Hey, terrific. A new word game, huh? Uh-uh. He's gonna buy a house. Uh-huh. And fungus is a requirement? It's a cod. Well, it depends on how you use it. Now, you see, it's a logic chart. You stick the good and the bad together, and whichever you have more of, you do. Now, I'm not gonna let you off easy, pal. Trees. Trees. Leaves. See what I mean? Yeah. Ah! Chautauqua. C-H-A-U-T-A-U-Q-U... This isn't a spelling bee. A. It's not? That's too bad. I've been waiting since the eighth grade to have somebody ask me to spell that. What is this? He's gonna buy a house. Yeah, but I don't think it's the right time. Well, what do you mean, it's the wrong time? Interest rates are going down. You got the G.I. bill. Home builders are just begging for people like you to come out. I can't see it. What do you mean, you can't see it? It's the perfect time. Roy, Roy, come here. We're showing the paper, will you? Sorry, you can have that. This is the part I want. Okay, look at this. Look at all that property. They're just out there waiting for you, Roy. That's what I'm afraid of. I could pick one with my eyes closed. Right there. Just read that one right there. Ah. Rustic ranch. One-half acre, three bedrooms. Lots of trees. See? See what I mean? That sounds good. There's the phone number right there. Why don't you call it? Better yet, I'll call it. Oh, no, no. Wait a minute. Well, call them when we get back. Station 51, engine 20, engine 19, battalion 13. Fire. 1911 Harper Avenue. 1911 Harper Avenue. Cross Street, Colfax. Time out, 0900. Station 51, engine 20, engine 19, battalion. Station 51, engine 20, battalion. Station 51, engine 20, battalion. LA engine 51, we have a two-story structure fire. We're all involved. We're all going to get us continued. Station 51. Informant reports punks of chemicals are stored in tanker. Use caution. One-fifty-one, this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG? Ten-four, transmitting EKG. We're sending you a strip. Vitals to follow. Balsus 160, the victim is in extreme pain, Rampart. Station is in V5. Rampart, we have lost the victim's pulse. Beginning CPR. We're defibrillating victim, Rampart. Rampart, we've defibrillated victim. He's in sinus rhythm. Minister, two amps sodium bicarbonate. Insert an airway. Start in IV, 51. Like David Ringer said. Squad 51, continue monitoring vitals and transport immediately. Rampart, we're on our way, Rampart. All units, respond to engine 51. Engine 51, report to all involved. All units, respond to the instructions. Engine 19, engine 51. Puppets are hydrated in cold fags and harper. Engine 51. Fire! Hey, Cap! There's a girl trying to go to the second floor! LA, engine 51. Respond and ambulance to this location. Engine 51. Fire! Hey, hey, hey! Hold on up there! Hold on! We'll be right up against you! Just stay in there! Fire's moving in your way, Roy! Right! Okay! All right, more pressure! You're gonna flip this thing down, Cap. Engine 20, engine 51. Lao lines from harper and cold fags. Protect the west exposure. Fire! Fire! It's moving, Wild Dale! It is alive! Okay, put her over your shoulder. Yeah, okay, put her over. There she is. Yeah, a little bit further. There you got her? All right, there you are, Cap. There you are, buddy. Watch the ceiling! It's okay. You're gonna be okay. Kathy! Kathy! What? Kathy! Who's Kathy? My sister. She's still inside. Where? Upstairs. I tried to wake her up. All right, you just stay down here, okay? There's a girl upstairs. We gotta go in and get her. You want to get her on the nasal cannula? Got it. What? It's okay. I'm gonna go upstairs. You got one after me. Okay, I'll be second. Michael, Jack, back us up. There's another victim upstairs, okay? Nobody in here! Kathy? Kathy? I've got her! I've got her! Kathy? Kathy? Come on! Boys down! All right, watch his legs. Watch his legs. Easy does it. There we go. There we go. I've got the girl. I've got her. All right. Okay, okay. Where's my leg? Let's get out of here. Hey, are you okay? Yeah, I'm good. You sure? Yeah. Okay. Hey. Okay. How's the girl? No burns. She seems a bit dehydrated though. How are you? Fine. I bumped up my leg. Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read? Loud and clear, 51. Rampart, we've got a female victim here, about 13 years of age, a victim of smoke inhalation. She's unconscious. No burns, but she's a bit dehydrated. Stand by for vital signs. Vicks, they're moving the patient out of treatment three. Pulse is 30 at 120. Respiration is 13. BP is 100 over 70. Rampart, BP is 100 over 70. The pulse is 120 and 30. The respiration is 13. Request permission to start an IV, Rampart. 51, start an IV with ringers, the rate of 100 cc's a minute. 