Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is George Fisher speaking to you from the inside lobby of the Pantheon Theater and saying welcome to what is perhaps going to be the greatest event in motion pictures. At least I think it's going to be the greatest night in the history of motion pictures, for it is the premiere of A Star is Born. I think the most looked forward to motion picture in this year of 1954. A Star is Born, of course, stars wonderful Judy Garland, James Mason, Jack Carson, Charles Bickford, Tommy Nona, lovely little Lucy Marlowe. And as you can tell from that camera, there are just thousands and thousands of people here at this fantastic opening at the Pantages Theater. Now, if you can look around, you'll see, I think, more people than I have ever seen at any premiere in Hollywood. And I would like to tell you that this is my 100th premiere. As you may notice at my side, I have four lovely movie star assistants. To my left, lovely Rosemary Bow, and also to the left of Rosemary, lovely Paula Raymond. And then the beautiful redhead, if we're in color, you could tell better, lovely Amanda Blake, another redhead, Anne Robinson. These lovely assistants are going to grab the stars. There's some 250 here. I don't want to keep them waiting any longer. We're going to try to get as many as we can. The introductions may be brief. You may even see me push them aside a little faster than we would like to. But we would like you to be the first to see this wonderful crowd here at the A Star is Born premiere. So many stars have already come in. I have the surreal pleasure to bring our first lady of the press, radio, and all the rest of it that goes with Luella Parsons' wonderful title. Luella, welcome here as the first guest on our TV show at A Star is Born, and Jimmy McHugh. Thank you. Thank you very much, George. We won't talk because you have so many wonderful stars waiting to get into this so wonderful picture. Luella, you don't have to talk very much. Everything you say that's great and important is read by millions. So thank you very much for being so understanding. Bye-bye, dear. Thank you, Jim. Coming up now, thank you, Jim. Coming up now is a young lady here who has created quite a sensation, universal starlet, Miss Mamie Van Doren. Mamie, won't you come over? Mamie Van Doren. Thank you, Amanda. Mamie Van Doren. Now, this outfit, I think you should kind of let us step back and see that. Cheesecake, which will introduce your friend? Debbie Delroy. Debbie Delroy. Very nice to see you, Kevin. She just came in from Europe. Just from Europe. Wonderful, thank you. Mamie, we really wanted to show you in this fabulous gown. We have so many people, I do want to grab them all if I can. Thank you. You're very beautiful, I might say. Dean Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Martin. I haven't much chance to say too much of an introduction, Dean, I never saw so many people at a premiere. How about you? I think everybody's here. And this is a great picture. We're not supposed to say, but we saw this picture. And we're coming right back to see it again. How do you like Judy? Oh, she's great. She's gotta win everything. You know, you gotta let me put in a plug. You notice that I'm in the picture. I'm doing the same thing in the picture that I'm doing here tonight. That's pretty good acting. Wonderful. Thank you. Wonderful acting. Thank you so much. Let's shoot out this way. Right. Go along. George, I want you to talk to Gloria Graham. Sia Howard. Wonderful. Sia Howard. Ladies and gentlemen, the last time that Gloria Graham, who is now Mrs. Sia Howard, was in this theater was the Academy Award, the night of an award, I think, almost the last time. Gloria Graham, Sia, nice to see you. Nice to see you, Johnny, thank you. You gonna stay with us? I'll stay with you. This is almost as big an opening of The Star is Born as it was at the Academy. Don't you think? It could be a little bigger. A little less nervous, though. A little less nervous. A little less nervous. No, it's a wonderful night. Thank you so much for coming out. You notice I'm rushing everybody because there's so many wonderful stars like you. That's all right. Thank you. Thank you, it's nice being here. Well, here is a great, great pal, Eddie Arnold and Mrs. Arnold. I just want to say this. And many, many years ago, it was my pleasure to introduce the star of The Star is Born tonight that we're going to see. And then she was just a little bit of a girl in a sailor blouse, a pleated skirt, and it was at a benefit. It was my pleasure to introduce her, and naturally we all believed, and we know today, that she is a great star, and we're going to see a great performance tonight. Judy Garland. Thank you, Eddie Arnold. Mrs. Mason. You're wearing a mini blouse. Thank you. Coming up to our microphone, John Hall. Hello, I'm Linda