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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  October 14, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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his front porch when group of teens walks up and goes on the attack. >> why neighbors say they'll be worried even after everyone is arrested. >> right now at 5:00, scary prediction and soberly new numbers for the ebola outbreak. 10,000 new cases a week. that is what world health officials say we could see worldwide win just two months. deadly virus continues to rip through parts of west afri africa. officials announce dag that the mortality rate now stands at 70%. >> that is up from 50%. good evening, i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. here's what we know right knowledge world health organization is reporting more than 4400 deaths worldwide from the current ebola epidemic with a thousand new cases each week for the past month. again the mortality rate stands at 70% right now. who warning the next two months will be crucial and what we could see 10,000 new cases worldwide each month if we can't turn the tide against the
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disease. here in the us, health officials say they're doing all they can to keep you safe. >> stopping ebola is hard. we're working together to make it safer and easier. >> we continue to believe that the risk of an ebola outbreak here in the united states is exceedingly low. there is good news. nina ph a.m. fighting ebola in dallas reportedly doing well. she's one of seven hospital staffers who look after thomas eric duncan and he died from e bella last week. >> one community is looking to get ahead of the spread of the deadly disease. they are forming an ebola task force. chris o'connell is life and what is the plan here? >> reporter: lucy i just stepped out of a meeting minutes ago. it's the very first meeting of the delaware county ebola and infectious diseases task force. basically a task force that got together trying to wrap their heads around how delaware county
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can respond if we were to be presented with a patient with ebola. it's 29 member task force made up of fire, police, ems, health officials, school officials, even nursing homes and local hospitals are involved. they all want to get on the same page because this situation is evolving minute by minute. two things we can tell you they've done here in delaware county. first of all, 911 screening. anyone with -- who calls 911 for medical emergency they ask them two questions, and this is what they're giving ems personnel. it's very simple, guys. it's two questions. if you have a fever of 101.5 and you've been to one of these west african countries then you are considered at suspect risk of ebola. and that is when they isolate you. that's when they take you to one of these hospitals in the quarantine and isolation process begins. so the 911 screening and their giving this to all their ems response personnel with ambulances so they're stepping
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up this response guys because they say everyone needs to be on the same page and they're encouraging other municipalities to do the same thing. we'll been you back out here at 6:00 o'clock. you'll hear more of what they said. iain and lucy. >> we'll talk to you then, chris. in a new jersey fake ebola patients could start showing up a at hospitals n letter to hospitals the health commissioner asked them to send in people pretending to have e best la symptoms to see if their hospital staff is able to identify the problem and them respond accordingly. new jersey is not had any cases of ebola diagnosed or confirmed and it's the same story for the rest of our area. >> big money is now going to help in the fight against ebola. we've learned today facebook ceo mark zuckerberg is donating $25 million to help addressed the epidemic. the money will be used by the us centers for disease control and prevention. ebola response effort in west african the rest of the world. the grant follows a $9 million donation made by microsoft co-founder paul allen last month. we continue to follow the ebola
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outbreak and the response through this newscast and on our website at we'll post the latest updates on our home page. >> in northeastern pennsylvania, prosecutors have charged a 10 year old boy as an adult in the murder of a 90 year old woman. the boy's mom turned himself to wayne county authorities on saturday. this all unfolded earlier that day at the boy's grandfather's home. his grandfather was caring for the woman. the boy reportedly told police that the victim had yelled at him. his mother says the boy got mad, lost his temper, grabbed a cane and put it around the woman's neck. we don't know exactly what else happened, but an autopsy does show the victim died of blunt force trauma. the boy has hearing set for next week. unusually warm weather in your fox 29 weather authority. here's live look outside at center city at the end of the day that definitely did not feel like mid october here in philadelphia. after the warmth, well, comes the rain and chief meteorologist scott williams here when i took my boys to school 8:30 it was about 70 degrees this morning.
