WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:07.000 And now Death Valley Days. 00:30.000 --> 00:37.000 Howdy folks. 00:44.200 --> 00:48.320 I'm the old ranger with a new and exciting yard. 00:48.320 --> 00:55.320 True, mind you, about the historic Death Valley Country from which these unique products come. 00:55.320 --> 01:01.880 20 new team Borax and Boraxum Powdered Hensel. 01:01.880 --> 01:05.200 Now here's a question, Rosemary DeCamp. People ask it all the time. 01:05.200 --> 01:08.720 It's about those four lovely girls. I get it. 01:08.720 --> 01:13.160 People want to know if they're really my own daughters. Yes, they really are all mine. 01:13.160 --> 01:17.280 And believe it or not, this is my baby. Remember when I introduced her to you 01:17.280 --> 01:18.480 several years ago? 01:18.480 --> 01:23.800 This is our baby, Nita Louise. People say she's a doll. 01:23.800 --> 01:29.080 My secret for keeping her so dainty? 01:29.080 --> 01:34.680 Borax, sweet. Now they're growing up, I find that school days bring more laundry 01:34.680 --> 01:35.440 problems. 01:35.440 --> 01:39.000 And play hours too. This is Martha with her pet kinkajou. 01:39.000 --> 01:42.840 All the girls live a free, happy life because their clothes are washable. 01:42.840 --> 01:48.200 Clean, fresh, unfaded, crisp. Thanks to 20 mule team Borax. 01:48.200 --> 01:53.600 Yes, for a better wash, add 20 mule team Borax 01:53.600 --> 01:57.360 to soap or detergent because it speeds 01:57.360 --> 02:02.760 and sweetens. 02:02.760 --> 02:06.000 This story I'm about to tell is laid in San Francisco 02:06.000 --> 02:10.040 during the afterglow of the gold rush. In fact, I don't know of any other 02:10.040 --> 02:14.920 time or place where it could have happened. Only a city like San Francisco 02:14.920 --> 02:19.120 with its generous heart, its sense of humor, its sentimentality 02:19.120 --> 02:23.200 could claim a personage like emperor, 02:23.200 --> 02:27.040 Norton. 02:27.040 --> 02:30.960 Joshua Norton arrived in California by ship in 1849 02:30.960 --> 02:35.080 at the height of the gold rush and immediately established himself 02:35.080 --> 02:38.480 as a commission merchant dealing in all kinds of commodities. 02:38.480 --> 02:44.160 Within a few years he had become one of San Francisco's most prosperous 02:44.160 --> 02:48.480 and respected businessmen with a reputation for shrewdness, 02:48.480 --> 02:51.640 daring, and absolute integrity. 02:51.640 --> 02:56.880 This is the greatest operation he's put over yet, 02:56.880 --> 03:01.040 holding the rice market. Nobody but Norton would be bold enough to risk it. 03:01.040 --> 03:04.040 If it was anyone but Norton, believe me, I never would have gone in on it. 03:04.040 --> 03:07.040 That man can't fail. He's a genius. 03:07.040 --> 03:15.040 Ah, Cooper and Duffy, come in. 03:15.040 --> 03:16.240 Good morning, Norton. 03:16.240 --> 03:22.480 Good morning. Make yourselves comfortable. Thank you. 03:22.480 --> 03:25.880 Well, gentlemen, it looks as though we pulled it off. As of this moment, we 03:25.880 --> 03:30.240 control the entire rice supply of San Francisco. 03:30.240 --> 03:33.680 What about the shipment that arrived yesterday from Peru? It's ours. 03:33.680 --> 03:37.120 I agreed to buy the entire cargo at twelve and a half cents a pound. 03:37.120 --> 03:41.120 Here's the contract. I gave them two thousand dollars cash. 03:41.120 --> 03:44.400 The balance, twenty three thousand dollars, we'll pay out of our profits. 03:44.400 --> 03:48.080 How long do you think we should hold on? Yes, rice was quoted today at thirty two 03:48.080 --> 03:51.640 cents. That's already a profit of a hundred and fifty percent. 