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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  October 6, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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and, parents in south jersey, one thing, what will school officials are diagnosis to keep their children safe after a young boy dies from well, he dies from that enterovirus. we will talk about that. what should we think about this, what was that yesterday? why does that eagles win feel like a loss. should we be concerned? ape why is our best runner, a defensive lineman. and how about this, what is with your hair? ladies, it is time for a new look come on, it is fall, it is autumn season. maybe you need that new brazilan hair treatment. you will never break your hair again. that is a promise. from me, a guy, and i necessity about women's hair. "good day philadelphia" starts right now.
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have to run over here and then jump in the chair. >> wow. >> that is exactly what will happen if you do. >> good morning. >> good to see you. >> high five. >> she and i were on the phone yesterday sweating out that eagles win. >> was it a win. >> yes, and then be like we're good and just kept going. >> perfect, hooray, we won, sue. >> i know. >> but you know what can i tell you my personal story. >> we were leaving center city and coming down i-95 and we had a touchdown with the fumble recovery. so that is right when we start add approaching the link, boom, boom, fire works. then right after that the other touchdown and then so we saw in the rear-view mirror, fire works. it was perfect timing. >> and then the third quarter happened. >> then i helped to yell at merrill reese in the radio i think we have this game, zone
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up. don't jinks it, merrill reese. he had to a will guys later on. >> i'm sorry. >> that was my merrill reese. >> pretty good. >> lets get to the weather. nine out of ten today. plenty of sun. but it is a chilly morning. bus stop buddy is bunled up. he won't need this heavy coat later on. temperatures in the 30's and 40's, it is a chilly, chilly start, two chillies because of the frost advisory until 9:00 a a.m. in the poconos. right now it is 48 degrees. sunrise at 7:02, 72 degrees is our high temperature, today with mostly sunny skies. that is about 10 degrees milder then yesterday but it will get breeze think afternoon ten to 15 miles an hour winds. be aware of that. temperatures in the mid 50's overnight so not as cold as last night but still, on the chilly side, that is your weather authority forecast for monday. lets see what monday morning traffic looks like as we get you out the door and we will
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start off with the schuykill expressway, ease bound. this is at route one roosevelt boulevard exit and you can see it is really, really crowded there. so, in springfield we will get to route one a at paper mill million road is there a vehicle fire there that has the right lane blocked. and then on 309 northbound at flourtown there is a disabled vehicle there, and the left lane is block, all that will slow you down this morning. guys? >> thanks, very much. it is 7:03. well, the head of the cdc is scheduled to brief president obama on the ebola situation today. >> this is as an american journalist who contracted ebola while working in liberia is expect to live the at the nebraska medical center in omaha for treatment. he is fifth ebola patient to return to the u.s. for treatment since the start of the out break. hospital officials there say they are ready for his arrival. >> decontamination steps that we're taking, we're cutting things into smaller pieces so
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they are easier to dispose of. >> a lot of lead time to prepare for how that patient will be received. >> in dallas texas thomas eric duncan has taken a turn for the worst. he about hospitalized with ebola since last week. duncan remains in critical condition. officials at a massachusetts hospital say a doctor admitted to this weekend for an apparent respiratory infection after having ebola virus is in stable condition. doctor richard sacoff remains in isolation. test results came back negative and cdc has confirmed that his symptoms are not related to the virus. >> bute bowl scare in the u.s. is closer to home. >> a little -- is in isolation at a health care facility in dover, delaware where our jenny joyce is right now. jenny, what is going on. >> reporter: well, this happies taking some serious precautions, mike, we were told that this child from liberia is now symptom free,
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however, the patient will will remain in isolation until both cdc and doctors here deem it safe for the patient to be released. according to bay health kent general the child from liberia was admitted to the hospital on saturday after experiencing ebola-like symptoms, the the hospital says that it followed cdc guidelines for identifying suspect cases of ebola ain't the child was placed in an isolation room. the young patient was then tested and the cdc was notified. the hospital says that the cdc declined to test the the child because the child was past the 21 day incubation period and likelihood of having ebola is extremely low. at this point we don't know anything about who this child is and an age or a gender or circumstances related to how or why this patient ended up here in delaware. we have very limited information. it is believed that it is unlikely this child is infect with ebola and they are just
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taking precautions, mike. >> as everybody is this this united states, apparently. 7:05. some parents in mercer county are concerned after a four year-old boy died from the enterovirus d68. >> school officials tried to ease community fears during a meeting last night. we will get to steve keeley. he is live with the store think morning, steve. >> reporter: yes, tried but didn't really he's a lieutenant of the parent's fears. you you can see blue ribbons tied around the trees in the school yard as a tribute to four year-old eli wall her died september 25th but his death is not confirmed by the centers for disease control, that it was caused by the enterovirus until just friday. more than a week after. so, that leaves a lot of parents wondering what do even the health experts know about this. most of them never even heard of enterovirus until recently but it was first identified way back in 1962, there have been multiple cases of break outs before but not like this cluster in today's modern communication era, five hundred cases in the country since august, and then four
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deaths, including now the one here, of eli waller, and before that confirmation on friday, there was normal attendance at the school on friday but not after hearing worry from many parents last night is that there is expect to be normal attendance here today especially since a second, four year-old boy, at the school, who had two preschool class west eli, now has enterovirus symptoms. but the cdc does not know if he has it for sure just yet. >> i really don't think there is anything that can make you feel better until we finally don't hear anymore, of these cases because they are not saying, that it is over with. i guess that is what i would need to hear it was an isolated case but it is not. they just said in there there is another child, and of course, he has it and potentially the cdc has his samples and he survived but they are in the sure what it is just yet. if he comes back positive, that is scary too because he is in the same, prek classroom
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all day. >> i don't think we have lost their confidence. i think communication is very difficult. in the very beginning we didn't know the cause of the death. so we are trying to balance not having inflammation and also trying to protect privacy of the family, and it is creating a very, very difficult situation. >> reporter: also difficult for the the parents that is health experts are admit to go them they don't necessity where eli got this or how he got it, and admit they may never know where he got it from. he only missed one day of school before he died suddenly and his only symptoms that kept him home that within day was pink eye. so that wrapped swift movement is why parents war toy day what should hopefully calm them in one respect is that eli was one of three triplets and alex and mike, his two sisters no symptoms at all from this. >> 7:08 now. in north philadelphia police say a man was shot as
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many as eight times. police were call to the scene along the 2300 block of west somerset street around 1:30 this morning. the man's condition is unknown. police do not have any information on the shooter. police are investigating a homicide in west philadelphia overnight. a 35 year-old man was shot once in the chest at the intersection of 60th ape girard. the victim was rush to the hospital and then later pronounced dead, in word on a suspect or a motive at this time. fox 29 on the scene of the fatal accident involving a tanker truck and suv on delsea drive and almondson road in westville, new jersey. accident happened just after 3:00 this morning. the driver of the suv did not survive and no word what led to that accident. and a funeral will be held for a pennsylvania trooper, killed during a gun training exercise. family and friends will say good bye to 26 year-old david kedra in philadelphia he was accidentally shot in the chest last week in montgomery
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county, when another trooper's gun discharged. and it is 7:10 almost now. 7:10 right now. investigators say a suspected cop killer eric frein sent a text message just before ambushing that pennsylvania state trooper a month ago at blooming grove barracks. the message was reportedly sent to a trend and -- a friend and it said all is gone. this long time friend of frein got the the text message before the shooting happen. according to investigators one trooper was killed and another was wounded. the manhunt for frein entered its fourth week yesterday, a reported sighting last night in the pocono mountains turned up empty. it was not pretty in pink, at the link. the the eagles pick up another win but the the special teams did their part again scoring another touchdown on a blocked punt, and the eagles actually led the game as you know 34 to seven with only two minutes
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left in the third quarter. then it looked like it was over. rams had the ball with the chance to win, late in the game, until the rams turned the ball over on downs. eagles win it, 34-28, jon and sean from 97.59 fanatic will be here in a few minutes to kind of help us decide what should we take away from this game. should we be concerned? should we be confident? and the family of an american aid worker threat went death biasis is speaking out n a statement released yesterday, peter casek's parents say that their son expressed fears of dying in letters sent to them in june. now, the national security council confirmed that peter casek is in the hands officeis. terror group is threatening that he will be the next victim, they will bee head him, they say, casek was abducted in lebanon, while helping syrian ref goose, his family says although he fears, death, he want todd help
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alleviate the suffering, of the syrian people. >> we are so very proud of you and the work that you have done to bring humanitarian aid to the syrian people. we implore those who are holding you to show mercy. and use their power to let you go. >> as you you know in recent weeks isis has executed four western hostages, including a writ over weekend. they blame united states intervention and uk intervention in the middle east for their attacks. in hong kong the pro democracy protest appear to be dwindling. authorities wanted protesters to clear city streets by the beginning of the the workweek. the students outside the governmental headquarters removed barricades that block building's entrance and some decided to head home. others refused to budge. they are demanding right to choose their top leaders. demonstrators have been going on for more than a week. three american air men were swept out to see by a powerful typhoon killing at
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least one and other two are still missing. that same typhoon slammed central japan earlier this morning triggering mud slides. american 600 glides were canceled in tokyo's main airport and more than 2 million people had to evacuate. authorities in mexico have found 28 bodies in a mass grave on the outskirts of a city where police were engaged in the deadly crash with student protesters. this is six days ago. but officials say bodies are still too damaged for immediate identification. however one person, detained in the case told investigators that 17 students were taken to the grave site and then killed there. investigators have not confirmed that person's story. search for that in missing malaysia airlines flight 370 has resumed in the indian ocean. more than six months after the the jet disappeared. the the first of three ships that will look for the missing plane over the next year arrived in the search area early yesterday morning.