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>> temperatures, iain, warmed up rapidly. so far the high temperature today has been 79 degrees. the normal this time of year is 67. it's pretty windy as well. take live look right now at the philadelphia international airport. you can see winds are gusting to 23 miles per hour. but the wind direction is making the difference today out of the south and you can see those temperatures currently still in the mid to upper 70s. 77 degrees right now in reading we're looking at 75 in trenton. 75 in millville as well and take a look at temperatures up and down the east coast. it's 81 degrees in savannah 82 right now in orlando. out ahead of that system temperatures well above average. for tonight, unseasonably mild. patchy fog the low tonight in philadelphia 67 degrees. in the suburbs 64 typical high temperatures for this time of year. but on ultimate doppler you can see showers and storms off to the west coming up the timing of that system, how much rain to expect and also temperature changes ahead behind that
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system. iain and lucy? >> thank you, scott. to a story to the fairmount section of the city you'll only see on fox. police say group of teens attacked a man who was simply reading on his front porch. they arrested two people. they are after two more. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at central detectives. dave, police say the teens really roughed up the man. >> reporter: no doubt about it. the victim police say is in the hospital with a broken nose and a broken jaw. there are two suspects under arrest. they're juveniles ages 13 and 15. they're facing aggravated assault, robbery and conspiracy charges to night police are searching for two more teenage teenagers. >> defenseless. defense -- senseless and should not be happening. >> reporter: at the corner of taylor and parish in fairmount people feel safe walking their dogs and strolling through the neighborhood with their kids so news that one of their neighbors had been severely beaten monday night right on his front stoop had folks worried.
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>> very tragic. that's horrible. >> it's a shame you got do sit on your porch and sitting outside your house and somebody just walking by and doing that. >> reporter: brutal attack happened around 8:30 when the 54 year old victim was sitting on his front steps reading a book on his iphone. four teenagers approached with hoodies on and began to pummel him. he yelled for help and a neighbor dialed 911. the teens ran off. >> for no reason they assault him. they assault him and ultimately rob him taking his belongings backpack, iphone. >> reporter: police say the victim was taken to hahnemann hospital and underwent surgery tuesday. >> broken nose, broken jaw. again, just something that makes no sense at all. >> reporter: two of the teens were apprehend but that didn't stop long time-fairmount resident mark break man from being concerned. >> i don't have to watch out all the time. now i'll keep an eye out. >> reporter: dan has owned angelino's at 25th and parish for years. his restaurant was voted best of
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philly this year but word of the attack around the corner from his popular eatery had him worried. >> we want people to come out and joy themselves. you don't want people worried about walking to come out and enjoy dinner or taking a walk or whatever. >> somebody on their front porch minding their business enjoying their evening. >> reporter: the two suspects under arrest i'm told are cousins. coming up at 6:00, could the suspects in this case be involved in three or four more incidents... >> that was fox 29's dave schratwieser. happening now, the sentencing phase continues tour a man convicted of murder. 28 year old rag guy could face the death penalty a jury found him guilty last week of killing a baby be her grandmother back in october of 2012 at the marquis apartments in king of prussia. cops say he killed the 10 month old baby and her 61 year old grandmother. prosecutors believe it was a botched kidnapping attempt. they say he wanted to hold the baby for ransom to help pay for a gambling problem. the jury is deliberating right
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now on whether closing arguments are underway to -- put him to death or whether he spends the rest of his life in prison. >> a local school on lock down outside a man flashing a gun. reports of that man arguing with someone, then showing his gun to a woman had police convergin con the elementary school on jackson street in south philadelphia this morning. no shots were fired. one mother arriving with her first grader quickly left and took him back home. >> having guns period around the school is enough to make you, you know, keep your child home. >> we're told police questioned someone but it's not the man with the gun. house is badly damaged tonight after an early morning fire in philadelphia's tacony section. two firefighters ended up at the hospital but with minor injuries. the house is in the 4700 block of vista street. a man inside escaped and he's okay tonight. what started that fire is under investigation. >> trump entertainment reversing its original request and now asking new jersey to give them
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money to stay open. earlier today, the parent company for the taj mahal was going to ask a judge to end the contract with its union. well now the company is requesting $175 million from the state. the money would come in the form of tax exemptions. trump says it would close the taj mahal november 13th without concessions from the union and aid from atlantic city and the state now if the taj closes its doors it will be the fifth casino do so this year. change of luck for a dog who really need add break. >> her name is pearl and she was found starving at a delaware county home. tonight an investigation is underway at that home. how the community is pulling together to nurse pearl back to health. terrifying sight at 30,000 feet. a wall on this plane cracks. everybody safely back on the ground tonight what federal health officials say, v to say about this. >> meet tyler and rocco. doctors thought they would never walk or even talk, but they are thriving.
