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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 9  FOX  October 15, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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glasses. >> and i can give it to you all the time. >> ya. >> i can't even. >> hilarious. >> bang bang there goes my heart. okay, good day to you, it is wednesday october the 15th, 2014. a lot to get to here. >> the new what everybody is talking about, apple, facebook, offering to pay for women to freeze their's, not the only companies with the extra benefits. the job that will pay you to go on your child's fieldtrip. >> what perks do you want at your job? plus, marriage rates, hit an all time low. only one in five of us now is bothering to get married. so, what's going on here? does it have to deal with money oh, you bet. here's jen. >> done the thing calling it thermyrg, thermy smooth. see the after. this is her. looking good, you can't see her. >> is her neck gone?
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>> wait. went too far! >> i'm dying to see the results of. that will i hope they don't look like that. >> plus, how about this, kerrey barrett? bang bang. macy's already planning a "black friday" deals. they've already posted them. the store is opening at 6:00 p.m. on thanksgiving. >> and that's two hours earlier than last year. macy's is first major retail torah announce store hours for the "black friday" weekends. so, other stores may follow suit. but most of the stores will stay open until 10:00 p.m. "black friday". so what people are asking this morning. how good are those deals? is it worth it for me to leave thanksgiving dinner and just run to the store? >> nope. well, consider this: some of the best deals may start on line the tuesday before thanksgiving, and the day before, wednesday. >> really? >> yes. according to the wall street journal, which i read daily.
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>> of course. >> brands name flat screen tv's tends to be cheaper, before thanksgiving, if you are really want to leave, you know, the dinner table, all bloated up, head over to the shop, they say the item that will be on sale, at macy's, xbox, xbox one, especially, the play station four, on any tablet you might want. do that, that afternoon, thanksgiving evening. open until 11:00? >> yes i mean, well, they now do the 24-hour thing. >> yes. >> they started doing that last year. >> when i was in myrtle beach, we had tanker outlets there. they opened up thanksgiving day. just stayed open until that sunday. >> straight through? >> straight through. >> whole weekend? >> whole weekends. if you came in 3:00 a.m., they had certain sales for you, trying to get people incentives to come in at odd hours. >> i've never done that. >> you see people on twitter saying it is un-american. >> to leave thanksgiving? >> i am not going to leave thanksgiving to go shopping. >> are you kidding me? >> i won't even do "black friday", "black friday" for
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suckers, so why don't you just buy this stuff on line? >> you can. i find even closer to christmas, granted some things sold out, but closer to christmas deals get better and better. >> it is a.m. gable. we have tweets, talking about this all morning, so show them to you, all right there is first one says no i would not be going out on thanksgiving as i'll be planted right over the tv watching the eagles crush the cowboys. >> when is that game, 4:00? >> least say says absolutely staying home, cooking, football, food. save the shopping for the actual "black friday". >> probably upset all of the people who own stores now, don't shop on line, come out to the stores. >> there will be plenty of stores pack on "black friday". >> course there will be. >> although i've never done t have you? "black friday"? >> i have. >> snuff. >> here is the thing, in my family, we don't have thanksgiving continue earl, more like thanksgiving lunch so everybody comes over, eating by noon, the way we think about it you can eat all day, during the cowboys game,
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keep going back and forth, eagles game, so it is a way to, you know, downing it all. then later all of the women in the family can go shopping and like 7:00, 8:00, because you've been eating all day, already seen the family. >> that's true, if you don't have football fans in your family, that is a good way to get rid of them. go to macy's, and i'll be home watching the game! on the couch. >> that's true. >> the way we did it in our family growing up with my five sin links, we did the same thing, about 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, huge dinner. >> i've never known to have thanksgiving like dinner dinner. always been hundred. >> then up hit the couch. >> right. >> because you're stuffed. >> tryptophan, the turkey, sleep for an hour and a half, get up, start eating pumpkin pie. >> oh, y i just go back for more leftovers. >> do the whole thing again. >> rotate. >> that's great. >> all right, those are our eating habits. back to regular programming. side note, if you finds the elsa doll from frozen, they say buy it.