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the area is about 1100-mile west of australia, the search has been on hold for four months so crews could map the sea bed this is search zone. flight 370 vanished in march during a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing. it has been more than three weeks since university of virginia student hanna graham disappeared. but investigators in charlottesville say they are not giving up hope that she will be found. police say they have received thousands of tips and they are going to keep working until they bring hanna back home. more than 100 volunteers spent the weekend searching an 8-mile ring around char lotsville where hanna was last seen. police are asking homeowners to help them in their investigation. >> if you have a property now, and regardless of how big or how small, please search your property. if you have abandoned wells or storage sheds or old cars, every piece of that property needs to be searched. >> please, please, please, help end this nightmare for all of us.
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please help us to bring her home. >> reporter: hanna gram was last seen leaving a bar with 32 year old jesse leroy matthew behind bars charged with abduction. the supreme court is opening up its new term today with some less attention, grabbing cases on the agenda. some of those, cases, the the justice cyst well hair today will focus on and let me give you a couple of them, a faulty traffic stop over a car's broken brake light in north carolina not very exciting. whether or not a muslim prisoner can have facial hair? well, that is interesting. the and the the prosecution of a rapper who threaten wife on facebook. the justices are expect to rule on constitutionality of gay marriage before the term is over. the that is a big desin.
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it is chill think morning. >> it is chilliest morning of the season. even chillier then some places yesterday. if you were up early in the morning yesterday, oh boy was that a shock to the system because it had been comfortable before the rain on saturday. now we have a frost advisory in effect in this area carbon and monroe counties until 9:00 o'clock this morning. we only have 39 degrees in mount pocono. lower in other places in the mountains. we have reached 40 inial than town. thirty-seven in pottstown. 48 degrees in philadelphia, 41 in millville. 46 degrees in wildwood. right now. so these are the temperatures facing you walking out the door. hopefully you are bundled up. national temperatures are warm, down to the south of us and the chilly air extend down to atlanta, georgia where it is only, 49 degrees right now. and these are the systems at work here. high pressure is in control. the it will prevent that rain to get here. it is associated with a warm front and there will be in between two systems so the wind will pick up, it will be
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breezy, this afternoon and milder afternoon as well, but we do not expect rain to leave and make it here. we will see some clouds tonight and it is not until tomorrow later on in the day that the rain arrives. you can see it here around 6:00 o'clock, spotty showers, heavier rain north and west of the city, if to 10:00 p.m. tomorrow into early wednesday morning. but, by 4:00 a.m. it looks like things are cleared out, so this shouldn't be a a big impact with the rain, it will be overnight hours on tuesday, for the the most part and wednesday, it is looking pretty nice, at least there will be plenty of sunshine lasting into thursday as well. and temperatures trend over the past five days boy, did we plumet yesterday with that high of only 61 degrees, after four days in the 70's, all those those temperatures were below. mid 07's tomorrow before the rain arrives. seventy-two on wednesday. only 68 degrees on thursday. another front moves in on friday with some rain, and
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that could last into saturday morning. by sunday the high temperature is 65 degrees. eagles game this week is at night so you really will need to bundle up, if you have tickets to that one with the giants. that is your weather authority seven day forecast. it is traffic time. that time is 7:18. conshohocken blue route north bound the off ramp to norristown an accident there has the left lane block. it is slow go in that neighborhood. the 309 expressway, route 309 in springfield northbound at paper mill road a vehicle will fire has now been put out. the carries on the shoulder but still kind of slow going around there. and on 309 northbound at flourtown there is a disable vehicle that is now on the right shoulder, and finally the major accident in westville, new jersey, almond son road at delsea drive, they have cleared up and the road is opened once again, alex? >> thanks, sue. >> you have to see this an opera singer straps on his skates to belt out the national anthem at a ice
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hockey game but things didn't go quite as plan. >> ♪ oh, canada, you can tell that he fell with you you if you were listening you a had no idea. >> it is just smooth. >> if they didn't have that rug out there they put the rug out there so they can walk on skates. >> they say there are things you should never do singing national anthem is one of them but singing it on skates is another level. >> that takes it to another level. don't ever sing national anthem i don't care what country you are in. >> and in the on skates. >> so ahead, alex, boy controversial commencement speech yesterday, a convicted
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cop killer, speaks to students from his prison cell, his message to the graduating class and what one law maker in pennsylvania wants to do about it. but first the birds hang on to beat rams, we will break down the win that almost wasn't, next. >> nice. my one word to describe ac would be laid back.
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relaxing getaway fun unique beautiful serenity shenanigans refreshing shopping
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surprising happy place you know what i mean? i want to say friendly. exhilarating adventure the boardwalk #nosleep it's a great weekend. there is so much to do here. it's so great to have it so close. it's just a great location, a great place to be. we love atlantic city. hooray, we win. hi jon marks what is going on. >> i don't know. >> that is how i feel too. >> the eagles are four and one after holding ton beat the rams yesterday but what should we, how should we be feeling, confident or concerned. it felt like a loss. in my hand, i have my spleen. i'm losing an internal organ every week. my bowels are in a uproar.