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innovative treatment helping them and how it could help millions of other children. hey, howard. >> hello, hello. hey, i can't ever get enough of chip kelly. even with a bye week. more from chip today, some chipper comments, and if you were a sixers fan and i don't know how many are, it's not good news. that's coming up in sports.
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. ♪ >> philadelphia police are on the hunt for two men who shot a 24 year old man 35 times.
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north philadelphia's uber street and 2100 block are the scene. the spray of gunfire hit a 46 year old woman in the leg. she just happened to be nearby and is now in stable condition at the hospital. >> for the first time since august of 2011, it seems there are more new jerseyans have negative opinion of governor chris christie than those who do not. that is according to a new rutgers eagleton poll. researchers typing only 42% of registered voters have a favorable view of the governor. 45% aren't so favorable. this would be the governor's lowest favor ability rating since taking office. new jersey residents will not be voting for governor in the november 4th election but all of the state's congressional districts will be on the ballot. today is the deadline to register to vote in that leck. head to our website and look inbound the seen on tv section to find out how. >> it is a long time coming. but tonight montgomery county is honoring two police officers for giving their lives in the line of duty. two plaques are now dedicated to officer elwyn fletcher killed in
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1927. and sergeant francis, who died in 1966. both were with the lower merion police department. the plaque dedication is part of montgomery county's hero cops program. >> it takes a very special kind of person to serve in law enforcement. the kind of man or woman who would put others before himself or herself. >> montgomery county's program will continue to honor men and women who have died in the line of duty. youngsters in a south jersey pre-school played the role of super heroes today and all for good cause. bruce gordon joins us from the newsroom tonight with a story that will break your heart. >> reporter: iain, little boy died on sunday travis she will was 19 months old when liver cancer stole him from his parents. mom was a former teacher at the goddard school in swedesboro and her friends and former co-workers decided to honor the little boy as they refer to as super baby with a fund raising tribute. parents of goddard students were
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asked to make a donation to help defray medical and funeral costs for the shell family. and to bring their kids to school today dressed as their favorite super hero. everywhere you look super man and batman, spiderman and ninja turtles could be found. the school is raised over $2,000 in just the past two days. >> i couldn't imagine having to have medical bills and funeral to pay for and so we just thought we needeed to something. >> little travis will be laid to rest on thursday. mom and dad we are told are very grateful for the efforts on their behalf. coming up at 6:00 o'clock, you'll meet some of the super heroes reaching out to help a family in need and find out what you can do to help those efforts. lucy? >> all right. bruce, we will talk to you then. first, a warmup, then rain in your fox 29 weather forecast. chief meteorologist scott williams, you are talking rain. we're talking some heavy rainfall, lucy, with this slow moving system. no rainfall this evening. but tomorrow afternoon and evening, a different story. right now, satellite and radar
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showing dry conditions but we have mostly cloudy skies across the area but the cloud cover has not kept those temperatures from rising. look at the numbers right now. 76 degrees in allentown. 76 currently in wilmington. we have 77 right now in berks county reading checking in with warm conditions f you're stepping outdoors, cloudy but mild. look at the temperatures by 11:00 o'clock still 70 degrees with patchy fog developing in the philadelphia area. but our next system it's off to the west. it's produced some severe weather. it's not going to arrive tonight. but as we roll the clock you can see by tomorrow we'll be watching it get closer. more on the timing of that system coming up. iain and lucy. >> all right, scott, thank you. happening now in delaware county, a horrible case of animal abuse. rescuers say the dog is wonderful and very sweet despite all she's been through and now the search is on to find the person responsible for this act of cruelty. fox 29's dawn tim money knee live in chester tonight. dawn? >> reporter: well, iain, the dog is so malnourished. it's difficult to even look at
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her. the delaware county spca seized her from home here in chester after receiving a tip. and while humane investigators say they are very close to finding whoever starved her, the main priority now is nursing his dog back to health. the photos are appalling. a female pitbull terrier weighing next to nothing. her ribs protruding from her small body. the one year old so malnourished she could hardly stand. >> little less than 20 pounds actually and she should be about twice that at this point. everybody was just shocked and, you know, couldn't believe what was happening. you know what had happened to this sweet dog. she's really skinny. >> reporter: the dog was seize added from chester home by the delaware county spca. she was immediately given much needed medical attention. >> let's go. >> reporter: one week after being rescued and still striki strikingly thin, operations manager dana villa is trying to nurse the pooch now named pearl back to health. she's hoping a little food and a lot of loving will go a long w
