What's the problem? I haven't got the slightest. Lady Rossman won't give us a hint. She's given all the servants out. She's half scared out of her wits. Lady Rossman, I've got some help. Lady Rossman. Eunice, will you please keep trying, Dr. Berman? Have the staff go to their quarters. Come in. Yes, ma'am. Quickly, please. It's my husband. He's over there. So, what's the matter? I don't know. I'm just worried. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. Let me ask you, Murdoch. Have you had a child recently? No, ma'am. What happened where is he? Oh, chance. What's that? I found him here almost an hour ago. An hour ago? Has this ever happened before? Never. I can't understand it. Eric's always been a very strong man. I just want to take a blood pressure. I want to take off your jacket, okay? Friends? No, we're friends. You just relax. I'm just going to pump this up. It's going to be all right. Don't worry about it. It's okay. Now look, see? Don't be frightened. Eric! Oh, my God! What's wrong with him? Okay. See? I'm your friend. Don't be frightened. It's going to be all right. His blood pressure's way up. Ma'am, there's an ambulance on route. I suggest we get him to the hospital as soon as possible. I can't. I've been trying to get Dr. Berman. Well, maybe Dr. Berman can meet us at the hospital. No. No hospital. You don't understand. Ma'am. Don't worry about a thing. It's all right. Eunice! Have you been able to reach Dr. Berman? I'm still trying, Mom. His service can't locate him. Will you please keep trying? Yes, Mom. Okay. Just the other eye. Don't be frightened. There we go. Rampart base. This is rescue 51. See? It's just a light. No! We will prevail! Eric! We will not stop now! The concept shall sustain itself in spite of... In spite of you. In spite of you! And all of you! In spite of you! And all the others! This is the state of man! Can't you understand that? We understand that we're here to help you, okay? Woman. Terror in the house stuff raw! But pity stands before the door! But pity stands before the door! Eric! Eric, please let them help you! The sword sings on the barren heat. The sickle in the fruitful fire The sickle in the fruitful fire! Listen to me, please. The look of soft deceit shall win the lovers higher! Listen, please. Listen, please. Can I see another's woe and not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief and not seek for kind relief? And not seek for kind relief? And not seek for kind relief? On another's sorrow. On another's sorrow. On another's sorrow. On another's sorrow. We used to read Blake together. We used to read Blake together. The ambulance was outside. Tea. Slow the drip. Slow the drip. Slow the drip. Get on the BP, Dix. I've been over his complete medical history at least a dozen times with his wife, Kel. There's absolutely no index of suspicion. Any chance that she's covering up anything? I kind of felt that way at first. But after I explained to her how terribly important it was and that we know the whole truth, I'm really convinced that she's telling us everything. Yeah, which is really nothing. What about his personal physician? Apparently he's out of town vacationing. He's backpacking in a high Sierras and there's no way of reaching him. But even if he could contact him, I'm not sure he could shed much light in the situation. It seems Sir Eric has required only a routine physical examination for the past ten years. Because BP is higher, 240 over 140. Let's try methyl dopa IV. That's super high. Yeah, but what's causing it? Hey, DeSoto? Phone call for you. All right. I don't know if that's an evil look, even for you. Yeah, well, the chick on the other end of that phone's been calling every five minutes since you guys rolled out of here. Well, maybe it's business. Yeah, funny business. I just wish it was me instead of him. Where? Do you know her? Only from a distance. But, boy, is she beautiful. I'm glad you're here. But, boy, is she beautiful. I didn't know Roy knew any chicks. Yeah, well, when you go off sick like you did the other day, you do miss some things. Yeah. Maybe it's about time I caught up, don't you? Well, I'm glad that you feel that way. No, no, I'm sorry. I can't. I promise to take my family to the park tomorrow. Yeah. Well, that's nice of you. Look, I gotta get going now. Yeah, well, maybe sometime. I'll give it a try, okay? Oh, no, I can't promise you anything, but I'll give it a try. All right, sure. Goodbye. Look, before you say a word, I don't want to talk about it. That's called evasion. It depends where you stand, and I call it privacy. 