WONDERBOB THEME SONG Sitting in a junkyard waiting to be grown up is a pile of cars. Looking for an old car found a funnest lot gonna try to make him ours. Found a magic horn, a new car was born, a dumbest little dumbest super car. Wonderbuff! Wonderbuff! Wonderbuff! Wonderbuff! Faster than fast, smarter than smart! Wonderbuff! When you hear the roar, Tell the zone away, Surround your head, Go away! Call the Wonderbuff! Wonderbuff! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Gruesome Gulch, population, minus three. Certainly is gruesome. You can say that again, Susan. But don't. We sure must have taken a wrong turn. According to this map, We should be right smack in the middle of downtown Tucson. Looks like the middle of downtown nowhere. Hello? Hello? Somebody? Somebody? Is anybody there? No. I think we ought to take the Echo's word on that. Come on. There must be somebody around. Gee, Barry. I've never been in a real ghost town before. So empty. I know what you mean. It's sort of like going to school on a Sunday. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Susan, could you hold it down, please? It wasn't me. Quiet, Cece. Don't be looking at me, girl. Shh. Cece. It's a... it's a... it's a ghost! Thanks. I needed that. A ghost? A real ghost? Hey, Guy! Cry out loud. Right! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Come on, Schlepp. I gave you a tune-up just this morning. Schleppcar, this is no time to fall apart. What did he say? He said, oh, yes, it is. Do something. I've got it. Everybody push. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, shit. What are you panting for, Schlepp? We did all the work. I don't mind seeing a ghost, but I sure hate it when a ghost sees me back. A real ghost? I still think it's exciting. Susan, there's no such thing as a real ghost. Oh, come on, Barry. We just saw one. Who saw one? Us? We saw a ghost? Are you talking about that giant cowboy who appeared out of thin air? The one with the glowing eyes and ghostly laugh? A ghost? Don't make me laugh. Ha ha ha ha! It was a ghost, wasn't it? There's definitely something strange going on in Gruesome Gulch. I think we can all agree with that. I say it's time to do a little investigating. Right. With the help of... Let's rum-rum-rum-rum. ...Wonderful! Let's get a look at Gruesome Gulch from the air. All right! Okay, Super Buddy. Better cut the engines so no one hears us. Perfect, Wonder Bug. We can see the whole town from here. You see anything unusual? Nope. What's that? Just a sports car. A sports car? I see it! Over there in that old building. Huh. Now what do you suppose a ghost would be doing with a sports car? He can't afford a Rolls Royce. Come on. We'd better get a closer look. We'd better get a closer look. Okay, Pierce. That takes care of the engine number. Yes, sir. And with a new coat of paint, no one will ever be able to trace it. We should get a lot of money for this, baby. Hey, maybe we can sell it back to the guy we stole it from. Whoever said a crime don't pay? Oh, my gosh! They're Carthies! But they're not ghosts. Lucky those kids scared so easy. I don't think they'll be back. Well, if they show up again, we know what to do, right? Right. Wrong. Do you think what I think, Barry? Yeah. I think you think I think. If they catch us, they plan to make this a real ghost town. I think I prefer ghosts to Carthies. Yeah, let's split. Faster than fast. Split? You want to let that phony ghost get away with making fools of us? Let those crooks go on stealing cars? Forget about your duty as a law-abiding citizen. Just leave. Whoa! Do you want a separate answer for each question? Or would you settle for one big yes? Look, just trust me. Where have we heard that before? I have a plan. Same place we heard that before. This one is sure fire. We get... Are you ready? We get John Wayne. John Wayne? Barry, my man, that is really wacky. And then we circle the wagons. What? Circle the wagons? Wackier than wacky. Besides, we only got one wagon. Oh, yeah. Maybe we could out-ghost the ghosts. Hey, wait a minute. What an idea. Yeah, I kind of like it. I have such an idea. Believe it or not, we can actually out-ghost the ghosts. Now you're talking, Barry, my man. Hey, out-ghosting the ghosts. Let's go see what we can find in Schlepp's wardrobe trunk. Why do I even try? Hey, fellas. Come on, old paint. Here. This shoe didn't look at that picture. Lazy. Hey, now who's snooping around? Howdy. You the blacksmith? Oh, yeah, but we just get ready to close up. Can't close up yet. Old paint here threw a shoe a piece back, and we got to get to the California gold rush. Davis, there's no horse here. I can hardly wait to dig me up a whole sackful of 24-karat gold rings, pilgrim. Uh-huh. California gold rush? That was 1849. Then come and piss in 1849. Oh, man, the ghost. Don't tell me it's 1850 already. Don't talk, Davis. About 1850 in the gold rush. Now hold on, Pierce. So if you could just get a new shoe for old paint here. Pierce! But there's no horse. Davis, they're ghosts. They're real ghosts. Hey, come on, Pierce. Let's get out of here. Hey, it's those kids again. They're not ghosts. Hey, you're right. They ain't ghosts. At least not yet. Yeah. Quick, Schleppcar. Our favorite tune. Low, Schlepp, low. Uh-oh. Susan's bonnet horned in on Schleppcar's horn. Everybody scatter. Whoa. Oh, no. Hey. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. You got the hoods. Ah. Hey, Barry, can we go any faster? It's not me, it's Schlepp Park. Who's Schlepp? Maybe he got sand in his tire. My guess is he got tired in the sand. Honestly. The way some people litter. What was that about littering, Susan? It wasn't me, the wind took it. What was it? Oh, just some old map showing how to find Captain Kid's treasure. Captain Kid's treasure? What's he saying, Barry? He said, Captain Kid's treasure? Captain Kid must have sent that map airmail. Look at it go. It's heading for the pier. Which means we're heading for a... Help! Help! Chuggle. There goes the treasure. Help me! Help me get me off of this harsh, fogged rock! Help! Someone's calling for help. I didn't hear that, Susan. I'm listening to someone calling for help. Help! We need Wonderbugs. OK, take it away, big W. Up, up and hooray! Wonderbugs, you are on! That's it. OK, now grab hold. Up, up, up, up. Oh, yes, sir, get in the mail. Am I ever glad to see you, too. Good work, Wonderbugs. Hey, seatbelts really do save lives. What is it? Who was it with? And thanks to you kids, that amazing... Where'd it go? Where'd what go? The car. You know, the one that flew over my head and dropped the seatbelt and... Well, I guess it was a map gun unsettled by nurses. Map? What map? You don't mean Captain Kidd's treasure map. Exactly the one on me. We lost it, too. Where is it now? It's... It looks like... Map to Captain Kidd's treasure. This couldn't just be blowing around in the wind all these years. Somebody must have lost it. Oh, yeah? Well, find his keepers. And nobody better try to take it from us, either. Martin, this treasure's as good as ours. Let's get it. You ought to trade this contraption in for a mule. She sounds like she's on her last legs. Yeah. Ah, I'm just gonna... Shlub car doesn't like to be called she. Yeah, he gets uptight. Uptight? Loose is a better word. Now, the last time we saw the map, it was headed for this pier. Man, that map is probably long gone by now. Don't blame Shlub car. You weren't watching where you were walking, buddy boy. My map! I found my map! What's wrong with that? That's mine. It's ours. Man's off. It's ours. It's a wig. It's ours. Hey, man! Cool it! Where'd you come in for a cut of this map, turkey? This is Agnes' map. It belongs to her. Ah, my map! Ha ha ha ha ha! You know what's good for you. Hey, you! Come back here! Hey! Cece, it's okay. Agnes still has the map. Only half the map, Barry. That bully tore it up. Well, half a map's better than none. But look, Chesapelle. Here's half got the X on it. Come on, you guys. Let's look on the bright side. We still have half the map. Yeah, Barry, but with no X to mark the spot. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared half a time. What did Shlub car say, Barry? He said not to forget about those two creeps who have the other half of this. Well, they don't scare me. I mean, what could they do to us now? This map's no good without the other half. And this is how I'm gonna get it. Ah, blast. You got the horn. I'll hook it the next time for sure. Quiet, Shlub car. I've got to study this map, okay? This time I'll get it. I think I've got it. I think you had it. Not a new head. It's time for some wonder action, buddy. Shlub's horn. Shlub's horn's missing. What's he saying, Barry? He said that's what he was trying to tell me. Those map sealers have it. Barry, you're worried about some darn old horn when I've lost an entire treasure. It's a very special horn, Agnes. Honey, I'll buy you a hundred horns if I can get my treasure. And we'll give you a hundred treasures just to get that horn. Right on! It's like taking candy from a baby. That treasure should be right around that rock formation down the beach. All right, let's go. Let's get it. Time. Hey, Agnes. Are you sure you're remembering that map right? Man, the only way Captain Kidd could have buried his treasure here would be with a steam shovel. I'll be hard-swirled. It does look like a parking lot door. Well, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but considering the pavement and the parked cars and the slots marked out on the ground, I'd say that's a pretty good guess. Why are we wasting our time here, Barry? We'll never find that map, let alone the treasure. Wait! That treasure's that way. You sure, Agnes? How do you know? Parts grotto, but jingles act where it said the treasure's buried. All right, Agnes, now calm down. We'll find your treasure and our horn, because I've got a plan. Whatever it is, it'll only lead to trouble. What do we need for it? A squirt gun. Hey! And Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia? Aw, Barry. Well, outnumber them. Maybe we can find something in our costume trunk. Or maybe we can find something in our costume trunk. Hey, Barry, my man! Far out! Susan! Didn't they just spout off your idea? You get used to it after a while. Sweetie, what's up? 28. Should be right here. Treasure's as good as ours. Stop! Tobias! Who are you? I am the ghost of Davy Jones! Davy Jones? Yes! And that map was stolen from my locker! He speaks the truth. It was locker number 387. Who are you? I? I am his royal dude-ness, King Neptune. King Neptune? As an honest-to-goodness mermaid, I can verify that. That map belongs to him. We are no chickens of the sea! We didn't know. Really, really. I want you to have it. Please, Jones. Hey, now you're talking. Uh-oh. Doom and double doom! It's those kids. So that's your scheme, huh? Quick, get the horn! Where's the horn? Hey, I see it! Hey, Agnes, catch this horn and put it on Schleppkart! What? Tornado! They're not guessin'. They know what they're doin'. What? What? What? What? What? Hey. Stay away from us, whatever you are. Whatever I am, I'm a lady. I'm a lady. I'm a lady. I'm a lady. Cool it, Agnes. They're talkin' to the car. Wonderful! Wonderful! Cool it, Agnes. You're goin' for a little ride. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Hey, you all right? You're kids! Wonderabot, get your hands in the air! I'm gonna be rich! I'm gonna get you the last thing I do! I'm gonna get more than that! I'm gonna get more than that! You dirty vandals! What's going on in the store? Come on, is all! What do I do? I'm gonna be rich one of these days! Come on! What are you doing? What is that? A dog? A car? What is that? All right. All right. Stop the stand. All right. Come on, folks. Come on. Knock it off. Okay. Okay. Wee! Wee! Wee! Go! I ain't never seen nothing like this in my whole life! That's because you haven't been around Wonder Book long enough. You guys won't be stealing maps for a long time. Ha-ha! One more tug and it's up. Ah! Ah! Agnes, it was really cool of you to cut us in on this treasure. Oh, it's the least I can do, Cece. All right. Oh! Oh! Captain Kidd's motor oil makes your car run like a... like a treasure. It was all just an advertising gimmick. What am I gonna do with 30,000? Advertising gimmick? What am I gonna do with 36 quarts of motor oil? Jezebel runs on oats! That's right, honey. I don't even own a car. But we do. But we do. Ha-ha! Sure! And Schleppcar, ah, he's a real treasure in himself. Hmm. Hooray! Wonder Book! Wonder Book! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! This is the third time this week that Schleppcar's run out of gas. Yeah! Which wouldn't be so bad except that it's only Tuesday. Oh, don't be too hard on Schleppcar, you guys. He just needs an engine tune-up. You mean an engine transplant. Schleppcar, you are looking sicker than sick. Schleppcar! Schleppcar! What's he saying, Barry? He says you don't look so good yourself. Say what? Hey, there's a gas station just up the road. I think we should walk over and get some gas. There's no time for that, Susan. Now, I personally think we should walk over and get some gas. This place looks deserted. Why are you whispering? Am I whispering? Yeah, I guess I am. This truckload of hot furs is gonna make us both rich men. That's why I was whispering. When do we hear from the big man? He'll be contacting us on our CB radio this afternoon. Looks like we just stumbled into some bad dudes. Exactly. And I think we should stumble right back out again. Follow me. You think they heard that? What are you kids doing here? They heard that. I said, what are you kids doing here? Well, you see, we ran out of some hot furs down the road. She means we were thinking about buying some hot furs. I mean, our boss was thinking about buying some hot furs. He means either think we ought to quit while we're behind. Maybe listen to us. Get him. Now, hold it. 146. Whoa! I think I meant plan 64. Nice work, Coach. We're gonna keep you in here for safekeeping until the owner gets back. When's that? About three months. He's on vacation in the slammer. Terrific. This'll teach you to poke your nose in where they don't belong. Any other dude goes to get gas, he gets gas. We get trapped by fur hijackers. So now what? I'm thinking. Well, while you're thinking, I'm going to call Wonderbug. There's no time for that, Susan. I think we should call Wonderbug. Right on! Hey, Wonderbug! Help! Wonderbug! Wonderbug! Wonderbug, help! Help! Wonderbug! Great, Wonderbug! Outta the way, Wonderbug! You are one clean machine, Wonderbuddy. This is what Cece calls a car with extras. Maybe we better call the police. How can we? We haven't got an ounce of evidence. Besides, wouldn't you like to catch those crooks red-handed along with their ringleader? Yeah, as long as we come out of it alive. If we don't, I'll never speak to you again. Maybe. We can track them down with some sort of semi-quasi-radioactive isotope remote-controlled satellite. I saw that once in a movie. How can we take this missile and whoosh? All we have to do is set up a trap and stall them until we locate the furs. Hey, wait a minute. Let's go! All we have to do is set up a trap and stall them until we can locate the furs. Go! I don't know where I come up with these brilliant ideas. I do. Okay, here's what we do. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you sure you know how to operate a CB CC? Are you kidding, girl? With CC on the CB, it's as easy as A-B-C. Yes, I got a C. Break 10, this is Shlep Along Cassidy. Come in, 18-wheeler. I think he knows what he's doing. Yeah. Shlep Along who? What kind of handle is that? Please identify, over. Shlep Along Cassidy, the boss of the furry furry furs, diesel brain. Even no CB put-downs. It's the boss. Break 10, Shlep Along, this is 18-wheeler. All ears with a pedal to the metal. That means he's going faster than fast. Listen good, 18-wheeler. Meet me at the Eat-Em-Up off of Highway 5 in about two hours, dig? Martin Claire, Shlep Along, affirmative. Now for some razzle-dazzle. Watch out for bears and county mounties. Keep to the 5-5 and go easy on the jive. Threes and eights, turkeys, we gone. We just call this turkeys. Relax, it's probably just a new CB phrase. You went too much, CC. Shlep Along thinks so, too. Affirmative. Now what? Now comes the hard part. We are going to stall those guys at the truck stop. Are you driving? Those truckers are greasier than greasy. They're liable to make us eat steel-belted radios. Well, that's better than a box lunch. There's no telling what they might do to us. That's just it. We won't be us. Exactly. It's amazing how quickly she picks up on my ideas. We'll be there, but we'll be there. We'll be there, but in disguise. Hello, sir. Hello, sir. And welcome to Le Petit Techie. Our print truck stop. The best cuisine. This side of the center divider. Oh, oh. Uh, service for you? Yeah. Uh, we're waiting for somebody, but we'll eat first. Meow. Two wantay house, please. Meow. That's what I call service. Listen, I'm hungry. I have eight golf beef patties, special cheese, sauce, onions, lettuce. Undersist me, see bun. Get it? That's just the starters. Then, uh, I want two number 17s, three number 14s, four number 16s, and five of these. Yeah, me too. Hey, I heard of being hungrier than hungry. But these dudes are planning to eat up everything except their rear axles. Do your thing, Schleppcar. Stop that, Schleppcar. Remember, Wonderbug, get the evidence. We'll stall them inside while you find the purse, okay? Good luck, Wonderbug. Now we got the furlies. All we gotta do is... Some salt and pepper for your crime, monsieur. I mean, for your meal, monsieur. That is to say, it would be a crime to eat a meal without some salt and pepper. You know, a big man should be here by now. It's a funny thing about him. With all his money, he's... Sacre bleu! Hello. Break 10. This is the boss. Meet me at Restamup, off Highway 17 in one hour. Over. That was the boss. That other call was a hoax. I smell a phone. Hey, pal, come over here. You eat? I'm not eating. Come over here. You eat? Surprise. Look at him again. A Cece masterpiece. Beautiful, Cece. Just beautiful. I'm sorry, Cece, but there's... I think we better run for it. There's no time for that. Let's run for it. Let's go. We've got more important things to take care of. Man, I've never seen such rude dude. Yeah. They didn't even leave a tip. Let's go, guys. We can't let him get too far ahead of us. Yeah. We better come back later and clean up the mess. Yeah. I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah. We better come back later and clean up this mess. That must be the ringleader. I'd sure hate to mess with that dude in a dark closet. He doesn't scare me. Now, when I move, follow me. I know what I'm doing. Everyone freeze! You're all under arrest! This is a library card, punk. What are you gonna do, find these files in the day? These pictures are all the evidence we need. No problem, buddy boy. We still have the negatives. Good for you. Here's a dark room so you can develop them. Hey! What's going on? I can't see anything! Get out of here! Help! Hey, sure are hot in here. Help! Help! Now we can, buddy. Help him! Barrymore 747! Please, landing, not on us. I don't get it. The nearest airport is 50 miles from here. That 747 pit was beautiful, Wonderbud, but they're still getting away. Yeah, but not for long, Barry, my man. You can't fit me. Now what? Looks like Wonderbud's about to do his oncoming train bit. Wonder species favorite! I don't see a train. I see it, but I can hear it. Yeah, I can hear it too. Let's get out of here. I told you guys, crime doesn't pay. Attention! County Mounties and Bears, we've captured three trucker baddies off of Highway 17. The arresting officer is Wonderbug, also known as the Big W. But only we know that it's ours. Look! You really something else, little buddy? Give me five! That's not exactly what I meant, pal. The glowing light clockwork stone is picking up a package now. All right. I wonder what's taking Susan so long just to pick up a package. She said she'd be out here. What's he saying, Barry? He says he never wants to see another hill. Can't really say I blame him. Barry! Cece! Susan! Are you okay, Susan? I will be after I tell that Guna thing or two. I got it. It's worth a million bucks to us. Let's get out of here. Didn't your mother ever teach you anything about manners? I could have been critically bumped back there and you had no cause to... Hey! You can't drive off while I'm yelling at you! I feel bad when we're out of the country. I'm going to get in the car. What is it? What's the matter? Well, this package, look for yourself. It's addressed to a Barry Buntrock. Barry Buntrock? Well, how... The packages must have gotten switched when that clumsy girl ran into me back there. Then that means those kids have ours. Our million dollar package. It would be so nice of you to send this... Well, whatever this is, she said... Barry! That was them again! Barry, they're coming back again! We gotta do something! Relax, Susan. I have a plan. Let's get out of here! That's the plan. For once, I agree. What do you think they want? I think. I hate to think. Hey! What's with your tires? They're forcing us off the road! The emergency situations call for emergency measures. First, the emergency brake. That's greater than great, Barry. But they're turning around! Let them! Because this time they'll be dealing with... Wonder Boys! Right on! Oh, good grief! I'm shocked, but I can't believe it. Get us out of here, Walker. I think Shlepp could use a rest after that workout Wonder Bug gave him. Come on. Boy, I hope this isn't broken. Huh? What is it? It looks like... a Maltese coony bird. And your aunt is weirder than weirder. I wonder that sports car was after us. We've got their package. Man, that's still no reason to try to run us off the road. Maybe this is very valuable. Well, let me see it, Susan. Hey, look. There's something hidden inside. What is it? It looks like... microfilm. Microfilm? Well, as C.C. says, where there's microfilm, there's... Bies! They found the microfilm inside the bird. No. You've got to get it back. And I don't care how. Leave those kids to me. They'll be sorry they ever stuck their noses where they didn't belong. All right. We've stumbled into a situation involving stolen government property and presumably dangerous spies. I suggest... panic. Hey, man. Panic is good. I vote for panic. Maybe we should call somebody. I think I'll call somebody. Somebody high up. Somebody high up. Hey, Will Chamberlain. Higher. Higher than Will Chamberlain? Who? Operator, could you please get me the president of the United States? Do we do you guys that 15 cents? It costs 15 cents for an extra three minutes. Barry, you already owe me 15 cents. Okay, now I owe you 30. Okay, look, C.C., would you hide this microfilm someplace good? Right on. Thank you. C.C.? You are one slick dude. We'll only be a minute and the spies will never think to look in there. Ha, ha. Uh-oh. No. Mr. President? Did you get him? Is it the president? It's the gardener. He says nobody's home. I knew he was out of town. Why doesn't anybody ever listen to me? Well, listen, could you take a message for us, please? Thanks. He's looking for a pencil. Nobody's home. They all probably went out for pizza and should have called Will Chamberlain. Yes, yes, I'm still here. Okay, the message is Barry Buntrock, that's me, and C.C. and Susan, that's them, have stumbled onto some top secret government micro... Some top secret government microfilm and we want to know what to do with it. What's he saying, Barry? He says this is the eighth top secret government microfilm message he's taken tonight. Listen, I... Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? I guess it's up to us now. Right on! Barry, C.C. is one of the spies! Hey, you, cut that out! Please don't let him! Oh, I hear the microfilm in it! There they go! They're heading for Fowler's Airfield. You think they got a plane there? That must be it. We need a plan. Don't we always? Something wild, something terrific! Hey, Barry! You are talking about C.C. Something wild and terrific! And C.C. has the plan on hand. Now, first, what we need is a plan that will make the world a better place for us. What kind of a plan is that? Now, I've got one that's absolutely surefire! I'm afraid to ask. Well, let's hear this terrific plan of yours. What do we need for it? Is there a good rent and elephant store nearby? Not that I know of, Barry. You know, if we owned Fowler's Airfield, we could just not let them take off. No elephants. No elephants? No elephants. Hey, wait a minute. I've got it! We're going to take over Fowler's Airfield and then just not let them take off! Now, Barry, my man, that's an idea! Where does he get them all? Amazing, isn't it? Now, just trust me. We'll take a shortcut. Let's move out. Seat belt, everyone! Let's go! Oh, so the keys are in the office. Hello! Welcome to Lost Itch Airlines. I am your pilot, Ace Branigan. May I see your tickets, please? Tickets? What tickets? Well, we can do something about that. Hey, Cece! You look like you need a ticket. Where would you like to go? In there, excuse me. Let me see. How was Bermuda? Spain? The North Pole? The South Pole? The Flag Pole? Get out of our way. Wait a minute. You've got to check your luggage. Susan! We simply want to get our pillow now. Sir, may I check your luggage? Oh, I'll just take that free ice and that oil. The microfilm! It's those kids! Ow! Stone, get the keys. Susan, do something! Roger, Bill Cohen, out! Hey, come back here! Don't worry, I'll get Wonderbug. Better go, Stone. She won't do anything as long as we have her friends. You're right. And besides, we've got the microfilm. Come on, kids. We're going for a little airplane ride. Now get off of those ridiculous costumes and start walking. That way. Oh, Wonderbug, if we ever needed you before, we need you now. Wonderbug, do your stuff! Do your stuff! All right, get in the plane. Huck, it's Wonderbug! Wonderbug? What's a Wonderbug? I don't know, but it doesn't look friendly. Let's get out of here. Hold on, Wonderbug! I'm coming! Did you see that? I did, but I don't believe it. We did it! We did it! Wonderbug, you did it! You got the microfilm! The spiders are getting away! Wonderbug, is there anything to say about it? Now we'll be safely out of the country. Wait, still look. That car is above us. Is that right below us, Wonderbug? It's flying! What? I don't believe it. I just don't believe this. Run, Fred Walker. Go get a Wonderbug! What do we do? What do we do? This way. Oh, stop! Wake up, Robert! It's no use. Everything turned out okay. Yeah, the police got the spies. And we got our package. We got the package. We got the package. We got the package. We got the package. We got the package. We got the package. We got the package. And we got our package back. What is it, Susan? Please leave another multi-sooty bird. Oh, no! Well, I'm glad someone thinks it's fun. Wonderbug! Wonderbug! Care to tell us who your partner is and where he hid the bank loot? I don't know. It's a car! It must have escaped from the zoo! Don't just sit there! Do something! Help! Help! Help! No, something! Call a cab! Come on, Schlapp. Don't give up. We're already here. See the sign? Zoo parking. That's as far as we go. Now you can relax. Man, when he relaxes, he relaxes. Oh, Schlapp, I just changed your oil this morning. You should be riding smoothly. Oh, God, that's so sad! The big bank robbed of $200,000 last week. The man-eyers still at large. There's a $500 reward for that gorilla last seen at the abandoned zoo. He and along with some other... If it's not gold smugglers, it's bank robbers. Yeah, and we always seem to wind up in the middle of it all. We ought to check out that old abandoned zoo. Hey, Cece, how about if we go check out that old abandoned zoo? I mean, $500. Harry, my man, you are righter than right. Let's do it. We'll be right back, Schlapp. Hey, guys! Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Wait up! Help! Somebody help me! Help! Somebody help me! Help! Help! Boy, these old zoos sure were terrific. The way they tried to make all the animals feel like they were at home in the jungle. Yeah, even down to having some of the animals trying to catch their own dinner. Catch their own dinner? That's the escaped gorilla. Oh, man, trouble, trouble everywhere. What is it, boy? Hey, what's up, guys? Stop that gorilla! Hey, stop that gorilla! Will you let me go, you big ape? Will you let me go, you big ape? Wait, it's me, Verdon. Wait, my par-nut. Yeah, it's a wild gorilla rounder. Terrific, Wonder Boy. Yeah, you're a regular big game hunter. Are you all right, mister? Of course I'm all right. I'm the gorilla trainer, and we were practicing a new trick for the TV show that's going to be put on from here. Hey, we're sorry. Wonder if I didn't... We didn't realize. That's all right, no problem, kids. Come on, gorilla, let's take it back to its cage. Did you see what that car did? I don't believe it. Forget about the car. It's been a long day. Now, just think about the big, big bank bundle. We gotta get it and get out of here. Come on. Will you look at that? The trainer's actually talking to the gorilla as if he were a person. Yeah, Wonder Bug, it is hard to believe. Man, am I glad to be getting out of this thing. Hurry up, will you? We gotta get out of here. Where did you stash the loot? Can't you guess? Right by the gorilla cage. Get in that cage. Man, that is one heavy dude. About 1,000 pounds of heavy. What's he saying, Barry? He said he's seen enough of the zoo for one day. Looks to me like the zoo has seen enough of Schleppcar. He's scattering himself all over the place. Boy, Schlepp, you don't need a tuna. What you need is a scavenger hunt. Hey, what's this? What is it, Barry? I'll give you one guess. No, I won't. You'd never guess anyway. I'll just tell you. Of course, it might be more fun if you guessed. It's the last thing in the world you'd ever expect. Well, maybe not the last thing in the world, but certainly one of the least... Never mind. I'll just tell you. Do you have a guess? Money? Nope. I knew you'd never... You peeked. How'd you know? You mean, there's money in there? How much? Thousands and thousands of dollars and dollars. Whoo! Whoa! Ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha. Those kids found the money. Now what do we do? Easy, easy. Take it easy. I think it's time those kids had another visit from the gorilla. A gorilla? Yeah. Of course, a gorilla. Ha-ha-ha. There must be over $200,000 in here. We're rich. Hold it, Barry. This money must belong to somebody. As a matter of fact, this wrapper that says Bink Bank must be a clue. A clue? Good idea. Maybe there's a clue someplace. A fingerprint. A footprint. A wrapper. I've got it. Look at this wrapper, Cece. Look closely. Bink Bank. This must be the loot from the big Bink Bank burglary. Clever, Barry. Ah! Hey, hey! Put me down! Put me down! That gorilla's loose again. Help! Wonder Burger! Man, talk about rip-offs. This is the worst rip-off that could ever happen. Without that horn, he can't change into Wonder Bug. Some days, nothing seems to go right. Got it. Yeah, you better make sure it's all there. This kid and her friend saw the money inside. Ten, 20, 30, 40. That gorilla is no gorilla. That gorilla is a dude. Barry, unless I'm wronger than wrong, those are the dudes from the big Bink Bank burglary. Hey, Cece, that's great. Now can you try Peter Piper Pick-to-Peck of Pickle Peppers? Peter Piper Pick-to-Peck of Pickle Peppers? Wait! What am I saying? Susan's in real trouble. We've got to find a way to save her. Those men are probably armed and dangerous. That's standard with bank robbers. We've got to be diabolically clever. Diabolically clever. See? Schleppcar agrees. All we need is a plan. I'll think of something brilliant. Here's what we do. We get a battleship and we paint it to look like a picnic table. It won't work, Barry. Where are we going to find redwood paint in a zoo? Oh, yeah, I guess you're right. I've got a plan. Hey! Schleppcar, you've got a plan? Yeah. Okay. Yeah? I see. Then what? Good! So all here, Burton? A whole 200,000. Great. Now let's get out of here. Good idea! Not so fast. When my friends hear about this, you'll be sorry. What's that noise? Sounds like jungle drums. Somebody's coming. Get back into that suit. And don't you say a word. You got that! Who are you? We're looking for a little hairy dude of a gorilla. But he's meaner than me. A gorilla? On the loose? A real gorilla? Oh, what's wrong with you, Barry? Not bad, Barry. Not bad at all. Run for it, Ray. It's a real gorilla! Hey, sis. It's me, Cece. I never have guessed. Quick, put the horn on Schleppcar. Right. Hey, Barry, my man. You're doing great and then great. Susan went to put the horn on Schleppcar. Hey, Cece, I'm over here. Just a few turns of the screwdriver and... Yeah, yeah. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What a car! Which way do we run? The best way is... that-a-way. Thanks. An elephant! An elephant! The whole zoo must have escaped. All right, Lane, it's only a car. Only a car? Lane, isn't anybody driving this thing? Wait for me, Sancho! Great catch, Wonderbar! Go, Cece! Go, Cece! All right, the money! Here comes our thing! What is that? Hold on! We give up! You did it again, Wonderbar! All right, big W! That'll teach you to try to make monkeys out of us. Sorry, Carrie. Well, we finally got our day at the zoo after all. Hey. But we didn't forget you, Schlepp. Look, balloons! Yeah. Well, what do you think, Schlepp? Oh, oh, oh! Balloons are pulling Schlepp car away! Chewbacca, where's the money? What is he saying, Barry? He says the next time we decide to come to the zoo, take a bus. Yeah, bus time! Time to blast! When you hear the horn, the hell is on the way, clap your hands and shout, who's ready for the wonderful, the wonderful, wonderful! Twenty, forty, sixty, eighty, fifty thousand dollars wrapped in this printing press works like a gold mine. Take this over to the station while I close the boxcar door. We are going on a shopping trip. And nobody is going to keep us from getting everything we ever wanted. Nobody. Oh, oh, oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Boy, Schlepp put up such a fuss getting here, I thought we'd never make it. I think he just doesn't want to see you leave, Barry. Now, listen, Schlepp, you should be happy I finally get to visit my Uncle Joe back east. Are you sure we're in the right place, Barry, my man? Of course I'm sure, Cece. I really like you, Barry. I'm glad you're here. Of course I'm sure, Cece. I remember distinctly buying my ticket in that station house. Well, this place looks deserted. When did you buy your ticket? Six years ago. Six years ago? I wanted to make sure I got a good seat. Thanks, Cece. Why did you leave that suitcase sitting out in the open, Grafton? Why? It's okay, Matt. Nobody ever uses this station anymore, honest. Let's wait a few more minutes just to be on the safe side. Trains are sometimes late, you know. Yeah, Barry, but six years late? Nobody ever comes here anymore. Grafton, that's our money they got after here. I'm sorry, Barry. I'm sorry, Barry. I'm sorry, Matt. What do we do now? We can't take any chances. We'll take care of them one by one. Right. This isn't a train station. Yeah. It's more like a train graveyard, huh? Excuse me. Excuse me. I have this weird feeling that we're not alone. On second thought, we are alone. Barry, where's Barry? No, Shrek car, we need Wonder Bug. Barry's missing. Wonder Bug's located, Barry. Let's go. My uncle from Batty says, come on out for a visit. Now, usually I'm not too crazy about visiting. How about you? Do you like to visit? Well, anyway, I said, why not? And this is the funny part. We get to the station today and guess what? You'll never guess. This is the really funny part. We miss the train, but you don't know by how much, do you? That's the really funny part. Oh, by the way, where are you taking me? Look at that. It's a... it's a train. It's a... it's a plane. It's a flying car. Get out of here. It's a train. It's coming straight for us. Incoming! Hey, Barry, what's going on? Don't ask me, ask them. Hey, guys, what's the idea of grabbing me like that, huh? Yeah. All right, you kids, now listen. That station belongs to us, understand? We got squatters right. We got a lot of service, get it? Now, get out of here while you're still able. Hey, Carl, look at that thing! That is cool, that Wonder Bug. It's all right. We're sorry. We didn't know the station belonged to anyone. Let's go, Barry. It's tough enough living this kind of life without you kids nosing in. It's about time, so leave us alone, will you? Come on, hobos. Did you see what that horn did? Yeah, that's some horn all right, but at least the kids are out of our hair. Here, hang on to this, and don't you ever let that out of your sight again. You know, I feel kind of sorry for those hobos. I wish we could do something nice for them. Me too, but what? Man, oh, man. Did you see the dabs on those dudes? You know, I'll bet you they could use some new clothes. Hey, what about those clothes you're gonna bring to your uncles? Hey, why don't I just bring them the clothes I was gonna bring to my uncles? Hey, terrific idea, Barry. Let's go give them the suitcase. Let's do it. I don't believe it. This is what Cece calls a righteous gesture. Hey, guys. Is anybody there? Nobody's home. Maybe you should just go in and replace their old clothes with those new ones. Better yet, maybe I'll just go in there and replace their old clothes with these new ones. Great idea, Barry. What's all I wrecked, Barry? Ah, nothing. I just fell over an old printing press. Oh. An old printing press? Yeah. I guess those guys got tired of being hobos and decided to go in the printing business. Then those new clothes should come in handy. Yeah. Well, they'd be surprised. What do you mean it's gone? Where's that suitcase? I don't know, Mac. I found this here instead. Mental and kids again. Well, I know how to handle them. This time they'll know we mean business. Those poor dudes. Dig this action. Torn pants. Threadbare vest. $50,000. $50,000? And this money is brand new, man. I got ink all over my hands. Hey, look at these. They're printing plates for $20 bills. Hey, wait a minute. Plates, money? They aren't hobos. They're in the restaurant business. No, Barry. They're counterfeiters. Or they just might be counterfeiters. Hello, trouble. Here we are again. Well, what are we going to do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Bratton, get the horn. I got it, Mac. I got the horn. And we're getting out of here. Don't let him get that suitcase. I hear you, Barry. Loud and clear. Hey, look. Capes coming. Hey. Here's one. There, you see? I told you there'd be one here somewhere. Hey, man, hurry up. They're probably right behind us. Operator, get me the police. Is she doing it? No. Why not? Oh, the phone's out of order. It hadn't worked for years. It's for you. I know. Listen, we've got something you want, and you've got something we want. Get the picture. Picture? What picture is he talking about? I don't have any pictures either. A trage. A trage. You want to trade Schleppkarshorn for your suitcase of plates and money, right? You catch on quick, girly. Yeah, well, I don't know. I don't think that's a... What's that? Uh, what I said was, Cece, give him the suitcase. Hey, where's our horn? You promised us a trade. Never trust a counterfeiter. Well, how do you like that? Dishonest crooks. Now we're really in trouble. Those turkeys have got Schleppkars, the counterfeit plates, and Schleppshorn. But we have something better. What's that, Barry? A plan. Doom and double doom. Hey, that's a great idea, Barry. Well, thanks, Susan, but you haven't even heard it yet. I'll bet that you were going to suggest that we use clever disguises to infiltrate the hobo's boxcar and get that horn. Well, that's pretty good, Susan. Except you forgot the part about the roller skates and the crawly knees buffalo stampede. Roller skates? That oughta pass through it, Mac. Yeah, it's time to move out of here. No telling who those kids might have squealed to. Don't forget the suitcase. Excuse me. What are you doing in our house? This is a foxcar. It might not be much, but it's all we got. And you're trespassing. Oh, ha. Well, we've been using this for the past two weeks. Then you owe us two weeks' rent. Rent? That's right. Any old eyeglasses? Object darts. Any old car horns? Here, here's one. Take it. Leave us alone. Great graphing, not that horn. It worked! I told you guys it would work! Those kids! Get them! Quick, P.P. Run! Here. Oh, thank you very much. Ah! I have a horn! Go, there he goes! Here he comes, Rampage! Whistle! Oh, Jane, eat your heart out. Hey, P.P. We're in a cap! Get off the baby! Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's time to get out of here! Let's go! It's moving! It's moving! It's moving! Go get him on your back! The Big W rides again! He jumped the trap! I don't care, keep pumping him! Hey, I can't see a thing! Never mind, keep going! Keep going! Out of car, Wunderbuss! You got him on your smoke screen! Big W! Use your super section back, you Wunderbuss! Bring him back here! Cradle! And left! Keep pumping! Keep pumping! Bring him up! Back so soon? I guess you must have had a round-trip ticket! We give up. We give up. You guys won't be counterfeiting for a long time! The evidence is all secure. Now let's hop down to the police station and report our findings. Are you sure McGready and Grafton won't get away? We're sure. What on earth are they doing up there? Oh, just hanging around. Very funny, very funny. How ready! Shlep car wants to know how much farther it is to your uncle's house, Susan. It's not too far now, but I think we should pull over. Let's take a breather. A breather is a good idea. Oh, wilderness! It kind of smells like the great outdoors. It is the great outdoors, C.C. It's also Bigfoot country. Bigwood! Oh, come on, you guys. Don't tell me you believe in that Hopi stuff. Are you kidding? I'm afraid of athlete's foot. I hear you, Barry. I don't like the idea of being on Bigfoot stomping grounds either. Oh, be reasonable, you guys. There's not one scary thing that can happen in this beautiful wilderness. Hey, I can't stop! My brakes are out! Watch out! Watch out! I take that back! Watch out! Watch out! Man, your brakes must be out! Right! I knew this day was too good to be true. What's Wonderbuzz gonna do? I think this camping trip is turning into a fishing trip. Hold on! We got you, baby! All right! Gotcha! Wonderbuzz says you should have seen the one that got away. Are you okay, sir? Yeah, I guess so, but who stopped me? What are you doing with that big ugly dump truck up here anyway? Oh, I'm just doing my job. A job on the forest, that is. Hey, that's called progress, kid. Let's go up to my uncles and find out about this progress. Hmm. I think those kids are gonna be trouble. I'm sorry, I'm not selling my land. You're making a big mistake. Well, hello, Susie. Hi, Uncle Arthur. Who are you? Who are your friends? Oh, Uncle Arthur, Mrs. Berry and Cece. Hello, what's going on? Uncle Arthur, what's going on here? Uh, this man wants me to sell my land so they can build a bird sanctuary. A bird sanctuary? You mean they're tearing down all that wilderness for a bird sanctuary? With logic like that, it sounds like a turkey sanctuary to me. Yes, well, that's our plan. We're here to preserve nature, not to destroy it. We're offering your uncle a very fair price. That's no reason to sell. Suit yourself. You're all alone out here with Bigfoot roaming about. Now that's a reason to sell. You know, it looks like you kids could use a new car. Oh, no, Shlepcar's okay with us, thanks. He was a real bargain. Oh, really? How much did the junk man pay you to take him? Well, one was never... He didn't mean that, Shlep. Hey, Uncle Arthur, what's the scene around here? I mean, is there really such a thing as Bigfoot? And if there is, please don't tell us. Well, strange things have been happening around these parts lately. Wild animal sounds, huge footprints, even people who say they've seen a hairy creature 12 feet tall. But those are all just stories, aren't they? Noise? What noise? I didn't hear a noise. Did you hear a noise? I didn't hear a noise. Now, that one I heard. Oh, it was probably just our imaginations. Then my imagination is working overtime. It's okay, Shlep. We're here with you. What did Shlepcar say? He says we're no great comfort. Well, that was Bigfoot we heard. There's no doubt about it. He's been coming closer to the cabin every day. You know, maybe I should sell this place while I've still got a chance. That's ridiculous, Uncle Arthur. Bigfoot is only a myth. And I'll prove it to you. Susan! Susan! Wait, Susan! Susan! Are you okay, Susan? I think so. Look at that. Look at the size of that footprint. Who do you think left it? Who else? Bigfoot! Bigfoot? Bigfoot? You know, I don't understand you, Susan. Not two hours ago we got the scare of our lives and you still want to stay here and investigate. I still think there's something funny going on. Tell me, why was there only one footprint? Makes a whole lot of sense to me. Why do you think he's called Bigfoot and not Bigfeet? Besides, when you've got one foot that big, who needs two? I do. For evidence. Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, Susie, but maybe it's best you all go back home. Uncle Arthur! Look, let's vote on it, okay? All those in favor of splitting, say aye. Aye. Aye. See, even Schleppar agrees. Three against one. It's unanimous. Bye. Bye. Democ! Hold it, Barry. Pull over a second. Bigfoot Mountain. Now that's all we need. Man, the only sign I want to see is a sign that says San Diego Freeway, Jack. So let's B-E-A-T it. Hey, wait a second. This paint's still wet. Come on, Susan. Why would the paint still be wet? Can't you see? Someone's trying to scare us out of here. Yeah, they're doing a pretty good job of it, too. What does it say, Susan? Heavy Duty Construction Company. I'll bet that has something to do with Mr. Jensen, that pushy land developer. No way. No way. I'll bet that has something to do with Mr. Jensen, that pushy land developer. They are, Barry. You have done it again. Let's check it out. Uh-oh. Trouble is closing in fast. Slow. Slow. That old man, Arthur, still refusing to sell. I've got a feeling that Bigfoot will convince him before long. Yeah, and we can get on with this bird sanctuary. We've got to get in there and find out what's really going on here. But if they see us, we'll be in trouble, so we'll have to go in disguise. There's no time for that, Susan. We'll have to try Plan 36C. We'll go in disguise. All right, Barry, my man. You have an amazing mind, Barry. Right again, Susan. How come I got stuck wearing the bear costume? Because we only have two Forest Ranger costumes, and you're the only one who fits in that little bear outfit. All right, guys, listen to me. I'll get us in there. What we do is we go in through the roof, through the window, or we just break down this fence. Come on, Cece, give me a hand. Hold it, guys. And what do you suggest, Susan? Or we'll just walk through the door, Cece. Look! All those bags of sulfur! Yeah. Looks like our bird sanctuary turned out to be a sulfur factory. Yeah, those dudes are planning to ruin the whole forest. Hey, look back there. That's a Binkwood costume. It turned out to be a phony all along, just as I suspected. Well, well, Park Rangers. Hey, who's your partner? Oh, this is Mopey the Bear. He's our mascot. He helps us prevent things like forest fires. And sulfur factories, buddy boy. That's some gimmick. I wouldn't mess with the bear, man. He ate three people for breakfast this morning. Four. Four? Four. He ate four people for breakfast this morning. And it's almost lunchtime. Hey, who are these jokers? Raa! Raa! Raa! Bear, huh? Well, it's those kids from the old man's cabin. Well, so it is. Nice to see you again. Oh, no! What do you say we show these kids the inside of our office? No, no, no. The more it gets out into the sulfur plant, it'll ruin the project. Let's try and see the old man one more time. Maybe now we'll see it our way. Right. I have just one word to say about this whole mess. What word is that? Wonder bug! Wonder bug! Woo-hoo! Glad to see you haven't lost your interest in bowling, buddy boy. You couldn't have picked a better time to bowl a strike, Big W. Let's catch up with those crooks, buddy boy. On the double! Woo-hoo! What kind of helicopter is that? Hey, what is that? Is it some kind of secret weapon? Pull off the door! And cycle! Well, I think we gave them the slip. Coast is clear. Whew! Whoa! Everybody out here, somebody's driving a car! Hey, what's the deal? Police! Police! I think he's gonna pull the old fly over the bad guys and rain on them trick. Where'd it go? I don't know, I don't know. Up here. Get to the fire! They're gonna have to pay a sign. I know! It's falling! Hold it on! Help! Help! Yeah, whatever! Rick! What happened? Serves you right for trying to destroy the area, buddy boy. We give up, we give up. You can't mess with Mother Nature! Well, I just can't thank you enough, kids. The wilderness is safe and I still got my home. There was nothing to it, Uncle Arthur. A very good friend gave us a lot of help. Well, it's good to know that Bigfoot was just a hoax all along. Yeah, it's hard to keep a Bigfoot down. Can you believe it? A new menace to the wilderness. When you hear the boom, you'll look away and clap your hands. Look away for the wonderful, the wonderful, wonderful. Boy, are we in luck. Our parking place. And just in time, too. Poor Shwet's overheated. I'll have to get him some sun tan oil additive when I get a chance. Let's see. Umbrella. Towels. Chairs. Pick me a basket. Pick me a basket. There you go Barry, my man. Hey, Cece, this stuff's heavy. What are you going to carry? Can you see? No. Well, I'm carrying everything that's left. Oh, okay. Hey, there you go Chauncey. A striped surfboard. That's next on your list. Yeah, a striped surfboard, but isn't this stealing? No, this ain't stealing. It's just borrowing, you know. Hey, you want to join us Red Vultures now, don't you? Oh, you know I do, do I? Yeah, well look, you're down to the last two items on your list. You get them and you're in. Now to help you out, we'll go and distract them. Come on, Toad. Hey, you bullies, what are you trying to do? Ruin our car? Shhh, Susan, don't give him any ideas. I'm sorry about this. Oh, my surfboard. You can't get away with that. Follow me. Trouble, here we come. I got it. Hey, great work Chauncey. You just might join us Red Vultures yet, huh? Now let's see you use it. Yeah, use it. But I don't know how to. You what? Oh, nothing, nothing. Okay, I'll try. Hey, you guys. What's going on? Give us back our surfboard. Yeah, sorry Shrimp, it's being used. Hey, Barry, look, he can't swim. Take it away, Big W. Big W. It's flying. That little car