What's impossible? She's dead. That is a fact, Mr. Cole. But then, so is the postcard. You act as if you want Gale to be alive. You act as if you wanted to be dead. I've lost enough. I don't care what it costs. Don't take any more from me. Are you saying Mrs. Portman is in danger? Saying Walter's death wasn't coincidental. Oh, this brings back memories. Good ones, I trust. Right now, the first time we met, there I was frantic. I couldn't imagine where Walter had gone. Didn't know where to start looking. Whether to call the police, and then the doorbell. And when I opened the door, there you stood, in the pouring rain. I must say I've always had a weakness for uniforms, Robert, and you were really very dashing. Even though you were soaked to the skin. And there you were, Walter, looking like a drowned rat, hanging onto Robert's hand. Do you remember what he said? Mrs. Portman, it seems you've been lost. I'm glad your boy and I finally found you. Oh, how marvelous you remembered. Mainly the brandy you forced on me. Purely medicinal. Naturally. But that night, I was the most amiable, forgiving cop in the history of the San Francisco Police Department. Yes, Lily? I was just wondering, Mrs. Portman, will there be three for lunch? Of course. Robert, you will stay, won't you? Well, I hadn't planned on it. Bother your plans. I don't know what divine inspiration made you drop in on us, but I'm not going to let you go. Yes, Lily, there will definitely be three for lunch. Very well, Mrs. Portman. Make that four, Lily. I asked Simon to drop by. Simon! Oh, dear. You're not going to have one of those dreary squabbles again, are you? I hope not. Simon is our attorney, and since Father died the administrator of our estate, we sometimes disagree. Sometimes? Taking my name in vain again, Wally? Well, as usual, yes. Good morning. Good morning. Why are you looking well today? Thank you. I'd like you to meet an old friend, Robert Ironside. This is Simon Cole. Mr. Cole? Ironside? Chief Ironside? Don't you know you should never talk to the police without your attorney present? Oh, here are your mailers on the hall table. I'll take that. Mother, there's nothing important there. Please, Mother, don't read this. Simon, call Dr. Ebel. Alright. Oh, the doctor will be right over. What do you suppose that was all about? Joanna acted as though she'd seen a ghost. She has. Was the apartment your client's when her daughter was still alive? Gail? No, no, but I've heard about her, of course. Another terrible tragedy. That's impossible. She's dead. That is a fact, Mr. Cole. But then, so is the postcard. Did you get a hold of Dr. Abel? Yes, he's on his way. How is Joanna? Well, I think she'll be all right. With the shock, with her heart, I... You knew who the card was from, of course. Well, it isn't the first time. They've been coming the past three months. How did you manage to keep these from your mother? Well, I happened to get the mail when the first one arrived. Naturally, it worried me. I kept a close watch from then on, always had Lily hold the mail for me. Chief, I need your help. I wondered why the sudden invitation after all these years. I'm sorry, it must seem very ungracious of me, but I wanted the thing handled quietly and I could trust only you. You might have told me. Well, you're here now, aren't you? Now, I want Chief Ironside to find out who's sending these cards and then I want you to take legal action. But have these cards really been sent by Gale? I can't believe that. It's a slim chance, but it can't be ignored. No, no, you really can't mean that. I'll have to investigate every possibility. All right, all right, just stop the cards. I'd like a sample of her handwriting. Have you kept anything? No. Has your mother kept anything? Chief, I don't understand you. You act as if you want Gale to be alive. I don't understand you. You act as if you want her to be dead. First one was from Boise, then a week later, Spokane, another week, Portland, then Grants Pass, Crescent City, the one mailed yesterday, Sausalito. She could be here in the city right now. Well, she obviously traveled by car. Could have hitchhiked. Neither case. It's a long, tedious job trying to trace her that way. Report you wanted from the ME's office, Chief. They're sorry it took so long, but they had to do a lot of digging. I'm a patient man. Hey, Ed, there's some stew left. Thanks, I had a sandwich. Just as vague as I remembered. What is it, Chief? Portland Gale Portman's death. Main basis for identification came through the process of elimination. She was the only one in the house that night who couldn't