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in the 34-seven. >> and then what happened. >> then the the third quarter. >> they went in the prevent defense. they were killing the quarterback all game licensing and then what happens. >> by the way rams stink. >> but the the kid started to make throws. they went to the prevent defense. then they sat back and they allowed to it happen. what happened. then nick foles has that fumble. it what's lie manning like. >> lets start the game here it starts off great, right. >> well, matthews got a touchdown on the next play. >> look at this. >> without special teams, another touchdown, another defense another touchdown. the this is another loss. >> at least we have a good runner now, cedric thornton. i know he is, a lineman a defensive lineman but he is our best runner. >> mike they are four and one and i keep hearing people say, we're four and one like come on man but how did you arrive
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there. i guess you have to look at this way their offensive line is not healthy. that is the bread and butter. mathis and kelce will be back at some point. when they come back in november they will have time to get ready. if they can win enough games right now and the the bigger thing is cowboys are better than we thought, and the giants look really good yesterday against falcons. >> they have won three straight. >> they came back in the second half. they come in next sunday night the in philly. it will be a really interesting game. >> it is. >> i cannot wait to take even if calls on the fanatic. >> stinking houston texans tie it up and they blow it. >> yes. >> i was rooting for them yesterday. >> everybody thinks nfc east was going to be so bad and eagles are four and one. most uninspired four and one. >> yes. >> it is like kissing your sister, it is just not satisfying. it is so we are. you can be five-seer he owe or zero and five. >> but four and one you are
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extremely lucky you you are four and one but you are. one shore game before the bye week. you go into sunday night, if you can get a win at five and one i don't care fit is uninspiring, terrible or not but it is still four and one you could be five and one. lets just say that they lose sunday night four and two. >> i'll take it. >> you will take it. you are still going in, six games. i don't mow what to say about that game that game was gut wrenching. >> it is like taking a shower in the rain coat. >> kissing your sister. >> it just doesn't feel good, it doesn't feel satisfying. now, i love what you are doing with your hair now. >> yes. >> straight up. >> what happened. >> i was making some thomas english muffins this morning. it was too late. i got caught on the schuylkill. thank god i left when i did but i'm going for the jersey
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shore, jen fred whim love this look. >> john john, that is enough,. >> where is he he, is he on the schuylkill. >> hey jen join marks has a new you hair do. with men should get within fit is new fall. >> is john john marks blaming his hair on the thomas even establish muffin, that is a violation, that is the worst excuse he was electrocutedded. >> it is fall. rosies here. good morning to you. this gorgeous lady looks lick she has brown hair but she will get blonded up the with the help of the mystery chemical. twenty-five bucks. chemical. twenty-five bucks. we will make over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation.
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and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits." "the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid."
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it is 7:30 on a monday morning. i have never been so happy. >> a cold monday morning at that. >> it was cold over the the the weekend. >> i was very cold. >> i put on a wrap as i went out. >> it really wasn't that manly either. >> no. >> did you have a wrap on this weekend. >> yes, a puncho. >> nice. >> nice and warm this type. >> that transitional time of the year. we will -- >> you guys are fancy, i had a scarves on. >> it was just a scarf. >> well, and a jacket and a
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scarf not a wrap or puncho. >> scarves have jump the shark. >> wait until the winter. >> with this jacket, it is nice and warm because is there deceiving sunshine, temperatures in the 30's and 40's but will probably leave it at school one because it business one of the days in the 70 ace won't want that warm jacket anymore and we are giving it a nine out of ten because of the nice recovery later in the day with temperatures in the 70's but we are under a frost advisory in carbon and monroe counties even with that bright sunshine. it is in effect until 9:00 a.m. with the chilly temperatures and higher elevations. the we are at 48 degrees with 5-mile an hour wind. sunrise just happened at 7:02. seventy-two is our high today. the breezes will be picking up this afternoon. keep that in mind too. fifty-six is your overnight temperature. it is a lot milder. that is your machine morning forecast. it is traffic time. we will lot the at schuylkill
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expressway right by the roosevelt boulevard. it is really crowded this morning. we have a lot of sun glare as well so that could slow you down where ever you are, driving. the roosevelt boulevard, southbound, a approaching the the schuylkill, debris in the road has the center lane block and that is jamming everybody up, there. in ukeeland township pa, the pennsylvania turnpike, i should say eastbound between downingtown and valley forge, we have an overturn vehicle in that area. the right lane is blocked. we will get you more information coming up, alex. >> thanks, sue. community meeting was held last night for parents in the hamilton township school district after a four year-old boy died from enterovirus d68. eli waller's death is first in new jersey to be link to the illness. meanwhile school officials are a awaiting test result on a second child at yardville elementary. the school district officials say they are looking to a a protocol to deal with such situations. and doctors are dealing with an ebola scare in the
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state of delaware. a child from liberia is in isolation, and health care facility in dover. the hospital says that the child is passed the 21 day max incubation period and says cdc determined the likelihood of an ebola infection is very low. they are taking precautions. president obama is scheduled to meet with the head of the cdc on this ebola a crisis later today. a funeral will be held for a pennsylvania trooper, killed during a gun training exercise. family and friend will say good bye to 26 year-old david kedra during a services in philadelphia he was extently shot, in montgomery county when another trooper's gun discharge. 7:33. inmate quick of killing a philadelphia police officer addressed his alma matter over the the weekend. >> it was yesterday in a taped speech. he dit over the phone from his jail cell. in his address, he told students to make the world a
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better place but his speech certainly is quite controversial. kerry barrett. >> especially here locally. >> for sure. >> reporter: brings back so many memories and difficult feelings. mumia abu-jamal spoke by video to students at goddard college in vermont. twenty students receiving their degrees heard their address. abu-jamal received a degree from goddard in 1996 and the the college describes him, this is a quote, asiana ward winning journalist who chronicles the the human conditions. but during his speech he didn't dress the crime that he was quick of, although, the decision to allow him to speak was controversial, school officials say the students are the ones who select him as their speaker. >> i thank my friend at goddard for inviting me back. fit has done for you half of what it has done to me, i assure you, you were well served. now take what you know and apply it in the real world. help be the change that you are seeking to make.
