Negative, Chief's deputy. First alarm assignment has handwound. Finally made it, huh? Been holding on for you. Hey, Roy, did you have that little girl with the broken arm? It was right after that heart attack. No, you, uh... You've got her on the back of the fall victim. Hey, you guys didn't hear the magic words? Kelly's cooking, lunch is ready. Oh, yeah? What do you got? Station 51's favorite, fireman stew. What, leftovers again? Oh, it isn't exactly leftovers. Not exactly leftovers, huh, fireman stew? Roy, come on, we gotta do the log. No matter what this firefighting gourmet is threatening to feed us. You mean it takes two to write in one log? I thought every paramedic had to read and write. We've been gone since 8.15 this morning. We haven't been back. We've had seven runs in a row. We gotta take all those runs and put it in this book before we get another one. Uh, Roy, what is brie clear? Uh, bleeding ulcer. Bleeding ulcer, it's on the other side of the overweight woman with hyperventilation. No, wrong. It was right after the dog bite. You sure? Kelly, what is holding up lunch when that stew gets cold? Mark's brothers are writing in their log. Oh. You know, you guys go through this every time you have multiple runs without getting back here. There's gotta be a better system than that. Well, you know how it goes some days. We can barely get the victim in in the ambulance. We call in available. The dispatch sends us out in another one. Yeah, Kev, he's driving. I'm looking at the map. It's a wonder we get anything written down. Well, since it's your log, why don't you guys think up an improvement on the system? You could discuss it now. Over lunch. Aw, Cap. Yeah, let's go. Come on. All right, but nobody touches these papers. Station 51, motorist reports car over cliff on Hancock Drive, one mile north of Long Rode intersection. Time up, 1308. Station 51, KMG 365. Station 51, KMG 35. L.A. Engine 51, it's seen a respondent tow truck to our location. Squad 51, let's move on down the road. L.A. Engine 51, it's seen a respondent tow truck to our location. Squad 51, let's move on down the road. Station 51, informant reports pumps of chemicals are stored in tanker. Use caution. Squad 51, this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG? 10-4, transmitting EKG. We're sending you a strip. Vitals to follow. Balsus 160, the victim is in extreme pain, Rampart. Station is in VEKVIP. Rampart, we have lost the victim's pulse, beginning CPR. We're defibrillating victim, Rampart. Rampart, we've defibrillated victim, he's in sinus rhythm. Minister, two amps sodium bicarbonate, insert an airway. Start an IV, 51. Squad 51, continue monitoring vitals and transport immediately. Rampart, wait a minute. We've got to get to the wire cutters. Cap, we've got a woman trapped up here. Mark, are you in? Mike, get some ropes. Ma'am, we're the fire department. Can you hear me? Nah, cut from the bottom up, Sharon. That fence may be holding up the car. Okay. Kelly, as soon as he gets a hole in there, grab a piece of that fence up there. We'll shore this up. It does not look very steady to me. Kelly, 31, your destination is 48. Check the other side. Okay, she's got a carotid in her. I have 43. Looks like she's pinned under that wheel pretty good. Cap, this pole is right next to her. Right next to her chest. Okay, we've got to do something right now. John, let me get it. Roy, let's try to lift it up. Can you get to your latch over there? Okay. Can you get it? No. Try again. Somebody? Alright. Not hold her. We can't risk her. If we mess with this car anymore, we're not going to lose it. We'll have to wait till the tow truck gets here. Let's just get some more shoring under this thing. Come on, Kelly. Take it easy. Don't move around, okay? Try not to move. You're going to be okay. We're going to get you out of here. It's okay. Marco, you get a drug box, a trauma box. Okay. Here, get a cervical collar on her. Yeah. Tow truck's here! Kelly, grab a hold of the end of that cable. Bring it down to the left-hand side of the car, pal. Stoker, pull the rig in so the cap is directly under the front of the car. Johnny. Kelly. Alright, now just take it easy, okay? Try not to move around, okay? Try not to move around. Good. Good. Marco, 30, not yet. Good. Take up your slack! Good. Just be still. Just be still. Come on! Alright, there. We almost got you out now. Okay. Good. I'll go around the other side. You okay? Marco, cut the rest of this wire. Peel this fence back, pal. Grab