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don't wait for "black friday". if you see an elsa doll right now buy it right this minute. >> where do they even have them now? i don't think they're in stock. >> i got mine on qvc. >> your own? >> yes, and i got one for my granddaughter, too. it's already been delivered. >> last it? this early? >> i have it on my bed. >> oh. you're covered. >> hey, new perk for women at the workplace, now, story came out yesterday, i'm sure you know all about it by now. facebook, zuckerberg busy yesterday. and apple, the computer company, are now offering to pay women to freeze their embryo's. >> the new benefit allows women to put off having children, and focus on their carreers, both tech giants will give up to $20,000 to help employees cover the cost that far expensive procedure on average egg-freeze cost as much as $10,000, plus, several hundred dollars a year just for storage. >> why do i finds this incredibly creepy? >> do you? >> a little bit.
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>> well, they haven't put any stipulations on it, okay, if we freeze your eggs do you have work for us for five years, or ten years, before you have kids. they haven't done anything like that pecked a place, maybe salary wasn't quite as good, maybe the location, or position wasn't exactly what they wanted but they pick that employer but because of fertility treatment, because it is so expensive vast majority of health insurance coverage don't pay for it. >> i want when you you're young and healthy and in your 20's, early 30's, to stay here and work for me, put off that family. oh, take care of it later down the road. >> do youy? >> could be a little bit that far. >> i mean, if they put a stipulation onto it in terms of okay, ya, we'll pay for your eggs to be frozen but
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have to be to work for us ten years child free. >> they can't do that. >> good option, saying the more you can zest full, the further she goes in her career, less likely get married and have kids by certain age. so, i mean, if it gives a perna option? >> good point. and if you don't have much money, you can't afford $20,000 to freeze youring. >> my gosh. >> now, people without a lot of money will be table do it. >> and takes one, two, three, four, dozen rounds every in vetro, other stuff to actually get pregnant. >> isn't the success rate only 20, 25%? >> very low. >> incredibly difficult, yes. >> if they're paying for it? why not? >> well, on lighter note, i guess that would be considered a perk if you wanted to work for apple, facebook. but we found other perks, that we don't have here at fox. and we're kind of getting outraged. >> i don't know of any of
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these i don't think. >> across the river at campbell's soup company. they have on site day care. >> yes, on site kindergarten, after school programs, as well. how about that? >> special nursing room for moms. >> here at fox, to pump, for the nursing women, you go to the bathroom. >> i just do it out in the news room. >> i noticed. >> we know you did, mike. okay, google has a lot of lifestyle, i actually have a friends who works for google, just stop telling me about it, the perks they just keep oncoming. so their employee, they get free food, and they also get bowling alice, and jen told me that they take her to work too. she doesn't have to pay. they send someone. bocci court. >> i would like to play bocci ball, take a break. >> how about hershey? >> up the road, offer employees a lot of health benefits, get reimbursed for gym memberships, discount for wait watchers programs, and fitness centers available to employees and their families. i've had those two perks actually at jobs previous to here. >> when i worked in new york,
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for nbc, they had a beautiful gym. and fox news channel, they have a great gym. >> when worked in much, much smaller towns, i got those benefits. >> did you? >> yes. >> and in myrtle beach they paid for my hair, get make hair done, my hair did, it was nice. >> apparently we don't have is that here? >> wow, really? >> you look fantastic. >> thanks a lot. >> kick boxing classes. >> johnson & johnson, offers private on air consierge, like a hotel. will take care every your dry cleaning, pick up your mail, isn't that great? >> like personal assistant. >> i had that one too at my last job. >> maybe it is time to go back. also lifetime membership to the health center there, too. how about the mattel toy company? >> employees, paid time off for school related absences like parent teacher conferences cents, or their kids field trips. employees can also take advantage of program that defrays the cost of adoption. >> i love that.
