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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  October 14, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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nurses in our area getting ready for ebola. it is a deadly disease that comes here. doctor mike will show us one of those has math suits and how it is supposed to protect health care workers. and tyler and rocco are the best of friend, they share a common bond but not too many kids can relate to, doctors told their moms that they would never be able to walk but look at them running around right there, um, um, um, we will tell but these two special kids. the hit keep on coming for mo'ne davis, pitch er from the taney dragons, the title that she's earning new from time magazine, wait go mo'ne. straight up 7:00 o'clock. hi alex. good to see you again. >> welcome back. >> good to be back. i got in just after midnight from kansas city, oh, boy. lets get to weather and traffic. we will get you this big news. >> did you see the number yet. >> difficult not. >> of course, you haven't seen
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it if you just woke up. we have temperatures soaring to near 80 degrees this have afternoon. feeling like early summer or maybe late summer, not middle of the summer when it is warmer but it will be nice. some clouds this morning. it is not causing too many problems that we know of. the bus stop buddy in the flyers jersey today, because they need a win, they need their first win of the season. they play ducks tonight at wells fargo center. 67 degrees is our current temperature. southeasterly breeze at 5 miles an hour. we are ten minutes away from the official sunrise time but sunnies burning through those clouds that we had overnight. 78 degrees is the high temperature today, mostly sunny, breezy and warm and tonight we're down to 67, we have a lot of clouds, mild night once again maybe a few showers here and there, that is your tuesday. we will have your seven day forecast coming up. lets get to the roads and start off with route 42 in new jersey just past route 55. this is northbound side, there
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is an accident there, it is on the left shoulder. on roosevelt boulevard southbound at broad street accident was blocking left lane and they have moved that to the shoulder but still slow go around there. finally the accident on i-95 northbound on ramp to cottman they have cleared that one this morning, mike. lets get back to this news here a german hospital says that its international member of the u.n. medical teams, was infect with thee bell a in liberia has died despite intensive medical procedures, the man, 56 years old, his name in the released yet. >> hospital officials say he tested positive for ebola october 6th and arrived in german three i days later and was put in the specialize lacing unit. >> this comes as word out of kansas city, that a man in can says city is latest person to be monitored for ebola. he has, flu-like symptoms after coming back from west africa. hospital officials say man had been working as a medic on a commercial vessel in the area.
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he was on the boat until about five days ago when he return to the united states. doctors say that the patient is at low to moderate risk for having this virus but for now he remains in isolation pending test results. police in california are looking through surveillance video after a passenger on a bus told a driver he had ebola. it happened in l.a. the man was wearing a surgical mask and told the bus driver quote you better not mess with me because i've bowl a he then walk off the bus with other passenger, before he could be identified. officials say the bus driver was taken to the hospital at his own request, although, did he not appear to have symptoms. authorities in los angeles are treating this as a terrorist threat. emergency crews, in protective gear removed five passengers from a plane at boston's logan airport yesterday. officials say that the passengers of american flight 237 came down with flu-like symptoms. none of them had recent thely been to west africa but
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spokesperson says crews wore protective suits to be extra cautious. more ebola news, it is raising questions about hospital safety right here in the delaware veil. >> are local hospitals really prepared to treat patients showing up with symptoms of this disease. the head of the pennsylvania nurses union says no. now we will get to sabina live with more on that. good morning, sabina. >> reporter: good morning, guys. this disease is so dangerous to hospital workers. we are seeing that the with the u.n. work shore died overnight. even a single cough from a sick patient can get the virus in your system if you are not protect. this is nina pam a 26 user old dallas nurse, first person to contracte bowl while in the u.s. she got from it a patient who died last week. she was in full cdc recommended protective gear we're talking gown, mask and gloves and all that. her case is raising serious concern among health care workers in our area wand fairing local hospitals are prepared, if there is an ebola
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case here. area hospitals tell us they are following cdc recommendations to protect workers and patients but groups like the pennsylvania nurse's so, say they should do more like designating one hospital to be the the regional center for all ebola cases and designated staff to deal with the cases. they are thinking is that the more people in the hospital rooms the more likely it is to spread. >> we are working with hospitals throughout the country to think ebola and someone a a fever or other symptoms who have traveled to any 3069 affect countries in the previous 21 days. >> there is a whole lot of scrambling. they are trying to figure out, really how to do it. this should have been figured out, this should have been figure out months ago. this disease is very dangerous. they have known. that it is very dangerous to health care workers. >> reporter: you heard there the nurse's association say hospitals are scrambling. hospitals hearsay they are
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ready. so really two stories there local governments are getting ready this afternoon, delaware county council spearheading an ebola task force to coordinate emergency response procedures if there is ever a case in our area. that happens at 4:00 o'clock in media. mike and alex, back to you. all right, is a bean, my goodness, six minutes of ebola stories. >> yes. >> my goodness. welshing happening today former philadelphia eagles irving fryar is due in court this morning. we will learn when will accept a plea deal in connection with a mortgage fraud scheme with his mother. the hearing had been postpone last month. if he accepts the deal he will serve five years in prison otherwise he will go to trial and get double that time if found guilty. so it is a risk. what could have been another shut down on septa may have been averted. >> engineers on the regional lines have reached a tentative contract deal with the transit the agency, the locomotive engineers and train men announced the deal late
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yesterday. the union says the deal gives the engineers a raise of more than 3 percent dating back to when their last contract ended in 2010 and it ends next july which means the next round of contract negotiations will begin almost immediately. bus driver and subway and trolley operators are in ongoing negotiation was septa engineers and electricians staged a one day walk out in june before the white house got involved and send them back to the bargaining table. developing right now a row home fire breaks out early this morning in northeast philadelphia. >> yes, jenny joyce is on vista street with the story, hi jenny. >> reporter: think mike and alex. fire fighters sustained minor injuries and we are in stable condition. we know that the house that the fire occurred sustained heavy damage, unclear if neighboring homes were affect. this fire broke out the at a home in the 4700 block of vista street around 4:15 this morning. upon arrival fire crews saw flames, on the first and second floors of the row home.
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two adults a man and woman got out safely and fire was found just after 5:00. fire fighters had to deal with heavy smoke in battling this operation. structure sustain major damage. we talk to a man lives a few doors down and said his house is okay, the fire fighters did an excellent job. >> i heard some people yelling outside, wasn't sure. i saw some people standing on this side of the block, i looked at my left and they were looking that way and they he saw smack coming out of the house. she grabbed the the baby. i grabbed my cats. we ran out of the house. when i saw the flames coming through the roof that is when i got a little concern because obviously i know my neighbors here and we were watching the smoke traveling along and somehow the fire fighters were amazing and they got it stopped. >> reporter: red cross ace cyst continuing the people on this block and cause of the fire remains under
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investigation, mike and alex. it is 7:08. today president obama and his top military commanders are meeting with defense official from his more than 20 countries helping in the fight begins isis. >> yeah, meeting will focus on military strategy to counter these extremist among countries represented saudi arabia, uae and britain and france. also participating and thinks key, turkey, a key alley that neighbors both syria and iraq. >> they have said that their facility inside of turkey can be used by coalition forces, american and otherwise, to engage in activity inside of iraq and syria. that is a new commitment and one we very much welcome. >> susan rice and the white house says u.s. led coalition air strikes are making progress and preventing isis from gaining any new ground. well, parents of an indiana aid worker being held hostage biasis are rejecting suggestion this is morning that their son coverted to islam to save himself.
