WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.520 Here's Wagg blessing champion bronc buster 00:02.600 --> 00:09.320 His saddle is mounted directly to the front wheels of this new mercury to show you how the big M rides over a rough road 00:09.880 --> 00:17.420 Watch closely you're about to see why the new 58 mercury gives you the smoothest most comfortable ride you've ever experienced 00:19.160 --> 00:21.160 Look at the beating that boy is taking 00:23.080 --> 00:27.220 But look at me see what a difference mercury suspension makes 00:27.220 --> 00:33.060 No bounces no shake rattle or roll just the solid comfort ride of a big heavy car 00:34.060 --> 00:40.020 Mercury the new performance champion for 1958 gives you more horsepower 00:42.820 --> 00:44.820 More power from less fuel 00:46.780 --> 00:48.780 More power per pound 00:48.780 --> 00:55.340 Test drive it this week mercury the new performance champion for 1958