a hold of that latch over here, man. Get this top down. Okay, we almost got you out. There. Okay. Okay, there we go. Yeah, you're almost home now. Alright. I'll just get up underneath her here. I got her up here. Let me know when you got her waiting. Okay, I don't really have her. Okay, now don't move your neck, okay? Alright, I got her. Alright. Okay, I got her up here. Alright. Alright. Okay. Okay, here we go. You guys got her? Yep. I think so. Okay. Okay, let's move around this way. Yeah. Let me just get this straight. You guys need any help? We got it, Roy. Okay. Okay. Alright. Okay. Lay your hands down, okay? Alright. Marco. Alright. Lay your leg down. There we go. Alright. Thanks. Okay. Go ahead, 51. Rampart, we have a female victim here, about 25 years of age. She was trapped inside of an automobile. By the time we got to her, her face was ruddy and bluish in color. Now it's pale. She's cyanetic and diaphoretic. Ambulance is here right now. Stand by for vitals. Okay, where exactly is it hurt? My shoulder. It goes all the way through to my back. Ow! Let me check you out here, okay? You tell me where you feel pain. Anything there? No. Oh, God! Ow! Okay, just relax. Rampart, patient is guarding her abdomen, and there is tenderness in the upper left quadrant. She's breathing on her own. 80 over 60. 80 over 60. The BP is 80 over 60. Pupils are equal and reactive. Pulse is 120. Pulse... respiration is 24. Pulse is 120 and the respiration is 24. 51, draw blood for type and cross, then start two IVs, ringers, lactate, and dextrin. Very use your anti-shock trousers. Anti-shock suit. One IV lactate, ringers, one IV dextrin. Type and cross. 51, as soon as you start the IVs, get her into the suit. I'm worried about abdominal bleeding. And transport as soon as possible. 10-4, Rampart. Get room three running. Prepare an OR. We should be ready to do a paratiny of lavage as soon as you arrive. Okay? How you doing? Okay, good. All right, ready? Close it off. Okay, we're gonna take you on a ride, okay? We're gonna take you to Rampart Hospital. You'll be all right. Okay, ready? All right. Okay. Malcolm, we're gonna have to get her on oxygen as soon as we get in, okay? John? Okay, I'll meet you at the hospital. Oh! LA, Squad 51 available? Squad 51. What? Roy, what you just did? Huh? I've got it! I've got it! Got what? All I did was tell the dispatcher we were available. You used the mic! You used the mic! So? So, what? We used the mic! So, we stopped writing down our runs and we used the mic! Ah. The doctor, he was fine a few minutes ago and then all of a sudden he just sort of left reality. Look, will you just listen to what I'm saying? Just listen to me, okay? All right, look, we get a tape recorder, right? We get a tape recorder and we put it here, up underneath the dash. Then we get a mic and we just put it here. We just drape it over this one. And then when we get a run, we take the mic, we record into it, and then when we get back to the station, we play it back and we've got it all there. I'm scared. What? Sounds like a good idea. And I'm agreeing with you. That scares me. But it sounds like a good idea. It does? Yeah. All right, we're gonna have to get to work on it as soon as we get back to the station, okay? ...three calls, system 31, your next stop. Ha ha ha! I'll be here. Where... did this wire come from? Oh, shoot. Did this come... is this... For crying out loud. Can you move that light over here where I can show you? You know, this is a good idea. This is... I'm really proud of you. Oh, man. This electrical system must have been put together by some amateur. Hey, hey, I'm all for renovation, and I know I suggested that you find a way to improve your system, but what is this? This is a real good idea. This is gonna be a credit to our station, Captain. Please don't immobilize the squad. I can't focus that part. What did he say? He said it should be just about ready anytime. Uh-huh. It better be. Oh, man. Can you, uh... Did you ever find that electrical diagram? I can't do anything with this. Uh, yeah, here. Maybe I can help you in some way, you know. Uh, you gotta be kidding me. I can't read this. Hey, I got odds from station seven. Five to three, that never works. Is your job as a bookmaker preventing you from getting that tape there? Here you go. Hey, if you guys need any help, uh, my sister once took a course on home electrical repair. Where? Huh? He says thanks, but he's doing fine. Well, I'm gonna go see what Chet's