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>> i like that. >> just the other day, didn't your little daughter have a fieldtrip or something? >> she did, and her dad had to take her because i was here. i'm sure she will be in therapy for years for that. >> no question about that. >> again, alex want to sit up a kissing boot here. >> what? >> as a perk. >> i never said that. >> that was preston and steve. >> okay, sorry. >> nice try. >> nice try. >> controversy this morning, over a new zealand fashion designer's comments about weight and fashion. >> all started when a law student tweeted this picture which we will show you of hopefully soon of skinny main can. there we go. see, you can see the rib cage on the manaquine's side. now, emily robin said it portrays bad image for young girls, the designer, the woman in the red collar you see here, defended it on new zealand television saying, quote, clothes look better on skinny people. she says the worlds has bigger controversy than fashion. >> and pay apparently she would know.
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>> let's face it, clothes look better on skinny people. they just do. that's how it is. >> she says models have always been skinny. she says people should be more concern over miley cyrus openly smoking marijuana. >> but they haven't changed the mannequins, like when you see the mannequins, they don't have the ribs showing. it has to be special type of manaquine. >> that's very realistic manaquine, usually just the stick figure almost. >> gosh. >> is it realistic to have your ribs -- who has their ribs showing seriously? >> i haven't seen my ribs since the reagan administration, please. that's weird. >> no, it is weird. >> so, but, she writes that designer clothing does look better on, you know, more of stick figure. >> we have staying figure models and stuff, working the can you. >> absolutely. and most of us think they look fantastic. but when you go high end fashion, they will usually say that the woman's body because they're selling the clothes, not the body, the woman's body fits really curvey kind of doesn't let you see the line of the clothing necessarily.
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>> true. >> like they would like t i'm not saying it is right or wrong, that's their justify at this case. >> aren't they supposed to be like human hangers? >> that's how they describe them. i'm not saying seeing ribs is great or good message for young girls, but she is selling clothing she finds putting on that particular manaquine is the way that she sells the most. we didn't buy it, she wouldn't sell it that way. >> by the way, you have body like an hour glass. >> and i can give it to you all the time. >> bang bang there goes my heart. >> all right -- >> bang bang, there goes. >> bang bang. >> my heart. >> bang bang there goes my heart. >> lovely. >> the number of people getting married, getting pretty low. >> yes. >> research shows in 20121 in five people never married. in the 19 60s, the number one in ten, and more and more young people are waiting to tie the knot. no formal con senses us a to (but many site financial security as issue, also point to social acceptance more and
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more couples chooses to live together walking down the aisle. >> what's going on there? >> i don't get the financial security thing though. >> guys want to know if i'm going to go go do this, i want to be in a certain position before i put another woman in and put a ring ton. >> bring another woman? >> bring a woman. hopefully he doesn't have one. >> bang bang there goes my heart. >> wow. my goodness. >> we'll see. sue, you really didn't have to get married 20 years ago. >> i guess not. but, you snow. >> can't take it back. >> no, done now. we're just used to it, i guess. >> clouds increase as we look at the philadelphia skyline, from across the river, at new jersey. and, this is going to be a day when we see a big change, but we're starting offer very mild. with temperatures in the 70s, this morning, and you can see, that is little breezy out, there as well. showers are possible early this morning, on throughout
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the rest of the morning, but the strong thunderstorms, saving those for later on in the day. and then, the storms could produce inch to inch and a half of rain. if you get one of the heavy downs pours, rain will ends by midday tomorrow. so, today, an early high of 80 degrees, it won't take much to get to 80, most of our temperatures are in the 70s right now. and again the strong thunderstorms possible a little later on in the day. so yesterday guys didn't quite make it to 80. today may be the day. >> oh, i'm ready for t yesterday was beautiful. i'm looking forward to today. but big day for those people in camden. >> something we all take for granted have nice grocery store down the street from you, in your neighborhood. >> or even several just couple of minutes away. >> look at this, the price right, camden, what street is it on, mt. ephraim? >> yes, mike, this is mt. ephraim avenue. we have relocated here to the check out aisle, lots of