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>> the fact that maureen faulkner had has to not only live with the lost that she went through her husband was murdered but you new to have to leave with this media attention because of a bunch of students decide that had her husband's murder was the ideal person to speak at the their commencement, i was outraged. >> reporter: it is a strange, strange story. abu-jamal was quick, of course, of killing officer daniel faulkner in 1981. meanwhile the college instant responding to the controversy. they have released this statement that says in part many diverse commencement speakers have been chosen to represent perspectives not normally in our discourse. even if it is unpopular we need to listen to and engage in difficult discussions. this is what free speech is all b our students understand there is great merit in what mumia abu-jamal had to say and it is important that we support this complicated, inquiry, and the freedom of speech. stay tuned because coming up at 8:00 o'clock this morning in about 25 minutes, pennsylvania representative mike verb will be in the
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studio to discuss this issue. >> he is trying to create some legislation that would get something like this stopped even though it might be tough because it is freedom have of speech. >> it is interesting too the way that the college describe it as a discussion and a discourse. i mean it was a canned phone call, and it was not like there was some back and forth between him and the the students, it the is an interesting way. they are backpedaling a little bit a at this point but it is an interesting way to describe it. >> i think abu-jamal got his degree from goddard college from prison. >> yes, correct. >> in the 90's. >> thanks, kerr. >> sure. still to come, a warning for all brides in new jersey, lawmakers are trying to crackdown on counterfeit dresses. how to get what you paid for, you thought it it was a vera wang and it wasn't. here is a live from from the auto museum in southwest philadelphia there is a big car auction going on there this morning. this carries known as the
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under plum from the american manufacturing company. the the car dates back to, 1907. >> i drove this when i was a kid. >> now the the question is. >> what is the the question. >> how much do you think this carries estimated to go for. >> built in 1907. >> beauty. >> it doesn't have have a windshield a hundred bucks. >> really. >> okay. these are incredibly expensive. >> we want to you come up with your guess and we will have an >> we want to you come up with your guess and we will have an so brian at citizens said
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one deposit a month waves the monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at hold on a second i just got a tweet, i say that car will go for a little will over $900,000. >> 900 you this dollars. >> that ace a lot. >> you remember, before the break we showed you this car. >> what sit called. >> under slung. >> dates back to 1907 and part
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of the big car auction in south philadelphia. we're asking you how much do you think this car, is estimated to be for. >> give me the answer. >> $1 million. >> well, they are right. that carries worth a million-dollar. >> yes, chris murphy will have more. we will do this more. we will show you you other cars and we want to you guess, but that car under slung from 1907, it is expect to go for one million-dollar. will you get it, mike. >> no, it doesn't even have a windshield, another justly. >> what are you worried about. >> this crap i hair. >> i'm just saying. >> all messed up. >> you could wear your wrap and it would be fine. >> my wrap. >> yes. >> what you see isn't what you get, that is idea behind proposed legislation in new jersey to crackdown honorary tailers selling fake designer dresses. >> who knew there were fake wedding dresses out there. it is happening to brides and teens, who go on line to buy
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gowns for weddings or promised. now they end up paying more because they are getting imitation dresses. they think they are getting the real thing. not only can it cost you a fortune in alterations but it could cost you a new dress entirely because they fall apart. the last year alone 700,000 of those phony designer wedding and dresses were sold on line by overseas, retailers, you think you are getting a vera wang but instead you are getting eddie wang like a guy made eddie wang is making them overseas. >> buy thing on line. >> yes. >> this really is vera wang. >> you can't touch it. >> you can't touch this. >> there you go. >> i think we should all get new hair due. >> yes, for the the paul we might need to switch things up, what do you think. >> look at this do you see this i won't touch too much. rose will slap my handy think, a lot of people don't know what it is, in hollywood
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celebrity hair dresses they are know what it is, coming up we will tell you why this might be able to transform just about anyone. we're back at the auto new you seem in south philadelphia. we are here for car number two. >> just clean this up a lit bit before you sell it. >> so this is the launchea from 1958. how much do you think this carries estimated to go for. getting a a nice look at it. >> why didn't they clean it. >> it does look dirty. >> on antiques road show if you clean stuff up, it is less valuable. >> why is that. >> i don't know, why people paint tables and they said you just lost a million-dollar. >> that is from the 1950's maybe you you should keep it. >> that last one is a million-dollar, i'm going to go this is a hundred thousand dollars. just doesn't seem right. >> but it is experience i have.
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>> we're taking a look at the lovely launch ea, a big car auction happening today. iowa than the to run over to this in southwest philadelphia it looks cool. >> it is an ought the owe new you seem, alex.
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>> 1959 launcheo good what was your guess hundred thousand dollars. >> like $5, it is hideous. >> it is from back the in the day. >> so we're ready for the answer. $40,000. >> wow. >> yes. >> that is how much you this carries estimated to go for. >> i thank god chris murphy is over at this auto he museum in southwest philadelphia because we have to know, why wouldn't they clean it up. i is a if you clean it up, it loses value. >> even if you you write wash me on the windshield. >> the windshield, at least wipe the windshield. >> i double dog dare chris murphy to write wash me on that window. it is out there now. i best that was a good looking car, in its day. >> yes, way back when. >> you can say that about a lot of us really. here's a the the frost advisory in effect for carbon and monroe county. it is the coldest weekday morning of the season so far. in fact some places it is even colder then yesterday which was the coldest morning up
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until then. here's the the proof. we have 39 degrees in mount pocono and bethlehem. forty in allentown. for some reason a few clouds in leighton kept it from getting too cold. thirty's in doylestown, warminster, limerick. philadelphia is at 48 degrees. go further south and we have 41 in atlantic city and millville. chilly at the shore. it is up to 58 degrees already up in cape may. here is your seven day forecast. we will have a nine out of ten. chilly start. we will recover to 72 degrees later on. we have rain late in the day, probably about five or 6:00 o'clock tomorrow and then that will last throughout you the night but it is gone by wednesday morning. we will still have apple tur in the 70's, thursday high of 68. nice day. rain rolls in friday into saturday possibly. it will be chilly on sunday. that is your seven day forecast. lets check our monday morning traffic, this time we will start off on 495 northbound at the philadelphia pike claymont
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area in delaware. is there an accident there and two lanes are block. so far slowing you down a little bit, also in bala cynwyd, levering mill road at belmont avenue there is an accident and finally in ukeeland township, pennsylvania pennsylvania the turnpike eastbound between downingtown and valley forge an overturn vehicle there right lane is block, alex. >> you want alex. >> yes. >> there is a treatment, hair treatment out of brazil a lot of ladies are talking about. it promises you will never break your hair again. >> that is a big problem. >> huge. >> everyone from meeka kelly i using this to get their hair back. summer and sun can be damaging. you want to get your hair that way without spending hundreds of dollars. >> is it possible. >> i don't know, jen, is it. >> jen? >> it is base click like a $25 upgrade on hair. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> this is like the salon secrets. you guys have known about this for a while. >> yes.
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>> it is called ola flex. >> it is a chemical, rebounding, so it is like the hair breaks down when you either brush it or heating up meant or even coloring. the this is like a chemical addedded in to something to bond that hair. >> you can go ahead and begin. one of the things stylist love is you can take someone from dark tore blonde and it doesn't end up all like that. >> yes. >> and then this is pretty cool, you say that this product is gluten free. >> why. >> why is that important. >> well, some would than who suffers from celiac or has a mild sort of allergy to certain air product, anything with gluten can give them a reaction. curling cream anything external can affect their mood or their reaction to any of that. you now you found out about this from another stylist, right. >> yes. >> and he said what. >> said what are you waiting for, you need to grab this.
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>> we have some pictures from ola flex instagram. you know how this works. celebrity stylist want to tell you they are using it but you they don't want to say which client. there the was a picture of minka kelly and her hair looks beautiful and smooth and awesome. kate blanchett a lot of the buzz is about blondes, why is that. >> because there is so much different dimensions of blondes. you can take yourself to a darker blonde or a more platinum blonde but they like how can you go from one extreme to the other and still keep your shine and silk. >> okay. >> i love that it is beginning at $25 depending what you are doing with the product. >> right. >> you could do it the with a glaze if you didn't want color. >> yes, because a glaze is still in mixed with a developer. >> yes. >> we can actual a apply it to that formula and still get them to be as sill can i and shiny if their hair is dehydrated. >> is this the best thing you have seen for hair in a very long time. >> yes, because sometimes especially now with color a
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lot of clients are being a little bit more daring adding like fun reds, purple and stuff like that to your hair and it is short lived. sometimes you have to like really lift things out of the hair. it can cause more break age and you have to be grad all you'll. suggest like this we can push the envelope a little bit. >> we will see her at 9:45. are you ready to be blonde. >> yes. >> she's ready. how cool is that. it is really cool that everyone is doing it and i love the price point, way to go. >> i'm all about the price point, thanks jen. >> it works on every hair, ethnic hair, brown hair, blonde hair. >> we will all be looking like brazil yan women. still to come you have insurance for your house, and for your car but do you have insurance for your cell phone? we will tell you when you need it, that is going to be next. a lot of parents are worried about the enterovirus, we will get your questions answered by doctor oz coming up.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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a big concern in mercer county after a four year-old boy from enterovirus d68. >> a lot of people worried here. school officialness hamilton township are trying to ease community fears but the big question today is will worried parents keep their kids home from school? steve keeley is on this story, steve? >> reporter: we have won't get that answer until quarter of 9:00 when school is scheduled to start. they had normal attendance friday but that was before cdc confirmed that little eli waller died from enterovirus on friday and then medical examiner reconfirmed that on saturday. so then there was a meeting yesterday and the the meeting trying to allay fears but really stirring more fears up from parents, because they just don't necessity where eli got from it and how he got it, and authorities also told them that they may never necessity how he got it.