doing. Ow! You know, I think... Oh, jeez! You okay? Yeah, I'm fine. What happened? Well, I think I crossed the wrong wires or something. Did you hurt your head? Uh, I don't think so. I didn't burn it, did I? No, you sure you're all right, though? Yeah, I'm fine. Try the lights, huh? Oh. We've blown a fuse. Dirt. Check for that drill. The whole thing's gone. Shoot. We got fuses in here, don't we? Yeah, I think we do. Yeah, there they are. Oh, you know something? I think I know exactly what I did wrong. Huh? I was looking at it backwards. You know, I was upside down. Look at that. See, that's how it reads. Shoot. Well, this time I'll get it right. Squad 51, feature. The Gregory's Cup Heurists. 212, Hallbury. You got to take care of Hallbury. 212, Hallbury. Time up. 15.5. Squad 51, KMG 365. 212, Hallbury. Time up. 15.5. Thank God you've come. I couldn't have lasted another minute. Okay, look, why don't you sit down over here, and I'll just take your glasses, okay? She's gone crazy. She's absolutely gone crazy. You've got to stop her. This is terrible. It's all right, dear. If these boys will take care of her, that's what they're here for. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Firemen! Oh, I love firemen. All right, now, maybe if we kind of surround her, maybe we can calm her down. This is for your paral face. All right. Now, ma'am, What we're going to do is just calm down, okay? Just settle down. You're going to be okay. We're here to help you. Now, what seems to be... I'm going to give you a great big kiss! What? No! Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am. Don't want to hold our kisses. Come on. Oh, you're cute too! Come to the line. Ma'am, if you don't cooperate, we're going to have to call the police. Now, ma'am, settle down, okay? Just settle down. Just settle down. You're all right. You're okay. Okay? Ruthie? Is everything under control? Oh, yeah. She's going to be fine now, all right? I got you called, ma'am! I did it! I did it! I did it! Ma'am, ma'am. All right. Settle down. Settle down. You're going to be okay, all right? All right. All right. So now, okay. You're going to be okay. Oh, you're cute. Yeah, you're cute. Get the drug box. Ma'am? Come on. Keep talking to me. All right. I'll get on the landline. Okay. LA to Squad 51. Squad 51. Can you send an ambulance to our location? Squad 51. Uh, Rampart, this is Squad 51. Go ahead, 51. Uh, Rampart, we have a female patient with an approximate age. How old would you say she is? Forty-ish. Okay, Rampart, she's approximately 40 years old, about 5'5", about 140 pounds. Stand by. Has she ever done anything like this before that you know of? Never. She's always so good-humored. I have 51. I'll put on the speaker. Uh, Rampart, patient has undergone radical personality change. She was aggressive, hyperactive, and she is now stuporous. Squad 51, do you have vital signs? Stand by for vitals. BP is 160 over 105, pulse is 130. Respiration is 30, pupils are responsive, and she's diaphoretic. Uh, Rampart, vital signs. BP 160 over 105, pulse is 130, respiration is 30. Pupils are equal and reactive, and she is diaphoretic. Do you know if she's been on any medication? Has she been on any medication that you know of? Oh, she's been trying to lose weight. She's been fasting. Uh, Rampart, uh, she has been fasting. Twelve days, not a bite. Rampart, information is twelve days without food. Twelve days? Is she on any kind of medication? Has she been seeing a doctor? Well, she read this book, A Guru's Guide to Fasting. Until this morning, she didn't take any pills, but she got so hungry... Ma'am, is she on any kind of medication? Well, one of her customers, Mrs. Altshuler... I remember Ruthie was giving her a lovely shampoo instead... gave her some of her diet pills. Amphi... am... Amphetamines? Uh-huh. How many? Mrs. Altshuler gave her four. Ruthie took them all. Uh, Rampart, information is, uh, the victim, without doctor's supervision or, uh, or prescription, took four amphetamines all this morning. Draw a blood sample, then start an IV with D5W. Draw a blood sample, IV D5W. Administer 50 cc's of 50% glucose. Transport as soon as possible. Ten-four, Rampart. Can't get a vein. You want to go in the back of the hand? Yeah, I'll use a 21 butterfly. Okay. Uh, there's the amphetamines. You need me? No, no, I can get it. Okay, uh, people, we're gonna need all the space we can get. Uh, do you think maybe you can move into, uh, some of the back rooms back there? Okay, thank you. Excuse