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people checking out, store opened hour and 15 minutes ago, great feeling of home in the sit i have of camden, wagging through the store, people just smiling ear to ear, with full carts, saying they've been waiting for this for a long time. this store means new jobs, for roughly 70 camden city residents, these people are happy to have an it conveniently located store, stocked with fresh food, good prices, the owners, the ravitz family markets, say that this price right is of new supermarket model for them to deliver high quality at low prices, one way they plan to do that is by plea-packing their meats and seafood, now, this is a bright piece of economic development for this sit. and it is a sign of positive things to come. we also found out that the ravitz family plans to open a shop rite, also, in camden, along admiral wilson boulevard, that will be coming in 2016. so, a lot of people excited to see this, and also excited about what this says about the
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future of camden. >> man, just jammed in there, love that. >> they were lined up before it even opened. >> see how important that is? >> as you know first lady speaking of food in town to campaign for gubernatorial candidate tom wolf, but also getting attention for new video michelle obama never misses chance to promote healthy eating and fitness, first lady event. >> turn up for what? >> so cute first lady dancing with turn up. >> in terms. menu, what kids are heating, not just something she talks about. >> paying off. >> owe beat at this rates in children. we have a long way to go.
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but even just being able to turn it back, and head until the other direction, really -- oh, turn it up. >> yes. >> high five. >> bang bang. >> for what? >> hey, 9:17. all right, so this amal woman is back. >> mrs. clooney, having big influence on the season. brides all over are now request ago silhouette sim lamb tore amal owes car delay rent a gown. also influence on bridal fashion, when there is cents a high profile wedding. similar effect after kate middleton wed prince william. >> yes, i think yesterday we showed a shot of the wide shot of her dress. i don't know anything about dresses but looks good. >> stunning. >> remind me of money. >> you can buy lovely dresses like that. >> i think it all started remember when caroline bassett kennedy got married and she had that real certainly, i think it was, calvin klein maybe, two straps, white silk, and it started casino of revolutionize what people were
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wearing when they walked down the aisle. >> doing the same thing. >> ninety's, ya. >> mid 90s. >> maybe late 90's. >> any who, in the 90s. looks like that guy robin thicke is no longer trying to win back his wife. of course, they're officially divorced now. >> the troubled singer reportedly through himself big divorce party. and in los angeles, according to page six, the list included leonardo dicaprio, tom hardy, host every beautiful women. now thicke's wife filed for divorce siting irreconciliable differences cents, actor apparently move zero on, with her new boyfriends. >> she has new boyfriends? >> i guess they both moved on pretty quickly. he went from trying to win her back hard core, okay, it is done, big divorce party. >> might be doing this as coping mechanism, likes oh, i can't get her back, let me throw a party. >> i would imagine so. >> he is hurting right now. >> so who, who, you said that paula's already moved in in with a guy? >> with a new guy.
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okay, let's think about it, they've been separated for awhile now. >> oh, six months. >> and he had a cd come out, she like uh-huh. >> he said he was going to wait for her to actually file the divorce papers, he wasn't going to do them on his own. >> i guess she did it, he's like all right, that's the green light, i'll go ahead and party and do basically what she was doing when he was married. pictures of him as parties grabbing girls booties. >> she didn't like that borderline video to begin with. >> right. >> then a picture every him grabbing a woman's butt. >> like in a elevate snore. >> in a club? >> he got caught, mirror behind -- >> and being slick, like ya. >> who is zak watters in. >> besides the luckiest man on earth. >> her boyfriend, los angeles based musician who is reportedly gearing up for tour that he's co-head like with french horn rebellion. >> getting back into trouble. >> see?
