Right! Good one! Okay, now I want you to stretch real big so we'll know that you're just beginning a new shift, okay? You don't mind, I'd like to stretch. Trust me, just trust me, all right? Give me a stretch, all right? Oh, Roy, give me a stretch, you know, like that. Like that. Ready? Well, that's not quite what I wanted, but I'm too close. I want you to look at something. This was in Sunday's paper. It's the supplement. Look at that. Yeah. A day in the life of a cop. Yeah, I saw that. Well, did you see this? Right there. Photos by Officer Jerry Slater. Uh-huh. Yep, I get the message. Well, why not? I mean, I can take better pictures than this. And there are people who want to hear about the paramedics, too. You talk to the guys out there? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, they're thrilled about it, thrilled about it. Now, come on in to the kitchen. You're going to miss out on some of the best stuff. Roy. Good one. Italian 7, Squad 36 is 10-7 at Rampart Hospital. OK, guys. No, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Don't drink yet, don't drink yet. Too close. Hey, Gage, this is going to take long. Need you to ask. All right, just guys, have patience with me, will you? Let's see, that's about, oh, about 10 feet. So 10 feet, that's, let's see, flesh guy is 64 divided by 10 feet, which is 6'4, 6'4, no, 6'4. That would be about 5'6, that's 5'6, 5'6, no, 5'6 and 8. Right, OK. Very funny, guys. You guys are real funny. All right, I'll be a little faster next time. So just help me get this one, all right? Guys, Marco, Marco. Station 51, Engine 90. Engine and truck 127. Structure fire, 9th Street Elementary School, 1130 South Street. Station 51, KMG 365. You're on the line. Station 51, KMG 365. Now someone's for the relaxing over coffee shot. Engine landing, engine 51, bring us online. Squad 51, put on your air masks. They can pull out a riot, John can take it in. Come on, get in. Get in. Get in. Marco. There's a line on the roof. There's a line on the roof. You gotta give me a hand. Where did he come from? In the crowd, he must have hit the one who had the sirens. How is he? I'll call us an ambulance. Alright, he's got a pulse of 120. Johnny's in respiratory arrest. Informant reports, pumps of chemicals are stored in tanker. Use caution. Squad 51, this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG? Ten-four, transmitting EKG. We're sending you a strip. Vitals to follow. Pulse is 160, the victim is in extreme pain, Rampart. Station is in V-5. Rampart, we have lost the victim's pulse. Beginning CPR. We're defibrillating victim, Rampart. Rampart, we've defibrillated victim. He's inside his rhythm. Minister, two amps sodium bicarbonate. Start an airway. Start an IV-51. Like stated, Rampart. Squad 51, continue monitoring vitals and transport immediately. Rampart, we're on our way, Rampart. Rampart, this is squad 51. Dr. Vasili is screaming bloody murder. Go ahead, 51. We have a male patient, approximately 15 years of age. He's in respiratory arrest from smoke inhalation. We've got it carotid on him and inserted in an airway. 51, can you give me the vitals? The BP is 80 over 40, the pulse is 150. 51, have you checked the color of his tongue? It's affirmative, he's cyanotic. What's your ETA? The ambulance just arrived, about eight minutes. Okay, 51, start an IV with D5W and bring him on in. Ten-four, Rampart. Dix, will you check and make sure we've got a room clear? Yeah, right away. Dix? Yeah? On those chest x-rays I told you about. Yeah? Didn't I ask for a PA and a lateral? Yeah. Well, they only sent down a PA. Get right on it. Captain, can you give us air with the oxygen? Roy, this is Mr. Robinson, the school principal. We reached him at his home. Do you know him? It's important we get a hold of his family. No, I don't know him. He might have attended school here when he was younger, but I don't know him. We'll see if we can reach his family. You taking him to Rampart? Yeah. Okay, we'll let you know if we find out anything. Thanks. I certainly hope he'll be all right. I think he will. He's not going to get any damage. I don't know. We're set up in room three. Yeah. Any change? He's unconscious. Been breathing on his own for about four minutes. Good. Get his vitals and go up to the CDC. Come on, let's get in the building. Okay, now you just go right in here. Dr. Early will be with you in a minute. Dixie? Yeah. Miss Andrews asked me to give this to you. Oh, yeah? What is it? Well, remember that OD patient yesterday that was doing all that kicking and screaming? Yeah, the one that bit me. Well, she came back this morning and lodged a complaint. She said that we were mistreating