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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  October 3, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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side. we're working to find out that person's condition and mlk drive is shut down in both directions in that area right now. of course we'll stay on top of this story and keep you updated. now on to your fox 29 weather authority. rain an cold blast. live look at doppler radar. a storm system is on the way and you'll want to brace for what is behind it. temperatures close to freezing if you can believe that. >> let's get over to caitlin roth for the details. it will get pretty cold, right, caitlin. >> it really will. luckily those close to freezing temperatures will be up in the poconos and eastbound there probably mid to upper 30 not even really the threat of some frost. that all being said it is certainly going to feel lick fall. very chilly. compared to anything we've seen lately. ultimate doppler are the now very quiet. we should have a pretty dry friday evening we're waiting on the rain back towards our west. you can see it wedged between pittsburgh and the appalachian mountains around state college back towards punxsutawney through altoona you're seeing the rainfall. we'll time it out for you.
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clouds increasing by midnight we start to seat showers move in and by early tomorrow morning we could even see steadier showers. not expecting a lot of rainfall out of this, but it will guarantee a pretty gloomy start to your saturday morning where we all see rain. we'll see that rain push out probably by about mid afternoon. the whole day is not lost. temperatures right now in the 60s in the 70's. pretty mild here in philadelphia. 71 degrees right now. here's a live look outside behind us the ben franklin bridge. you can see those ominous clouds we've had all day. hard to shake them. have the clouds all evening it remains dry and mild the rain will arrive late and we'll see rising temperatures by dawn. saturday morning on and off showers only looking about quarter to half inch of rainfall total. it's not a lot but it is going to put a damper on saturday morning plans. coming into the afternoon skies really quickly clear. that's thanks in part to a very strong wind which will dry us out very quickly. but also bring some very chilly temperatures that will last all weekend long and we'll have the latest on that still ahead in
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your seven day forecast. dawn and iain. >> thanks, caitlin. developing story tonight that has heightened concerns about the enterovirus. there are new reports suggesting there may be a link between the so-called d68 virus and a spinal cord abnormality that produces muscle weakness in children. fox 29's bruce gordon is live at children's hospital of philadelphia and bruce, this certainly has the attention of a lot of parents. >> reporter: yeah, sure has dawn especially after chop reported to the centers for disease control three brand new cases of young children, young pushes who suffered from those spinal abnormalities and acute muscle we canness in their limbs. they want to find out did those young patients have the d68 virus and if so and was that the cause of their problem? even on this beautiful fall day, a dark cloud of consternation hangs over patients and grandparents alike. >> it seems like they have a name for this virus but still like do they really actually know what it is? they don't
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have any defense against it. >> i heard a lot about the enterovirus. i'm concerned about it also because i don't want him to bring it home. it has asthma and that will take him over the top. >> reporter: any discussion around your house about this virus and what's going on? >> we tell her wash her hands when she's in school. make sure she does be careful about everything she touches. >> reporter: enterovirus d68 sick send more than 500 people nationwide most of them children. now the centers for disease control reports a new concern based on four cases in colorado that acute muscle weakness just short of paralysis may be caused by d68. children's hospital of philadelphia has reported three cases of young patients with muscle weakness in one or more limbs. dr. brenda bandwell says that's note worth for two reasons. >> one we're seeing a number of these children in a very short time frame. that's unusual. and notable. and the second is the involvement specifically of this gray matter. >> gray matter on the spinal cord is very rare and it can
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cause muscle weakness in the limbs. perhaps most concerning -- >> it has been seen with other viral infections so therefore it obviously prompts a search to see whether there's virus causing this presentation. >> reporter: the big question, is it a virus? d68 in particular that's causing the muscle weakness. the sound of rushing water suggests parents are take nothing chances. >> it's one of those things it's a constant reminder to make sure you have the necessary hand sanitizers around all over the place. making sure you remind them you got to wash your hands after everything you do. >> reporter: doctors here are now running tests on those three young patients with the muscle weakness to figure out whether they in fact had or have the d68 virus. it's believed preliminarily that one of the patients did in fact have virus of some kind. not clear what kind. complete test results not due back for about week. iain. >> all right, bruce, thank you. let's turn to breaking news out of shanksville, pennsylvan pennsylvania. here's live picture of the flight 93 national memorial