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the rock stars and the models. she is not real a mod. >> i she could be a model. she gorgeous bang bang. >> there goes his heart. >> uh-huh. hotel hookups. this is really creepy. say you're travel today. going out to the airport. are you traveling for business? or pleasure? >> or both? >> track down your perfect match while you're away from home. >> please tell me it is not at the hampton innn seriously? okay, listen to this. >> ♪ >> brody allen coming back to "good day" philadelphia. has special performance just for his philly fans. >> twenty-four hours away, will be here in the 9:00 hour tomorrow. >> awesome. >> you will not believe how high up his latest single is. on the charts. >> how high? oh, where it is? okay. >> compared to like aerianna
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grande? >> really? >> above her. bang
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>> ♪ >> now do this version, were you doing it for bang bang. >> oh, ♪ come to the hotel. i want to get with you. >> no! >> baby i will give you my room key. >> i will give you my room key. >> so, a new app is helping hotel guests finds companionship on the road. >> oh, explain this there is sounds very dirt. >> i called hello tell. i like that. and it is build as travelers' social ned work of network. so guest cz check in at their hotel and indicate whether they are therefore business or pleasure, then sends messages privately or publicly and meet
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up. >> what? >> create profiles or link directly to their facebook or linked in. >> so, you -- okay, you're in the same hotel, want to meet down at the bathroom, that kind of thing? >> you know some people go on business trips all the time by themselves, maybe little lonely? >> why would you have to designate? therefore business or pleasure, if you were therefore strictly business you won't necessarily be using this thing. >> after hours, once you're done with work. >> oh, that's true. >> settle down at the hotel bar. mini bar? >> talk to your family, talk to your wife, kids are in bed. >> talked to your wife. >> or your husband. >> or your husband, then you look at your app. >> who is in town tonight? >> hello tell. >> what if you were really into somebody, and then you found out they were staying at like -- motel six? >> my thing is if you are therefore pleasure it means you are going to these hotels with the intention every finds -- finding someone to
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hook up? >> don't do it. >> all right, let's change subjects and get off this. because we have the first lady of the united states of america in town. >> fancy it up a little bit now. >> now, this is campaign stop of course for candidate for governor, tom wolf. >> and the shot is frozen right now. >> just for a second. >> hopefully it will clear up. >> it will loosen un. maybe a manican modeling right now? >> new fanning he will cameras sometimes freeze up. >> yes. >> it happens: but the camera so excited the first lady is leer. >> i'll go to the control room try and fix that camera. >> i'll fix it, don't worry about it.
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it is exactly, well, i was going to say 9:30. >> look at that, beautiful shot. >> gorgeous. >> i have a question, please explain to me what this national bling out your bra day is all about. >> of course, it is for breast cancer aware this is but very special event for breast reconstruction awareness day, bra day. >> hi sabina bl going out bras, are you. >> we're bl going them out. we have a fox 291, how cute that. show me your bra. >> i love it. >> look at how you decorate. >> lilian just got a diagnosis of breast cancer six months ago. she already beat it. how amazing. yes. >> we love to hear that. you are cheering it up. you are in such great spirit. i met new just a few minutes ago. how did you do that, six months and just back to work. >> just the help of the people from coupe are hospital, my family and i don't like to be down, so i just, got through
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it and i take care of myself. >> really bounce back quickly. you caught it early. that is the key here. that is why we are having this event. right now we're talking to doctor laura, doctor laura, tell us about this event and why, you know, it is just a fun event. something that brings people together and hard topic to talk about. >> it is. we're here today to celebrate women at the center for health and wellness at cooper. basically we're here to educate, to get women in here and make them well. we need to get you in here. one out of eight women in their life time will be diagnosed with breast cancer. >> so scary. >> if we can get new early national cancer institute tells us that we in a localized state can get a 98 percent survival rate. >> great muse. bleak statistics one out of eight but you can beat it. >> absolutely. >> that is what we are about today. >> so many people in this room breast cancer survivors, people touched by breast cancer.