03:51.640 --> 03:55.960 It'll go higher. China has prohibited all further exports of rice. 03:55.960 --> 03:59.160 I look for the price to reach forty. When it does, we'll unload. 03:59.160 --> 04:05.160 You have got nerve, Norton. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 04:05.160 --> 04:08.840 I think the occasion calls for a little celebration. 04:08.840 --> 04:12.240 Look at these figures. They're simply staggering. 04:12.240 --> 04:16.240 We're sitting on top of the world. 04:26.240 --> 04:30.240 Well, gentlemen, to a very Merry Christmas. 04:30.240 --> 04:34.240 Mr. Norton. And a Happy New Year. News. Telegraph Hill. 04:34.240 --> 04:38.240 Ship come in. Bring rice. Rice? Heap, heap rice. 04:38.240 --> 04:42.240 We're going to get down to the wharf. 04:51.240 --> 04:55.240 We've got to buy it up. The whole cargo? Two hundred and fifty barrels? 04:55.240 --> 04:59.240 If it's dumped on the market, we're ruined. We're already way overextended. 04:59.240 --> 05:03.240 My credit's good. All right. 05:03.240 --> 05:07.240 Lot number one, gentlemen. Fifteen barrels of fine rice, over twelve cents a pound. 05:07.240 --> 05:12.240 Twelve cents? It was thirty-two. It's already dropped twenty points. 05:12.240 --> 05:16.240 Gentlemen, well taken. Sold to Mr. Joshua Norton. 05:16.240 --> 05:20.240 Man, are you crazy? We've got to buy it up. Keep control of the market. 05:20.240 --> 05:23.240 Our profits on the Peruvian rice are already wiped out. 05:23.240 --> 05:26.240 We can recruit them if we just don't lose our nerve. 05:26.240 --> 05:30.240 Mr. Norton, please. Another ship just come through Golden Gate. 05:30.240 --> 05:35.240 With rice? The dragon from China. Two hundred fifty thousand pounds. 05:35.240 --> 05:39.240 Good heavens. So there were to be no further exports from China. 05:39.240 --> 05:42.240 Somebody circulated the rumor maliciously. 05:42.240 --> 05:45.240 We still have a chance. If we throw in all our combined resources. 05:45.240 --> 05:49.240 Not me, I'm through. You'd welch on a contract? What contract? 05:49.240 --> 05:55.240 Your word is gentlemen. Look, Norton, it'll do us no good having our names linked with yours in this big fiasco. 05:55.240 --> 06:20.240 Any association we've had is terminated. Please, gentlemen. 06:20.240 --> 06:25.240 Mr. Norton? Oh, Godfrey. Sit down. 06:25.240 --> 06:29.240 The balance of twenty-three thousand dollars you owe us on the cargo of Peruvian rice. 06:29.240 --> 06:33.240 I don't want it. I have no place to store it. Sell it to somebody else. 06:33.240 --> 06:39.240 At four cents a pound? When you've guaranteed us twelve and a half cents? 06:39.240 --> 06:44.240 I haven't got it. Then we'll sue. 06:44.240 --> 06:47.240 What are you all? A pack of jackals? 06:47.240 --> 07:02.240 The man's in trouble. You fall upon him. Tear him to pieces. 07:02.240 --> 07:06.240 Oh, Mr. DuBois. Mr. Norton. May I have a word with you? 07:06.240 --> 07:13.240 Come in. 07:13.240 --> 07:23.240 Sit down. I'm sorry I can't offer you a cigar, but I've given up smoking. 07:23.240 --> 07:28.240 The matter I have to broach is a rather delicate one. 07:28.240 --> 07:34.240 I owe you money. You have always been one of this hotel's most esteemed guests, Mr. Norton. 07:34.240 --> 07:43.240 However, if you could favor us with a remittance. 07:43.240 --> 07:48.240 Six months in arrears. A certified check, perhaps. 07:48.240 --> 07:52.240 My account at the bank has been closed, Mr. DuBois. 07:52.240 --> 07:56.240 Perhaps you'd accept my watch as partial payment. 