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>> the parents of the peter casek said they do not believe his son's conversion was spurred by captivity, they say his interest in eastern religions began belong before he traveled to the middle east. has been held for more than a year. his family says his attempts to communicate with his captors has in the been successful. secretary of state john kerry is meeting with russian's foreign minister. they are hoping to settle some tensions stemming from ukraine's civil war and there are causes for optimism. most russian troops appear to have left ukraine and with economic penalties looming russian president putin is heading to milan this week for talks with ukraine's president and european union leaders. talks between kerry and russia's foreign minister are seen as a possible first step in the diplomatic process. >> it seems like it anyway. how about this, the the catholic church signals a radical shift in tone as vatican offers words of acceptance to the gay community. >> this meeting at the the vatican kay while morally problematic gay men and women have gifts to offer the church
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and same sex unions have merit. while it does not change church doctrine gay rights groups are hailing what they call a seismic shift in the church's attitude but some say it is still not enough. conservative cardinals at the the vatican are down playing a record as insignificant. a final document on the issue is expected on saturday. after weeks out of the spotlight north korean leader kim jong unmade his first public appearance in six weeks. >> apparently he is not dead. >> apparently not. >> state media reported kim resumed his field tours while walking with a cain but his health was not addressed during the acceptance and the appearance. he gave a speech there international speculation had been building about his whereabouts since he had been absent from any public outings in over six weeks including the big celebration last friday. he didn't show up. well, more protestness ferguson, missouri hundreds of people rat i go against police shootings in the area.
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>> more than 50 demonstrators led by clergy were arrested including civil rights activist doctor cornell west. protesters marched on ferguson police headquarters, city hall, two wal-mart stores and at a political fundraiser. >> i am's... unaudible. >> i tea sided this is the best. i'm so passionate. unaudible. this is what need to be done. >> it was for important me to take a stand and stand with them. >> ferguson had been in the center of protest since 18 year-old michael brown was killed by a police officer in august. tensions escalated last week when a police office are shot and killed another teen, 18 year-old van derek myers, junior who police say shot at them. and it is 7:12. some new jersey high school football players are facing more consequence negotiations connection to those hazing allegation that is involved, sexual assault. >> yeah, big consequences. a division one senior committed to go to penn state has had his scholarship offer pull, according to blue/white
7:13 am's web site that follows high school players. seven players from the sayreville, war memorial had been arrested, and we are told that they could be charged as adults, the school district superintendent canceled the football season all together after learning about the alleged abuse cases, and despite some backlash, for those who say it is not fair for all of the players, to be punished, other community members are showing support for at alleged victims. >> would i definitely want to see where they are at emotionally and spiritually there is a lot of wounded emotions at this time, a lot of healing that needs to happen. would i want them to know that is there healing to be had. >> if the seven students arrested are charged as adults they could face up to five years in prison. and, ski resorts in colorado could be opening sooner then expected. it has been snowing already. >> even though it is in the middle of act a couple of resorts could get a jump on the ski season after several inches of snow fell on the
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slopes over the weekend. they say the snow is accelerating property suggestes, all they need is 18 inches of snow at the base, to put the state past noon. now employees say one day hurt the operation but cold nights are helping. yeah. >> could it be winter is coming. >> great news for them. >> make money already. >> yes. >> but what about us. >> it is coming. >> it is not making me money sue, say it isn't so. >> you are talking winter i'm talking tropics here, big hurricane in the atlantic, now, gone solo is a category two, and it is pounding the virgin islands at the moment with 110 miles an however wind and look the at the direction it is taking. it will kind of grazed by puerto rico, strengthen to a category three according to the computer models and then make a beeline for bermuda as a credit the gray three hurricane. so it is time to baton down hatches as that hurricane gathers strength out in the opened the water over the next couple of days. meanwhile back here at home
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we've got a few areas of fog out there this morning a lot of moisture in the air with these summertime temperatures coming but not too many problems reported with the fog this morning. the mostly up in the mountains is where we are seeing that valley of fog. ultimate doppler shows the rain heading our way for tomorrow especially tomorrow night into thursday morning when we are expect strongest of the thunderstorms. looking at atlanta georgia area and rest of the state of georgia, we're under a tornado watch until 11:00 o'clock this morning. high wind warning in kentucky until 8:00 o'clock this morning with these strong thunderstorms moving through. we will show you this because it is kind of a preview of coming attractions for us. satellite and radar picture nothing to show you right the now, it is a taste of summer. that is a lot at cold front that we will be making its way through. temperatures are in the 60's right now, we will expect to get to a high of 79 degrees today and mid up toker 70's tomorrow before that rain starts and then cools us down a little bit on thursday. most of the storms should be
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really early in the morning and should be sunny in the afternoon. friday looks like a forming us day. nice day on saturday as well. sunday looks good but a lot cooler with a high of only 59 degrees. that is back to autumn after a couple of days of summery weather, that is your forecast for the next several days. now that roller coaster ride is one thing. now lets talk traffic. we will go to lawrence, new jersey i-95 southbound at route 206 there is an accident there that has the right lane block, willow grove and route six # one southbound at the pennsylvania turnpike is there an accident and on the 42 freeway north bound just past route 55, there is an accident there, but at least it is over to the left hand shoulder. still slow going, alex. >> thanks, sue. well this may be a new low even for the new york daily news. >> yeah, that new york daily news had the cover yesterday. look at that. filth i. claiming that some philly fans were growthing as victor cruz
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was down with that injury in the end zone. well, our howard eskin reported last night is the problem with this cover is the person was actually cheering for the dropped pass, and not the injury. he actually called into wi p sports radio yesterday to explain himself, and said once he realized victor cruise was really hurt he took to a knee himself and prayed that victor cruz would be all right. >> a lot of talk about that since that happened. time magazine's list of the 25 most influential teens is out. >> look at this, mo'ne davis is on the list. >> thirteen year-old star pitcher for taney drag answer has made that list. her rise to fame was as fast as her pitch . she pitched a shut out game in the little league world series. she just made national cover of that little magazine, sports illustrated. not so little though. >> not so little. go taney dragons. >> how can she top it. her life is so a nation right now. >> i don't know how, but she is named time magazine's
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person of the year. >> yeah, really. >> that will not happen. >> well, it might, don't say that, it could happen. >> i hear they likes basketball and supposedly better at basketball. maybe she can do that with basketball. >> she wants to go to the best basketball school in the country university of connecticut. >> i believe she can do it. >> her coach called her. he got in trouble for that too. >> take a look at these two, they kind of look like are every day kids, right, running around, having fun, only this, doctors told their moms they would never be able to walk or even talk, look at them now, the the treatment that they received that could change millions of lives. we still want to see your halloween decorations why don't we do this until the the end of the months, tweet them using the hash tag fox 29 good day. this one is from haley stokes. >> look at that. >> pretty good job there. >> they have tomb stones in the yard there. >> check this one out, from maddie. if you send in your pictures we will show as many as we can. use that same hash tag every
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day, right. >> fox 29 good day get in the halloween spirit there. >> that is only way to get it on tv toys use that hash tag. look at that. >> beautiful. >> yes. >> here comes the sun. >> yes. have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change. in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
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and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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i think that picture was better. >> the beatles. >> yes. beautiful take. sue says it will be a nine on a scale of one to ten. >> i'm ready for it. >> it will be good. >> well, imagine thousands may be even millions of kids struggling in school, and with their friends, nobody is there to help. they are kind of lost. that is what one researcher says is happening right now to a bunch of kids in our country. >> now we will get to jen. the she's here with more of a story you saw on fox 29. >> on the 10:00 o'clock news
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we talked about tyler and rocco. they are best buddies because we both know they are in the like other ten year-olds. most ten year-old boys have 1x and 1y chromosome. tyler that is 3x's and a y. rocco has 2y's and a x. the abnormalities were discovered when both boys were babies. now they are both being treated with an innovative therapy, monk other things, they have received, hormone replacement shots. melissa is tyler's mom. >> they basically, told me that tyler would have a 30iq not be able to walk or talk. it is pretty devastating for a mother with a very beautiful normal looking baby in my arms. >> these boys have deficiencies that have been identified in men but not necessarily translated back to the boy. >> reporter: now we're showing if you give them this harmone the brain develops better. >> so tyler and rocco are doing extremely well, and they are extremely rare. some have called rocco the the
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boy in 72 million. basically one in 72 million. bye there are other boys, specifically children whether or not so rare. those children boys and girls aren't being treated or watched by doctors. the doctor believes that these people, those boys and girls who may just have one extra y or one extra x are still unidentified. she says the parents of those business in particular are always trying to figure out what is going on with their little one. they can appear clumsy or stubborn sort of like adhd or autism but different. >> you know, they are falling out of their chairs. they are just really overwhelming. they don't answer when they appear to know the answer because they are called stubborn or object situational but sometimes answer does in the the come easily. sometimes you raise your hand and it is a downward spiral.