be accounted for. That she happened to die in a hippie fire. Usual story. Precocious teenager, rigid, uncompromising father, indulgent mother, no communication. Gale ran away when she was 14, disappeared in Hatchbury for about a year. Family finally traced her to the commune, then the fire. You be fine, Sides Office. Yeah, just a minute. Walter Portman. Yes, Welder? Mother saved some letters Gale wrote from summer camp when she was 12. I have them. Good. I'll send someone to pick them up. No, I have an important meeting. I don't want to be disturbed. I'll drop them by your office tomorrow. Whatever you say. How's Joanna feeling tonight? Fine. Good night, Chief. You ask me, that is one catch strung up tight. About Gale, there's something else. Thank you very much. Hold up. The M.E. estimates that Courtman's been dead about six or seven hours, till he does an autopsy putting time of death at 2 a.m. Sounds reasonable. Looking for something? No. According to the housekeeper, nothing else is missing, not even one piece out of the dining room, and the rest of the house is in the basement. I'm sure he's been there. I'm sure he's been there. I'm sure he's been there. I'm sure he's been there. I'm sure he's been there. I'm sure he's been there. Just one piece out of Dining-room silver. Does she know what was in the safe? Ah, some paper, she thinks of Mrs. Portman's jewelry. The insurance company can give us a rundown. The moment I'll consider the theory that Walter was killed when he interrupted the burglary. But I can't accept the fact that the burglar also took Gail Portman's letters. Search Walter's room. That's the only other place the letters could be. Oh, chief, Joanna would like to see you. Why not? The doctor had given her a sedative. I'll be right back. Joanna, you should rest. What for? To give me more time alone? Mrs. Portman! Mrs. Portman! It's... it's... Hello, mother. What do you think? Is she really Gail Portman? What I think is unimportant. Her mother seems more than willing to accept her. Did you find the letters? No. Where would a burglar want them? Good question. All right, back to the office. Wait a minute. Philip! Philip, come in! Her old man? Or even her husband. Whatever. How many surprises can Joanna endure? All right, let's go. Mother, this is my husband, Philip. Philip Thomas. Philip. I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs. Portman. I've heard a lot about you. And this is Mr. Cole. How do you do, sir? How do you do? Sit down, my dear. Sit down. No, no, no, no. With me. Here. Both of you. It's hard for you to believe, isn't it? It would be like a miracle. Or a strange coincidence. We... we heard about Walter on the radio this morning. I felt that Mother needed me now. After all these years. I know. I've hurt you terribly, haven't I? Can you ever forgive me? No, no, no, no. Don't, dear. We won't talk about it. Ever. You're home again. That's all that matters. Joanna, you're not thinking straight. How can you let two strangers walk into your house and accept them as if they were... Mr. Cole. I don't know if this will mean anything to you. It's... It's all I have left. The locket we gave you on your 12th birthday. I'm sorry. I've lost your picture. There are dozens of lockets like that. After all these years, how can you remember... The date. Gail's name. She could have had it engraved herself. Oh, Simon. Hey, just let's cool it, huh? Maybe we made a mistake just coming by like this today. It's a heavy scene. Why don't we come by some other day when... No, no, you're staying. You can't leave me now. Gail, please. Joanna, you're too upset. This is my home. My daughter belongs with me here. All right. I'll call you later. You won't leave me again. Gail, promise me. You won't leave me alone. No, Mother. Never again. What are you doing about that girl? What do you suggest I do? Haven't you heard? Joanna is keeping her there in the house. And her husband. If that's what he really is, Joanna's letting them make a fool of her. Mr. Call, this is a difficult time for Joanna. She feels... alone. She's reaching out. She just lost her son. She needs someone. Anyone. I'm telling you, she's an imposter. She and that boy are trying to get their hooks on Joanna's estate. What about her estate, Mr. Call? You managed it with Mr. Portman. I handled it myself. There were some papers on his desk. Financial. Lists of holdings, records of stock transfers. It looked to me like he was deeply involved. He liked to dabble in it. Gave me his ideas now and then. What difference did it make anyway? Well, the Portman's dead. It's my case. What's