some pretty light rain this is just about west of the allegheny. so about to cross the mountain and then into our area along a cold front bringing rain right
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now i wouldn't rule out a rumble of thunder by the time we get to early top morning it is still a few hours away from punxsutawney down through state college moving west to east and once it does reach us i think it will be in and out quickly. coastal flood advisories in effect for south jersey along the delaware bay all of delaware and back through delmarva and chesapeake. has nothing to do with rain, due to high tied it expires in about an hour so minor flooding along the back bays there. 73 was the high in philadelphia today. the normal 71. record high 90 set back in 1919. we have yet to even come close to any record highs any time soon. 71 degrees here in philadelphia right now. 68 in pottstown. 69 reading. 68 in millville. temperatures back towards our west we're watching so 60s and 70s here. but 50s to 40s back along the great plains and the midwest where there are a ton of frost and freeze warnings in effect. so that's the air mass headed our way. don't think it's cold enough at least not quite yet for any frost frost, showers arrive by midnight. by early tomorrow morning you're seeing rain may come down steady
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at times. otherwise it's just rainfall that will good threw the nine, 10am hour before pushing into jersey here we are at noon just rain across the shore we're already seeing clearing north and west and then i think we see late day sunshine by saturday afternoon. very gray soggy start to the d day. may interrupt your early morning plans and for the kids games it's going to be a soggy morning on the fields. but we're not talking about a rainfall. a half inch or less. highest amount up in the poconos. the big story after the rain will be the falling temperatures. tomorrow morning it's actually very mild but the rain coming in out ahead of the front in the 60s to 70 degrees. watch those temperatures fall through out the day as the cold air rushes in. 50s and 60s this is by 8:00 p.m. saturday night. and then mid 40s even some 30'ss showing up on the higher elevations of the poconos because it's so breezy we're not worried about frost forming. tonight 60s and 50's. morning rain guessing way to afternoon sun tomorrow. 70-degree high will probably be reach before noon before we fall into the 60s. your seven day forecast shows,
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63 will be the high temperature there on sunday. and that's with a pretty gusty west wind. it will feel like we're in the 50s most of the day. we will have a lot of sunshine and this cool snap is short lived. by the time we had the monday we're back into the 70s. that's seasonable and stay in the 70s the rest of the week. so it will be a significant change kind of a one day special that will develop affect anyone going out to the eagles game because it will also maybe affect the game because we have strong west winds. >> bundle up. >> exactly. >> caitlin, thank you. >> keith russell here with sports. >> we knew the phillies would have rebuttal but we have a rebuttal to their rebuttal. >> right. >> last night on fox 29 news at 5:00 howard eskin broke the news that phillies president david montgomery was forced out of his spot and that minority owner john middleton was in the process of moving no a majority roll. today the phillies issued a statement saying montgomery was not forced out. here's howard's response to the response. >> here is my response to the phillies statement. in five words. i stand by my story.
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john middleton's father herb originally had approximately 10% of the team. john has purchased a percentage from the other owners that has now taken him four times over that original vest investment and not part of the bylaws. middleton now owns 48%. the phillies lost money last season and middleton has been paying the needed money. there is an internal struggle with the majority ownership question. but i'm told eventually it will happen. >> now what changes will the eagles make after their offense didn't score a single point? here's a thought. get the ball at the guy who's fifth in the nfl in receiving this year jeremy maclin. he's been of the most consistent offensive player this season. the last two weeks he's made great catches in the fourth quarter. who believed he would come on this strong after missing all of last year with torn acl. >> it's been kind of what i expected. i had a chance to be around it for two years now.
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like i said, when you have so many play makers it makes your job easier. >> so when he one we get everything clicking man it will be a site to see. >> what separates those receivers in clutch time making big plays like he has, and he's a guy i depend on when he's out. there i expect him to make a plays but he's come through and done a great job. me and him have to continue to work together to be even better. >> now the eagles have won the last three meeting with the rams. we break down their chances this week on "game day live" sunday at 11am. that's followed by fox nfl sunday at noon. eagles and rams right here at 1:00 o'clock. don't miss the post game report. after loading 63 games it was owner josh harris who call the six social security season a huge success. now as they enter another year among the leagues worst team again with the nba thinking about changing the lottery system. harris speaking today at sixers training camp.
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>> we're going to try to win every game. we'll try very hard to win every game. we're not about losing on the court, um, and but we're also building and developing players. so i say that wee win as many games as we can. >> really? (laughter). >> i'll tell you who is not about losing. the orioles found the magic in the eighth last night in game wednesday detroit. they scored eight runs in the eighth. today a four run eighth. a big below called from dell manayunk. o's within six each six. tigers go home in danger of getting swept. and get where else dellmon young used to play. >> phillies. >> last year for the philadelphia phillies. >> figure. >> right. >> work out for him. >> comes through a big three run double today. >> keith, thank you. >> scarier moments at a local rite aid. a crash leaves a gaping hole in the wall. what went wrong. that's coming up at 6:00. >> the physical flyers taking over a local gym class and the
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children had no idea it was coming. what the team left behind that will have a lasting impact. what the team left behind that will have a lasting impact. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right
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football fans like meat clearly, i am a football fan. up your game with the new ultimate meats pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's.
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>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at sick. >> and we begin tonight at sick with breaking news. an accident along mlk drive near girard avenue is causing some big delays in fairmount park. take look at this. this is a very active scene from skyfox just moments ago. we saw one person rescued from this wreck. you can see the vehicle on its
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side. we're working to find out that person's condition and mlk drive is shut down in both directions in that area right now. of course we'll stay on top of this story and keep you updated. now on to your fox 29 weather authority. rain an cold blast. live look at doppler radar. a storm system is on the way and you'll want to brace for what is behind it. temperatures close to freezing if you can believe that. >> let's get over to caitlin roth for the details. it will get pretty cold, right, caitlin. >> it really will. luckily those close to freezing temperatures will be up in the poconos and eastbound there probably mid to upper 30 not even really the threat of some frost. that all being said it is certainly going to feel lick fall. very chilly. compared to anything we've seen lately. ultimate doppler are the now very quiet. we should have a pretty dry friday evening we're waiting on the rain back towards our west. you can see it wedged between pittsburgh and the appalachian mountains around state college back towards punxsutawney through altoona you're seeing the rainfall.