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where three buildings caught fire. the memorial of course marks the spot where united airlines flight 93 crashed on septembe september 11th during the terrorist attacks. fire crews say there's extensive damage to the complex including the park's headquarters. fortunately no one was hurt and the flames did not burn the memorial itself or construction of the visitors center which was scheduled to be completed by june of 2015. >> three weeks and there's still no arrest in the shooting of a pennsylvania state trooper in the poconos. authorities say they have found clothing, food ammunition even explosives but no sign of the suss spec. survivalist eric frein. officials say this week there were three unconfirm sightings of him and they even located a camp sight. frein is charged with killing corporal brian dixon and seriously wounding his colleague last month outside their police barracks in blooming grove. it's believed he is still in the area of pike and monroe counti counties. >> the fbi and police are looking for the man who robbed a pnc bank in center city today. it happened just before
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1:00 o'clock this afternoon at 18th and market streets. employees say a man came in, claiming to have gun. that showed a demand note instead. and when the employee handed over the cash, the suspect took off. police think he may have ducked down into september tra trolley station. they were able to recover some but not all of the mon. >> a confrontation between two tow truck rifles spills out on the streets of philadelphia turning violent it's a story only on fox. dave schratwieser is live outside police head to tell us why police are keeping a close eye on this situation. dave? >> reporter: dawn, police are monitoring this situation after one tow truck driver shot the owner of another tow truck owner over a dispute. there's colorly bad blood here and police are hoping drivers don't get caught in the middle. >> fear. couldn't say nothing. just had to stand there and watch. >> reporter: when his wife and daughter were injured monday
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morning in an accident at h and hunting park, bob morrell was worried about getting them to the hospital. instead gunfire erupted at the scene from a tow truck operator battling it out with another towing company. >> tow truck drivers facing off with one another. five, six in each group. and they were yelling and screaming cursing threatening each other. >> reporter: morrell asked to us conceal his face. he says while medics were tending to his wife and daughter, tow truck operators from central penn together and sianni's towing got into it. investigators say things escalated and a driver from central penn pulled a gun and shot the owner of sianni's. >> i heard shot, guy got shot in the back. i turned around and look i saw smoke coming out of the barrel of the gun. >> police arrived and arrested the driver on aggravated assault reckless endangerment and other charges. detectives say he shot the owner of sianni's in the hip. the owner would not speak to us friday.
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>> bottom line again something we will not tolerate. fights between tow company operators made headlines for years here sparking a reality tv show. a new towing system was put in mace by the city and things ca calmed now. central penn and sianni's are at odds over parking lotting rights. this man says drivers are caught in the middle. >> they're all fighting over one tow or two tows for a little bit of money. >> reporter: now the owners of the both companies refuse to talk to us on camera. but from my conversations with them it's clear this feud is not over. we will keep updated on this story as more details become available. iain. >> all right, dave, thank you. hazmat crews clear out the apartment of a u.s. ebola patient thomas duncan in dallas. they are sorting through anything duncan might have touched or left behind. the family living in the apartment where duncan stayed is under quarantine. with ebola cases in the u.s. there are some calls for travel bans to impacted regions but the white house suggests it's unnecessary and count producti
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productive. >> who and cdc have not recommended that we cut off travel from these countries, because it remains essential that the world community engage in order to help these affected countries address and contain this on-going health crisis. >> howard university student in washington is now getting testing for the virus. >> still ahead on fox 29 news at sick, a crash leaves a gaping hole in local business. >> the very scary moments at this rite aid and what went wrong. that's coming up next. >> this nine year old girl from the lehigh valley loves to swim and she's turning her passion in the pool into something very special. her amazing efforts to help others coming up next. >> keith? >> dawn the phillies issue a statement saying howard eskin's report last night on fox 29 is not true and howard steps to the plate again. a story you cannot miss coming up in sports. >> and in weather, first weekend of objection feeling much more like fall. we've got some rain on the way, and then it's the significant cool down to follow. we'll show you how long it lasts coming up next in your seven day
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we'll show you how long it lasts coming up next in your seven day forecast.
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ah! we'll show you how long it lasts coming up next in your seven day forecast. come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions.