10-4, copter 2. We need division 4 in the squad. Copter 2, we need division 4 in the parking lot. Phone 27, what is your location? All right, I'll tell you about it. What there is to tell, which isn't much, unless you want to make something big out of it. At least I don't think it's much. I'll get through debating with yourself. Let me know who won. Well, you know, the other day, Chuck and I went out on a run, and you were sick, and there was a traffic accident. There was this girl trapped inside of a car. So I used the jaws to get her out. Oh, that's all there was to it. Except, uh... Um... What? She was grateful that you got her out, right? That's part of it. Well, what's the rest of it? Well, uh, it goes a little bit further than just being grateful. She's hung up on me. Hung up on you? Yeah, she thinks I'm nice. Wants me to take her out and all that. You're kidding. No, I'm not kidding. Why is that so hard to believe? There's just that you're a married man, that's all. That doesn't mean a girl's parents still be attracted to me. You're flipped out. You're just plain flipped out. How am I flipped out? Well, look, Roy, you have to remember this. Squad 51, hard case. Meet the fire boat at station 110. Meet the fire boat at station 110. Time out 1140. Squad 51, KMG 365. It's Proving. Keep an eye on him, Dix. You know, he's a diagnostic nightmare. Yeah, with a history of perfect health. Which leads us right where we started. Nowhere. We'll start with blood and urine catacombs. Routine chemistry, blood sugar, electrolytes, blood calcium. If that doesn't work, maybe it'll be up to you. That's under my mind, too. That's a good possibility. What's a good possibility? Pardon me? I asked the question, Doctor. What's a good possibility? Well, first, let me ask you what you're doing in here, and second, how is it you're interested? I'm Ed Duran. This is my partner, Vince Thompson. We're here because Sir Eric Rossman is here. Now, one of us will remain with him at all times until he leaves the hospital. Now, the answer to my question, please. Not without next of kin consent. He's very ethical, Doctor, and commendable. I just happen to have an authorization from his wife. I just happen to have an authorization from his wife. I just happen to have an authorization from his wife. We were discussing the possibility that he may have a brain tumor. What are the other possibilities? That we don't know. There's any variety of things. Well, his wife told us that you were asking about the possibility of a drug overdose. We've considered that. And? There's no history of drug use, and according to his wife, he's on no medication. Well, if all that is true, then he didn't voluntarily take a drug. I understand he's, uh, experiencing a deep psychosis. Is that right? From all appearances, yes. Are there drugs that bring on this kind of condition? Plenty of them. Well, then, is it... Is it possible that he might have taken one without realizing what it was? I don't understand. Doctor, could someone have slipped him a drug that induces psychosis without him knowing about it? It's possible. Well, I suggest you follow up that possibility, doctor. Oh, by the way, I... I just had a chat with the hospital administrator. The records are being changed now. Your patient's name is Smith. John Smith. Remember that, will you, doctor? Down here. Let's move it. What do we have? Coast Guard got a distress call. We're under attack. We're under attack. We're under attack. We're under attack. We're under attack. We're under attack. Coast Guard got a distress call from a sailboat off the point. Apparently, there's a cardiac case aboard. Can you give us a hand cap? Sure. You want to go on? Steal that forward. All right. You want to get off now, man? Yeah. That's it. Okay. Okay. Fireboat 110. This is Delray Harbor Patrol. We just received word from Coast Guard of vessels' true location. We're in the middle of the storm. I'm going to head west. I'm going to head west. We'll get there in a few minutes. I'll be right there. Okay. Fireboat 110, this is Delray Harbor Patrol. We just received word from Coast Guard of vessels' true location. Skipper's excitement caused error in broadcast. Location is Dana Point. Coast Guard and rescue efforts are now en route from Newport Beach. 10-4. Delray boat 110 clear and returning home. He must have gotten excited. Only a 60-mile error. Well, it's a real nice ride. Take her home, Charlie. Engine 110, engine 58, aircraft down. In the field, east of Lincoln, south of Jefferson. East of Lincoln, south of Jefferson. Time of 12-10. There's nothing but mud in that place. Boat 110, advise engine 110 not to drive onto jetty. Go in marine away. Boat 110 responding to Belona Creek. 10-4, boat 110. Belona Creek, Charlie. That jetty's only drive for about four inches. An engine company that's synced to its axle in that mud. You think a boat like this could get through water that shallow? This thing is jet-powered. We can scoot right up the creek. My guess is the plane's down right near the bank. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. 