1 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:12,600 Nothing is more seductive than the unknown. 2 00:00:17,120 --> 00:00:19,960 Nothing more compelling than a place of danger 3 00:00:19,960 --> 00:00:22,400 that lies beyond normal comprehension. 4 00:00:30,720 --> 00:00:33,320 Of all those places, 5 00:00:33,320 --> 00:00:36,160 perhaps the strangest of all 6 00:00:36,160 --> 00:00:37,800 are black holes. 7 00:00:45,360 --> 00:00:47,800 They are an exit point from the universe. 8 00:00:53,080 --> 00:00:56,240 Hidden trap doors in the fabric of space-time. 9 00:01:11,960 --> 00:01:15,440 What would it be like to enter the void 10 00:01:15,440 --> 00:01:19,040 and succumb to a black hole's dark mysteries? 11 00:01:30,880 --> 00:01:34,080 Now, for the first time, 12 00:01:34,080 --> 00:01:36,960 astronomers are set to find out. 13 00:01:39,480 --> 00:01:44,080 For the first time, the black hole at the centre of our very own galaxy 14 00:01:44,080 --> 00:01:48,160 is about to yield up its secrets. 15 00:02:03,760 --> 00:02:08,400 High above your head in the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy 16 00:02:08,400 --> 00:02:11,640 a violent drama is about to unfold. 17 00:02:19,080 --> 00:02:24,200 Our supermassive black hole is getting ready to have dinner, 18 00:02:26,520 --> 00:02:29,920 as a gas cloud three times the size of the Earth 19 00:02:29,920 --> 00:02:33,520 is caught in its gravitational hold. 20 00:02:34,920 --> 00:02:39,520 Across the world astronomers are getting ready to discover 21 00:02:39,520 --> 00:02:43,320 what happens when a black hole gets ready to feed. 22 00:02:47,720 --> 00:02:52,320 If you could see how something falls into a black hole, 23 00:02:52,320 --> 00:02:55,160 that would be something we can see for the very first time ever, 24 00:02:55,160 --> 00:02:57,560 that we see how a black hole starts getting fat. 25 00:02:57,560 --> 00:02:59,440 That would really be fantastic 26 00:02:59,440 --> 00:03:03,000 if we, if we can witness that in front of our eyes. 27 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:17,880 For astronomers, this year's event is the first time in history 28 00:03:17,880 --> 00:03:22,760 it will be possible to witness and record the workings 29 00:03:22,760 --> 00:03:26,400 of one of these great gravitational engines. 30 00:03:32,080 --> 00:03:33,480 Some of the excitement 31 00:03:33,480 --> 00:03:35,360 is just childish pleasure 32 00:03:35,360 --> 00:03:40,640 in seeing something violent about to happen, and anticipating it. 33 00:03:40,640 --> 00:03:46,520 Scientifically it's very interesting because it's really unprecedented. 34 00:03:48,560 --> 00:03:52,640 This is the first time really in human history 35 00:03:52,640 --> 00:03:56,560 that we have not only known an event like this was going to happen 36 00:03:56,560 --> 00:03:59,920 but that we are prepared with the right sort of technology 37 00:03:59,920 --> 00:04:01,960 to see the details unfold. 38 00:04:07,680 --> 00:04:11,080 There's nothing anywhere near as extreme as a black hole. 39 00:04:14,600 --> 00:04:17,000 The disturbing truth about black holes 40 00:04:17,000 --> 00:04:20,600 is that they're a boundary between the known universe 41 00:04:20,600 --> 00:04:25,520 and a place that will forever lie beyond the reach of science. 42 00:04:27,800 --> 00:04:31,000 They are an anomaly of gravity so strange, 43 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:34,400 it is barely possible to comprehend. 44 00:04:38,200 --> 00:04:41,080 Black holes represent 45 00:04:41,080 --> 00:04:45,320 the regions where our current theories of physics completely fail. 46 00:04:47,080 --> 00:04:50,480 What actually happens there, we don't know, 47 00:04:50,480 --> 00:04:53,320 so it's this very weird situation 48 00:04:53,320 --> 00:04:59,640 where our understanding kind of predicts its own failure. 49 00:05:06,480 --> 00:05:08,040 What gravity tells us 50 00:05:08,040 --> 00:05:11,360 is that everything at the centre of a black hole 51 00:05:11,360 --> 00:05:14,280 should get smashed together in a region 52 00:05:14,280 --> 00:05:17,360 smaller than even a proton or an electron 53 00:05:17,360 --> 00:05:20,800 or any kind of regular part of matter. 54 00:05:20,800 --> 00:05:26,080 If you were to fall inside what we call the radius of the black hole, 55 00:05:26,080 --> 00:05:30,160 the event horizon, then nothing could get out of that region. 56 00:05:32,960 --> 00:05:36,800 Once it's gone, it's gone for ever. 57 00:05:36,800 --> 00:05:40,040 The great dream for astronomers 58 00:05:40,040 --> 00:05:42,720 is to see those final moments 59 00:05:42,720 --> 00:05:47,160 as it falls over the edge into oblivion. 60 00:05:49,640 --> 00:05:53,320 The kind of ideal situation that we're aiming for 61 00:05:53,320 --> 00:05:55,720 is to really be able to see what happens 62 00:05:55,720 --> 00:05:58,960 very close to the event horizon of a black hole. 63 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:03,840 This is not something we can do in a laboratory on Earth, 64 00:06:03,840 --> 00:06:05,080 so the only hope 65 00:06:05,080 --> 00:06:08,680 is to use observations of black holes in the universe 66 00:06:08,680 --> 00:06:11,160 to actually see what's happening, 67 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:13,400 and that is kind of the Holy Grail 68 00:06:13,400 --> 00:06:16,400 of astronomical observations of black holes. 69 00:06:31,400 --> 00:06:34,600 But if watching matter tumble over the edge of a black hole 70 00:06:34,600 --> 00:06:36,240 might now be possible, 71 00:06:36,240 --> 00:06:40,960 it is only because of the efforts of a generation of astronomers 72 00:06:40,960 --> 00:06:44,600 to wrestle these dark dragons of the cosmos 73 00:06:44,600 --> 00:06:47,880 into the realms of scientific reality. 74 00:07:01,320 --> 00:07:06,600 As is often the case, it began with a series of observations 75 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:09,200 that made no sense to anyone. 76 00:07:13,520 --> 00:07:18,280 A new generation of radio telescopes had come on stream in the 1950s 77 00:07:18,280 --> 00:07:21,200 that made it possible to see the universe 78 00:07:21,200 --> 00:07:22,920 in a completely different way. 79 00:07:28,320 --> 00:07:33,760 Almost immediately they began to detect a series of strange, 80 00:07:33,760 --> 00:07:37,240 previously unseen, sources of light. 81 00:07:39,920 --> 00:07:41,920 Nothing had ever been seen like them. 82 00:07:48,920 --> 00:07:52,440 These things looked very different, very strange, 83 00:07:52,440 --> 00:07:56,080 much more powerful, much larger and really different 84 00:07:56,080 --> 00:08:00,160 than sorts of galaxies and stars in our neighbourhood. 85 00:08:03,280 --> 00:08:05,200 But that was not the only surprise. 86 00:08:09,840 --> 00:08:13,200 People began to realise that these tiny star-like things, 87 00:08:13,200 --> 00:08:14,760 or they looked like stars, 88 00:08:14,760 --> 00:08:18,320 were actually putting out as much energy as a hundred galaxies 89 00:08:18,320 --> 00:08:20,920 and yet they didn't look like a galaxy at all. 90 00:08:22,720 --> 00:08:29,160 The paradox was how something so small could be so bright. 91 00:08:31,320 --> 00:08:35,720 What could possibly produce such a mind-boggling source of power, 92 00:08:35,720 --> 00:08:40,640 with some of them pumping out more energy than a trillion suns? 93 00:08:46,520 --> 00:08:49,560 They were given the name quasars. 