her. You're kidding. Sorry. Some kind of morning. Hey, Dix, smile. No. Well, that would be a great picture. How are you? You got about an hour? No. Cheer up. Today's payday. Aha. Reminds me. Squad 51, respond to station 68. Fireman down. Apparent heart attack. Time out, 855. Squad 51, hang in there, Dix. Okay. Help yourself. You know, you remind me of a man who's about ready to lose his job. You just had a school fire. Kid that started it couldn't be any more than 15 years old. They got him in the ER room now. Smoke inhalation. Another case of vandalism, I suppose. You got it. Well, sometimes repairing their bodies is the easy part. Yeah, well, you know, I look at my own kids. They seem to be doing okay. But I see so many youngsters go off the deep end. It's too bad we can't inoculate them against bitterness. Yeah, well, at least we could get to them a little sooner. While there's still time. Speaking of time, I've got to go back to work. But cheer up, Vince. It's like the man said, you can't win them all. Don't I know it? Good morning, Al. I'll kill you if you don't let me out of here. Come on, son. Take it easy. I'm just trying to help you. Get Dr. Morton in here. Instead, let me go. Mr. Robbins? Yes, this is Miss McCall in emergency. Right. Look, your computer shorted my check $30 again. Well, that's three weeks in a row. No! It's all right, Cal. You won't let me examine it. I ain't telling you guys nothing! And I mean nothing! Cal, let him go. Let him go. I can see what this picture is. Let him go. Come on. Come here. I can take it. Really. You okay now, babe? Yeah, I am. Come on. Let me have it. Take it. All right. So, what is your problem? I bet you already dropped the dime. Calling the police isn't my business. Taking care of you is. Oh, stop shining me on. Nobody's looking out for me but me. And it looks to me that you're doing a loud new job. Oh, man, you got it easy here. So it's easy for you to sit back and judge. Even easier for you to feel sorry for yourself. I mean, too easy. You know what it does? It makes your brain go to sleep. What do you know about that? A lot more than you think I do. You just sold out. You sold out! Yourself? Your parents? Can't you just leave them out of this? They got enough problems. That's right. This is the 70s. And it is time you put your program together. Program together? When did you learn to talk like that? Same place you did. Now, we're gonna stand around here and talk about where we're coming from all day, or you're gonna get down to where we're going. Dr. Morton. What is it? Willie's mother's here. Willie! Mama. Oh, Willie, what did you go and do? See, Willie? She's the one you really hurt every time. Mama. Mama. Oh, Mama, it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Oh, my God. It is going to be okay. Come on, come on. It is gonna be okay. Please, step up. It'll be all right. Up here. Come on. It'll be all right. It's gonna be fine. Please. It's gonna be okay. Yeah, he's in the day room. Who is this? Bob Seaborg. The boy's having him on 02. Well, what happened? Well, we don't know. He was standing by the stove one minute, and the next minute, he had these real bad chest pains. Just all of a sudden, it doubled over. Bob? Bob, can you hear me? Hey, Bob. It's Roy DeSoto. It's my heart. Hey, I'm really sorry, you guys. It's okay. It's okay. You just relax. You'll be 20. Rampart, this is Squad 51. Rampart, we have a fireman down with acute pain in his mid sternum. The victim is 35 years old. He's a male, weighed about 190 pounds, high at about 6'2". What are the vitals? Stand by for vital signs, Rampart. BP is 120 already. Respiration is 24. It's the ticker. I just know it. Look, I thought I told you to take it easy. Roy, you'll not be jaded if anything happens. Nothing's gonna happen, Bob. If it does. Yeah. Rampart, the BP is 120 over 80. The respiration is 24 and the pulse is 120. Does he have any history of heart trouble? Bob? Rampart, that's negative. Better run an EKG strip. 