is flying. No, it ain't. It can't. It ain't possible. What it is. Yes, that's my surf dog. Throw that life preserver in. Go Wonderbuck, you can save him. Out of car, Wonderbuck. Way to go. Hey, what's going on? Why are you trying to steal our surfboard? Yeah, especially if you can't swim. Well, you see, my name is Chauncey Buttonley and see, I get to join the Red Vultures. That's them. Just as soon as I get everything on this list. Tire, skateboard, sprinkler, striped surfboard. And the blue trash can off the loading platform at the MGF Enterprises Back to Your Warehouse. And then I'm a Red Vulture. Yeah, well if you get caught, you're going to be a cooked goose. I don't care. Nobody thinks I can do anything. And this is my chance to prove it. I mean, we know what you mean, Chauncey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, break it up. I mean, you got your surfboard back, so cool it. Hey, come on, Chauncey. We got things to do. Cheerio. Hey, Shlup. It looks like the jitter's turned on Shlupkos radio. Oh, no. It'll ruin his battery. The MGF Enterprises Factory Warehouse. Local police are still working on the theory that it was an inside job. The platinum was stored in a security area next to... MGF? That was the last thing on Chauncey's list. To pick up a trash can at that place. Chauncey is in big trouble. Come back, get a hold of yourself, Shlupkos. If we're right, if Chauncey is involved with that robbery, we've got to help him. Which means a plan. A plan. Right. I was afraid of that. Okay, Barry, what is it this time? You're gonna love this. We get, are you ready? Four thousand pieces of bubble gum and a water buffalo. And then... No? I catch where you were headed with the bubble gum, but the water buffalo threw me. Why don't we just try the direct approach? I mean, we're dealing with a motorcycle gang, so when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Nice try, Susan. And if we ever get to Rome, we might try that. But in the meantime, why don't we just form our own gang? But that's exactly what I... Another terrific plan, Barry! Come on, guys. We've got a robbery to boil. Someday, Barry, someday. There it is, Duke. Right where you left it. Who'd ever think to look for two million dollars worth of platinum in a trash can? I told you taking a job at this place would pay off. Smart of us getting the owner's kid to join our phony club. If anyone can get in here on a Sunday, he can. Hey, Chauncey! Come here. You see, you're down to the last item on your list, Chauncey. I mean, that blue trash can over on the loading platform. Well, I told you this initiation wouldn't be easy. Wait. I can get it. All I have to do is elude the Magic Eye alarm system in the gate, jump over the Soundwave electric cell pavement, and pass through a 2,000-volt gate. Yeah! That's all! Go, Duke. He's in the gate. Hey! Hey! Quiet that thing down, man. Right there. Play 10 on me, Daddy-o. Aw, you missed. Too bad. We, my man, if I can call you my man, are the schleps. Maybe you heard of us. No. Then again, maybe you haven't. Well, you're gonna hear more of us. Hey, what's the scam here? I mean, what's the action? Oh, you see, we're just playing a little practical joke on a friend over there. He can get electrocuted. I mean, that's cool. He's almost there. It's too heavy for him. It's gonna be too heavy for our bikes, too. Hey! How would you schleps like to do a favor for us? Make a pickup? Ha-ha! Ha-ha! This is our chance. We can get the can and take it right to the police. Hey, that's a great idea, Barry. Thanks, Susan. Of course, it's not as good as the water buffalo idea, but it'll have to do. Ha-ha! Susan, would you get that stupid seal out here so we can get the can in? Sure. Hey, Duke, that beach toy. Beach toy? It's those kids from the beach. Uh-oh, our cover has been uncovered. Let's get out of here. I have a better idea. Let's get out of here. Come on, Todd. We'll teach those kids from a beach and think of three. Here's your horn. Come on. What are you doing? Come on, come on. We gotta catch them. They got our $2 million worth of platinum. We've gotta get to the police and fast. Oh, they're looking at us. The horn's gone. Then get them out and step down. Woo-hoo! Oh, man, the spikers are right behind us. I heard Todd say something. I think we got the horn. He said we got a horn. Turn around, man! Now, calm down. Hey, hey, hey. Let go. Todd's gaining on us. Todd, Todd's gaining. They're gaining on us. Come on, let's move it. Move it. Move it. Let go. Let go. Todd, where are you? All right, let's go back. Let's go back. All right. Here's your horn. Here's your horn. Well, Chauncey, you're terrific. Chauncey, you saved the day. Chauncey, you're the Chauncey-ness. Make way for Wunderbuck. Let's go. Let's go. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Get out of our arms. Get out of your arms. We'll get the platinum back. Just let us out of here. Hey, dudes. Cece is sorry and sorry. But you'll have to wait for the police to get you out. You guys are on vultures. You're your first-class turkeys. Well, it looks like we'll finally get our day at the beach after all. I can't believe those guys stole all that platinum from my father's factory. Well, Chauncey, I hope you learned a lesson. You should never try to be somebody you're not. But it gave me a terrific idea. Why not form a club of our own? And we'll let Schleppcar be president. What do you think of that, Schlepp? Schleppcar seems honored. Yeah, he's all broken up about it. Hey, you're wonderful, you're so wonderful. Never has the world seen anything like you, Mr. Android, my proudest creation. They won't laugh at me anymore. I've built you from parts of all of these rides. I'll show them. Beautiful. Beautiful. But there is something missing. A final touch, a special part. I'm not sure exactly what. But I'll know it when I see it. It sounds like Schlepp is looking forward to a day at the amusement park. He likes everything with the bumper cars. Reminds him of the junkyard. It doesn't look very amusing. But it looks as deserted. Cece's got a feeling that there's trouble just around the corner. What is it? Since we're around the corner, I think it must be trouble. Don't worry, you guys. Maybe he's friendly. I'll humor him. Hello there. Having a nice day so far? Susan, call for Wonderbug. The horn! Schlepp, get off! We'll pick it up, up, up! No, not me! Hey Barry, come back here, man! I haven't got much choice in the matter, Cece! Help! Get me down from here! In a flash, Barry! Help! Just keep your distance, dude! My android, what did you do to my mechanical man? Your mechanical menace, you mean? Look what he did to our friend! Help! There's only one thing to save us now. Wonderbug! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Wonderbug! Incredible! We need a little rescue, won't we, W? Come on here, Wonderbug! Barry, my man, you look sugar and shook! Let's get out of this amusement park and go someplace safe. Yeah, like a demolition dirt! Come on, Susan! Listen, kids, my android meant no harm. But as you can see, the park is closed, so I can test some rides. So get out of here immediately! Come, android. Boy, is he moody! What's that guy saying, Barry? It's nothing. He just said that weird guy and his android stole his horn. Stole his horn? Here, he did steal his horn! Man, without that horn, see, they'd never be able to become Wonderbug ever again! This miraculous horn will convert you into a super android, just as it changed that broken-down heap of a car. Quiet, Schleppcar! They'll hear us! Yeah, muffle your muffler! Barry, that dude is planning to use Schlepp's horn on his robot! Okay, guys, the best approach is the surprise attack. On the count of three, follow me. One, two, three. And so much for the surprise attack. I warned you to leave. This is my park. Yeah, but that's our horn. Sir. You big bully! If it wasn't for this mechanical whatchamacallit, I'd show you a thing or two. Put them down, android. Now, for the last time, get out of here! Yes, we understand. Get him, guys! Stop them, android! The android! I'll take care of Schlepp. You two go get the horn. I have a better idea. You take care of Schlepp, and we'll get the horn. Excellent! Hey, you! Come back here with that horn! They'll never know the difference. We want to talk to you. Be forceful, Barry. We want to talk to you. That's our horn you've got there. Why, so it is. And I've been looking for you to return it to you. Here it is. Gee, I guess I don't know my own force. Thanks. I mean, thanks. Man, I still don't understand that dude. Stealing the horn, then losing the horn, then stealing it again, and then giving it back to us. Did you hear that? See, she's got a horrible feeling. That guy switched horns on us. We better get right back there. Straight forward! I see you've discovered my little game. Barry, that's Schlepp's horn on that android. What's wrong? Why is it working? Of course. We should have realized the horn only works on Schlepp car. Right! Turn, turn! No, not that way. If it's not the horn that makes the car change, then it must be something else. I want that car. Oh. I'll tear it apart, boat by boat, but I'll find what it takes to make my android change. Uh-oh, here we go again. Barry, let's get out of here. Oh, I'm so bad. Hello, sir. My name is Friday, Saturday, Sunday. City Android Department. City Android Department, Plumbing Division. I understand you've got an android in the area. Have to make sure it comes up to code. Ah, here's the android. You don't mind if we make a few quick checks, do you? First check. Lift your left leg. Rub your stomach with your right hand. Pat your head with your left hand. Not very good at all. Now say rubber baby buggy bumpers ten times quickly while you're doing that. Bum-bub-bub-bub-bub-bob-boob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob-bob. Uh-oh. Uh-oh, what? Do you have a license for that horn? Well, no, but... Sorry, we'll have to take it with us. Other than that... You pass. Pass. Pass. Pass. Rachel, air mail, do not bend. It's those kids. Come back here, you kids. The Android's coming right after us. We've got to get that horn back on Schleppcar. I've got an idea. Does anybody have any gum? What kind of idea is that, Susan? That sounds like Winner Barry's idea. Wait a second. Does anybody have any gum? Man, this better be good. This is my last chance. I'm going to get the idea. The idea is you take the gum, you chew it. You take the gum and chew it. You put it on the horn. You put it on the horn. And you throw that Schleppcar. And you throw your Schleppcar. And it might just work. It just might work. Curveball! Yeah! Curveball! Great idea, Barry! In the nick of time, just like the cavalry. Curveball! Curveball! Let's go! Let me out of here! Go get him! Go get him, Hunter! Get him! Let's start it this way! Let's go! I don't like roller coasters. No more, no more. I need a safe place. You want a safe place? Oh, fine. Come this way. Right in here. This is a safe place? It's safe, it's very safe. It's moving! I don't, I don't, I don't... Get me out! I don't like heights! They're turning all right! Get me, get me! Have a nice trip! Don't go away, now! How about that? Wonderbugs can do anything. Let's just a little ride on a merry-go-round, that's the schlep car. Mason, they're starting to unload. Now you keep your eyes peeled. That car should be coming off any time now. Well, we made it! Barely. Well, this is not one of his better days. He hasn't seen one of his better days in about two years. He's been in the car for a long time. He's been in the car for a long time. He's been in the car for a long time. He hasn't seen one of his better days in about two years. You are getting chunkier and chunkier. I bet you your fender would fall off if it wasn't welded on. Here you go, Schlapp. What's he saying, Barry? He says his tires ache and his pistons are pooped. Now you just relax and wait here while we pick up that shipment for Mr. Gruder, okay? Yeah, and I'll get you a nice new set of spark plugs when we get home. You'll be purring like a kitten. Oh, meow, meow. What does it look like again, Forbes? It looks like a junkyard reject. That's the beauty of it, Mason. Underneath those dented fenders and rusting bumpers, it's a solid gold car. There it is, Forbes. That's the car, all right. All right, get going. We'll meet at the hideout. Well, little car. In an hour, you're going to be melted down in the gold bars. That's the best game. Hey, watch out for that crane over there. Hey, look! Hey, whoa! Oh, no! Oh! Oh, that's much... Get you! Let it go. Forbes would never believe me if I told him what happened. I don't believe it happened myself. I better get out of here before that other car shows up. Hold it! Something's wrong. Something's wrong. What is it, Barry? What makes you think something's wrong? Call it instinct. Call it intuition. Call it the fact that Schleppcar's missing. Schleppcar's been Schlepp-napped! Oh, wow! This is badder than bad. Schlepp's born. He can't change into Wonderbug without it. But what would anyone want with Schleppcar? It isn't garbage collection day, is it? Barry, wait! Look! It looks like... Schleppcar! Schleppcar, speak to me. Are you okay, Schlepp? I think he's got sludge in the crankcase. This isn't Schleppcar. It's an imposter. Barry, look what your hand was on the hood! A gold handprint. It is gold! Now that's what C.C. calls a classy chassis. A solid gold Schleppcar. But where is our Schleppcar? Now let's go look at what's underneath all this rust. There's just something about this little car that I don't trust. There's rust beneath the rust. What are you trying to pull, you mason? Nothing, Forbes! Then where is my gold car? It all adds up. Whoever took Schleppcar was waiting... for this car. But who would want to paint a gold car to look like this? Smugglers. Smugglers? Smugglers sounds a lot like muggers to me, and I don't like the sound of either one. What we need is a plan. Try to make contact with the head of the smuggling ring. What an idea! Well, thanks, Barry. Then I'll... I've got it! All we've got to do is make contact with the smuggling ring and then find Mr. Big. Now that idea is greater than you think. I don't know how you do it, Barry. Do you, Susan? It seems me. Okay, now, here's how we do it. This is where we start. The smugglers' cove. Why are we going to start here? It's the only thing listed under smugglers in the Yellow Pages. I know we can handle it, but those men look pretty tough. Smuggling is a tough business, Susan. You two do just exactly as I do. Here, put these on. Ahoy, mates! Sea top. Oh, uh, okay, uh, port! Uh, starboard! Uh... Poop deck! Poop deck! I think we just found Mr. Big. I've asked there, Ms. Wobby. What do you kids want? Well, we're just, um, apprentice smugglers. Passing through. We thought we'd sail by and say, ahoy, people of the Yellow Pages. We're going to get some good food. We're going to get some good food. We thought we'd sail by and say, ahoy, before we took our solid gold car down to the loading docks and dropped anchor for a while. That's your car? Oh, yeah, that's our solid gold car, which we'll be leaving alone, unguarded, all by itself, and easy prey like smugglers like ourselves who just might be looking for it. Do you think he got the message? Hey, kid, it's for you. For me? Who knows we're here? Thank you. Um, hello? It's the smugglers. We did it! We made touch! Shh! Ah, yes. Ah, that sounds like our car. No, no, there's no truth to the rumor. It'll be alone, unguarded, and all by itself on the main loading dock. When? In about 15 minutes. Right. Nice talking to you, too. Ahoy! It worked! He fell for it! They fell for it. Mason! The tip was right. There is another gang. And the car? It'll be at the loading dock in 15 minutes. Get down there and get it, and don't let anything stop you. Don't worry about it. All clear. Follow me. Your forks. It's right outside. So it better be it. Ah! There's Schleppkorn! Now's our chance. What have they done to you, Schlepp? Are you okay, Schlepp? This will never work. Those guys will be in here any second now. He's okay. But he says the experience has taken a few miles off his life. How's it going, Susan? Oh, I'll be done in a couple of minutes if those smugglers don't find us here. What's going on? Uh-oh. And how long if they do find us here? Who are you? Were you expecting somebody? No. Well, we're them. Hold it! Don't come any closer. These hands are lethal weapons. Ow! Okay, Schleppkorn, charge! Where'd she come from? What's going on here? I don't know, but let's hang around to find out. Wonderbuck, you have done it again! Out of car, Wonderbuck! It's fantastic, Wonderbuck! What about the gold car? We'll take it with us. Get in. Let's get going. Which way'd they go? They went that way! That way. Which way'd they go? Wonderbuck says he has a good way to stop us. Any plan is a better plan than our plan, my man. Ooh-see-see. Hoed and didn't know it. I'm driving away! All we need is an in-flight boo-bag! Lead it to