94 00:08:52,040 --> 00:08:55,480 Quasars became a very big and deep mystery 95 00:08:55,480 --> 00:08:58,440 because they were distant in the universe 96 00:08:58,440 --> 00:09:01,360 and therefore we were seeing the universe 97 00:09:01,360 --> 00:09:03,400 as it was billions of years ago 98 00:09:03,400 --> 00:09:05,840 and they were more potent, more luminous 99 00:09:05,840 --> 00:09:08,720 than anything else that we'd come across before. 100 00:09:11,320 --> 00:09:16,720 Solving that mystery turned out to be the crucial step on the journey 101 00:09:16,720 --> 00:09:21,360 that would eventually lead to us observing the strange behaviour 102 00:09:21,360 --> 00:09:24,160 of our own feeding black hole. 103 00:09:27,880 --> 00:09:32,520 So that's twice times Newton's constant, 104 00:09:32,520 --> 00:09:34,880 onto the mass of the black hole 105 00:09:34,880 --> 00:09:37,120 and if you divide... 106 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:40,040 What was first needed was a maverick insight 107 00:09:40,040 --> 00:09:43,720 from one of modern science's truly original thinkers. 108 00:09:45,280 --> 00:09:50,280 I was thinking about that mystery, that's absolutely true, 109 00:09:50,280 --> 00:09:53,280 and there were a number of different ideas that were put forward 110 00:09:53,280 --> 00:09:55,760 but none of them was terribly convincing. 111 00:09:59,080 --> 00:10:02,440 The mystery of what could account for the quasars' extraordinary brightness 112 00:10:02,440 --> 00:10:06,600 was THE hot topic in astronomy during the 1960s, 113 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:11,480 as astronomers began to grapple with the new enigmatic objects 114 00:10:11,480 --> 00:10:14,800 that had been found by the radio telescopes. 115 00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:18,520 One astronomer keen to have a crack at the problem 116 00:10:18,520 --> 00:10:22,000 was a young researcher called Donald Lynden-Bell. 117 00:10:28,280 --> 00:10:30,760 The sky looked totally different 118 00:10:30,760 --> 00:10:33,360 in the radio than it looked in the optical, 119 00:10:33,360 --> 00:10:36,760 and that was a big problem, 120 00:10:36,760 --> 00:10:41,360 and the question was, what were these things? 121 00:10:44,760 --> 00:10:48,040 While his colleagues were staring down telescopes, 122 00:10:48,040 --> 00:10:52,520 Lynden-Bell approached the problem through theory. 123 00:10:55,480 --> 00:10:59,360 He wanted to find out how something as small as a quasar 124 00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:02,000 could possibly be so bright. 125 00:11:04,600 --> 00:11:08,040 This had an enormous quantity of energy coming out of it, 126 00:11:08,040 --> 00:11:11,360 and it came from a very small size. 127 00:11:11,360 --> 00:11:14,000 Now, putting those numbers together, 128 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:15,600 one could already see 129 00:11:15,600 --> 00:11:19,840 the mass of the energy required to give the emission 130 00:11:19,840 --> 00:11:25,000 was, like, ten million times the mass of the sun. 131 00:11:30,200 --> 00:11:34,280 But the problem was that quasars are tiny in size, 132 00:11:34,280 --> 00:11:37,760 with nothing like the scale of ten million suns. 133 00:11:41,040 --> 00:11:44,080 Lynden-Bell realised that there was only one thing 134 00:11:44,080 --> 00:11:49,240 that could possibly be so small yet have so much mass, 135 00:11:49,240 --> 00:11:54,240 those mathematical anomalies conjured up by theorists 136 00:11:54,240 --> 00:11:58,840 that had been predicted but never observed: 137 00:12:01,200 --> 00:12:03,760 supermassive black holes. 138 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:10,920 It suggested a baffling paradox, 139 00:12:10,920 --> 00:12:14,960 that quasars are really shining black holes 140 00:12:14,960 --> 00:12:20,880 capable of emitting the energy of entire galaxies. 141 00:12:23,280 --> 00:12:26,680 But Lynden-Bell then went further. 142 00:12:28,880 --> 00:12:32,400 I predicted that there would be these massive objects 143 00:12:32,400 --> 00:12:34,040 found in the nearby galaxies. 144 00:12:36,480 --> 00:12:40,000 He brought his ideas together with a bold conceptual leap 145 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:44,480 about where these supermassive black holes would be found in the cosmos. 146 00:12:46,640 --> 00:12:51,720 Typically a large galaxy would have a black hole, 147 00:12:51,720 --> 00:12:58,600 the sort of amount of many millions of solar masses, in mass. 148 00:13:00,040 --> 00:13:04,880 And that these would typically reside in the middles of large galaxies. 149 00:13:04,880 --> 00:13:06,720 It was a pretty bold prediction. 150 00:13:07,920 --> 00:13:10,360 Yeah, well, I come from a military family! 151 00:13:15,680 --> 00:13:21,320 Lynden-Bell's hypothesis was so radical it seemed far-fetched. 152 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:27,240 Inside the centre of every large galaxy in the universe 153 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:30,680 lurks a supermassive black hole. 154 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:39,000 If Lynden-Bell was right 155 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:43,320 and every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its centre, 156 00:13:43,320 --> 00:13:47,200 then there should be one right in our own back yard, 157 00:13:47,200 --> 00:13:50,600 in the middle of the hundreds of billions of stars 158 00:13:50,600 --> 00:13:52,960 that form our own galaxy, the Milky Way. 159 00:13:55,920 --> 00:14:00,400 The problem was trying to map our galaxy from the outside 160 00:14:00,400 --> 00:14:02,360 when we can only view it from within. 161 00:14:03,600 --> 00:14:05,880 Seeing round that obstacle 162 00:14:05,880 --> 00:14:09,400 would take ingenuity and some careful observations. 163 00:14:12,360 --> 00:14:15,800 One of the problems of living inside a galaxy like the Milky Way 164 00:14:15,800 --> 00:14:17,840 is that because we're inside it, 165 00:14:17,840 --> 00:14:21,280 it's really difficult for us to see what shape it is, 166 00:14:21,280 --> 00:14:25,120 how big it is, and where in it we actually live. 167 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:28,960 But if you look carefully 168 00:14:28,960 --> 00:14:33,080 the stars aren't spread smoothly across the whole sky. 169 00:14:33,080 --> 00:14:35,520 They're gathered together 170 00:14:35,520 --> 00:14:39,160 into a band that loops around the sky which we call the Milky Way. 171 00:14:42,200 --> 00:14:44,680 That bright strip across the sky, 172 00:14:44,680 --> 00:14:49,320 with its extraordinary abundance of stars and clusters, 173 00:14:49,320 --> 00:14:52,320 was a clue to the nature of our galaxy. 174 00:14:54,040 --> 00:14:57,240 It was obvious to astronomers for quite a long time 175 00:14:57,240 --> 00:15:03,520 that most of the stars were gathered together into a flat layer or disc, 176 00:15:03,520 --> 00:15:06,520 and that we were within that disc. 177 00:15:09,040 --> 00:15:12,440 But we still don't know whereabouts in the galaxy we are. 178 00:15:15,120 --> 00:15:17,360 And then in the early 20th century, 179 00:15:17,360 --> 00:15:19,560 an American astronomer called Harlow Shapley 180 00:15:19,560 --> 00:15:21,480 hit on a way of trying to find out 181 00:15:21,480 --> 00:15:23,640 where the centre of the galaxy might be. 182 00:15:28,120 --> 00:15:30,760 He used objects called globular clusters 183 00:15:30,760 --> 00:15:34,920 which are actually found all over the sky. 184 00:15:34,920 --> 00:15:37,440 Bright sources containing thousands of stars, 185 00:15:37,440 --> 00:15:39,320 globular clusters, 186 00:15:39,320 --> 00:15:44,360 are spread out in a sphere around the Milky Way's central disc. 187 00:15:46,640 --> 00:15:50,280 Shapley realised they were in effect signposts 188 00:15:50,280 --> 00:15:53,960 to where the centre of the galaxy could be found. 189 00:15:55,240 --> 00:15:57,800 He plotted where the clusters were 190 00:15:57,800 --> 00:16:00,880 and he found that although they were spread all over the sky, 191 00:16:00,880 --> 00:16:04,880 they were concentrated in a particular direction. 192 00:16:07,720 --> 00:16:12,200 And that told us that we weren't at the centre of the galaxy, 193 00:16:12,200 --> 00:16:15,280 but the centre of the galaxy was in this direction here. 194 00:16:17,240 --> 00:16:19,280 So at last 195 00:16:19,280 --> 00:16:23,160 astronomers knew exactly where the centre of the galaxy was, 196 00:16:23,160 --> 00:16:26,440 and they also knew pretty much how far away it was. 197 00:16:28,920 --> 00:16:33,920 At last astronomers had a map of our galaxy. 198 00:16:35,760 --> 00:16:37,840 A panorama of the Milky Way 199 00:16:37,840 --> 00:16:41,840 it would never be possible to see from planet Earth. 200 00:16:44,320 --> 00:16:50,360 27,000 light years from our solar system is the centre of our galaxy. 201 00:16:54,240 --> 00:16:56,680 If we were ever going to have a chance 202 00:16:56,680 --> 00:16:59,120 of seeing a black hole at close range, 203 00:16:59,120 --> 00:17:04,600 according to theory, it should be hiding right here. 204 00:17:19,480 --> 00:17:24,960 Theory is one thing but astronomers work by observation and proof. 205 00:17:26,760 --> 00:17:31,320 That would mean actually finding the black hole and seeing it at work. 206 00:17:34,800 --> 00:17:38,720 The good news is that there should be a supermassive black hole 207 00:17:38,720 --> 00:17:40,920 somewhere at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. 208 00:17:43,040 --> 00:17:46,960 It's not that far from us and we know exactly where to look. 209 00:17:46,960 --> 00:17:50,120 We know where to point our telescopes. 210 00:17:50,120 --> 00:17:53,120 The bad news is that the centre of our galaxy 211 00:17:53,120 --> 00:17:55,760 is an incredibly crowded and busy place. 212 00:17:59,520 --> 00:18:02,840 Many, many stars... Stars are packed much more densely 213 00:18:02,840 --> 00:18:05,240 than they are where we live in the Milky Way Galaxy. 214 00:18:05,240 --> 00:18:09,160 It's this incredibly confusing and noisy environment. 215 00:18:11,960 --> 00:18:14,480 The stars around the centre of the Milky Way 216 00:18:14,480 --> 00:18:17,000 are hundreds of times denser than they are 217 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:18,680 in the region around our sun. 218 00:18:20,840 --> 00:18:24,760 Finding an invisible black hole in all that swirling chaos 219 00:18:24,760 --> 00:18:26,000 would not be easy. 220 00:18:27,920 --> 00:18:31,320 It's like trying to pick out an individual 221 00:18:31,320 --> 00:18:33,360 inside the middle of a busy city 222 00:18:33,360 --> 00:18:36,240 where there are lights and cars 223 00:18:36,240 --> 00:18:38,320 and things happening all around them. 224 00:18:41,520 --> 00:18:43,440 But that wasn't the only problem. 225 00:18:44,760 --> 00:18:48,960 Vast swirling clouds of dust and gas prevent visible light 226 00:18:48,960 --> 00:18:52,400 from the centre of our galaxy from reaching us, 227 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:56,920 making what lies beyond hidden from view. 228 00:18:56,920 --> 00:19:00,560 It's like putting a blanket over the thing you're trying to look at. 229 00:19:00,560 --> 00:19:02,800 It's putting a thick fog around that 230 00:19:02,800 --> 00:19:05,640 and so there's only certain wavelengths of light 231 00:19:05,640 --> 00:19:07,760 that can penetrate through that. 232 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:14,920 Without the means to see through that dust, 233 00:19:14,920 --> 00:19:17,960 the black hole that theory suggested 234 00:19:17,960 --> 00:19:21,520 should reside at the centre of our Milky Way 235 00:19:21,520 --> 00:19:26,160 would remain nothing more than a bold but unproven idea. 236 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:41,640 With the quest to find the black hole seemingly blocked, 237 00:19:41,640 --> 00:19:44,200 there was nevertheless one glimmer of hope. 238 00:19:46,080 --> 00:19:49,360 Now at least astronomers had some sort of notion 239 00:19:49,360 --> 00:19:50,520 where one should be hiding. 240 00:19:52,600 --> 00:19:55,040 To tackle the problem, what would be needed 241 00:19:55,040 --> 00:19:58,080 was a new generation of telescopes 242 00:19:58,080 --> 00:20:02,360 and that would take a new generation of astronomers. 243 00:20:02,360 --> 00:20:06,040 We were just at the point where we had the technology 244 00:20:06,040 --> 00:20:08,640 to address that question and so 245 00:20:08,640 --> 00:20:10,120 in some sense it was, 246 00:20:10,120 --> 00:20:13,280 I had the right hammer and I was looking for the right nail. 247 00:20:16,200 --> 00:20:18,840 With her Los Angeles group, Andrea Ghez 248 00:20:18,840 --> 00:20:21,160 began work on a telescope 249 00:20:21,160 --> 00:20:24,640 that could see through to the hidden centre of our galaxy. 250 00:20:27,080 --> 00:20:31,400 Just as I arrived at UCLA with my first faculty position, 251 00:20:31,400 --> 00:20:35,440 everything was falling into place in terms of the ability 252 00:20:35,440 --> 00:20:38,040 to answer this question at the centre of our galaxy. 253 00:20:38,040 --> 00:20:40,800 The telescopes were getting bigger 254 00:20:40,800 --> 00:20:44,600 so you had the ability to see fine details. 255 00:20:44,600 --> 00:20:47,560 We had an explosion in infra-red technology 256 00:20:47,560 --> 00:20:53,400 which meant that we could detect the kind of light that the stars emit, 257 00:20:53,400 --> 00:20:57,400 that you could actually see here on Earth and get through a lot of dust. 258 00:21:00,960 --> 00:21:03,880 The challenge was developing a telescope 259 00:21:03,880 --> 00:21:07,520 capable of overcoming the blurring effects of the Earth's atmosphere. 260 00:21:11,880 --> 00:21:15,080 Using lasers and specially-developed software, 261 00:21:15,080 --> 00:21:17,080 Ghez developed a telescope 262 00:21:17,080 --> 00:21:22,360 that made constant adjustments to tune out atmospheric distortion. 263 00:21:26,600 --> 00:21:28,920 We had a huge amount of scepticism. 264 00:21:28,920 --> 00:21:30,920 No-one had ever done this, 265 00:21:30,920 --> 00:21:34,400 but as I told my students, never take no for an answer 266 00:21:34,400 --> 00:21:37,000 so you find somebody that will help you out, 267 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:40,520 loan you some telescope time and let you do a proof of concept 268 00:21:40,520 --> 00:21:43,120 to show that yes, this technology will work, 269 00:21:43,120 --> 00:21:48,360 and it's freshman physics that tells you that if the technology works, 270 00:21:48,360 --> 00:21:51,400 you should be able to see something if there is indeed a black hole. 271 00:21:54,120 --> 00:21:57,720 With her new telescope, the final obstacle 272 00:21:57,720 --> 00:22:01,120 to seeing into the centre of our galaxy had been removed. 273 00:22:04,240 --> 00:22:08,440 It was now possible to see in unprecedented detail 274 00:22:08,440 --> 00:22:12,320 right into the area where the black hole was believed to be hiding. 