10-4, stand by, Rampart. Who would ever guess it'd be anything like this? Rampart's coming at you. Go ahead, 51. Mr. Johnson, I'm sorry, but you're supposed to be up on the sixth floor, in bed. But look, look at this shirt. It's torn to pieces. Mr. Johnson, at the time you were in cardiac arrest, we had to rip the shirt to save your life. $12 this shirt cost me. $12. Look, look. It's even monogrammed. We were firing with chest pains. Bob, you ever have anything like this before? Never anything like this. I used to have a hiatal hernia, but never anything like this. Okay, an EKG strip, 51. Show sign of stachycardia. Rampart, the victim has had a history of hiatal hernia. Where'd you say he was standing? In front of the stove. He was cooking something. This stuff here? Yeah. Johnny, you want to come over here for a minute? Stand by, Rampart. Stand by, 51. I'm sorry. We're having a taste of this. Bob, when you cook, do you do a lot of tasting? Yeah, kind of. Especially when there's a new recipe like that. Bob, I like hot chili as much as anybody, but that stuff is... Well, the guy said they wanted something with a little zip to it. You mean he didn't have a heart attack? What is a hiatal hernia? It's what you call an acute case of indigestion. You mean I'm not dying? Well, I can't guarantee that, but if you don't stop eating your own cooking, you may. Oh. Rampart, this is Squad 51. A patient seems to be suffering from too much hot chili, but we're going to send him in for an examination just to be sure. Get him forward, if you want. Now then, I want to talk to your supervisor. Here, make a call. Ruin a $12 shirt? Dicks. Yeah. How would you like to go to lunch with a velvet slipper? Hey, that just sounds marvelous, but I don't know, I'm just stacked up with paperwork. Can I let you know? Anytime before noon. Gotcha. Sorry. All right, now, I need you to get over there and fix on the engine so I can get a picture of that, okay? We just did that. Yeah, I know, but see, I did that with a wide angle lens. I need to do it with this close-up lens. Okay? Okay. That's a good one, too. Three, four operations, next. Here, I'll hold this. All right. All right. How's that? Well, Ashley, you're too close. Can you go check the oil or something? Can you just check the oil? Okay. No, don't get the rag in front of your face, all right? Just check the oil. Yeah, no, lift it up a little bit more. Just a little bit more. Come on, Roy, look at it. I mean, really look at it. Yeah, see the oil dripping down the stick? There we go, there we go. Okay, good deal, good deal. All right, now, just put it back in. Put it back in. All right, good. Put it back in. All right. Shoot. What's the matter? The camera's jammed. I'll be right back. My wrench! Johnny, where are you? I need the wrench. Open the door, Roy. Close the valve. What'd you say? I said don't open the door or you'll expose the film. Squad 51, the woman down. Apartment 6B, 104 Willowbrook Drive. Timeout 1104. Squad 51, KMG 365. Squad 51, KMG 365. Here, over here. Things were coming so fast. She's in the back of the apartment. What's the problem? I don't know, I just don't know. All right, where is it? Her name is Rachel Phillips. What's your name? I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... What's your name? I'm her roommate, Judy Benson. We're both airline stewardesses. I know how to deal with things like this. But I can't get her to come through. We'll take a look at her. Right up here. Over there. Is she going someplace? She just got back from Raca Poco Run. How long has she been like this? I don't know exactly. I was sitting around the pool talking to some... some people when she came in. That was over an hour ago. Also palpable at 90. Is she on any kind of medication, any kind of drugs or anything? Rach, are you kidding? If you're thinking drugs, you should forget it. She's the original all-American girl. Look what you brought me back from Mexico. A lobster pack on ice. It's called a receptionist on tiny little fishing boats. Yeah. Well, what do you think it is? Well, based on what we know so far, it could be any one of 400 different things. He's a little boy, about four, and he has on red pants and a green shirt. And the last time his mother saw him, he was playing around the elevator by his... treatment one. Look, I'll be down there as soon as I can, okay? I'll get the vials, will you? I'll be right down there. I'll be right down there. I'll be right down there. I'll be right down there. I'll get the vials, will you? Did you guys find out anything more? Well, on the way in, I did notice that she had difficulties in her respiration. She was burning up. Hi, Jeff. Mike, draw blood for the CBC. That's on 812, toxicology, screen culture. You got a new D? Could be. I don't think so. It's really very puzzling. She seemed perfectly okay until about an hour ago when her roommate found her unconscious. There's no history of drug use, just a high fever. No papillodemo on fundus copuli exam. No meningismus. Deep tendon reflexes are intact. Mortar respiratory distress. Where'd you guys say you found her? On the floor of her apartment. She doesn't figure. You know, she's been way down in the boondocks in Arizona. Somewhere near the border. I can make a wild guess. What? Central Roy's gracilis. What's that? That's one of the deadliest species of