Wonderbuck. Think of the old zoom over the smugglers in a flying car trick. Where'd they come from? If I told you, you wouldn't believe me! Stop it, Wonderbuck! It's a line! We give up! We give up! It can't beat Wonderbuck! You did it! Hello, Wonderbuck! It's incredible! Imagine having two cars look just like club cars. Well, there definitely was a resemblance, but I don't think they're actually related. Well, maybe second or third cousins, but... See-see, Susan, I had this feeling we're being followed. Followed? You're right, Gary. Smugglers? No. The only thing behind us is our muffler... Our exhaust pipe... Our left fender... And our tailpipes. Oh! Here it comes now. As sure as there are cows in Texas, this plan will stop him once and for all. And it should be happening right about now. Hey, looks like somebody's in trouble. Bar Owl! He looks like Old Faithful on wheels. Excuse me, sir. Is there anything we can do to help? Thanks, anyway, kids, but it looks a little... A little too late for anybody to do anything. Yeah, this is what See-see calls a turkey supreme. My neighbor Henry Dora swore he was gonna win that horse show one way or another. I guess he figured he couldn't win it fair and square. Gee, I'm sorry to hear that, mister. Hey, is this your horse, Golden Boy? Yeah. Whoo! Look at that streamlined van! Wow! That's a medallion stallion if I ever saw one! We can help you, sir. We're heading to the horse show anyways. We can just hitch your trailer up to Schlepp car. Right, Schlepp? Schlepp says he'll try. Well, heck, that'll be wonderful. Listen, just look up my groomer Penny. She's in stable 34, and I'll meet you there as soon as I get this here truck fixed, huh? Great! All right! Those blasted kids! They're gonna be sorry they ever messed with Henry K. Dora. Well, here we are, the horse show arena. Sounds like my man Schlepp car is happy to hear we're here. What is that? Whoo! It sounds like Schlepp car's hay fever's acting up. Gesundheit, buddy. Hey, we better go find Penny and deliver Golden Boy. Something tells me we're heading into trouble again. Aw, come on, Cece. What kind of trouble can we get into helping somebody out? He's right behind here, Penny. Okay. Mr. Butler's car broke down down the road, and he told us to come by and deliver Golden Boy to you, so we thought we'd come by and help you out. What took you so long? Well, our car isn't exactly the fastest thing around, but, um, well, we didn't let Mr. Butler down, and it tries hard. Is this your idea of a joke? Oh, that... There's something very wrong here. We put in Golden Boy and came out with Golden Boy. What the hell was it then? We've been horse-switched. We had to wait. But we, um... Mr. Butler gave us his horse, and what do you mean, us? What happened? Okay, all right, all right. First, let's get this nag back into the stable, all right? Follow me. All right, just put Mr. Universe in the barn for a while. Take care of it later. After you. Hey! Hey, what are you doing? Hey! You can't fool me. You're working for Henry Dodd's ranch. I'm gonna call the sheriff. You got us all wrong! Nobody panic, all right? Just nobody panic! If somebody's panicking, who is it? It's you, Barry. Me? Oh. Well, a little panic never hurt anybody. How's this? We get a flashlight, some batteries, and a steamroller. C.C.? Yes! No. Why don't we call Wonder Bug? Hey, C.C., wait a minute. Why don't we just call Wonder Bug? Right! Wonder Bug, help! Wonder Bug! Wonder Bug! Wonder Bug, help! I'm here! Wonder Bug, help! He says help's on the way. We're locked in a stable, Wonder Bug. Can you get us out, Big W? Wonder Bug, get away from here! Get away, Wonder Bug! Keep doing it again! Keep doing it! Keep doing it! Get away, Wonder Bug! Get away! Wonder Bug! You're my main man! I mean, my main car! You know, sometimes it's hard to believe that's the same car. You know, we should find the sheriff and explain what happened. Girl, how are we going to explain what happened? We don't even know what happened ourselves. But we've got to try. Come on. Yeah. Ah-choo! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'll have to give Schleppard's spark plugs an allergy test when we get back. Yeah, if we get back. Do you realize we've been accused as horse thieves? We're those kids out of the way. Now we're going to win for sure. Something tells me that voice is talking about us. That trouble-brained girl and that tall, skinny kid and that dumb-dumb with glasses aren't going to give us any more trouble. Of course, I could be wrong. That trailer's says Dawes Ranch. That must be Mr. Butler's neighbor. And it looks like Penny's on his side. That prize money is all yours, Penny. All I want is that trophy. That'll show Butler. Barry, they've got Golden Boy. And Penny will say, we stole him. And it'll be our word against theirs. Our goose is cooked. Yeah, like well done. What we need is a plan. Yeah, how about Cece's plan? The flashlight, the batteries, the steamroller. Why don't we pose as veterinarians so that we can stall them? There's no time for that, Susan. Hey, how about if we pose as, get this, veterinarians so we can stall them? Barry, my man, now there's a plan. You have done it again. He always does. Come on, Golden Boy, we're going for a little ride. Yeah, with Golden Boy lost up in Rafer's Canyon, my horse is going to be a cinch to win. Who are you? We are the veterinarians. You're what? The veterinarians. The veterinarians. Thanks, I needed that. Excuse me. And this horse definitely has a case of... Arabian measles. Arabian measles. Arabian measles. Arabian measles, I think you might be that. Very contagious, very rare and strange. Yes, look, it has all the symptoms. A head, four legs, what? A chain, a chain, a chain, sounds like chain, mane, mane. Yes, and a mane. It looks like we'll have to operate. You're not going to operate on this horse. You can't stand in the way of medicine, Miss. She's right, the lights are not good here, but the light in stable 34 is out of sight. Dr. Susan, Dr. Cece, prepare stable 34. Talk to you later. That's all right. Hey, Dawes, those are the kids I locked up in Butler's stable. Nice to see you again, Penny. How's it going? Wait, call for Wonderfuck. He likes it. And we have a surprise for you. Barry, Schlepp's horn's missing. Surprise? Get in the church, Penny, I'll be right with you. Now, ask for you three. Ah, shit! Is there a night? Is there a night? To a car? Dawes, let's go. Now, if you kids so much as open your traps about this... We get the idea. Doom, doom, doom, doom. There you go. We've got to find Schlepp's horn. We need Wonderbug and Fass. Hey, hi, kids. Is everything okay? Everything's about as un-okay as un-okay can be. What do you mean? There's no time to explain, Mr. Butler, but Dawes, your neighbor, and Penny, your groomer, have stolen Golden Boy, your horse, and pinned the blame on us, your friends. You're kidding. They just took off. We tried to stop them, but... That fivin' Dawes and Penny. I know a shortcut. I'll catch him. Come on, boys, start up. He couldn't even catch a cold in that truck. A cold? That's it? You must have sneezed your horn off. What did he say? He said, yeah, you're probably right. And hay fever means we would probably find the horn... In the hayloft by the other stable. In the hayloft by the other stable. In the hayloft by the other stable. Right! Let's go! Man, this is like looking for a horn in a haystack. All I've got so far is a needle someone lost. The horn! I found it! Alright! Let's get some wonder power going! Okay, this will only take a second. Hurry, Susan, they're getting away! Hurry! Come on! Okay! Hurry! Get away, Wonder! They went that way! Barry, I see them! Yeah, wonder about season two. It won't be long now. Now, this is what Cece calls heading them off at the pad! They're coming down under the road! Guys, wait! Go get them, Cowboys! Go! There's nobody driving at me! Help! Big W! I think we can handle this on break! Hey, Penny's getting away! Get her, Big W! Hey, Slipcar! Golden Boy won! Yeah, thanks to you kids and your wonderful car here. Oh, wow! And I'll tell you who really deserves this here. Ray! Right here! Oh, no! The roses are sitting off Slipcar's hay! Now, that looks more like our Slipcar! Hey, Barry, this is a great idea! To have a picnic on a football field! Man, there's nothing in the world like bagels, ham hocks, and egg salad on the 50-yard line! Hey, what's the matter, Slipcar? You don't like egg salad? Hey, there's something the matter with Shlep. Uh, I don't know. I'm not sure. Uh-oh, he burned up all his oil! Uh-oh, there goes the picnic. And it looks like a storm is coming up, too. All right, look, why don't we just go up in the old school and see if maybe we can borrow a cup of oil from somebody? From the looks of this old school, a cup of bat wings would be more like it. Uh-uh, uh-uh-uh, I can't, I can't, I can't. Uh-oh. I knew Shlep couldn't run any longer without any oil. Well, uh, you're lucky to have made it this far. Go away. Danger? Beware? This means you. I think somebody's trying to tell us something. That's good enough for me. Maybe he doesn't mean us. Come on. Here comes our rain. Uh-oh. Maybe it's just an unusual school bell. Come on. Wait a minute, Barry. What's he saying? He doesn't want to be left alone. He says, take me with you. Say what? Losing his oil must have blown his distributor. Whoever heard of a car going to school? Come on, guys. Uh-oh. Professor Ferris, Professor Ferris, look, I've got it. Here it is. Fine, Luther. It will be the perfect test for my new formula. What does it do? Watch. Beautiful. Beautiful. They'll be sorry they kicked us out of that school, Luther. Amazing, Professor Ferris. Do something, Professor. Something went wrong. Help! This looks like Dracula High. Uh-oh, here we go again. Sounds like someone's in trouble. We need Wonder Bug. Wonder Bug, we need to. Hurry. Follow those voices. A car is coming to our rescue. What's it doing? I think it's trying to smoke out this plant. It's working. What's going on? That plant has a dude and that chick in the clutches. I've heard of clinging vines, but this is ridiculous. Get this thing off me. Help. Professor, give me the antidote. I spilled it. What was that all about? It was a new formula I invented. What are you kids doing here? Our car broke down and we ran out of oil. Oh, yes. Yes, your car, Luther. We will make capital of this car. Personally, I think we should get out of here. Mumbles like that can only mean trouble. That car is the perfect specimen for my new serum. Play along with whatever I say. Allow me to present you with this. It is a new oil additive I have invented. Oil additive? Oil additive. Oh, yes, an incredible oil additive. Thanks. We appreciate it, but... But what? There are some fantastic things for your car. Oh, but Wonderbug's pretty fantastic as it is. Try it. Well, uh, uh, Susan, give it a try. Are you sure this is just an oil? Positive. Now, watch. What's happening to Wonderbug? They've turned him into a Frankenstein. You mean a Schleppenstein. Success. Success. What are we gonna do? Well, for right now, I suggest run. A monster car, Luther. Think of the possibilities. All right, in a case like this... We depend. Hey, how'd you know? We always do. It just so happens I've got one. So what else is new? All right, what we do is we get a catapult, a Spanish bullfighter, a marching band, and a Lebanese chicken. Congratulations, dude. You really outdone yourself. Think you think it'll work? No chance. The only ones who could change Wonderbug back in a place like this would be Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Wolfman. Electrifying idea, Barry. How do I keep coming up with these brilliant ideas? Someday, Barry, I just may tell you. Nothing will stand in my way now, Luther. Nothing. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Monster want. Monster want. Professor Ferris, it's Frankenstein. Monster want. But what does he want? Monster want. I'm afraid to ask. Monster want. Monster want. Monster want food. Thanks. Monster needed that. Who are you? Who are you? Permit me to introduce myself. I am a vampire. A vampire? A vampire, Luther. A vampire. My friends and I were on our way to a convention. And we're hungry. Oh, fuck. This is the Wolfman speaking. We thought you cats might be able to dig us up something if you can. Dig us up something if you can. Dig what I mean. Of course. We'll find something. You just wait out here. We'll be right back. Come, Luther. Come on, guys. Let's go mix up some more of that antidote. Oh, man. We're never gonna get past him. We're never gonna get past him. Hello, fellow monster. Coochie coochie coo. Now, if you let us past, we'll mix you up a yummy snack. Oh, well, I'm sure we could manage that. What does he want, theory? Some drained transmission fluid and an automatic choke. All right, Cece. Wow. This mask is hot. Hurry up with that formula, girl. I'm looking. Here it is. Here's the antidote. I knew there was something phony about these monsters. It's those kids. Cece, would you be quiet? I'm trying to fix the antidote. But you're right. That does it. But you'll never have the chance to use it. Quick, Susan. Take this and put it in Wonderbuck. We'll distract him. Go! Get her, Luther. Stop her. Please, this will do your world of good. I did it, Barry. It's that car. Let's do it. Susan, let's get out of here. Let's go. Let's go. It's our very own Wonder Bunny. Wait, Luther. We need help. Luther. Spiderweb. Give me the vial. I have an idea. That'll stop Wonderbuck. That'll do it. That'll do it. Wonderbuck can handle it. Watch. Hey, Big W. You did it again. Put on Wonderbuck. Quick. Down here. Wake him up. No more formulas. Looks like your mad scientist days are over, doll. Yep, you're bound to go straight now. Thanks to Wonderbuck. Man, there's nothing like combat and a couple of bad guys to build an appetite. Well, at least that formula's gone forever. Oh, no. Slipkart's got the formula. Slipkart, give me that. What is the matter with you? What did he say, Barry? He says he has an upset stomach. Must have been something he ate. I am the creature from the Forbidden Planet. Take me to your leader. Oh. Cece, you're scaring Slipkart with that science fiction comic. And he's falling apart faster than I can put him back together. Hey, Slipkart. I didn't mean to scare you. Cece is sorryer than sorry. This town gives me the creeps. What do you suppose happened to all the people? Maybe the creature from the Forbidden Planet got them all. Cece. No. Barry! Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Startle us? What made you think you startled us? Yes! Must apologize. It's just with these flying saucers in the area. Flying saucers? Barry, flying saucers? It's a good thing Slipkart's about as empowered as he can get. You haven't heard? No. Tell us, please. No, I don't think I want to hear this. My name is Hector Pryor. I'm the local jeweler. Everyone else left town when flying saucers and strange creatures were first sighted. Strange creatures? We must get out of town before it's too late. If we're voting, I vote aye. Aye. Well, aye. Good. Slipkart, you want to go too? It's unanimous. Please, do me a favor. Take this package with you to Chamber City. My son has the jewelry store there. Aye, aye. But what about you? I cannot leave. My home is here. But this package must be safe. Please. Well, okay, but I, I... Thank you. And hurry. Please, hurry. Wow! Flying saucers. Creatures from outer space. I'd almost like to stick around. Susan! Come on, Slap. Let's go already. Hey, what's wrong now? He's afraid the creature from the Forbidden Planet is waiting around the corner. Barry, listen. Forget about the listen and concentrate on the look. I don't believe it. It's heading right for us. I believe it. The horn, the horn. We need Wonderbots. Wait, Wonderbots. You're going to tackle a flying saucer. At least get us out of here first. He's going at the super reverse. Right on! That was closer than close. Okay, Wonderbots. Do your stuff. Be careful, Wonderbots. I sure hope Wonderbug's all right. Susan, Wonderbug can handle anything. Yeah, but what if these are some horrible creatures from another planet or even another galaxy? I wonder what they'd look like. Well, offhand I'd say they'd have bulging eyes, look like lizards, and wrinkled skin. What makes you think so, C.C.? Oh, it's just a hunch I have. Plus the fact that they're standing right behind you. You are Earthlings. Well, I'm You are Earthlings. Earthlings? No. Actually, we're just hitching a ride back to, uh, um, are you familiar with Saturn? No. That's where we're from, Saturn. So if you'll just excuse us. Stop! I think he wants us to stop. Will you not wish to use force? Force? Great idea. We were thinking along the very same lines, right? I am Zolot. Karn and I have decided to land on your planet to find fuel for our further journey home. Fuel? Hey, is that all? Hey, man, I can direct you to a bad filling station. Sure, we're filling that, Steenie. We have a regular and an inlet and a super kind. Your spaceship runs on those? But those are diamonds. Were you gonna find diamonds around here? Our sensors indicated that you have the fuel we need in there. Uh, where? In there. Oh! In here? Diamonds? You must be joking. Harry, aliens never joke. You will give them to us? No, no, wait, wait, wait, no force, remember? Look, I'll just, uh, I'll just open this package and, uh, I will show you that there are absolutely no diamonds in here. Just, just one second, excuse me. Hurry up, Harry. Yes, I will. Susan. Cece, there's thousands of diamonds in here. You will give them to us? Nothing doing. We're responsible for them. Harry! Sorry, Susan. We're also responsible for us, too. This is badder than bad. Now we're gonna have to pay to replace those diamonds. The aliens are gone! That's right. And with our life savings. We don't have any life savings. Yeah. And thanks to those aliens, we never will. The End Oh, hi, Wonderbug. Uh, nothing's wrong. Unless you consider two purple creatures from outer space stealing a box full of diamonds that we're responsible for bad news. What'd he say, Barry? He agrees. It's bad news. Hey! Looks like Wonderbug turned on the old radar! Hey, do you think you can locate them, buddy boy? Over that way! No, wait, wait, wait! Now listen, Wonderbug, I... I know you think you can handle them, but... Well, they've got a laser device, like in the comics. Yeah! One's out and pow! Right. Pow. So we gotta be careful, so... Go ahead, but, uh... Take care, okay? Yeah, we'll be right behind you. Can we vote on that? Me, hey! Oh, my gosh! It's them! Wonderbug, it's them! And they still got those space rays! And our diamonds! Any suggestions, Barry? Buddy, you should ask, C.C. Uh-oh, here it comes. Come on! All right, first, we call up the Air Force. And then, if they're not doing anything, we answer them. Barry! No? All right, then how about this? How about what? No, I'm wrong. Where would we get 3,000 bananas in a cargo plane? You're right. You're wrong. We didn't have some aliens on our side. Hey, what are you talking about? We didn't have some aliens on our side. Hey, wait a minute. I got an idea. What we need are some aliens on our side. And with the help of Wonderbug, there's about to be another invasion from outer space. That's what I meant. I mean, good idea, Barry. Hey, Barry, I think you're on to something. Let's get out of here. There are over 200 perfect diamonds and they're worth over a million dollars. That's all ours. Maybe those guys are Sauraks and God. Ralph, it's a flying saucer. They spotted us. So far, so good. Okay. Let's give them an impressive landing, Wonderbug. Who are you? We know who we are. We just don't know where we are. What planet is this? What planet? Wait, don't tell us. I'll use my telepathic thought transferring think-o-meter to read your minds. Earth, right? I've read my mind. How could you read my mind? Earth, funny name. Ha, ha, ha. They're really from outer space, Ralph. Ralph, he's a linear. Uh-huh. What do you want? Well, we aliens from outer space have run out of fuel. And so, beep, oink, we have landed here to get some air. Boop. Oh, really? That's the hurtiest attempt we would have to do. Well, I guess there's a lot of that going around. They're really spacely. What are we going to do? Our detectors detected some fuel right around here. Oh, we're attracted. You're welcome to it. Where is it? Flying saucer. Pick up the fuel. It's moving over here. Help. The diamonds. The diamonds. Is something familiar about these aliens? Where are you from? Uh, Miami Beach. Miami Beach? That's as far as I've ever been. It's those same kids again. Look. It was only a cardboard cutout. Those dudes tried to pull a fast one on us. We want those diamonds. You're not aliens from outer space. You're crooks. Let's get them. Okay, Wonderbots. Do your stuff. We got them now, Wonderbots. Smoke them out! What are you doing? I can't breathe. We threw them. Just call them up, okay? That's the killer! I admit it. I'm sorry. You set us up. Just so you could steal your own jewels and we'd be responsible. Yeah. That trick was dirtier than dirty. I said I'm sorry. Just call that car of yours off. Hey, look, I'm really sorry, but we've got to make another call first. To the police. Wonderbuck, you sure taught those phonies a lesson. As a flying saucer, you're all right. Out all side. What are you supposed to see us about? She just went into business for herself. Maybe she wants to give Schleppcar a free overhaul. Schleppcar, saying Barry? He says who needs an overhaul? I'm running as good as ever. You're right, Schleppcar. All you really need is a little piston adjustment. Oh, no! My car! Linda, I don't believe it. Is this really your car? Yeah, that's mine all right. There goes my chance to win in the cross-country race. What a shame. We're sorry, Linda. Looks like a steamroller stomped on it. Wait a minute. What am I saying? It was probably the same dude who tried to flatten us. I should have known it was trouble. Some crazy guy in a ski mask was running it. You know, he wasn't even looking where he was going. He was looking where he was going all right. He did it on purpose. On purpose? Mm-hmm. My competitors are trying to ruin me. I was trying to win enough money in the car rally to keep my garage open. This was going to be my winning car. Well, don't you worry, Linda. We'll get them for you. I don't know, Barry. I sure wouldn't like to see that steamroller rolling my way. Who are they? Well, I can't prove it, but I think it's those big creeps up the street who own the big garage. Holloway and Hobbs. Well, let's go have a little talk with Holloway and Hobbs. Right on! I think. Hey, Hobbs. Well, did you take care of her car? Latter than a pancake. And no one will know we had anything to do with it. Good. She's out of the race. Pretty soon, she'll be out of business. Right. And if anybody else gets in our way, they'll be sorry. Ha ha ha! I'm sorry already. Those dudes are trouble with a capital trouble. Well, we've got to do something to help Linda. All right. Here's what we do. We rent a tank from the army and then fill it to the top with garbanzo meat. Oh, it'll never work, my man. No chance, no way, no how. What we've got to do is enter that race. Oh, come on, girl. Where are we going to get a race car? Mmm, bum, bum, bum. Nice try, Schlepp. Hey, that's it. We'll enter Schlepp car. Enter Schlepp car? Those garage dudes are playing for keeps. Who knows what kind of dirty tricks they'll try? That's just it. If they pull out their dirty tricks, we'll pull out Wonder Bug. Better yet, if they pull out any of their dirty tricks, we'll pull out Wonder Bug. Brilliant, Barry, my man. Just brilliant. Incredible, Barry. Well, we got rid of all the competition. That $5,000 is all ours. Yeah, and we don't even have to race for it. Hey, it looks like we're not going to be alone after all. We'll be alone after we leave the starting line. That's no competition. Hey, kids, what are you doing in that? This is an auto race. You'll laugh differently when you see us take off, buddy boy. No, I won't. I'll laugh the same way. Okay, fellas, let's check Schlepp's last-minute energy shots. Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, oil. Soybean carburetor cleaner. Check and double check. I want to tell you, win or lose, I appreciate what you're trying to do for me. Hold it, Linda. It's going to be a win. Right on. You're going to be able to keep your garage. Sure will. Good luck. Gentlemen, start your engine. Here goes. Nothing. Here goes nothing. Your rear end fell off. They're nowhere in sight. Pull up at that crossroad and stop. Stop? I'm not taking any chances. Over there. He's getting discouraged. Yeah, so am I. Run, run. Hey. Barry, it's that way. Something's wrong. We must have made a wrong turn somewhere. And I know where. Holloway and Hobbs must have changed that sign. Which means there goes the race and there goes Linda's garage, too. I'm going to get in this garage, too. It's okay, Schleppcar. You really tried. We can't let them get away with this. Don't cry, Schleppcar. It feels just terrible. Hey, wait a minute. They cheated. And since they cheated, that means we have to call for you-know-who. The big W. Oh, listen, Schlepp. We'll just use Wonderbike to get us out of this spot. Then we'll give you a second chance. Oh, okay. Race is on. Let's go, Wonderbike. He's right below us, Wonderbike. Now, push Schleppcar right in front of him, Wonderbike. We just want to even the odds. Nowhere in sight. We got it made. I see it, but I don't believe it. What is it, Cece? Here they come again. Come on, Schleppcar. Come on, Schleppcar. Come on, Schleppcar. Come on, Schleppcar. How's that? That'll do the trick. Come on, let's go. Get in the car. Here we go again. It's Wonderbug time. Won't those guys ever learn? We lost them. We actually lost them. Oh, no. Here come those turkeys. Turkeys, my man. Boy, you're doing so good. Come on, Schleppcar. Come on, Schleppcar. Hey. Look at them around the bend. They're still coming, Hobbs. Smoke screen. That'll slow them down. A giant smoke screen. What will these dudes think of next? We finally lost those kids. Now we're home free. What a great shortcut, Barry. Is that them in the front there? Well, I think so. They were in the back just a minute ago. Get to the right. Get to the left. Come on. Get in front of them. Attack. Barry, the horn. It slipped out. It landed in the car. We need a plan. We need a plan. Hold it. I know a shortcut. We'll get there ahead of them and we'll set up a border patrol. There's no time for that, Susan. Hey, wait a minute. I know a shortcut. We can get there ahead of them and then set up a border patrol. Great idea, Barry. Wow, what a mind. Now why didn't I think of that? Hey, hey, hey, hey. What is this? We're in the middle of a race. Out of the way. This here's the border patrol, boy. Border patrol? What border patrol? It's troublemakers like these we should keep out of our country. Good evening, my lutsatski. I will do the talking and you will do the listening. We're checking for smuggling. Denny, you all have any illegal yo-yos? harmonicas or, uh, hot-o-horns? How would you like a wheel to go over your foot? Aha! Contraband and ottohorn. Da! Ottohorn-ski! Hey, it's those kids. Border patrol, step on it. Come on, let's get going. Step on it. Let's get out of here fast. Step on that thing. Step on it. Let's get out of here fast. Step on that accelerator and let's get out of here. Welcome back, buddy. Well, let's go now. What's the use? Those turkeys will probably just pull some more of their chicks. It's all right. We've got Wonderbug now to make it fair and square. Right on. Whoo-hoo! Mmm. Mmm. Hurry, Holloway. They're coming. I'm doing the best I can. Get in the car. It's okay now. Get in fast. Now step on it. Oh, come on, man. Let's get out of the wheel, man. Let's drive this thing fast. They're up ahead. I see them. What do they got for us this time? That way, you fools. Forward, forward. Run. Come on. Come on. Run, run, run. Give it your all. Hurry up, Holloway. Give it your all. Come on. Come on, buddy. You can do it. All right. All right. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Hey. Here's the $5,000. Now you can keep your garage. Oh, thank you. Thank all of you. I'm so happy. Lost to that car? We may never live this down. You cannot mess with a schlepper. Schlepper, alias Wonderbug. Shh. Shh. I guess there are some things we don't know about cars. As for you, Linda, you're not gonna be able to spend one penny of that prize money to fix up your garage. Come again, Mr. Hobbs? I'm gonna pay for it myself. Yeah, and we'll pitch in and help with the work, right, Hobbs? You're gonna be tough competition, but there's room for both of us. Welcome to the neighborhood. Thank you, Mr. Hobbs. Catch. Come on, Bob. Hey, how about that? Even Schlepper carper gives you. Wonderbug. Wonderbug. Faster than fast, shorter than smart. Wonderbug. When you hear the horn, help is on the way. So clap your hands, shout hooray for the wonderful, the wonderful, wonderful. Going to stage 16. What if nobody answers our ad? Actors are always looking for work. This is beautiful. They're gonna think that they're acting in a movie, and we got them pulling off a robbery. Boss, you're a genius. I always have been. Now what we'll do is pick the first three actors that don't look too sharp. Gee, I hope we hit the job. Yeah, I can really dig that acting scene. How's this? To be or not to be? I don't know. It's not gonna work. Don't worry. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. We are not to be. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's that guy saying, Mary? He says, it's not to be. Ha ha ha. Sir, can you tell me where stage 16 is? Thanks. Stainton. Huh? Is this stage 16? Mm-hmm. Ah! The points are all in. The yoyos that almost ran us down. He said dumb enough to drive a heap like that. Believe anything we tell him. Hi. We're here about that acting job at... Oh, I'm really sorry about that near miss. Yeah, our brakes went out. One of our better days. Usually the whole car goes out. Ha ha ha. Forget it. We got work to do. You mean we're hired? Good director can recognize talent. Now, kids, the job calls for one quick scene for which you'll get $300. That's pretty good. Pretty gooder than good, baby. And I like stark realism. That's why I don't believe in rehearsals. Mr. Jennings is a genius. Now listen closely. You see that set over there? An actor will pull up in a white sedan. He will get out carrying an out of shape case and head for the door of that little house. You young lady will distract him. You two will grab his case and take off in your car. Man, just like a crooked mod squad. Ha ha ha. Now you'll drive down that street. You'll turn left at the first alley. You'll see a blue trash can by an old scenery dock. You'll drop the case in it and drive off. We got a hidden camera there to pick up the action. That's it. Come back here and you get paid. That's all we have to do for $300? Yeah. Keith, that's almost like stealing. Yeah, isn't it? Are you all set? All right, now you keep him going. I'm gonna wait for you in the car, all right? Okay. Here he comes now. Get ready for action. Come on, come on. The case. Get the case. Sir, oh, sir, have you seen him? I can't find him anywhere. Seen who? What have you lost? A hippopotamus, Rudolph. And a red carnation in his lapel. Yes, well, if you'll excuse me, Miss. My mom. Help, police! I've been robbed! This is a top of my spot. Stop them! Stop that car! What is it? They're getting away with Beth Piler's jewels. Relax, relax. Stars don't wear real jewelry in pictures. Beth Piler does, and they're worth a million dollars. We're in business, old world friends. Hey, man! They're going to crash! Oh, Lord, I can't look! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, Lord, I can't look! Ah! Oh, thanks, Wonderbug. That was quick thinking. Yeah. Thanks, pal. Oh, shucks. I don't believe it. I never miss hitting that truck. Big W, we love you. Any of you guys see the hidden camera? No. Those guys really know how to hide a camera. That's a lot. A million bucks worth of jewels, and it's all ours. We owe it all to those kids. We also owe them $300. I wonder if Steve McQueen started this way. Aw, come on, you guys. It takes a lot of hard work to become superstars. But I'll tell you who's a real good actor. That dude we stole the case from, he acted like he was real surprised. Well, $300, here we come. Hey, they're the ones who stole the jewels. Rob them. I have a hunch the dude is not acting. I have a hunch I have the same hunch. Move it, slap. Oh, slap. I'm gonna have a... No excuses. I just hope we got here before the crooks did. But I'll bet we didn't. You win your bet. We're in big trouble. Let's get out of here. They can identify us, man. But we didn't know we were robbing anybody. We're innocent. Yeah, but how are we gonna prove it? Maybe some music will help. Three young thieves made their getaway in a dilapidated old car. They made off with more than a million dollars in jewelry. Sorry about that, Schleppie. These are for the three young people. The license number... Come on, guys. They're gonna be looking for us. We are doomed. Doomeder than doomed. Come on, Cece. Look on the bright side. There must be a bright side. Maybe if we find the crooks before the police find us. Maybe if we find the crooks before the police find us. Gee, Mary, why didn't I think of that? Come on, man. That idea is ridiculous. For a slick idea, come to Cece. Now, what we gotta do is get 200 bags of models. Roll them down the aisle. Why don't we just pull the same bit on them that they pulled on us? Hey, wait a minute. It's coming to me. Why don't we pull the same bit on them that they pulled on us? You mean we give them a taste of their own medicine? Now, that's a plan, my man. You've done it again. He certainly has. He's got a lot of cash. Here they come. You will remember your parts, and you will enjoy it. Ouch! Thank you. Hey, hey, clear the road. Hey, out of the way. I do not care how long you have been a star. When you work with me, you will do what I say. Hey, mister. We'll climb to the top of the tower. And we'll swoop down, take the two heads, can mark them together. Thank you. Hold it, hold it. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Ach, ach, ach, ach, ach. The two actors, come with me. You're mistaken. Fritz von Weizgei, the famous European director, never makes mistakes. Except, of course, for my five marriages, but... You will make your entrance from over there. And the stupid-looking one coming from behind there. Look, we're not actors. Heh. There are many actors who are acting who are not actors. Listen here, ham-ball. His name is Fritz von Weizgei. We're driving through here. And if anybody gets in the way, it's just too bad. The battery's dead. What are we gonna do now? No problem. If you borrow a car, it just happens to be handy. Heh, heh, heh, heh. Nice job, Susan. I know. The plane is working, you guys. They're taking Wonderbug now. Look, let them think they're pulling a fast one. What kind of driving is that? I don't know, I don't know what's going on here. This is crazy. It must be operated by remote control. Hey, look out for a stone wall. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Hey, you think I will die? What are you doing? Hello there. What are you doing here? I'm doing a television show. You better get out, out, out, out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. We're sure glad you got our message, officer. For your sake, I hope it's true. Believe us, it is. Truer than true. Hey, look, here they come now. Ah, ah, ah. Sorry, we give up. I quit. That's Harrison and Fro. We've been looking for these guys for years. Do I like your bubbles? Man, I am sure glad we were able to prove our innocence. And I will not be needing this anymore. Schlappcar, we're sure proud of you and Wonderbug. He sounds unhappy. Yeah, what did he say? He's sorry that movie job turned out to be a phony. He had his carburetor set on being Hollywood's first four-wheeled superstar. Ah, don't worry, Schlapp. What you did was even better. You're a real-life hero. You'll always be a big star to us. I sure hope this benefit game will keep the orphanage from being torn down. Are you kidding, girl? We're done Sutton pitching? We'll sell out faster than fast. Hey, Cece, let's see if we can get Mr. Sutton's autograph while they're warming up. Right. You better get a rest, little buddy. Your pistons must be pooped. Hey, hey, hey! I got it made. Once we get this guy Sutton out of the game, everybody's going to want their money refunded, eh? Yeah, beautiful. And with no money, no mortgage paying for the orphanage, the land is ours, eh? You got it, you got it. All right. Wow, look at that. No wonder they call him the fastest gun in the West. Got good stuff today, don't you? And look who's catching those bullets, Steve Yeager. Right. Hey, hey, Donnie baby. All right. How's the old arm today? The old arm is real fine. How's yours? Huh, are you kidding, right-hander? Well, just yesterday I was showing Tommy Siever the old spitball. Tommy Siever, is that all for today? That's enough. I'll see you in the locker room, huh? Okay, okay, you got it. Mr. Sutton, would you give me your autograph, please? Sure, got your pen? Oh, yeah. Okay. I'm good, chum. Lay it on me too, golden arm. C.C. is the name and baseball is the game. Hey, Don Sutton, I brought the phone call. Excuse me. Catch you later, all right? I don't believe this. I'll never get his autograph. Oh, sure you will. That's right, Barry. That dude is no dud. Hey! Get him! Somebody just pinched our pitcher. That means it's time for Wonder Bug. How can somebody do your thing? The big W rides again. Yeah, I'm just a man. Come on, Wonder Bug. Yeah! Come on, Wonder Bug. Yeah! W! I can't believe that somebody poached our pitchers. We better search the park again. He's got to be here. Let's do it. Whoa! I can't find him anywhere. Me neither either. All right, everybody just calm down. Hey, look, why don't we just ask that little old lady over there? Wait, I have a better idea. Why don't we just ask that little old lady right over there? There's an idea there, my man. You have got it again. Excuse me, Miss. Mrs. It's Ms. Listen, we're looking for Don Sutton, the pitcher. Have you seen him? Sure, he was lying on top of the frozen bananas. That's why I had to take Tooty Fruity here. Don Sutton on frozen bananas? Hey, the kidnappers must have driven him off in the ice cream truck. Doom, doom, and double doom. Now we'll never find him. We will if we go to 2754 Preston Avenue. How do you know that? That's the address written on this ice cream wrapper. Barry, my man, now I know why you're in the driver's seat. Let's go. What's the matter, Schleppcar? What are you talking about? What's he saying, Barry? He says if we're going in there, be careful not to get creamed. Oh, Schlepp, this is no time for humor. You can't beat it. This place is closed. Oh? I suppose Donnie Sutton closed it for you, huh, buddy boy? Say you know what's happening. Grab him, Roscoe. The only thing I know is it's time to go. Donnie Sutton! Hey, I'm sorry you guys had to get all involved in this. I wish there was something I could do. There is. Can I have a quick autograph? Well, I am a little tied up. I can dig it. No, no, no, no, no, you get going, man. It's only one hour until the game starts. Wonderbug, where are you? Wonderbug's still at the factory. He'll never find us. So, so what are they saying? The crowd at the ballpark, they're screaming for their money back. It's not for a celebration. I'll go get us some popsicles. Popsicles? I like brown. Brown popsicles. Hey, Snyder, come here. You gotta hear this. Guys, without Wonderbug, it looks like we're gonna have to save Don ourselves. Yeah, but we're still hemmed in by the ham. Right. Here's what we do. Ow! That's sharp. Barry, my man, you have done it again. I have? Oh! I have. I have. All right, I've got a plan. We get an apple pie, King Kong, and a thermometer. Take the thermometer. No, no, Harry. What we'll do is we'll just fight fire with fire. See, we'll dress up like gangsters and we'll out-hoodlum those hoodlums. There's no time for that, Susan. Hey, I have a better idea. Why don't we just dress up like gangsters and out-hoodlum those hoodlums? On with the plan, Barry, my man. It just isn't fair. You guys are lucky my hands are tied. Yeah, otherwise you'd throw us a coin, huh? Throw us a coin, Dad! You've got to come along, son. Godfather, you've got to help me. Please, please. My brother, he refuses to come down from the ferris wheel unless you forgive him. You should not have said what he said. Is that the Godfather? Listen, you pelukes, I got a fat bet on the game today. I hear you've been moving in on my territory. This upsets me greatly. Godfather, we, uh... It's like your brother's going to have company on that ferris wheel. Oh, look, Godfather, no. We'll do anything you say. Anything? Sure, sure, just name it. Can I have Don Sutton's autograph? Uh-oh. From these guys to demons. It's those kids again. Grab them! Don't forget the autograph. You better watch it, dude. Look out behind you. I fought him for that old trick. Don't get your big W. That's it, Wonderbuck. Come on! Can't go anywhere without these. Hey! Here's the perfect pitch to top it off with. All right! I'm here at the pitch now. I'm all short. Ease up with it. It's a long throw to first. Wow, getting Don Sutton back for the game really saved the orphanage. You know, I bet those two guys wish they were here instead of in jail. You know, I've never been in a bullpen before. This is terrific. Yeah, Susan, and so is Don Sutton. We're ahead six to nothing. Yeah, real terrific. But I still never got his autograph. Sutton winds up the pitch. It's a fastball. Berkey swings connects. Deep in the right field, it's going. Going! It's gone! Barry! This is for you. For me? Whoa! I finally got Don Sutton's autograph! What'd he say, Barry? He says he got an autograph too. On his tires. Hey, rest your eyes on this. Miller just escaped from prison. Whoa! Wasn't he the one who stole that famous Chinese art object years ago? It says here the whole police force is looking for him. And the solid gold-picking duck. Yeah, Jack, it's worth about two million bucks. Two million bucks? That's not bad for a duck that can't even lay an egg. They think it's hidden right here in Chinatown. It's okay, Schleppcar. A little chicken chow mein will settle your nerves. Great idea, Barry, my man. Hey, Schlepp, a few squirts of soy sauce, and we'll take the bugs right out of his plugs. Not yet. Wait till the kids leave. I'll have some chicken chow mein, please. Thank you. Egg foo yum, and the younger the better. Wub gum one ton, easy on the gum, heavy on the ton. With or without chili? With and heavy on the mayo. Quick, now get out of here. Go get the bab. Sub gum one ton, easy on the gum, heavy on the ton. With chili, and heavy on the mayo. Wait a second, you ain't gonna believe this, but I just give that kid the fortune cookie with the map in it. What? You're coming with us. Without that map, we don't find a pinking duck. Hey, forgot the mayo, too. Go to Ling Toy Antique Shop. Ask for funny foo manchu. That's an awfully strange place to go to get mayonnaise. I wonder if you can put trouble between two slices of bread. Well, we're gonna find out. You gotta stop him, boss. Let Briggs do it. Right. Briggs, broken down heap with three kids in it turning it to Cherry Street. They got the map. You know what to do. Gotcha, Silky. There, my man, emergency action. Trouble coming with a capital T, look. The truck's headed right for us. We need Wonder Bug. Do your thing, little buddy. Okay, big W, stop that runaway truck. Whoa. All right, Wonder Bug. Man, they don't make Briggs the way they used to. You know, I don't understand. I ask for foo manchu, and I get a fortune cookie instead. And this one's twice as big as the first. Hey, it's written in Chinese. Excuse me. I couldn't help but over here. You see, I happen to collect unusual Chinese fortunes. In fact, I'll give you ten bucks for that one. Sold! No, thanks. We're going to keep it and get it translated. That's your loss. By the way, there's a shop that translates Chinese just around the corner. Have a nice day. Susan, you just blew ten dollars. Why would a complete stranger offer us money for a Chinese fortune? I think if we get it translated, we'll be able to solve this mystery. Hey, wait a second. You know, I think we should get this translated. It may just help solve this mystery. Great idea, my man. You have done it again. I'll never learn. Step light up, ladies and gentlemen. Translations of all languages performed at low cost. Chinese translations performed at no cost. Now, that's what Sisi calls cheap. Let's do it. Ah, you're researching translating. Yes, this. We'll do it. You must put fingers in here, please. Very good. Thank you. Excuse me, what are we supposed to do now? Get out of it. I've got the map. Hey, what a great horn. Come on. I wonder how you spell trouble in Chinese. Honk Horner. Susan. Don't you see? It was Honk Horner who tricked us into coming here. Honk Horner. I don't believe it. This is the Peking duck is buried on the Honk's food stand. Foolish baby. No wonder Wonderbuck didn't come to our rescue. Look, Schnapps' horn is gone. What happened to your horn, chum? Honk Horner took that too? Doom, doom and double doom. Now how are we going to get it back? We rent an elephant, 18 pairs of roller skates, and the UCLA marching band. When in Chinatown, do as a Chinese do. Well, look, we'll disguise ourselves as a Chinese philosopher and two of his assistants. There's no time for that, Susan. Hey, wait a minute. I've got a better idea. Why don't we simply disguise ourselves as a Chinese philosopher and two of his assistants? Now that idea is cooler than cool, boy, my man. You have done it again. I found it. Come on, let's tell the boys. Greetings, honorable friends. I, Confusing Wong. I am honorable chairman, Chinatown Chinese New Year. This year of horn. Right on, Honorable Wong. Perhaps got honorable horn from old car to donate for festival. Like horn ripped off from honorable schlep car. Thank you. And may Peking duck never fly at night. What? I mean, may police not find you with two million bucks? Wong. It's those kids. Give me the horn. Give me the horn. What's that? Who cares? Come on. All right. I'm going to get you. You see, buddy boy, now you know why Confusing Wong always say, crime doesn't pay. Man, that was gooder than good. I sure do love Chinese duck. Yeah, so did Duke Miller. Did you see his face when the police showed up? Yeah, Barry, my man. He looked like somebody had put too much hot sauce on his egg roll. What's he saying, Barry? All Chinese proverb, too much hot sauce on egg roll gets you in deep hot water. That's our schlepper. Susan, can I have the wrench? Come on, schlepper, I don't want to be late picking up cousin Larry. Hey, Bear, this cousin Larry of yours is one bad dude, man. Check this out. Larry Buntrock, teenage ESP genius who predicted the winners of six major sporting events goes for his seventh today at the LA Race Track Jack. Wow, is he really that good, Barry? Well, it's like I say, genius runs in the family. Wow, hey, it's over, though. What did the slepper say, Barry? He said, soda's being short. That cousin Barry is never on time. One moment. I shall employ my ESP. He'll be here in two, no, three, no, six minutes. Well, that's not too deplorable. See, I told you, that's the guy who's going to pick the winner of today's big race. What are we waiting for? Let's grab him. Uh-oh, I am receiving that feeling again. I perceive, I perceive two fellows sneaking upon something, and what they're sneaking upon is, is, is me. Hey, come back here. Yeah, you're going to make us rich. Oh, no, I'm not. Hey, that was Larry. Yeah, he's always joking around. Well, he's not laughing, and neither are those two dudes chasing him. Hey, Larry, quit fooling around. Help. Okay, hold it right there, funny boys. Of course, on the other hand, don't hold it right there. Barry, we need Wonder Bug. There's no time for that, Susan. Obviously, we need Wonder Bug. Okay, little buddy, you've got to help Larry. Now we got you. I don't believe it. It's Roy Rogers on wheels. Let's beat it out to the racetrack. We'll grab the boy, Gene, and stare. Right. Way to go, Big W. Thank you. Who are those guys? I'm not certain. Look, fellows, the one thing that is important is my arriving to the racetrack on time to pick my seventh winner. Hey, Larry, I think maybe you should forget about today's race. It could be dangerous. Wait a second. I've got a plan. We get 14 Kralmine's paratroopers, the Osmonds, and a tub full of melted Rocky Road ice cream. Wait a minute. Why don't we try to fool those guys into believing that Larry's Barry and Barry is Larry? And then we can catch them. Why don't we just fool those guys into thinking that Larry is me and I am Larry? Right on Barry my man. Yes, that is superlative, cousin. I don't believe it. Gee, Schlepp, I sure hope those crooks believe that I'm Larry. Now, when they do, you give me your old Wonder Bug charge, okay? Gee, Larry, I sure hope those crooks think that Barry is you. One moment. I perceive. I perceive. Those Sphinx are getting closer. Uh-oh, where are they, man? I cannot discern as of yet. I must perceive with greater intensity. Gee, I sure hope there aren't any smart crooks around trying to snatch this boy genius. Got ya, boy genius. Oops, wrong prediction. Go get him, Wonder Bug. Hey, Wonder Bug, Wonder Bug, I got him. Go get him, Wonder Bug. Wonder Bug, don't tell me your horns clog with hay. No, help. One moment. I am receiving an image. Of what? Help. Barry yelling for help. Uh-oh, what was your first clue? I think it was Barry's yelling for help. Come on. Help. Yelling for help. Oh, no, they got Barry. Come on, slept cop, do your thing. He can't. They got slept snort, too. Whoa, now my man Barry is in double trouble. Larry, hurry, the only chance we have to find Barry is your ESP. Okay, boy genius, it's time to play Pick the Winner. Oh, sure. Okay. Pick a card, any card. I'm talking about picking the winner of the race. Just kidding. Okay. Winner of the race. Pick the winner of the race. Okay, here we go. Wait a minute, I'm seeing something. I see, I see, I see nine four-legged hairy beasts running for a finish line. Yes, that's right, horsies. Whoa, hey, that's great. Will you cut it out? Okay, boy genius, what is the number of the race? The number of the race, yes. That's a good question. Yeah, is it the fifth race? Hey, hey, hey, look, look, he's supposed to be telling you. Which darling? Are you getting a message? I perceive an image. I perceive my cousin Barry, but the image remains fuzzy. Well, clean up the fuzz, cuz. Is install number nine. Install number nine is right on time. Let's move it. No, no, I have it. It starts with a P. Fister. P-F-I-S-T-E-R. Blister. There ain't no Fister blister here. How about Mr. Blister? Busted blister? Hey, there's a friendly sister. That's the one, friendly sister by three lengths. Wow, look, she's 25 to one. We did it, Cleveland. You go place the bets. Hey, look. A friendly sister does not have a chance. Neither does our friendly brother Barry, unless we get Schlepp's horn back. One moment. I have devised a plan. We get Eddie Arcaro, Willie Shoemaker, and 15 fried yaks. No. We'll disguise ourselves as gypsies, and we'll say we need a horn to predict the winner in a horse race. Susan, there does not exist enough time for that postulation. However, why do not we simply disguise ourselves as gypsies who are in need of a horn in order to effectuate the prediction of the winner of a horse race? Barry, I don't know what you said, but your cousin Barry would be very, very proud. Right on. I guess it runs in the family. Okay, all that goes on, friendly sister, to win. Yeah, now we're going to watch the race, and if your prediction is wrong, then I predict that you is going to be in big trouble, my man. Hey, come on, guys, come on. Hey, come on, don't do this. What is this? We are hungry Hungarian fortune tellers, sir. We have had a vision, a vision of friendly sister, a finish. So who wins? Well, the only way to tell that is by the vibrations of a mystical magical horn. A horn? You mean like a trumpet? No, no, I mean like that one. How am I doing? Yes, thank you. Ooh. Ooh. Oh, spirit of the horn, tell us what the future holds for friendly sister. Uh-oh, the future holds trouble. It's those kids again. See, she's a magical horn. Go get them, Big W. I'm going to get out of here. They're heading for the track. I'll get Barry. Go, Big W. They're rounding the bar guard. It's Dashing up on the roll on top. Banana Bend is second. Had enough is third. And coming up on the outside is... Yes, it is. Two men in a car. Over at Big W. Yes, Wonder Bug. And into the home stretch. Group of Wonder Bugs. With bulldogs sticking close to the inside. And fans, you won't believe what I see. The car is actually lassoing the two guys. And the winner is... And in dead last is... And two very sorry-looking guys. What to say, Kurt? Your ESP is something else. One moment. The winner of the next race is... My seventh prediction. Bye now. You see? I told you, genius runs in the family. Well, genius, let us not forget that your prediction came in last. Well, Larry may have all the brains in the family, but I... I got... I got Schleppkarm. Yeah, now that's what Cece calls... Genius! Gee, what a perfect day to take a drive by the ocean. Yeah, it's about time Schleppkarm had a day's vacation. Just think, here we are at Marineland. Where the eels and the dolphins all play. You know, they say that the dolphins here can do anything that humans can do. Big deal. So can Schleppkarm. What's he saying, Barry? He says the only problem is the dolphins do everything on Piper's. There you go. Good job, Shorty. Okay, guys, let's try it again. Okay, Bubbles? Let's go, Schleppkarm. Good job, Shorty. All right, Bubbles, let's go. Good job. All right. Good job. Good job, Squirt. Come on in here, guys. Good job. Harry, I thought we came to steal the dolphin decoder, not to watch the corny fish act. Hey, relax, Trixie. First we gotta make sure we're not being followed. Right. All right, Squirt. Good job. All right, let's try it just one more time now, guys. Here you go, Shorty. All right. Ready? Let's go. Come on. Let's get that dolphin decoder. Help! Hey. Uh-oh. Something tells me that sounds like trouble. Yeah, and it's coming from that tank. Let's go. Help! Help! Help! Oh, thanks. Oh, my gosh, there's a whale in there with him. Help! Do your thing, Wonder Bug! Hang on, mister. Help's on the way. Help! I don't believe it. They've stolen the dolphin decoder. Aw, come on, Michael. I wonder where are you gonna decode a dolphin? No, no, see, see, it's a machine that lets people talk to dolphins. And the dolphins can talk back? Right. Sounds like my brother. I'm going to town to get the sheriff. You kids be careful and stay together. Oh, we will. But I'm not so sure about slut cards. Okay, let's see if this works. Dolphin, get this ball and bring it back to me. Okay, here goes. Hey, what do you know? It works. Okay, Harry, so now let's pick up those diamonds we hid. Relax, Trixie. First we need one more thing. Him. That must be those dastardly villains. Yeah, and the two bad dudes too. Let's move out. Hey, what's that? I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. Uh-oh, here comes trouble. Relax, CC, I have a plan. Let's get out of here. That's the plan. Hold it, you kids. Trixie, looks like it's time for three little fishies to go swimming in the sea. Oh, yeah, buddy boy. Show him, Wonderbug. Who? Wonderbug, show him. Oh no, his horn dropped off. Whoa, time for us to drop out. Okay, Trixie, don't let him get away. Okay, stop. All right, don't let him get out of your home. Get down, Harry. Oh well, easy come, easy go. What yet? Okay, all right, get the girl, get the girl. I got you. Whoa. Trixie, we got him. Harry, my man, this is the last time I follow you anywhere. So much for that. Harry, the diamonds. Let's get that dolphin down to the beach. Right. Wonderbug! Well, here we are trapped in a cage while those crooks escape with a dolphin decoder. Doom, doom, and double doom. Wonderbug! Help! Wonderbug! Help! Help! Harry, will you hurry? Not so fast, I never carried a dolphin before. All right, here's the plan. We get a marine helicopter, four cross-eyed chimpanzees, and a crate of dental floss. You get it? Wait a minute, wait a minute, Harry. Why don't we use this rope to pull the cage door open? Because there's no time for that, Susan. Hey, wait a minute, Cece, I've got it. Why don't we just use this rope to pull the cage door open? One of the more brilliant minds of the age. Harry, my man, you have done it again. All right, let's do it. Everybody, give me some room. Here we go. Come on, let's go. I think we've hooked onto something. I wonder what it is. Who cares as long as it gets us out of here? Pull! Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Hi. Oh, oh, oh. Schleppcar, it was you. Good old Schlepp. Right on, you old, over-dope you. Guys, we've got to find those crooks. Right, let's get the horn out of the dolphin tank right now. Oh, no, the horn's gone. And so's one of the dolphins. These aren't exactly your typical run-of-the-mill bad dudes, my man. Hey, guys, there they are on the beach. And they've got the decoder and Schlepp's horn, too. Okay, that did it. This time, no more Mr. Nice Guy. Right. Oh, let's get out of here. Dolphin, find the bag of diamonds. Whatever you want. Gary, I've got to give you credit. You know, hiding the diamonds in the bottom of the ocean was sheer genius. So that's it. Jewel thieves. Oh, man, that is lower than low. Right. We've got to stop them. Yeah, but first we have to get Schleppcar's horn back. I've got a plan. All we need is an Egyptian belly dancer, four skydivers, and a four-poster bitch. Why don't we just use our underwater disguises? There's no time for that, Susan. Hey, wait a minute. Why don't we just use our underwater disguises? Brain power. Give me your hand, Barry, my man. Brain power? Bonjour, mon ami. Jacques Cucu here. The noted undersea explorer. And voila, ma noted zone, Pierre. Bonjour, monsieur. I have discovered the secret of the conversing with the fishes. Observe. Oh, the fish. Come here, fishy. Hello, fishy. Cory, that's a shark. Some people talk, oh, big Latin. I talk, pull your base. Well, I've always wanted to speak in a foreign language. You think that is good? If I had the horn, hello, this what we do. You mean this piece of junk? I love the bottom. We got the diamond. And we have the horn, you shucks. It's those kids again. And on that, bro, it's time to go. Here's the horn, little buddy. Pull your base. That's it, first a talking shark, now a flying car. I'm getting out of here. Help, stop. Help, help. Help, stop. What are you looking for? We're getting away. Not if Wonderbuck can help it. Hold on. Hurry, do something. That dog was attacking us. That crazy car is making them do it. Help, stop. Help, we're in your house. Not a bad day's fishing, Wonderbuck. You caught yourself a couple of slippery eels. Yeah, a couple of eels will soon be up the river. Thank you and for all you've done for Marine Land. That's a great trick. I didn't even get to work on Sl Thou. Hello Mr. Collins, I'm from Moonbeam Motors. Here's your Jaguar. Where is it? Right over here sir. Yes sirree Bob sir, isn't she a beauty sir? A little automobile humor sir. Yes, yes, you see the real reason I came by was to tell you that your car will be ready tomorrow sir. I'd hate to be seen arriving at my board meeting downtown on a skateboard. Well, see you tomorrow sir. Have a nice day sir. I wonder why Barry asked us to meet him at this address. What's the matter Schleppart? Sounds to me like he's got a hood cold. Hey, shhh, hey! Good sun tight Schleppart. Thank you. I think his basket just blew a gasket. Susan, Cece! Hey Barry my man, what's wrong man? Oh, you're not going to believe this. I delivered the Jaguar just like I was supposed to and I turned around and it was gone. Poof! Cool it Schleppart, my main man Barry is talking. Barry, cars don't just go poof. Oh yeah? Well this poof was a twenty thousand dollar poof. Whoa, that's a whole lot of poof. There's nothing to sneeze at Schleppart. Barry, what's that? Huh? Whoa, it's a list of cars and there's a bunch of them that have crossed out. Including your Jaguar. I'm calling the police. The FBI. Charlie's Angels. Whoa! Come on Cece, get out of the way. I'm trying man, I'm trying. Barry, why don't we just call Wonderbug and have him search the area from the air. Susan, there's no time for that. Hey, wait a minute. I've got a better idea. Why don't we just honk for Wonderbug and then search the area from the air. My man, you are cruising again. Here we go again. Okay, that's good. Alright, Wonderbug. Yeah, Wonderbug. Alright, let's go Big W. Yeah, we're gonna find ourselves one classy chassis. Ha ha! You see anything Brother Barry? Not much, just a dog, a cat and a new red Mercedes. A new red Mercedes? What's next on the carnapper's list? Okay Wonderbug, let's go down and take a look. Stop teasing with the sneeze and schlep. So that's how they got my Jaguar. Mr. Collins, your Mercedes. Nice going, Warden. How did we do? This one's a beauty. Oh, yes. But this one, it's a piece of junk. Hey! Hold it right there, you two. Yeah dudes, that piece of junk is our piece of junk. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? This is what we're talking about, buddy boy. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Going around shrinking helps us little cars like that. Sorry kids, we were just having a little fun with my new invention. Alright, enough of the small talk. We want this little piece of junk turned back into our big piece of junk. No problem, kids. Right this way to the enlarging room. Everything will be alright. What enlarger? What's an enlarging room? Here we are. Okay, hand over that jalopy. Now how do you go about this enlarging? Oh, right in here. We just reverse the process. You may watch if you like. Alright. Hey, let's get out of here. Come on, come on. Alright, alright, everybody just calm down. Schlepp's horn must be stuffed up by that cold again. Yeah, he's stuffed up and we're stuffed in. Well, if we don't get out of here, we may never see Wonder Burger Schlepp car again. All set for reverse action. Good. Let her go. It's fantastic. Let's move it on the line. Park it over here. Okay. It's no use. We sure could use Wonder Bug now. Forget it. We've been done in by Schlepp's stuffed schnoz. Do you hear what I hear? Right on Big W. Alright, Wonder Bug. Now get this door open. Yeah, Wonder Bug. Alright, Wonder Bug. Wonder Bug. He's so tiny. We've got to find those crooks so they can unshrink him. What's he saying, Barry? His jive is in overdrive. He says we don't have to call anybody. He'll show us where the crooks are. I hope he doesn't pop a piston. The little W says they're back there. Whoa. Whoa. Let's get it on the line. Yeah. Okay. Did you see that? These are not your average run-of-the-mill turkeys. Okay, Schleppette. Now, we have to figure out a way to make you big again. Wait. I've got it. First, we get, are you ready? Yeah. The Air National Guard to fly in and lay a smoke screen over the whole... Wait a minute. Why don't we just disguise ourselves as motor vehicle inspectors? There's no time for that, Barry. Hey, I've got a better idea. Why don't we disguise ourselves as motor vehicle inspectors? Terrific idea, Susan. Slap me. Okay, don't nobody move. This is a big fat raid. Department of Motor Vehicles. What? We're checking anti-smog devices. Anti-smog. He's clean. What about this? Give me that. This way. Violation. License tilted. These bumpers are bumpy. These shocks are shocking. The fenders are falling. The tires are tired. Glass is glittering. Oh, the brakes are breaking. He's done it again. He's a head-hugger. Susan. Here, Barry. Get a slug car. Quick, Barry. Get Slug Car's position so that we can enlarge him. Hey, get away from that machine. We'll teach him to deal with a couple of fat cats. Fantastic. Look at him grow. Welcome back, Slag. Do your thing, buddy. All right, let's go. Let's get out of here. We got a chance. We give up. We give up. We give up. We give up. We give up. We give up. We give up. No more. Hey, what's the matter, you guys? Wonder Bug tire you out? Would you believe it? A $20,000 car and the engine conks out. See, Schlapp, it doesn't matter how big you are or how good you look. It's what's inside that counts. Hey, you know what? Hey, you, again. Okay, wait here. I'll get it. Hurry, Barry. You know, I still can't believe it. Little Johnny Little Cloud inheriting an oil well. Well, that's why I asked you guys to help. If I don't find a way to make $500 by midnight, I lose the oil well. Wow. No wonder you sent us a smoke signal. How are we going to get $500 by midnight? No prob. We pump up some oil and then sell it. There they go. Heading this way. That's what the kid looks like. I hope he doesn't give us any trouble. Not after they hit that oil slick, which should be right now. Oh, no, but you're an oil slick. Try to steer out of it. I can't. We're heading for the church. Oh, no. Whoa. It worked. Of course. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah. Chop up another one for the big W. Yeah. Split it in reverse. One, two, five. Straight up. First of all, I really have to hand it to you. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Yes. Now that is evil. Here he comes. Oh, no. It's those kids again. Cece, Susan, John, what are you standing around for? Just doing a little juggle on a Mr. High. Sharky and Mr. Meeker sprayed you with evil spray. Well, we'll fix them with the help of Wonder Bug. Okay, no prob. We get seven coconuts, 12 tap dancers, and a bar of soap. Hey, why don't we just disguise ourselves as Arabs and buy the horn back? There's no time for that, Susan. Hey, wait a minute. I've got a better idea. Why don't we just disguise ourselves as Arabs and buy the horn from them? Here is my man who are cooking eggans. I know. It happens all the time. What is that? A thousand pardons, e-fendi. All right, you're part. Now please go away. Yes, but you see, I am Ali Mohammed, the famous greatest oil sheep. Oil sheep? Precisely. And these are my dancing girls. Thus my desert flowers. You see, native folk dances make me homesick. Okay, sheik, either you tell me what's shaking or I'm going to shake a sheik. You see, I would like to purchase this oil well. This oil well? Precisely. It will give me a matched set of 700. Hey, we two million drachmas be attractive. Now, we must sound the ritual horn to bring good luck. Oh, shuckshee. We didn't forget the ritual horn, huh? Oh, wait, wait, wait. We have a horn. Try this horn. Let me see. Those kids again. Go get them, wonder man. What is that? I don't know, but I'm not waiting around to find out. The BW rides again. Get them all girls. You see what I see? I hope not. Give them both those. Watch out, it's getting closer. I give up. I give up. Now, that's what Cece calls putting the bad guys in the can. Now if we could only figure out a way to pay John's 500 dollar mortgage. That well ran out of oil years ago. Those crooks only used it to drill down in the Alaskan pipeline. That's why I'm here to arrest them. But since you kids caught them, you've earned yourselves a 1000 dollar reward. 1000 dollars? That'll pay off the mortgage twice. And what does that say Barry? He says, oil's well that ends well. And the bottle's been gone. Keep those cards and letters coming in. Missed one? It's just a crazy world where anything goes down, where most of what appears isn't true. So in this crazy world, we like to be around and laugh and laugh along. SuperShot! SuperShot!