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we know a thousand children that are boys and girls are going off to college, they are becoming leaders in their classrooms, they are playing sports, all of the things that the literature tells thaws they can't do but they are doing it. >> doctor straws says pediatricians are in the looking for x or y variations and she said these children, mostly boys, can be identified with just a cheek swab or even a blood test. this thursday group of support for some of the research is having a fun october fest theme fundraiser crystal tea room. for more information on the fundraiser and if you are curious burr little within head to my fox mike and alex, she said, doctor strauss, that she goes and speaks. alex and rocco very rare, he severe, right. there are other kids that have a little thing missing and parents have looked at ad. hd and autism and it is just not that. so she says she meets people on the train, plane i just want to sianni get check. the that is who she wants to
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talk to. >> jen, are boys abe the doctors that we saw in the study, are they all from the delaware valley. >> reporter: so the two boys are board fourth graders and they are based in lower merion. the doctor is based in baltimore but she's kind of one of these people. she has a big foundation and she treats people all over the country. moms and dads, you know, who are struggling. she puts them in the right direction. where they should be going. who they should be talking to. >> hopefully this will help a lot more families. >> yes. >> we will get out to that fundraiser. i may go to that. great story. thank you. 7:26. all right. check out these uniforms here. this is what doctors are wearing to prevent the spread ofe bowl, so how does a nurse in texas end up with this virus. doctor mike will be here to show us how that something needs to change in our medical facilities. you have to be prepared. and quincy is having a dance off this morning, we want to see your moves, q. >> i'm learning how to dance. i'm not a big dancer.
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we are here for dance forever studios here in west philadelphia. fifty-fourth and market. they will teach me how to do all kind of dances all morning long.
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i love the bacon on this sub. i love bacon so much, i'm launching a line of bacon jewelry. aw, i've seen those online, but-have you ever seen bacon brows? what was that? i was just putting the finishing touches on my bacondor. everyone loves bacon at subway. try it on a bacon egg & cheese. subway. eat fresh.
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well, of course, halloween is coming up here but fur neighbor put up decorations like these, what would you think? did the home owner go too far?
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can you go too far with the decorations. why some neighbors say it should president be a big deal. what do you do with your old phones when you go and get a new one. i leave them around the house. >> do i too. >> we will show you how you can turn them from trash to cash. talk about having the time of your life. do you see this kid right here? he cannot get enough of that classic movie dirty dancing. we will show you rest of that tape in a matter of minutes. >> look at him move. has some moves there. >> he has the the moves, he moves like jagr. 7:30 on this tuesday. >> yes. hey, i'm having the the time of my life, this morning. we're tracking a really strong cold front heading our way for tomorrow. i wanted to show you about the strong thunderstorms popping up around atlanta, georgia
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where is there a tornado watch in effect for the rest of the morning basically. high wind warnings up in kentucky, flood warnings, severe thunderstorm warnings, it is a mess down in the southeastern part of the country but it will still take another day for it to get here, so things relatively speaking, comparatively speaking, are rather tranquil around here this morning. the it is a taste of summer, as we get temperatures that will, score well in the 07's by the end of the day to day and future cast shows us this precipitation starting around 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, and moving through, that is preliminary rain through four or 5:00 ape then around seven or seven when we get strong then are storms lingering presip throughout the the nine and early thursday morning. it loss like most of the strong thunderstorms will be off shore. we have a little weather drama coming between now and then. and then friday looks fabulous. so, that is a little look into the next couple of days. we've got some fog problems,
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in mostly in the mountains this morning. not too much anywhere else, that will slow you down. we have temperatures that are pretty mild out there temperatures was up to 66 degrees, yesterday, and where we're just a little bit warmer then that actual think morning as that warm air starts to move n you will feel like, it is sticky outside as well, kind of muggy, as we do in the summertime, and future temperatures, up to 79 degrees. and, we will look ahead to wednesday where we're at 78 by 1:00 in the afternoon. two, very mild days before the autumn chill comes back. future temperatures on thursday are a lot cooler. so, lets put all that together, as we look over the the past couple of days where it has been very chilly. we were in the past. we will get back there on sunday in between 79 degrees today. seventy-six tomorrow. we have late thunderstorms. thunderstorms maybe in the morning and then sun in the afternoon. beautiful weekend but it will change, and get very chilly by sunday. is there a look at your
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weather. traffic time right now and we will start off with a look at the schuylkill expressway right around belmont avenue. and traffic is pretty heavy but it is moving along at least, okay. also in robbinsville, the 195 eastbound off ramp to route 539 we have reports of an accident there, mike. >> all right. in light of that dallas nurse, 26 years old, in light of this dallas nurse contracting the ebola virus from an infected patient, we want to know what is going to be the protocol when you have to go to the emergency room. hopefully you won't have to. the the doctors and nurses will look a lot different. doctor mike is here, well, looking quite different, as a matter of fact. >> yes. >> you were just on the phone credit the cdc about how to prepare. >> basically what is you will see if you go to the emergency room. i'm going to finish the process. >> hold on a second because can we get a wider shot. because you are, you have
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footies on. >> right. >> everything is covered except your head. >> yes. >> so it took me about ten minutes with the helper to get to this point. i'm going to put this on. so, everyone in the emergency room, if you come in you will be asked if you have have traveled and basically what you will do is if you say yes, i have been to west africa, and by the way i don't feel well i have a fever people dressed like this will be coming to see you. >> where will they take you. >> they will take you to an isolation room. if you will remember, michael about the first of august, i'm just doing this to show you what they will be wearing, they will be wearing this full outfit, including the shield that will go like this, to protect, any splashing of body fluids. then you will be putting on two pairs of gloves. we have regular gloves that every doctor has in the office
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and more sophisticated gloves. this is why you can see, we're going to need helpers to do this. this will all be done before someone get close to a patient. >> there has been talk saying the the doctors are dressing differently then the nurses. what is the different between what they are putting on. >> i have never heard of anything like that if you are a doctor or nurse or anybody in contact with these patients you've got to be protected every part have of your body needs to be covered. now, putting it on as you can see is not an easy job, getting it off is even more tricky and we have a whole protocol here. it takes about 12 steps of what you need to do to make sure thaw don't get infect. so i was just with the patient and basically this patient has ebola and i was caring for them. and now it is time to get out of the area where the patient
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is. and now what we will do is wipe our hands with bleach. very carefully going to remove this glove. knievel viral particles that gets on our skin, on our wrist, on our hair, all of those can present a risk and that is where you have a major problem. >> is that where possibly with the dallas nurse is that where she think she might have contracted the virus. >> undoubted. people need to realize it may not have been her fault. it may have been that the protocol was not up to snuff. and that is why infectious disease doctors, throughout the country and the world are all trying to get the right protocol to protect not only the people working with these patients but to protect the patient. before i show you real quick one more time what the official, ebola outfit will look like. if you are a patient, i have ebola, you will be seeing someone like this. then when you go to the isolation unit, i will have that full space suit outfit i
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haddon the other day and that is basically. >> that is footage from a few months ago. >> there it is. >> is there the the helmet. i didn't don the whole thing. this is basically what you will wear and see the doctors and nurses, wearing this if you are a diagnosed ebola a patient and that patient will be in isolation away from everyone else. >> real quickly i know you said were you on the phone with the cdc for about an hour yesterday. when it comes to training, they are saying they don't know if they are ready. how long will it take to make sure everybody knows proper protocol and they know how to handle this when it comes. >> we are getting notices, at least i am at penn, every day basically saying look, we are on top of this we are doing what we need to do. it is a, it is in flux, everything in flux and this is what we are doing to learn, and to get ready for a potential problem. >> what happens to all of these clothes. >> they get put in isolation and then they are destroyed.
