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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Jan 22, 2019 1:19pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: What was the last classic TV series you finished?

Always wanted to see The Phil Silvers Show. Not sure if anyone on here finds this interesting, but here in Australia during the 1950s it was one of the most popular American imports, WAY more popular than "The Honeymooners" and "I Love Lucy".

Last night I finished "Mr. Bean", though I suspect most people would say it is too recent to be considered classic TV (although it debuted 29 years ago, so it's not exactly modern either). The show lasted less than 20 episodes, yet it took me over a year to finish it....needless to say, I'm not a binge watcher. I enjoyed the show.

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Poster: C.S.Cameron Date: Jan 23, 2019 4:34am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: What was the last classic TV series you finished?

Sgt Bilko has been my favorite ever since my parents would not let me stay up that late to watch it. Same with Hitchcock, but I would listen to the music.
Mr Bean is almost as much a classic as Fawlty Towers is I think.
Fawlty Towers is a classic classic.