The World of Forensic Medicine The World of Forensic Medicine The World of Forensic Medicine Gentlemen, you are about to enter the most fascinating sphere of police work. The World of Forensic Medicine. The World of Forensic Medicine The World of Forensic Medicine The World of Forensic Medicine Witch Witch Witch Witch Witch Witch Witch Witch Witch Witch Church The the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the say say the the the the the the But perhaps I could offer a suggestion. Excuse me. Distressing situation. It's generally held that a man who commits suicide can be buried in holy ground if he was insane at the time. I have this from my friend Father Gregory. We have frequent discussions. Certainly you could make this little change in your report. I'd love to, but there's no basis for it. Just one moment of irrationality. That's all that's required. Yeah, but I can't make it up. I have to have evidence. Reason with me for a moment. We will take the premise a rational man always acts in his own best interest or that of someone else. Sure. Did his family benefit from his death? Financially perhaps. No. On the contrary, they were grieving. He knew they would. Was he terminally ill, in pain? No, just depressed. As a devout man, he would believe that he was putting his eternal soul in jeopardy. Hardly in his best interest. Therefore, nobody benefited. So by logic, suicide is an irrational act. Have you any counter-arguments? No, but if I had, I wouldn't give it to you because you could argue circles around me. Me? I'm a pussycat, but Father Gregory, the Jesuit... Dr. Asden's office is right out of the elevator, right in front of it. I want to thank him for all his courtesy. Rabbi, I'm sorry about any ordeals. All part of my rabbinical duties. I promise you never again, ham and eggs. I don't think I could eat anyway after I saw them open up the body in there. In the cold room? It was that distinguished gentleman... I met him earlier. Dr. Moore it was. He was working on the body, taking out parts. Would you do me one more favor? After you've seen Dr. Asden, would you go down to the cold room? I want to send my assistant there. Show him which body was being worked on. And thank you again for the Tealy family. They'll be very happy. Dr. Quincy. Did you get Rubio's body back? No, and we never will. Why not? He was cremated less than an hour ago. Well there it is, Quince. Electrophoresis on the second blood sample is a perfect match. I'm not too worried about it. The blood we tested from Simonson in the cold room is exactly the same as the blood sample Gil gave us, only he said it was Rubio's. Both samples had to come from the same body. They did, they both came from Simonson. I don't understand what was in Gil's head. The duty doctor told me he specifically asked for Rubio to lighten my load. So then the sample that I took was from Rubio's body. That's right. I thought I was losing my mind. So the guy who did it was murdered. Yeah. Quincy, you took the words right out of my mouth. What are you, psychic or just lonely? We just found out five seconds ago that he was murdered. Well you know the police department just doesn't sit around on the laurels. What have you got? A couple hours ago we picked up this flunky coke dealer who was trying to buy his way out of the rat with some pretty hot information. He said someone offered him a bundle to waste Rubio. So you got the guy who did it? No, this guy was too strong out there to get his pants on. Now listen, what killed him, huh? Take a look. Heavy injection of very pure cocaine. Wow. Listen, Quincy, could Rubio have driven his car with this much coke in him? Are you crazy? A third of that quantity would have knocked him out. If he injected himself with that much cocaine, he'd have passed out with a needle still in his arm. You know, Quincy, those young people that found his car, they said that they saw three men driving off. It's all starting to piece together. Did they get the license? I know. Oh, partial. I'm gonna have to talk to them again. Say, is Gilt still here? No. I'm gonna have to talk to him too. Why? There's no need to talk to him. Look, Quincy, I want to tell you something. Moore looked me right square in the eye and he swore up and down that it was an accidental death. Well, for my money, it's a little too convenient. What are you suggesting? You know, Don, well, what am I suggesting? Why? What motive would he have for lying? I don't know, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'm gonna find out. Now, do