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Poster: TwoNucker Date: Nov 29, 2015 4:20am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Speaking of Kodak...

This is off topic but I have several old lightweight cameras in a dusty box. If you want them you can have then for the shipping costs. See picture.

Attachment: old_cameras.jpg

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Poster: cosmico Date: Nov 30, 2015 2:53am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Speaking of Kodak...

I can't use them as I collect only old Russian 35mm cameras, but they might be of interest to HappySwordsman. Thanks for the offer! :)

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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Nov 30, 2015 7:19pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Speaking of Kodak...

I get so nervous though, which is why I am reluctant.

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Poster: cosmico Date: Dec 1, 2015 3:33am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Speaking of Kodak...

Understood. So I believe you have mentioned having a "Smena" (Смена) camera from Russia? A friend of mine once told me that the Smena was a very popular camera in Russia back in the day.

I collect mainly Zenit cameras, and have gotten some as cheaply as $6 USD *new* on eBay. Also got a few old cine cameras; one 8mm, one Super 8, and one 16mm. All were very inexpensive, except for the 16mm one, with which I still hope to shoot a scene for my film.

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Poster: cosmico Date: Dec 2, 2015 12:24pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: To HappySwordsman

For some reason, this page won't allow me to reply directly to your post. It might be due to the web browser I'm using (Microsoft Edge on Windows 10). I may have to switch back to Opera or Chrome. In any case, thank you for the information about your Smena cameras. I have one of the Russian small "point-and-shoot" cameras, called a Vilia. The lens is a bit odd, in that some of the photos looked like they were taken with a Lomo camera, which is famous for its "pinhole" looking photography. I have been debating buying a Smena to add to my there a particular model you'd recommend? Here is a great page on Wikipedia, showing the various Smena models: I bought my first Zenit B 35mm still camera in 1970, and have always enjoyed using it, as it is completely manual in operation, that is, it has no automatic features at all! I also have a Zenit E and EM model. (Update: switched back to Chrome browser.)
This post was modified by cosmico on 2015-12-02 20:24:25

Attachment: vilia.jpg

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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Dec 2, 2015 6:52pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: To HappySwordsman (early colour television)

I've never been good at recommending things to people. But of the Smena cameras I own, I prefer the Smena Symbol. Here are some photos I took with it (I hope the links work and that I linked to the right's only 1:22PM where I live, but I woke up the previous day, so...): It's not a great camera by any means, but it has charm. On the subject of classic TV, expect some "Judge Roy Bean" over the next few days. It's not a great show by any means (although it too has charm), but it has historical value as one of the first shows shot in colour. People rarely discuss early colour TV....yet I imagine it must be a fascinating topic.
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2015-12-03 02:52:41

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Poster: cosmico Date: Dec 2, 2015 8:08pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: To HappySwordsman (early colour television)

Those are terrific photos, and thanks for sharing them!

I like the colors of the few minutes of the Judge Roy Bean that you uploaded. Reminds me a bit of the old Ferrania film I used to shoot.

I once had a book from around 1950, regarding color TV. It was mostly a technical manual, as it explained as well as showed (with slick color photos and many diagrams) the then-new consumer color TV sets, and how they worked. I believe the book was a part of my grandfather's library.

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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Dec 2, 2015 8:17pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: To HappySwordsman (early colour television)

Is there something wrong with the Judge Roy Bean episode upload? I viewed the file on my TV set and it was the complete episode, was the file corrupted when derived?

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Poster: cosmico Date: Dec 3, 2015 6:54am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: To HappySwordsman (early colour television)

Not that I'm aware of. I watched a few minutes, then skipped to the end to view the closing credits. I just didn't get to watch the whole show. I'm still trying to get my film ready to shoot.

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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Dec 2, 2015 12:45am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Speaking of Kodak...

To be exact, I have a Smena Symbol, Smena 8, Smena 8m, and Smena 35. I am actually trying to build up a collection of retro "low-end" but interesting cameras (for the same reason, I have a couple of British-made "Coronet" cameras of the 1950s. I'm amazed at how cheap some of the Coronet cameras can be to buy, considering their age and charm). The Smena cameras are very basic, but I've gotten some good photos from them. They make me think more about what I'm doing while taking the photo.
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2015-12-02 08:43:08
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2015-12-02 08:45:27

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Poster: HaarFager872 Date: Jul 22, 2016 5:49pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Speaking of Kodak...

I found some Smena 125 color film here awhile back and bought some; haven't with shot it yet, though. And I wasn't aware there were any other camera buffs on here. I've had my eyes on some Zenit slr's, (They look like they're built like tanks!), but not gotten any yet to add to my collection. Hint:
