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Poster: C.S.Cameron Date: Mar 10, 2019 6:41am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Copyright terms for TV from Spain, Germany, and Austria?

I guess that is why TV series like The three Stooges and The Little Rascals are still copyright, they started out as films and not broadcast TV.

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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Mar 11, 2019 3:10pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Copyright terms for TV from Spain, Germany, and Austria?

"The Three Stooges" and "The Little Rascals" are American, which does not have 50 year copyright terms for TV, and which has the same copyright laws for TV and film. I would explain American copyright law, but I'm lazy, and either way, I have a lot of trouble explaining things (I believe I mentioned I have mild autism several years ago. I'm not dumb, but damn it, I have trouble communicating, which is why I never use social media) Also, several episodes of both of those series have indeed entered the public domain. Perhaps someone less lazy than me would like to explain why?
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2019-03-11 22:06:12
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2019-03-11 22:10:41