speak. Sit down. Now catwalk me around. Go on lady. One, two, three. swept yourself, frozen, applied a Whatever. won't take some of it home no gracias oh my guess um I'll be right back Oh no momento well right on time as I recall you threatened to serve only bread and water if we were one minute late I didn't intend to miss the curtain mmm is that Mexican food I smell yes it is indeed now you sit down and relax and I'll be back in just one minute oh wow is gonna kick himself and not being able to make it tonight 20 right gracias I'll see you next Tuesday a Martez a key Oh Rosita I would like you to meet somebody my boss this incandescent chief you've been talking about finding somebody to do some day work over at headquarters well Rosita is great and she's a fantastic cook as you soon will find out no siento señorita voy a llegar tarde y no habrá quien me lleve well looks like she took to you right away I didn't understand what she said she said she was afraid she'd miss her ride yes the agency does pick her up well then I'll be ready in just one minute excuse me mm-hmm that's what she said when she's supposed to go back Tuesday next Tuesday well just say she's got the flu we'll send a legal in her place all right I'll be at the office okay okay Oh Rosita don't worry everything's gonna be all right no Tenga me as I you won't have to go back to work again all right any of you got paid in cash you better let me know tell him I told him in the bus make sure you sign that just the way it's made up you must have quite a scare but you got nothing to worry about we'll take care of everything please tell me if you can give me a little more money Teresa needs medicine but you know they don't do that please Teresa is worse doesn't she understand we'll see that she works somewhere else what she was saying she needs more than five dollars her sister is sick and they need medicine and it doesn't take them long to forget does it you tell her that's what we agreed on five dollars is nothing extra for uncles aunts or sisters we're not running a charity no cinta recita pero se ha estado en disequino you heard no no es tan igual so now the here con la señorita building now what's wrong she left her purse over where she worked I'll go pick it up sometime tomorrow you were Graham just don't make a big deal out of it we better get going it's gonna take us 40 minutes to get there and the traffic is heavy oh what girl she left in such a hurry forgot a purse well you have a phone number which doesn't have a phone what's the name of the agency Bay City's employment agency they'll be close by now should be an address in our immigration card I'll go ahead and open it your motive's honorable one one two Gary word sick hey I can drop it off on the way home oh no no I think I'd rather get it to her now what about the theater oh well the curtain probably won't go up on time anyway you two go ahead and I'll meet you there cold hard-hearted cop we got to find a way to pull her out I'll go along with you but the tickets have to be picked up at 8 o'clock I'm on my way I may be a little old-fashioned but a lady should always be escorted to the theater Yeah. Mr. Graham? Yeah. We're looking for Rosita Rojas. Oh, you want a domestic? Well, no. She worked for me today and she left her purse. I want to return it to her. Wait a minute. You're the... Miss Belding. This is Chief Robert Ironside. Of course. Now I remember the name. By golly, Chief, I should have recognized you right off the bat. Come on in. I thought that Rosita's home address would be on her work permit, but... Well, you see, most of the girls move around so much it's easier for them to use this one. But hey, that's real nice of you to bring her purse. I'll see she gets it first thing in the morning. Well, I have a feeling she might like it tonight. Excuse me, Mr. Graham, but Miss Belding might rest a little easier, I think, if she could talk to Rosita herself. Where could I find her? Well, like I said, these girls, you never know where they're gonna be living, so I just put out the word and they find me, you see. Forgive me, but as her employer, don't you have some sort of record? Oh, no, Chief. I'm just an agent. I don't employ. See, Bay City sends me the small jobs, day workers. They don't bother that stuff. And I take a percentage and provide transportation to and from a collection point, you see. Fran, why don't you let her go till morning? She's registered. Immigration can find her for you. No, wait a minute. Just a minute, Chief. There might be one fella who can help us tonight. Excuse me a second. Let me see. Yeah. He's a guy I call sometimes when I need extra girls, you know. Hello. It's Ross Graham, helping hand. Who's this? Okay, Ross, what's up? One of my customers here found a purse and she wants to return it to one of my girls, Rosita Rojas. You mean the lady cop? She's there? Right. Now, what I want to do is find Rosita so that my customer