07:56.240 --> 08:02.240 It's a good watch. A gift from my parents on the occasion of my twenty-first birthday. 08:02.240 --> 08:06.240 And these cufflinks also are fairly valuable. 08:06.240 --> 08:13.240 And I have several scarf pins. One of them a diamond. 08:13.240 --> 08:17.240 If these articles aren't enough to cover the amount due, 08:17.240 --> 08:46.240 you're welcome to anything in my wardrobe. 08:46.240 --> 08:53.240 Cooper. I say, Cooper. 08:53.240 --> 08:56.240 It's good to see you. 08:56.240 --> 08:59.240 Well, Norton, I thought you'd left town. 08:59.240 --> 09:01.240 No, I'm still around. 09:01.240 --> 09:04.240 Keeping busy? 09:04.240 --> 09:08.240 Quite. I have a number of lawsuits on my hands. 09:08.240 --> 09:13.240 Yes, I read about them. Well, glad to have seen you. 09:13.240 --> 09:17.240 Cooper, I wonder if you could do me a favor. 09:17.240 --> 09:20.240 If it's money, no. 09:20.240 --> 09:22.240 Well, just a small loan. 09:22.240 --> 09:25.240 I've got all I can do to keep my own head above water. 09:25.240 --> 09:28.240 But I could pay you back in a few days. 09:28.240 --> 09:31.240 You don't seem to realize, Norton, these are hard times. 09:31.240 --> 09:35.240 I mean for everybody. We're in the midst of a financial depression here in San Francisco. 09:35.240 --> 09:37.240 I'm quite aware of it. 09:37.240 --> 09:40.240 And I wouldn't be surprised if that fiasco of yours is what touched the whole thing off. 09:40.240 --> 09:43.240 You and your grandiose ideas. 09:43.240 --> 09:44.240 No! 09:44.240 --> 10:06.240 I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry. 10:06.240 --> 10:10.240 I'm sorry I messed up with your grandiose ideas. 10:10.240 --> 10:12.240 But I didn't ruin anybody else. 10:12.240 --> 10:15.240 I'm not responsible for the depression. 10:15.240 --> 10:17.240 I love San Francisco. 10:17.240 --> 10:19.240 Its people are my people. 10:19.240 --> 10:22.240 This town is my town. 10:22.240 --> 10:29.240 This country is my country. 10:29.240 --> 10:34.240 I heard voices about your head company. 10:34.240 --> 10:38.240 Just a minute. I'll just give the price of licking a promise. 10:38.240 --> 10:40.240 You're from London. 10:40.240 --> 10:43.240 Don't you guess? 10:43.240 --> 10:45.240 That's where I was born. 10:45.240 --> 10:48.240 God save the Queen. 10:48.240 --> 10:50.240 I'm a United States citizen now. 10:50.240 --> 10:53.240 Took out my papers when California joined the Union. 10:53.240 --> 10:57.240 God save the President. 10:57.240 --> 11:00.240 Sometimes I think it would be better if we did have a king. 11:00.240 --> 11:03.240 This is a great country, America. 11:03.240 --> 11:06.240 There's something wrong with the way it's being governed. 11:06.240 --> 11:09.240 Look at me. 11:09.240 --> 11:13.240 At one time, I was one of the richest men in San Francisco. 11:13.240 --> 11:16.240 Worth a quarter of a million dollars. 11:16.240 --> 11:21.240 And now, reduced to this. 11:21.240 --> 11:23.240 I've lost everything. 11:23.240 --> 11:28.240 Friends, position, self-respect. 11:28.240 --> 11:29.240 Your wife? 11:29.240 --> 11:31.240 I have no family. 11:31.240 --> 11:33.240 I'm alone in the world. 11:33.240 --> 11:36.240 Of course, me. I've always been poor. 11:36.240 --> 11:39.240 Don't expect to be anything else. 11:39.240 --> 11:41.240 There should be laws against poverty. 11:41.240 --> 11:45.240 Here in the land of plenty, a city built on gold, 11:45.240 --> 11:49.240 we have a depression, business failures, bank closures. 11:49.240 --> 11:50.240 Whose fault is it? 11:50.240 --> 11:51.240 That's what I say. 11:51.240 --> 11:53.240 The men who are running things. 