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way. >> don't you want to eat? you ready. >> reporter: dana is fostering pearl at her norristown home. she needs to be fed every two hours and can actually only eat a small amount of food. >> what can happen is that their body can't process food normally again, and so what can actually happen if you overload it too quick their organs can malfunction. >> reporter: vets are keeping a watchful eye on pearl making sure there's no long-term damage. >> knowing that and the fact it took months and months for her to get this way it's sad this is is probably been -- she probably been neglected majority of her life. >> reporter: so far pearl's progress has been pretty remarkable. dana says her demeanor is also exceptional for a dog near dea death. as for the name pearl -- >> our staff named her that just because she was so -- she's like a little gem. >> reporter: i have to tell you she really is a very very sweet dog. dana says it will probably take her a couple of months to get back to where she should be and
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then she'll be put up for adoption. and lucy, i have a feeling there will be a lot of applications if i had a backyard, dawn, pearl would be all mine. telling you right now. i could met in those eyes of h her. dawn, thank you so much. >> the search goes on for the thieves who stole a philadelphia's woman suv with something ear placeable inside. speaking of dogs it was her dog. the woman is desperate to get back louie her black lab mix rescue dog. jj pierce says someone swiped him and her suv while she was inside a home depot on columbus boulevard last week. she searched with police and found nothing. so she is now turning to facebook looking for clues and she is offering a reward for her best friend's safe return. keep your eye out. >> heart pounding video of a bus filled with children. the driver accused of driving drunk. how this scary ride ended without anyone getting hurt. >> plus an unexpected surprise for one iowa couple. they just had twins. but get this the mom says she had no idea she was pregnant.
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>> and up in the sky it's not a bird, it's not a plane, it's a grilled cheese sandwich! >> where and why the one time favorite is flying through the air.
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>> terrifying moments in the sky. american airlines flight takes off from san francisco headed for dallas when suddenly the inside of the jet started breaking apart. the plane turned around landed back in sanfran. nobody was hurt but the panel link coming apart frayed nerves. flight officials say the plane had a cabin pressurization issue. the faa is now investigating. >> in the middle east isis has baghdad in its sights and it's making significant advances edging closer to the city. in syria isis continues to pummel the curdish strong hold of company ban knee on zero yas' border with turkey. it is a sobering picture for the obama administration and allied nations that have been launching air strikes trying to stop the militants. president obama met at joint base andrews to talk isis strategy with joint chiefs of staff general democracy and also the defense chiefs from more than 20 nations today.
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>> this is an operation that involves the world against isol. so far we've seen some important successes. >> one top us army leader admits that the u.s. originally underestimated the strengths of the militants. north korea says kim jong-un is back. he hadn't seen in public since errly september but now photos have surfaced showing him using a cane at the scientist distri district. it's not clear when the pictures were taken. his disappearance has fueled wild speculation about his whereabouts and health. utah schoolbus driver is out on administrative leave tonight. authorities say she was driving under the influence with more than 60 students on her bus. cops say they found four bottles of prescription pills for anti anxiety and muscle relaxants when they pulled over 39 year old lisa martinez. a concerned driver and a parent on the bus called 911 to report her erratic driving through salt lake city. patrol men were eventually able to get martinez to pull the bus
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over. >> i15 was loaded with traffic. you've got a loaded bus. talk about precious cargo. it could have been disastrous. we could have had a whole bunch of kids hurt. yeah, we're lucky. >> lucky no one was hurt. cops say children were unaware what were you going on. spokesperson says martinez has been with the district for six years and has had no prior incident reports. facebook and apple want to at tract more female employees so they're making a big offer. >> yes. the medical procedure that costs thousands of dollars the companies are now offering to cover. and doctors told their moms they would never walk, they would never talk but these two local boys are doing fantastic. the innovative treatment they're getting that can change millions of lives. but first, how do you protect yourself when you're on the front line against the fight against ebola? first-hand look at what health care workers will have to go through in the us
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♪ there it is... this is where i met your grandpa.