there to it? He was killed by an intruder. Or was he? Now, those kids showing up. My case, Mr. Call. My case. Oh. Oh, of course. I'm sorry if I've interrupted your work. Good night. You will do something about that girl. Whatever is necessary. Mr. Call. Walter met with someone at the house last night. Would you know anything about that? My, uh... No. Thank you. Good night. Swinging over? To, uh, no intruder. Chief Einsatz, officer. Just a minute. Medical examiner. Einsatz. Yes, doctor. I see. About the same approximate time. Thank you very much. Walter Portman was strangled to death. So the beating, he opened safe. It was all a cover. I've swung, Ed. I've swung. Oh. Good morning, Lily. Good morning, sir. I'd like to see Miss Portman, please. I'm sorry, but she's at the doctor's. But she should have been here by now. So if you'd care to wait. Yes. Mr. and Miss Thomas in? Oh, Mr. Thomas took her to the doctor's, but Gail's here. She's in the parlor. Oh, dear. I'll never remember to call her Mrs. To me, she's still the same little Gail. I'm sure that's the way she wants it. Hi. Am I disturbing you? Not at all. Well, you seem well settled in. Like a bug in a rug. Mother's given Philip and me the apartment over the garage for our very own. She believes that young married people should have the same apartment. I'm sure she's been there. I'm sure she's been there. I'm sure she's been there. I'm sure she's been there. I'm sure she's been there. She believes that young married people should have their privacy. Then you're planning to stay a while. Then you're planning to stay a while. As long as Mother needs me. Of course. You've grown into a most attractive young lady. What you really mean is that I don't look anything like that. No, you don't. The policeman talking? The policeman talking? Yeah. Well, that fire didn't do me any good either. I was pretty badly burned. Even my face. They had to do plastic surgery. Care to see my scars? I care more about why you allowed some other girl to be identified as you. It just sort of hit me. You know, I was lying there in the hospital all bandaged up. And these two nurses were talking about this body that they'd found. They didn't know whether it was me or Sally Myers. So I grabbed a chance. It was a great way to disappear permanently. And that's what you wanted to do. Sure. No more hassles with my father. No more being tracked down by private detectives. The whole thing seemed made to order. The whole thing seemed made to order. All right. What made you change your mind? I guess it was when I read about my father's death. I guess it was when I read about my father's death. Last year. I don't know. It was like something opened up inside me. Some need that I'd been keeping buried all these years. You know? To see my mother. Or at least to let her know I was still alive. That's what the postcards were for. Just to let Joanna know you were alive. Sure. What else? Well, the postcards you seemed to be on your way home. We were just drifting. You know, I feel like I ought to know you. I mean, really know you. Were you around before I ran away? I've been a friend of the family for years. Yeah. Well, the thing is that I got into the drug scene. I mean, really into it. LSD, the whole bag. It did some pretty weird things to my memory. Robert! What a lovely surprise! Hello, Joanna. Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I wouldn't have stopped to go shopping. I would have appreciated that. Chief Ironside, this porter here is my husband, Philip. Hello, Philip. Glad to meet you, sir. Robert, this time you are staying for lunch, I insist. This isn't a social call. You sound very serious. Sorry I don't have to bring it up, but there are some questions about Walter's death. Question? I'd like your permission to have a police woman stay here with you. Officer Belding from my staff. Robert! Are you saying Mrs. Portman is in danger? I'm saying Walter's death wasn't coincidental. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No! No! No! No! Alright. Somebody's trying to kill us. Why don't you do something? How are they feeling this morning? Any ill effects? No, but Gail is still pretty shook up. I hope they haven't told Joanna anything. Just what you told her last night. It was an accident. But she's not naive, Chief. She knows what's going on. The less she knows, the better. Alright, keep your eyes open. I'll drop by later. Alright. Goodbye. Excuse me, Miss Belding. This is my day to do the study. Of course. I'll get out of your way. The desk is so clean. No mess. No paper scattered around. Lily always told me, Lily, leave everything where it is. When you straighten up, I can never find anything. I'm sorry. Are you leaving, Mr. Thomas? No, Gail's mother wants us to move into one of the upstairs bedrooms. She's worried after last night. Naturally. If I had my way, we'd split. We'd get out of this house. What's going on, anyway? We're not sure yet. We were nearly killed. What are you doing about it? Everything we can. Thanks. What was the quote on that at the end of the month? 108 and a quarter. Thank you very much. It was sold at the beginning of the month of 92. If that's the way you handled the money, I wouldn't trust them with my piggy bank. That's right. A small house on Trinidad, June 22, 1963. Now, where were the injured taken? Northside, General. Thank you. Thank you for your trouble. What is it this time? Theory, hunch, or nothing? We've been checking the financial statements and investment reports we found on Walter Portman's desk. The Lord knows I don't know Wall Street whiz, but it looks to me like Simon Cole has been playing games with the Portman estate. Fingers in the gel? Oh, no. Nothing that obvious. I swear he's using the Portman money to fatten his own bankroll. Well, since you are no Wall Street whiz... Find one. Mark, this is the hospital where the victims of the Commune fire were taken. The girl Portman was supposed to have died? I want you to look up the medical records and surgical records on Sally Myers. But, Chief, those records are ten years old. Mark, they are not getting any younger. Well, there you are. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were looking for me. Oh, it's nothing important. I just wanted to be with you. I, uh, I suppose I'm trying to make up for lost time. You really are glad I've come back, aren't you? Glad? Oh, my dear. Well, I wasn't sure. I didn't know if you'd ever want to see me again. Not want to see my own daughter? Well, it's been a long time. And I've changed a lot. Yes. Into a lovely young woman. These, uh, ten years, they haven't been very happy, have they? Well, there were a few up times. Only a few. Well, mostly it was pretty heavy. I got into some scenes, did some things. I... I wouldn't want to tell you about them. Then don't. Let's never talk about them. We're starting all over. You're my little girl, and nothing is going to hurt you again. Gayle, dear. I'm sorry. I guess we're not used to so much love. Lunch is ready, Mr. P. Thank you, Lily. Something wrong with Gayle? Poor child's under a strain. I suppose it's none of my business, but... Oh, Lily, after 20 years, what in this house is going to happen to you? I'm sorry. Lily, after 20 years, what in this house could possibly be none of your business? Are you sure about it? I mean, are you sure she's really Gayle? You're forgetting yourself, Lily. She's my daughter, and you'll treat her as my daughter. Do you understand? Yes, ma'am. I never want to hear that question again. Are you sure that's M-E-Y-E-R? How do you spell Maya? M-Y-E-R. You know how to read this? Well, it's in English, isn't it? You don't know much about doctors, do you? Hey, nurse, hey, wait a minute. Second-degree burns in the occipital area extending to the level of the fifth cervical vertebrae. Surgery recommended to repair resultant constrictural sequelae. Now, hey, what does that mean? You said you knew English. You said you knew English. Got a warrant? You're just playing, cop. Playing? That's your thing, isn't it? Snooping around, looking for clues. To what? To the doctor. To the doctor? To the doctor. To the doctor. To the doctor. To the doctor. To the doctor. To the doctor. To what? These cars didn't start by themselves last night. No. And they don't have silent motors, either. You and Gayle must be very sound sleepers. Wait a minute. Just because we walked in at the wrong time, you're not gonna hook us into this mess. No one's trying to hook anyone into anything, Mr. Thomas. Then lay off. Gayle's going through enough. So is Mrs. Portman. I don't have the details on all the transactions. They'll be sent to us later. It looks pretty definite. Simon Cole's been wheeling and dealing with the Portman estate. All right. But before you come back, stop over at Central Division. Sergeant Kransky. He's holding someone who tried to hock a piece of Joanna Portman's jewelry. Easy, will you? I don't know why you're laying on me so hard. That stuff belongs to me just as much as anybody else. I got my rice. Yeah, those rice will keep your cell warm for the next ten years. Just because I'm down on my luck, you think you can walk all over me. All right, spill it, Mr. Hobbs. How