11:53.240 --> 11:57.240 Believe me, if I were the ruler, you'd see great changes. 11:57.240 --> 12:01.240 Things like this would never happen. 12:01.240 --> 12:05.240 I hope you get there, sir, to the White House. 12:05.240 --> 12:08.240 The United States is too big to be a republic, or even a kingdom. 12:08.240 --> 12:14.240 It should be an empire. 12:14.240 --> 12:18.240 If I were emperor, I'd make things right. 12:18.240 --> 12:23.240 I believe in... 12:23.240 --> 12:27.240 Your Majesty. 12:27.240 --> 12:39.240 Finally, he's gone. 12:39.240 --> 12:46.240 Yes, I, Emperor Norton. 12:46.240 --> 12:52.240 I'd like to take a moment to show you how Baraxos' two-way action gets out dirt plain soap can't reach. 12:52.240 --> 12:56.240 It's roll-away action goes after the deep down dirt. 12:56.240 --> 13:01.240 It's melt-away action floats out all the dirt right down into the drain. 13:01.240 --> 13:06.240 Now you start by wetting your hands good. 13:06.240 --> 13:11.240 Then pour on some clean, sanitary Baraxos. 13:11.240 --> 13:19.240 Now here's the roll-away action, where the pure Barax crystals begin to loosen and roll out the deep down dirt. 13:19.240 --> 13:21.240 And you add a little more water. 13:21.240 --> 13:28.240 Now this extra water starts the melt-away action, which floats out the dirt right down the drain. 13:28.240 --> 13:30.240 And here's another thing. 13:30.240 --> 13:35.240 Baraxos leaves the skin soft and smooth, and leaves the towel clean too. 13:35.240 --> 13:37.240 And your hands feel great. 13:37.240 --> 13:50.240 So remember, Baraxos' two-way action gets out dirt that plain soap just can't reach. 13:50.240 --> 13:53.240 Who's still short a copy, Chief, for tonight's edition? 13:53.240 --> 13:55.240 This town is certainly in the doldrums. 13:55.240 --> 13:59.240 No fires, no murders, no new gold strikes. 13:59.240 --> 14:02.240 People aren't even writing letters to the editor. 14:02.240 --> 14:05.240 Looks like I'm going to have to write another editorial. 14:05.240 --> 14:07.240 Oh, well. 14:07.240 --> 14:17.240 Come in. 14:17.240 --> 14:19.240 I wish to see the editor. 14:19.240 --> 14:21.240 I'm the editor. 14:21.240 --> 14:29.240 I have a proclamation I wish published. 14:29.240 --> 14:35.240 At the peremptory request and desire of the large majority of the citizens of these United States, 14:35.240 --> 14:41.240 I, Joshua Norton, for the past nine years and ten months of San Francisco, California, 14:41.240 --> 14:48.240 declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these United States, 14:48.240 --> 14:53.240 and direct the representatives of the different states of the Union to assemble in musical hall of this city 14:53.240 --> 15:00.240 on the first day of February next, then and there to make such alterations in the existing laws of the Union 15:00.240 --> 15:04.240 as may ameliorate the evils under which the country is laboring, 15:04.240 --> 15:10.240 and thereby cause confidence to exist, both at home and abroad, in our stability and integrity. 15:10.240 --> 15:20.240 I, Norton I, Emperor of the United States, 17th of September, 1859. 15:20.240 --> 15:24.240 You represent this individual? 15:24.240 --> 15:27.240 I am Emperor Norton. 15:27.240 --> 15:30.240 Give the proclamation a prominent place in your paper. 15:30.240 --> 15:31.240 Oh, yes, sir. 15:31.240 --> 15:32.240 And save me a copy. 15:32.240 --> 15:45.240 Yes, your Majesty. 15:45.240 --> 15:48.240 That's that fellow Norton that fell in that great rice debacle. 