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>> burned. >> burn, incinerated, they are put in a place where biological hazard equipment is available to discard it. >> doctor mike, i would shake hands with you but i don't want to. >> thank you so much. >> very informative. >> thanks, doctor mike. >> we will take a quick break here. when we come back if you are not afraid of flying, you may be after seeing this. inside of a plane panels start coming down. this happens overnight. twitter is alive, with this video, oh, man plane was coming apart. and is this halloween display going too far? some neighbors say it is not kid friendly. why some of the other neighbors believe that these decorations should - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars )
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it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at
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use that hash tag fox 29 good day. >> give other people ideas how to decorate their homes. >> maybe not as scary as the people in minute so the. um-hmm. >> halloween display in minneapolis is upsetting some people because it features, pretty freaky stuff outside on the front yard. >> take a look at this, homeowners decorated their front yard with blood, severed heads and zombies. some people in the neighborhood say display is all in good fun for the holiday but others say the display is too graphic for children and they want it taken down. >> my only concern is for kids, two or three, you know, somewhere under the age of six years old. for them it is probably a little bit much. >> there are kids that you don't want coming down the block, a lot of other blocks you can go down. >> yeah. >> it seems home owner will win this fight. there are no city rules banning the frightening halloween props so they can keep decorations on display as long as they want.
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it is their property. >> sometimes you can go too far, does it have to be so bloody. who could forget iconic scene out of dirty dancing. look at that. what little boy is more morized by this his parents watched the movie all the time so he gives patrick swayz e run for his money. we will show thaw for a second. speak of getting his groove on, quincy is learning a thing or two. look at him. >> that is nothing. you know i know how to dance. i'm getting moy groove on. i'm learning how to dance, here and this little kid right here, he has been talking so much trashy will battle him coming up next. i will get him. coming up next. i will get him. right here on
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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well cam back. >> we are starting off miler this morning. we thought we would see more fog then we have, but is there a little bit in the outlying area probably not slowing you down too much. is there bus stop buddy, we have put flyers jersey on him today because they, play tonight a at wells fargo center, against the anaheim ducks, looking for their first win of the season. so we think they need some help cheering them on today. temperatures in the 60's. it is a pretty mild start. so we will give you a nine,
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because, it is beginning to be very mild by end of the day. temperatures approaching 80 degrees in many places to day. feel like early summer. that morning fog, and, some strong, thunderstorms, and, in the south, it is all part of the, cold front that will take another day to get here. and we will have some showers and, and, tomorrow, even with some showers, we will get close to 80 degrees tomorrow. it is 67 degrees, but it will start 5 miles an hour wind, a few clouds and then that sunshine will take us to 68 for october 14th. that is unbelievable. 78 degrees. more throughout the afternoon. tonight a few clouds maybe a stray shower a low of 67 degrees. and split is, your weather authority fox cast for tuesday, mike and alex. so you think you can dance. >> i think quincy thinks he can dance. he is getting his dance on this morning. literally. we are seeing a dance off, quincy.
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>> ♪ >> but first i have to introduce to you darnell richardson. darnell, 22 years old. you have been dancing all your life. what made you come up with this dance studio. >> i wanted to create something for the community where they can take affordable dance classes in their community, of quality. i said let me create my dance company i started my first business at 14. what better way to educate the youth then to provide them dance. dance is a universal language. everybody can understand dance. >> it is at 54th and market what classes do you have. >> we do zoomba, african dance, modern dance, we also teach acting classes, and certain other classes as well. >> i will be learning zoomba. >> how are you doing. >> beautiful, are you. >> i'm good. how long have you been teaching zoomba. >> for about a year now. >> i know how to do zoomba. >> it is like a work out. >> pretty much. >> so what are we doing. >> it is a dance party work out.
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>> yes. >> it is fun. we want to you free style. >> okay. >> i know how to do that. >> that is easy. >> and then in the air. >> come on. >> i can do that. >> yeah. >> okay. so, i was doing a little zoomba. there is a kid, he is 12 and a half year-old. his name is damir. he been talking so much trash. what grade are you in. >> twelfth. >> so, what grade are you in. >> seventh. >> what school do you go to. >> saint treaty. >> you were talking trash saying you can beat me in the dance battle. >> are you ready. >> i'm ready let's go. >> my money is on the kid.
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>> you right, mike it won't be close. let's go. >> here we go. >> yes. >> okay. >> so what happened. >> come here. >> he has been here. >> darnell has been teaching him that move. you know, i have equipment on. >> yeah, sure. >> next hour, i'm doing, that is the only reason. mike, she said she wants me to come on down. >> mike, come on down, baby, zoomba. >> okay, so next hour, we will do something. we will come in the circle. >> okay, next hour. i will do that. >> i will beat him next hour as well. >> are you going to get it on
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stilts. >> next hour, yes. >> that would be impressive. >> hopefully a paramedic is standing by. speaking of dancing let's show this kid now. he loves to watch with his mom and dad that film dirty dancing. >> this is eight year-old charlie recreating patrick swayze's famous scene from dirty dancing. >> ♪ >> i start $5 years ago when he saw a michael jack son video. that guy can dance. >> that has 70,000 views on the you tube. >> 7:51. a warning for parents about your baby and nap time, here's something difficult not know. are you putting them down in a dangerous place. why you have to stop letting
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your baby sleep on the couch. couches can be dangerous, apparently. difficult in the know that. recent ebola scare has people afraid to fly, so how safe are you? we will study five things you need to know, before you board a plane. we still want to see your halloween decorations, this is from robbie, they have cobwebs and everything. look at. that make sure you tweet us using hash tag fox 29 good day, we will see how you are decorating your home and we will put it
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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well, look at that. >> yes. >> it will be. >> all right. 7:55. a new warning out for parents about babies and nap time. you could be lying them down in a very dangerous spot. >> yes, researchers say if you are letting your baby sleep on your couch, and you need to
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stop. that about one in eight sudden and sleep-related deaths among infants occur on sofas. according to the new study researchers say is there an increased risk of suffocation or strangulation on a couch. study also shows 90 percent of those deaths happen when the child is sleeping on the couch with an adult on the couch with an adult. so parents should avoid mistakenly falling asleep with their baby on them on the sofa. study published by the journal pediatrics. my parents let me sleep with them on the couch, many, many times. >> the dangers they could fall in the cushion. >> you roll over them. >> but you shouldn't sleep with them on the bed also because you can roll over and crush them. >> researchers at the university of washington found kids as young as 15 months old can pick up on their parents' motions. >> so if mom and dad are angry the kids know. in the study toddlers watch interactions of a group of adults ape when situation got
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heated the kid changed their behavior to try to diffuse it situation. thinks first evidence to suggest younger children have the ability to usee motional cue toss understand what is actually happening around them. >> fifteen months. they try to be mediator. >> wow. >> that is huge but sad too. cost to raise a child can be pretty darn expensive. what is it a half million-dollar, now, and that is from birth to 18 years of age but dads make more money. dads opposed to single dudes. >> fathers actually out earned their childless count are parts by 40 percent. >> wow. >> in 2010 dads had a median salary of $49,000 compared to $29,000 for men without kids. the study also revealed dads are more likely to be employed full-time or work in management or professional jobs when compared to childless men. study comes from city university of new york. >> probably more pressure too. if you are a dad you have to