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the other thing that has everybody a afraid is that a second classmate of his, another four year-old boy, has enterovirus symptoms and still centers for disease control even after doing tests has not determined whether or not he is also suffering from the virus itself. look, this is nothing new this virus has been around since 1962 but what is new is this modern day cluster of case's cross the the country since august. 538 confirmed cases now, so far, including four fatal cases like the one here. when we have a three-year old boy in the preschool like this dying from the virus and cause of death the isn't discovered until two weeks later we have frantic parents that filled a meeting here last night. >> i really don't think that there is anything that can make you feel better until we find or don't hear about anymore of these cases because they are not saying this is over with. i guess that is what i would need to hear that it was an isolated case, it is not. they just said in there that there is another child and, of course, he had it, and that
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potentially the cdc has his samples and he survived but they are not sure what it is yet. if it comes back positive, that is scary too because he is in the same prek classroom all day. >> i don't think we have lost their confidence. i think the communication. it is very difficult. in the very beginning, we didn't know what the cause of the death was, so we are trying to balance not having information with also trying to protect the privacy of the the family and it created a very, very difficult sit ways. >> reporter: we have these two viruses that begin with the letter e that make our newscast sound like we are reading medical journals to people. but alex inn mike, a little perspective, average basic flu that we get flu shots for every year, kills 36,000 people on average, in america. >> every year. >> but that is not going to be any comfort to the parents here because we have this one virus here, suddenly that has everybody gripped with fear.
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one thing that can make help those fears, this little boy was one of three triplets, his two sisters have no symptoms but then again, little boys don't share the same bathroom and bedroom as little girls but he lives close with his two sisters, maybe not as close as the other boys that he played with ape maybe shared a basketball or football with and touched things together. that should help his fears that nobody else in this family has this yet. >> what we need is a doctor, that is for sure. to go over this one more time what is this enterovirus. it is around every year, doctor oz, why is it so bad this year. >> we don't really know. apparently it has mutatedded we believe so it is a a bit more of a problem this year then it has in the past. it has been around for 50 years. we have droved past episodes of it. it is possible that it was always there and we just weren't identifying it as much. particularly dangerous for kids with respiratory problems because the airways of children are smaller anyway.
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any amount of swelling can compromise it. if your child has a flu and gets short of breath go to the doctor immediately. >> immediately. >> should there be concern with event owe virus d68 or only when combined with another illness or something else. >> it is not so much with the another illness but if the child has preexisting problems with allergies or asthma. those seem to be kids that run in the big problems a lot more episodes or incidents of this virus then we are identifying with the cdc. most of these kids get a regular old flu and get better. the got news this was usual peter out by end of november. we have about a month and a half at most. it is in the like regular flu which lasts a all winter. this is a late summer, early fall virus. >> and we call it enter owe, can you speak english for me enter owe, i thought this was basically if you you get some kind of fecal material in your system somehow. >> well, classically, enterovirus is associated with, intestinal problems but
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it is a cousin of the polio virus. this is not in anyway to have alarm people but probably a hundred viruses of this family. many of them caused neurologic issues, and, couple rumors of neurologic problems in colorado but it is, a affecting people. >> wash your hand, wash your hands, wash your hands. >> lets get to ebola a we are talking about trying to do something to cut down the risk, putting, you know, more screenings and airports. is that really going to help cut down that risk though. >> most important question needs to be asked at airport. i think we will start doing it more, and if you have been to west africa, that was mr. duncan, volunteered the folks, and, they didn't volunteer on the way up. and that is the big question. are people telling the truth. let me ask you the question, in liberia and you just transported some 18 year-old
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neighbor's daughter or watched her die wouldn't you try to get out of the country. i'm in the sure people will volume tear that information anyway. checking temperatures is a help but in the a big way as possible. >> that guy in dallas wanted to come to the united states. he knew if he said i transported an ebola patient somewhere they would never let him leave. >> is what the real confidence we could actually screen that effectively. with that said it is best we can do checking temperature is rational thing to do. more importantly if someone does get to america and we have tens of thousands of folks who fled because of the terrible civil wars here if they are here and go to the hospital and volunteer they were in west africa they will treat them like they've bowl a. >> in liberia they are not even hugging or shaking hand anymore. they are elbow bumping. how do you gete bowl a don't you have to take the fluids from a person and put it into your body somehow. >> well, classic, reality is
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that as you get sicker with the ebola virus is there more virus on you. that is why burying people is a problem. you touch their body they are teaming with viruses. you put that near your mutt or eyes they can get into you. before you say would i never do. that average person touches their face a couple times a minute. mess of us are not even thinking bit. any little cut in their nose, inside of our mouth with our fingers, it could be a problem. we also think maybe similar to a cough in your face, particles could have virus in them. it is not quite as safe as many would hope. >> doctor oz, thanks for being with us. i will promote to what you are having on the show right the new but we will see you soon i hope. on his show they will have this thing, 14 ways to cut sugar cravings. >> oh, man. >> that would be good. >> i need to watch that. >> always eating sugar. >> last night at 10:00 o'clock, i wanted a tastykake so bad. >> i ate a capped i bar for
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breakfast. >> did you. >> yeah. >> sorry. >> as you just heard there, doctor oz, the ebola scare is hitting close to home. we're talking about delaware now. >> child from liberia is in isolation out of the hospital in dover. now we will bring in jenny joyce with the very latest, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, alex. this hospital did not think that this child has the ebola virus but taking an abundance of caution, and, the child present liberia, and, saturday after experiencing that, and, the happies cdc guidelines for identifying suspect cases ofe bowl and child was placed in an isolation room. young patient was then tested and cdc was net filed. the hospital says cdc declined to test the child because the child was, cast, with 21 days incubation period and lookly hood of having ebola is extremely low. as of last night child was symptom free but is still here
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in isolation, until the cdc deems it safe to release him. we don't have an age or gender this have child or any details as to how this child ended up here in delaware, mike. >> we will stay on that story, thanks. and for latest updates on the ebola virus and enterovirus log on to my fox >> a lot of virus talk here sue. >> i know. >> well, you know what, it is getting now, colder. so we are thinking about those things anyway and now with the added, issues, we need an nine, we need sunshine to cheer us up. it is still chilly. colder then average to start but it will be milder then average to even the day. so not bad. bus stop buddy had has warm jacket on at the bus stop, temperatures are still in the 30's in many places and in the 40's even with that bright sunshine. and, later on today we will need that cold, cold, sweat jacket and in fact, frost advisory just lifted in carbon and monroe counties.
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didn't get quite as cold. temperatures in the 50's in the city. 7:02 was our sunrise time as those days get shorter. seventy-two is height temperature. mostly sunny skies. we will sea breezees pick up as well and tonight we are down to 56 in the city. not quite as cold as last night, that is your weather authority forecast. now we will start off this classic report on u.s. route 30 eastbound a approaching 340. this is out near downingtown, is there an accident that has the the left lane blocked and it is slow going, out that part of the route 30. and here, valley forge an overturn vehicle in the right lane is block. and finally in abington tyson avenue and jenkintown road an accident there as well, alex? >> thanks, sue. 8:06. goddard college in vermont received backlash after allowing a man convicted of killing a philadelphia officer toadless graduating students. >> one of our police officers in the earl will i 80's.