10-4, jetty's down. Ah, τα倍n diagramworking I can't get out. The door's jammed. I can't move. I can't move. The door's jammed. Get me out of here. It's like we're going to the tank truck. I can't move. I can't move. I can't move. I can't move. I can't move. I can't move. I can't move. Get in here. iz comfortable. Whatshou've Hosted April? Whatshou've Hosted April? này 1996 Rolex engine Get back there and get it. You're all right. I'm okay. I guess I'm a little shook. I'm gonna get some rest. Look alive. For example, that pilot in there on the treatment table. Yeah, he's happy to be alive. Yeah, no, no, no. Didn't you pick up on that action with the new nurse? What action? She was eyeing him like a hungry lioness. You know why? You gotta tell me, right? Well, because he's got, uh, what do you call it? Charisma. Charisma, yeah. Now, don't worry. I mean, some guy's got a little bit of charisma. I mean, you know, he's got a little bit of charisma. He's got a little bit of charisma. He's got a little bit of charisma. Now, don't worry. I mean, some guy's got it, some guy's don't. You just gotta learn to live with it. That's all. I mean, well, in your case, I mean, live without it. You're just not gonna quit, are you? I'm just trying to explain to you why certain things are. And you just don't understand, are you? I'm gonna keep that covered for a couple days. It'll be fine. Hi. Hi, yourself. Somebody says you wanted to see me. Any progress on our Mr. Smith? No, no change. Except for a few more government agents hanging around. You know, this place is starting to give me the creeps. Well, hang in there. They must have a good reason to be here. Well, are you in on the big secret? Sorry. Well, it seems kind of unfair to me. Womanly curiosity cheated, huh? Oh, boy, you said it. Well, we really can't complain as long as they don't interfere with hospital operations. Oh, really? As of about five minutes ago, your orders to the patient were overruled. Which orders? Well, do you recall asking Dr. Morton to check, sir, er, I mean to check Mr. Smith? He hasn't? Oh, he tried. But Mr. Durand's orders kept him from it. Well, we'll see about that. Oh, Kel. Like you said, hang in there. Hello, Dr. Bragg. I think you and I have a few things to discuss. Well, sure, Doc. Sit down. You may have a legitimate function here, but it doesn't include interfering with what I order for my patients. I wouldn't dream of interfering, Doc. Just check everything you order through me first. That way, there won't be any problems. Look, I don't think you got the message, Durand. I'm not in the habit of asking government agents for medical concurrence. Look, Doc, I don't have an axe to grind, and you shouldn't either. You've got your job and I've got mine. And right now, your job is interfering with mine. You should have checked Dr. Morton through me. Right now, I don't even know where Dr. Morton is. I hope he's not a victim of your cloak and dagger operation. Did you try looking in the patient's room? I was told you wouldn't let him in there. Only temporarily. He's back on the job now, properly cleared. Now, if there's nothing else, Doctor... Well, there is. Shoot. I've been trying for the last hour to find Sir Eric's wife. You wouldn't have any idea where she could be found, do you? Yes, I would. Why do you want to see her? This situation is getting more unusual every minute. I want to talk to the patient's wife. It's part of my responsibility. And it's my responsibility to know why. Look, there's no point in you and I butting heads every time we turn around. Fine. Then you bring Sir Eric's wife to my office. After that, I want to talk to every member of their house staff. I don't see any need for that. I was sure you wouldn't. Look, Doc... No, you look, Duran. Apparently, for some unknown reason, Sir Eric's health is of great concern to you. Why, I don't know. But right now, he's my patient. And his welfare is my concern. Will you give me some room to work? I'm trying to give you some room to work. But you must understand that there's more to this than that. All I ask is that you play everything through me first and I'll break my neck to help you. Well, I appreciate the gesture. Now convince me that you're medically qualified to make decisions about what I should or should not do for the patient's welfare. I'm qualified. But are you ready to accept the responsibility for the welfare of an entire nation, Doctor? Is he really that important? He could be, Doc. He really could be. Well, uh... Roy thinks I'm overbearing and irritating because I said he was a little over the hill. Well, if anybody had said that to me and had pushed him over the hill. Oh, it's not that kind of a hill. Well, what other kind of hill is there? Well, it's, uh... Um... It's a girl hill. Yeah. Well, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I'm gonna go have a coffee break. Chicken. You better go eat it. Uh, listen, Doc. Uh, you want to settle this for us? Well, frankly... Phone ringing Ah, saved by the bell. Dr. Early. Yes, this is the nurse's station. Who? Well, your fifth caller's the right one. He's right here. Roy, it's for you. Some girl named Susan