Thinking of buying a compact car? Well then, think big. Look at the Lark by Steuda Baker, the compact that's big where it counts. Even though the Lark is the shortest of all compacts, inside the Lark loads bigger. Combines larger head, shoulder, hip, and leg room. It's a true six passenger and comfort car. Like big performance? The Lark's got it two ways. Hustling six or doubly powerful V8. Like big proof with no bull? Again, the Lark's got it. More than a billion owner driven miles. Proof that the Lark gives you big savings. Up to 33% on gas, 23% on maintenance. And the Lark has big trade-in value. Visit your Steuda Baker dealer and you'll find all these big values don't cost a penny more than ordinary compacts. See the compact without compromise. The Lark by Steuda Baker.