Now for Ford, here's Ward Bond. You know folks, they built these old trail wagons with just two things in mind. They had to be big, and they had to be rugged. And this was the kind of a wagon that filled the bills. So this was the wagon that most people used in those days. Today, people still want their wagons big and rugged, but they want them good looking and they want them convenient. That's why more people drive Ford wagons than any other brand. Ford wagons are bigger and more beautiful than ever this year. And they look like a station wagon auto. Just take a peek inside this. Notice how the rear seat faces forward? Only Ford in the low price field makes nine passenger wagons with this sensible seating arrangement. This model is the country sedan. Now, over here is the famous Ford Ranch wagon. The lowest priced, full-size wagon you can buy. At least let me show you something, will you? One hand is all it takes to open her up. You just try and do that with any other low-priced wagon. Now, here's the wagon that I picked for myself. The most elegant wagon of them all, the Country Spire. It's the only one of its kind in the low-priced field. All together, there are six different models in Ford's station wagon lineup.