many times do I have to tell you? I'm a little slow. The trash can, I told you. I found the stuff in the trash can. Yes, yes. Where was the can again? Don't you ever listen. The corner of Raymaw Street by the freeway ramp. You found the jewelry last night? No, no, no. The night before. Why did you wait so long to hock it? Well, I was pretty flush. I had more than $5. When I got into a crack payment this morning, I finished the rest of the red eye. Now, come on, will you? All I did was try to hock something I found. What kind of a rap can you hang on me for that? No worse than the rap you got on you now, I guess. Here, buy a better vintage. Thanks, crazy. Hey. Nice to do business with you guys. Had to find an intern who translated for me, but Sally Myers was burned all right around the head and neck. No plastic surgery on our face. That's what the man said. What about Simon Cole? He's got a few lively skeletons rattling around in his closet, too. What about Philip Thomas? A friend called me a while ago. She found the missing letters in his bus. We've broken open a hornet's nest. Yeah, but who's going to get stung? I'm afraid, Joanna. Hello, Chief. Old nighty. Well, Lily's out marketing. I might as well make use of you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't make use of myself. I feel like a bump in the log here. Joanna know I was coming? Oh, yes. But she's with Simon Cole right now. His idea, or hers? She called him a couple of hours ago. Oh, Chief, I'm glad you're here. I want to talk to you. I'd like that, Mr. Cole. See, in about an hour, my office. An hour? Fine. Do you know what Joanna wants to do? Change her will. To benefit Gale, I presume. I can't. What difference should it make to him? That's what we're going to talk about. Call me at the office this evening. Yes, sir. Joanna. Oh, I'm sorry, Robert. I'm catching you at a bad time. Just a weak moment. Simon made me feel so guilty. Look, Robert, don't you think I cry over Walter? Here in his room? Don't you think I feel he's still close to me? Yes. He will be for a long time. And so will Gail now. Is it so dreadful of me to be happy about that? You need her. That's all that matters. You've been hiding something from me. I don't want to hurt you. Go on. Joanna, I believe you're in danger. Who? I don't know yet. But from now on, I want you to do everything Officer Belding tells you, no matter how strange it may sound. She'll be getting her orders from me. Robert, you said you didn't want to hurt me. Not if I can possibly help it. I've lost enough. I don't care what it costs. Don't take any more from me. This is the off-ramp where the Portman jewelry was found in the trash can. That freeway is a straight shot from the Portman home to Sausalito, the last place the kids stayed. Any more to go on than that? I've got an inquiry in with DMV and Highway Patrol. Something on that freeway. I'll be there in a long shot, but just in case. We're eating it or out tonight? Depends on what you're serving. Short notice, short news. No special record on Philip Thomas, honorable discharge from the Army two years ago in Boise. That is his home. The first postcard. Yeah, I snapped to that one. Only one vital stat so far. One marriage in Boise a year later. Well? Well, I'm trying to play it. Yeah, well, you're no Hamlet man. You're a Valley Myers. Chief Hinds, Eds, Elvis. Yeah, it's Brown. Yeah. Nothing at all on that plate? One of Ed's theories has just been shot down. Yeah, I know the feeling. Wait a minute, what's that again? Yeah. Yeah, I got it, thanks. Too bad, Sherlock. I don't know, how's this for a kicker? DMV reports a citation issued on that section of freeway at 2.30 a.m. To a sedan registered in the name of Joanna Portman. Mr. Cole, thank you for coming. I only have a minute. Chief, I'm not satisfied with the way you've handled this case. I've put a private detective agency on it. To prove that Gail Portman isn't Gail Portman I assume? Of course. Well, a detective agency funded by the citizens of San Francisco has also been at work. You found out she's a fraud? We found out that a certain Cheney Corporation is taking over the assets of the Portman estate. I'm talking about a girl who... And I'm talking about an administrator of an estate who sells its assets at a low figure to a corporation who resells at a high figure. The head of that corporation and the administrator of the estate are one and the same. Joanna hasn't lost anything, she's fixed for life. Walter found out about it, didn't he? I asked you before, and I'll ask you again. Who did Walter meet with the night he died? Me. He did