275 00:22:14,320 --> 00:22:16,640 If there is a black hole at the centre of our galaxy, 276 00:22:16,640 --> 00:22:18,520 that's going to force these objects 277 00:22:18,520 --> 00:22:20,240 that are really close to the black hole 278 00:22:20,240 --> 00:22:23,160 to move much faster than they would move if there were no black hole, 279 00:22:23,160 --> 00:22:24,760 so the first thing you want to see 280 00:22:24,760 --> 00:22:27,320 is that there are very fast moving objects 281 00:22:27,320 --> 00:22:29,480 where you think the black hole is. 282 00:22:29,480 --> 00:22:33,960 So, with our pictures that we took, 283 00:22:33,960 --> 00:22:37,400 what you can measure is how these stars move on the plane of the sky. 284 00:22:37,400 --> 00:22:38,520 You take one picture, 285 00:22:38,520 --> 00:22:39,960 you come back a year later, 286 00:22:39,960 --> 00:22:42,960 you take another picture and you see where they have moved to 287 00:22:42,960 --> 00:22:44,600 and what we see in this box 288 00:22:44,600 --> 00:22:47,960 are that there are stars that are moving incredibly quickly. 289 00:22:49,680 --> 00:22:53,240 That was the first evidence for the black hole. 290 00:22:56,640 --> 00:22:59,280 Once everything had been plotted out, 291 00:22:59,280 --> 00:23:02,840 this is the map of the galactic centre they were able to produce. 292 00:23:04,960 --> 00:23:10,440 It showed that stars were hurtling around in very fast and tight orbits 293 00:23:10,440 --> 00:23:15,960 but what Ghez was interested in was what they were circling around. 294 00:23:20,600 --> 00:23:21,680 If there's a black hole, 295 00:23:21,680 --> 00:23:23,840 there is a further prediction you can make 296 00:23:23,840 --> 00:23:26,480 about what these stars are going to do. 297 00:23:26,480 --> 00:23:31,200 They are going to move around the black hole on very short periods. 298 00:23:31,200 --> 00:23:33,360 In other words you're going to be able to see them 299 00:23:33,360 --> 00:23:35,040 move on more than just straight lines. 300 00:23:35,040 --> 00:23:38,680 As part of their travel around the black hole, 301 00:23:38,680 --> 00:23:40,800 these stars are going to move around the black hole 302 00:23:40,800 --> 00:23:43,520 because of the gravity just like planets move around the sun. 303 00:23:45,360 --> 00:23:48,840 There's only one thing that has the sheer force of gravity 304 00:23:48,840 --> 00:23:54,680 to compel such huge stars to veer round on such tight trajectories. 305 00:23:57,680 --> 00:24:02,000 So what we see is that indeed you can see these stars whip around. 306 00:24:02,000 --> 00:24:03,120 In fact from these images 307 00:24:03,120 --> 00:24:05,680 you can actually tell where the black hole is. 308 00:24:05,680 --> 00:24:08,920 The black hole is at the centre of the focus of these orbits. 309 00:24:13,440 --> 00:24:15,080 It was a stunning discovery. 310 00:24:20,680 --> 00:24:23,160 After a quest lasting decades, 311 00:24:23,160 --> 00:24:26,240 Donald Lynden-Bell had been proved right. 312 00:24:27,680 --> 00:24:31,440 Here indeed, just where he had predicted, 313 00:24:31,440 --> 00:24:33,880 was a supermassive black hole. 314 00:24:38,480 --> 00:24:42,240 But in the last year, the quest to find and understand black holes 315 00:24:42,240 --> 00:24:44,680 has suddenly become even more exciting. 316 00:24:46,880 --> 00:24:48,920 That's because out there in space 317 00:24:48,920 --> 00:24:51,320 something is about to happen 318 00:24:51,320 --> 00:24:55,400 that really is going to drag black holes out of the shadows 319 00:24:55,400 --> 00:24:57,800 to reveal them as they really are. 320 00:25:05,840 --> 00:25:08,520 The reason for the excitement 321 00:25:08,520 --> 00:25:11,720 is all because of a discovery made in Munich. 322 00:25:15,440 --> 00:25:20,640 Here a group working with the European Space Observatory 323 00:25:20,640 --> 00:25:22,840 had shared credit for discovering the black hole 324 00:25:22,840 --> 00:25:24,320 at the heart of the Milky Way. 325 00:25:29,160 --> 00:25:35,080 In late 2011, they made an almost accidental discovery, 326 00:25:35,080 --> 00:25:39,600 a discovery that's triggered this year's rush of excitement. 327 00:25:41,120 --> 00:25:43,400 It was while reviewing some data 328 00:25:43,400 --> 00:25:46,440 which had previously been dismissed as second rate 329 00:25:46,440 --> 00:25:49,640 that they noticed something unusual. 330 00:25:55,360 --> 00:25:56,720 We decided in 2011 331 00:25:56,720 --> 00:26:00,440 we should look at our data which is B-rated, so to say, 332 00:26:00,440 --> 00:26:04,920 data which is of somewhat lower quality because the resolution 333 00:26:04,920 --> 00:26:08,480 is not as good as you would get it under the best weather conditions. 334 00:26:08,480 --> 00:26:11,640 And then, boom, there was all of a sudden one source 335 00:26:11,640 --> 00:26:14,000 which was very close to the black hole. 336 00:26:17,720 --> 00:26:20,680 The object didn't appear to have the profile of a star. 337 00:26:23,560 --> 00:26:26,600 Instead it seemed to be a gas cloud 338 00:26:26,600 --> 00:26:31,120 moving at huge speeds right in the direction of the black hole. 339 00:26:34,160 --> 00:26:38,640 But what really rang alarm bells was the way it had changed shape. 340 00:26:39,880 --> 00:26:42,520 We see that this gas cloud as it moves 341 00:26:42,520 --> 00:26:46,520 closer and closer to the black hole is getting spaghetti-fied, 342 00:26:46,520 --> 00:26:48,840 like you see it in school books, 343 00:26:48,840 --> 00:26:51,440 according to the tidal shear, as we say, 344 00:26:51,440 --> 00:26:53,640 the tidal disruption by the black hole. 345 00:26:54,840 --> 00:26:56,320 It was moving quite fast 346 00:26:56,320 --> 00:26:59,960 and it's not moving in a straight line but it's a curved line, 347 00:26:59,960 --> 00:27:02,680 and that's a very, very bad sign 348 00:27:02,680 --> 00:27:05,240 because it tells you, well, there's something acting on it. 349 00:27:05,240 --> 00:27:08,280 It tells you, well, gravity is pulling on that object. 350 00:27:09,720 --> 00:27:12,160 It's pretty much directly head-on 351 00:27:12,160 --> 00:27:15,560 moving towards the centre of gravity, the black hole. 352 00:27:17,320 --> 00:27:22,240 The team's observations suggest the object is a gas cloud 353 00:27:22,240 --> 00:27:24,440 around three times the mass of the Earth. 354 00:27:26,160 --> 00:27:30,160 It seems they have discovered what is the great Holy Grail 355 00:27:30,160 --> 00:27:31,600 for black hole scientists. 356 00:27:33,240 --> 00:27:35,800 It almost goes straight in. 357 00:27:35,800 --> 00:27:38,160 Who aims that well, we don't know. It's remarkable. 358 00:27:38,160 --> 00:27:42,120 It's almost straight in, not quite but pretty much, 359 00:27:42,120 --> 00:27:46,480 and so that means it will go deep, deep into the centre of potential 360 00:27:46,480 --> 00:27:50,000 and therefore be sort of, if you like, a test, a test particle 361 00:27:50,000 --> 00:27:53,040 for us to probe the environment of the black hole. 362 00:28:09,240 --> 00:28:14,360 The gas cloud is advancing at speeds of over 2,000 kilometres per second. 363 00:28:23,680 --> 00:28:26,480 The team are cautiously optimistic the gas cloud 364 00:28:26,480 --> 00:28:29,160 will continue to be shredded 365 00:28:29,160 --> 00:28:32,240 by the extreme gravity surrounding the black hole, 366 00:28:32,240 --> 00:28:36,600 with every possibility that some of it will eventually be swallowed. 