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mumia abu-jamal addressed this, small dress of, 20 kids in a message from his jail sell over the phone, telling students to strive to make the world a better place. but abu-jamal received the degree from college in 1996 while he was in prison. the college describes him as, listen to this they describe him in a brochure asiana ward winning journalist who chronicles the the human condition. so, during his speech he did not address the killing of officer danny faulkner in 1981, despite the the controversy, college officials say that students selected him to speak. they selected him, the students. well, pennsylvania representative mike verb is live from our news room right now and so, first of all, give me the reaction when you heard this was going to happen and what do you want to do about it. >> you can imagine my reactions, probably in the good for the air, mike but the reality of it is, once again,
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we're faced with the situation where the accused and accuser system that we have is sort of stops for our victims as we get in the the prison sentence. this guy is in jail. there is multiple other prisoners, in prison. they are doing things like this which is tearing off scabs of the wounds of our victim's family and this this case maureen faulkner. the the legislation introduced last week which will run out of committee this morning in harrisburg essentially gives our victims and standing in court and d.a.'s and attorney general to go into court to go to a judge and say listen this type of expansion of the first amendment rights that is being exhibited is inappropriate and harming our victims and families and in their healing process. so basically, tuesday when we started to hear about this in the news, mrs. faulkner, the d.a. here seth williams or attorney general could go to the judge and say this type of behavior is a great expansion of the first amendment rights.
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you know, privileges of using a phone in prison is just that and we think that behavior needs to be looked at by a judge and let a why decide if it is a appropriate or not you you know you say it ace great expansion but what do you say it is restricting freedom of speech. >> you know what, jamal restrict his own freedom of speech when he killed officer faulkner. we're just going to ignore this and allow this type of behavior to continue then why don't we just build production studios in our prisons. we are about our victims. defendants always have have attorneys, jamal is loaded with attorneys, i don't have a retainer. it is my job to protect victims of the commonwealth as well as everybody else in the general assembly there will be debate about the first amendment. we feel all this does is give standing that currently does not exist in the law, give standing for a victim and our attorney general or district attorney go to the judge and let a judge decide whether it is a expansion shall rhetoric or permsible. >> what are the odds of this
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passing. >> well, we only have five session days left. we plan to have it over to the senate by wednesday and next week they will send it to the governor. everybody seems to be object board unlike many other things that go on up there. i think we can get things done. we have a major press conference at 3:30, over 200 police officers will be present, governor will be there, in members of the senate and house and our leader is absolutely steadfast in getting this sent over to the governor. >> let get this goddard college up there in versace mont to release a statement. >> they said this is what free speech is all b our students understand there is a great more tonight what me mumia abu-jamal has to say. it is important we at goddard college support this complicated inquiry and freedom of speech. >> mike what do you think about that how about maureen faulkner she would have been a great speaker. by the way commonwealth taxpayers paid for this guys degree at goddard so goddard should be thanking us let us know how it turns out. >> thank you.
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>> 8:11 now. >> you bought the new iphone but did you buy insurance on that phone? when you go up and say do you want apple care? listen up before you spend those extra bucks make sure to read the fine print. we will tell you what is not covered under those policies. >> okay. >> all right. lets get back to this car auction that is happening today in southwest philadelphia. oh, look at that. >> this is a big one. that is a phantom rolls royce and it is a limo. >> from 1927. >> 1927. >> start guessing, especially on twitter, what do you think that carries worth? a 1927 rolls royce. >> it is a rolls royce. >> it might be close to 1 million. >> i'm thinking that. >> i will go 600,000. >> okay. >> we will see give you the answer after the break.
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man, i blew it on this one. i thought it was a half million-dollar. >> it is a 1927 rolls royce it
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is a rolls royce. >> i always think money when i think rolls royce. >> it is a limousine. this is a big car auction that is happening day in southwest philadelphia. >> tell them how much. >> they think it is worth 75 to $95,000. >> but you know what, that car, owned by -- >> well that could give it. >> anheuser-busch is not the person's name, august bush was his name but by the bush familiar willly. chris murphy will explain all this, and how you can bid an all that. >> sue, did you think this $70,000. >> i am with you with the million. it seems like it is rare but you there are others that we do in the even know. maybe it doesn't run. >> seats are stained and they smell like beer. >> the at least it is polish. >> anyway, here's how cold it is this morning, we have
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lifted our frost advisory in the poconos because we have moved in the 40's but it is still 39 in pottstown. we have reached 50 degrees in the city. forty-seven in wilmington. forty-four in wilmington. fifty in wildwood. sunnies doing its job. we are eventually heading in the lower 70's and mid 07's tomorrow with rain late in the day. we're thinking five or 6:00 o'clock at night. gone by wednesday, the rain that is, 72 degrees and then cooling trend as we get in the weekend with some rain moving in friday with a front and saturday morning as well. that is your weather authority forecast. time to take a look at traffic. sun glare is the the big thing out there this morning. of course our share of problems. i-95 around girard avenue right here, plenty of traffic both ways. the the accident on route 30 eastbound approaching 340 that has left lane blocked, that was cleared up, now in uklawn township between turnpike eastbound between downingtown and valley forge is there an overturned vehicle will there
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and right lane is still blocked, alex. >> thanks, so much sue. >> hey, by the way, larry barnett thought that rolls royce would be 1.5 million-dollar. so a lot of us are off on that. >> i don't feel bad about my guess though. >> it looks nice. >> why i. >> yeah. sean said $365,000. >> being very exact. >> 1.2 million, 300,000, 500,000. >> we were all surprised by that one. >> let's talk to a guy who knows about money. here's a thing, to buy or not to buy insurance. that is a question what comes to buying a insurance for cell phones. >> of course, this is a situation we're all trying to avoid. you remember this video, can you imagine dropping your phone, right after buying it, trying to open it up, there it goes. >> he was the first person to buy an iphone six in australia and he drops it before he even
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touch it. >> classic. >> not everybody believes in insurance. >> i go the this over the weekend. insuring your phonies a waste of money. take care of your $500 phone and then you'll have no worries. so dan ri coto when you buy an i phone do you get the insurance. >> you should if you buy an iphone six, right because here's the deal guys they are making our phones smarter but no stronger. these things break really easily and they are pretty expensive gadgets. iphone six, how about $750 as a starting price. i sort of agree with the tweet. we will talk about when it doesn't had make sense in a second as well good but what about when i go get it though, just having to get it from apple. they are telling me how much i have to pay. i dent like that. do i to have get it from apple. >> is there three ways to get insurance. the first thing as you said buy it through the warranty, through the manufacturers. you extend the the warranty basically. apple has a good product. apple care a two year apple
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care plan will cost you a hundred bucks. that will cover two years. here's the nice thing you guys have crack screens i know you do, alex. >> i do. >> i don't have apple care. >> it will cover your cracked screen after you pay a $79 deductible but here's the catch it will not cover a lost or stolen phone. it will cover mechanical stuff cracked screens but in the cover that phone if you lose it or it gets stolen. but for 99 bucks for two years in the a bad plan. second way to do it is you can boost your insurance through your cell phone carrier. i'm not craze bye this carrier. i agree with our tweeter. it is more expensive. it could be almost $200 for two years. guess what, deductibles are high. in some case you'll pay a $200 deductible. good thing about this is they usually do cover your phone fit is lost or stolen, so pros and cons to both ways. >> i got one, i have heard people say get the insurance
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for like a year and then drop it. >> now you you are on to something, michael. if you have an expensive new you gadget was a delicate screen and they all have dell care screens because they built them in on these things i'm convinced. if you have an expensive gadget your best bet might to be get insurance for a year or so, pay your $99 for the insurance. you are covered for first year. after that you want to ask yourself a question if you are a person likes to flip your phone every two years because you want latest gadget, it doesn't make sense to keep paying insurance on a old phone especially if you are saying i have a high deductible why would i fix this thing anyway. >> good point, right, mr. ricoto. >> you got it right. >> what is that song. >> mr. roboto. >> thanks, dan. >> have a prosperous day. >> that is his new catch
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phrase. i watched this on food network all the time. they have chop. they have a version where they have kids, and so, and see this 11 year-old girl. she's a south jersey girl. she's on our show today. we put you the her culinary skills to the test in just a bit. but first you know that magazine glamour. >> oh, yes. >> it has released its list of the best dressed celebrities and lupita is on the list but she's not number one. hoist best dressed celebrity in america. >> this answer will surprise you.