15:48.240 --> 15:51.240 Must have unhinged him. Another guy thinks he's Napoleon. 15:51.240 --> 15:55.240 Oh, not Napoleon at all. Emperor of these United States. 15:55.240 --> 15:58.240 Mad as a March Hare. 15:58.240 --> 16:01.240 Writes a superior English. I won't have to do any editing. 16:01.240 --> 16:03.240 You're not really going to publish it. 16:03.240 --> 16:07.240 Certainly I am. San Francisco needs a good laugh. 16:07.240 --> 16:13.240 Besides, this will save me from writing another editorial. 16:13.240 --> 16:20.240 I, Joshua Norton, for the last nine years and ten months past of San Francisco, California, 16:20.240 --> 16:25.240 declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these United States. 16:25.240 --> 16:28.240 I often wondered what happened to him after the crash. 16:28.240 --> 16:30.240 Well, now you know. 16:30.240 --> 16:34.240 Norton I, Emperor of the United States. 16:34.240 --> 16:38.240 17th September, 1859. 16:38.240 --> 16:40.240 Joshua Norton. 16:40.240 --> 16:42.240 Wong all the time running errands for him. 16:42.240 --> 16:47.240 That was his office right there. 16:47.240 --> 16:53.240 Emperor of the United States. 16:53.240 --> 16:57.240 Perhaps if he hadn't turned him out. 16:57.240 --> 17:05.240 What is a hotel keeper to do? 17:05.240 --> 17:10.240 The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. 17:10.240 --> 17:39.240 A man's mind can suffer just so much it seems. 17:39.240 --> 17:41.240 What will it be, your majesty? 17:41.240 --> 17:45.240 Oh, no drink, thank you. I just regale myself with a little food. 17:45.240 --> 17:58.240 Help yourself. You see our sign up there. 17:58.240 --> 18:01.240 He publishes all those crazy notices of Norton's in the paper. 18:01.240 --> 18:05.240 Dissolving Congress. Abolishing the Supreme Court. 18:05.240 --> 18:06.240 I publish them. 18:06.240 --> 18:08.240 Why? 18:08.240 --> 18:10.240 Why do you do it? 18:10.240 --> 18:13.240 For the same reason that everybody else in San Francisco humors him. 18:13.240 --> 18:16.240 Makes him happy and does no harm. 18:16.240 --> 18:19.240 He can walk into a saloon like this? 18:19.240 --> 18:21.240 He has the freedom of the city. 18:21.240 --> 18:25.240 Eats in the finest restaurants and attends all plays and concerts. 18:25.240 --> 18:30.240 When he enters a theater the whole audience rises and remains standing until he's seated. 18:30.240 --> 18:33.240 Rides free on all public transportation. 18:33.240 --> 18:36.240 He never pays for anything? 18:36.240 --> 18:38.240 Oh, he often pays. 18:38.240 --> 18:40.240 In script, worthless money? 18:40.240 --> 18:42.240 Not at all. 18:42.240 --> 18:47.240 Promissory notes complete with seal and vignette of his majesty. 18:47.240 --> 18:56.240 For the sum of fifty cents at seven percent interest, payable in 1880? 18:56.240 --> 18:58.240 Where in the world does he get this stuff printed? 18:58.240 --> 19:01.240 At our shop. 19:01.240 --> 19:05.240 Printers to his imperial majesty, Norton I? 19:05.240 --> 19:14.240 He promised me the post of chancellor of the Exchequer one of these days. 19:14.240 --> 19:32.240 Give me another drink. 19:32.240 --> 19:35.240 Begging for royal favors, eh? 19:35.240 --> 19:56.240 Here you are, you bummer. 19:56.240 --> 19:58.240 Where did he get his uniform? 19:58.240 --> 20:18.240 Oh, the Presidio keeps them supplied. 20:18.240 --> 20:20.240 Another beggar at my heels. 20:20.240 --> 20:23.240 All that's left is crumbs which are welcome to him. 20:23.240 --> 20:26.240 Like the beggar Lazarus in the Bible. 20:26.240 --> 20:55.240 Blumber and Lazarus, my bodyguards. 