St. John. Hello? Yeah, yeah. May I have Mario's sugar? Sure. Aren't you Miss McCall? Oh, yes, I am. You were on my husband's case when he was brought in. Well, this must be pretty rough for you. Please, won't you sit down? Well, I don't want to intrude. Are you sure you wouldn't rather be left alone? As a matter of fact, I'm rather frightened of being alone. Please, sit down. You know, of course, that the doctors are doing everything that they possibly can. I just had a long talk with Dr. Brackett and that Mr. Darn. But everything seems so confusing, suspicious. Well, I imagine it's because of your husband's work. The government. I almost made the dreadful mistake of not allowing him to be brought here because of his work. I don't want to pry. Oh, don't worry. There's nothing I know either. That's what I've missed so much these past few months. Eric and I just talking, discussing his work with the university, his love of research and teaching. It's been just nine months since he took that mysterious trip to Washington. Things just haven't been the same since he returned and started working so very hard. Well, it sounds like you have a very dedicated husband. Forgive me. I didn't mean to cry on your shoulder. Don't be silly. We all do that once in a while. Thank you. You're very kind. Your husband's work, did it seem to bother him much? He denied it, of course. But I did see a change. Those long hours in the laboratory and then home, researching, writing. There never seemed to be an end to it. In fact, I was relieved when it was time for his annual physical. I was concerned for his health. He seemed so depressed. But he did have the physical. Oh, yes. Dr. Berman gave him a clean bill of health. As a matter of fact, he seemed more cheerful after the checkup. Maybe just hearing from the doctor seemed to allay some of his fears. Fears? While a man of Eric's age working so hard, I'm sure he was privately concerned about his health. Dr. Berman's reassurance seemed to put him in a better frame of mind. Apparently he missed something, didn't he? Oh, I'm so frightened. Very frightened. What'd she say? You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Try me. Why? So you can needle me again? Squad 51 available. Squad 51. Okay, maybe I was wrong. Nice of you to admit it. My wife thinks so, too. Thinks so, too what? That I'm kind of appealing. That's not what I was wrong about. Thinking maybe I wasn't too tactful. Sorry. Well, then you're still insisting I haven't got what it takes? Squad 51, possible maternity case. 107 Kelmore. 107 Kelmore, Cross Street Jackson. Ambulances responding. Timeout 1410. Squad 51, 10-4. It's that young Mrs. Bedmans. I think she's having her baby. What do you think? Oh, I know. She's in pain, pregnant, and she's got the chain on the door. You'll never get it in hospital in that red truck, I'll tell you. There's an ambulance on the way, ma'am. Oh, thank God for that. Mrs. Bedmans? Please open the door. This is the fire department. She's in no condition to come to the door. I've already tried. You're gonna have to force it open. Go ahead. I own it. Please help me. It hurts, darling. Oh, God, it hurts. I couldn't get up. I couldn't get up. Oh, God, help me. Oh, God, I can't get up. How close together are your pains? Seconds, like all the time, but it's too early. I'm not due for six weeks. Oh, God. All right, here. Lie flat. Lie on your back. Is this your first one? No, my first was... Oh, please. Please, I can't lose this baby. Oh, God, no. Where's that ambulance? It's too late now. We're gonna have to go to the OB kit. No, no, no. I want my baby in the hospital. Please, Mrs. Murphy. You're in good hands, darling. You're in good hands. It hurts. Don't worry. We've done this before. You've got God on your side, sonny. I want my husband. I want my husband. We left this morning on a research project. Maybe. Okay, now, take it easy. Take it easy. Relax. It hurts. Oh, it's coming. I feel the baby. I feel it. Oh, God. Oh, God. Mrs. Murphy, do you have any hot water bottles? Yes. Did you already bring water? We're gonna give it a try. Mrs. Murphy, I want you to fill up the hot water bottles. A little hotter than warm. Right away. What are you doing? Oh, you just relax. Everything over here is gonna be fine. The respiration's improving. Your body temperature's up. What do you think? Your angels of mercy. Oh, it's so hot. Oh, it's so hot. Oh, it's so hot. Oh, it's so hot. Oh, it's so hot. Oh, it's so hot. Oh, it's so hot. Oh, it's so hot. You know, I really have to hand it to you guys. How did you ever think of a contraption like this? Superior training. I wouldn't go that far. This is pretty ingenious, though. How's the mother doing? Last report just fine. Now that she knows her baby's okay. Where's your famous partner? Well, looks like he's tracking down on New nurse. That figure wouldn't take long to spot her. It never does. I'll see you later. Okay. Dr. Early. Dr. Joe Early. Dr. Dr. Brackett