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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  November 1, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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right now on fox 29 at 6:00 a cold and rainy saturday. the temperatures, not even getting out of the 40's. good evening, everybody, i'm joyce evans. >> and i'm karen hepp. so if you are headed out this evening, you may want to bundle up. let's get right over to meteorologist, caitlin roth. the big question everyone wants to know, is the whole weekend a wash? >> definitely not. in fact, the rain's mostly over for everyone, karen, we should be seeing some clearing overnight, see a lot of sunshine tomorrow. so right now, ultimate doppler looking at least little better than this morning, a lot of rain still moving across portions of new england, north jersey, broken up over the delaware valley over the past hour or so. spotty shower here or there, otherwise, a loft just seen the rain come to an end, the
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exception being down along the shore, still see little bit more green there, steadier showers, where coastal flood advisory remains in effect through 7:00 p.m. because high tides about to happen. the temperatures, they've not improved. still just 48 degrees outside here in philadelphia, 48 as well in pottstown, 49 in allentown, 46 in millville. we lited errly stayed around the same temperature all day long. winds are out of the north, sustained speeds around 15, 20 miles an hour, higher gusts specially in south jersey, really expect the winds to increase into tomorrow. we trade the rain for sunshine, but will be a blustery, and chilly afternoon. now, for tonight, 38 will be the low in the city, 32 in the serbs, so windy, cold, under mostly cloudy skies, we will talk about how windy and how cold it will feel by tomorrow morning. that's all still ahead, karen, joyce? >> all right, thank you, caitlin. you can track the temperatures at any time you want, any day or night. just click on the weather tab. >> now we have another developing halloween horror story out of montgomery county.
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officials in towamenson say there was trick-or-treat here found a raise nerve his candy. this is important reminder for all of the parents out there to check all of your children's candy, actually. >> how tightly it is wrapped. dave kinchen live outside the police station, dave, what did the teen's mom have to say about this? >> she was pretty shock, mother here, in towamenson township, said she found a box cutter like raise near candy bar just like this one. she says it was a necessarily crunch bar, the snack-style kind, and she says 13 year old son went trick-or-treating around the block with some friends, in the englewood development, came back with a pillow case full of candy. this morning, she says, her son goes in for the treat, and makes the disturbing find. his mother, jennifer gauge, was watching the whole time and says she was completely shocked when she saw the blade. >> sitting here, drinking my morning tea, and he was picking up little piece of candy like every child does
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the morning after halloween, and finds a razor blade. and he goes: mom, a good thing you told me to check my candy. look at this. it looked rusty like someone had it laying in the garage or something and let's put this in candy. quite disturbing. >> very disturbing. sheep said she put the blade in a lunch bag and then came here to the police department, police got involved, they started investigating, police believe it to be the work of a neighbor, but they do not have a suspect at this point. they've not named one. police went back to the neighborhood today and they started canvassing the area, pass being out flyers, letting people know to check their kids ' candy. and the school district here, the north penn school district, was also notified about there is as well, joyce? >> thank you, dave, unbelievable. to another developing story, five people are killed in an apartment building fire near the campus of the university of southern maine. fire started around 7:00 this morning, one person is
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critically injured. seven people managed to get out of their safely. it is not clear if any of the victims were usm student. we're work to go get video from the scene, we'll bring it to you tonight at 10:00. >> the investigation into yesterday's deadly spacecraft accident continues, as its billionaire founder vows the cause will be finds. virgin gal ac tourism rocket exploded do your test flight in the mojave decenter. one pilot on board died, the other piolet ejected before the crash. he was pretty badly hurt. and he's headed into surgery, right now, we're told. the rocket is design for commercial flights and it would give passengers a view of the earth, and the few minutes of weightlessness spaceship two, as it is called, was testing new fuel when the accident happened. company founder richards branson held a news conference near the crash site. >> branson: push on blindly, to do so would be an insult to all of those affected by this
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tragedy. we're going to learn from what went wrong: discover how we can improve safety and performance, and then move forward together. >> well this comes only three days after another commercial rocket exploded after take-off from a nasa facility in virginia. that launch was supposed to send an unmanned capsule full of supplies and student project to the international space station. >> we have some good news, not going to be a strike, septa and it union have reached tentative deal, it happened late last evening, so all of the buses and subways and trains and trolleys will continue to roll. the transport workers union local 234 says it has reached a two-year agreement, not releasing a loft details about this deal, but septa says it is fair to the union employees, also the customers, and the taxpayers, an are the if i case vote will be held sometime next week. >> pretty big incident, a lot of people will be talking about, affecting sexting
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incidents at bucks county high school now being investigated by the police. neshaminy school district officials say nearly two dozen children may be involved, many were allegedly found with inapropriate photo texts on their cells, other student saw the pictures, did the right thing, reported it to the school lead earth. now the middletown police are investigating. >> halloween proved to be a deadly night on area roadways, cops say two people died when they ran into traffic along the roosevelt boulevard. happened just before 6:00 this morning, at tyson avenue. police say a car hit a man and a woman. the man died at the scene. the woman died an hour later at the hospital. their names are not being released yet. police say the driver of the car is in stable condition and is cooperating with this investigation. >> and police say a woman is in critical condition after being hit by two carson broad street. they say the driver of a 2011 milt sue bushy kept ongoing, the other driver stayed there, and is cooperating with
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police. police are still trying to identify the woman. happened around 4:30 on the 3500 block of north broad. >> philadelphia police are looking for a gunman in a pretty bizarre shooting, it happened in the frankford section of the city. this was on the 1300 block of wakling street around 1:00 this morning. here's what happened. a 23 year old man says he went over to visit a friend. that's when investigators say the victim arrived. he sends a text to that friends saying here i am, i'm here. that's when police say another guy comes up to the victim, asks him did you ring the doorbell? when the victim says no, investigators say that is when he was shot. he's now in stable condition. police in new jersey are hoping you can help them find a missing elderly woman. seventy-nine year old mary ann bateman went missing last wednesday. lives at the linden wall towers in camden county, last seen at nearby bus stop. bateman is about 5 feet ten, she is weighing about 115 pounds.