me. Excuse me just for a second. Okay. Will she be all right? She's such a sweet girl. Yeah, we're gonna take her to the Rampart. It's a very good hospital. She's gonna be fine. Don't worry about her. May I go with her? I-I feel like family. Sure, if you want to. Oh, I'm more concerned about Ruthie. Okay, good. Why don't you step over here, and I'll let these people work. We'll wait for them over here, okay? Mm-hmm. Put this in there, under her shoulder. Okay. Ruthie was right about one thing. You are cute. Okay. In here. Dr. Early's waiting. Okay. Mike, get another blood sample lab for repeat blood glucose, CBC. A little toxic screen style. Right. Caroline, you want to start another IV, normal saline? Dick, how's that little girl we brought in this morning? Just great. All right. Well, I hope she's as lucky. She's, uh, real sweet, for want of a better word. She called him cute. That's before she sat on him. You know, he's always had a weakness for the subtle type. Oh, Lord. Hmm, Joe? Yeah? Dextrose sticks shows glucose about 60 milligram percent, a little less. And the ketone is strong on ketone bodies. Her vitals are improving. Any diagnosis yet? Well, I'll need a complete series of tests, including glucose tolerance. She's manifesting symptoms associated with hypoglycemia and ketosis. But I'd say the radical personality change came from the amphetamines. Amphetamine poisoning. I'm afraid so. People never learn. What happened? You took some very powerful pills. Your body couldn't tolerate them, so it fought back. Everything got out of balance. I'll call the lab and a certain paramedic that wants to know about Ruthie. Cute. All right. Yeah, I think, yeah, there's one more wire and it'll be all set. I think it's safe to be standing this close, Cap. Yeah, if he goes, he's gonna take us all with him. Look, we got a good thing going here. Okay. All right. There. Fireworks, no explosions? I think it's all set. Give it a try. Okay. You know, it's really quite easy, gentlemen. All you do is just... Squad 51, man unconscious. A 2014 ocean view. Frost Street, one to park. Ambulances responding. Time up, 1727. Squad 51, KMG 365. Back here. Back here, please, hurry. What is it, ma'am? We were having a barbecue for my father. She said things were getting dark. He fell over. He couldn't move his right side. And then he passed out. You say he couldn't move his right side? We called his doctor, but he wasn't in. His service gave us your number. Do you have a history of illness? None. He just moved in with us. He's been having such a good time. And now... False is 100. Pupils are equal in react. Prespirations 20. BP is 145 over 90. Uh, Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read me? Go ahead, 51. Uh, Rampart, we have a male, approximately 60, 65 years old. Uh, he's unconscious. This family says that, uh, he had a loss of vision, slurred speech, and paralysis before, uh, unconsciousness. He is warm and diaphoretic. Uh, we will put him on six liters of O2. Vital signs are 145 over 90. False is 100. Prespirations 20. Pupils are equal in react. 51, start an IV with D5W. Give him 50 cc's at 50% dextrose and send me a strip, will you? 10-4, Rampart. Uh, we're gonna have to put him on oxygen. Can you get our oxygen out of the front bay on the right-hand side right next to the cap? Okay. I'll get it. 51, EKG shows normal sinus rhythm. Uh, continue monitoring vitals and transport as soon as possible. 10-4, Rampart. Let's get going here. Ma'am, we'll be taking him into the ambulance now to Rampart Emergency. If you'd like to go along, you may. No. Pardon me? Not Rampart, Century Pavilion. Ma'am, Century Pavilion, it's rush hour. It's gonna take us 45 minutes to get your father there. And see, if we went to Rampart, we could be there in less than 10. I'm not gonna have my father taken to a charity hospital. You take him to the Pavilion. Ma'am, you don't understand. He needs to get to the hospital right away. He's in serious condition. I have worked very hard all my life to give my father the best, and I am not going to have him taken to a charity hospital. Ma'am, see if you can understand what I'm saying. Rampart is a very good hospital now. Just because it's a public hospital doesn't necessarily mean that it's a charity hospital. You take him to the Pavilion, and you take him now? Who would my friends think if I put my father in a charity hospital? Okay, fine. Uh, Rampart, this is 151. How do you read? Yeah, go ahead, 51. Uh, Rampart, the