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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Jan 1, 2019 2:04am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Which TV networks/channels will be remembered?

50 years from now, when television has long since ceased to exist, which networks/channels do you think will be remembered? For example, some of the networks/channels which I think will be remembered include CBS, Seven Network, BBC (which I very much expect will survive as a production company when TV broadcasts cease in a couple decades from now), and Thames Television (Thames ceased broadcasting in 1992, but remains quite famous). On the other hand, I suspect few people 50 years from now will have heard of The CW, UPN, SBS, and Channel 5 (UK). How about you? Which networks/channels do you think will be remembered 50 years from now, and which do you think will be forgotten?
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2019-01-01 07:46:30
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2019-01-01 07:50:52
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2019-01-01 10:04:25

Reply [edit]

Poster: C.S.Cameron Date: Jan 7, 2019 5:03am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Which TV networks/channels will be remembered?

I would think DuMont would be remembered for historical value.
CBC will still be broadcasting radio.
Fox will still be making films.

NBC, CBS, ABC who?

Reply [edit]

Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Jan 7, 2019 1:09pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Which TV networks/channels will be remembered?

Given their recent buy-out by Disney, I'm not entirely convinced 20th Century Fox will still be around 50 years from now....