10-4 IV with ringers. What's the matter with Kathy? Sweetheart, she's gonna be okay. She's gonna be fine. You wanna go lie down in the ambulance? No, Kathy hasn't been feeling good. Sweetheart, you mean today, this morning? No, lots of times. She been taking any medicines? I'm not supposed to tell. Sweetheart, listen to what I'm saying. We're trying to help, Kathy. You can tell us, okay? I don't know. She says she's been drinking a lot of water lately. Uh-huh, but she doesn't take a shot when she's supposed to. Affirmative, Rampart. Suspect diabetic acidosis. I agree. Keep the ringers going and draw blood. Do you have any transportation available? Affirmative, Rampart. We got an ambulance at the scene. Okay, transport as soon as possible. 10-4, Rampart. Is Kathy going to die? No, sweetheart, she's not. Not if we can help. Dr. Hoffman, 64, please. All right, let's put her in here. Dxjo's at the base station. Tell him we're in two. Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're gonna have your legs seen, too. Come on. What's the matter with you? Dix, get X-ray down here. Tell the lab I want that blood in the squad brought in stat. Better get D.K. just to be in the safe side, too, Coyote. Diabetic coma, Joe. Everything seems to point in that direction. Fortunately, she hasn't been comatose to old. That fire might have saved her life. You gonna put him on the sick list? Are you kidding for a scratch like this? Is this any way to talk to an injured man? You forgot to sign these again? Yeah, no, sorry. How's the girl? Well, no more after the lab reports, but she's holding her own. How's your patient doing? Barely holding his on. I see what you mean. Kind of glazed around the eyes? Roy always has that look around his eyes. Ever since I started working with you. So what's new? Not much. What do you mean, not much? Roy's buying a new house. No wonder he looks dazed. I'm not exactly buying a new house. I'm sort of just thinking about it. I don't think this is the wrong time to think about it. What do you mean, the wrong time? I was reading in the paper the other day that the interest rates are going down. Yeah, not that much. The taxes will just eat you out. There's a way you can get around that. You just buy a piece of property with a house in the back, and you just run out the house and let the tenants make the payments for you. That's a thought. Tenants will drive you nuts. How do you know? Because I'm a tenant. What else do you need to know? If I could make a right deal. Right. That's exactly what you need. A deal. Well, the same. There are a lot of pitfalls. Like what? Termites. Termites? Look, the owners have to worry about that, not the buyers. Then there's points. Points? Points? Points. Time to go to work, boys. Yeah, it'll be a relief. See you guys later. Squad 51, available? Squad 51. Boy, I envy you buying that new house. Joanna'll love it. I haven't told her yet. You haven't told her yet? Why not? I figured she'd go for it in a big way. Yeah, well, she's a champion penny-pinscher all the time. Save now, save later. Er... Squad 51, traffic accident. Squad 51, traffic accident. 6244 Elm Drive. Cross Street, Orlando. Time out, 1210. Squad 51, 10-4. Why does she make a signal to turn left and then go straight? Had you been in the right lane, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. My suit is stuck. Yeah, well, mine's bleeding. Okay, all right. Well, we can take care of them. My student's clasp is stuck. You all right? Yeah. My seat belt is stuck. Please help me out. It won't open. Okay. Ma'am, are you hurt? Oh, no, I just... I split my lip on the steering wheel. Did you hit your knee or anything? Did you hurt this leg? Yeah, hadn't quite a head-on collision here. You're pretty lucky. Yeah, so we can hurry before we blow up. You don't have to worry about that. There's no gasoline leak or anything. Are you kidding? I see cars on TV blow up all the time. A scissor! Be careful of my cash mirror. That's all right, ma'am. I just... You're gonna cut it. Here, help me out. Don't move so much. Uh... Will you watch it? Yeah, yeah. You're gonna tear my sweater. Oh. Okay. Now, I'll tell you what you do. You just hold your head all the way back. Just let it drop back like that. And I'm gonna hold this over your lip. Okay, there we go. How'd this happen? Well, she signaled to make a left-hand turn. Then she didn't make one. She went straight. I guess her driving instructor here didn't want her to try too much at once. Who are you kidding? You swung so wide, you were in our... Listen, pal, you better go back to driving school yourself. And you should get into the scrap iron business. Hey, hey, hey, come on, you guys. You should be grateful that nobody was seriously injured. You're gonna tear my sweater. Watch those scissors. I'm trying to watch, ma'am. I'm not gonna tear your sweater. You just have to relax. It's cashmere, you know. Don't tear my sweater now. You know this is cashmere. Yes, ma'am. Will you watch those scissors? Yes, ma'am. Can't you use... Can't you loosen it with your hands? If you wouldn't wiggle around so much, it'd be a lot easier. Okay. Oh. There. Is it torn? No, I don't think so. It better