victim's relative says that she does not want him taken to Rampart General. She wants him taken to Pavilion. We've already explained the time factor to her. 51 is the patient's doctor on call at the Pavilion. I don't know where his doctor is. Uh, she doesn't know, Rampart. Uh, 51, can I talk to the patient's next of kin? No, I will not speak to him. You take him to the Pavilion now, or I will sue you for malpractice or incompetence or... All right, okay. Mm. Mm. Can you hear me? Can you hear what I'm saying? Yeah, I haven't heard everything I was saying. You want to go to Rampart? Yeah. Right now. Uh, Rampart, the victim has given us permission to take him to Rampart. Stand 4, 51. Let's go. You want to come? Yeah. Dr. Parker, outpatient area. Dr. Parker, outpatient area. Oh, hey, Roy. I heard about you to Lemon. I guess he came too just in time, huh? Yeah. Doc, isn't there anything we can do when they want us to transport a patient and clear across a district for no good reason? Look, once we've started treatment, we really can't abandon the patient. I guess we have to listen to the relatives. I mean, we've got 25,000 people in our district. They're without service. I know. It's not fair at all. And it's dangerous to the patient. You know, she wanted us to take him on a 45-minute ambulance ride. Look, I'm with you 100%, Roy. But until the regulations change, I'm afraid we're gonna have to live with it. Yeah. I'd die with it. Let's go, Doc. All right. Boy, after a rescue like that, all I want to do is take a nice, quiet ride back to the station, have 10 minutes of peace and quiet for a shower, and relax. Yeah. You know, it's a good idea you tell them how busy we were. Hey, you know, now's a good time to test out our new invention. All right. Give it a try. Yes, sir. I really believe that this invention is going to give added hours to paramedics every day just by eliminating needless paperwork. It's gonna be a real breakthrough. It was so easy. A child could operate this thing. Look, all you have to do is just push the button, right? Squad 51, 1727 hours, responding to man unconscious. Unit calling L.A. What is your message? L.A., Squad 51, disregard. Squad 51. How'd you do that? I don't believe you did that. You just wired a chief recruiter right into the radio. I don't believe you did that. Oh! Well, that's... That's no problem. That's just a simple attestment. BLACKBURN 2 Or ц? What's wrong? I didn't want anybody to hear me. I'm sorry if I disturbed you. Why are you crying? You're going to be just fine. How can I ever go back to the salon? How can I face those ladies? Miss Bernadette. If you follow a sensible diet instead of trying to crash on pills you'll never have that problem again. But you don't understand. I remember. I remember all those awful things I did. I remember all those awful things I did. Chasing Mrs. Peters with a hose and throwing the cold cream. And throwing the cold cream. Ruthie, you were sick. Your friends will understand it wasn't your fault. Your friends will understand it wasn't your fault. Miss Bernadette called her all those awful names ripping off her wig. Did they tell you what Miss Bernadette did? Did they tell you what Miss Bernadette did? She came here in the ambulance with you and waited until you were alright. and waited until you were alright. She's coming tomorrow morning to visit you. She did all that? She told me you're the best operator she's ever had. She did? Then she's not going to fire me. No. She said you were like family. You have a lot of friends, Ruthie. You have a lot of friends, Ruthie. They all want to help you. I think I'm going to cry again. No, you're not. So you'll look your best tomorrow morning. Like family? Like family. Like family. Sleep well. Oh yeah, I talked to Joanne about her invention. Putting the recorder in the squat. She says it could influence paramedic training for years to come. Oh yeah? You know, I've always said that she was a very bright and perceptive young lady. Yeah, well, she also said that it's possible for an inventor to be too far out of his time. Uh, you know, Roy, maybe you shouldn't be talking about our inventions with civilian. You know, with people who don't understand the complexities of our business, you know? Station 51, both 110, station 236, engine 8, truck 127, unknown type fire, Marine salvage yard, 4220 Duck Street, street, rubber boat bar, time off, 10-14. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! LA engine 51, we have smoke showing from a ship fire. Respond, foam 127. Engine 51. All units responding with engine 51. Engine 51, report smoke showing at the ship fire. Italian 14, did you copy? Italian 14, 10-14. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Foam 127, assist engine 51, fire, 4220, Duck Street, Ross Street, rubber boat bar, time off, 10-20. What do we got here? We got an oil fire. Started in the engine room when one of my men torched through a pipe filled with hydraulic fluid. He's burnt pretty bad. Anybody else hurt? Anybody else still in there? Everybody's out of the engine room, but two men are trapped in the galley on the seadeck just above it. Okay, get all the rest of your men off of that ship, alright? LA engine 51, we have a further report on this incident. We have an oil fire in the engine room. One burn victim removed, two workers still trapped below deck. Engine 51, Italian 14, did you copy? Italian 14, 10-14. Jeff, Marco, start a two and a half minute of superstructure on the starboard side, but don't go below until I give you the word. Engine 236, engine 51, start a two and a half minute of the port side. Rampart, we just administered the IV. The patient's now regaining consciousness, still in pain. Pulse is now up to 160. 51, give him 75 milligrams of apparent eating IV. Transport as soon as possible. 10-4, Rampart. 10-4, Rampart. How does it look? Oh, he's stable now, Cap. He's got second degree burns on about 20 percent of his left leg. And he's got second degree burns on his left side of his face. It doesn't look like he's inhaled fire or smoke. You're very close to that ambulance? Yeah, we did. Okay, we'll fill in squad 160 and let them transport as much you and Roy to hitch your air masks, lights, oxygen, come below with me. We've got two men trapped. Okay. You got it? Yeah. So Bill, we got oil fire in the engine room. I don't know if it spread to the tanks in the boiler room below or not, but we're going to need every line available to hold it. All right, you to take over from me, have squad 116 relieve my paramedics back there. And you better request another ambulance. We've got an oil fire below decks. All right. Ah, boat 110, this is engine 236. We have an oil fire below decks. All right, boats with your monitors. We've got an air raid in that pasture. It's the first stairway to the three-story level below. This must be the stairway to the galley. This must be the stairway to the galley. I can't let you go. I'm going to need your help. All right, let's empty it. Roy, as we lift, pull the victim out. Right. Together now. Hey. I got him, Cap. Get the other one, Roy. Okay. Okay, Cap, I got him. Let's get these guys out of here. Okay, let's pull up the slack. Cap, you're not going to hold him down. Okay, they're all coming up now. J and 14, engine 51. This fighter spread to sea deck. I'm going back in with two more companies. Bring that two and a half and follow me. We need one more two and a half in here. Rampart, we've extricated both victims and we're transporting now. Are they going to be okay? Well, they took in a lot of smoke. I think they're going to be all right. We're going to take them on a rampart. I'm calling their families. What can I tell them? Just tell them rampart's a good hospital. They'll do all they can. Thanks. Are you sure you want everyone in here? Maybe the first time you should do it privately. No, Cap, I want everybody in on it. You don't understand. This is a terrific idea. If you want to watch, here we all are. Good luck. Good luck? Well, that thing isn't going to blow up, is it? Go on. You know, they laughed at Bell and Watson. They laughed at the Wright brothers. And they'll probably laugh at Gage and Gissella. Gentlemen, if we're going to have your attention, please. On this tape recorder is all the information. All I do is push the button and then fill in the blanks. Engine 36, squad 12, unknown type. What? 1305 Overland Avenue, apartment C, cross street Pacific. No, wait a minute. Maybe if I just rewind it a little bit and... John, do you know what you've done? This time you wired the radio into the recorder and you picked up every dispatch LA put out. If I can just rewind the thing and... What is the matter? You know, Gage, I liked it better when it caught fire. Wait a minute, guys. Wait a minute, Cap. If I can just... Do you know how to make this... How do you stop? Do you know how? What? If I... Battalion 14, that fire is in the daddy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.