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it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! >> breaking news now. an accident along mlk drive near girard avenue is causing some big delays in fairmount park. take look. this is the seep from sky fox just moments ago. we saw one penuries could you do from the wreckage right there. that person was taken to the hospital for treatment. and mlk shut down in both directions in that area. >> a car crash nos a rite aid in voorhees, new jersey, and incredibly no one was hurt. first responders rush to go the scene when they got the call around 9:45 this morning. that car slammed into the rite aid in the 400 block of centennial boulevard. female driver apparently drove halfway through the store before dropping. there's no word and what made her lose control. right now police have not charged her. >> philadelphia police hoping a
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diss tipping tiff tattoo leads them to the person responsible for robbing a cobbs creek store. it happened last thursday at the christian grocery on the 5700 block of christian street. the employee says the man pulled out a gun and demanded money after getting it he took off. police say the suspect has the letter w tattooed on his right hasn't. >> they say good things come in small park catches a little girl from the lehigh valley is certainly proof of that. >> she is. she's trying to make difference for a cause very near and dear to her heart. and she's doing it one stroke at a time. ♪ >> i love to swim. i starred to swim when i was about four. >> once nine year old carli gets into the water, hard to get her out. this cute little competitor has got plenty of trophies and ribbons to be proud of. but this swimming sensation is turning her passion in the pool into something very perm. >> i swim to raise money and awareness for diabetes.
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>> it goes back here. >> you see carli has type one diabetes. that little box on her waist is an insulin pump. she was diagnosed at just three years old. her dad who also has diabetes remembers that day all too well. >> it was very traumatic for me as you can imagine. i felt extremely responsible and guilty. it hit me. that, you know, we can either wallow in self pity or we can do something and, you know, and make a difference. >> this dynamic father daughter duo is doing just that. feel starters you'll find them the step out to stop diabetes walk in allentown every year. carli wanted to make her own mark and came up with what else, a swim a thon. olympic swimmer and silver med list christie company well joined her last year and last in for the third annual swim. >> she said she would do it and in the blink of an eye. she didn't even think about it. she shed i'm in. >> really nice and she's really fun to swim with.
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we just kept smiling at each other. >> carli and christie swam 3 miles. 188 lapse. plus two more for good measure and the crowd went crazy. >> it was just feeling the wall on the last lap and knowing that i finish and i did it. i was so happy and so proud of myself. >> she said she was going to do it and she did it. >> raising close to her goal of 20 thus san dollars for diabetes research and special kids camp. >> diabetes sometimes is really hard for me, so it would be re really cool if they found cure. >> she really is passionate about showing one kid can make a difference. >> and she is such a cutie. tomorrow carli will be hanging up her towel just temporarily to participate in this year's step out diabetes walk at coca-cola park in allentown. she was the lehigh valley youth ambassador. her item is called carli rocks.
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go to our website. she will definitely be rocking it tomorrow for her favorite cause. >> good for her. >> very lucky students it getting hockey help from the flyers. they surprised delaware county students at nor wood element row with gym class take over. flyers players were on hand with a special hock can he ring set up to show them some moves. they also donated sticks, balls and street hockey nets to the school to visit came ahead of neck week's home opener against the new jersey devils. >> all right. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. caitlin roth is telling us it's going to be in the 30s and fou fours. >> we're not happy about that. >> even though it's north of us we're feeling the effects of that. >> it will only be a couple of hours. a brutal couple of hours. i can't sugar coat it. i say it with a smile it's the truth. it's going to be very chilly especially as we head into sunday. all thanks in part to cold from that back towards our west bringing showers across western and central portions of pennsylvania. locally we're seeing them
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stretch from about binghamton new york and west of washington. so rain on the way first. then we'll deal with cooler temperatures. these showers are mainly about three to four hours west of us but it's going to take probably even longer than to reach us we're talking about after midnight we'll start to see some rain move in our selves. starring off at 7:00 o'clock tonight we'll stop the clock at midnight our weren't suburbs seeing the rain it's just starring to move into philadelphia. so if you expect to be it late tonight, can't hurt to bring the umbrella probably need it come midnight, one work a.m. by 7am tomorrow morning up early whatever you have going on it will be raining, soggy damp start to the day. not too nice but we turn it around quickly. this cold front picks up speed as we go through the morning hours. so it's raining, yes, nine, 10, 11:00 o'clock but by noon, watch that quick progress of the front moving offshore and that's actually been a trend over the past 48 hours. so i would bet that we do see some pretty quick clearing as the model indicates so by and in, you're already seeing sunshine north and west as well as into the city. and then were end the day