Dunn. Hello, Linda Dunn. Mary Jones, how are you? Nice to see you again. Raymarx Huxton. It's really a pleasure to be here. I want to congratulate, of course, Jack Warner for bringing A Star is Born back to the public again. All of you Rama fans, be sure and go and see A Star is Born because you're not only going to see Miss Judy Garland as a great new star in a rightful place, but it's a package that is for the whole family. George, we're very happy to be here. Let me tell you something about the show. One word from Raymarx, and I know all your fans will go, so thank you very much. I certainly hope they do. John Hall, Linda. Very nice to see you. George, no evening would be complete without Hedda Hopper. Well, I want you to know no evening is complete for me unless I am standing very close to Hedda. Hedda Hopper, it's a real pleasure to see you here tonight. Well, it's wonderful to be here. I've lost my fellow named Bob. Where is he? He got lost in the mob down there. There he is. And you know, tonight is really show business, isn't it? I think so. It's the biggest. Five years ago, Judy lost Anna Gagigan. And Betty Huffman got the part. Yesterday, Betty Huffman says that she's going to retire from show business. Now, have you ever heard anything like that in your life? Switched handball switches, I think. It's a Hollywood story in itself. Well, we've never known anything like that in Hollywood, have you? No. You're looking wonderful. How many children have you? I have one, honey, and one coming in November. Thank you for mentioning it. Ah! I still have one grandchild. Nice to see you here. Thank you so much. And I can't find my fella. Where are you? Here he comes, Dad. Thank you, Hedda. Coming up now, a very dear friend of mine. George. One that you all know. A fellow who has made a great, great success in rear window, Raymond Burr. Also a great success with the trips to Korea. So, Raymond, let me say welcome. Did you bring Evelyn up? Yes, Evelyn Russell's here. And introduce this boy who's just returned from Korea. Come over here, will you? Evelyn Russell, ladies and gentlemen. Hi, George, how are you? Would you introduce your friend here to our TV audience? Yes, this is Frank Vitti, a boy that's with us tonight. We're right back from Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Herschel. I don't have to say much about Gene, except he's the number one man in this town for our money. Thank you, George. If you could get in and say hello. George, I don't know if you can hear me because it's such a noise, but after 42 years in Hollywood, I don't believe I've ever seen a premiere or an opening like this. That includes the Academy Awards. And I ought to know to that because I was ahead of it, you know. Gene, you certainly should know. Thank you very much for coming up. You can see our guest list is pretty big. Edward G. Robinson, ladies and gentlemen. And? And this is Miss Anderson. Miss Anderson. We're just making our debut in pictures. Well, how nice. You know what we're doing now called, well, of course it would be called dead pigeons. You know, the kind of thing white pictures have. Well, I want you to know that it's a real pleasure to see you. And I know our audience, the fast one on TV, by the way, Eddie, is delighted to see you because an old Warner man like you would wish a great deal of success to Judy Garland. Yes, thank you. Thank you so much. Nice to see you. So nice to meet you. I have a great thrill here now for you all. One of the stars of the picture, the star is born, Mr. Jack Carson, who is a great MC. And he's going to present a little later on Georgie Jessel and Judy for you. Jack, would you take over? It's really exciting. Thank you very much. It's a great thrill to be here. This is, I would say without fair contradiction, one of the finest picture I've ever been in. And I've never been associated with anything of the stature of this nature. So overall, it's a very thrilling evening. It's one of the biggest premieres we've ever had in Hollywood. And I certainly am thrilled to the bottom of my feet to be a part of it. I might say I'm a little nervous too. But who have we next? We're going to try to get everybody on here as fast as we can and get them off. Donald Crisp, would you like to say a few words? It's awfully nice to have you with us. Thank you very much, Jack. And I'm very glad to see you. Well, it's awfully nice to see you again. I haven't seen you since Bright Leaf, but have a good time and enjoy the picture. Thank you so much. Who is it? Virginia Mayo. Virginia Mayo. It's awfully nice to have you here. Thank you very much. How's the family? Wonderful. My husband, he couldn't be here tonight. He's home working on his television. Yeah, I've seen it. I think it's a wonderful show. And it's a shame he can't be here, but it's certainly nice to have you. It's a great night