you have Moore's address? Look, Momma, give me a break. Let me talk to him. Let me bring him down here, find out what this is all about, please. Okay, okay, but I want to be present. Okay. Hello? Gil, I know it's late and I hate to disturb you, but it's important. Can you come down to the lab right now? Yeah, yeah, of course. I'll come right away, Quest. You said something could come up, one of my cases? Which one? John Rubio. Huh, well, what's the problem? There was some irregularities. I was hoping you could straighten it out. Anything I can do? The man was actually murdered, Gil. Murdered? Yeah. That's why you're here, huh? That's right. Well, I didn't find anything inconsistent with the death from injuries sustained in the car crash. The third and fourth cervical vertebrae were dislocated. Why don't we start at the top? You weren't assigned the Rubio case. You put yourself down for it. Yeah. That's hardly an irregularity. I'm surprised you even brought it up. Gil, if I don't ask these questions, somebody will. What evidence do you have for murder? The toxicology on the blood and liver shows that he died from a massive overdose of cocaine. Sam? You ran these, Sam? Yes, I did, Doctor. Well, I obviously made a mistake in the cause of death. Those are not the specimens you sent up, Gil. The ones you sent up showed no traces of cocaine. You went back into my case? I'm sorry. Why? We tried to get hold of you. No, no. Before we go any further, I think you owe me an apology, Quincy. Come on, now please. Don't make this any tougher than it is. I know you must have had good reasons for doing it. Reasons? What do you mean, reasons? Reasons? Just a simple specimen mistake. Gil, listen. You specifically requested the Rubio case. I've already told you I... Listen, we got your dead to rights. Now, you're lying through your teeth. Now, you swore that Rubio's death was an accident. Well, we got proof that you switched his blood sample with the Simonson. Now, I don't know the reason, but I want some straight answers. Or so help me. Easy, mon. We're dealing with a mass career here. Listen, I've been trying to nail these co-consciences for a long time. I'm in friend or no friend. You're not going to blow it for me. Now, you're going to give me answers here, or you'll give me answers downtown. Now, look, obviously there's been some mistake, and then I'm... I'm a little fuzzy tonight, so let me get my autopsy notes. Quincy, he's lying. I wonder what good his notes are going to do him. No! I'm sorry, Quincy. It's going to be all right, Kevin. No, it won't. I've lost it all. I've lost it all. Dr. Moore probably won't even have to go to trial, right? He looks that way, he's cooperating fully with the DA, we've got his kid in protective custody. I think if we put a little more pressure on the kid while he'll come through with the evidence, we need to nail everybody involved. But Dr. Moore will lose his job. And he's such a nice guy, a brilliant career. I feel like this whole thing is my fault. Don't do that to yourself. All this happened before you ever met him. But I don't understand Rubio. Wasn't he a successful attorney? A successful attorney, but a lousy dope dealer. You see, it doesn't pay to set up shop on the same side of the street as a mob. Holy cow, listen, I gotta go. I gotta get up in a few hours. Quincy, we'll be looking forward to seeing you in the lab. Well? What's the matter? I don't mind all this excitement in my life, but in my work... Oh, you're gonna love it. I want to see you in the lab bright and early in the morning. Excuse me, it is early in the morning. What's that supposed to mean? Why don't you follow the cop home for protection? Oh, I didn't realize it was so late. Late? It's not late, it's only the sack of the evening. Listen, you know that A- you got in chemistry? There was no reason for that. I mean, you're such a bright girl. Well, I have these books down at the boat. Really? Yeah. You do that for me? Of course. Even with your bag back? Once I got... Oh, my back's getting better all the time. Oh, well then you wouldn't mind lugging them down to the lab for me. I'll get the sergeant to drive me home. Good night. Hey, Diane. You interested in chemistry? No, biology. Good night, Danny. Good night. Good night. You know, Quincy, you're a real smooth talker. You know that? A woman's past has caught up with her. You're not who you say! And he's not letting go. My wife's gone. Tell me about it. I'm here to take you off. Thin Air. The story begins tonight at 9 on the Hallmark Channel.