on extension 1-9-4-1. What's the matter with you? You know what's the matter with me. Are you upset because I interrupted progress in there? You know, it wasn't like you were going to get anywhere. I mean, you were just being malicious. I wasn't being malicious. What went on in there just goes to show you that I'm not dead yet. That's it for me. I'm running out of questions. What about the tumor possibility? I called Dr. Early. He should have the test results soon. Well, if it is a tumor, can it be corrected? I can't answer that. There's too many variables. We'll just have to wait and see. Well, that's the problem, Doc. We're running out of time. In seven days, Sir Eric's presence in Geneva is absolutely essential. Well, then I suggest you start looking for someone to replace him. That's out of the question. I mean, he's a major part of a very important scientific achievement without him and his finished work. The door is closed to the efforts of a dozen other scientists around the world. I'm sorry. Unfortunately, that's not good enough, Doctor. Duran, I'm trying to tell you, I've got three of the country's top specialists in this hospital right now trying to find an answer. That's the very best we can do. That's the very best anybody can do. I'm sorry, Doc. It's just that this project is so terribly important. I understand. What about your theory on someone purposely trying to drug him? Well, I guess your blood tests rule that out. That's not necessarily true. There's some drugs that don't show up in those tests. I told you that. Well, we checked everybody that's been near him for the past week. I mean, they're all clean. Dr. Brackett? Yeah, Joe. And what about the brain scan? OK, thanks, Joe. No sign of a tumor. All tests negative. Dr. Brackett, what is wrong with him? Kel, may I see you for a minute? I'll be in the coffee room. Any luck? Nothing. Kel, this may not be much help, but. What, Dix? Well, I just had a long talk with Lady Rosman. She mentioned that her husband recently had a physical examination. Yeah, I know. Picture of health. Wasn't that the findings? Oh, yeah, you know about it then. Yeah, from the maid, the butler, the personal secretary, and his wife. We talked to all of them. Every one of them reported on his perfect health. And his depression. What depression? They didn't tell you? No, they didn't. Come on, Dix. Well, it's just that his wife mentioned that he'd been depressed. Apparently from working so hard. And? Well, that's what I thought you should know. After his physical, she saw an improvement. Well, I thought maybe. Yeah, maybe he's too proud to let his wife know he's on medication. Right. Dix, if you're right. Sharon, this is Dr. Brackett. Tell Duran to get into my office, will you? I think he's in the coffee room. We asked her a million questions. How did you get that out of her? Just a little woman to woman talk. Now it's starting to make sense. Would you like to guess what the maid served him for breakfast? One very large cheese omelet. I got your call. I think we just found that break we've been looking for. Get your men out to the Rossman house and have them go through everything. Bring me back every pill, capsule, medicine you can find. You're already on to something, huh? Maybe. I think Dix may have found that key that's gonna open the door in Geneva. Sir says I appreciate it. And I understand, too. All right. Yeah, you take care. Bye-bye. Well, my wife's gonna appreciate that. She just apologetically brushed me off. See? I told you. It's all gratitude. Just took a while for it to sink in, that's all. Well, not quite. I think what sunk in is a very deep remorse after giving some thought to the fact that she could create a problem for my family. I guess she cared so much that she, uh, didn't want to cause any unhappiness. Well, that's very noble of her. That means no more phone calls, right? Yeah. I'm off the hook. By the way, you guys, there's a new nurse over at Rampart. You might look into it. How would you know that? Well, Jenny saw the way she tumbled for me. I need some help, real help. How about it, Chet? Well, I'm glad to oblige. It shouldn't be any problem. Yeah? Well, I struck out on my initial meeting with her. Yeah, but see, you don't have the, uh, the whatchamacallit that Chet has. Yeah, the charisma. Station 51, engine and truck 8, possible jumper. Building under construction, 820 West Rodeo. 