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let's grab doctor robin over here. so you are a radiologist. you are a person who does the mammograms. tell us about that and why it is so important to get people to get their mammogram done early. >> it is one of my greatest privileges in life to be able to do this. early detection is the key as you mentioned earlier. it is important that woman start getting a screening mammogram at age 40 and come every year. we really offer a nice environment for woman to get their mammograms. >> it is so full of people. everybody has a smile on their face after dealing with such a horrific disease. >> it is a great environment. we do it for our patients and support of everyone and it is a great family here good we want people to come out, get their mammograms. decorate a bra. they will bling them out,-them all over. everybody here is in great spirit. they will in the let this disease beat them. doctor laura, doctor, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you we love it.
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we would love people to come out. get your mammogram, get it done. >> yes. >> because we do upstairs, jen betz, i don't know what her job is, but anyway. >> community relations. >> yes. >> she does a great job. >> department head. >> hi, jen. >> you are the best. >> i didn't know that she sold fox 29 bras. >> what that. >> sabina just sells fox 29 bra. >> they decorate it. >> i know we don't sell bras. >> i hear we sell boxer briefs, speedos. >> tighty whiteys with the logo in the back with fox. or maybe in the front. >> never mind. >> bling out bras what about your eyebrows. >> new trend has womenúputting down tweezers and picking up the bling. they are offering bling brow
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bars and kits for the masses. service launches november 21st and i don't know if you can see it. >> i can't see it. >> it runs true new year. treatment can cost five to $20 they use crystals. there is a do it yourself kit with adhesive for 25 bucks. >> you have crystal stuck tour eyebrows. >> pretty much. >> literally on the eye brow. >> people do that he eye lashes and eyebrows. they put it all over. would i lake to cover my face. you know bee dazzled my face. >> like kanye west. >> there you go. >> yeah. >> that is stupid. >> eyebrows look really thick. >> thick. >> isn't that good. >> i guess. >> it is in. >> but nobody has thick metallic eyebrows. >> no. >> you know what honestly it would freak me out. >> would it. >> wouldn't that freak you out. >> i think i would kind of like it.
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>> yes. >> robots have metallic eyebrows. >> yes. >> they do. >> do you do your own brows. >> yes, do i, i pluck. >> do you. >> yeah, i have them shaped. >> a whole stack. >> fox pays for it. >> hip-hop award were last night on bet. >> yes. >> big winners of the night and those highlights you may have missed. >> is this the lion. >> are you lying. >> was nickie menaj there last nighty don't know.
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♪ >> you better believe, in the awards last night. hip-hop award aired last night. snoop lion, performed. perform epps by dollar fine, yg and the big win over the night was drake. he took home four awards including album of the year for nothing was the same. do you like that album. >> do i. >> and best hip-hop video for worst behavior. >> i'm on my worst behavior, i'm on my worst behavior. >> i'm on my worst behavior. >> i am on my worst behavior. >> i have very poor behavior. >> they won three award including dj of the year. >> hard to catch up with him. >> yes. >> and iggy azalea won at ward for artist made a maim for
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themselves. the awards show originally happened last month but aired for the first time last month. >> i like that drake. >> me too. >> we know you like drake. >> ready is really don't necessity about you. >> so, just in time for halloween, one mom has an interesting take on the classic thriller video. >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> there is some truth to that. >> yes. >> that is creative. >> but, really. >> i don't know what, a bag of poop. >> likely. >> although, i got to tell you in the middle of the night you don't go out to the edge of the driveway and drop it off. >> what do you do. >> put it right in the kitchen garbage can. >> that was the first mistake. >> take it outside the next day. >> i don't understand. >> really good actors and singers. >> look at these zombies. >> yes. >> wow. >> they do have a bra. >> yes. >> i never remembered that. >> right here on the show. >> hands free pumping. >> my husband, brought me, bought me i should say one of those pink, it is look a bando bra and it has a hole in the
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front and you just stick it on. >> you can get to the grocery store and buy groceries. >> but i have a car charger thaw can plug tonight to, in your car. >> while you are driving. >> wow. >> pump the brakes. >> okay. >> we have been stuck here all day. >> we had this discussion, i know somebody out there remembers it. >> i don't remember. >> we have been sucking fat out of peoples bodies all morning long. now what body part are we doing now. >> mike, we have been not sucking fat, we have been freezing fat. whole different situation. >> yes. >> we will do the thigh, we will warm them up after the
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oh, man look at stock market. >> this is not good, dow jones when it opened, when stock market opened this morning it dropped 350 points. >> 328. >> that was below 16, to 15,009. >> we have not seen 15 in months. >> been a long time. >> boy, you got ebola involved there. >> yes, european concerns involving greece's economy, that is contribute to go this, this morning. >> greece has been a mess. >> been a mess a long time. >> yes. >> u.s. producer price down .10 minutes.