scorpions. Wait a minute, don't they have these scorpions down in Mexico along the coast? That's where you find the granddaddies of the mall. She just got back from Mexico. You guys see this? Red. Keeps swelling. With the underarm. That just doesn't make sense. This is how we found her when she was... When she was dressing. Wait a minute. If it were a scorpion, and it was in her clothes, and it was in her dressing, couldn't it have stung her here? Blood pressure is 90 over 65. She's going to shock. Let's turn her up and up and drift. Ready 100 milligrams of hydrocortisone. I think the scorpion's a good bet. You think she's gonna make it? Depends on how fast we can move. Get Dr. Barkley neurology. Tell him to come down here right away. If it is a scorpion, they'll still run around in that apartment. This is John Gade, Squad 51. Did we get a callback on that last response? Let me check the ticket. Negative. No callback. We're gonna be 10-8 on that location. We've got to look for a scorpion. 10-4. See you later, Doc. Good luck. Judy! Trudy, this is the fire department. Trudy, this is the fire department. Trudy? Trudy? Who is it? Trudy? Rachel. It's about Rachel, isn't it? No, it's not about Rachel. Rachel's fine. She's hanging in there. Is this Rachel's here? Yes. May I look at it, please? Sure. Where are the rest of the things? I was just putting them away. I was just putting them away in the bedroom. It was terrible putting them away. Don't touch that. Don't touch that. Just move away. I don't understand. It could very well be in here. There he is. Do you have anything there? It's probably the sound of the border. Yeah. He hasn't heard of the good neighbor policy either. Dix, Dix, where are those x-rays? They should be up here by now. Again? Yes, again. They must be all jammed up. I'll get right on it. Thanks. Emergency, Miss McCall. Oh, you did find him. Yeah, that's right. About four in a red and green outfit. Where was he? In the communicable disease lab. Uh-huh. Thanks. Thanks. I'll send somebody out. Dr. Allen, an emergency. Dr. Allen, an emergency. Not your day, huh? It's almost noon. What did you decide about lunch? What do you think? Good. Wow. I can't believe it. Just what the doctor wrote? Right. Hey, did I remember you say thank you? Only about 40 times. You knew the kind of a morning I had. Well, I just couldn't have handled another crisis. Enjoy your salads. Thank you, Mary. Thank you. Well, I hope you're hungry, because this is just the starters. Are you kidding? I may be crazy, but there's nothing wrong with my appetite. Cheers. Oh, yeah. Hey. Uh, let's see. Here's to, uh... ...pure, uh... ...unadulterated complete peace. I'll drink to that. So will I. Mmm. Good stuff. Yeah, thanks. Dr. Braggart, a young lady just walked in off the street... ...saying she needed a doctor right away and then collapsed. Where is she? In the private dining room. I think I got a bag in the corner. I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. I never saw her before, so it isn't anything she ate. Not here, anyway. I can take it from here, Maurice. You take care of your customers, huh? And close those doors. Right, Doctor. Are you a doctor? Yes, I'm Dr. Braggart. Just take it easy. We'll take a look at you. Is this your first one? No, my second. Looks like she's due any minute. Shall I call an ambulance? Yeah, with an incubator. Unless I miss my guess, she's delivering right now. No! And I mean right now. You stay here. I'll make the call. Next week you can get that tablecloth under her. I'm really sorry. I thought I could make it to my husband's office. I was out shopping. It's only the eighth month. Just take it easy. What's your name? Margaret. Margaret Dowell. All right, Margaret. I just want you to relax. Everything's going to be fine. But I'm going to need all the help you can give me, okay? Okay. She's dilated about eight centimeters. Dick's listening for fetal heart tones. Let me know what happens. An ambulance is on its way with the incubator. Thanks, Maurice. Don't you need some boiling water and things like that? No, that only happens in the movies. Get us some clean white towels. Coming right up. Fetal heart tones are 160 between contractions. Kill. Fetal heart tones are down to 100. Okay, the head's coming down. What are the tones now? Still 100. They're not coming back up. The umbilical cord's wrapped around the baby's neck. Get it out fast. Margaret, I want you to take a deep breath and push. Hard. One more time. Again. Harder. Okay, again. Once more. Such an address. My hands. Girl. Scissors. Well, you did it, Margaret. You're a healthy baby girl. C'mon, Margaret. Now we're going to take a deep