find out about it. He wanted to take legal action, fire me. Now, I know what you're driving at, you're wrong. I left before midnight. He was still alive. You can ask Lily, she saw me leave, she'll tell you. Goodbye, Mr. Cole. Listen here, you can't... You are an attorney. You are the attorney. I'm sure you'll find out what I can or cannot do. Now, goodbye. I've protected Joanna all the way. Looks like you got things rolling. I've only just begun. Well, it's been a long day for me, so if you'll excuse me. Of course, my dear. Good night, everyone. Good night. Good night. Mother, it's getting late. You shouldn't overdo. At my age, what's late? I hate to waste the time I have left sleeping. Besides... More coffee, Mrs. P? Or shall I clear? No, no, no, that's all right. Thanks, Lily. What I started to say, I have a surprise for you. We're going on a trip. A trip? A long one, just the three of us. I'm going to close this house. It's really... It has such sad memories now. And we'll travel. Just all over, everywhere. What do you say? Sounds great to me. We'll visit England, France, Switzerland... That's terrific. Yes, I guess it would be nice to see some place instead of just reading about it. Well, you two think about it. And if you're not a trip, something else will be fun. Good night, my dears. Good night, Mrs. Borman. I'll stop in and see you before you go to sleep. I'd like that. Good night. Good night. Oh, baby. We've got it made. She's not well. A trip could be too much for her. Come on, she'll be all right. As long as she has you, she'll be fine. We're on our way, Fran. Leave the back door open. Take your time. Nobody's in bed yet. Right. See you later. Does Mrs. Borman understand what she has to do? She's ready. Hardly willing. I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you later. Good night. Good night. Good night. Hardly willing. Yes? Come in. I, uh... I just want to say good night. It's like old times. In reverse, I used to tuck you in. Mother, I... Yes? I... What is it? I never thought it would be this way. I love you very much. It will always be this way. Now. Good night. Can I get you anything, Mrs. P.? Some hot milk? No, thank you, Lily. Good night. Good night, Mrs. B. Everything all right, Mrs. Porman? Yes. Good night. Good night. Oh, Lily. All right, Lily. I think you better come with me. That's it, Lily. No. Lily. Why? Why? Twenty years. I gave you twenty years. Do this, Lily. Take care of that, Lily. I slave for you. Remember what? Pennies in your will. With water dead, I'd have got it all. You had nobody else. And then those kids, you'd have left it all to them. Close the house, you said, Lily. Leave. Leave me. You hold me. You hold me. You hold me. You hold me. You hold me. You hold me. Now, for a while, I was... I was beginning to think you suspected me. Oh, you wouldn't have been stupid enough to leave those letters in your bus. And if you had broken into the house, Walter wouldn't have let you get close enough to strangle him. And since Joanna couldn't drive, Lily was the only one who could have taken the portman car to get rid of the jewelry. But that isn't why I asked you to come down here this morning. You know? Yes, Sally. I know. Gail told me a lot about herself and her family when we lived together in the commune. We were very close. She even gave me the locket. And then when I read about her father in the newspaper... That was my idea. We were choking back home. I had a lousy job in a gas station and Sally was a waitress. Is it serious? Are the police... you... going to be tough on us? Perpetrating a hoax? Possibly a swindle? I'm sure the law covers that pretty thoroughly. You know, we never meant to hurt anyone. That's too bad. Too bad. Joanna needed you. Robert! Robert, what's all this nonsense? Why did you make the children come down here? We had to have a little talk, Joanna. There's no time for talk. We have two minutes to talk. We're going to have to talk. There's no time for talk. We have too many things to do. Get our tickets, buy our wardrobes. So if you'll kindly finish your conversation... You're not in uniform and it isn't raining, but it's really the same, isn't it? Is it? Yes. I want it to be. Well, I guess then there's nothing more to talk about. Good. There's a taxi waiting downstairs. Go along. Enjoy your trip, both of you. And Gail. Take good care of your mother. I will. I will. Hurry up. Hurry up. Are you sure about this? Very sure. She needs me. Goodbye, Robert. Thank you. She knows. Sure, she knows. And what was all this about the uniform and the rain? Oh, she left out the best part. The End