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right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> here's live look at bush kill falls from our pocono mountains camera. we've will had a late dose of summer that. will change soon with another temperature drop not before some rain, though. chief meteorologist scott williams with when to expect it in your fox 29 weather authority forecast in just minutes. >> ebola continues to spread in west africa and now around the world. the world health organization now says more than 4400 people have died so far from the worst outbreak of ebola ever and thousand new cases are now coming in every single week. the mortality rate has also
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jumped from 50% to 70%. the who warns the next two months will be crucial and that we could see 10,000 new cases worldwide each month if the spread does not abate. nina pham the 26 year old nurse fighting ebola in dallas is in good condition. >> health care worker in the us and around the world are doing all they can to protect themselves as they protect others from ebola. >> fox' doctors mike cirigliano was on good day this morning to show us how they're doing it. >> you were just on the phone with the cdc talking about how you guys need to pre pair. >> right. basically, this is what you're going to see if you go to the emergency room. and i'm going to finish the process. >> hold on a second because can we get a wider shot so we can see his whole body because you are -- you have foot tease on. >> right. >> i mean everything is covered except your head. >> right, right. >> not a spec of skin showing. >> that's right. so it took me about 10 minutes with a helper to get to this pope i'm just going to put this
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on. so everyone in the emergency room if you come in, you're going to be asked if you have traveled and basically what you're going to do is, if you say yes, i have been to west africa, oh by the way i don't feel well i have a fever, people dressed like this will be coming to see you. >> where are they going to take you? >> well they're going to take you to an isolation room. >> for yarn teen. >> you remember, michael, about the first of august, i'm just doing this just to show you what they'll be wearing, they will be wearing this full outfit including this shield that will go like this to protect any splashing of body fluids. then you will be putting on two pairs of gloves. now, we have regular gloves that every doctors in their office and more sophisticated gloves and this is why you can see we're going to need helpers to do this. >> yeah. >> this will all be done before someone gets close to a patient.
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putting it on as you can see is not an easy job. getting it off is even more tricky and we have a whole protocol here. it takes about 12 steps of what you need to do to make sure that you don't get infected. so i was just with a patient and basically this patient has ebola and i was caring for them, and now it's time to get off, out of the area where the patient is and now what we're going to do we're going to wipe our hands with bleach and we're very carefully going to remove this glove. again, any viral particle that is get on our skin, on our lips, on our hair, all of those can present a risk, and that is where you have a major problem g is that where possibly win the dallas nurse is that where they think she might have contracted the virus. >> it doubtedly. people need knead to realize it may not have been her fault. it may have been that the protocol was not up to snuff,
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and that's why infectious disease doctors throughout the country and the world are all trying to get the right protocol to protect not only the people working with these patients to protect the patients. >> dr. mike had even more information to share about the fight against ebola we posted that entire segment for you on our website at just look under seen on tv. >> philadelphia police are asking for your help to catch the gunman who held up a game stop on castor avenue in richmond. you can see camera capture the robber pointing a gun on an employee, then cleaning out the cash register yesterday morning. so if you know something from this video, that might help catch this guy, call police. >> philadelphia is getting a new trail along the delaware river waterfront tonight. mayor nutter led the ground breaking for the baxter trail a new pedestrian and bike lane between pennypack park on the delaware and pleasant hill park. the new trail will add nearly 2 miles to the region's trail network. >> a big surprise for one iowa couple. they just had twins. and it's not just that they
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weren't expecting two. they weren't even expecting one. the surprises don't end there. >> plus thousands of dollars just fluttering through the air. luckily a sheriff's deputy found the cash and it didn't take long to figure out where it came fr from. >> coming up at 6:00 governor chris christie answers the question of whether he'd ever want to be a us senator and a pointed answer doesn't leave any wiggle room. scott? >> lucy, right now temperatures above average. and also we're tracking some showers and storms. coming up, when this rain showers and storms. coming up, when this rain arrives as well as when the
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand
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between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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>> a woman walks into a clinic with mum pains and she walk out with those two little sweethearts, twins. talk about a wild surprise to one iowa couple. last week shelby, gave birth to twin girls and she says she had no idea she was even pregnant. the twins are also what's called mono amniotic extrem extremely e shared one placenta and one sack with a significant risk of death for one or both babies during the pregnancy.