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this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at ladies from sex and the city might be coming back for a third installment. jennifer hudson who had a role in the first film, and another film might be in the works, in a interview with dish nation, your favorite show, mike. >> yes. >> if it does come back hudson is hoping to make an
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appearance but her character was not in the second film but there has been no official confirmation from producers about another film. might be wish full thinking. >> yesy liked sex and the city. >> i know do you. >> it is a girl friend. >> right. >> and then dish nation, seriously, i watch it every day, in the hopes that i'll actually laugh at some point. >> you are terrible. >> jennifer lawrence has been named this years best dressed, by britain's glamour magazine. >> hung are games star beat out and lean i jolie, and kate middleton. editors describing her style as effort less says she makes a die or gown look as comfortable as sweat pants. >> what do you call him, jla. >> jennifer lawrence. >> yes. >> it fits. >> it started with j lo she's jl a. >> yes. >> he he is cmurph, at the auto auction, hi chris. >> so, you know the the motto
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for trenton, trenton makes the world takes. well, in mercer county they used to make this car right here. now this is a 1921 mercer series five sporting, engine number 59, what do you think this cars estimated value is. put on you are thinking hat after a quick break. >> i'm guessing lower
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it us bright and sunny at philly international. so no delays are expected, at the airport. the the only problem you may have getting there or getting where ever you are going is the sun glare. bus stop buddy has his shades on. nice warm jacket at the bus stop. we have a few temperatures in the 30's. in mostly everybody had has reached the the 40's but it has been a chilly start today, still we're giving you a nine out of ten with the below
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average temperatures. we will expect to get in the lower 70's and that is perfect for this time of the year. we have reached 50 degrees in philadelphia a not much wind now but breezes are expect to pick up to ten to 15 miles an hour later on today. tonight with some clouds it won't be quite as cold. mid 50's, in the city. that is your fox cast for monday, lets see what is happening the on the roads and we will start off with 495 northbound in delaware, at philadelphia pike, claymont exit, it is an accident but it has now at least been moved to the shoulder. in chester, 95 northbound at 322, that merge there, there is an accident on the left hand shoulder and the on the turnpike, pennsylvania turnpike in between downington and valley forge an overturn vehicle has right lane blocked there, mike. >> listen to this... >> let me wait for it. >> we have been giving you glimpses all morning of
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historic, i'll shut up. >> ♪ >> very well done. >> they have a car auction, that will be happening later today and some of these high priced cars are filthy why don't they clean them. >> we don't know why but yet people all over the country and around a the world will spend extra cash, and they will be bidding on these classics. lets get the critics, would go at the car wash why don't they clean them. >> well, that is a good question. we will get to that in a minute. do you want the answer to this 1921 mercer what is valued at guys. estimated value is: >> yes, we do. >> is what your guess. >> tell me what it is again. >> it is a 1921 mercer, made in the trenton area, in mercer county. >> those were a around until
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late 20's. >> 120,000. >> and the big question is they look like they are beat up. you can see petina where joseph with the size mop foundation museum, is here to tell us why tell us about this car. why people want these barn find any more in the all done it and dressed up. >> that is the idea. this car only original once. this is completely unrestored. it is a barn fine. car guys live for barn find. we like things to be indiana first person stumbling upon something and bringing it out to life this carries completely untouch and collector interested in this particular car would leave it unrestored and untouch and doctor simon a new people in philadelphia, that has really been a agent of change in the hobby for people. >> he is a renowned doctor, in this area. >> yes. >> and he is still a collector today. >> very much. >> you partnered up with him for this auction. lets talk about this auction itself. this is one of 60 cars.
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rupert is here with bonems, thank you so much. tell us about other cars you'll see thaw are really paying attention too. >> we have fantastic things. we have 60 cars ranging from 1900 right up to the 70's. you will a's see here, we have ford roadster here, packard from all eras, we have a kennedy era, lincoln continental there, and rolls royce, ford all sorts of things. >> you will have people bidding from all over the world. >> with the internet we have people participating from all over the globe. >> what do you expect to raise today total. >> four or 5 million. we have a million american under slung there and tally should be, four or five million-dollar. >> lets go over here real quickly and joe, go over here and help me pick up some of this it is in the just these cars being auctioned off, but some of the cars that are part
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of your permanent museum and collection and one in particular we have to look at this. might be one of the most valuable cars in the world. you you cannot even reveal the price it is worth that much. what are we looking at. >> this is a 1964, shelby coupe, csx 2287. really important car because it represents the first time that the americans ever beat europeans at the their own ballgame a at their own back yard. this was one of only six made, first of the six built, only one left in the original condition. it is first car to be nominated for historic vehicle association national historic vehicle register. it is number one car. it is also up for the the internet historic motoring awards car of the year. >> one of the only american car for that award. >> yes, there is eight cars nominated and we are only american and only one in the original condition f you go to our web site simon or facebook page find a lick to cast your vote for it. >> mike and alex, how cool are these cars.
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>> very cool. >> give us another quiz. >> we want to guess some more car. >> let's do it. >> well, just pick that. >> we can show you more cars good what is that yellow one. >> what is that yellow one. >> that was doctor simon's father a's car when he passed away he left him four cars good what sit. >> that is a 812 super charge. >> what sit worth. >> it is you have to a say. >> they will never tell us what these things are worth, by the way. i don't blame them. >> maybe he just wants to us guess. >> all right, you wus. >> 8:35. we have some breaking news out of bridgeton, new jersey. >> public schools are closed due to a water main break. >> did you hear that bridgeton new jersey, water main break don't take your kids to school. >> that his in cumberland county. >> you got it. still ahead i have known this woman for year, char, she can do readings, tell you about your future, she's the medium who has been blowing
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peoples mind for years and whether you believe in this stuff or not, it is just good tv, she will tell me and take a closer look at my life what is left for me and how can you fixed it. >> yes. >> what do i have left to do good don't say that. >> she will tell me. the bird gang lives in philadelphia but according to one study pennsylvania does not have the the most eagle fans. so we will tell you the state that leads and bleeds green. >> there are more fans of a different team in pennsylvania then eagles fans? >> apparently so. >> what? >> it is a considered to go a survey they counted number of jerseys sold. we will tell you which team that's an idea.
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in six seconds it will be 8:40 or on a monday. three, two, one. it is 8:40. thanks for joining us, we will see you tomorrow. >> pennsylvania residents aren't the only football fans snatching up eagles jerseys. >> believe it or not, there is another team in pennsylvania more of this teams jerseys are sold than eagles jerseys. >> so there is another state, in the united states of america, where they buy more eagles gear, then in pennsylvania. >> it is nearby, so can you guess. >> look at that map. >> look at that. >> according to dick's sporting goods the most eagles jersey where is sold in delaware. the retailer put together the map of the most popular jerseys by state, mess popular jerseyness pennsylvania are actually steelers jersey. >> that makes me sick. >> eagles are number two in both new jersey and pennsylvania.