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looking pretty bright. a much better end although it will be a much cooler end, too. one of those flip flopped days with our temperatures where the warmest readings will be in the morning. into sunday no problem. high pressure reinforced. a lot of sunshine problems you can so probably on this map behind me will be the gusty winds and the really cooler temperatures. so we'll show you how that plays out. by saturday morning, we're at 70 degrees. it's very mild. that's how we start the day. once the rain moves out and we get that northwest wind kicking in and start to dry out the cooler air starts to rush inform this is 8:00 o'clock saturday night. 50s to 60s. so temperatures are falling throughout the afternoon. you can see wind gusts over 20 to 25 miles an hour. here's really cold temperatures. this is early sunday morning. we're at 45 here in philadelphia. little bit milder south and east and a little bit cooler north and west this is where we could see 30s. 39 in allentown. 37 in mount pocono. the only thing that really saves us it remains breezy overnight which actually is going to prevent any frost formation much that's a good thing. by saturday night winds are gusting over 25 miles an hour at
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times. so that's what will make it feel chillier winds remain pretty breezy as we head into sunday morning and that will be same case for the eagles game on sunday afternoon. dry to start night rain arrives late. 63 in the city. 55 in the suburbs. for tomorrow 70 degrees will be the high temperature remember early high temperature. so don't feel -- it will feel chilly once we get into the p.m. hours with that sun breaking out becoming breezy with west winds over 25 miles an hour at time. all right. if you're going at the eagles game and you're at the last one at home, at the linc i guarantee you it will feel differently. 60 degrees the kick off temperature with a chilly breeze. sunny skies but that sun probably can't make up hugh cool it will feel out there otherwise except for the winds maybe affecting the kickers game it should be a pretty good looking day. seven day forecast 63 is all for the high temperature on sunday. it's breezy really feels like fall but luckily we mod writ those temperatures pretty quick fool monday. back into the 70s. we have some chances for showers tuesday and wednesday but we remain into the 70s so maybe that's just a little tiny taste of what we know is going to come
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but we'll take it one day at a time first. >> exactly right. >> thank you catlin. >> sure. >> all right. keith. >> today he get chapters two and three of this phillies story. >> your turn, now my turn again. >> the phillies challenge howard eskin's report and we know howard does not back down from a challenge. meantime one eagles receiver has never had a thousand yards in season but this year he's on pace for much more. he sha
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♪ >> last night fox 29's how war eskin reported phillies president david montgomery didn't want to leave he was forced out that john middleton will sooner or later be the team's majority owner. philly statement issued today denies the story. howard says he knows what he knows. >> here is my response to the phillies statement in five wor words. i stand by my story. john middleton' father herb originally had approximately 10% of the team. john has purchased percentage from the other owners that has now taken him four times over that original vestment and not part of the bylaws. middleton now owns 48%. the phillies lost money last season and middleton has been paying the needed money. there is an internal struggle with the majority ownership
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question but i'm told eventually it will happen. >> no denying this eagles luck ran out last week. even though it's not all good, it can't be all bad. one positive in the season so far. jeremy maclin under andy reid who drafted him maclin was seen aside kick to did he sean jackson with jackson now gone maclin fifth in the nfl in receiving. go to guy in chip kelly's offense. >> that featured a certain receiver and that was the position that desean played. so initially it's a little more wide open. obviously you try to get your guys in the places to be successful and to be able to make plays which just right now that ball has been coming my way a lot. >> post game must have been crazy for the o's of the last night eight runs in the eighth. today four runs in the eighth. big blow from dellmon young he used to play for the tigers and phillies. o's within seven-sick. tigers go home in danger of ge getting swept. party in the harbor g yeah, man. inner harbor.
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>> all right, keith. >> that does it for us here at 6:00 o'clock. >> we'll see you back here at 10:00. have a great night. inside edition is up
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quarantined! >> it's now touched our extended family. >> the tv doctor. her cameraman has ebola. >> we shared workspace, vehicles, equipment. >> and what it's like de contaminating an ebola hot zone. and don't panic. >> we're all gonna die. >> dr. phil's message to america. >> people panic when they don't have good information, and they fill in the blanks. and high heels drifter? why this beauty queen was busted. >> yes, your honor. then, joan rivers had the procedure. >> people have wonderedr they safe? well, i'm about to find out. >> now our jim moret is getting it. >> i'm just minutes away from