here can bring her purse to her. Bring it? Here tonight? Yeah. Okay, but you better get here before the cop. We need the van. We'll have them ready and waiting for you. Yeah, I know the house. Oh, yes, she can find it easy. Hey, that's a break, pal. Thanks a lot. Hey, great. We lucked out. The house is on Montrose, 276, right near 4th Avenue. You've been very helpful, Mr. Graham. My pleasure, chief. Okay. Okay. You tell her what to say to the cop unless she wants to get arrested and sent back home. All right, girls, outside. Everybody into the van. Hey, that lady cop brought her boss along. You ever hear of a man named Ironside? Ironside? That's just crazy. Hey, when was the last time he saw a doctor? Doc Turner this afternoon. What, that drunk? Drug addict? Call welfare, get a doctor. Okay, as soon as we get these cops out of our hair. Cruise around for a half hour, then call me. Hey, hey, hey, what's the problem now? Nothing. He's a disgrace. Acts like he's not one of us. He does nothing to help. You have a place to sleep. You have food to eat, then you're making money. Come on, come on, come on. Come on, you talk later. Vamanos, Vamanos, come on. Rosita. It's misspelling. I brought your purse. And I better say she doesn't speak much English. We can handle it, thank you. Okay, well, if you need me. Okay. Rosita, where's your sister Teresa? Teresa's found a night time job. She felt well enough to go to work tonight. Rosita, I want you to come with us. Please, you come with us. Please, go. Okay. Mr. Stoner. Yeah, I guess she was glad to see you, huh? Where does Teresa work? The sister? I don't know. I just manage the building. Doesn't she know? No, she doesn't remember the name of her sister's doctor. Well, some go to clinics, different doctors there all the time. How many other girls live in this house, Mr. Stoner? What? Mexican girls, Central American girls. How many live here? We have 18 right now. They like to stick together, you know. Any of them around? Not now. They mostly live in housekeepers. They stay here only on the days off. What about Mr. Graham? Wouldn't he know where Teresa works? Who? Oh, the helping hand guy. Could be. You want me to look him up? He's probably in the phone book. Thank you. Don't bother. We have telephone books in my office. What's the matter with him? They've been through this before. Shut him up. Shut up! Teresa is very ill. She's dying. Tantorias. Tantas? They say Teresa is dying. What? Are the cops gone? Okay. Have a doctor there. I got a basket case in my hands. Let me in the duty officer, please. That's the technique. First, they make people like Rosita think the streets are paved with gold in the U.S. Once they've gotten them here, they count on muscle. This is Chief Ironside. I have a problem with jurisdiction and I need immigration's help. Yes, illegal aliens. Oh, man. I told you to get a doctor. Ross, it's too late. Dead is dead. Get her in the van. I'll get the other girls. Thank you, girls. Thank you. Come on. Come on. Come on, Rosita. Sergeant Ramirez, emigration. Oh, yeah, please, come in. I'm, uh, Sagan, and this is Officer Hullway. How do you do? How do you do? Well, it looks like you ran into a whole operation, huh? And a girl in trouble. Coffee? Oh, thank you. Anybody watching that Hullway? Oh, yeah, Sergeant Brown's down there now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't do you any harm. I'm telling you, Sergeant Brown was on a mission in what looks to be Milho Roberts' Rendezvous Echoes off a sightsudo ad Matteo also called Milho Roberts' Rendez Well, ma'am, there's so much smuggling going around, it's hard to keep track of. See, once they're over the border, most illegals are on their own. Then you have these gangs that offer so-called guarantees, uh, phony papers, housing, jobs. They traffic mostly with young, distilled women. It's a slave trade. Thank you for coming, Sergeant Ramirez. I'd like you to see Judge Homer Thompson, the Alicia Warrens, to check on visas and permits. Good. I'll be there around midnight. Two Rojas girls, Rosita and Teresa. If you don't find them both, that'll give me grounds to move. Uh, Chief, I think it's a girl. Rosita? Ayudeme. Ayudeme. Teresa ha muerto. Teresa's dead. They're after Rosita. Suspension, Ed. Rosita, dame tu teléfono pronto. Cuatro, siete, cuatro. Three, nine, nine, eight. Espérame ahí. Quién es? ¿Qué es lo que hace? Rosita? Rosita! This is a police emergency. I want the location of a public phone. No. No! Déjenme sola! No! Sorry, sir, we were a little late. A stabbing victim, unconscious. Nobody saw it happen. Some people heard the woman shout. Came, took a look and found this. His name is Floyd Stoner. Mark, call Ed. He used to move in on that house. For a possible murder assessment. Rosita Rojas. Sergeant. Any people hear the screams? From the gas station across the street. And what, a fight? No, sir, nothing. Did you find the weapon? Yes, a knife. I have it. All right, send a man with Stoner. If he so much as clears his throat, I want to be informed. These were in his pocket. Eleven checks made out to him. All endorsed. One is mine to Rosita. All right. You don't think Rosita willfully stabbed him, do you? Officially I do. Makes it legal for Ed to search. Sergeant, I don't think Stoner was alone. Rosita said that he was going to the police. I don't think Stoner was alone. Rosita said, Los, Veil, Deneen. I see them coming. At least two people left this car. Ross Graham. I'll run a make on the car. All right, Sergeant. This is to be completely photographed before it's touched. We have a fugitive on foot. What? Girl Rosita, possibly someone named Ross Graham. Put out a pick up on him. Cork 35, blue, brown about 160. Ed, call. The house is empty. All cleared out. I have that. Thank you. The car belongs to Floyd Stoner. Same address. Anything else? How does Graham transport his girls? I don't know. Design side. Look for a truck or a van registered to a Ross Graham or to an agency called the Helping Hand. Or to Stoner or anyone residing near that Montrose address. Apprehend it, but be careful. It may be transporting a dozen abducted women. Well, then they're not on main highways. You have the back roads covered? Please do. Maybe we're wrong about Graham's van. CHP can't find it. No golf in the hospital? Stoner's still unconscious. What the drug is to have? A hangover and a sloppy ledger. I copied Teresa's prescriptions. Simple sedatives and several refills of epinephrine from several doctors. Asthma? If she were acute, they knew it. I find those doctors. Excuse me. Sergeant, any luck? No, there's a sweatshop across the street. They don't know anything or at least they're not talking. Maybe this is something. Letters from Livermore, Fresno. Yeah, there's something. Why they're not on the highway. Farm, vineyard. Probably a part of their network. I'll check them. Chief, I'd like to talk to those people across the street. Why not? They might be more willing to speak to a woman. Go on. Let me show you the shop. See, I don't employ the women. I rent them a space and equipment. Then different buyers come into the stuff. The women get paid by the item. The buyers pay, not me. Mrs. Durgin, would you please turn off the machines? This lady wants to talk to you. My name is Officer Belding. I'm with the police. Look, these people here are all legal. They're Americans like anybody else. Well, I know that. And they have the same civil rights. This isn't a roundup. I am not with immigration. I am here to ask you to help me save the life of Rosita Rojas. And maybe the lives of all the girls across the street. They've disappeared. And they could be sacrificed. They don't know what you're talking about. We have reason to believe there was an attempt made on Rosita's life last night. What happened to her? Where is she now? Somebody knows. To anyone who can give me any answer, I guarantee full protection. Together, we are stronger than they are. Mil gracias. Thank you, Mrs. Durgin. All right, girls, back to work. Are you sure? All right, thank you. Highway Patrol found Graham's van. Where? In Livermore. What about the girls? They don't know yet. Some kids scuba diving. Found the van at the bottom of a lake. Let's go. Well, at least we know the other girls are still all right. I'd like you two to check it out. Yes, sir. What? I think it's about one block west and then three or four north of the house where the girls lived. What is? Where would you go if you were Rosita in a strange city? You don't speak the language and you're frightened. Now, where would you go? Don't you police have anything better to do than to hound a poor girl who was already exploited by these people? Our primary interest is not the legality of her entry into this country, father. She needs protective custody. But she needs you first, father. You two aren't real orthodox, are you? Have you seen her? No. Which means you know her. I know most of the girls on Montrose Street. It's full of trouble. Trouble keeps me in business. Same here, father. You said protective custody. Rosita knows more than her exploiters want her to tell. She ran away when her sister died. Teresa. How do you know all this? She phoned. The call was never completed, though. They apparently spotted her. She had to get away. You think she's hiding somewhere? Yes, probably in the neighborhood where Spanish is spoken. Then why hasn't she tried to call you? We can't be sure. We found one of the gang near the phone booth she used. He'd been stabbed. If she did it, she'd be dead. She might be afraid he's dead. Might be afraid she'll be blamed. She talked to you, father. Don't forget the seal of the confessional. Of course. If she comes here, we're hopeful you'll persuade her to get in touch with us. The men who are after her are not the type to confess, father, to you or to us. Brass! I've been looking all over for you. Have you found me? You know you're supposed to be searching for Rosita. Is she still on the loose? What do you mean you don't know? You're sitting around a bar? I've been trying to get the battery all day long. Didn't you hear the news? What news? They found your band. Well, they couldn't. Not yet. It was on TV. I figured I'd get off the streets. That's all. But they couldn't. It's under 40 feet of water. That's why the kids like it there. Scuba divers. They said they were practicing deep dives when they saw it. Pedro, remember about Teresa? It wasn't my fault. Well, it wasn't mine either. No, but I told them to get a doctor. You heard me. I said get a doctor. Look, look, look. You're not getting me mixed up in it. Compadre, you're already mixed up in it. I find girls for you. I help you track them around. I translate. I take orders. That's all. And this is one of them. How do you think that's going to work in court? Your own people. Okay, okay. What do you want from me? I want you to just remember, Teresa was dead before she was put in my van. Huh? I remember, I remember. Get back on the street. Go back to Barrio. If anybody can find Rosita before the cops do, you can. And while you're there, amigo, take a good look around. Remember how good the life is now, better than it was before. Okay? Come here, girl. I want to talk to you. Come. Well, she screamed. Remember seeing the knife flash in his hand? Remember us running? It's all there. It's like a Chinese puzzle. Wouldn't the second man have tried to stop her? She's insisting now that she was confused when she spoke to me on the phone. That there was only Floyd Stoner. Maybe she didn't see anyone else. Well, it's late. Mark, you won't mind sleeping on the couch, will you? Come, Rosita. Ed, have these transcribed Spanish and English first thing in the morning copied to Judge Thompson and to David Hiddy in the DA's office. Don't you have to book the girl? DA knows I have her and we've asked Judge Thompson for the earliest possible hearing on our custody. I'm going to petition to keep her here until we find out how big this mess really is. I've talked to Ed Brown and they searched two Livermore farms two more to go. Yes, attorney, we'll go along with the DA. He's sending out copies. The helping hand is registered to Stoner and Graham together. All they own are the sewing machines and a couple of vehicles, including the van. And by the way, Rosita's papers are forgeries. Look, these are on the way to court. We're due in 20 minutes. What about Rosita? Well, she's not required to appear. How'd you work that out? The DA helped. The hearing's informal and we haven't filed criminal charges yet. I didn't want to expose her to Judge Thompson with the question of the second man unanswered. Well, I think that's everything. Chief Ironside's office. Yes, this is Officer Belding. What's his name? Yes, Pedro Reyes. Yes, I have it. Thank you. Thank you very much. That was one of the girls at the sweatshop. She thinks we should question a man named Pedro Reyes. He works for the helping hand. Did she say where to find him? Oh, she doesn't know, but he drops by the shop once in a while. All right, Mark, see what you can get on him. I'll drop you off. You're quite us first. Rosita, do you know a man named Pedro Reyes? Do you know Pedro Reyes? No, sir. A Gritos. Entonces, ay, Dios mío, tengo que repetir todo. Sad, incredibly sad. But Robert, she's an illegal alien, and I can't make my own special interpretation to the immigration laws. Let's see what I'm asking. I'm appearing on a specific local criminal matter. Abduction, unlawful detention, extortion, and possible homicide. The coroner says she died of asthma complicated by pneumonia. What's your line on homicide? To establish that her condition was acute, that the gang was aware of it, and that her abduction contributed directly to her death. Mr. Hillier, I take it the district attorney's in action on this? Yes, sir. She was treated at County Medical, and we know which doctors prescribed for her. However, the court's aware that welfare agencies are forbidden by law to name illegal aliens for us, so it's touching. What about Floyd Stoner, multiple stab wounds, a fractured skull? His condition doesn't argue he assaulted Rosita. Well, a hard fall would explain the fracture and concussion, your honor. What of the knife, with no fingerprints? Now, which is more logical, that she took it away from him? Used it, wiped it clean? Or that she carried it herself, saw him coming, and rammed from the booth to avenge her sister's death? What was the second man doing? Was there a second man? Now, she denies it. Why would she lie? To protect a friend, your honor. A moral commitment, however misguided and foolish. So the culprit becomes the martyr? At the moment, before the law, she's a culprit only in that she's here illegally. And perhaps helps to encourage the false impression that all Mexicans, American-born or otherwise, are somehow wetbacks. Aren't you forgetting a few things? That no taxes are paid by illegal aliens? That most of what they make is sent out of the country? Your honor, Rosita was earning up to $20 a day and was only allowed to keep $20 a week. Now, how much could she afford to send home? I am offering to act as the amicus curiae here, to keep Rosita with me. Because it's the best way to safeguard a priceless source of eyewitness testimony and positive identifications. Illegal entry is a legislative war. This battle won't win or lose it. What Rosita can do is to help us get the pack of animals that preyed on her. David, he makes some sense. If the court insists, we'll enter a nulli prosecui on the current courts. All right, Robert, you can have the girl. I profoundly hope we're steering the proper course. I think we'll know before the day is out. Oh, Mark. Chief, there is more than one Trout Rays in this town. Good. You can tell me about all of them. Your honor. Thank you, David. Well, I think we can eliminate one Pedro Rays. He's a right aid from occupation, army and stationed in Virginia. This might be the one. And it would explain Rosita. Do you remember where she was born? Sonora, isn't it? Cabarca, to be exact. This Pedro Rays was born in Cabarca. Don't fill me with your explanation, Rosita. And the situation got worse. Chief Ironside's office. Oh, I'm sorry. He's not here. This is Officer Belding. Yes, doctor. He died. When? He's dead? Yes, I'm sorry. No, he's at the courthouse now. I'll call him over there. And if he has any questions, he can call you right back. Thank you, doctor. Extension 1691, please. This is a police emergency. This is Officer Belding. Rosita, what are you doing? We're his friends. Don't you understand? Come with us. Come with us. Go. Cabarca, Sonora, Mexico. It's a tiny village, right? Mexico is made up of tiny villages. And there are no strangers in them, are there? Look, my family has known every member of the Rojas family for many generations. I watched Rosita and Teresa grow up. Is that what you wanted to hear? Good friends. Well, didn't she tell you that? I saw the priest driving her to your place. You were looking for her? But I was a few minutes too late. For what? To help her or to kill her? Rosita insists that there is no witness, and she knows she needs one or she'll be charged with murder. Now, why would she protect someone who's tried to keep her in virtual slavery? I think Rosita's lying. I think you were there, Pedro. You don't know what you're talking about. In spite of everything, Rosita's happier here. They all are. Teresa? I could not stop what happened to Teresa. I don't give the orders. I take them. Were you taking orders the night Stoner was stabbed? Stoner was going to kill Rosita. He was attacking her with a knife. Didn't you try to stop him? I was not there. There were fingerprints in Stoner's car, yours among others. No. You either saw Rosita stab Stoner, or you did it yourself. I was not there. What kind of man is it, I wonder, who can watch a little girl grow up, and before she's out of her childhood, see her sold into bondage, watch her sister die, and then let her face a charge of murder and do nothing, nothing to help? What kind of man? A man born in a straw bed on the floor of a shack, whose crust and cloth are the miserable there to find enough to eat and still when hungry. A man who saw he would come to the land of plenty to be somebody, and never starve again no matter what he had to do. A man who made it across the border, legally. Only to discover that in most people's eyes, he still was a nobody. Without skills, without education. You are lucky you have no legs, man. You don't have to walk on your knees. That's the difference between us, Pedro. You have a choice. Well, how is Rosita? She wants to see Father Arturo. She'd like to go to confession. That's funny. That's just what I was going to suggest. She's there. Hey, Venga. I'm with us. You won't get hurt. Come on. Let's go. Hey. Never know who you'll meet in church, do you? I told you, officer Belding. It felt like a real good day for getting prayers answered. Back off, buddy. Off. I will shoot. You believe it. Don't be stupid, man. Pedro. Pedro. Pedro. You're running out of space, Graham. Pedro. Pedro, you tell him. You tell him the girl was dead when they put her in my van. I already told them, Rosita. And I also told them where they can find the other girls. Everything. You conned me. That depicts you. Now it's time for you to put your gun away. You'll share in the responsibility for Teresa's death, for the abduction of the girls, for the smuggling of human beings. Now I strongly suggest you keep it just at that. Yes. Encinere. What about Reyes? Well, he killed Stoner, but in defense of Rosita. When they read the sentence, you fire on sight. I'll be standing up. I will never get on my knees again. Except maybe in a place like this. Maybe.