367 00:28:41,440 --> 00:28:45,160 It's clear that it will come very close to the black hole, 368 00:28:45,160 --> 00:28:47,000 might even hit the black hole. 369 00:28:49,240 --> 00:28:52,920 So maybe we actually are feeding the black hole here. 370 00:28:52,920 --> 00:28:56,800 Now exactly how much and how fast and all this is completely unknown 371 00:28:56,800 --> 00:29:00,240 and that's the excitement about it because we will learn about it. 372 00:29:00,240 --> 00:29:02,560 We have basically a test experiment. 373 00:29:02,560 --> 00:29:05,720 We know we have thrown, so to speak, at this black hole now 374 00:29:05,720 --> 00:29:08,160 a certain amount of mass which we roughly know. 375 00:29:08,160 --> 00:29:09,960 We know when it is and how close it comes 376 00:29:09,960 --> 00:29:13,800 and we can test over time how much happened. 377 00:29:18,880 --> 00:29:22,560 It's that chance to see a black hole feed at close range 378 00:29:22,560 --> 00:29:25,800 that has shaken the community of astronomers 379 00:29:25,800 --> 00:29:29,320 into an uncharacteristic fervour of excitement. 380 00:29:31,080 --> 00:29:33,720 We are facing here a very unusual situation in astronomy, 381 00:29:33,720 --> 00:29:35,720 namely that things are getting urgent. 382 00:29:35,720 --> 00:29:37,760 I mean, we only have half a year left or so, 383 00:29:37,760 --> 00:29:39,840 then you really want to observe it. 384 00:29:39,840 --> 00:29:42,600 Most of the objects we observe in astronomy 385 00:29:42,600 --> 00:29:45,480 are not evolving on the timescale of human life. 386 00:29:45,480 --> 00:29:47,160 That means mostly 387 00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:49,960 they look the same regardless if I look 388 00:29:49,960 --> 00:29:54,440 or if my grandson would look or whatever, it would be the same. 389 00:29:54,440 --> 00:29:56,480 But here we have an unusual case 390 00:29:56,480 --> 00:29:59,960 that the situation will change dramatically and quickly 391 00:29:59,960 --> 00:30:01,160 within a few years. 392 00:30:01,160 --> 00:30:04,400 That gas cloud was a compact object in 2004 393 00:30:04,400 --> 00:30:07,400 and probably it will be completely shredded in 2013. 394 00:30:10,920 --> 00:30:13,640 No-one knows for sure what will happen. 395 00:30:15,480 --> 00:30:19,200 An uncertainty that only adds to the sense of anticipation. 396 00:30:19,200 --> 00:30:23,520 Is it a cloud or is it a star? 397 00:30:23,520 --> 00:30:27,320 And I guess I'm of the opinion that this is a star, 398 00:30:27,320 --> 00:30:32,240 a star that has material around it 399 00:30:32,240 --> 00:30:36,280 but we know of other stars in this region that has material around it 400 00:30:36,280 --> 00:30:39,240 so that wouldn't make it unusual. 401 00:30:39,240 --> 00:30:43,400 If it's a star, the black hole might not get a bite at it. 402 00:30:43,400 --> 00:30:46,840 As of now, no-one can be certain. 403 00:30:46,840 --> 00:30:48,840 This is what makes science interesting 404 00:30:48,840 --> 00:30:51,800 because it's a point where you get to gamble. 405 00:30:51,800 --> 00:30:53,920 You get to make a bet. What is this? 406 00:30:53,920 --> 00:30:55,920 What should happen next? 407 00:31:09,960 --> 00:31:14,080 To stare into the void of a black hole, 408 00:31:14,080 --> 00:31:18,880 to tumble through space before disappearing forever within it, 409 00:31:18,880 --> 00:31:23,360 it's the prospect of catching that unique moment 410 00:31:23,360 --> 00:31:26,280 that explains the excitement of this year's events. 411 00:31:28,840 --> 00:31:34,760 What happens to matter once it's been swallowed, we will never know. 412 00:31:51,360 --> 00:31:54,080 But it's what a black hole does as it feeds 413 00:31:54,080 --> 00:31:56,160 that holds the true surprise. 414 00:32:00,400 --> 00:32:03,840 It would prove to be key to revealing what black holes really are, 415 00:32:07,240 --> 00:32:11,080 and their hidden role at the heart of galaxies. 416 00:32:30,680 --> 00:32:33,920 That picture that matter gets sucked into a black hole, 417 00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:39,480 that's one of the biggest confusions about black holes that's out there, 418 00:32:39,480 --> 00:32:45,080 partially because of science fiction like Star Trek and things like that, 419 00:32:45,080 --> 00:32:47,800 so for matter that's far away from a black hole, 420 00:32:47,800 --> 00:32:50,080 it actually doesn't get sucked in. 421 00:32:50,080 --> 00:32:52,840 It's very much like the planets in the solar system 422 00:32:52,840 --> 00:32:54,640 going around the sun. 423 00:32:54,640 --> 00:32:57,440 Things just go around and around and around and around. 424 00:33:08,600 --> 00:33:12,080 The difference is that when you have a lot of gas, 425 00:33:12,080 --> 00:33:16,120 a lot of stuff orbiting around the black hole, 426 00:33:16,120 --> 00:33:18,400 there is a little bit of friction 427 00:33:18,400 --> 00:33:23,320 that causes matter to slowly spiral in towards the black hole. 428 00:33:28,560 --> 00:33:32,960 As gas continues to spiral in towards the event horizon, 429 00:33:32,960 --> 00:33:37,280 gravity climbs to staggering extremes. 430 00:33:40,120 --> 00:33:43,320 Gas molecules are forced into a whirlpool 431 00:33:43,320 --> 00:33:47,000 as they queue up to be devoured by the black hole. 432 00:33:50,480 --> 00:33:55,560 Friction between gas particles in this cosmic waiting line 433 00:33:55,560 --> 00:34:01,760 produces the densest, hottest most electrically-charged environment 434 00:34:01,760 --> 00:34:05,680 to be found anywhere in the universe. 435 00:34:07,560 --> 00:34:11,440 Friction between different parts of the gas cause it to heat up 436 00:34:11,440 --> 00:34:13,640 and it's very much like 437 00:34:13,640 --> 00:34:16,080 when the Apollo rockets returned to the Earth 438 00:34:16,080 --> 00:34:18,640 and travelled through the Earth's atmosphere. 439 00:34:24,440 --> 00:34:27,280 As they ploughed through the Earth's atmosphere they heat up 440 00:34:27,280 --> 00:34:29,560 because of the friction between the satellite 441 00:34:29,560 --> 00:34:31,480 and the atmosphere of the Earth. 442 00:34:38,240 --> 00:34:40,640 What we know is that the hotter something gets, 443 00:34:40,640 --> 00:34:43,280 the brighter it gets, the more light it emits. 444 00:34:47,560 --> 00:34:50,200 Under the intense gravitational fields 445 00:34:50,200 --> 00:34:52,480 at the entrance to the black hole, 446 00:34:52,480 --> 00:34:56,920 the dense super-heated disc of matter waiting to be swallowed 447 00:34:56,920 --> 00:35:03,600 begins to shine like a sun, but a sun like no other. 448 00:35:19,440 --> 00:35:23,200 Here then is the strange paradox of black holes, 449 00:35:25,360 --> 00:35:30,600 that a feeding black hole is anything but black. 450 00:35:37,280 --> 00:35:41,800 Just how greedy and bright a black hole can get is revealed by 451 00:35:41,800 --> 00:35:45,800 an outwardly very ordinary-looking galaxy called Cygnus A, 452 00:35:45,800 --> 00:35:49,480 some 650 million light years away. 453 00:35:51,920 --> 00:35:54,000 If we look at it with visible light, 454 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:56,680 we see that the inner parts of that galaxy, 455 00:35:56,680 --> 00:35:59,640 maybe a few 10,000 light years across, 456 00:35:59,640 --> 00:36:01,320 is kind of ordinary. 457 00:36:01,320 --> 00:36:03,520 There are stars, there's gas, there's dust. 458 00:36:03,520 --> 00:36:06,520 It's a sort of indiscriminately messy place 459 00:36:06,520 --> 00:36:08,600 but it's not that special. 460 00:36:10,280 --> 00:36:12,680 Now if we look in different wavelengths, 461 00:36:12,680 --> 00:36:16,920 for example in radio waves, we see something completely different. 