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unfortunately, officials don't know what she was wearing when she disappeared. >> more than seven months have passed since an american marine was jailed in mexico. fox's william explains how a lot of diplomacy helped to win his freedom. >> the trial judge ordered andrew's release friday afternoon after the mexican attorney general essentially withdrew the charges. this development was not expected. it coincides with a lot of arm twisting and lobbying by several congressmen, then in tijuana on quiet mission to secure the release. it happened around 3:00 p.m. yesterday. after 214 days, in prison, guards turned him over to immigration, who took him to the border, where he board add airplane, in san diego, and returned home to florida. mexico insisted, their judicial process had to run it course without us interference despite evidence he made an innocent mistake when he drove into mexico with three guns in his car.
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they could have policed him, chose not to. until his case began to draw more follicle attention in washington. early this morning in florida, family spokesman said andrew is doing fine physically, smiling, and happy to be with family. so they're back together, very nice reunion this morning, and i think they're going to spends a little time, as a family lurks you know, he's been in custody for seven months now. and i think he just needs a little bit of time and space. >> so why was andrew released and why now? the mexican ambassador said the judge released him for humanitarian reasons because of his ptsd. but frankly, the court new that a month ago watch we can say is this case was moving slowly until some lawmakers pressured the attorney general, who essentially withdrew the charges n los angeles, fox news. here is one you won't believe. local man handing out canned toy some trick-or-treaters, but in a very, very tough spot. yes, when he turned his back
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somebody swiped his wheelchair. that's next. >> and get ready for one of those gamblers to go all in, philadelphia's first poker room now open for business, some pretty cool extras you will find if you like to sit down and play with cards. >> we know who the eagles have to watch fourth tomorrow, but we also know who they probably won't need to worry about. before the game even
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>> trick-or-treating takes nasty turn for a philadelphia man. he spent last night, like most of us, handing out candy. but when he turned his back for just a few minutes, somebody made off with his wheelchair. now, this is unbelievable. the chair was sitting right there, in front of his house, in fishtown. >> just can't believe what people will do. so our jenny joyce talked with a man who desperately needs to
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get that wheelchair back. >> getting around, isn't easy, for mike, fishtown, and today, it is officially tough. >> i thought it was a joke at first, maybe i would go back out, be out, there it wasn't there. >> he said last night he was wearing a mask, engage in the halloween festivities. >> when someone stole his wheelchair from the front of his home. >> came out, there was people here, my chair was here, and i hear no more. >> said he had just gotten back from the corner store, his wheelchair out front format err of minute before he says someone snatched it. >> terrible, terrible that people are like that, how am i going to get smashed. >> now he said he's waiting on prosthetics, for now, his wheelchair is his life line. without it he's in trouble. >> i don't have the money to get another chair right now, holidays coming, i would rather buy gifts for my grand kids. >> philadelphia police confirm that they are investigating this report.
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says he's not interested in prosecution, he just wants his wheels back. >> so if you're the person who has the wheelchair, you're asked to return it, perhaps -- or if you have any information on the apparent thief, or the missing wheelchair, police would like to hear from. in fishtown, jennifer joyce, "fox 29 news". >> very first poker room. open today, at the sugarhouse casino, let's look at it. poker room, temporary room right now, until the main expansion of that casino opens next year. the new room has whole charging section for your mobile phone, as we all need, it also has a nice snack bar, they say, and expected to bring in some dough, as you see, about 11 million bucks during the first 14 months, first 240 guests today walked away with a nice vip poker bag. >> not bad. now to your fox 29 weather
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authority, talk about a raw, stay under the covers kind of day, caitlin? >> i think a lot of people might have done just that. >> i wish we could have. >> same. the sugar high from yesterday wore off. >> oh, my goodness. >> it was just lousy all day long, but can always be worse, a lot of places saw snow today, 2 feet in the smokey mountains down in tennessee, can you believe that? i know. always somewhere else, as i like to say. >> we shouldn't complain. >> it has been very chilly today. good news the rain has come to an end, it was a soggy day all day long, you needed the umbrellas, and tough with the umbrellas, but peaking at ultimate doppler, we'll show you it has improved. other good thing, extra hour of sleep tonight. >> yahoo. >> my favorite day of the year. >> eye own personal holiday. because who couldn't use an extra hour of sleep that's what we do. we fall back, of course you pay for it starting tomorrow. sunset now will be right after 5:00 o'clock. so, it is going to make those days a lot shorter, it is darker earlier in the morning, but naturally have to do as we
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change seasons here. so, don't forget to do that, want the extra hour, i think. ultimate doppler, so we had all of the rain earlier now moved off shore. you see a lot of rain still from coastal new england, back down through boston, new york sit, they're still in the throws of t then, toward our south, we've got another very strong low pressure system, the one that delivered all of that southeastern snow, the mountains of the carolinas, kentucky, tennessee, even northern georgia, saw some snow early this morning. so unbelievable, a lot of records broken with that, obviously, as you can imagine, with the earliest snowfall that big scene. now, what's going to happen? this will move off shore, too. these two storm systems will combine, will bring a lot of snow to eastern maine, again, not here in our area. we've seen the rain come to an end luckily, but we are still left with the chilly temperatures, 52 is the high temperature, that was right before 2:00 a.m. since then, we've mainly been in the 40's. that's where we are right now, 48 in philadelphia. forty-eight polls town 46 trenton, 46 millville. winds out of the north
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sustained speeds around 15 miles an hour, not too bad. but, overnight into tomorrow, we will see the winds increase even more, wind gusts right now close to 30 miles an hour, down in south jersey. fox future cast, there goes the rain, moves out, we can see some clearing overnight tonight. early sunday morning, start off with maybe few clouds, if you're up early, otherwise it is a lot of sunshine, and it will be a very bright beautiful looking day but it will be very chilly. mostly cloudy tonight, 38 in the sit, 32 in the suburbs 50 degrees is the high temperature, blustery, gust toss 40 miles per hour plus sometimes throughout the afternoon. we could be starting the tomorrow morning, with windchills in the 20's. that's because we're starting in the 30's, so it will feel even colder with the winds. fifty tomorrow, we will take an edge off this harsh chill day-by-day, 58 on monday, tuesday, election day, back to normal even little above, temperatures rising into the 60s, chance of late week showers, we cool down again as we head into next weekend.
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>> eagles probably the better weather. >> that's right. >> let's head on to keith russell for. that will hey, keith? >> better weather and hopefully better performance. for the eagles it is all about initials. td. they want to hear at low about that. aj? we'll tell you why they want to stay away from that. what put penn state in a fighting mood before their what put penn state in a fighting mood before their game today?
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years...
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>> his name justin james watt. the eagles know him as jj. they don't want want to know him any better than they already do. >> likely won't play tomorrow, but in his last three games, watt has five sacks, and forced to recover a fumble. hands down, best defensive flare football. center jason kelly, back after missing the last four game, maybe that can help slow watt down. >> good player. very smart guy, makes a lot of plays, he's a hard guy to beat on, what he's going to do, stuff like that, he's got a lot of different moves, different waste to fit the run different ways to, you know, attack an offense, offensive line. so, you know, he is a good player. >> crazy day of college football. fists nearly flying in happy
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valley, first temple, with some history. now how could the owls be the right team for just the -- easy, east carolina turns it over five times. you know folks are given credit for the win, quincy harris, putter rapper junk geez any front of the owls for pep talk last night. temple wins 20 to ten. wow. then state and maryland. who new the rivalry was so deep and maryland wouldn't shake happens. lions weren't happy about that. two teams almost throw down before kick off. see why every week christian had a chance for a lead back, once again, he drops l bought. penn state's fourth straight lost, 20 to 19. afterward, maryland coach randy spoke pre-game lack of sportsmanship. >> that's not the way we want our kids to be before the game. i apologize. it was not orchestrated, choreographed. emotions, you don't know how much emotion was in this game for our kids. >> next time shake hands.
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once one continues, another comes to an end. nova number four, won double a, will try to bounce back next week against townsend. pen falls to brown. flyers on the road tonight in miami facing panthers. sixers hosting miami in their home opener. the sixers, yes, the sixers. they've lot each of their last two games. each of their first two games, and their last two games, by 12 points. and last night against the bucks, only seven points in the fourth quarter. now, guys, the heat comes down. they might not have labron any more, but they still have dwyane wade. >> people will be watching. let's go sixer. >> right. that will do it for us. see you tonight after the .
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♪ee you tonight after the . ♪ it's just another game, but there's always a little more to it and it's more than just the column. >> they've done it again. >> he's got it! >> yes! what a play! >> picked off. and the all american. >> the coaches don't have to motivate people because those guys are ready to go. >> and stanford, and you have to buckle up and be ready to go. >> i've had an incredible tackle in wide