for you and Judy Garland. Thrilled to death, I can tell you that. It's nice to have you. It's wonderful to be here. Okay, Virginia, thank you very much. Bye. Who have we got? Marilyn Maxwell, how are you? It's awfully nice to have you here. I'm very excited. How do you do? Good to see you. Yes, sir. Very excited to be here. Could you say a few words to our television audience here? I think everything's been said, Jack. It should be said, it's most exciting and I'm really thrilled to be here. Well, it's certainly awfully nice to have you and I'm tickled to death. Oh, I'm so nervous I could die. Oh, you'll be great. Thanks for coming. It's awfully nice to see you. So long. Yeah, I'm here, Connie Jurado. Connie Jurado, how are you? It's awfully nice to have you with us tonight. I'm very happy to see you. I'm very happy to see you and I- I'm fine, I'm working hard. Well, I'm very embarrassed and nervous. I'm not used to doing this sort of thing. This is not absurd. I think this is the most wonderful thing in the world. The people are receiving it live. I have never seen a premiere like this in my life and believe me, I've seen lots of them. So I'm very thrilled to be part of it. And for me, you know, being here in Mexico is wonderful. Wow, thank you very much for coming in. Wilding, whether or not I'm- How do you do? Awfully good to see you. How do you do, sir? Good to see you. And we're certainly glad to have you at this premiere. This is, is it the biggest thing I've ever seen? I'm a little nervous, so I just want to thank you for coming in and I hope you enjoy the picture. Thank you very much. It's been nice to see you. So long. Lee, how are you? Fine, Jack. Lee Liberace. Jack, my mother and my very good friend from Chicago and St. John. Watch your standing. Awfully nice to see you. It's nice to have some fellow Milwaukeeans here. Well, it certainly is. I wasn't born in Millwood. You were? Well, now we're all very happy. I wasn't born there, but I lived most of my life there. In fact, this is where we knew each other. That's right, Jack. It's a great thrill to be here and see Judy back in films again. Wow, wait till you see her. I only saw part of the picture, but she is without a doubt one of the real great talents of our time. It's always nice to have her. I can call her team news, Jack. Well, bye-bye. Yes, sir. Jack, it's my pleasure to bring my next to be leading man and his beautiful wife. I seem to remember you from someplace. Stanley, it's Dennis. It's nice to have you with us. Thank you very much. It's nice to be here. While you and I didn't make this picture together, I'm doing a serious moment in it. Are you in it? Yes. Am I in it? No, I didn't know that. I'm a fan of the star. The Judy Garland, yes. Well, Jesus Mace is pretty good at it, so is Charlie Bigfoot. Dennis, it's always nice to have you with us. Thanks for coming down. Jack, it's Karen Sharp and John Smith. Karen, how are you? I'm awfully good to see you. It's always nice to have you with us. I hope you, I know you're going to enjoy the picture. Well, Mr. Warner only makes the finest, so I'm sure we will. Well, Mr. Warner, well, yeah, he's made some pretty good pictures in his time, but have a good time. Thank you very much. It's always nice to have you with us. Jack, this is Debbie Reynolds and Joy Gorman. Debbie. Debbie? Hello, Debbie, how are you? Awfully good to see you. Awfully nice to have you with us. You know Joy Gorman? Well, I do now. You're really working here tonight, aren't you? Well, we're trying to get everybody on that we can because I've never seen such a tremendous crowd. I've never been so excited in my whole life. Look at all those people. Isn't this something? This is just a tremendous thing. You'd think that Lindbergh had just got back to flying Atlantic or something. It's looking pretty good, too. Well, it works out that way, but it's awfully nice to have you with us. Thank you very much. I do hope you enjoy this picture. Thank you very much. Kim Novak, how are you? Good to see you. Nice to see you. It's nice to have you here with us tonight. Well, it certainly is exciting. Well, listen, I'm so nervous I'm right on the edge of my toes, but it's certainly great to have you here, and I hope you enjoy the picture, Kim. Incidentally, you're very good on our picture over at Columbia. Oh, thanks, I was so enjoying it. It's nice having you with us here. Susan Ball and Dick Long. Oh, hello, Susan, how are you? Awfully nice to see you. Good to see you. Dick, good to see you. Good to see you. Good to have you guys down here. I hope you enjoy the picture. I know you will. I know we will, too. Because it's a great picture. So it's nice to say hello. I'll have you say hello to our TV audience. Hi. Okay, thank you very much for coming in. Thank you. Hello. Gordon McRae. Gordon McRae and Sheila, how are you? Good to see