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new jersey fans favor giants according to this map. >> of course, giants play in new jersey but you they call them the new york giants which is the dumbest thing ever. >> can you believe that. >> the only new york team that plays in new york are the the bills. >> jen knows all about those buffalo bills. she's getting her hair did. >> i go to the bills game next week even. hey, here's the situation, everybody is talking about braids, fall braids, right. so coming up after the break as our o ola flex instant to cook, we will learn how to do braids you you want to learn
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we can't be together it is not appropriate. >> maybe if i change my hair because it is all about cool braids and sexy curls and jen is showing us how it is done. >> is it really what fall is all about sexy braids. >> yes, there it is, baby. people keep asking where we are we are in narberth right across from the wawa at rosa's
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salon. >> yes, there we go. >> first of all, let's show so pictures. i'm always on instagram, always looking for inspiration. these are some raids we have all seen, on the runway, i think they are showing pictures but in one is talking to me. they are the runway. people are talking with that. you say it is in the so difficult to do some raids for yourself. >> you agree with that. >> i agree with that. >> we will start with mary. she has a simple braid what did you do here. >> i took a few strands, very loose and just braided it down, put a little rubber band on the bottom. it seems intricate. sometimes they think bigot is just too much. even if it doesn't come out perfect it is just fine. longer the hair, you can do it, but even with mid length hair which is what most clients have you can take something so simple like this and sort of fish in between, pull a strand of hair and make it just like this. >> that looks really cute.
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>> yes, very formal. you can use a clip, broach. >> you pull the piece and pull the rest of it up. >> how do you do a fishtail. we have seen it before you you say it is easy. i cannot figure this out. the little girls want it new too. >> right. >> it comes from just two strands. sometimes if they have long hair you can put tonight a pony tail first to control that hair. but with mary i like to give it balance. i put the had hair in the middle. you want to fish from underneath coming from just one site, grab your pointer finger and fish the other side basically feeding one side at a time. less hair you pull the tighter the fish look. >> should you practice with more hair. >> like the first time you do it. >> it doesn't matter, something like this long or a little longer, it is easier. >> i think the challenge comes if they are layers in their hair then it does if they have
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just all one length. >> the the reason why people love this it almost look like it is spun rope. >> right. >> um-hmm. >> that is exactly what it is. a fish's tail if you ever look at the scales and stuff it kind of looks like that. >> it is so pretty does this stay in longer. i know you do brides that want to have braids in. >> i have done brides, not that long ago and i did all of the hair just two fishtails one side by side and did i halo. >> okay. >> it looks intricate, simple and stayed the entire time. >> you are done, thank you. you will show us some other braids what braid will she do on you. >> four strand. >> it is all for a fishtail but four strand. >> it almost looked like a basket we have. >> right. >> yes. >> people are coming in because thinks what they want you guys to do if we can figure it out you can do it ourself. >> i think the most fun thing about it is, usually people do it in the summertime and just
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because it is more beachy look but i think more we are going in the fall it is even bigger and becomes more formal. >> we are wrapping up, can you show us a little bit. sorry about. that we will start with that on top. >> unaudible. >> yes. >> just part the air into four sections and then it is simple. take your outside over your middle, and braid the middle over second middle and bring the outside back over. >> that is too hard. >> i'm just saying. >> it really is not. you will see it more further i go along. technique is very simple and it takes seconds to do, just go to the hair salon. >> i will be lucky to figure out the the the fish tall, but thank you very much. >> it cost look complicatedded. >> did you ever have to braid your daughter's hair. >> i tried, it was a mess.
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no. >> pony tail. >> landry used to try to get her hair done with steve. >> no, not going to happen. >> thanks, jen. >> real quickly look what is in the paper, dear lord. >> a new spike lee flick. >> look at that. >> it is mo'ne. >> yes, he is doing a documentary on mo'ne davis. >> what sit called, mo'ne ball. >> is that what this is. >> how about that, that is cool. >> you call it a spike lee joint, not a flick. >> excuse me, i'm not hip. >> you are but it is okay. >> spike lee joint. >> we want to send a big congratulations to a local high schooler on a very special mission. >> your friend. >> erase add wearness for students with disability. cain gomez is a senior the glass co high school. he was one of four candidates for king. he has as burgers syndrome. he ran to spread awareness about disorder and other students with disabilities.
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cain almost won too. this weekend he was named runner up, cain says he plans to continue to promote acceptance by gaining the the gays straight alliance and diversity committee at his school. he is a very sweet kid, so happy for him. >> still raise add wearness. >> still ahead because it is nine-five-zero. >> eight-five-zero. >> i thought it was almost over you wish. >> can you make it through a meal without looking at your phone. new jersey restaurant offering you a discount if you pitch your smart phone at the door, that is a great idea. >> would you company it. >> no. a remote that lives on your phone.
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the innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. comcast nbcuniversal. bringing media and technology together for you. we woke up to a frost advisory this morning. we had had temperatures in the 30's in many places, it is
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getting better in some places but still in the 30's in pottstown. we're up to 44 in mount pocono. the plenty of sunshine. things will improve. 54 degrees in wilmington. forty-nine in dover, and we head to a high later on today in the 70's. probably the lower 70's, when all is said and done, we're wait fog air look at the seven day forecast, if we can the not see it, i'll just tell you. high of 72 today. rain we're expecting tomorrow does not arrive until late in the day, so we should have a dry day today and in the as cold, night tonight. things will definitely improve, for tomorrow. during the day. and then the rape later on in the day, it looks like we could get weekend off to a rainy start but expect cooler temperatures after wednesday. that is your wet weather authority forecast. we will start off a on i295 northbound approaching 168 in new jersian accident that is, has the left lane block.
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also in bordentown route 130 northbound a at 295 there is an accident there. jersey turnpike, southbound at 168, construction has the left lane blocked and that major accident in the car overturn on the turnpike eastbound between downingtown and valley forge they have cleared that one up, alex. >> thanks, sue. we know a diamond is forever but is what the size of that stone. new study claims bigger the diamond the shorter the marriage. how much you should spend on that engagement ring if you want that marriage to last we will talk about it. start shopping a new way. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx.
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you deserve it. anncr: the great thing many breakfast options... you did a great job. it looks good! anncr: they're right next to our many other breakfast options. just another good reason to book now. feel the hamptonality
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direct, you know what. >> what?
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>> bmw is real about you i don't know but. >> there you you go. >> all she wants to do -- >> yes, can't say that. >> drake has officially surpassed the beatles as the the artist with the greatest number of hits, on billboard's hot 100 singles, are you kidding me, i love drake. >> i love him too. >> that is crazy. >> he is only number eight. we will run down the top five, very surprising. if you start guessing now, you will never guess it for the rest of your life, no, before 10:00 o'clock. of course google it but that is cheating. hi kerry. >> good morning. >> fabulous to see you. >> it is monday october 6th, ladies and gentlemen, 2014. >> i just met her. she's adorable. she's a champion on that show a food network chopped. they have a kids version. >> um-hmm. >> she's from cinnaminson. she brought in a dish that
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really made her a winner on that show. >> yes. >> the chop champ. >> plus, carries here, one of the most famous mediums in the world. i mean, i'm telling you, i remember her, she was on a tv show and she told the host of the show that she was pregnant. >> the host, can we say her name. >> yes, kelly. >> so, she hadn't told anybody. >> but char. >> that is crazy. >> she started to cry. >> mike, are you ready for this. will we see some tears. >> she will read me if i have anything lefty can do in my life. >> horrible, things will be happening later on. >> alex doesn't want to be read so we won't do that but what is the name again. >> kerry. >> yes, do you want to be read. >> i want to be read, baby. >> all right. >> and then jen is similar to your hair today, hi jen. >> look at this. this is the finish product. this is