462 00:36:18,760 --> 00:36:22,080 Cygnus A transforms into something else entirely. 463 00:36:23,800 --> 00:36:27,680 What we see is no longer the galaxy with its stars 464 00:36:27,680 --> 00:36:30,360 but instead we see an extreme structure 465 00:36:30,360 --> 00:36:35,440 spread across intergalactic space and this structure is enormous. 466 00:36:35,440 --> 00:36:41,920 It stretches 500,000 light years across 467 00:36:41,920 --> 00:36:46,360 and it consists of these enormous lobes of brightness, 468 00:36:46,360 --> 00:36:49,640 linked together by what looks like a thread of light 469 00:36:49,640 --> 00:36:54,200 leading to a tiny bright point at the very centre of the Cygnus A galaxy. 470 00:36:58,160 --> 00:37:00,600 This structure is enormously luminous 471 00:37:00,600 --> 00:37:02,400 and there's also a huge amount of energy 472 00:37:02,400 --> 00:37:04,080 just in the particles themselves 473 00:37:04,080 --> 00:37:07,600 because they've been accelerated to close to the speed of light, 474 00:37:07,600 --> 00:37:10,920 so if you add up all the energy in this great structure 475 00:37:10,920 --> 00:37:14,440 it's probably at least a trillion times the amount of energy 476 00:37:14,440 --> 00:37:16,760 that our sun puts out on a regular basis. 477 00:37:28,720 --> 00:37:34,120 We now know this light is produced by the rotating disc of matter, 478 00:37:34,120 --> 00:37:37,000 spinning round the edge of the black hole 479 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:42,480 at the heart of the Cygnus A galaxy waiting to be devoured. 480 00:37:45,280 --> 00:37:49,360 It means that against all popular expectations, 481 00:37:49,360 --> 00:37:52,760 the brightest sources of light in the universe 482 00:37:52,760 --> 00:37:55,240 are actually black holes. 483 00:38:02,640 --> 00:38:08,200 That fundamental fact is one of the great surprises about black holes. 484 00:38:08,200 --> 00:38:09,800 You know, by their very name 485 00:38:09,800 --> 00:38:13,520 you would think that black holes would be these dark objects 486 00:38:13,520 --> 00:38:16,720 that wouldn't produce any light, and that's true. 487 00:38:16,720 --> 00:38:20,200 If you just have a black hole sitting by itself, alone, 488 00:38:20,200 --> 00:38:22,280 it doesn't produce any light 489 00:38:22,280 --> 00:38:25,920 but in nature we have gas spiralling into black holes 490 00:38:25,920 --> 00:38:30,480 and that turns out to produce the most efficient sources of light 491 00:38:30,480 --> 00:38:34,240 and the brightest sources of light that we know of in the universe. 492 00:38:36,920 --> 00:38:41,520 So here then was the answer to the great quasar mystery. 493 00:38:43,600 --> 00:38:48,440 Quasars are nothing less than feeding supermassive black holes. 494 00:38:51,320 --> 00:38:56,520 It was exactly what Donald Lynden-Bell had first predicted. 495 00:39:00,400 --> 00:39:04,720 Behind every quasar is a black hole 496 00:39:04,720 --> 00:39:08,920 and it took a long time for even astronomers to accept this 497 00:39:08,920 --> 00:39:10,600 because it's quite a concept, 498 00:39:10,600 --> 00:39:13,440 that there are these engines out there 499 00:39:13,440 --> 00:39:16,880 that fit a variety of different situations 500 00:39:16,880 --> 00:39:19,320 and produce some of the most energetic phenomena 501 00:39:19,320 --> 00:39:20,520 we see in the universe. 502 00:39:25,440 --> 00:39:30,440 Today the black hole at the centre of our galaxy is dark. 503 00:39:31,920 --> 00:39:36,920 The super bright quasar phase having ended many billions of years ago 504 00:39:36,920 --> 00:39:41,320 when the fuel that fires violent emissions was completely consumed. 505 00:39:51,720 --> 00:39:54,840 But now, with the approaching gas cloud 506 00:39:54,840 --> 00:39:58,320 and the prospect of feeding, 507 00:39:58,320 --> 00:40:01,720 the black hole should get brighter. 508 00:40:06,040 --> 00:40:08,360 Exactly how much it's pretty hard to tell. 509 00:40:08,360 --> 00:40:10,320 We know roughly the amount of mass. 510 00:40:10,320 --> 00:40:13,320 If you dump that amount of mass very quickly onto the black hole, 511 00:40:13,320 --> 00:40:14,880 it will be a huge event. 512 00:40:14,880 --> 00:40:17,720 I mean, the galactic centre of the black hole 513 00:40:17,720 --> 00:40:19,680 would flare up by orders of magnitude. 514 00:40:19,680 --> 00:40:24,280 A feeding binge on this scale is considered a low probability. 515 00:40:25,560 --> 00:40:30,240 What astronomers consider to be more probable is that the black hole 516 00:40:30,240 --> 00:40:34,480 will take snack-size nibbles out of the gas cloud. 517 00:40:34,480 --> 00:40:38,320 It probably will take quite a while, so let's say ten years, 518 00:40:38,320 --> 00:40:40,600 and so this whole event will then be stretched out 519 00:40:40,600 --> 00:40:43,640 and therefore at any given time a little less spectacular, 520 00:40:43,640 --> 00:40:46,920 but we will see, I think we probably will see these effects. 521 00:40:50,320 --> 00:40:53,600 And so this summer the world's most powerful telescopes 522 00:40:53,600 --> 00:40:57,360 will be keenly trained on our galactic centre 523 00:40:57,360 --> 00:41:01,920 as the predictions of astronomers are put to the test 524 00:41:01,920 --> 00:41:05,000 in the fiery ordeal of actual events. 525 00:41:18,600 --> 00:41:20,600 With the new understanding of the behaviour 526 00:41:20,600 --> 00:41:24,240 of feeding black holes at the heart of galaxies, 527 00:41:24,240 --> 00:41:28,080 an unexpected new story is now emerging, 528 00:41:28,080 --> 00:41:32,880 a story that reaches right out to our own solar system 529 00:41:32,880 --> 00:41:37,360 and surprisingly touches us, here on planet Earth. 530 00:41:42,800 --> 00:41:45,320 Far from being violent agents of destruction, 531 00:41:45,320 --> 00:41:49,440 it seems instead black holes might actually 532 00:41:49,440 --> 00:41:52,520 be benign architects which have played a part 533 00:41:52,520 --> 00:41:58,920 in the creation of galaxies, stars, and even of life itself. 534 00:42:07,680 --> 00:42:09,560 One of the first scientists 535 00:42:09,560 --> 00:42:14,200 to begin to see black holes in this different way was Dr John Magorrian. 536 00:42:18,680 --> 00:42:21,760 He was fascinated by the mysterious relationship 537 00:42:21,760 --> 00:42:25,760 between supermassive black holes and the galaxies around them. 538 00:42:39,040 --> 00:42:40,920 The key breakthrough in his work 539 00:42:40,920 --> 00:42:46,120 came with the availability of detailed images of remote galaxies, 540 00:42:46,120 --> 00:42:49,280 produced by the new Hubble Space Telescope. 541 00:42:56,200 --> 00:42:57,920 One way of thinking about this 542 00:42:57,920 --> 00:43:02,120 is to imagine that galaxies are like miniature light bulbs out in space, 543 00:43:02,120 --> 00:43:04,120 and so with earlier telescopes 544 00:43:04,120 --> 00:43:06,600 you could see that there was a light bulb there 545 00:43:06,600 --> 00:43:09,720 but then with newer telescopes such as the Hubble, 546 00:43:09,720 --> 00:43:12,200 then we're able to look in more detail 547 00:43:12,200 --> 00:43:14,760 at exactly what was going on inside the light bulb 548 00:43:14,760 --> 00:43:18,120 so you maybe could make out details of the filaments, 549 00:43:18,120 --> 00:43:20,240 of the wires inside and so on. 550 00:43:22,440 --> 00:43:25,080 With these high-resolution images, 551 00:43:25,080 --> 00:43:28,560 astronomers could compare the size of galaxies 552 00:43:28,560 --> 00:43:32,880 to the size of the black hole at their centres. 