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>> still trying to process. crazy how high risk the mono twins can be and how good they're doing now. really a blessing. >> the girls will spend the next several weeks in a nick queue but doctors expect them to be just fine. a lot of folks wondering how would she not know she's pregnant. >> mother of three here. >> i'm the father -- i didn't have the kids. i guess she had some cysts and things before. she said she had pains she was kind of used to it. i still don't know how maybe by the second trimester. >> is he knew there was something going on. she didn't think it was twins. they were little guys. 3 pounds and 4 pounds the size of one medium baby. they'll be all right and what a terrific story. wish them all the best. >> in your health tonight looking after your liver. extra pounds may cause the liver to age faster possibly explaining why obesity is linked to liver cancer. researchers studied more than 1,000 human tissue samples and found the cell age of the liver
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grew by more than three years for each 10 body mass index units a person had. the findings appearing in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences. >> facebook and apple taking a big leap to help attract top talent for their company. both companies now they'll pay for women to freeze their egg. facebook and apple will cover the costs up to $20,000. the companies say are offering the incentive of women in their fertility work who don't want to sacrifice motherhood for work. >> minnesota deputy saw money flying through the wind and she caught it then gave it back to the person who lost it. off the back the deputy thought the cash was just leaves but it was more than three thus san dollars blowing in the wind. she spent half an hour trying to gather that money and she also found the atm receipts she was able to track down the customer through the bank. it turns out that bank customer had just made a withdrawal to pay for some cary pairs. then he put the cash in his wallet and cell phone on his trunk forget about it and took
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off losing everything. >> obviously, quiet surprised. i spoke to her briefly this afternoon and she says, it's one of those calls that law enforcement you will always remember just because it's not typical a bit off. >> not typical that. man now has his money back. along with his wallet and cell phone. i've done that with coffee before. coffee or drink i see. three grand, i don't know. >> speaking of which, something different is flying through the air in new york city. sorry. >> punch line. wait for the punch line or drum roll at leave. grilled cheese sandwiches. who is responsible for the flying lunches? and what happens when they miss their mark? and meet tyler and rocco. doctors thought they'd never walk or even talk but they are thriving. the inn know vase tiff treatment helping them and how it could help millions of other children. howard. >> the 76ers, they have problems any way. but the fans that still care will have a problem with the latest problem for the six
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> if you're one of those who worries that the sky is falling, take a look at this. it's not the sky falling it's flying grilled cheese. four aussies wanted to bring their grilled cheese creations to new york so they took to the sky dropping them via parachute. word spread like melted cheese where this air drop would be via social media. >> i love grilled cheeses and it's one of the best i've ever had. >> this one is veggie bite and cheddar cheese. >> it's really hot. really cheesy.
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it's actually a high quality grilled cheese sandwich. from the sky. >> from the sky. probably via twitter they knew where it was going. there were a new errant drops which made for extra tasty dog treats. >> the paratroop purse i used to play with dropping them off the monkey bars. >> as infants doctors told their moms they would never walk or talk but inn know veigh testify therapy has two philadelphia area boys doing fantastically and now they are both 10 years old. >> fox 29's jenn frederick has the story of rocco and tyler and why this new treatment could end up changing the lives of millions of kids and their families. >> hold on. good? >> you can go next. >> reporter: like any other 10 year old tyler doesn't want mom messing with him. >> but tyler and his pal rocco are not like other 10 year olds. >> we're friends and we play a lot. >> reporter: most 10 year old boys have 1x, 1y chromosome. when they were babies tyler's mom was told he had 3xs an y.
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rocco's mom learned he had 2y's and an x. >> both boys are unbelievably rare. they're sort of one in a milli million. >> reporter: george washington university's doctor carol sprouts studies the lower merion fourth graders. >> look at that. >> reporter: along with horseback riding and other occupational therapies -- >> all right, rocco. >> reporter: doctor sprouts suggested rocco and tyler try hormone row placement shots. tyler started getting his extra shot of testosterone before his first birthday. >> they basically told me that tyler would have a 30iqs not be able to walk or talk. it was pretty devastating for, you know a mother with a very beautiful normal looking baby in my arm. >> these boys had deficiencies that had been identified in men but not necessarily translated back to the boys. now we're showing if you give them testosterone their brains develop better.
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>> melissa believes the early detection and early innovative treatments have saved her son. >> close your eyes and put your hand in this one. what does that feel like? >> you're peeking. >> testosterone that he gets helps him move along to the right speed that he should be, both physically and intellectually. >> reporter: now she works to share the good news. not the bad with other parents who have boys like tyler. >> i wish someone would have said there's therapy that would help him develop to his full potential. >> reporter: 10 year old tyler is not only walking and talking and learning to read, he has that best friend rocco. >> this is my best friend. >> math is super easy. >> reporter: rocco's mom jenn says he's just showing off for the cameras. >> learning is definitely hard for rocco. the fight in him makes him keep trying. >> reporter: jenn too is fighting for rocco every day. she knows sharing rocco's journey could help other families who might be trying to
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figure out what's wrong with their kids. >> my thoughts are always with rocco's privacy. things that growing up i didn't want anybody to know my mom kept my secrets. and in order for me to find help, i can't do that for rocco. >> reporter: melissa and jenn are working together to help doctor sprouts find more kids like rocco and tyler. >> kids who could be treated early like their sons. >> these kids are brilliant visualizing we think of them as arcs, graphic designers, computer whizzes. none of them gets optimized or developed because the other areas are pulling them down. >> i spoke with pediatrician endocrinologist and he says that treating babies with hormones these before it becomes standard of care. hely said it's a result from studying and treating kids like rocco and tyler are good, he sees hormone therapies being used more in children in years to come. i'm jennaphr frederick, fox 29
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news. >> this thursday they'll have big party to help raise the money they need for research and we've got more information for you on our website. just head to back to your fox 29 weather authority now. and iain was reveling in today. >> i was. i had shorts when i was playing golf today. >> you know not everyone was -- >> adidas sweats. >> not everyone was happy about this warm weather. >> i know. >> it's fall, mid objection. it should feel like it, right we have temperature changes in the offing. temperatures are going to struggle to make it out of the 50s a couple of days with that seven day forecast coming up believe it or not. but take a live look right now at center city much it's windy, winds are out of the south but look at today's high temperatu temperature. 79 degrees. that's well above the normal this time of year which is 67. and look at the low this morning, 65 degrees. so the low this morning was actually just 2 degrees off from the normal high temperature for this time of year. the sun will set this evening at sick 23:00.
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look at the temperatures right now. still pretty warm. we have 75 degrees in trenton as well as millville. 77 still in reading. upper 60s in the pocono mountains. and the reason being, those winds out of the south out ahead of this slow-moving system right now producing some rainfall from the great lakes all the way to sections of the gulf coast that. system will slowly progress toward our area but not tonight. it's going to be dry if you're stepping outdoors. tomorrow morning, we're looking at some patchy fog across the area. most of us dry. but watch the clock as we move toward the afternoon, that system gets closer. so zooming in a little closer here by 1:00 p.m., we're watching some sprinkles perhaps across the area out ahead of the mainline of showers and storms that will be arriving during the afternoon commute as we take look at the clock by 5:00 p.m. moving toward the pocono mountains the lehigh valley. and wednesday night, we're socked in with the wet weather, the clouds as well as some showers even the threat for some gusty thunderstorms. by thursday morning, we're still
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looking at the clouds and rainfall across the area. but the system will be moving out by midday on thursday. most of the heavy rain by 10:00 o'clock will be east of philadelphia down the shore still looking at some of the wet concerns. continuing to roll that clock, you can see we're looking at on average one to 1.5-inches of rainfall out of this system before all is said and done. so the bottom line patchy fog tonight, lows in the 60s. high temperatures on wednesday near 80 degrees with those gusty showers and storms. and then all of it's out of here by midday on thursday. so the tropics still heating up. we have hurricane gonzalo, 115 miles per hour storm. it will be moving toward bermuda by the upcoming weekend. that seven day forecast showing you 80 tomorrow. high temperatures in the 70s. low 70s on thursday and once again most of the rainfall wednesday evening overnight into the first part of the day on thursday. still pretty mild though friday. 71 degrees. the first part of the weekend
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67. but a chilly change by sunday. a high of only 60 degrees in the city. likely 50s once you move north and west. staying below average monday, 61. only 59 for the high on tuesday. so enjoy upper 70s and 80's for at least 24 more hours. >> all right. i will. i know that. >> thank you, scott. >> thank you. >> happy for you, iain. >> thank you howard there. i'm about to do something very different. >> ah. >> a rare occurrence but my first story in sports concerns your philadelphia sixers. >> what? >> they're first. you may remember the owner josh harris speaking at training camp 11 days ago. well, let me refresh your memo memory. >> this is not going to be a mundane season. it's not business as usual. this is going to be michael carter william streaking down the -- stealing the ball streaking down the court for noel nerlins blocking shots. you'll have a fun exciting team to watch. >> all right.