not be. Oh. Oh. Well, I guess you're okay. Let's see what does it. Okay. Yeah. That's not bad at all. Oh. It's swelling. Oh, my goodness, it's swelling. All right, take it easy. That's nothing to be alarmed about. Oh, yes, it is. I'm a model, and I'm supposed to do a lipstick commercial this week. Look at that uniform. What'd they make you do? Serve her this car before you took it out this morning? Look, I have an idea. Why don't you... Why don't you put an ice pack on, and it'll take the swelling down. You can put a little makeup on it to cover up the bruise. You just figured that out, did you? Is she gonna be all right? Yeah, she's gonna be fine, I think. Thank you. We don't need you anymore. I wouldn't pay too much attention to him, Martha. You'd justify him. Oh. Thank you. You're welcome. Oh, my God. What's wrong, Mrs. White? I just want to see what I did to my cashmere sweater. I can just find my glasses. Glasses? You wear glasses? Only when I want to see something. I don't know why I ever take driving anyway. Keep them on, and let's get out of here. You sure you're finished over there? Yeah, there was nothing seriously wrong with her. Well, what do I know? I'm just a fireman. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! What's the matter with you? Get out of here! You mean to tell me you have no more control over your driver than this? Move over, will you? Move over. Get out of here. I'm really sorry. That's all right. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do it. Sit over there. See, you can't even make the car start. You're really mean. I'm supposed to be the instructor, for gosh sakes. That's amazing. Oh, Roy. Hey, I saved you a tuna fish sandwich. Sit down there. What's wrong with him? Does he feel well? A real nice sandwich here. No, sit down. You know, I was thinking about that house. Terrific idea. I mean, you know, you're coming into your primal life, and I think this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity, right? I'm glad you agree, John. Why are you so interested in my buying a house? Well, Roy, you always tell me that I'm not interested in your buying a house. Well, Roy, you always tell me that I'm not interested in the welfare of the guys. I am? How are we going to go about finding you a house? Well, I think, guys, first you got to get some professional advice. Number two, you got to have a guy that knows the ropes. You know, a guy with a finger on the pulse. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. Can anybody tell me where I can find a Roy DiSoto? I'm Roy DiSoto. Roy, well, Alexander Walcott Smith. That's your service. My old buddy, Chet, here tells me that you're in the market to buy a house. Oh, Chet, huh? Well, I just figured I can do you both a favor. Well, you're probably just the person we're looking for then. Is that right? Well, why? Are you thinking of buying a house too? Uh, John, no, I'm not. It's him. We're just trying to help him out. You're a broker, huh? I sure am, babe, the best. Like to look at a couple of pictures? Look at this little beauty here. Six bedrooms, six baths, pool, stable for your horses. Do you got any horses, John? Not at the moment. Roy. Well, doesn't really matter. You can always make a sauna out of the stable or something here. Now, this one, this one here is perfect. Triplex on a large lot, built by a decorator. Kind of cute, isn't it? Just hanging out on that cliff a bit, ain't it? Roy, look at this one here. Look, workshop, a den. Yeah, that's my favorite, a great buy. Great. Just got the listing late last night. That baby is gonna move fast. When can you have a look at it, Roy? I just started looking. Not really ready yet. Roy, the price is right. Look at that. No, Chet, that's the taxes. Well, how much is it? Really, really. You don't want to ask that first. You want to find out all the advantages first, you see. Oh, yeah. Well, that makes sense. Well, look at the trees. Look at those trees. Why, a man could have a regular garden of Eden there. Those apple trees? What's that? Those apple trees? Oh, I get it. Garden of Eden. That's very good. Very good. Well, they're some kind of a fruit, anyway. The thing is, it's close to schools, it's close to the markets, it's low taxes. When do you think you can have a look at it, Roy? Well, I don't know if... We have tomorrow off. How about tomorrow? It's a great house. Might as well take a look at it. How about tomorrow? Good? Okay, good. See you later, John. Yeah. Right. Eastbound Harbor Freeway exit at Denny and Valley Harts. Eastbound Harbor Freeway exit at Denny and Valley Harts. Timeout 1552. Station 51, BMG 3. Yeah. Yeah. I should have made him ride in front, but he wanted to ride in back with his dog. Here, this is... Check it out here. Is he your son? Yes. Have you seen Feather? Feathers? That's the boy's dog. They were both thrown out, and I tried to miss that lady back there. John, as soon as you're free, maybe you can take a look at the other driver. Doesn't look like too much. It's a small lump. All right, she's... She's got a... Looks like a fracture. Does he, too? Yeah. You want me to get me a splint box? We gotta find Feather. Yeah, well, look, let's just take care of this wrist first, all right? This is John Gies, ma'am. He's a paramedic. Hi. It's all my fault. I just got so confused on those causeways. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Is the boy all right? Yeah, he's gonna be fine. Let's take a look at you, though. Transport, we have a BP. It's 120 over 80. Respiration's 25. Possible fractured wrist. 10-4-51, will you transport? It's affirmative for MPART. Taking my boy to the hospital? Yeah, we're gonna have to. We're gonna have to have the doctor set this wrist for him. But we've gotta find Feather. Yeah. Uh, looks like we have a second patient gonna take her in. Possible slight concussion. MPART squad 51 again. We have a second victim. I think we just walk him in. We cancel the stretcher, Malcolm. 10-4-51. Yeah, we just walk him in. All right, easy on that wrist. There we are. Let me take it. Okay. Yeah, take it easy now. Little dizzy, huh? Yeah. All right, just walk slowly. Driving in the city's for the birds. I know, ma'am. I feel the same way every morning. Going to work. All right. You can sit up, can't you? Uh-huh. All right. You got her all right? Okay. All right. Okay. I'm gonna take him in the randy part. He's gonna be fine. Don't worry. Are you all right, ma'am? Oh, sure. I'm fine. I'm really sorry about this. Have you seen my dog, have you? He'll be all right, son. He has a license. Someone will find him for us. But we can't go to the hospital without him. He might need a doctor, too. Look, don't worry about it. We'll, uh, we'll look for the dog, okay? Would you do that? Sure. Sure. No problem. Okay. I guess you can ride up there with the guys. Okay. See you later. Yeah. Any other control? Yeah. Is it okay if we go look for the dog? Sure. I'll put us available to see. All right. How do we do this? Well, let's split up. I've got to put the car away first, though. I'll go out. Okay. Yeah, better check over here. Feather! Feather! Here, Feather. Here, boy. Feather! Feather! Feather! Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Well, I suppose somebody, uh, picked him up. Could be. Yeah. Well, the thing that worries me is he might be hurt. Maybe that's why we can't find him. Yeah. Well, look, I hate to do this, but I got to get back on the streets. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Okay. See you, guys. See you later. Miss Jones, receptionist, please. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. You got hurt, Bill. Well, you know, it's gone with Ida. She left you withさん. And then what? Play did I say? Play did I? And then spanked da dog for the time being that it was gone won't be for that man. Been there twice? You just won't tell me. Do dogs go where people go when they die? I'm sure they do, Billy. But you don't have to worry about that. We're not even certain that... Does this belong to somebody? Feather! Thanks, guys. It's all right. Hey, Feather, look, I got one, too. You know, Roy, I may have been a little hasty about that house. One of our nurses made a really great buy. Oh, no, I don't think this is the right time to be buying it. Roy, that Walcott house is a great house. I mean, we've got a day off. What more perfect time to go see it? I don't know. Roy... I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a look. Yeah. I hope you guys work it out. He's with me. I'll help him out. Roy, look, if you don't like the Walcott house, we can go to another real estate man. A man more mature, older, you know? Division 1, they have copter 14 and 15, two tractors. An air attack three responding. Joanne loved the idea of buying that house, you know? So yesterday, what are you doing with those eggshells? Well, the eggshells make the coffee grounds go down on the bottom. My granddaddy taught me that. I thought he was a New York subway operator. He was. What about your house? Somebody bought it from under me. Are these things supposed to sink or float on top, you know? Why don't you ask your granddaddy? Boy, that house... That house, it was the right deal. It was just the right deal. It was perfect. Good morning. Guess what? No thanks. What's wrong with... What are eggshells doing in the coffee? The eggshells keep down the coffee grounds. You want some? Well, thanks. What's wrong with His Highness? Somebody bought that house he was interested in. So? I didn't think you were interested in it. I need a little bit of time to just sort of think things out. Is there anything wrong with that? Well, no, of course not. But you shouldn't be so sore if somebody bought it out from under you. I am sore. Yeah, I can tell that. But I'm gonna get over it. What were you gonna tell us? Oh, it can wait. No, man, that's