breath and push again. Harder. Harder. I'm going to get a new girl. Here's the towel. The chef said good luck. Oh, tell me. Congratulations, Maurice. You've got yourself a new customer. The least I can do is give two free dentists to the lucky parents. Congratulations, doctor. Takes about lunch. That's fine, huh? Now, really rub it. Okay, ready? Harder. Don't look at me. Just work. Good one. Good one. Okay, now, Chet, I'd like to get you over by the map. Oh, come on, Johnny. That sounds a little dull, doesn't it? It's not going to be dull. Come on, I know what I'm doing. Come on, come on. Anything you say, CB. Just cooperate. This way we get it all done. I don't have to take the camera. All right, let's see. A little bit more by the green. Okay, I want to surround your head. Totally by green. Okay, that's... that's... that's not too good. Let's see now. What if, uh... Okay. Yeah, closer to the map. Still not good. Okay. All right, now just... Well... More profile. That's it. More profile. More profile. You're right. It is dull. Hey, I got an idea. Why don't you take a picture of us all jumping up and down on your camp? Oh, come on, Chet. Now, this is for us all. I got to find a proper background. You mind if I impose here for a little fire department business? Mike? Roy? Come here, Marco. Yeah? You got to notice here. I'm supposed to read to the whole shift. Okay, all personnel, beginning January 1st. What... Sorry, Cap. You blinded me, you twit. That's what's a matter. Sorry, sir. Maybe I should, uh... Uh... rely more on the outside shots and... And I'm interested that you should think of that. Yes. Station 51. Truck reported over the side into ravine. Two and a half miles east of Paradise Dam construction site. History is unknown. Time up. 1527. Station 51, KMG 365. Station 51, KMG 35. Station 51, KMG 36. Station 51, KMG 37. Down there! It's just caught fire! What about the driver? I don't know. I got a bum leg. The only thing I could do was drive to the main road and give you fellas a call. Roy, check the driver out down there. Marco, get the real line, Will. Tiff? He was on the way fishing, uh, before they dam up the creek for good. Keep moving. Looks like he hit us. Steering column full force. He's alive. Parapoles. Cap, he's conscious. He's conscious. He's alive. But, uh, we're gonna have to cut him out. Stop there! I need the jaws and a bar down here! You know, this is the best fishing in the county. It's all gone. Just like that. And the politicians is to blame. They call it the Congress. You know, I've been fishing up here for 40 years, come this fall. You fellas ever fish? Guess not. Cap, he's about to carry dynamite. What? How much dynamite you carrying in here? Twenty cases. He's carrying about 20 cases. Hey, you're not gonna leave me, are you? No, we're not gonna leave you. We're not gonna leave you. You guys are nuts. What's the problem? Yeah, truckload of dynamite here. If we put a lid on this kiln, it's gonna blow this whole mountain side away. The safest thing to do is to let it burn. At least it won't explode that way. Well, you're gonna be able to get him out of there before it blows? Oh, we'll have to chance it. Marco, come over here and fog us down! Cap, we could cut right through this steering wheel, huh, John? Why don't you give him a backflip? All right. Don't get any water in that cargo area, Marco. Mike, move that thing as far away from here as you can. Right in, right in. All right. Let's move it. Go away. Get the real one. All right. No, no, no. Thanks. Thanks for calling. I appreciate it. Okay. Take care. Stuart, us and the truck driver, they're both gonna be okay. Oh, that's great. That's great? Yeah, it really is great. But listen, I gotta tell you something. What are we gonna say? That's what I'm gonna say. You remember my picture story? The picture story that everybody was putting me down about? Don't tell me. All right, I won't tell you. I'll tell you. Well, the newspaper's considering it. They're reading it over right now. That's sensational. It really must be hard up for news. That isn't even a half of it. Hey, guys, you want to gather around and see something that they already bought for $25, and they're running it in the evening edition. He said it was the best action shot he's ever seen. All right. That's terrific. Thank you. Thank you. 25 smackers, huh? Yeah, 25 smackers. What do you say about that, Chester? Nothing. I could use the money, though. What are you talking about? Get your hands off my picture. What are you doing? Captain Stanley. Yeah. Marco. Yeah. Stoker. Yeah. Roy. Yeah. How'd I get in there? Thanks, John. But you... How'd you get my camera? Where did you go?