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so here we have josh harris telling to us watch michael carter williams as the player to come and see. not so fast. mcw had surgery on torn labrum in may. sixers told us he would be out two to four months. but now the truth comes out. i had reported here on fox he would not be ready for the opening of the season on october 29th. yesterday mcw told the media he was always told it would be a six to nine month rehab time. not the two to four months that the sixers told us. but they were not honest with andrew bynum either and his injury. it's all about selling tickets for players that won't be playing. and here's another little sixers nugget. i have been told that the gm sam hinkie asked josh harris for a nine-year contract. said it would take that long to win a championship. luckily he didn't get it. >> all right. so no eagles this week. but can't get enough of chip kelly. yesterday when the media had talked about the poor play this season of the defensive backs cary williams and bradley fletcher, chip always has a come back.
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>> i think a lot of times you guys are wrong. (laughter). >> seriously. that's what i really think. so -- when we start listening to people outside of here, we'll be in trouble. we would be wrong. i think those guys played really really well. >> all right. you got to do that, right. first game, this is a big play. it help the eagles beat jackso jacksonville darrin sproles 49-yard touchdown the eagles won it 34-17. in the second game on monday night, how about that? malcolm jenkins with the interception on i was drew luck in the fourth quarter and that was a big play in the 30-27 win. can't get enough eagles so far this season. >> all right. there was a time many years ago college athletics was pure. it was for the love of the game and the ncaa would try to enforce the rules. but now many universities are involved in the cover ups. that's a case with florida state quarterback james miss winston. let's go over his problem. accused of sexual assault two years ago but never really investigated now the school is
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forced to investigate. he steals crab legs from a market and gets a suspension from the baseball team not the football team. now there are approximately 900 autographs at winston being sold and if paid for those, it is a suspension inn frack but the coach has notre dame coming up this weekend. >> kids sign thing all the time. so what do you want to do, stop signing stuff? we can make -- not have any fans. i mean from that standpoint and not sign for anybody. i mean that's what it's going to come to. and that's a shame. that's a shame for -- for college football that we can't take a kid and somebody supports a kid f they're getting paid for it i have no knowledge of that. i don't believe james miss did. >> let me clue him in. 900 autographs. most of mini helmets and jersey do you think fans are walking around with mini helmets all the same items. >> he's very generous. >> he is? notre dame is coming up this weekend. >> all right. so he doesn't want him to get suspended for this game. >> he has no knowledge, howard. he noose knowledge. >> they're all dumb.
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(laughter). >> and with that, all new at sick governor chris christie answers the question of whether he'd ever want to be a u.s. senator. and incredibly descriptive answer doesn't exactly leave any wiggle room. and kids dressed as super heroes at a local pre-school. this isn't an early halloween celebration. we'll tell you why they're celebration. we'll tell you why they're helping a f
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show off a pair of depend and show them it's no big deal. because hey, it's just a different kind of underwear. join us. support the cause and get a free sample of depend at >> right now at 6:00 ebola crisis could get much worse
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before it gets better. that's the grim prediction from the world health organization today. the the virus is mortality rate now stands at staggering 70%. big jump from that 50%. good evening, lucy noland. >> i'm iain page ebola virus continuing its deadly spread tonight the world health organization now reports more than 4400 deaths worldwide from the current ebola epidemic with a thousand new cases each week for the past month. the who warns the next two months will be crucial and that we could see 10,000 new cases worldwide each month if we can't turn the tide against the disease. now here in the us health officials say they're doing all they can to keep you safe. congress is set to hold hearing on america's response thursday. >> and we have some good news tonight. the dallas hospital trea treatig nina pham the 26 year old nurse fighting ebola is in good condition. she is one of about 70 hospital staffers who look after thomas eric duncan who died from ebola last week