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support your children. you want to make sure you are making money to get them what they need to be. >> that is exactly what you are all b you feel pressure, responsibility of having a good job and taking care of the kids and your family. good day, it is tuesday, october 14th 20, 14, here we go. >> reporter: after a 26 year-old nurse, comes down with ebola, health care groups in our area blasting the cdc. new in measures they are asking for, alex. >> in light of that ebola scare a lot of us are afraid to fly right now so do airlines really clean the planes before you board? the top five things you need to know before booking your flight. plus, do not ditch those old crack iphones, it turns out, they might be worth something even if they are damaged. how you can build up your bank account without, in or words, you can sell your phone, okay, that is what i'm trying to
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say. who could forget the rachel. now everyone used to want jennifer aniston's iconic haircut, from friends but she's not the only star to play overall in our looks. we will tell you the other actresses who have an impact on our hair. >> farrah faucet started all that stuff, didn't she sue. >> sure did. >> yes, my mother used to say when my was over my eyes she said who do you think you are, veronica lake. >> there is an old one. >> veronica lake was a cartoon character. >> no, she was an old movie star from i think the the 30's and she always had her hair over her eyes. >> who do you think you are, veronica lake. >> now they would say do you think you are aalayha. >> but she thinks she's veronica lake. >> all right, veronica. >> lets get to the number because i think you'll like it. >> it is a nine out of ten today. temperatures air approaching
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80 degrees. feels like early summer but we have fog around this morning that you may have to deal w bus stop buddy flyers jersey they are playing tonight. we need that first win of the season. so buddy wants to cheer them on. temperatures even in the mountains are in the 60's this morning. here comes the sunburning through those clouds 67 degrees, heading to a high later on of, close to 80 degrees. so, yeah, we are looking at those weather headlines, area of fog and mild start. 78 degrees is your weather authority forecast. lets get to the traffic at just about 8:01 on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound past bensalem, there is an accident there and it is on the shoulder but still pretty slow around that part of the turnpike. now also in lawrence new jersey, route one north bound at quakerbridge road an accident there three lanes are block. that is a mess. finally in trooper ridge pike at south park avenue reports of an accident there, mike. >> let me give you headlines
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at 8:00 o'clock, two fire fighters are recovering after getting injured fighting a row home fire in the north east. officials say that their injuries are minor thank goodness. fire broke out, on the 4700 block of vista street just after 4:00 o'clock this morning. a man and woman inside got out safely. the red cross is also helping nine other neighbors affected by the fire. the the cause of that fire is of course under investigation. new pictures out this morning of north korean leader kim jong un, north key road an accident a state media is broadcasting photo grass of him resuming his guidance tour that is have been a part of the public persona. program show kim supporting himself as you can see there with the cain. reports did not say when the photo were taken or addressed kim's health there has been questions about his health because kim was last seen in public on september 3rd. these ebola cases. >> german hospital says an international member of the u.n. medical team was infected with ebola in liberia and has died despite intensive medical
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procedures. man was 56 years old, his name has not been released. let's stay in our country now a man in kansas, kansas city area to be exact is the latest person to be monitored for ebola. he has, flu-like symptoms after a coming back from west africa. they are being cautious. hospital officials say the man had been working as a medic on a commercial vessel near liberia. he was on that both until five days ago when he return to the united states. the doctors say that the patient is at a low to moderate risk of having ebola, but for now he remains in isolation at the university of kansas medical center. an emergency crews removed five pass eveningers from a plane in the logan airport yesterday. officials say passengers of emery flight 27237 had come down with symptoms. crew where is protective suits to be extra cautious.
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dallas nurse infect with ebola has received is a blood transfusion from the american doctor who survived the virus. >> yeah, many patients have received blood from this man because he survived it. but the question remains is how did she contract the disease in the first place. how prepared are hospitals around here. >> we will get sabina live outside the hospital of the university of pennsylvania, hey there, sabina. >> hey, good morning, guys. we have check with several area hospitals, including here at hup. we have been out here all morning long and people have been going in and out of the hospital and out of the er all heading to work. you can see how busy it is. how many people would be affect if there ever was to be an ebola case here. so out of the hospitals that we checked with in the area mostly they are telling us they are following cdc recommended guidelines to protect workers and patients from groups like the pennsylvania nurses association, don't think that goes far enough. they say cdc guidelines are the minimum protocol. the the group wants a single
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designated regional treatment center fore bowl, dedicated staff to work in the ebola unit and better training. >> i think cdc really dropped the ball in terms of preparing everybody for what they potential consequences of this disease were. i think that what we need is regional preparation. i don't think all of the preparation because it is very expensive, it is very difficult and requires a lot of equipment and personnel and a lot have of danger. i don't think it should be up to each hospital to figure out whether or not they should provide plastic goggles, or a complete hazmat suit or just sim reply or fluid gowns. they should not all have to be figuring that out. >> reporter: all of this coming after 26 year-old nina sam, a nurse, at texas health presbyterian hospital became sick with ebola after treating a patient there who died last week. we're told this morning that she is in stable condition.
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now, the the head of the cdc at first categorized the way that sam caught, the disease, as a breach in protocol. he later category that as a investigation of where that breach in protocol or where it may have happened. cdc is reviewing its safety protocols but they say that their guidelines do work. mike anales that is what they say. well, we will find out. all right 8:05. this story has constant updates. >> for latest coverage on ebola just log on our web site at my fox >> it changes hour to hour, that is for sure. >> there were scary moments on board a flight when some of the cabin's wall panels cracked loose. >> can you imagine? a passenger shot video on board this, an american airlines flight, look at this, passengers called flight attendance over. walls are coming apart. captain on the flight then decided to turn around. about an hour after the the plane departed from san
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francisco. the flight landed safely back in the where ever it took off from. yesterday afternoon, back in san francisco. all these passengers were certainly scared, aviation experts say the plastic wall is mostly cosmetic, and it has no effect on the safety of the flight, so it is, the plastic that cosmetic look of the inside. >> it is still scar toy see that, no one wants to see that on a plane. >> you don't want your plane coming apart in the air, no. >> so i was flying this weekend. in fact i just landed about midnight, at philly international. >> are you awake. >> no, i really made a mistake by coming in. >> i noticed some of the travelers, taking their shoes off. this is dude sitting next to me last night. there is the woman who was friday night, bear feet, at least this guy, on the return flight last night had socks on. but would the man, and, bear feet back there. she was doing kind of like
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movement with her toes right next to me. >> stretching them out. >> i saw a lot of people with face masks, wearing those surgical masks. >> really on the plane. >> on the plane. >> did you get one. >> no. >> well, probably because you are not the only person worried about germs and things when you fly. we have kerry barrett talking about some myth about airline travel in germs. >> are you worried about foot germs. >> no, i find it fascinating. >> you don't take your shoes off. >> every now and then. >> it is a licensing flight. >> do you have to put it up on the bulkhead wall. >> or prop it up on the head rest, in the seat in front of you, but you can take your shoes off but put them underneath yourself so we don't necessity bit. >> here's the germ myth busting we will do for you. get your pureel ready. time for dirty truth about germs on planes. this is recent article out of u.s.a. today apparently airlines we fly on are petary dishes, they are pull of bacteria. >> sure.