20:55.240 --> 20:59.240 This is the day of the month that we collect taxes. 20:59.240 --> 21:01.240 Behave yourselves when we get inside. 21:01.240 --> 21:17.240 These are some of the biggest banks and business houses in San Francisco. 21:17.240 --> 21:19.240 Your tax this month is five dollars. 21:19.240 --> 21:21.240 A slight increase. 21:21.240 --> 21:27.240 But there have been heavy drains of late on the treasury. 21:27.240 --> 21:29.240 A coin of the realm, if you please. 21:29.240 --> 21:45.240 Oh, certainly. 21:45.240 --> 21:48.240 Here's your receipt. 21:48.240 --> 21:50.240 Thank you. 21:50.240 --> 21:52.240 Do you mind if I sit here a minute? 21:52.240 --> 21:54.240 My feet get very tired. 21:54.240 --> 21:56.240 Glad to have you. 21:56.240 --> 21:59.240 I can remember when I used to visit in your office. 21:59.240 --> 22:01.240 How's everything going? 22:01.240 --> 22:05.240 Congress in Washington still continues to defy me. 22:05.240 --> 22:09.240 I've ordered the army to use force if necessary to clear the halls. 22:09.240 --> 22:12.240 I read the manifesto in the paper. 22:12.240 --> 22:16.240 But here in California, the empire is gradually being recognized. 22:16.240 --> 22:21.240 I hope before long to take over the new palace hotel as my headquarters. 22:21.240 --> 22:24.240 It will be an improvement over the place I now live. 22:24.240 --> 22:26.240 Good day, sir. 22:26.240 --> 22:28.240 Good day, your majesty. 22:28.240 --> 22:29.240 I'm Blumber. 22:29.240 --> 22:47.240 I'm Lazarus. 22:47.240 --> 22:51.240 Emperor of Brazil in San Francisco. 22:51.240 --> 22:56.240 Reception tonight in his honor at the University of California. 22:56.240 --> 23:02.240 I have ordered the city officials and other dignitaries to be present. 23:02.240 --> 23:03.240 Did you hear that, Blumber? 23:03.240 --> 23:07.240 Lazarus? 23:07.240 --> 23:17.240 All during my reign, this is as close as I've ever come to the crowned heads of the world. 23:17.240 --> 23:28.240 Now, tonight at last, I shall shake the hand of a fellow emperor. 23:48.240 --> 23:49.240 Good evening, Dr. Gilman. 23:49.240 --> 23:52.240 And how are things at the University of California? 23:52.240 --> 23:54.240 Good evening, sir. 23:54.240 --> 23:58.240 Your university is in fine shape, Emperor Norton. 23:58.240 --> 24:03.240 Your majesty, may I present Emperor Norton of the United States of America. 24:03.240 --> 24:10.240 And protector of Mexico. 24:10.240 --> 24:13.240 This is a great honor. 24:13.240 --> 24:17.240 I trust you are enjoying your sojourn in my capital. 24:17.240 --> 24:20.240 I have toured most of the world, your majesty. 24:20.240 --> 24:36.240 And I am now convinced there's no other city quite like San Francisco. 24:36.240 --> 24:39.240 Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! 24:39.240 --> 24:41.240 All good Americans! 24:41.240 --> 24:46.240 Mark ye well the words I speak, for I speak from the pages of history. 24:46.240 --> 24:49.240 Come closer, come closer. 24:49.240 --> 24:52.240 This country is in dire straits. 24:52.240 --> 24:54.240 What in the world is he advertising? 24:54.240 --> 24:56.240 Himself. 24:56.240 --> 25:01.240 Just another San Francisco character along with Oofty Goofty and Emperor Norton. 25:01.240 --> 25:04.240 He claims to be the reincarnation of our first president. 25:04.240 --> 25:10.240 Well, I must say, there's a remarkable resemblance. 25:10.240 --> 25:12.240 Uh-oh, look who's coming. 25:12.240 --> 25:14.240 I will see that there is a job for every man. 25:14.240 --> 25:21.240 I will banish all taxes and I will wipe poverty from the face of this fair land. 25:21.240 --> 25:24.240 Rally to the support of George Washington II. 25:24.240 --> 25:26.240 What is the meaning of this? 25:26.240 --> 25:30.240 I am the spirit of 76, the father of our country. 