you. Good to see you. Good to see you. You look just like Oklahoma there, boy. Well, so, don't have any curls tonight, old boy. His hair's longer than mine is. Long. Long hair isn't very long, but it's nice to have you here. I'm looking forward to seeing you, too, old Jack. I haven't seen it, so I'm on the tenterhooks, but like so, I think it'll be all right. Thanks for coming in, Sheila. Gordon, good to see you. Good to see you, Jack. Bye now. Dorothy, how are you? What are you so nervous about? Oh, I don't know. You'd think this was my picture. I only had to put on a belt to see it. Well, I think it is. I had to see it a long time ago, Sheila. Yes, sir. It's awfully nice to have you with us, and I hope you enjoy the picture. Well, I know we will, Jack. And believe me, I think it's great, because, well, you're always a great star to me. And naturally, when I first came to California, I was on the same train with Judy. So tonight, a star is reborn, I should say, and a great star is born again. I think she's always been a great star. Believe me, she has. I know you'll find that she is tonight, because she's just wonderful. I know that. I can't wait to see her. Good to have you here, Dorothy. You want to congratulate us, and we're going to see it tonight, so I hope you enjoy it. Yeah, I'm impatient, but I think I've seen everybody in town tonight. Okay, now, this is such a thrilling evening. Andy, how are you? Good to see you. How are you, Jack? I'd say yes. It's a pleasure to have you with us. You and I weigh about 700 between us now. Thank you. It's awful nice to have you here, and I hope you enjoy the show. I know you will. This is going to be a great show. Okay. Peggy Lee, of course. How are you, Peggy? It's awfully nice to have you with us, and we do hope you enjoy the show tonight. Oh, this is so exciting. Isn't this the greatest thing you've ever seen? It's just frightening to me, but I'm awfully glad to be part of it. It's nice to have you with us, Peggy. Tom, how are you? Good to see you. Fine, good to see you. Tom Nolan, who plays a great part in the picture. You'll all enjoy him when you see the picture. Those people that are here tonight will certainly enjoy him. I know that. What's playing here tonight? Something about, oh, Star is born. That's right, of course, yes. Good, yes. Hello, Jack. Hello, Ray, how are you? Hi, good to see you. Hello, how are you? Oh, it's a nice day. Gee, everybody is here tonight. Well, it's a big night. It's a big night. You know, I was in the Wizard of Oz with Judy, and this is another momentous occasion. Well, this is really something. I've never been associated with a fabulous job yourself. I think she'll get an Oscar for tonight. I think you're so right. You're doing a fabulous job out here, too. Nice to see you. Good, good to see you. Hi. Good. Gordon Scott. Gordon, how are you? Good to see you. I'm hoping nice to have you with us. Oh, yes, it's warm. Hi, Gator. Hello, how are you? Good to see you. Nice to have you here with us, and I hope you enjoy the picture. I'm sure I will. I saw it out in Huntington Park, and I thought it was wonderful. Oh, you saw it already? Well, thank you. I haven't seen it. I'm the only one here that hasn't seen it, I guess. You're one of the best things in the picture. Who have we got next, please? Danny Park. I see Danny. Danny. Make room for Danny here. Here he is. Hello, Danny. How are you? Good to see you. Good to see you. Wonderful. Wonderful here tonight, and really exciting for Judy and all of you. Well, it sure is exciting for me. I'm sure it is for Judy, too. It's just, I know it's a wonderful picture. I know you're going to enjoy it. I've seen a lot of the rushes. I've seen you a thousand times before. You're great all the time, Jack, in my book. Thank you very much, Danny. Thanks for coming in. Hello, Bill. Hello, Bill. How are you? Jack. Good to see you. Nice to see you. I bet you never worked as hard in the pictures as you are tonight, did you? Oh, boy. Well, we're trying to keep it going. That's what they say. We're trying to get everybody on us here. And of course, everybody in Hollywood is here. Can you get me a job like this? I'd like to lose a little weight. I think I will tonight. Nice to see you, Jack. Nice to have you here, Bill. The one and only Sophie Tucker. Hello, Sophie. Hello. How are you? Awfully nice to have you here with us. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. What are we going to say around here, Bill? Well, you just, ah, you see, you don't have to say anything. Just walk in, that's all. Well, I'm happy to be here. And I just know that with Judy, it's a premiere and a great opening at all times. Well, I think you're so right. And Sophie, nice to have you here. Thank you very much. My pleasure now, ladies and gentlemen, a man who needs no introduction, but I would like, I'm going to give him one because I think he deserves it. He is going to introduce the star of our show, the star of the place tonight, the one and only, the Toastmaster General of the United States, Mr. George Jessel. George? Jack, I must tell the people that I have already seen the picture and that you're just great in it. Just great. I thank you very much. And I think that I ought to tell the folks that it was I who named Judy Garland, Judy Garland. Not that it would have made any difference. You couldn't have hit that great talent if you'd called her Tel Aviv Windesill, you know? But her name when I first met her was Frances Gumm. And it wasn't the kind of a name that's so sensitive of a great actress like that you had. That's what, that was her name was that when I first met her. I met her when she was nine years old. I worked in the bill with her, you know? Is that so? And so we called her Judy Garland. And I think she's a combination of Helen Hayes and Al Jolson and maybe Jenny Lynn and Sarah Burnhardt. That's about all I can say. She's all the great talent. And look who's coming here. This is an opportunity I've always wanted. This is the most glamorous lady that the American screen has ever known, Miss Joan Crawford. Joan? Hi, Joan. Hi. You know Jack Carson, of course. I never saw him. How are you, darling? Fine. You know, this is the only time I ever meet her. I call all the time, but I can only meet her in a microphone. I've written that too, by the way. You know something? What? May I just say one thing? Please, anything you want. Christmas came early this year with Helen Hayes and Judy Garland. Is that a wonderful thing to say? That's a nice feat. Why didn't I think of it first? I didn't know that. Oh, well, you just brought it up. Wonderful to have you, boy. Am I living for life? Here is handsome Cesar Amaro. Hi. How are you? Hello, how are you? Glad to see you. Good to have you with us. Well, this is one picture I'm looking forward to seeing. Well, I think everybody is. As you can tell from the crowd, everybody's looking forward to seeing you. That's just amazing how many people turned out for this. Well, I'm glad to see you, Jack. Good to see you, Jack. Hello, Marie, how are you? Hi. Marie Wilson. Good to see you. Of course, it's nice to have you with us. We're here. Huh? Well, I guess that tonight, everybody's gonna write you a letter tomorrow. Well, I hope you write some fan mail tomorrow. Write some to me, will you please? Yeah, I'll write you. I know you're gonna love the picture, because of course it's a great story, and everybody else has written it except me, you know, as it turns out. You'll be here. Nice to have you with us. Bye, Jack. Jack Millan, how are you? Good to see you. Good to see you. You feeling pretty good tonight? I'm feeling pretty good. You're looking wonderful. I'm not feeling very mean. I hope you like our picture. I'm sure you will. I'm sure we're doing a good job. Well, good to have you with us. Hello, Norris. How are you, honey? Good to see you. It's awful nice to have you. Marnie, how are you? Good to see you. We're trying to get everybody on camera. We're just in a rush right now. We're so excited about it. Oh, you're excited? Oh. You nervous? No, not a bit. Just a little like that. It's nice to have you here. Well, bye. Bye. Hello, how are you? Good to see you. You too. Mr. Roush. How do you do? Awfully nice to have you with us. There's our television camera over there. We hope you enjoy the picture. Oh, this is the most exciting premiere I've ever been to. Well, it certainly is exciting for me. I'll tell you that. You know one thing, Jack, about this picture? I think it's going to live up to its advance publicity. I saw two of the Russians in it. Just one. Well, I didn't. But I just hope it's as good as everybody says it is. Because that'll be one of the best pictures of all time. After tonight, I think it'll also be as far as we go. I think it will. Well, could be. OK, nice to have you with us. Hi. Married couple right here. It's a new married couple here. June, how are you? Hi, how are you? Nice to have you with us. It's not good of you to take time out from your domestic chores. It was a joy, yes. Yes, it was a great sacrifice by far. Well, we sure hope you like the picture. Are we on TV? Yes, we're right there. That's the TV over there. OK, well, it's nice to have you with us. I'm going to have to talk to George. George. And now, Jack, this is the Judy that I came to have a function. The great talent of our generation, Miss Judy Garth. Oh, my goodness. And her husband and producer, Mr. Sid Love. And the boss of all one of them, Jack Warner. Hello. Excuse me. Jack, how are you? Hello, Sid. How are you? Hello, Jack. Hello, honey. How are you? Judy, because in a few moments, they're going to see one of the greatest motion pictures ever made, with I think one of the great performances of all time given by yourself. George, we've been together on many, many wonderful occasions. But I really think that this is the most wonderful. For me, it's most thrilling. I hope the picture is that good. Well, it's a long jump from little Frances Gumm at the Oriental Theater to Judy Garland, the most beloved singer of songs and finest young actress in America. My darling husband. I know your darling husband. He's a darling. And I envy your darling husband. You're sweet. You got it? You got all you want? You got all you want? Well, they never have all they want. You're still on TV. Well, I think the folks ought to know, Jack, you've had this before, but nothing like this. I've been out in Hollywood all my life. I've never seen such splendor at any opening. This is really the greatest opening in the history of my, say, 40 or 50 years in show business. We're still on a television camera here. There's a couple of them taking all these pictures out here. So I've never seen any such an eye in Hollywood since I've been here in my life. You know, I was telling the people, Judy. George, George, sign it off. We're covering up. Get on here. Sid Luft, the producer of the picture. I'll take over from my dean. George, I'm just very proud of you. A very small part of it. And thank you. Small part? Small part. Yeah, I'm very proud of you, darling. I was. I want to tell you that I've never seen so many actions going on outside. Jack, thank you. You've got to go right now. George, I've got to go on the radio show. Thanks very much. It's nice to be with you. And I'll see you inside, OK? You did quite a job here. While I'm waiting for Larry Finley to come in, I want to bring Van Heflin, one of the great, wonderful actors and stars. And right beside him, Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Brien. All of you, come on in here and say hello. Hi, Pat. Glad to see you. Well, Pat, I don't think we need to guess about how great this picture's going to be, do we? Well, the old alma mater has put it over again. Yeah, it looks like it, doesn't it? I wish we had time to get the real wonderful stories from you two. But this is a madhouse. Everybody loves it. Nice to have a madhouse. Wonderful to see you again. Thanks, George. God bless you. This is really it. Thank you. Thank you, darling. Hi, Larry. Yes. Take over quick. I've got Larry Finley at my side, a great pal. Very, very popular here in Southern California with his late show. Larry, Jack did a pretty good job. I'm going to leave the rest of this to you. You've done a fine job, too, George Fisher. Thank you very much. Mr. Ben Alexander. Yes, Ben Alexander. I'll wind it left way. Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alexander. You've got a voice and a face that's very familiar to everyone in Southern California. Thank you, Larry. It's very good to see you, Ben. We're excited about seeing this picture, and we're excited about the returns of our other Warner Brothers picture, Dragnet. Dragnet. You did a fine job in that, too, Ben. Sorry my partner isn't here tonight. I'm sorry. Well, how about giving out a call for the people, huh? Well, I don't know. Thanks very much, Ben. Thank you, Mr. Alexander. Larry. Yes, sir. Here's the beautiful Shelley Winters. Oh, and this is the beautiful Shelley Winters. Hello, and thank you. Shelley, you look better than I've ever seen you look. And I mean that. Well, thank you. I'm very happy tonight for Judy. It's a great, great occasion. Isn't that wonderful? How's the family, darling? Oh, just wonderful. My baby's watching. Hello, darling. How are you? You can say hello to your baby. Shelley, wonderful seeing you here. Yes, Miss Sonia Henney, ladies and gentlemen. And Sonia, you look just as charming off skates as you do on them, too. Thank you. Sonia, I know that you're going to see a great picture in just a few moments in time. I know I do. Thank you, darling, so much. And Sheridan. Jack. And yes, Jack. Good to see you. And do you want to look up at our television cameras so people can take a real good look at you? It's a very confusing night here tonight. Oh, I know. It's quite a crowd. And wonderful seeing you. And I know you'll enjoy Judy's performance, especially Miss Diane's point. Thank you, darling. Nice seeing you. Hello, Lauren. How are you? I'm wonderful, thank you. And this is Lauren Bacall, ladies and gentlemen, as if I had to tell you. You look just wonderful, darling. Thank you very much. I know you're going to enjoy the picture tonight. Oh, I know I will. Thank you, darling, so much for coming up and chatting with us. Janet Lee. Janet Lee. Hello, how are you? And where's the better half? Hi, Tone. Good to see you. Nice to see you. Pardon me, dear. You go right away. I was going to say, I don't know, I like that. I need the better half. The better half. Well, I think a man always says the better half. There was a girl up here. She called you the better half. She didn't object to you. No, that's all right. Certainly nice seeing you, Janet. Thank you. I hate to rush you through, but we have so many people. We know. We're going to get to. And the very beautiful Sue Carroll and Mr. Alan Ladd. Sue, how are you, darling? Thank you. Hello, Alan. How are you? Good to see you. Real good to see you. You folks got here just in time. You know, the curtain's going up in just a few moments. Are we late? We've got the tickets. We'll get right in. We show the folks what the tickets look like. These are your tickets for A Star is Born, right? They're very pretty, aren't they? They certainly are. Sue, thank you. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, standing off stage. Okay. Just back from Del Mar. And here she is, the world's greatest handicapper. Hi, Larry. Hi, darling. Hi, Desi. Hi, Larry. Glad to see you. Good to see you. Well, it certainly is a night of nights here, isn't it, Desi? It sure is, my love. It's the greatest. It's the greatest. It's the greatest. We're so excited about it. Rudy and James and George Cukor and everybody else in this picture are going to take all of the Academy Awards that they have. I think you're right. I'm sure of it. I think you're right. I'm sure of it. I can hardly wait to see it. It's just great. I'd like now to present one of my favorite actresses of all time. I need only let you look at her and you can gasp, Clare Trevor. Joy, that's so sweet of you. I want to say that tonight is one of those thrilling evenings when you realize A Star is Born, and I guess it really is tonight. Well, if you could have seen Judy when she arrived about 10, 15 minutes ago, it was fantastic. A new birth, because she has already been a star. Well, I want to say hello to everyone. Hi, Chuck. Thanks, Clare Trevor. Thank you, George. So nice to see you. Coming to our camera now, a very wonderful actress and very great lady of the screen, Miss Greer Garson, and she is not with her 12 men tonight. Greer, so nice to see you. As a matter of fact, I'm not with any men at all tonight. My mother is my date tonight because Buddy's in Texas. He'd be very sorry to miss this occasion. My goodness. It's wonderful, doesn't it? Well, this has been a night that few people in Hollywood are going to forget. You can believe me. Well, this is Hollywood at its most Hollywood, isn't it? Yes, indeed. And we're all looking forward so much to seeing this picture. Thank you so very much. I've been working on location in Tucson for the last six weeks, and I'm so glad we got back in time. You're doing Strange Lady in Town with Mr. LeRoy Cam Mitchell. That's right. I don't know the rest of the cast, but I know that he enters the light. Oh, Dana Ann Cruz and some very interesting actors. You will see it. I was Strange Lady on the Desert. We were in Arizona, Tucson. It was very hot. But I'm delighted that we got back in time to see A Star is Born because it's a picture with one of my very, very favorite people in show business and a very favorite director. Coming from you, Miss Garson, even Judy would be pleased. Thank you so much. Wishing her the best of luck tonight. Thank you. Goodbye. Thanks. Another great friend of mine and a very beautiful... I'd like to think of her as the Marilyn Monroe of our set. That is to say, the female columnist, lovely Sheila Graham. Sheila, did you have a hard time in there? Well, it was a little grueling, George. And how did you do out here? Well, I didn't have such a bad time. Jack Garson and Jessel took over for a good bit of it. And it was pretty wild when Judy came in, I'll say that. She came in, unfortunately, too late to go on our show. Wasn't that a shame? She missed it by just a minute or two. Just a minute, yes. But isn't this wonderful, George? This is so glamorous and Hollywood Boulevard looks so exciting tonight. We're now looking at the tail end of this fabulous premiere, the last few minutes. And in about four minutes, the picture will go on. Earl Wilson, ladies and gentlemen, one of the great columnists of our country. I don't know what he's doing in Hollywood when his beat is New York. But Earl, it's a pleasure to have you arrive at what I consider the biggest premiere we've ever had. Well, they tell me that there's been nothing like this in at least in 10, 15 years. You say the biggest ever? I think it's closest to the biggest I've ever seen. I've done a lot of premieres. I think it's bigger than the Academy Award, Earl. And that was the biggest thing we ever had. Well, thank you, George. Thank you very much. Earl Wilson, so very much. George Fisher speaking to you from the Pantages Theatre at this fantastic and momentous premiere of A Star is Born. I hope you've enjoyed the proceedings. Thank you very much. Now let's go Hollywood.