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>> flyers are worrying about all of the wrong things. it is not feet you have to worry about. we will defunct myth about germs on the the plane. myth number five nothing you can to protect yourself when you are trapped in a aircraft cabin in that metal tube. experts say that is in the true. you can travel with, and you can use, generously hand sanitizer. you can also use disinfecttent wipes to wipe down armrest and tray tables and stay hydrated, helps as well. >> probably drinking, a vodka is not a good idea. >> does not count, water. myth number four, airlines taking steps to ensure that passengers cannot contract diseases in the aircraft like ebola. experts say nope, it is up to passengers to protect themselves, and cover any open, wound. no lesions. and they say passengers should follow proper hygiene to limit their exposure to viruses. >> it is up to you then. >> yes, myth number three, airlines, clean the the aircraft between flights. this is actually a secret. according to the article,
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airlines remove trash and they take out old magazines but the proper cleaning, the wipe down, the whole shebang that doesn't happen that often. >> i thought they did. >> no. >> they used to do that stuff but they don't have time their turnaround is so quick. faa doesn't regulate or inspect cleaning, but the planes are supposed to be wiped down after a 30 days of services. >> wow. >> i heard it last night. >> that is sickening. >> the plane got in, we had a quick turnaround, we will do this as fast as we can. the crew will get on, clean the plane real fast. they are just throwing out mag teens. >> newspapers, dirty cups that people leave around. >> myth number two, it goes back, airline pillows and blankets are okay to use. wrong. experts say never use those pillows because never ever changes the pillowcase. >> no. >> it is better to bring your own. if you to have use a blanket used would sealed in plastic but only use it for your lower legs, you have to keep that nastiness away from your face. finally myth number one, the most dangerous health
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hazard in the air is the cabin air itself. according to this article, that is entirely wrong. the the cabin air is fine. the most planes have filtering to clean it. the real problem is the chair, the tray table and armrest. the tables have the highest levels of bacteria have of any spot in the plane, worse then toilets, sinks and whole shebang. >> where you have your food. >> yes. >> that is fantastic. >> fabulous. >> now get out, geese. >> sorry. well, she may be a little leaguer but that mo'ne davis, she is kind of big time, isn't she. how our local girl is joining the ranks of mallia and sascha obama. nick cannon is on good day this morning. people magazine calls him one of the top ten most successful young people in hollywood, so we will talk about how he jug also that fame with family. your job today toys bring
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up mariah. >> i thought that was your job. >> no, he won't want to talk about it. you are the the new person. >> you guys are hazing me. >> you have to ask nick about mariah. i'm stanley tucci and i love new york. there's no place like it in the world.
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one of my favorite fall activities is visiting our world-renowned wineries and craft brewers. and, award-winning distilleries and cider makers. they're located all across our great state. come raise a glass to your favorites. plan your fall getaway at there's something for everyone
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time.
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sorry. get a free quote at we have been watching the fog situation all morning. it is still fog any mount pocono this morning but other than that everybody place else seems to be doing well. we are seeing a whole lot of sunshine this morning. lot mild temperatures for october 14th, of course. it is 67 degrees in philadelphia even in mount pocono it is 62. sixty-two in millville. 66 degrees in wildwood. we are heading to 79, yeah, or 78 by the end of the day. 76 degrees tomorrow. those thunderstorms come late in the day and then rain lingering into thursday morning and tapers off by midday with some sunshine at the end of the afternoon. that is when the cooling down starts, and 72 object thursday. seventy on friday. saturday's high 66 but then a
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big chill on sunday, crisp and cooler with that high of 60 degrees. back to autumn by week end but it will be a beautiful one around here. that is your weather authority forecast, traffic time, i-95 southbound, right here at penny park street, it is a lot of volume but everybody seems to be moving and that is a good thing on a tuesday morning, also, on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound past bensalem is there an accident there but it has been moved to the shoulder, mike. >> now is the time everybody is ditching their old phones to get those brand new phones, new models. >> but so many have come out recently. release of the iphone six and six plus and upcoming release of the samsung galaxy note four on friday. consumers are itching to get their hand on the latest devices but first they have to figure out what to do with their old ones. now we will bring in our financial expert dan ricoto to tell us thousand turn these things even if it has a crack screen into cash. >> good morning, alex and mike, how are you. >> well, it is easier then
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ever to turn this into this, easier then ever before if you know how to do it. we will show you this morning how to maximize how much you might get for that phone. i think you guys have samsungs, right. >> yes. >> and one of you has a crack screen. >> that would be alex. >> have of course. >> it is me. >> that is still worth something. lets talk about it. here's a few tips for to you turn that old phone into cash. and may apply it to a new phone or go up the grid and put money in your pocket. first thing you want to determine the value have of what you have. it is easier then ever. you could go on line and lot different models. here's what you can do, web site worth weird name. worth >> you know your worth. >> check it out. just type in the type of, phone you have, the model, specific model and brand and it will tell you right on line what other phones similar to what you have been going for right now. it is a real time, you know, generation of what that phone might be worth. >> worth >> yes. >> give me another one.
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>> now mike lets say we know, or we have an idea what we think it is worth. now we want to he will is it. you can go on line, sell it on e bay, craigs and you have sketchy people coming over. you don't want to do that a lot easier way to do that then the old fashion way, right. first thing check this out. we test drove it back in the lab. works well. so, you will type in, again the model that you have and condition your phonies in, even with a cracked screen, alex, and it will pull up, the value that they are willing to pay you simply by sending your even if through them in the mail. they will give you a label, print it off, send the phone in about a week or so you will get a check or cash will hit your pay pal account. >> broken or crack, good conditions and then flawless. >> so for example i have a i phone 5s. that is worth 225 bucks in good condition. right. samsung is about 200 bucks if you are interested in that new samsung model, interested this
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week for example. >> lets get through this because everybody has their phone in front have of them. >> the iphone four, 15 bucks. >> not so much. >> so iphone four is not worth that much. iphone 5s most you will get is 225 bucks. samsung range from 50 bucks on through to about 200 bucks. again it depend on the condition and these prices do change every day. >> iphone four, 15 bucks. i phone 4s, 50 bucks. >> yeah. >> i phone 5s, like you said 225. samsung glassy four, hundred bucks. samsung galaxy five, $220. if you got the note three samsung glassy note three you get 200 bucks. >> yes. >> which one do you have. >> i have the i have phone 4s. >> i have a galaxy three. >> yeah. getting a five today. >> it is still worth something. other thing you can do if you goat yours new this week just
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trade it in a lieutenant of the places have an offer to trade tonight and you will get a credit, for some cash or an gift card or something like that or apply it toward purchase of your new phone. >> could you not just sell it the yourself on craigs list on e bay. >> but then you have these people coming to your house. you don't want that. here's a neat way. last night i flew from california, visiting our favorite son. echo atm. i saw it on the west coast. they are on the east coast. atm machine which simply insert your phone, okay. >> look at that. >> inspection your phone automatically and dispenses cash, this thing is unbelievable. i saw it in the bond supermarket. i found out they are in the moorestown mall and neshaminy mall coming to our area. >> i would like that, ship it and package it up. >> so get on twitter everybody where have you seen these machines, there is some in center city. >> check out, it will give you locations, is there a couple in our area they are just starting to come out, i'm telling you they will take it
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by storm. all over california. >> eco atm. >> can you trade them in at wal-mart and best buy you. >> but here's the catch. you will not walk out with cash, either a gift card or you can apply proceeds to a new phone. >> okay. >> all right. >> nice job, thank. >> have a prosperous day. >> you too. >> by the way did you know that philadelphia, is on a best list now. >> it is named one of the best cities in the country to trick or treat. >> yeah. >> why our city jumps six spots from last year, plus, how oldies too old to trick or treat, tweet us your thoughts, using hash tag fox 29 good day. >> let's see. >> older kids to try to get candy. >> mostly women, teenage girls. would i say 12. >> really. >> yeah. >> i guess you can get to high school. >> but, first ladies, listen up who is your primary grocery shop inner your household, you or your man? well, why your more likely to semen at the super market.
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>> really. >> yes.
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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poem lar cup cake shop closed it doors after sluggish sales. owner has acquired crumbs and plans to reopen in most locations, include chicago, los angeles and washington tc but before you get too excited, everyone in philadelphia knows it is part of the plan but hopefully that will change. >> there is just too many cup cake stores right now. >> yes, all of the rage. >> i think it has jumped the shark. >> it is g i don't mind it. >> mcdonald's is making what many consider to be a risky move. >> they are running a social media campaign, talking about what is in its burger and mcnuggets and i have wonder. the company has created behind the scenes web episodes and asking people to submit questions about food on facebook, twitter and you tube. they are apparently even addressing the pink slime accusations remember when that was all big and we talk about that. >> yes. >> is there any meat in those
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hamburgers. >> what do they have to say. so how manly is grocery shopping, mike. >> not that manly. >> well, it is a chore most men are now happy to do. >> my dad, i don't think i ever saw him in the grocery store. >> my dad does it. he likes to do it to get what he wants, like the chips and the the dip. >> we found this new study that says men, now make up majority of grocery shoppers in this country, how about that. so, 51 percent of men are the primary shoppers, for their families. how about that. men are also less likely then women to go shopping for a specific meal, rather than just to stock up and men spent less money at the grocery store. >> on average they spent about $47, where women spend about 50. >> is that right. >> wonder why this is. >> i don't like going to the grocery storm but never go hungry because then you buy up everything. >> do you eat while you are shopping. >> can do you that. >> you are not supposed to. >> people in the produce
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section get grapes and they are testing it out. >> yeah, i'll get a whole bunch of grapes, put tonight that cart. >> they are gone by the time you get to the check out. >> is that shoplifting. i guess it is. >> i think that is. >> or if you paid for it i'm a known shoplifter. >> after the life safer fiasco. >> that is right. >> a new study claims longer couples are together the less likely they are to say i love you, but is all love lost? we will tell you why feeling just saving time. >> you don't like them anymore why would you say i love you. >> it gets old. >> yeah. ♪
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i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru.
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fantastic take. we have added shades to bus stop buddy's outfit. it is sunny outside in most places but, there are a few spots, flyers jersey should be enough, pretty mild day, ebb that might be a little warm for him later on. a nine out of ten because of these temperatures that will be approaching 80 degrees feeling like early summer. 67 degrees is where we are right now. wind south/south east at 7 miles an hour and 87 percent relative humidity, that feels like summertime as well. the it is a muggy start to the day, keep that in mind as well. 78 degrees, a high temperature on october 14th, not bad, mostly sunny, breezy and warm, breezes will pick up this afternoon, out of the south but ten to 15 miles an hour. 67 degrees tonight, increasing clouds and a chance of the stray shower. that takes care of tuesday from the weather authority. lets take care a of traffic before you leave on the schuylkill expressway
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westbound approaching conshohocken. we have a disable vehicle, left lane is block, and the schuylkill is a mess, so, avoid that for a little while until they get that cleared. i-95 northbound at commodore barry bridge is there an accident on the shoulder, still a little slow go around there and on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound that has been past bensalem an accident on the shield there are as well, mike. >> dan ri cota was talking about getting rid of your cell phones by using those eco atm's, it analyzes it, and apparently they are all over the place. plymouth meeting mall has one, king of prussia mall, cheltenham mall, roosevelt park, moorestown mall. >> there is a lot. >> my goodness. >> instant cash. >> show me the money. >> also one at exton mall. >> they are all over the place. >> i have never seen one. >> i want one. >> nice alternative. >> real quickly here too desiree who watches the show, desiree, she's on twitter. she is recovering from cancer
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surgery. so, shout out to you, thanks for watching. >> get well soon. >> lets go drink some beer in conshohocken. >> we are in the middle of conshohocken beer week, move over wine and cheese, it is all about beer and grilled cheese. >> stone rose, i like this restaurant, jen. >> i know you love stone rose in conshohocken, you found her here one night. >> good morning. >> i know last night you guys had a huge beer and grilled -- are you grilled cheese or toasted cheese. >> grilled cheesy call it toasted cheese but people say i'm wrong. you guys are clearly right. we have a big paring. people don't think beer and grilled cheese, why did you decide to go that way. >> well, i think that with the grilled cheese you have a lot more creative freedom. it is like a simple dish but you can make it however you want, so, we will tell what you we have here. >> what the heck is this. >> this is a cinnamon
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marsipun, with strawberry jam and pumpkin bread. >> this looks all fancy pants but would you put it together let's say at the the table or house like a grilled cheese sandwich. >> you want to come up with a different way to plate it, make it interesting, different ingredients, something seasonal, go tour local farmers mark, try something different. we wanted to get people involved in trying new things. >> good morning. >> so what beer would you pair it with. >> this is the victory fest beer. we work a lot with victory. they are a awesome, really, good to us, and their staff is great. they came out and did, they explain all of the beers last night and pared everything together. this is is a victory beer. this has been october fest lagger and goes great with the sweetness of the pumpkin. >> so clearly brian is still looking for the other one. we got here late because is there traffic. will you be mad if i go try and stalk him in the kitchen.
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>> no. >> chef, we waited for you, get out here. we are live on tv so no poddy talk. so what the heck is that thing. >> well, this is chef will right here. >> yes. >> you will explain this one too. >> tell me what this is right here. >> this is a short rib and mack and cheese on pretzel bread and this one is, pepper jack and deli must tar. >> ridiculous. >> this is, this is literally could feed four families, correct, yes. >> how would you pair that with beer. >> so the deli mustard has a little spicy to it, so i/victory with pair their moving parts ipa with that within because the hobbsness compliment spiciness in the must tar. the thinks their dirt wall, you really need double i p the a, 8.7 percent. >> i can't drink that at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. but i could at noon.
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>> that goes well with the cheese, and the short ribs. >> and i think, you guys are doing so much with grilled cheese so i think a lot of people think grilled cheese, kids food. you want to elevate the whole grilled cheese game. >> absolutely, we want people to you know, take this idea and put their own spin on it. make it up scale like the dessert one, do something different with the grilled cheese. >> so when my outlaws, my mother-in-law comes to visit i'm fancy pants because i'm serving you, a adult grilled cheese. >> beer and grilled cheese. >> i love the the idea. >> mike, i'll meet you here. you should come to conn show who can teen, alex. we can have, fancy pants, grilled cheese. >> it looks like a cool place. >> i was standing at that very spot when you called me, right there at the bar. >> i heard that mike was here with one of our other friend and i called, brian answered the phone. i said is there a really handsome man that you might
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recognize from television. he looks a lot smarter than rest of the people in the bar. he is so intelligent. he said ding. right there. is there mike jerrick. >> buttering you up. >> that is the best looking sandwich. i love short ribs and mack and cheese, cram them together. >> best of both world. >> the most famous tv hair styles of all time, marry tie will her moore makes the cut but which star from generation has influenced the way we do our hair? we will tell you three sisters who women want to look like. >> three sisters. >> olson twins. no that is two. no one asks to have diabetes or heart disease. at gateway health, we see you , not your condition. gateway health medicare advantage plans offer complete care that fits you better, gives you more, and may cost you less.