okay. I need something to think about other than what I'm thinking about. No, really, man, it can wait. Come on, Gage, what are you up to? Shut up. You remember yesterday? Of course you remember yesterday. You know, I happened to be in a neighborhood of that house that you were gonna buy, and I just went there to check it out. You didn't? Well, I didn't know that... Look, you seemed so uninterested. Roy, I only went there to check it out for you, you know? And I just saw all those trees and that den and that workshop and all those bedrooms, and I thought, you know, this isn't a house for Roy. Those trees and that den and that workshop and all those bedrooms, and it just happened to fit your needs, right? Yeah. Yeah. Roy, like you said, you get over it. Well, you know something? What? I've changed my mind. Station 51, rescue, Johnson Canyon Bridge. Approach from the bottom, Johnson Canyon Bridge. Time up, 07. Station 51, PMG 365. Scottie, what do you got? Young boy, about his age, stuck up there under the bridge. He's scared, Captain. We gotta get him down. What's your name, son? Rick Dunbar, sir. He's my friend. Please get him down. Well, let's see if we can figure something out. Come on. I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. How'd he get up there? His friend said he climbed up that rope, worked his way onto the pillar. He's got a lot of nerve, but he seems awful scared. He hasn't moved since I got here. Incredible. Hell, I ancient 51, respond truck 127 to this location. Engine 51... It's all my fault. I dared him to do it. You did, huh? Pete, this is Captain Stanley. We have a snorkel truck from the fire department coming in, and we'll get you down from there, so just stay still, okay? How long do you think this is gonna take? Not a very long while. Well, there's something I better tell you. What's that? Pete's an epileptic. All right. Just found out the kid is an epileptic. We gotta get up there. Safety him off right now. We can't wait. Marco, you and Mike, throw the extension lighter up against the appliance. Get on the horn to Rampart, fill him in, ask him if the situation can trigger a grand mal. Truck 127, engine 51, when you roll in here, do so in non-code R. Rampart, this is squad 51. Do it at 51. Rampart, we have a climber, a young boy, he's stuck under a bridge on a span. He's too frightened to come down. Possible epileptic. We want to know if this tension might be a cause of death. We're gonna have to get him out of there. We're gonna have to get him out of there. We're gonna have to get him out of there. We're gonna have to get him out of there. We're gonna have to get him out of there. Possible epileptic. We want to know if this tension might produce a seizure. Stand by, 51, verifying. Kill. Now, how we gonna do this thing? Well, I can go on up after him. All right. Uh, tie you off in that first arch there. Just underneath him, all right? Okay, that's good, the place is in here. You gonna take the coil? Yeah. Let's go. Well, there we go. There we go. Thanks, Dan. Anyway, Cal, that's the way it looks to me. Yeah, well, I agree, Mike. We'll tell the squad to proceed with extreme caution. Squad 51, approach your patient with extreme caution. Any sudden increase in tension could send him into seizure. 10-4? 10-4, Rampart. Cap! That's an affirmative on that seizure. I'm not sure that's afraid of us. Pull the other ladder, just in case. Okay. That seems to be okay. Yeah, well, let's just hope he took a course in knot time. Well, it's the fastest way up. Yeah. When you get to that second post, you might have to get a higher bite, huh? Okay. Station 125, woman down. Dunswell and Ventura. Dunswell and Ventura. Dunswell and Ventura. Dunswell and Ventura. Dunswell and Ventura. Dunswell and Ventura. Dunswell and Ventura. déc inertia I kidney. They're going to tell. There's just one chance. Oh Oh Oh Just take it easy, okay, I want you to stay calm I can't I'm gonna fall I can't I go you don't understand get away from me You're gonna be all right, it's gonna be fine Just take it easy, okay Stay away I'm gonna fall Yeah, hey we're gonna get you down real easy I got a belt here Peter calm down Oh Well, I'm okay, but you're gonna have to drop me I can't hang on to him he's dead weight I can't bring you up. I'm gonna let you down. All right, this feels so good. I can't hang on to him No, no So So So So Well, it's embarrassed repeating that was nice work today Yeah, thank you. How else am I gonna get him to sell me the house? Hmm. I'm not gonna sell you that house Come on. What are you gonna do with all those bedrooms and all those trees? Well, I must admit I have had second thoughts I can't sell you the house for the same price. I bought it at why not What appreciation wear and tear points Profit profit profit from a friend from a friend I saved his life. This is what I get Yeah, you saved my life. But last week I saved your life twice once twice So