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tv   wusa 9 News at 6am  CBS  October 9, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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cumberland at 67. mid-70s to the south. it's going to be richmond could be upper 70s today. we're looking at 72, maybe 73 here in d.c. showers becoming more and more likely during the day on friday, friday night we'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. nick and andrea, back to you. >> thank you, howard. here's what's in the news right now. u.s. and nato officials are tramping to turkey today -- traveling to turkey today in an effort to get turkey involved in effort against isis. pentagon officials warn the city may m the pentagon says it's not planning to ask the president to commit ground forces inside syria. a study from the government accountability office says states which s voter i.d. laws saw -- [indiscernible] 33 states have enacted laws requiring voters to show a photo i.d. at the polls. the obama nmeñadministratio
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unveiling a new version of the website initial officials say the web -- officials say the website won't display premiums for 2015 till the 2nd of november. coverage can úì÷start as early january 1. california has grounded its fleet of 22 air tankers. this comes after one of the planes crashed yesterday while battling a wildfire in yosemite national park killing the pilot. the firefighters are now relying on the national park service helicopter and air tankers from the u.s. forest service. fears about the spread of ebola are growing after the first person diagnosed with the disease on u.s. soil has died. >> u.s. officials are launching new safeguards to keep the disease from spreading. delia goncalves is live in the wusa9 satellite center with more. good morning, delia. >> reporter: good morning, nick, andrea. we've been hearing from the administration for a few days now that they were looking at additional screening of passengers at area
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international airports. now we have a timeline. beginning this weekend travelers flying into the u.s. from liberia, guinea and sierra leone will be screened at five international airports, including dulles. but officials say that's just about 150 passengers a day so flight delays. instead of flying directly from those affected countries, passengers will stop, undergo interviews and fever checks v
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get the risk to zero in this country. >> reporter: we just learned that a, quote, possible ebola patient was admitted to a los angeles area hospital just yesterday. we're told that patient is not really showing any symptoms of ebola but did indeed travel to liberia. doctors say the patient, though, is in isolation anyway just as a precaution. we also checked the wires and learned that instead of four folks in spain with ebola symptoms, now doctors are ññp looking at six people who are now showing signs of ebola. back to you in the studio. >> delia, thank you. sentencing is set for today in the case of a former d.c. police officer who ran a prostitution ring involving teenage girls. >> }linwood barnhill pleaded guilty to two counts of pandering a minor and one count of possessing child pornography in june. he was arrested after a 16-year- old girl leykym0ñwho had been m was found in his amount.
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he is expected to receive a seven-year sentence urpd the plea deal. -- under the plea deal. a man wanted in a deadly shooting in prince george's county is on the run this morning. police say the shooting happened after an argument on loring drive in district heights last night. police say the shooter &=úñtook a handgun and opened fire into a group of people. the shooter then took off on foot. five democrats running to become the district's top lawyer faced off in a debate last night. >> they're running to become the city's first elected attorney general. historically it's been an appointed position but voters approved a referendum it an elected position. some county government workers are facing hiring and funding freezes this morning. >> "the washington post" reports that's because of a possible $59 million budget shortfall in prince george's county. the local government workers means hiring and funding freezes. the budget administer tells --
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administrator tells -- [indiscernible] federal investigators believe they may be close to solving a nearly 40-year-old murder case. >> coming up, we'll explain how a case which began in yqfmaryl back in 1976 is now taking investigators south to alabama. >> wusa9 is back after this. z
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it feels fabulous around the beltway right now. that's a true statement. no delays to report. no accidents on the beltway itself. xxreporting normal service. heading across the wilson bridge, the american legion bridge, nothing complicated in and out of the district right now. on 270. coming southbound from 85 to get to 109, we have our normal
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delays. after that building volume right here at father hurley boulevard. in virginia on 95, it's volume. that's it through stafford, through dale city. we're all right through springfield and on to 395. in virginia f8f(zon 66, eastbou traffic just starting to slow out of manassas to get into centreville but pretty decent right now fair oaks into vienna and no issues to report through falls church. now, it's all about preparation. for that we use howard bernstein in the weather center. just trying to keep it easy on the roads and easy in the weather office. we are looking at a clear, chilly morning. lots of 40s out there. a decent day. we will see the clouds increase in the mid- to late afternoon. highs in the low 70s. we have a threat for showers, though, on friday, part of saturday and part of sunday. back with your full weekend forecast at about 6:15. today the f.b.i. plans to exhume a body which may finally close the case of a local family murdered nearly 40
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years ago. >> police believe the man they're exhuming is william bradford bishop. bishop is wanted in the 1976 death of his wife, mother and three sons. >> we're joined on the found by andrea mccarren. she's traveling to scottsboro today to witness the 'l exhumation. good morning. as late as 2010, people were saying they saw william bradford bishop in italy or somewhere in europe. what led authorities to the the grave of a man who's been dead for almost 33 years? >> reporter: isn't this astonishing? good morning, andrea and snake. photo journalist joe martin -- and nick. photo journalist joe martin and are i headed to alabama. he was placed on the f.b.i.'s lt top ten most wanted list and indeed he had been sighted around the world. some incredible sightings from colleagues at the state department where he was a long- time employee. but after this global manhunt,
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here we are headed to rural scottsboro, alabama and a small are ñcivil war graves where th believe an unidentified john doe that was hit by a car along a highway in 1981 could be william bradford bishop. and that's why they're digging up the body today. the body has some very distinctive characteristics that are similar to that of bishop. for instance, a distinctive cleft in his chin, a lengthy nose. it will be so interesting to see whether dental d.n.a. matches up with this suspect who's been sought for decades. and anyone who lived in the d.c. area knows that this case has both captivated and haunted
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this community for years. >> andrea, when you're looking at the timetable it may take to actually confirm that is indeed bishop, do you know what we're looking at as far as that process? you mentioned dental records. >> reporter: and d.n.a. that's a great question. hopefully it will be sooner rather than later but at the same time based on my own experience, it will probably be several weeks to get definitive these years searching for him. of course just to recap the case, it was a brutal crime. some detectives in montgomery county said it was the most violent crime scene they'd ever seen. the grand jury in 1976 indicted him on the five murders of his mother, his wife, his three little boys. he fled with the family dog to north carolina allegedly dug a shallow grave, buried the bodies, doused them with
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gasoline and there are records in our area of him purchasing shovels, a can of gas, those kind of things. and then the last known sighting was where his car was abandoned in the smoky mountains of tennessee and the trail went cold from there. so that it would end up in rural alabama would really be astonishing and hopefully would bring closure to any relatives in the community that were so traumatized by this violent crime back in the 1970's. >> as you said amazing because a lot of people thought he was involved in spying, all sorts of things because he was a foreign service worker. it was just amazing. so hopefully this can be put to rest after this exhumation takes place. again, andrea mccarren and photo journalist joe martin are on their way there. they'll be bringing us updates throughout the day. 5lat safe travels, andrea. >> reporter: thanks so much. of course we'll be checking in
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it is coming up 06:13. -- up on 6:13. let's check on where you can save on your next fillup. this half-hour we're looking at prices near the chesapeake bay. >> according to aaa's fuel finder, the cheapest gas in the annapolis area is at the dash in station on solomons island road in edgewater. they're selling regular unladied for $3.18 a gallon. stay with us. wusa9 returns in just a few minutes.
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hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way.
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driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow.
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i'm going to tell you a secret. apparently there was a road rage incident reported this morning on 270 for traffic coming out of frederick toward 109 hyattstown. it happened in the median. sky 9 quick to go aloft. let's see what we can find on 270. besides a lot of volume coming southbound leaving 85 off and on to 109 it looks like, no flashes lights anywhere in that area. expect to find delays leaving 80, the normal stuff merging on to southbound 270 and by the way, your next delay begins at father hurley boulevard. virginia, you're next. nothing complicated but volume. 66 a lot of it out of manassas to centreville on 95 heading northbound to get out of dale city. and around the beltway. we're just starting to build in volume toward the wilson bridge. now back to the news desk. >> all right, lisa.
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we can deal with volume as long as we don't have any crashes and looks pretty good this morning. weather wise as well. i was there yesterday evening. i don't know how people do that on a daily basis. >> we get in so early that traffic usually is not an issue for us. >> i was an hour from the excite in -- it was an hour from the exit in tysons to the mclean bridge. weather wise, good morning out there. a little bit chilly. temps in the 40s. he's making hip hop references all the time. you never know. you need some heavier jewelry or something. let's go to the board here and show you what's happening. we have sunny skies this morning giving way to some clouds this afternoon. the clouds will thicken up tonight. highs in the low 70s. so after this chilly start, it really will be a comfortable afternoon. winds westerly, west,
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southwesterly running 5, 10 miles an hour. so not a lot of wind. temperatures this evening fall through the 60s and it won't be as chilly tonight with the cloud cover around as it is this morning. 40s and 50s although reagan national 61. it's deceptive. it's not that warm for 99% of you out there. we've got 40s also and 50s but raleigh 55. we will see warmer readings as we head into tonight. locally down to 44 in damascus. it's 50 in centreville. 49 in alexandria this morning. bowie is one of our cooler spots at 46 with a 54 in chevy chase. so outside on our michael & son weather camera, a little more light at the white house now. reagan national 61. winds north at 9 miles an hour. the air very dry. dew point is only in the upper 30s right now. that's one of the reasons the temperatures got chilly away from the bay and away from the potomac. cold air to the north is battling the cold air or the warmer air to the south. this afternoon we're looking at temperatures which actually
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will get into the 80s, near 90 in little rock. but 50s to the north. then tomorrow this front is sinking a little farther to the south. on this front we'll be watching little pieces of low pressure developing. these little ripples on the front. whether one of these comes by, that enhances the shower threat for us. one that we're watching now is in missouri coming in towards southern illinois. that's going to be moving south and then southeast and east toward us. the northern end of this, if you watch the extra trectry, -- watch the trajectory, we'll get some showers in here. i think they'll have a tough time crossing the appalachians but certainly the clouds will get here for the afternoon. by lunch time we may see a stray shower slip into central, west central west virginia. we'll be fine in the metro region for the middle of the day. a few more clouds in the afternoon. southern maryland, northern neck, eastern shore potentially you're going to stay sunny most of the day. nice this morning down there. tonight the clouds overspread
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most of the region with a stray shower toward friday morning north and west. during the day on friday, a few showers, especially in the afternoon and evening. we're monitoring friday for a yellow alert day because these showers are going to be this widespread. that would impact quite a few folks for the ride home. also potentially for friday night high school football. we'll have showers around friday night into saturday morning. these showers should be gone pretty early, i'm thinking mid- morning saturday so saturday afternoon we'll be in better shape here finishing dat we some sunshine. so saturday will not be a washout. today pretty good day in spite of the clouds thickening up, 72. tonight cloudy, 57 in town. low 50s north and west. tomorrow some showers mainly in the afternoon and evening, possible yellow alert day, 68. an early shower, partly sunny in the afternoon, 67 on saturday. clouds thicken. some showers could return laterç sunday 65. warmer monday with isolated showers as we shoot back into the mid-70s.
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nick and andrea? >> thank you, howard. here's another look at our question of the morning. the average mom does this about 12 times a month. is it a, use the restroom alone, b, go to the grocery store or c, order takeout for dinner? >> think about it. let it simmer. we'll go over more of your responses and the correct answer coming up in about 30 minutes.
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i'm sure she knows couples in our situation... i just hope she has good coffee. at least we're talking about it. i was kidding. i know just try to be serious in there, okay? okay, you're right. it's just going to be simple steps. that's all we need. yeah... just hope she doesn't tell us we have to work until we're 80.