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lou at women's hair dues and become popular. >> that might look nice on me. >> yes. >> you have copied these but we will tell you some of the top hair styles of all time. >> i think this started with farrah faucet way back in the day from charlie's angel. everyone want that had sweeping hair due. >> yes, and then there is mary tyler moore more. >> i never remember her so much for her hair. >> yes. >> what do they call that. >> i have no idea. >> maybe some mary tyler moore more. >> yes. >> the mtm. >> tempest bledso who played vanessa on the cosby show. >> she had crazy hair styles. >> she wore things in her hair. >> before the the break we talked about the three sisters, everybody wants to copy. it is kardashians on keeping up with the kardashians, the hair with the waves in it. >> you better put the five sisters now because kendell
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and is what the other one's name, kylie, they are becoming quite popular too. >> yes. >> voorhees. >> the fame. >> saved by the bell. >> yes. >> the curls. >> yes. >> that was her name, lisa turtle. >> jennifer aniston as rachel on friends. >> yes. >> little bob comes in. >> that was a big deal. >> yes, she is a big deal. >> well, is there a new craze for guys, the haircuts. >> yes. >> quincy harris is starting a new craze. >> with his haircut. >> check it out. >> it is short. >> very short. >> yeah, short. >> i used to have hair like this, like darnell richardson here. but okay, whatever. we're learning how to be in the circus. >> circus arts training class soon. >> so i will learn how to do this. people say i clown around a lot but i'm learning how to do it professionally here at the
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lot but i'm learning how to do it professionally here at the dance forever studio coming up in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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the world health organization just made an announcement and they say there could be up to
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10,000 new cases of ebola, probably within the next couple of weeks. i would imagine, of course, most of these, 99 percent of them will be in west africa but it is beginning to become very frightening. make sure you stay with fox 29 and my fox all day for the latest ebola news. we will have more updates as they happen and see how local officials are preparing for this. especially as we get more information about these 10,000 case that he is they are talking about. >> per week, this should start in the next couple of weeks. at 8:45. in west philadelphia, born and raised. >> yes. >> there is a studio there called dance forever and they will teach you how to be a better dancer. >> we know quincy needs lessons. he is there but now he is talking about circus art. >> i don't really need, i do a lot of improvisational dance. >> sure. >> yes. >> it doesn't hurt.
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>> twenty-two, 22 years old, this guy is 22 years old darnell wilson. he started this dance studio. why did you start a circus program here. >> there is a lot of kids that have have different acrobatic talent and they don't an outlet where they can train, so we have decided to work with the clowns, and sister matilda and create a program for students in the urban area can learn circus art in their own community. >> so we are seeing you on the stilt. how are you doing. >> wonderful. >> if i come here to the school you will teach me how to walk like you. >> put your leg up. >> how long have you been doing it. >> fifteen years. >> your shoes, or what do i need. >> special equipment. with stilts you have stationary shoe, on the footrest and rest is grace and mercy. >> i see you have pink on breast cancer awareness. >> just just come from new york doing the the runway for breast cancer survivor walking with the lord, yes. >> so the classes start next
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month in november. >> we have kwani the clown. you make this look easy. how long have you been a clown. >> for about six years. >> what is the key, is what process of doing this. >> well, it is all balance. >> if i come to your class. >> you will learn how to get on and how to fall as well. >> can i try. >> go ahead. >> trying to show me up. >> i need somebody, come on, are you ready. >> yes, okay, it is all about balance. >> yes. >> wow, wow, wow, you got it. >> let go. >> i was kidding. >> receipt's do this again. >> do you see. >> people say i don't have any physical skills, look at that right there. >> if i want to learn how to juggle, i cannot do it the way you juggle, but i'm a novice. >> come here, darnell.
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>> yes. >> learn how to juggle. >> unaudible. >> juggling scarves. >> probably safer this way. >> impossible with the mike phone. >> all right. >> one at a time. >> i'm a professional. >> classes start. >> our classes will start next month and all of the information is on our web site. this is for children and adults. if you are interested in learning an unusual talent come down to dance service studios and learn something different. >> next hour i will dance. i have to say hi to tameika seals, on twitter says please stop having q do anything that requires rhythm. >> wow. >> tameika, next hour i'm doing some dancing.
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>> nast caribbean dancing. >> if you know tameika and tell her to turn on her tv must see tv coming up next. >> thanks, back to you in the studio. >> you could runaway to the circus, alex. >> maybe i should. >> west philadelphia. >> lets get back to this break news again because we have more of an explainer here. world health offerings now says that there could be up to 10,000 new cases of ebola if we don't get this under control in the next 60 days. so the the assistant director general, his name is doctor howard, he made these comments just a few minutes ago. >> he said response to the crisis is not stepped up within 60 days, quota lot more people will die. he says there will be a huge need on the ground to deal with viral patients. he said for last four weeks there have been 1,000 new cases per week some that he figure includes suspect, confirmed and probable cases. he said they are having to
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have 70 percent at late the to reverse this out break. doctor mike was saying a lot of medical professionals are having those daily conference calls with the cdc. they are trying to set them up to make sure they are prepared in case things get worse here. >> yes. >> that was pretty amazing comments he made there if we don't get our act together in 60 case, 10,000 cases per week, wow. mostly them in west africa but spreading to the rest of the world now. well, nick cannon, very famous guy, very nice guy is on "good day philadelphia" this morning. people magazine calls him one of the top ten most successful young people in hollywood. again, because you are new here alex, you have to bring up the big elephant in the room. >> why do i have to be the bad guy talking about his break up. >> i don't want to make him again. >> yes. >> plus are a woman and he is
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a lit man. you will ask him about mariah carry that what was the the ma
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard.
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aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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just got updated information, still is a category, two, now winds are at 110 miles an hour and still moving northwest at 13 miles an hour, but according to the computer models, it will start to take a northerly turn and then head towards ber mute a, home other land mass threatened by this but it is pounding the virgin island with the wind and rain right now. seven day forecast has a tranquil forecast in our weather. 78 degrees today. seventy-six tomorrow with the thunderstorms arriving late in the day and then it is a cool change as we head in the weekend. lets check traffic for you on this tuesday morning, very bright out there, a lot of sun
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glare, i-95 southbound between the blue route and route 320, and an accident there the left lane is blocked and traffic is jammed, all the way up the blue route. on the roosevelt boulevard at fox street there is an accident that has the left lane blocked, and on i the five northbound right there at commodore barry bridge is there an accident on the right hand shoulder, alex. >> sue, did you know that philadelphia is named one of the best cities in the country, to trick or treat. we will tell you why our city jumped six spots from last year. we are still talking about this how oldies too old to trick or treat. someone tweeting saying anyone between the age of one and 30 they can still do it. we want to know your thoughts. use the hash tag fox 29 good day. are you too old to trick or
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years.
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♪ >> one of my favorite video. >> look at him go. >> first time i have seen it. >> yes. >> anyway. >> that is a dance mix. >> i will tell you why we're doing that because nick cannon for goodness sake is on the show in this hour. >> for goodness sakes. >> yes. hi kerry. >> hi, good morning. >> good morning. >> kerry comes down and says hey mike you don't look very good today. >> that is not exactly what i she said. >> she said you look hung over. >> i'm tired. >> i landed 12:30 this morning from kansas city. >> we're glad you are here. >> give him a nap, please. >> cover him up. >> do we ever really grow up, when it comes to halloween, some of us just captain let this go, so here is the question, how oldies too old to trick or treat.
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>> you are never too old. >> no, yeah you are. >> use the hash tag fox 29, good day we are seeing great decorations here, people are tweeting them. >> look at that one, a nice mask and a skull. >> yes, that is neat. >> yes, that is the sun. >> it looks like a jack lantern. >> best way to get your pictures on is to use the hash tag fox 29 good day, okay. >> yes. >> so straight up 9:00 o'clock, she may be a little leaguer but mo'ne davis has made it to the big league now. how this local young woman is in the same company now as mallea and sascha obama, um-hmm. here comes jen. oh, we will not have jen. >> no. >> a new study claims longer couples are together the less likely they are to say, i love you. all love lost. so we will talk about why feelings, they fade with time. maybe that is why jen didn't show up. she doesn't love you any