820 West Rodeo, cross street Western. Police request you approach without siren. Timeout 1600. Station 51, KMG 365. Every bottle and pill in the house right here. Aspirin, sweeteners, vitamins. And one prescription dated last week for Sir Eric Rossman. Trenial cipramine. And we were right. Now, mix it with an early morning cheese omelet, and in this case, what amounts to instant psychosis. You've lost me, Doc. Well, Dick's got on the right track. Sir Eric's wife noticed he was quite depressed, which isn't really abnormal, working under the kind of pressure your breach of security rules can't reveal to us. So he had a physical exam, and most likely described his condition to Dr. Berman and got himself an antidepressant prescription. Well, it worked. His wife noticed the improvement but didn't know why. You mean his doctor's responsible? Well, I doubt very much that he's a spy or anything dramatic enough for your cloak and dagger operation. Probably through oversight, Dr. Berman didn't give him proper diet instructions to go with the prescription. Well, I'm trying, Doc, but I still don't follow. Well, it's pretty complicated, but it goes like this. The brain has a chemical, monamine oxidase. This prescription is used for combating mental depression. And foods such as cheese, yogurt, and beans have a natural chemical called tiramine. Together, tiramine and this drug combine to explode the blood pressure. And the result can be symptoms raising from convulsions to strokes or extreme psychosis. As in this case? Well, now that we know, it's rather simple. Well, the next question, can it be treated? You can tell your people that Sir Eric will be fit for a trip to Geneva within the next few days. Fantastic. I wish I could tell you what this means. Well, I'll admit I'm curious. Curious? I can't stand it. He's on the 13th floor. What is it, a 14-story building? Right. Anybody try to talk him off that ledge? Yeah, me. No luck. He's determined. What's his name? Bentley, Robert Bentley. Cap, let me give it a try. Maybe I can talk him out of it, huh? You go ahead, Roy. Rest of us will stay right back here. Oh. All right, all right. I won't go any further. I'm gonna do it. I swear I am. Can I ask you why? I have to. I just, I just have to. Can, can we talk about it? No, no. There's nothing to say. How old are you? 19. 19, huh? It's a tough age. There's a lot of decisions, huh? Get off of it, will ya? Look, I want to talk to you. No, no. I've made up my mind. There's nothing you can say. I'm just, just, just getting up the nerve. That's the problem. Every time I want to do something, I haven't got the guts. Do you want to help? That's why I'm here. Make a grab for me. No, no. I, I would rather that you would come back in here. No, I'm not gonna do that. John, see if you can get to him from the other side. Make a grab for me. You'll make it easier. I can't take that kind of responsibility. It's Robert, right? Yeah, Robert. Bentley, of the Bentleys. The great Bentleys. You heard of us? No, I, I can't say I have. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, New York, Chicago. You name it. Plenty of money. Power the whole crummy mess. That seems like a lot to give up. Give up? There's nothing to give up. Who, who, what am I? Who am I? It's all been done, don't you see? There's nothing left. There's no contributions, no sacrifices. I'm nothing. A lousy, rotten nothing. You're a human being. Now you just can't throw that away. Well, you, you just watch me. Wait, no, no, come on. Reach for me. Grab for me. I'll help. Please, reach. All right, man, all right, man. Look, I'm just trying to help you. I'm just trying to help you. I'm not coming in. Don't you understand? Okay. Down there. Look out, folks. The number two Bentley's coming down. Robert, is there anyone I can call? Is there somebody you can talk to? Yeah, Western Union. Tell them to send a note to Dad. Dear old Dad. Okay. What's the message? Mr. Myron Bentley at 1010 Fifth Avenue, New York. Dear Dad. Buzz off. Love, Robert. No, no, make that hate, Robert. All right. You're going to wait here until I'm done, right? Or until I get the nerve. Okay. I'm going to be right back, okay? He's serious. I don't think we're going to be able to talk him out of there. There's nothing else we can do but keep trying. I got a thought. Tell her you think you can keep him occupied for a while. Well, I kept that jumper busy for two hours last month in the Highland Towers. Do the best you can, buddy. Now, listen, here's what I think we ought to do. Cap, let's get a block and tackle. Go up on the roof, and I'll show you what I got in the line. I tried it once before, you know, but it didn't work. That's me. Fail at everything. What'd you try? Pills. But it didn't work. They got to me and pumped my stomach, locked me up, put a 24-hour guard on. Oh, it's a nice place, that sanitarium. Make sure those lines are secure. I'm going to get down and give Kelly a hand. You ready? Okay. Wait a second. This one. Why don't you tell me about it? There's nothing to say. Yesterday, I ran away. They dropped their guard, and I'm a nothing. A lousy, crummy nothing. Don't you understand? I'm going down, down there. Well, that means you must be pretty smart. Yeah, yeah, I did. I fooled them. I got away. But they shouldn't have tried to stop me. This is what I wanted to do. Why don't they just... I got him. You cheated me. You cheated me. You cheated me. I hope he gets the right kind of help. I'm sure he had a good start.