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the it's time to talk about retirement conversation. wells fargo can help with my retirement plan. a tool that gives you manageable steps for retirement. we can do it with you or try it online. together, we'll go far. black. no cream, 1 sugargar. with a bacon, egg, & cheese mcgriddles... why does she get a mcgriddles? that's the way she takes her coffee... mccafé coffee and the bacon, egg, & cheese mcgriddles. so, how do you take yours?
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ing coming -- coming up on 6:24. that's reagan national. we have a lot of you in the 40s when you get farther away from downtown. at 9:00 generally in the 50s out there. sunny skies. even lunch time sunny. mid- to upper 60s. this afternoon, though, some clouds are going to start to roll in from the west. stop at about 72. down south 75 degrees. any rain showers? there's a possibility as we head into friday for some of take and a little bit on and off on the weekend. more on that coming up. right now we're checking with lisa baden. she'll let you know if things are moving or not. >> reporter: run to your television set. sky 9 southbound on 270, looking at a crash near 118. notice single file to the right is all that gets by. that's going to back up traffic quickly out of clarksburg. if you can get on southbound 270 after 118, you'd be a happy camper. we'll go to andrea and nick
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now. >> thank you. hundreds of people in indianapolis are praying for the release of a 26-year-old american worker held captive by isis. >> peter kassig now known as abdul-rahman is threatened with beheading right now. he's a farmer army ranger who became an aide worker. he went to the middle east to help the syrian people. >> he makes a habit of going into danger zones and trying to help people out. while everybody else is getting out, he's going in. >> as you well know right now, isis has already beheaded several american and british hostages. the search for missing university of virginia student hannah graham is stretching into rural parts of the commonwealth. while the search for hannah is centered in virginia, a key piece of evidence was left behind in galveston, texas where suspect jesse matthew was arrested last month. >> reporter: as the frantic search for hannah graham continued few would have
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thought the suspect police with searching for would be found 1300 miles away on a remote texas beach or that police would soon be investigating him in connection to more missing girls. jesse matthew spent much of his time on the run recently driving in his sister's stolen beat up nissan. it carries clues about his journey from virginia to the beach. cigarette butts fill the ashtray and a charlottesville police detective's business card is thrown in the back seat. in the front this religious tape and an odd yellow envelope instructing someone to read a letter first. inside the envelope a cross. >> just down the lane is where his campsite was. >> reporter: karen is the person who first recognized jesse matthew on the beach and called police. >> he drove past right here and stopped dead still and looked right at me for a little while, a few seconds.
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and then he left the beach and that's when i knew who it was. >> reporter: as the waves crashed, karen's confidence briefly waned. >> just thinking maybe that wasn't him. maybe it was. >> reporter: her conscience told her she had to do something. one of the deputies responded but even after running plate didn't have confirmation that the man was wanted. >> it didn't get a good signal. the signal didn't come back right away it was the individual we were looking for when he russian the plate. >> reporter: but as luck would have it it triggered aletters on other deputies' working computers. an experienced deputy who later shunned public attention arrested matthew. did matthew ever tell anyone why he came to gel veston in-- >> galveston? >> he's been very quiet. he was only out there a day or two. >> reporter: what makes you say that? >> i would rather leave that alone. >> reporter: are there other places-- >> it's being looked into as part of the case.
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>> reporter: hannah graham isn't the only young woman to go missing connected to matthew. in 2009 morgan harrington disappeared after a concert there and her body was found months later. her murder shares a forensic tie to a 2005 sex assault. rape claims against matthew go back to 2002 and 2003 when two women say he assaulted them. both decided not to file charges leaving matthew with no arrest record for the alleged crime. but the mystery and the search for graham continues. law enforcement sources tell local 2 they are confident graham is not along the water where the suspect who is thought to have taken her ended his time on the run. on bolivar peninsula, chase larson. >> if you have any lead or tip, investigators are asking you to call the number on your screen or e-mail charlottesville police. some dire warnings are out this morning about flooding that could threaten parts of
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our area for years to come. >> the union of concerned scientists says d.c. and annapolis will experience a major increase in flooding over the next 30 years with as many as 400 floods per year. scientists say that is because of global warming. they say ocean city will get an increase in floods by the year 2045. if you are hooked on the magic coffee bean, it could be genetic. that's according to a new harvard study. researchers found six new gene variations determine how people react to caffeine. until now experts believed everyone reacted to caffeine in the same way. >> most of you at this time are probably sipping that firstup of morning coffee preparing to head into work. >> how are we looking, lisa? >> reporter: things are actually looking pretty g. ail he take over from here, -- pretty good. i'll take over from here, nick. southbound 21 looks like only one lane is getting by.
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this is an aerial shot from sky 9. at least three miles of backup we're seeing in the area. i would definitely think about getting on after 118. if you're going to hop on 270 headed towards the spur to make your way down towards the rockville area, that would be a much better idea at this time this morning. otherwise capital beltway looking pretty decent. if we go to the big map, you can take a look there. we are building volume on the top side of the beltway from the college park interchange over toward the 270 spur. building volume northbound 395 and 95 through virginia headed towards downtown d.c. and into -- excuse me, into downtown from the 14th street bridge. no reports of any issues right now 066. that's a look -- now on 66. that's a look at your morning drive. >> i know it says 61 on the screen. that's here at reagan national. other spots closer to 50. we have spots in the mid-40s this morning. grab a jacket or sweat shirt if you're going to be out and about the next couple of hours because it will be a cool start. but overall it's going to be a pretty nice day. here's a look at your day
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planner as we're checking out the white house. the futurecast i'll show you. we're in the 40s and 50s. by 9:00 we'll be in the upper 50s. still 49 hagerstown. the afternoon will feature some clouds. not so much in the early afternoon. as the afternoon wears on the clouds will start rolling in from the west to the east. still dry today. at 3:00 upper 60s and low 70s. the highs today about 72 in d.c. 75 down south. we do have a threat for some showers on friday, early saturday and later sunday. i'll tell you more about the weekend coming up at 6:45. nick and andrea? time to see what our friends over at cbs this morning have on tap today. >> charlie rose is in new york. he has a preview. good morning, charlie. >> good morning, andrea and nick. ahead we're at the dallas hospital that is facing increased criticism. that is where the first ebola patient diagnosed in this country died. and changes coming to airports across the country to prevent the spread of the virus. and nancy core advertise talks
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to -- cortis talks to mitt romney about why he's back on the campaign trail. and we find out how the tampa bay buccaneers pack 16,000 pounds of gear to away games. all that and more. >> life is pretty good on those flights. they have filet mignon a plenty. >> thank you very much, charlie. have a good morning. it's ç6:32. n.f.l. commissioner roger goodell and n.f.l. owners gathered wednesday to talk about domestic violence. >> reporter: n.f.l. team owners and other executives spent about five hours wednesday discussing potential changes to the league's personal conduct policy and disciplinary action. the n.f.l.
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has come under fire following the ray rice domestic assault case and a series of other domestic violence incidents. commissioner roger goodell says they're taking deliberate steps to improve policies. >> we're continuing our work with the intention to do isth as quickly as possible. most importantly we want to make sure it's thorough, it's rye. >> i think this is an -- it's right. >> i think this is an opportunity for every man to look inside himself. >> reporter: owners watched a video. >> think about the women in your live, the women you love and care for, the women that have nurtured you. >> i think all of us learned a lot. hopefully we're able to implement something going forward. >> reporter: roger goodell said the education process will expand to include all n.f.l. personnel. marley hall, cbs news, new york. the ceos of two major n.f.l. sponsors who happen to be women are sticking up for the league in spite of the recent
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controversy. campbell's soup denise morrison released a statement supporting the n.f.l. g.m.'s -- [indiscernible] a federal budget deficit is on the decline thanks to an improving economy. >> that's according to the congressional budget office. the latest figure shows the deficit is $195 billion less than it was last year. the government says other reasons for the slide include higher taxes and continued spending restrictions. check your cell phone bill. if you're an at&t customer, you could be in for a refund. >> the wireless phone company has been ordered to pay $105 million for what regulators call cramming its customers. that's for imposing unauthorized charges that showed up on customers' monthly bills. the at&t is accused of keeping a percentage of the fees. >> not nice. it's coming up on 6:35.
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we want to congratulate our fan ever the day. today's winner is carla hartley from west virginia. she says she should be our fan of the day because, i watch all of my favorite shows on your station and i love john mellencamp. >> now it's time to see him. carla wins two tickets to see him. to enter yourself, go to our facebook page, fill out the form and tell us why you think you should be our fan of the day. don't forget to upload your favorite facebook page because no picture, no prize.
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[ maniacal laughter ] pumpkin's back! pumpkin is back at dunkin' donuts. enjoy all your pumpkin-y favorites like the new pumpkin creme brulee latte.
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in fairfax county we had to cut a lot of waste. we consolidated offices. started sharing printers. we can walk a few feet. replaced computers, but kept the monitors. they still work fine. we even discovered that the phone company overcharged us by three million dollars! i approve this message because congress doesn't need another right winger. they need someone who can balance a budget. oh, and we definitely didn't need so many government studies.
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the time has come to put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for a dunkin' donuts dark roast. bold start, smooth finish, never bitter. rejoice with the 99-cent medium hot or iced dark roast today. sky 9 looking at a crash. this crash happened at 118 on southbound 270. you can see that three lanes to the right are getting around the activity here. it's a tight squeeze. they moved it to the left the best they could. now we'll go to the weather center. howard bernstein, what's up? the sky is looking great this morning, lisa. we have clear skies. had a great full moon last night and yesterday morning. we're looking at a chilly start. look at reagan national sticking out like a sore thumb.
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alexandria is 49. andrews and upper marlboro 48. germantown is down to 42. i think it's jacket weather this morning. we're looking good today. we're going to start out with sunshine. however, as the afternoon wears on, look for more and more clouds. 68, sunny at noon but mostly cloudy for the drive home and 72. i'll be back in about six minutes and we've got some shower threats to talk about in the seven-day forecast. now back to andrea and nick. a pair of pig tails have been sold for several thousand dollars. >> sounds like a lot of cash for hair. >> jeanne moos reports on the hair raising prices for hair on famous heads. >> reporter: willy nelson would probably agree. >> i'm crazy,. ♪ crazy for feeling... ♪ >> reporter: crazy to feel it's worth it to spend $37,000 for
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willy's pig tails. he cut them off in 1983 to give them to fellow country star wayland jennings to celebrate jennings' sobriety. now guernsey's auction house has sold them to an unidentified bidder. this collector said wee have bid $50,000 if he'd known about the auction. >> i look for things that are kind of iconic. >> reporter: gsthin that sprout if an icon's head. >> it's a nice lock of marilyn's hair. you can see the lock of paul mccartney's hair. >> reporter: is george washington nearby? >> let me grab him. here is a washington lock. >> reporter: john has been verified by guiness as having the world's largest celebrity hair collection from the almost invisible few strands from beethoven to this hunk of hair. >> his jer ran mow's pony tail. >> reporter: also from the 1800s is what he calls his treasure. >> that's lincoln's hair. >> reporter: documented he says as having come from the night lincoln was assassinated. >> this is the hair that the
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surgeon cleared the wound and retained this hair. >> reporter: he estimates it's worth a million dollars. he says he's got a few wisps of einstein's hair and a clump of michael jackson's picked up off the floor by the producer of that pepsi commercial that was being shot when michael's hair caught on fire as seen in this footage from "us weekly." as for the lock of marilyn machine row's hair? >> taken after her embalming by the embalmer. >> reporter: maybe you're thinking there's a certain ick factor to collecting all this hair. >> i bet you your mom has a lock of your baby hair tucked away in some album somewhere. >> reporter: a lock? my mom saved enough hair to practically make a wig. when my pig tails were chopped off, she operated the two. may this keep a close bond between us. i have the other one. willy nelson's pig tails, $37,000. my pig tails?
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maybe five bucks on e-bay and willy's are longer. but why split hairs when you can sell them. jeanne moos, cnn. do i look like willy? >> no. >> reporter: new york. >> the best use of long braids is locks of love. donate them for children and adults for wigs because they have cancer or some other devastating illness. but i do have a lock of baby andrew's hair. >> it's family. it's 6:42. we're just a few months away from an annual event marking the start of the holiday season here in the nation's capital. >> apple has uncorked a new date to look forward to. we'll talk about that right after the break.
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sky 9 very useful tool because 270 southbound had a collision at 118. wouldn't you know it. southbound delays on 270 first
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of all expected out of frederick. usual stuff, too. 85 to get to 109. an accident right here moved to the left shoulder thankfully and tight on the right side. you'll find delays that begin out of clarksburg. this kind of tells the tale. they're panning back to you can see the sea of headlights for you. that just looks so complicated. 270 after 118 it looks like the pace will slowly improve. okay, let's move on to landover, shall we. no problems reported on the beltway heading through andrews air force base, over toward 202. if you take 50, however, out of bowie, you're good to merge on to the beltway and then delays inside the beltway begun at -- begin at 410. virginia 95 delays are out of dale city, off and on to springfield and 66 we have vow traffic to expect right -- we have slow traffic to expect right now. eastbound 66 to get to
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centreville and then again through vienna. through falls church we're still in good shape. through the wilson bridge out of maryland, inner loop delays were forming briefly close to 210 and traffic is quiet to the american legion bridge. just a general reminder that imf world bank meetings begin today. they're going to run through sunday. so if you travel in northwest anywhere near h street, 18th and 19th streets, expect to find rolling closures and restrictions for parking in that area as necessary. if you're going out right now to take metrorail, they're reporting normal service system- wide. have a good trip. back to the news desk now. >> up at camp david, it's a nice place, in the woods. we wouldn't have traffic conditions downtown. i think the president could lend it out to imf as a gesture of good faith to them and the residents of d.c. who have to get stuck in the traffic.
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come on, mr. president. we're starting with a look at the president's house here on our michael & son weather camera on this thursday morning. lit nicely from the outside. >> lovely. >> people are showing up already for work there at 6:48 this morning. suj shine to start the day and also for lunch time. but this afternoon the clouds will thicken up. not going to get any rain out of it, just thicker clouds. 72 at 4:00. that's close to the forecast high for the day. we'll be in the mid-60s this evening. won't be as chilly tonight as it is this morning. lots of 40s out there. 48 degrees in baltimore, gaithersburg. mid-40s, 46 winchester, leesburg, frederick. it's 50 in la plate tacht the low 40s -- la plata. the low 40s. cumberland is 41. starting to see some light out here. sunrise is in about 25 minutes across the region.
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a north wind at 9. humidity at 42% due to the dew point in the 30s. we've got the battle going on between the cool fall temps up north where they'll be in the 50s for minneapolis and toward buffalo and chicago and near 90 in little rock and dallas today. that cool air sinks a little far south. a sharp boundary here is marking a front. not moving too much. that front will also be a focal point for areas of low pressure to form over the next few days. that means we're going to have a few chances for some showers. the first thing we're tracking, this guy coming out of missouri in toward illinois. you notice the showers from des moines over toward indianapolis and into southwest ohio. that trajectory is moving almost toward us. the support for those showers is back there, not here. so we're going to get some of the clouds from that will blow thisway. but the showers themselves won't be arriving until sometime on friday. so the futurecast looks good through lunch time. you got any outdoor plans today, no real worries. a few more clouds this
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afternoon. tonight we go cloudy. so that cloud cover acts like a blanket. we'll stay in the 50s. we won't dip into the 40s. tomorrow we could see a couple of showers around, especially north and west by the early commute he
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sunday. so right now just looking for an increase in clouds this afternoon after a nice sunny, chilly start, 72. 57 tonight. the cool spots in the low 50s. tomorrow upper 60s. isolated shower in the morning. better chance later in the afternoon and evening. potential yellow alert day. early shower saturday. partly sunny in the afternoon. highs again in the mid- to upper 60s. sunday mostly cloudy. i think showers will overturn later on, 65. warmer next week, isolated showers monday, even a storm tuesday 77. cooler with more showers wednesday and 72. andrea and in -- andrea and nick? we're always on the lookout for least expensive gas throughout the region. we found a nice price close to the d.c. line. >> according to aaa, the annandale citgo on columbia pike is selling regular unleaded for exactly $3 a gallon on the spot. >> very good. it's time now to answer the question of the morning. the average mom does this about
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12 times a month. is it a, use the restroom alone, b, go to the grocery store or c, order takeout for dinner? >> our facebook friend carolyn majors wrote, i don't know anyone who would be marking b. that is about every three days. i go twice a month if only for bread or milk. >> but there are a low of people who have gone an awful lot. the answer is b, they go to the grocery store at least 12 times
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es. i'm delia goncalves live in the satellite center with the latest on the ebola scare. passengers flying in from liberia, guinea and sierra leone will be screened for ebola type symptoms at five international airports, including dulles. and that begins this weekend. all of this comes after thomas duncan, the man from dallas just died yesterday. he contracted the virus in liberia and passed yesterday. now 50 folks who came in contact with him are being monitored and the sheriff's deputy who was in his apartment is in the hospital. a former baltimore police officer has been sentenced to a year in jail and five years probation for killing his ex- girlfriend's puppy. 28-year-old alec eugene taylor pleaded guilty to killing the jack russell terrier. investigators say taylor got upsaid when the dog had an
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accident on the carpet. expect an apple announcement. on october 16. mark the calendars. apple sent invitations to the media saying, quote, it's been way too long. most apple analysts expect to see you in macs a the event which will be held at apple's california campus. there's also buzz about a bigger ipad with a much larger screen. mark your calendar for this if you want to attend the national christmas tree lighting. lottery application period starts october 17 and runs through the 20th. the ceremony takes place december 4. tickets are free but they are limited and it's also free to enter the lottery. howard? weather wise, we're doing pretty well today. we're starting out with sunshine, kind of chilly, 40s and 50s. low 70s this afternoon with skies becoming mostly cloudy by the end of the day. clouds and a couple of showers tomorrow, especially in the afternoon and evening. cooler, upper 60s and a few showers early saturday and again later sunday. lisa, how is it going or not out there? >> it isn't going very well. 270 southbound has been the
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focal point with sky 9 and an accident that happened at 118. moved to the shoulder but look at this pace out of clarksburg. from sky 9 to the studio we go. >> thanks, lisa. cbs this morning is next. the heavy truth about n.f.l. teams on the road. >> they load up. see how more than a quarter million pounds of gear make it to game day. >> see you back in 25 minutes. andrea and i at noon. have a great day, everybody.
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♪ you're unpacking already? yeah. help me find some mugs? sure. ♪ [ beep ] hey. okay. -these'll do.? -yeah. [ male announcer ] wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ the best part of wakin' up so, where do you want to start? i think this is a pretty good place. ♪ is folgers in yr cup can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy.
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csx. how tomorrow moves.
7:00 am
it is thursday, october 9th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." questions about the nation's ability to contain ebola after the first death in the united states. >> new revelations about what the white house knew about the secret service prostitution scandal. and there's a new warning about a hidden ingredient in diet supplements. >> but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 skojtd 0 seconds. ha>> we't wre doing is putting in an additional protection. we can't make the risk zero here. >> growing fears about ebola. >> testing


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