553 00:43:36,560 --> 00:43:39,280 Was there any connection between the two? 554 00:43:42,440 --> 00:43:46,600 What Magorrian discovered was completely unexpected. 555 00:43:48,880 --> 00:43:50,120 The relationship that we found 556 00:43:50,120 --> 00:43:52,440 was essentially that the bigger the galaxy, 557 00:43:52,440 --> 00:43:53,760 the bigger the black hole. 558 00:43:53,760 --> 00:43:55,800 That's in its broadest terms. 559 00:43:55,800 --> 00:43:58,040 If you want to be a bit more precise about it, 560 00:43:58,040 --> 00:44:01,080 we found that the mass of the black hole 561 00:44:01,080 --> 00:44:03,720 was very strongly related 562 00:44:03,720 --> 00:44:06,080 to the mass of the surrounding galaxy. 563 00:44:06,080 --> 00:44:08,600 There is a nice linear relationship between these two 564 00:44:08,600 --> 00:44:10,960 with the mass of the black hole 565 00:44:10,960 --> 00:44:15,280 being around about 0.5% of the mass of the host galaxy. 566 00:44:18,760 --> 00:44:22,200 The relationship Magorrian had discovered between galaxies 567 00:44:22,200 --> 00:44:24,800 and the tiny black holes at their centre 568 00:44:24,800 --> 00:44:26,600 seemed so strange and odd 569 00:44:26,600 --> 00:44:30,680 that Magorrian and his colleagues thought that they'd made a mistake. 570 00:44:32,720 --> 00:44:36,600 It was like suggesting that something as tiny as a coin 571 00:44:36,600 --> 00:44:39,960 could control something as massive as the Earth. 572 00:44:45,240 --> 00:44:47,200 When we discovered this correlation 573 00:44:47,200 --> 00:44:50,840 between black hole mass and galaxy mass, we were surprised. 574 00:44:50,840 --> 00:44:53,800 Then that was immediately followed by nervousness. 575 00:44:55,560 --> 00:44:59,960 The nervousness then started to give way to possible mild elation 576 00:44:59,960 --> 00:45:02,600 that we'd discovered something new and fundamental. 577 00:45:05,040 --> 00:45:09,120 That correlation became known as the Magorrian relationship, 578 00:45:09,120 --> 00:45:12,800 and it did indeed point to something profound. 579 00:45:14,480 --> 00:45:16,520 This is incredibly important 580 00:45:16,520 --> 00:45:18,440 because it really meant 581 00:45:18,440 --> 00:45:24,320 that there was something linking these tiny supermassive black holes 582 00:45:24,320 --> 00:45:28,720 in the centre of galaxies with the whole galaxy itself. 583 00:45:28,720 --> 00:45:33,000 It meant that somehow their whole history had been intertwined, 584 00:45:33,000 --> 00:45:35,040 that the growth of the galaxies 585 00:45:35,040 --> 00:45:38,160 and the growth of the black holes was somehow related. 586 00:45:44,640 --> 00:45:47,480 There was now a pressing challenge 587 00:45:47,480 --> 00:45:49,880 to understand how black holes 588 00:45:49,880 --> 00:45:51,920 and their surrounding galaxies 589 00:45:51,920 --> 00:45:54,360 could be so intertwined. 590 00:45:59,640 --> 00:46:02,720 Professor Andy Fabian of Cambridge University 591 00:46:02,720 --> 00:46:04,720 is one astronomer who began to look. 592 00:46:10,320 --> 00:46:13,920 Like the ripples that travel out from his paddles, 593 00:46:13,920 --> 00:46:17,640 it's the extreme radiation pulsing out of black holes 594 00:46:17,640 --> 00:46:19,960 that Fabian turned to for clues. 595 00:46:24,200 --> 00:46:26,800 To see that radiation clearly, 596 00:46:26,800 --> 00:46:29,920 you need to look beyond the ordinary light of the stars 597 00:46:29,920 --> 00:46:31,720 at one kind of emission 598 00:46:31,720 --> 00:46:36,040 that's the fiery signature of feeding black holes. 599 00:46:45,160 --> 00:46:46,800 Stars and everything are beautiful, 600 00:46:46,800 --> 00:46:48,280 make galaxies and that, 601 00:46:48,280 --> 00:46:50,480 but there's a lot of other things going on out there, 602 00:46:50,480 --> 00:46:53,880 and enormous amounts of energy being released 603 00:46:53,880 --> 00:46:56,960 which we can only be aware of if we look with X-ray eyes. 604 00:47:02,480 --> 00:47:06,720 One cluster of galaxies in particular, Perseus, 605 00:47:06,720 --> 00:47:09,320 is a long-standing object of fascination. 606 00:47:11,160 --> 00:47:13,600 250 million light years away, 607 00:47:13,600 --> 00:47:16,320 Fabian has spent over 40 years 608 00:47:16,320 --> 00:47:18,920 studying this fascinating piece of the sky. 609 00:47:18,920 --> 00:47:23,600 What's intriguing is this thing here. 610 00:47:23,600 --> 00:47:27,240 This is the central galaxy in the Perseus cluster 611 00:47:27,240 --> 00:47:31,040 and the fact that it's got all this red and blue stuff going around it 612 00:47:31,040 --> 00:47:32,960 means there's something going on. 613 00:47:39,680 --> 00:47:42,560 The fiery monster hiding at the heart of Perseus 614 00:47:42,560 --> 00:47:46,720 was only revealed when Fabian was able to look at the cluster 615 00:47:46,720 --> 00:47:49,360 in the X-ray part of the spectrum. 616 00:47:57,840 --> 00:48:00,640 What we could see was unexpected. 617 00:48:04,080 --> 00:48:05,840 The X-ray image revealed 618 00:48:05,840 --> 00:48:08,880 how the black hole at the heart of the galaxy 619 00:48:08,880 --> 00:48:14,000 was firing unimaginable amounts of radiation into surrounding space, 620 00:48:14,000 --> 00:48:17,000 and with extraordinary consequences. 621 00:48:22,360 --> 00:48:25,880 We could see what was going on at the centre 622 00:48:25,880 --> 00:48:30,000 and we could start to understand how the black hole 623 00:48:30,000 --> 00:48:34,080 was feeding energy out into all the surrounding gas. 624 00:48:36,600 --> 00:48:40,000 What the image had captured was the mechanism by which 625 00:48:40,000 --> 00:48:44,760 a feeding black hole can dominate everything around it. 626 00:48:47,040 --> 00:48:51,760 What it's doing is blowing bubbles at the centre of the cluster, 627 00:48:51,760 --> 00:48:56,080 and those bubbles are then expanding and growing 628 00:48:56,080 --> 00:49:00,320 like a pair of bubbles might be formed in a fish tank aerator. 629 00:49:04,200 --> 00:49:06,000 The dark areas in the image 630 00:49:06,000 --> 00:49:09,000 represent bubbles of super-heated gas, 631 00:49:09,000 --> 00:49:13,080 showing how the black hole blasts away matter from the centre. 632 00:49:15,920 --> 00:49:19,760 With each bubble almost the size of our own Milky Way, 633 00:49:19,760 --> 00:49:23,600 it is doing so across extraordinary distances. 634 00:49:27,680 --> 00:49:29,920 So this is showing you the scale. 635 00:49:29,920 --> 00:49:33,200 We're seeing the black hole at the centre 636 00:49:33,200 --> 00:49:37,200 having a galaxy-wide effect on the surroundings. 637 00:49:37,200 --> 00:49:38,680 It's obvious in this image. 638 00:49:38,680 --> 00:49:41,680 I don't need to tell you any more because you can see it. 639 00:49:44,720 --> 00:49:46,360 What the image points to 640 00:49:46,360 --> 00:49:49,200 is an explanation for the strange correlation 641 00:49:49,200 --> 00:49:50,880 between the mass of a black hole 642 00:49:50,880 --> 00:49:53,680 and the mass of its surrounding galaxy. 643 00:49:58,160 --> 00:50:03,040 Galaxies could, in a way, be much bigger than they currently are. 644 00:50:03,040 --> 00:50:05,680 Something is stopping them growing larger, 645 00:50:05,680 --> 00:50:09,280 and that something is the black hole at the centre. 646 00:50:09,280 --> 00:50:10,960 Now this is bizarre 647 00:50:10,960 --> 00:50:14,440 because the ratio of the size of the black hole 648 00:50:14,440 --> 00:50:16,240 to the size of the galaxy 649 00:50:16,240 --> 00:50:19,680 is the same as the ratio between a grape, 650 00:50:19,680 --> 00:50:22,760 or something this big, and the size of the Earth. 