WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:59.960 In early 1965, the Daleks popularity had reached a new high. 00:59.960 --> 01:29.920 The plan to expand the Dalek story to twelve episodes came from Hugh Weldon, who was the 01:29.920 --> 01:37.120 managing director of the BBC, reputedly on the advice of his mother-in-law, who thought 01:37.120 --> 01:41.760 the Daleks' presence in Doctor Who should be increased. 01:41.760 --> 01:48.080 By this time, Nation was acting as script editor on a new series called The Baron, and 01:48.080 --> 01:54.360 so it was agreed that Dennis Spooner would script the final six episodes of the story 01:54.360 --> 01:58.800 based on outlines provided by Nation. 01:58.800 --> 02:04.840 Nation's early draft scripts showed some notable differences to the final versions. 02:04.840 --> 02:12.440 The story was originally set in the year 1,000,000 AD and based on the planet Varga. 02:12.440 --> 02:19.560 This was later revised to the year 4,000, and the planet renamed Kemble, but the name 02:19.560 --> 02:25.980 Varga was retained for the Daleks' deadly cactus-like plants. 02:25.980 --> 02:33.720 The character of Brett Vian was originally called Brett Walton, and Marvick Chan, guardian 02:33.720 --> 02:39.160 of the solar system, was called Ban-Hum, president of the solar system. 02:39.160 --> 02:45.960 The Terranium was originally called Vitaranium, but it was feared Hartnell would have trouble 02:45.960 --> 02:48.160 pronouncing it correctly. 02:48.160 --> 02:56.840 The names VX2 and Vitar were also considered as an alternative to Vitaranium, but rejected 02:56.840 --> 03:01.040 the latter because it may have been confused with vitamins. 03:01.040 --> 03:06.780 Douglas Camfield was appointed director of the Daleks' master plan. 03:06.780 --> 03:12.360 The film sequences for the story were shot at Ealing Studios, commencing on 27th September 03:12.360 --> 03:15.120 1965. 03:15.120 --> 03:21.440 Katharina's death scene from episode 4 was actually the first scene actress Adrienne 03:21.440 --> 03:22.440 Hill shot. 03:22.440 --> 03:29.920 There were many problems with the filming due to props arriving late or being unsuitable. 03:29.920 --> 03:36.360 The model shots for Volcano of the TARDIS landing on Tigris had to be restaged three 03:36.360 --> 03:41.360 times before Camfield was happy with them. 03:41.360 --> 03:49.480 Films for the first episode commenced on Monday 18th October 1965 at the Drill Hall on Bulwer 03:49.480 --> 03:59.120 Street followed by studio recording at BBC TV Centre on Friday 22nd October. 03:59.120 --> 04:04.380 Complaints were received from Barry Leroyd, head of design at the BBC, that his designers 04:04.380 --> 04:10.120 were not being given enough time for consultation about the story with the director, and that 04:10.120 --> 04:16.920 as a result they were designing parts of sets that were not seen. 04:16.920 --> 04:21.440 As the seventh episode of the story, The Feast of Stephen, was due to be transmitted on Christmas 04:21.440 --> 04:28.040 Day it was felt that many people might miss it, and so it should have little to do with 04:28.040 --> 04:30.600 the main story plot. 04:30.600 --> 04:36.280 Camfield originally approached the Z Cars production office for permission to use their 04:36.280 --> 04:44.000 police station sets and to use their cast members as guest stars in this episode. 04:44.000 --> 04:51.040 They refused permission and so Camfield hired alternative actors to play the roles. 04:51.040 --> 04:58.360 He also cast his wife, Sheila Dunn, as silent film star Blossom LeFavre in the second half 04:58.360 --> 05:00.240 of the episode. 05:00.240 --> 05:07.000 Dennis Spooner reintroduced the character of the monk into episodes 8 to 10. 05:07.000 --> 05:12.320 Played by actor Peter Butterworth, the monk had previously appeared in the second season's 05:12.320 --> 05:16.160 closing story, The Time Meddler. 05:16.160 --> 05:23.340 For the first time we saw a TARDIS chameleon circuit operating as the Doctor changes the 05:23.340 --> 05:26.640 appearance of the monk's TARDIS. 05:26.640 --> 05:31.280 Various proposals were given for the shapes the TARDIS should turn into, but the final 05:31.280 --> 05:40.280 version was given in the film shooting script as a motorcycle, a stagecoach, a western wagon, 05:40.280 --> 05:45.160 a tank and finally a police box. 05:45.160 --> 05:51.000 Despite the serial success in the UK, it was never shown abroad. 05:51.000 --> 05:56.000 Viewing prints of all but the Christmas episode were sent to Australia, but it was considered 05:56.000 --> 05:58.960 too violent to show. 05:58.960 --> 06:07.120 All copies of the episodes were thought destroyed during the 70s, but in October 1983, film 06:07.120 --> 06:14.400 prints of episodes 5 and 10 were found among a box of film cans in the basement of a London 06:14.400 --> 06:18.640 church and returned to the BBC. 06:18.640 --> 06:23.320 Various brief clips and film sequences have been discovered since then. 06:23.320 --> 06:30.040 These have been combined by the Loose Cannon team with recordings of the soundtrack, publicity 06:30.040 --> 06:39.320 and design photos, newly filmed model shots and specially created CGI footage to reconstruct 06:39.320 --> 06:40.840 the missing episodes. 06:40.840 --> 06:51.040 In 1965 I played Marvick Chen, I know he was called in The Master Plan, and this is a reconstruction 06:51.040 --> 06:57.160 of it, which my friends have done and, well, we offer it to you in the hope that you're 06:57.160 --> 07:22.160 going to enjoy it.