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>> we have one good thing gas prices way down. >> yes. >> for the first time in a long time. >> it is bouncing back a little bit. >> it will come back. >> i hope. >> i'm not sure, but hold on a second. >> what is going on. >> you have an event. >> look at this, please meet me here tonight, is there a big designer conference in town. >> clothing designer. >> that, and stuff for homes. >> interior design association. >> interior design association. thinks a great event. product parade trade show, meet me at 5:30 to 8:30 at the arm armory here in philadelphia. >> indeed. >> do i want to tell you this, earlier today we showed a woman, am i going to do that now? are we go to go jen. >> are we doing jen. >> we will do this first. >> the first kiss. >> bang, bang there goes my heart. >> it may be hard to recall for two little ones when they get older, take a look at this
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>> she doesn't look that happy bit, she's kind of backing up. >> that is how it works. >> yeah, right. >> totally how it works. >> going in for a kill. >> oh, yeah, baby. >> yes. >> yes you hear the moms laughing they think thinks hilarious. >> yes. >> he pushed her down. >> it is always fun and games until somebody gets hurt. >> yeah. >> first play date. >> that looks like my love life, the running. >> so this morning we're trying to help out your thighs. >> and your neck and your face. >> your whole body trimming down the outside of your thighses specially for the the ladies. they can freeze the fat and then you just spill it out of your body.
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>> here are the before pictures. >> yes, when they were showing all of what they were doing. >> yes, that is her neck. >> and then the thighs. >> i think we're doing the thighs, i really think we're doing the thighs. so, eventually we will have a before picture and then we will show you results of what happened two hours later. >> i thought we were doing the thighs. >> first of all, i hate to be the words come out of my mouth, mike jerrick you are right we are doing the thighs. i hate when he is right. good morning once again. >> good morning once again. >> so, this adorable young lady, she has had the freezer on for about two hours. >> yes. >> yes. >> you can tell it is cold it is cold but super flat which is the idea. women want this to be not so round. they want it to be flatter. >> it will flatten out overtime. >> is this just the beginning.
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>> no, look the at the big smile on this face here. >> it will take one to two months. >> yes, yes. >> it is not immediate it takes one to two months because it is proven to have result and i really think it works. what i like bit is it is really safe. she sat here, she watched a movie, it is good. >> for women who have a little extra on the outside or inside of their thighs. >> yes, but love handles, you know. >> so, you will have the other side done. so that is the only -- debbie downer part it business four hours because it is two hours each side. >> that is right. >> four hours you get to sit, watch a movie, that is horrible. can you imagine. >> can you imagine someone sitting where you were, two hours. >> that is right. >> and we have seen good stuff from the work earlier and we have good after video.
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she went to work. she had no reason to be here. we don't have the video. but these women and men have their neck done you cannot even tell they had anything. >> thaw start to see improvement right away. it really is, little non-invasive. tiny probe goes in there it heat inside where you want it to occur. >> you always call me around this time and say we should do a story on hair removal. people will being ago way for thanksgiving, christmas or whatever. they need to start it now. you will help them do that with a special day and that is today. >> yes. >> ray of hope. >> ray of hope. >> what is it. >> it is called hope cuts where all of these salons cut hair and then, they donate proceeds to city of hope hospital. they have research all over the country. i want to dot same thing with laser hair removal. >> still hair it is still hair and we're still removing it
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but we will get doctors involved all over the country are. i have reached out to a couple of organizations and we will see if we can make it an initiative. through this organization which i know we can to get people all over the country. >> so a week from day october 22nd is when you are doing it, hair removal. >> discounted and 100 percent of the money we collectings to city of hope. >> that is great. >> and it is discounted. >> now as we wrap it up i want to say this you look perfect. that is one of the things we talk about all the time when we are here, even when they are at the top of their game they just want to make it better that is what you are doing. >> yes. >> isn't that adorable it is freezing. >> yes. >> it is so cold. >> cold. >> the cold destroys the fat cells. >> cold destroy fat cells. >> and your body eliminates them you are so focused on how
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the fat gets out. >> we talk about that at length in the meeting yet. >> the fat never comes back. >> the cells are gone. >> so they cannot regrow. >> i have been told thaw were born with a certain number of fat cells and they are always with you. >> right. >> so you destroy them and poop them out. >> destroy them. >> or they get bigger or smaller. >> right, exactly. >> you guys are fat scientists. >> yes. >> fat experts. >> i have been wanting to lose weight my entire life since probably high school. >> why. >> because i have a disorder. >> romance on screen for kerry and big, you loved this movie, don't you alex. >> yes. >> real mr. big who do you think you are, is throwing kerry under the bus. you won't believe what he said about his on screen love you won't believe what he said about his on screen love interest, we will tell
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i'm tom wolf. these are my parents. we look after each other. but too many seniors have no one. and harrisburg politicians don't seem to care. as governor, i'll create a registry so families can check backgrounds of care providers. and, i'll increase access to home health care, so seniors have the option of staying in their own homes. after all, seniors have earned that right. we certainly have! tom wolf. democrat for governor. just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at
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what is the number of the day. >> six. >> yes. >> and upside down sign. >> that is how i remembered it. >> thank you, alex you are welcome, sue. >> i don't listen from that 7:00 to 9:00 period. >> you don't. >> what is this dude's name. >> aka mr. biggies speak out about his on screen love with kerry brad shaw n an interview with an australian newspaper, his character was a victim in the the relationship, not kerry. he even said, she slept around too much while his character was honest. >> he is kind of right. >> no, he played her a lot of times. >> really. >> by the way, it is fiction. >> he she was trying to get over him. >> it is still a character. >> serious. >> but, this is real life. >> watch the reruns.
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every time that she talks in the voice overs, somebody realized something. >> right. >> i realized. >> i realized that he wasn't coming back. >> yes. >> what are the other people saying. >> miranda. >> yes, samantha. >> i realized he wasn't. >> was the slutty won. >> samantha. >> the one i like is the dark haired one. >> charlotte realized. >> if you look at -- >> they all say that. >> look at sex and the city right now in syndication at 10:00 o'clock, flip around first line you'll hear, charlotte realized. >> i realized. >> i realized. >> lots to realize in life. >> yes. >> he is in australia, he is on vacation, they say he has put on some weight. >> a little bell there i. >> mr. big, to mr. big. >> yes. >> nicely done. >> mr. big, is big. >> why did he ever have that
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name. >> he is bigger than life, everything about him. >> you can tell i'm a fan. everything about him. >> you can tell i'm a fan. >> you are kidding
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10:00 am
announcer: live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show." kim's new demands on kanye. see why she's jealous and drawing the line. and it's a er tori spelling jaw-dropper. the shocking video no one saw coming. plus, the sexy josh duhamel is here talking about his sexy new movie and life with fergie. [ applause ] >> announcnnouncer: now, here's! [ wild cheers and applause ] ♪