25:30.240 --> 25:33.240 Why, you, you humbug, you imposter! 25:33.240 --> 25:39.240 How dare you perpetrate such a fraud on the people of San Francisco, my loyal subjects? 25:39.240 --> 25:42.240 Your subjects? This is a republic. 25:42.240 --> 25:45.240 This is an empire. I'll have you banished for sedition. 25:45.240 --> 25:50.240 George Washington, indeed. You're an insult to his memory, a disgrace to the American people. 25:50.240 --> 25:55.240 Get out before I call the police. Get out! 25:55.240 --> 25:59.240 Never dare show your face within these borders again, sirrah. 25:59.240 --> 26:01.240 Hooray! 26:01.240 --> 26:03.240 Hooray! 26:08.240 --> 26:15.240 I guess that'll teach him and any other pretender that I am the one and only Emperor Norton. 26:15.240 --> 26:18.240 Hooray, Emperor Norton! 26:20.240 --> 26:27.240 For 21 years, Joshua Norton, always seen with his two dogs, Bummer and Lazarus, ruled his imaginary empire. 26:27.240 --> 26:31.240 Loved, humored, supported in his harmless fantasies. 26:31.240 --> 26:35.240 Maybe some of them weren't so fantastic at that. 26:35.240 --> 26:39.240 Now take the manifesto published in 1869, 26:39.240 --> 26:47.240 commanding a suspension bridge to be built from San Francisco to Oakland by way of Yerba Buena. 26:47.240 --> 26:50.240 And people laughed. 26:50.240 --> 26:54.240 But here it is today, San Francisco Bay Bridge. 26:54.240 --> 26:59.240 Following almost exactly the specifications the Emperor laid down. 26:59.240 --> 27:03.240 And when in 1880 his reign came to a peaceful end, 27:03.240 --> 27:09.240 members of the Pacific Union Club on Nob Hill, an organization of prominent San Franciscans, 27:09.240 --> 27:14.240 whose present clubhouse you see here, provided the money for his funeral, 27:14.240 --> 27:22.240 and subscribed the funds for the stone which marks his final resting place in the woodlawn Masonic Cemetery of San Francisco. 27:22.240 --> 27:27.240 Emperor Norton, come into his own class. 27:30.240 --> 27:34.240 Now let's see what Rosemary de Camp is doing. 27:34.240 --> 27:37.240 With four children to raise, I have plenty to do. 27:37.240 --> 27:40.240 But there's one thing I absolutely insist on for my family's health. 27:40.240 --> 27:48.240 Keeping my refrigerator and food containers, such as bread, cake, and lunch boxes, thermos bottles, corks, coffee pots, 27:48.240 --> 27:55.240 truly clean and borax sweet when you soak and rinse them in 20 mule teen borax. 27:55.240 --> 27:58.240 The dishcloth too should be borax sweet. 27:58.240 --> 28:00.240 Prove to yourself how important this is. 28:00.240 --> 28:03.240 Make our famous sniff test. 28:03.240 --> 28:05.240 Not pleasant. 28:05.240 --> 28:07.240 But wait. 28:07.240 --> 28:12.240 A few minutes later, what a difference. 28:12.240 --> 28:14.240 It's fresh and sweet. 28:14.240 --> 28:15.240 Borax sweet. 28:15.240 --> 28:18.240 Not a cover-up perfume, mind you. 28:18.240 --> 28:22.240 But nature sweet, the borax way. 28:22.240 --> 28:28.240 That's why we have twice as many users in the last five years. 28:30.240 --> 28:35.240 I'll be with you again two weeks from now with another True Death Valley Day story. 28:35.240 --> 28:39.240 And until then, I'll say so long. 28:40.240 --> 28:44.240 Remember, borax sweet clothes. 28:44.240 --> 28:46.240 Hi, Chuck. 28:46.240 --> 28:50.240 And borax-o clean hands. 28:50.240 --> 28:52.240 That's me. 28:52.240 --> 29:21.240 So long.