651 00:50:22,760 --> 00:50:27,280 Now you might think that it's impossible for something that small 652 00:50:27,280 --> 00:50:31,640 to control something that large but that's what appears to be happening. 653 00:50:35,360 --> 00:50:39,080 As the black hole begins to devour matter, 654 00:50:39,080 --> 00:50:41,320 so it starts to pour out energy. 655 00:50:43,920 --> 00:50:46,080 Like a cosmic brew, 656 00:50:46,080 --> 00:50:50,360 that energy sweeps matter back out from the centre of the galaxy, 657 00:50:50,360 --> 00:50:53,840 preventing it from clumping together to form new stars. 658 00:50:57,680 --> 00:51:00,920 The conclusion of this is that the total number of stars 659 00:51:00,920 --> 00:51:04,800 that form in a galaxy appears to be stopped, truncated 660 00:51:04,800 --> 00:51:07,800 by the power of the black hole at the centre. 661 00:51:12,680 --> 00:51:15,280 The discovery of that relationship 662 00:51:15,280 --> 00:51:16,960 has turned every preconception 663 00:51:16,960 --> 00:51:19,560 about the nature of black holes on its head. 664 00:51:21,640 --> 00:51:25,440 Instead of being strange, cosmic aberrations, 665 00:51:25,440 --> 00:51:28,920 black holes have moved to the very centre 666 00:51:28,920 --> 00:51:32,000 of the story of galaxies and stars, 667 00:51:32,000 --> 00:51:35,640 a story that must include our own solar system. 668 00:51:37,760 --> 00:51:41,960 And that must mean that in some way 669 00:51:41,960 --> 00:51:45,200 our own black hole must have played a part 670 00:51:45,200 --> 00:51:49,000 in what is perhaps the greatest mystery of all. 671 00:52:05,040 --> 00:52:07,600 To walk here on Earth, 672 00:52:07,600 --> 00:52:10,000 to be alive, 673 00:52:10,000 --> 00:52:13,040 is thanks to a long chain of cause and effect 674 00:52:13,040 --> 00:52:18,240 written deep into the structure of the universe, 675 00:52:18,240 --> 00:52:22,280 a primordial process so long and so ancient 676 00:52:22,280 --> 00:52:28,440 that on the scale of a human life, it seems almost incomprehensible. 677 00:52:33,560 --> 00:52:36,280 One of the most amazing things in our universe 678 00:52:36,280 --> 00:52:38,200 is that we are made of stars. 679 00:52:39,640 --> 00:52:43,280 The heavy elements in our bodies, the carbon and the oxygen 680 00:52:43,280 --> 00:52:47,760 and the nitrogen used to be millions of miles down inside stars. 681 00:52:50,160 --> 00:52:53,680 So our existence here on this planet 682 00:52:53,680 --> 00:52:57,840 relies on a deep history of stars being born, 683 00:52:57,840 --> 00:53:00,160 creating new elements, 684 00:53:00,160 --> 00:53:02,960 and then spitting those elements back out into the cosmos 685 00:53:02,960 --> 00:53:05,600 where they're in turn recycled many, many times. 686 00:53:09,520 --> 00:53:14,600 Over and over again, for almost 14 billion years, 687 00:53:14,600 --> 00:53:16,720 ever since the beginning of the universe 688 00:53:16,720 --> 00:53:19,440 and the formation of the first stars, 689 00:53:19,440 --> 00:53:24,160 black holes have influenced this cosmic recycling process. 690 00:53:26,760 --> 00:53:29,360 And since the elements forged in those stars 691 00:53:29,360 --> 00:53:31,440 ended up inside planets like our own, 692 00:53:31,440 --> 00:53:37,160 it means our black hole must have created the conditions 693 00:53:37,160 --> 00:53:42,320 to make it just right for life to emerge here on Earth. 694 00:53:47,880 --> 00:53:49,280 We're very lucky 695 00:53:49,280 --> 00:53:52,760 we're not close by enough to one that's in a feeding frenzy, 696 00:53:52,760 --> 00:53:55,400 that we get washed across by this destructive radiation 697 00:53:55,400 --> 00:53:57,920 that will tear apart our molecules and our atmosphere, 698 00:53:57,920 --> 00:54:01,040 and basically leave us in a barren place. 699 00:54:03,760 --> 00:54:07,520 And then there's the other extreme where things are extremely quiet 700 00:54:07,520 --> 00:54:11,360 and cold and maybe there haven't been that many stars formed ever, 701 00:54:11,360 --> 00:54:15,280 because nothing stirred it up and nothing really got processes going 702 00:54:15,280 --> 00:54:17,040 that would make all the elements 703 00:54:17,040 --> 00:54:19,160 and make new generations of planets and so on. 704 00:54:23,440 --> 00:54:26,960 It means our black hole must have left its fingerprints 705 00:54:26,960 --> 00:54:29,720 on the unique chemistry that made possible 706 00:54:29,720 --> 00:54:32,400 the first stirrings of life here on Earth. 707 00:54:37,200 --> 00:54:40,280 If you look at the Milky Way Galaxy, 708 00:54:40,280 --> 00:54:42,160 it's this interesting balance point, 709 00:54:42,160 --> 00:54:45,640 it's this place where there's just enough wash from the black hole 710 00:54:45,640 --> 00:54:47,080 to keep things interesting, 711 00:54:47,080 --> 00:54:50,920 to possibly make the environment that allows us to exist here. 712 00:55:03,920 --> 00:55:07,240 NEWSREADER: 'Astronomers are eagerly awaiting 713 00:55:07,240 --> 00:55:09,560 'a spectacular fireworks display 714 00:55:09,560 --> 00:55:12,760 'as a supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy... ' 715 00:55:12,760 --> 00:55:15,240 For the coming months across the world, 716 00:55:15,240 --> 00:55:17,720 astronomers will be turning their telescopes 717 00:55:17,720 --> 00:55:20,320 towards the centre of the Milky Way 718 00:55:20,320 --> 00:55:22,680 ready to be awed by this historic chance 719 00:55:22,680 --> 00:55:26,160 to witness a black hole sitting down to feed. 720 00:55:27,920 --> 00:55:30,440 '..a vast cloud of interstellar dust and gas.' 721 00:55:34,120 --> 00:55:36,360 It's the culmination of a 40-year journey 722 00:55:36,360 --> 00:55:39,240 to get closer to that tantalising edge 723 00:55:39,240 --> 00:55:45,040 between the universe that we can see and understand, 724 00:55:45,040 --> 00:55:52,400 and that place of extremes that will forever be unseen and unknowable. 725 00:56:06,400 --> 00:56:07,840 We tend to think of black holes 726 00:56:07,840 --> 00:56:12,000 as these incredibly destructive, chaotic objects 727 00:56:12,000 --> 00:56:15,480 but now we understand that they're actually an integral part 728 00:56:15,480 --> 00:56:17,520 of why galaxies are the way they are. 729 00:56:22,080 --> 00:56:23,640 20 years ago 730 00:56:23,640 --> 00:56:26,600 black holes were seen as a possible ornament 731 00:56:26,600 --> 00:56:28,640 in the middle of a galaxy. 732 00:56:28,640 --> 00:56:32,640 Now we know that they may be the absolute machine, 733 00:56:32,640 --> 00:56:35,880 the driving force for the eventual size 734 00:56:35,880 --> 00:56:39,000 and possibly the shape of the galaxy. 735 00:56:42,800 --> 00:56:46,640 The story of black holes that began as just this idea, 736 00:56:46,640 --> 00:56:50,920 this thing that sprung out of pure human thought and mathematics, 737 00:56:50,920 --> 00:56:53,560 and at first was seen too outrageous to be possible, 738 00:56:53,560 --> 00:56:57,400 and over time we've learnt that not only are these things out there, 739 00:56:57,400 --> 00:57:02,080 but they play this vital, important role that we're still learning about, 740 00:57:02,080 --> 00:57:05,120 we're still discovering almost every day something new 741 00:57:05,120 --> 00:57:08,600 about supermassive black holes and what they do in the universe. 742 00:57:10,640 --> 00:57:13,560 Who knows what we're actually going to ultimately find out about them! 743 00:57:33,960 --> 00:57:38,440 Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd