WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:57.560 Let's have a real line on this gas. 00:57.560 --> 01:02.320 He's got a pretty good cut on his head. 01:02.320 --> 01:05.200 I don't think he feels it though. 01:05.200 --> 01:15.680 Mister, can you hear me? 01:15.680 --> 01:17.280 I hear lots of things. 01:17.280 --> 01:19.040 What's your name? 01:19.040 --> 01:20.360 What's it to you? 01:20.360 --> 01:21.800 I got my rights, you know. 01:21.800 --> 01:24.640 This guy's pretty dropped. 01:24.640 --> 01:25.880 Probably got some concussion. 01:25.880 --> 01:28.160 We better get an ambulance to run him into Rampart. 01:28.160 --> 01:29.160 And then we'll have to... 01:29.160 --> 01:30.160 Debbie! 01:30.160 --> 01:31.160 Debbie! 01:31.160 --> 01:32.160 Oh my God! 01:32.160 --> 01:33.160 Debbie! 01:33.160 --> 01:34.160 Debbie! 01:34.160 --> 01:35.160 All I had, gentlemen, was two beers. 01:35.160 --> 01:36.160 What is it? 01:36.160 --> 01:37.160 My Debbie's in there! 01:37.160 --> 01:38.160 My Debbie! 01:38.160 --> 01:39.160 Debbie! 01:39.160 --> 01:40.160 Hold on, just take it easy now. 01:40.160 --> 01:41.160 Easy. 01:41.160 --> 01:42.160 Debbie! 01:42.160 --> 01:43.160 That's my little girl in the car. 01:43.160 --> 01:44.160 I was grocery shopping. 01:44.160 --> 01:58.280 I don't see anything, ma'am. 01:58.280 --> 02:00.280 Maybe she went in the market looking for you before the accident. 02:00.280 --> 02:02.080 She never disobeys me. 02:02.080 --> 02:03.080 Debbie! 02:03.080 --> 02:06.280 Hey, what's all that crying and screaming about anyway? 02:06.280 --> 02:07.280 Debbie! 02:07.280 --> 02:08.280 Debbie! 02:08.280 --> 02:13.280 Thinks her kid's trapped in the car. 02:13.280 --> 02:16.600 Wait a minute, wait a minute. 02:16.600 --> 02:17.600 Hold her, hold her, hold her. 02:17.600 --> 02:18.600 Right there, right there. 02:18.600 --> 02:19.600 Let's get the door open. 02:19.600 --> 02:20.600 Debbie! 02:20.600 --> 02:21.600 Debbie! 02:21.600 --> 02:22.600 Take it easy, take it easy. 02:22.600 --> 02:23.600 Debbie! 02:23.600 --> 02:28.600 They're gonna do everything they can to get her out of there. 02:28.600 --> 02:33.360 It's okay, she'll be fine. 02:33.360 --> 02:36.360 Take it easy. 02:36.360 --> 02:38.480 Hurry! 02:38.480 --> 02:43.000 Shit, that car is occupied. 02:43.000 --> 02:44.000 There's a little girl in there with a hole dashed down on top of her. 02:44.000 --> 02:45.000 Debbie! 02:45.000 --> 02:46.000 Debbie! 02:46.000 --> 02:47.000 Do you see any movement in there at all? 02:47.000 --> 02:48.000 No, nothing. 02:48.000 --> 03:13.620 We've got evidence there! 03:13.620 --> 03:23.420 Listen, you can't be dragging me around like this, I'm telling you. 03:23.420 --> 03:25.420 I don't know why you don't give me a break. 03:25.420 --> 03:26.420 I didn't do any. 03:26.420 --> 03:32.060 I had a couple of beers. 03:32.060 --> 03:34.180 Respiration's about eight, pulse is about 50. 03:34.180 --> 03:36.660 She's in bad shape. 03:36.660 --> 03:39.140 This dashboard's wrapped around her like a blanket. 03:39.140 --> 03:41.820 All right, let's use the chains on the jaws then. 03:41.820 --> 03:45.260 We better make it quick, we're gonna need all the time we can get. 04:41.820 --> 04:52.260 Rampart, this is rescue 51. 04:52.260 --> 04:55.180 51, this is Rampart. 04:55.180 --> 04:58.180 Standby, 51. 04:58.180 --> 05:01.180 Stand by, 51. 05:01.180 --> 05:04.660 Look, don't think you can just drive me around like this. 05:04.660 --> 05:05.660 Automobile accident, he's intoxicated. 05:05.660 --> 05:08.260 When you get him fixed up, I'll need a blood sample. 05:08.260 --> 05:10.900 Hold on, you're not taking any blood from me? 05:10.900 --> 05:14.540 No, sir, I'll tell you right now, you ain't gonna take no blood from me. 05:14.540 --> 05:17.540 Go ahead, 51. 05:17.540 --> 05:20.340 Rampart, we're at a traffic accident. 05:20.340 --> 05:24.620 We have a young female, approximately seven years old, trapped inside. 05:24.620 --> 05:26.620 Extent of trauma unknown at this time. 05:26.620 --> 05:29.620 Pulse 50, respiration's eight. 05:29.620 --> 05:32.620 We're unable to obtain a BP. 05:32.620 --> 05:33.620 Patient is comatose. 05:33.620 --> 05:35.940 51, what about pupil reaction? 05:35.940 --> 05:38.260 We can't check, we're still working on getting her out. 05:38.260 --> 05:39.260 This is info only. 05:39.260 --> 05:42.260 Also, we can't administer anything at this time. 05:42.260 --> 05:44.260 10-4, 51, we'll stand by. 05:44.260 --> 05:49.260 Rampart, we're also sending in a male, approximately 35, head injury. 05:49.260 --> 05:51.260 A probable concussion. 05:51.260 --> 05:54.260 He's also intoxicated. 05:54.260 --> 06:10.260 He's here, 51, in all his glory. 06:10.260 --> 06:27.260 Left pupil slightly dilated and reactive. 06:27.260 --> 06:29.260 Right pupil's normal. 06:29.260 --> 06:31.260 Is she? 06:31.260 --> 06:33.260 She's unconscious. 06:33.260 --> 06:35.260 How bad is she? 06:35.260 --> 06:39.260 I don't know for certain yet, but we're doing all we can. 06:39.260 --> 06:41.260 Tappy? 06:41.260 --> 06:44.260 Rampart, the child is ready to move. 06:44.260 --> 06:46.260 She is comatose. 06:46.260 --> 06:49.260 There's a large contusion on the left side of her head. 06:49.260 --> 06:51.260 It does not seem to be compressed. 06:51.260 --> 06:54.260 Now, the BP is 140 over 70. 06:54.260 --> 06:56.260 Pulse 55, respiration's eight. 06:56.260 --> 06:58.260 The left pupil is dilated. 06:58.260 --> 07:00.260 The right pupil is normal. 07:00.260 --> 07:04.260 51, check for blood or spinal fluid in her nose and ears. 07:04.260 --> 07:06.260 We've already done so, Rampart. 07:06.260 --> 07:07.260 Negative. 07:07.260 --> 07:09.260 Also, no other parent trauma known. 07:09.260 --> 07:11.260 51, transport as soon as possible. 07:11.260 --> 07:13.260 Stand for. 07:13.260 --> 07:15.260 Kill. 07:15.260 --> 07:18.260 Our inebriated friend in there is being difficult. 07:18.260 --> 07:20.260 Most drunks are. 07:20.260 --> 07:22.260 Dr. Allen. 07:22.260 --> 07:23.260 Get this off of me. 07:23.260 --> 07:25.260 I gotta get out of here. 07:25.260 --> 07:28.260 Listen, Doc, I may be drunk, but I'm not stupid. 07:28.260 --> 07:29.260 You ain't getting no blood from me. 07:29.260 --> 07:31.260 You don't have that choice, mister. 07:31.260 --> 07:32.260 Have you heard anything, Doc? 07:32.260 --> 07:33.260 Yeah, they freed her. 07:33.260 --> 07:34.260 She'll be in soon. 07:34.260 --> 07:36.260 How is she? 07:36.260 --> 07:37.260 How's who? 07:37.260 --> 07:39.260 I'm the one with a cut head. 07:39.260 --> 07:40.260 How about me? 07:40.260 --> 07:42.260 We'd like to keep you overnight for observation. 07:42.260 --> 07:43.260 What for? 07:43.260 --> 07:44.260 Just a precaution. 07:44.260 --> 07:46.260 Slight possibility of a concussion. 07:46.260 --> 07:47.260 Yeah, sure. 07:47.260 --> 07:49.260 You never can be too careful. 07:49.260 --> 07:51.260 Doc, what about the blood test? 07:51.260 --> 07:52.260 No way. 07:52.260 --> 07:54.260 You ain't getting no blood. 07:54.260 --> 07:56.260 How important is it? 07:56.260 --> 07:58.260 Well, it could be just about the whole case, Doc. 07:58.260 --> 07:59.260 Listen to me, Doctor. 07:59.260 --> 08:00.260 I object. 08:00.260 --> 08:04.260 And you can't do nothing unless I say okay. 08:04.260 --> 08:05.260 Is he in your custody? 08:05.260 --> 08:06.260 You bet he is. 08:06.260 --> 08:08.260 Felony drunk driving at best. 08:08.260 --> 08:09.260 Felony? 08:09.260 --> 08:11.260 What are you doing, humming me? 08:11.260 --> 08:13.260 I've had drunk driving beasts before, 08:13.260 --> 08:15.260 and that ain't no felony. 08:15.260 --> 08:16.260 Mister. 08:16.260 --> 08:19.260 From what I can make of the symptoms of that little girl, 08:19.260 --> 08:22.260 you'll be lucky if it doesn't turn into manslaughter. 08:22.260 --> 08:23.260 Manslaughter. 08:23.260 --> 08:25.260 Turn again, Dixon. 08:25.260 --> 08:26.260 Hey, now, wait a minute. 08:26.260 --> 08:27.260 I want a lawyer. 08:27.260 --> 08:29.260 You'll get your call, mister. 08:29.260 --> 08:30.260 But first, the blood test. 08:30.260 --> 08:33.260 I'll tell you, Doc, this is against my will. 08:33.260 --> 08:37.260 You know, you're gonna get a lawsuit as big as this building. 08:37.260 --> 08:41.260 When I get through, you won't be licensed to stick a guinea pig. 08:41.260 --> 09:09.260 Do you hear me? 09:09.260 --> 09:20.260 All indications of a mass on the left side. 09:20.260 --> 09:22.260 Probably the hematoma. 09:22.260 --> 09:28.260 Get a skull series right away and set up for a spine pack. 09:28.260 --> 09:45.260 Tell X-ray we'll need to do a carotid angiogram. 09:45.260 --> 09:46.260 Mister Taylor? 09:46.260 --> 09:48.260 Yes. 09:48.260 --> 09:51.260 Oh, are you the two firemen who rescued my daughter? 09:51.260 --> 09:52.260 Yes. 09:52.260 --> 09:53.260 Have you heard anything? 09:53.260 --> 09:54.260 No, ma'am. 09:54.260 --> 09:56.260 It shouldn't be too long. 09:56.260 --> 09:59.260 I got two of the best in there with me right now. 09:59.260 --> 10:01.260 My wife's told me what you've done. 10:01.260 --> 10:03.260 I want to thank you. 10:03.260 --> 10:08.260 Stan, she said she wanted a car and I left her. 10:08.260 --> 10:09.260 I never left her. 10:09.260 --> 10:11.260 It wasn't my fault, I'm telling you. 10:11.260 --> 10:13.260 The guy run me off the road. 10:13.260 --> 10:14.260 Yeah, that's right. 10:14.260 --> 10:16.260 I was run off the road. 10:16.260 --> 10:18.260 It's not your fault. 10:18.260 --> 10:20.260 It's not your fault. 10:20.260 --> 10:21.260 It's not your fault. 10:21.260 --> 10:22.260 It's all right. 10:22.260 --> 10:26.260 There's got to be a way to keep these guys off the road. 10:26.260 --> 10:29.260 Well, if you can think of something, don't keep it to yourself. 10:29.260 --> 10:41.260 You're absolutely right, Kel. 10:41.260 --> 10:43.260 There's every indication of blood clot. 10:43.260 --> 10:45.260 Probably epidural hematoma. 10:45.260 --> 10:47.260 That's what I was afraid of. 10:47.260 --> 10:50.260 Kel, I'm getting a steady rise in blood pressure. 10:50.260 --> 10:55.260 What about pulse? 10:55.260 --> 10:57.260 It's slowing. 10:57.260 --> 10:59.260 Plus 40. 10:59.260 --> 11:01.260 I'm just afraid she won't survive surgery. 11:01.260 --> 11:03.260 Without it, we'll lose her an hour. 11:03.260 --> 11:06.260 Can you suggest any alternatives? 11:06.260 --> 11:08.260 There are none. 11:08.260 --> 11:13.260 And I'll be frank, the chances of complete success are very small. 11:13.260 --> 11:18.260 If she survives surgery, it's very possible there can be brain damage and paralysis. 11:18.260 --> 11:21.260 It's not fair. 11:21.260 --> 11:23.260 She's just a child. 11:23.260 --> 11:25.260 She's a little baby. 11:25.260 --> 11:27.260 It's not fair. 11:27.260 --> 11:31.260 Okay. 11:31.260 --> 11:35.260 Look, we'd like to talk it over. 11:35.260 --> 11:39.260 How much time can we have before you have to have a decision? 11:39.260 --> 11:41.260 I'm sorry, Mr. Taylor. 11:41.260 --> 11:43.260 Right now, every second counts. 11:43.260 --> 11:45.260 There isn't any time. 11:45.260 --> 11:50.260 The doctors have to operate immediately. 11:50.260 --> 11:54.260 Nancy? 11:54.260 --> 11:56.260 She saw we have Stan. 11:56.260 --> 11:58.260 It's gonna happen again. 11:58.260 --> 12:00.260 I know it. I know it. 12:00.260 --> 12:03.260 Nancy, we can't give up hope. 12:03.260 --> 12:07.260 We can't. 12:07.260 --> 12:09.260 I can't help it. 12:09.260 --> 12:10.260 What have we done wrong? 12:10.260 --> 12:12.260 Why is God against us? 12:12.260 --> 12:18.260 Nancy, Debbie has a chance, and we've got to give it to her. 12:18.260 --> 12:20.260 Jimmy didn't. 12:20.260 --> 12:24.260 It was over before we could do anything. 12:24.260 --> 12:28.260 Jimmy? 12:28.260 --> 12:32.260 He was our son. 12:32.260 --> 12:36.260 He was five. 12:36.260 --> 12:40.260 Three years ago, he was killed in... 12:40.260 --> 12:45.260 in an automobile accident. 12:45.260 --> 12:49.260 Nancy, we have to have faith. 12:49.260 --> 12:53.260 We have to. 12:53.260 --> 12:55.260 What? 12:55.260 --> 12:57.260 What? 12:57.260 --> 12:59.260 What? 12:59.260 --> 13:01.260 What? 13:01.260 --> 13:03.260 What? 13:03.260 --> 13:05.260 What? 13:05.260 --> 13:10.260 What? 13:10.260 --> 13:15.260 What? 13:15.260 --> 13:20.260 When Jimmy died, 13:20.260 --> 13:24.260 my wife... 13:24.260 --> 13:29.260 Well, the only thing that pulled her out of it was Debbie. 13:29.260 --> 13:33.260 We adopted her two years ago. 13:33.260 --> 13:36.260 We'll do everything that's humanly possible, Mr. Taylor. 13:36.260 --> 13:38.260 Dr. Roberto Almanza. 13:38.260 --> 14:05.260 Dr. Roberto Almanza. 14:08.260 --> 14:29.260 Dr. Almanza, 63. 14:29.260 --> 14:31.260 Doctor? 14:31.260 --> 14:33.260 She's out of surgery. 14:33.260 --> 14:35.260 Is she? 14:35.260 --> 14:37.260 It's too soon to tell, Mrs. Taylor. 14:37.260 --> 14:39.260 She's still in a coma. 14:39.260 --> 14:41.260 We'll just have to wait for now. 14:41.260 --> 14:45.260 Have you, uh, told my husband? 14:45.260 --> 14:47.260 No. Where is he? 14:47.260 --> 14:49.260 I'm not sure. 14:49.260 --> 15:08.260 I think he, he went to talk to the policeman. 15:08.260 --> 15:10.260 Mr. Taylor, I think you'd better join your wife. 15:10.260 --> 15:12.260 Debbie's out of surgery now. 15:12.260 --> 15:13.260 And? 15:13.260 --> 15:14.260 Like I told Mrs. Taylor. 15:14.260 --> 15:15.260 She's still in a coma. 15:15.260 --> 15:17.260 It'll be some time before we know. 15:17.260 --> 15:21.260 You know why I came in here, don't you? 15:21.260 --> 15:24.260 I was gonna beat him to a pulp. 15:24.260 --> 15:28.260 Pitiful little man who probably doesn't even realize what he's done. 15:28.260 --> 15:31.260 He'll have his day in court. 15:31.260 --> 15:34.260 Oh, yeah. 15:34.260 --> 15:38.260 Yeah, our system of justice. 15:38.260 --> 15:41.260 It was one of his kind that killed Jimmy. 15:41.260 --> 15:43.260 What's the matter with them, doctor? 15:43.260 --> 15:47.260 Don't they realize what a menace they are? 15:47.260 --> 15:52.260 How can a person drink himself to oblivion and then drive a car? 15:52.260 --> 15:53.260 That's the problem. 15:53.260 --> 15:56.260 They can't. 15:56.260 --> 16:03.260 Yeah. 16:03.260 --> 16:07.260 Can we see Debbie now, doctor? 16:07.260 --> 16:12.260 Just for a few minutes. 16:12.260 --> 16:13.260 Who was that? 16:13.260 --> 16:15.260 Giles' father. 16:15.260 --> 16:17.260 What was he doing here? What did he want? 16:17.260 --> 16:19.260 Let me ask you a question, doctor. What did he want? 16:19.260 --> 16:21.260 Whatever it was. 16:21.260 --> 16:28.260 I don't think he got it. 16:28.260 --> 16:40.260 Here's your water. 16:40.260 --> 16:43.260 Man, was that ever some movie, huh? 16:43.260 --> 16:45.260 Some movie, all right. 16:45.260 --> 16:48.260 All right. Man, that was a classic in its day. 16:48.260 --> 16:50.260 History in the making is what that picture was. 16:50.260 --> 16:52.260 I feel a little bit of needling in the garden. 16:52.260 --> 16:54.260 Needling? Just because the Indians lost? 16:54.260 --> 16:56.260 I mean, anybody with a little bit of education 16:56.260 --> 16:59.260 had realized the historical significance of that movie. 16:59.260 --> 17:01.260 Here we go again. 17:01.260 --> 17:03.260 Historical significance? 17:03.260 --> 17:06.260 That was a crummy piece of propaganda to make a movie about. 17:06.260 --> 17:10.260 Historical significance? 17:10.260 --> 17:12.260 That was a crummy piece of propaganda 17:12.260 --> 17:14.260 to make jerks like you feel comfortable. 17:14.260 --> 17:17.260 Besides, it was a lousy film. 17:17.260 --> 17:20.260 Lousy? Man, I thought it was great. 17:20.260 --> 17:22.260 Oh, you would. 17:22.260 --> 17:24.260 I don't want to talk about it. Forget it. 17:24.260 --> 17:27.260 Well, you call me a dope, and then you tell me to forget it. 17:27.260 --> 17:29.260 Come on. What do you mean? 17:29.260 --> 17:31.260 I didn't call you a dope. I called you a jerk. 17:31.260 --> 17:33.260 And you know exactly what I'm talking about. 17:33.260 --> 17:35.260 That movie really didn't tell it like it was. 17:35.260 --> 17:38.260 It was a time-grabbing, treaty-breaking liars 17:38.260 --> 17:40.260 you whites really were. 17:40.260 --> 17:42.260 Oh, I get it now, Johnny. 17:42.260 --> 17:45.260 You better watch it. That Indian blood of yours is starting to boil. 17:45.260 --> 17:48.260 Yeah, and I may revert back and go after your scalp, 17:48.260 --> 17:50.260 starting with your upper lip. 17:50.260 --> 17:52.260 All right, all right. Why don't we call that one a draw? 17:52.260 --> 17:54.260 Draw? 17:54.260 --> 17:56.260 Well, what are we doing here? 17:56.260 --> 17:59.260 We choosing up sides? The Irishmen against the Indians? 17:59.260 --> 18:01.260 What are you picking on me for? 18:01.260 --> 18:03.260 I'm not picking on you. 18:03.260 --> 18:05.260 What are you getting so uptight about? 18:05.260 --> 18:07.260 I've got some Indian blood in me, too, you know. 18:07.260 --> 18:09.260 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 18:09.260 --> 18:11.260 Now, now, don't tell me. 18:11.260 --> 18:13.260 On your grandmother's side. 18:13.260 --> 18:15.260 Yeah, that's right. 18:15.260 --> 18:17.260 And she was an Indian princess, a Cherokee, most likely. 18:17.260 --> 18:19.260 Hey, that's right. How'd you know that? 18:19.260 --> 18:23.260 Oh, we call it white man royalty syndrome. 18:23.260 --> 18:31.260 Cross street, Burnside, time out 1411. 18:53.260 --> 18:55.260 Listen to me, you little run. 18:55.260 --> 18:57.260 If it's the last thing I do, I'm going to have you blackballed 18:57.260 --> 18:59.260 from every hot dog stand in the city. 18:59.260 --> 19:01.260 Who cares about your crummy hot dogs? 19:01.260 --> 19:03.260 You'll find out who cares, you little wise guy. 19:03.260 --> 19:05.260 Tell me who cares. 19:05.260 --> 19:07.260 You're a good boy. 19:07.260 --> 19:09.260 You're a good boy. 19:09.260 --> 19:11.260 You're a good boy. 19:11.260 --> 19:13.260 You're a good boy. 19:13.260 --> 19:15.260 You're a good boy. 19:15.260 --> 19:17.260 You're a good boy. 19:17.260 --> 19:19.260 You're a good boy. 19:19.260 --> 19:21.260 You're a good boy. 19:21.260 --> 19:23.260 You'll find out who cares, you little wise guy. 19:23.260 --> 19:25.260 Tell it to the fireman, fatso. 19:25.260 --> 19:27.260 What's the problem? 19:27.260 --> 19:29.260 What's it look like? 19:29.260 --> 19:31.260 Got his finger stuck trying to rip off my gumball machine. 19:31.260 --> 19:33.260 You're crazy. 19:33.260 --> 19:35.260 You're the one who's a ripoff artist. 19:35.260 --> 19:37.260 He fixes this thing so it'll take a kid's penny 19:37.260 --> 19:39.260 and not come through with a gumball. 19:39.260 --> 19:41.260 You gonna listen to that, hogwash? 19:41.260 --> 19:43.260 Sorry, we're just neutral observers. 19:43.260 --> 19:45.260 Yeah, maybe I ought to call the cops. 19:45.260 --> 19:47.260 Maybe they won't be so neutral. 19:47.260 --> 19:49.260 No, they'll throw you right in the slammer 19:49.260 --> 19:51.260 for shaking down us kids. 19:51.260 --> 19:53.260 Listen to him! 19:53.260 --> 19:55.260 By the time he's 15, he's gonna have his picture 19:55.260 --> 19:57.260 decorating every post office in the country. 19:57.260 --> 19:59.260 All right, all right. 19:59.260 --> 20:01.260 What do you suggest? 20:01.260 --> 20:03.260 Well, his finger's stuck in there all right. 20:03.260 --> 20:05.260 Why don't we try a little soap? 20:05.260 --> 20:07.260 RINGING 20:07.260 --> 20:11.260 PILOT 1-9-5, engine 41 are showing us main and health... 20:13.260 --> 20:15.260 Engine 231, return to water. 20:19.260 --> 20:21.260 What are you gonna do? 20:21.260 --> 20:23.260 Soap, we're gonna try to... 20:23.260 --> 20:25.260 You're gonna ruin all my gumballs in there! 20:25.260 --> 20:27.260 No, wait a minute, it doesn't make any difference. 20:27.260 --> 20:29.260 He can't settle any gumballs with his finger stuck in there. 20:29.260 --> 20:31.260 You be darn careful. 20:31.260 --> 20:33.260 Roy is just a little upset. 20:33.260 --> 20:35.260 What's little Dillinger yapping about now? 20:35.260 --> 20:37.260 I'm telling him how you watered down your lemonade. 20:37.260 --> 20:39.260 Yeah? 20:39.260 --> 20:41.260 You can tell him how you used five times more sugar 20:41.260 --> 20:43.260 than anybody else, too. 20:43.260 --> 20:45.260 Okay, see if you can pull it out now. 20:45.260 --> 20:47.260 Nope, won't come. 20:47.260 --> 20:49.260 I knew it, I knew it. 20:49.260 --> 20:51.260 What now? 20:51.260 --> 20:53.260 We only have one choice. 20:53.260 --> 20:55.260 We're gonna have to break the glass. 20:55.260 --> 20:57.260 Oh, no, you don't. Not my gumball machine. 20:57.260 --> 20:59.260 What do you want? 20:59.260 --> 21:01.260 Should I walk around the rest of my life 21:01.260 --> 21:03.260 with a gumball machine on my finger? 21:03.260 --> 21:05.260 You can't run anywhere without a machine. 21:05.260 --> 21:07.260 All right, all right, settle down, you two. 21:07.260 --> 21:09.260 Well, do you have a key for that thing? 21:09.260 --> 21:11.260 No, the guy who fills it, he has the key. 21:13.260 --> 21:15.260 Hey, I got it. 21:15.260 --> 21:17.260 What? 21:17.260 --> 21:19.260 Cut his finger off. 21:19.260 --> 21:21.260 You're really sick. 21:21.260 --> 21:23.260 Not as sick as you're gonna be when you're paid the damage. 21:27.260 --> 21:29.260 Looks like this war started a long time ago. 21:29.260 --> 21:33.260 There certainly isn't any love lost between them. 21:33.260 --> 21:35.260 Assistant 1, repeat the phone number. 21:35.260 --> 21:37.260 10-4, Assistant 1. 21:37.260 --> 21:39.260 You really gotta break it, huh? 21:39.260 --> 21:41.260 I'm sorry. 21:49.260 --> 21:51.260 Engine 110, folks. 21:51.260 --> 21:55.260 110, 110, 158, 138, 148, 21:55.260 --> 21:57.260 someone's 27, tell you what. 21:57.260 --> 22:00.260 Fire number 61, 22:00.260 --> 22:02.260 3-4, 22:02.260 --> 22:04.260 number 61, 22:04.260 --> 22:06.260 43, 9-21. 22:06.260 --> 22:28.260 Okay. 22:28.260 --> 22:30.260 Look at the miser. 22:30.260 --> 22:32.260 He's saving all the dirty gumballs. 22:32.260 --> 22:34.260 Okay, I'm gonna count them. 22:34.260 --> 22:36.260 I'm gonna charge you one cent a piece. 22:36.260 --> 22:39.260 Yeah, well, take it off the interest of what I lost in this thing 22:39.260 --> 22:41.260 for the past two years. 22:43.260 --> 22:45.260 Okay. 22:45.260 --> 22:48.260 Engine 18, the squad is not available. 22:48.260 --> 22:50.260 Do you need any other assistance? 22:55.260 --> 22:57.260 Nope, it's still stuck. 22:59.260 --> 23:02.260 Uh, what now? 23:02.260 --> 23:04.260 Tear it apart? 23:04.260 --> 23:06.260 I guess so. 23:06.260 --> 23:08.260 Oh, now, wait a minute. 23:08.260 --> 23:10.260 Listen, there's no other way. 23:10.260 --> 23:13.260 Let's put your partner's head when he broke the glass. 23:13.260 --> 23:15.260 Leave him alone, will you? 23:15.260 --> 23:17.260 I wanna get out of here. 23:17.260 --> 23:19.260 Hey, you should've thought of that before. 23:19.260 --> 23:21.260 You know, come here, I wanna show you something. 23:21.260 --> 23:23.260 About what? 23:23.260 --> 23:25.260 See that? 23:25.260 --> 23:27.260 What? 23:27.260 --> 23:29.260 Your blind or something right there. 23:29.260 --> 23:31.260 It's a penny, so what? 23:31.260 --> 23:33.260 It's my penny. 23:33.260 --> 23:35.260 Stuck. 23:35.260 --> 23:37.260 That's why your dumb machine didn't work. 23:37.260 --> 23:39.260 Still could ask for your penny back. 23:39.260 --> 23:41.260 Would you have given it to me? 23:41.260 --> 23:43.260 All you had to do was ask. 23:43.260 --> 23:46.260 Ah, you're right, I am sick. 23:46.260 --> 23:48.260 Engine 15, return to course. 23:50.260 --> 23:52.260 See? 23:54.260 --> 23:56.260 facility one, call 638. 23:57.260 --> 23:59.260 How's it feel? 23:59.260 --> 24:01.260 It's okay, it doesn't even hurt. 24:01.260 --> 24:03.260 Why should it? 24:03.260 --> 24:05.260 After all, the machine was a sacrifice. 24:05.260 --> 24:08.260 I'll tell you what, I'm gonna let you off the hook. 24:08.260 --> 24:10.260 Off the hook? 24:10.260 --> 24:12.260 What are you talking about? 24:12.260 --> 24:15.260 Well, since it was your fault that my finger got stuck, 24:15.260 --> 24:18.260 I won't sue you for our consideration. 24:18.260 --> 24:20.260 That's ring a big of you. 24:20.260 --> 24:22.260 Yeah, the way I see it, 24:22.260 --> 24:26.260 one hot dog a day for the next two months. 24:26.260 --> 24:28.260 Mm, for free, huh? 24:28.260 --> 24:30.260 Of course. 24:30.260 --> 24:32.260 See what I have to put up with? 24:32.260 --> 24:34.260 Oh, sorry, we're... 24:32.260 --> 24:34.260 Yeah, I know, you're neutral. 24:35.260 --> 24:37.260 Here. 24:37.260 --> 25:05.260 Oh, no. 25:05.260 --> 25:07.260 Hey, Gage, answer a question for me, will you? 25:07.260 --> 25:09.260 Careful. 25:09.260 --> 25:10.260 Shoot. 25:10.260 --> 25:12.260 Why is it you ever left the reservation? 25:14.260 --> 25:16.260 Is that a crack or is that a question? 25:16.260 --> 25:18.260 If you ask me, it sounds like bait. 25:18.260 --> 25:20.260 No, I'm serious. 25:20.260 --> 25:22.260 I've been reading up on Indians, 25:22.260 --> 25:24.260 and according to this anthropologist here, 25:24.260 --> 25:26.260 it's supposed to be against your cultural instincts 25:26.260 --> 25:28.260 to leave the tribal environment. 25:28.260 --> 25:30.260 Is that so? 25:30.260 --> 25:33.260 Well, maybe the tribal environment lost a little of its charm 25:33.260 --> 25:35.260 when the anthropologists started nosing around 25:35.260 --> 25:37.260 and coming up with their dumb theories about Indians. 25:37.260 --> 25:39.260 Oh, you're being kind of hard on them, aren't you? 25:39.260 --> 25:43.260 I mean, these are real educated people, scientists. 25:43.260 --> 25:45.260 Scientists? 25:45.260 --> 25:47.260 You know, maybe you should meet them sometime. 25:47.260 --> 25:49.260 You knew anthropologists? 25:49.260 --> 25:51.260 Yes. 25:51.260 --> 25:53.260 Matter of fact, I used to be a guinea pig 25:53.260 --> 25:55.260 for about 20 of them every summer. 25:55.260 --> 25:57.260 Guinea pig? What did they do? 25:57.260 --> 25:59.260 Observed us. 25:57.260 --> 25:59.260 Observed? 25:59.260 --> 26:01.260 Yeah. 26:01.260 --> 26:04.260 Every year, they'd come up with a new theory about Indians. 26:04.260 --> 26:06.260 So when the summer would roll around, 26:06.260 --> 26:08.260 they'd just swarm out to the reservation 26:08.260 --> 26:11.260 to prove this new theory by observing us. 26:11.260 --> 26:14.260 So they'd watch us savages for about a month or so, 26:14.260 --> 26:16.260 and then they'd run back into town, 26:16.260 --> 26:18.260 write out a whole slew of books, 26:18.260 --> 26:20.260 and get federal grants for it, 26:20.260 --> 26:22.260 so they could afford to come back the next summer 26:22.260 --> 26:24.260 and do it all over again. 26:24.260 --> 26:26.260 What a way to make a living. 26:24.260 --> 26:26.260 You know something, Gage? 26:26.260 --> 26:28.260 I think you're better. 26:28.260 --> 26:30.260 Oh, you noticed. 26:30.260 --> 26:32.260 I know scientists were just trying to help. 26:32.260 --> 26:34.260 Like how? 26:34.260 --> 26:36.260 All they've done for the past 100 years is pump out studies. 26:36.260 --> 26:38.260 Well, those studies must have done some good. 26:38.260 --> 26:40.260 Oh, they did. They did. 26:40.260 --> 26:42.260 They helped build up university libraries 26:42.260 --> 26:44.260 with a lot of useless knowledge. 26:44.260 --> 26:46.260 Now, tell me that's doing good. 26:46.260 --> 26:48.260 Well, this guy here sure has studied 26:48.260 --> 26:50.260 a lot of the Indian problems, 26:50.260 --> 26:52.260 and it would seem to me the Indian would be grateful for his interest. 26:54.260 --> 26:56.260 Oh, Marcus Parkham. 26:56.260 --> 26:58.260 Yes, sir. Now, he was one of the best. 26:58.260 --> 27:00.260 He was a real winner. 27:00.260 --> 27:02.260 You know what he did? 27:02.260 --> 27:04.260 He studied a tribe of people for over... 27:04.260 --> 27:06.260 He studied a tribe of 1,000 people 27:06.260 --> 27:08.260 for over 10 years to solve their poverty problem. 27:08.260 --> 27:10.260 Yeah, how'd it come out? 27:10.260 --> 27:12.260 Now, this here is one of 10 books that he published. 27:12.260 --> 27:16.260 Now, he blew $5.5 million on his studies. 27:16.260 --> 27:18.260 Now, Chet, 27:18.260 --> 27:21.260 if that tribe had one little piece of that $5.5 million, 27:21.260 --> 27:23.260 they wouldn't have the problem to begin with. 27:23.260 --> 27:25.260 No, it couldn't, huh? 27:25.260 --> 27:28.260 Well, maybe you should have let the tribe use a little of that money, 27:28.260 --> 27:30.260 you know, to jack up their economy. 27:30.260 --> 27:32.260 Hey, now that's academic treason. 27:32.260 --> 27:34.260 I'm shocked that you would suggest such a thing. 27:34.260 --> 27:36.260 Maybe it's some of that Indian blood in him. 27:36.260 --> 27:38.260 Oh, that's right. 27:38.260 --> 27:40.260 On his grandmother's side. 27:40.260 --> 27:42.260 Yeah, the princess. 27:45.260 --> 27:47.260 Squad 51, difficult breathing. 27:47.260 --> 27:50.260 10-17 Crocker, apartment 10. 27:50.260 --> 27:53.260 10-17 Crocker, apartment 10. 27:53.260 --> 27:56.260 Cross Street, Wanda. Timeout 11.50. 27:56.260 --> 28:24.260 KMG, 365. 28:26.260 --> 28:49.260 Please, please, I can't. 28:49.260 --> 28:51.260 Where, where? 28:51.260 --> 28:53.260 Oh, here they are. 28:53.260 --> 28:55.260 Thank you. 28:55.260 --> 28:57.260 Help me. 28:59.260 --> 29:01.260 Help me. Help me. 29:01.260 --> 29:03.260 How long have you been this way, ma'am? 29:03.260 --> 29:05.260 Ten, ten, ten weeks. 29:05.260 --> 29:07.260 I can't breathe. 29:07.260 --> 29:09.260 Has this happened before? 29:09.260 --> 29:11.260 No, no, it's new. New. 29:11.260 --> 29:13.260 Are you under a doctor's care? 29:13.260 --> 29:15.260 No, not sick. 29:15.260 --> 29:17.260 Squeezing me. 29:17.260 --> 29:19.260 Help me. 29:19.260 --> 29:21.260 No? 29:21.260 --> 29:23.260 No, girdle. 29:23.260 --> 29:25.260 I can't breathe. 29:25.260 --> 29:27.260 Girdle? 29:41.260 --> 29:43.260 What do you suggest? 29:43.260 --> 29:45.260 You cut it, I guess. 29:45.260 --> 29:47.260 I don't see any other way. 29:47.260 --> 29:49.260 You're under... 29:49.260 --> 29:51.260 Anything. 29:55.260 --> 29:57.260 Hurry. 29:57.260 --> 29:59.260 Hurry! 30:11.260 --> 30:13.260 I didn't think I'd ever draw another breath. 30:13.260 --> 30:15.260 I didn't think I'd ever draw another breath. 30:17.260 --> 30:19.260 It's good. It's good to be alive. 30:21.260 --> 30:23.260 Oh, thanks. 30:25.260 --> 30:27.260 You're not hurt, are you? 30:27.260 --> 30:29.260 No, no. Everything's fine. 30:29.260 --> 30:31.260 Everything's just fine. 30:31.260 --> 30:33.260 Amen. 30:33.260 --> 30:35.260 You can say that again, brother. 30:35.260 --> 30:43.260 Bye-bye. 31:01.260 --> 31:03.260 I know firemen look dangerously, but a girdle... 31:03.260 --> 31:05.260 Tell me about it. 31:05.260 --> 31:07.260 You know, Roy, if Chet ever finds out about this, 31:07.260 --> 31:09.260 I want to know exactly who told him. 31:09.260 --> 31:11.260 Just tell me one thing. 31:11.260 --> 31:13.260 How'd she ever get into it? 31:13.260 --> 31:15.260 Would you believe baby oil? 31:15.260 --> 31:17.260 Why not? 31:21.260 --> 31:23.260 Engine 51, engine 60, squad 51. 31:23.260 --> 31:25.260 Structure fire, 612 grand. 31:25.260 --> 31:27.260 612 grand. 31:27.260 --> 31:29.260 Cross street, all of you. Time out, 1240. 31:29.260 --> 31:31.260 Squad 51 responding. 31:31.260 --> 31:33.260 It's right up the street. 31:33.260 --> 31:35.260 Let's go. 31:43.260 --> 31:45.260 There's been no change. 31:49.260 --> 31:51.260 It's been three days. 31:51.260 --> 31:53.260 I'm sorry. 31:53.260 --> 31:55.260 There's nothing more we can do but wait... 31:55.260 --> 32:01.260 and pray. 32:01.260 --> 32:03.260 I've tried that before. 32:03.260 --> 32:25.260 It doesn't work. 32:33.260 --> 32:35.260 It's in the bathroom. Hurry. 32:35.260 --> 32:37.260 I don't know what started it. It just suddenly started burning. 32:37.260 --> 32:39.260 Let's grab this garden hose. 32:45.260 --> 32:47.260 Ah! It's coming out of that hose. 32:47.260 --> 32:49.260 What the heck is coming out of this hose? 32:55.260 --> 32:57.260 I don't know. 32:57.260 --> 32:59.260 I'm not sure. 32:59.260 --> 33:01.260 I'm not sure. 33:01.260 --> 33:03.260 I'm not sure. 33:03.260 --> 33:05.260 I'm not sure. 33:05.260 --> 33:07.260 I'm not sure. 33:07.260 --> 33:09.260 I'm not sure. 33:09.260 --> 33:11.260 I'm not sure. 33:11.260 --> 33:13.260 I'm not sure. 33:13.260 --> 33:15.260 I'm not sure. 33:15.260 --> 33:17.260 I'm not sure. 33:17.260 --> 33:19.260 I'm going to have to use the pump cap. 33:19.260 --> 33:21.260 Some sort of flammable material in the water system. 33:21.260 --> 33:23.260 Agent 60, engine 51. 33:23.260 --> 33:25.260 There's some kind of flammable liquid in the water system. 33:25.260 --> 33:27.260 Use your tank. 33:27.260 --> 33:29.260 Ironman's sinking with the engine in half. 33:29.260 --> 33:31.260 What the devil happened? 33:31.260 --> 33:33.260 Whatever's in that water system surely isn't water. 33:33.260 --> 33:35.260 Oh, man, it was close. 33:35.260 --> 33:41.260 Hey, Mr. Duthra. 33:41.260 --> 33:43.260 Oh, my God! 34:05.260 --> 34:07.260 All right, we're rolling in three more companies for standby and the water department. 34:07.260 --> 34:09.260 Whatever's infiltrating this water system has got to be found. 34:09.260 --> 34:11.260 We're going to have trouble doing that. 34:11.260 --> 34:13.260 We don't even know what's moving. 34:13.260 --> 34:15.260 I would start by looking, but first I want the mains from the whole area checked out. 34:15.260 --> 34:17.260 You take Squire Street. 34:17.260 --> 34:19.260 Right. 34:19.260 --> 34:21.260 Yeah, all it took was some real water. 34:21.260 --> 34:23.260 You wouldn't believe how that fire in there started. 34:23.260 --> 34:25.260 The old guy threw a lit match in the toilet bowl. 34:25.260 --> 34:27.260 Don't say it, Kelly. 34:27.260 --> 34:47.260 No, I know. 34:47.260 --> 34:49.260 Fuels in this one, too. 34:49.260 --> 34:53.260 What gets me is how the fuel oil got in the system in the first place. 34:53.260 --> 34:55.260 Maybe it's some kind of industrial sabotage. 34:55.260 --> 34:57.260 In a residential area? Not likely. 34:57.260 --> 34:59.260 I agree. It doesn't make any sense. 34:59.260 --> 35:03.260 But if somebody's not putting it in here deliberately, then how's it getting in? 35:03.260 --> 35:05.260 If it's not deliberate, then it's got to be accidental, right? 35:05.260 --> 35:07.260 Brilliant. 35:07.260 --> 35:09.260 Well, now think about it. 35:09.260 --> 35:13.260 In what way could fuel oil get into a water system accidentally? 35:13.260 --> 35:15.260 You got me. 35:15.260 --> 35:17.260 Unless the refinery decided to take over the water line. 35:17.260 --> 35:25.260 Not likely. 35:25.260 --> 35:27.260 Yeah? 35:27.260 --> 35:31.260 The fuel line that runs along Market Street, they're always repairing a leak in it. 35:31.260 --> 35:35.260 Yeah? Well, what's that got to do with the water line? 35:35.260 --> 35:37.260 No. 35:37.260 --> 35:39.260 It's worth checking. 35:39.260 --> 35:41.260 Look, they're not that stupid. 35:41.260 --> 36:03.260 I see it, but I don't believe it. 36:03.260 --> 36:11.260 I don't believe it. 36:11.260 --> 36:19.260 Ancient 51, Squad 51. We found the source of Market and Shelton Street. 36:19.260 --> 36:21.260 Hey, what are you doing? 36:21.260 --> 36:23.260 You might say we're cutting off your water, mister. 36:23.260 --> 36:27.260 No, you can just turn it back on again now. I've been flushing this line for over an hour. 36:27.260 --> 36:29.260 We've got to put a weld in. I don't intend to do it with fuel in there. 36:29.260 --> 36:31.260 Then you better thank your lucky stars. 36:31.260 --> 36:33.260 You haven't had a drop of water in there since you started. 36:33.260 --> 36:35.260 What do you mean? 36:35.260 --> 36:37.260 How long have you been working for the refinery, mister? 36:37.260 --> 36:39.260 I don't. This is a contract job. 36:39.260 --> 36:41.260 Do you ever hear of a clapper valve? 36:41.260 --> 36:43.260 Yeah, it's a stop something from backing up. Sure I have. 36:43.260 --> 36:45.260 Then why aren't you using one? 36:45.260 --> 36:47.260 No need. There's only 500 pounds pressure in this line. 36:47.260 --> 37:05.260 And 80 in the hydrant. What does that tell you? 37:05.260 --> 37:09.260 Cap, you're not going to believe this. 37:09.260 --> 37:15.260 I'll let him tell you. 37:15.260 --> 37:17.260 I heard you got a little close to that fire back there, Cage. 37:17.260 --> 37:19.260 Now that's what I call real dedication. 37:19.260 --> 37:21.260 Very funny. 37:21.260 --> 37:25.260 No, I'm very sincere about this. 37:25.260 --> 37:27.260 Sounds to me like it's been on a groundwork or something. 37:27.260 --> 37:29.260 No, man, I'm trying to be serious. 37:29.260 --> 37:31.260 Kelly, you've never been serious a day in your life. 37:31.260 --> 37:33.260 Well, I am now. 37:33.260 --> 37:35.260 Like how? 37:35.260 --> 37:39.260 What I'm trying to say is I've been giving it a lot of thought. 37:39.260 --> 37:41.260 Oh, yeah, I mean, what have you got to lose? 37:41.260 --> 37:43.260 Okay, Chet, lay it on me. 37:43.260 --> 37:45.260 What about this Indian thing? 37:45.260 --> 37:47.260 I mean, my joking around with you about it. 37:47.260 --> 37:49.260 I've noticed it bothers you. 37:49.260 --> 37:51.260 It doesn't bother me. 37:51.260 --> 37:53.260 I mean, if you're some kind of a bigot, why should it bother me? 37:53.260 --> 37:55.260 I know, and I feel bad about it. 37:55.260 --> 37:59.260 That's what I'm trying to tell you, is that right now, no more Indian jokes. 37:59.260 --> 38:01.260 Hey, no, wait a minute, I object to that. 38:01.260 --> 38:03.260 I mean, let's not get carried away. 38:03.260 --> 38:05.260 Well, wait a minute, what do you mean you object to it? 38:05.260 --> 38:07.260 I like the jokes. 38:07.260 --> 38:11.260 I mean, we do need a little bit of humor around here. 38:11.260 --> 38:13.260 Well, yeah, fine, but I mean, 38:13.260 --> 38:16.260 find your own humor at somebody else's expense. 38:16.260 --> 38:19.260 You know, your problem is you're too sensitive. 38:19.260 --> 38:21.260 Sensitive, me? 38:21.260 --> 38:24.260 You know, you're not the most objective guy around here, you know. 38:24.260 --> 38:27.260 Now, wait a minute, what makes you an authority on objectivity? 38:27.260 --> 38:30.260 I mean, look, I can take a joke just like the next guy. 38:30.260 --> 38:32.260 Only if the next guy happens to be stone deaf. 38:32.260 --> 38:34.260 Well, listen... 38:34.260 --> 38:36.260 Gentlemen, such hostility. 38:36.260 --> 38:38.260 Now, I have a solution to this unfortunate argument. 38:38.260 --> 38:40.260 Kelly, what are you talking about? 38:40.260 --> 38:43.260 Well, apparently I've put friend against friend, and I want to remedy it. 38:43.260 --> 38:45.260 How? 38:45.260 --> 38:47.260 Shall we smoke? 38:49.260 --> 38:51.260 That's not funny. 39:04.260 --> 39:06.260 Stat, I'd like a doctor. 39:06.260 --> 39:08.260 Treatment room 3. 39:08.260 --> 39:10.260 How's Debbie Taylor, Kel? 39:10.260 --> 39:13.260 Just not responding, Dixie. 39:13.260 --> 39:16.260 Both Joe and I are flat out answers. 39:16.260 --> 39:20.260 Well, aren't you the one that used to tell me 39:20.260 --> 39:25.260 there's a point where medicine stops and something much bigger takes over? 39:25.260 --> 39:28.260 Sometimes it's hard to keep remembering that. 39:28.260 --> 39:31.260 I'll be your constant reminder, huh? 39:31.260 --> 39:33.260 Aren't you always? 39:33.260 --> 39:35.260 Debbie? 39:38.260 --> 39:41.260 Her eyes! I'm sure I saw the doors. 39:46.260 --> 39:49.260 Debbie, can you hear me? 39:49.260 --> 40:02.260 Debbie, I'm Dr. Brackett. Can you hear me? 40:02.260 --> 40:20.260 Honey, if you can, I want you to move your toes and your fingers. 40:32.260 --> 40:35.260 Mommy, Daddy. 40:35.260 --> 40:40.260 Yes, darling. Mommy and Daddy are right here. 40:49.260 --> 40:53.260 Italian 1 has been notified and is responding. 40:53.260 --> 40:55.260 Gage? 40:55.260 --> 40:56.260 Yeah? 40:56.260 --> 40:59.260 First of all, I would like to apologize for making a joke about the peace pipe. 40:59.260 --> 41:04.260 That's all right, Kelly. You were just showing your usual ignorance for the sacred symbol. 41:04.260 --> 41:08.260 Anyway, in honor of our semi-red brother, I propose a treaty to... 41:08.260 --> 41:12.260 That's all I need. Do you know what a treaty is? 41:12.260 --> 41:14.260 Your version or mine? 41:14.260 --> 41:15.260 Mine. 41:15.260 --> 41:18.260 Yeah, that's when the white man wants a piece of your land, right? 41:18.260 --> 41:21.260 Right. So why are you proposing a treaty? 41:21.260 --> 41:24.260 Look, can we get on with this ceremony? 41:24.260 --> 41:29.260 Station 51, construction accident at the insurance building. 41:29.260 --> 41:36.260 1104 South Macy. 1104 South Macy, Cross Street, Andrews, timeout 1400. 41:36.260 --> 41:55.260 KMG 365. 42:06.260 --> 42:34.260 KMG 365. 42:36.260 --> 42:40.260 All right, while you're checking them out, we'll get things ready down here. 42:40.260 --> 42:42.260 Right. 42:42.260 --> 42:48.260 Engine 51, we have an injured man up on some scaffolding on the sign above this building. 42:48.260 --> 42:50.260 Station 51, out 20 minutes. 42:50.260 --> 42:53.260 Engine 51, 10-4. 42:53.260 --> 43:07.260 Engine 51, we have an injured man up on some scaffolding on the sign above this building. Station 51, out 20 minutes. 43:23.260 --> 43:25.260 Station 51, out 20 minutes. 43:54.260 --> 43:59.260 Roy, can you lower that in so we can level off? 44:09.260 --> 44:14.260 All right. All right. Let's take it down. 44:17.260 --> 44:19.260 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 44:19.260 --> 44:26.260 This block's jammed. We'll have to work on him here. 44:26.260 --> 44:48.260 All right, send up the drug box. 44:48.260 --> 44:51.260 Okay. 45:08.260 --> 45:11.260 Better call the sheriff. There's been a man shot up here. 45:11.260 --> 45:16.260 Engine 51, notify the sheriff and request an ambulance. We have a shooting victim. 45:16.260 --> 45:18.260 Must have been... 45:18.260 --> 45:21.260 Must have been it. 45:21.260 --> 45:23.260 Get that Stokes tied up. 45:23.260 --> 45:30.260 Engine 51, firemen are under gunfire. Notify the sheriff there's a sniper on top of the Purdue building. This is a Code L. 45:30.260 --> 45:33.260 Put that tarp in it. 45:37.260 --> 45:38.260 Get it up here fast. 45:38.260 --> 45:53.260 Take it away. 45:53.260 --> 46:01.260 Everybody take cover. This guy's shooting at anything that moves. 46:01.260 --> 46:03.260 Why the tarp? 46:03.260 --> 46:05.260 It'll offer us some concealment. 46:05.260 --> 46:08.260 Not much. 46:08.260 --> 46:10.260 You got any better ideas? 46:10.260 --> 46:33.260 Lord. 46:41.260 --> 46:44.260 Let's hope he's kept occupied. 46:51.260 --> 46:54.260 Well, he's losing a lot of blood. We're gonna have to get him out of here. 46:54.260 --> 46:56.260 Do you have any suggestions? 46:56.260 --> 47:01.260 Deputies ought to be over there any minute. I figure if they can keep that sniper busy, we can get this man down. 47:01.260 --> 47:05.260 We're gonna have to try. He's losing too much blood. 47:05.260 --> 47:09.260 All right, let's do it. 47:31.260 --> 47:33.260 Well, I guess they're keeping him busy. 47:33.260 --> 47:38.260 Well, they must be doing something with him, because he hasn't been shooting in it for quite a while. 47:41.260 --> 47:42.260 Well, what's your pleasure? 47:42.260 --> 47:44.260 Let's get out of here. 47:44.260 --> 47:47.260 All right. You go ahead. 47:47.260 --> 47:52.260 He starts to get on her again. I'll scream or something. 47:52.260 --> 48:07.260 Okay. 48:11.260 --> 48:12.260 Anything? 48:12.260 --> 48:13.260 Nah, it's pretty quiet over there. 48:13.260 --> 48:16.260 Yeah, I heard the farmer weren't supposed to get into these kind of things. 48:16.260 --> 48:20.260 Yeah. 48:20.260 --> 48:23.260 Well, we better get him below and notify the hospital. 48:23.260 --> 48:28.260 Engine 51, Sheriff reports sniper in custody. What's your status? 48:28.260 --> 48:31.260 Engine 51 available. Squad 51 available. 48:31.260 --> 48:34.260 Barely available. 48:36.260 --> 48:41.260 Yeah, real good. Okay, thanks a lot, Dix. Bye. 48:41.260 --> 48:45.260 Well, I got the bullet out. He's gonna be all right. 48:45.260 --> 48:48.260 Captain, what does the sheriff have to say about the sniper? 48:48.260 --> 48:51.260 Well, nothing really. They have him ID'd. That's about it. 48:51.260 --> 48:54.260 Well, what was he shooting for? I mean, he must have had a motive. 48:54.260 --> 48:57.260 Well, if he did, they don't know it yet. I guess he just liked human targets. 48:57.260 --> 49:00.260 Hey, Gage, did you get a good look at that tart before we left? 49:00.260 --> 49:02.260 No. Why? What does it look like? 49:02.260 --> 49:06.260 Like a hunk of Swiss cheese. You know, that was a real good idea. 49:06.260 --> 49:08.260 Probably saved our lives. 49:08.260 --> 49:10.260 What made you ever think of it? 49:10.260 --> 49:14.260 Well, it was one of those natural instincts the anthros talk about. 49:14.260 --> 49:20.260 You see, it's an awful lot like a blanket, and everybody knows us redskins have a big thing for our blankets. 49:21.260 --> 49:23.260 Ten-four? 49:23.260 --> 49:45.260 Ten-four.