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Poster: Chuckles47 Date: Jun 5, 2019 2:39pm
Forum: opensource_audio Subject: website presentation and design.

I am somewhat vision impaired, but not 'blind'.

The top bar is dark grey with light grey links.

I did not notice them in my frustrations of attempting to navigate the site.

Perhaps a sharper contrast would help.

I am primarily interested in audio books in the science fiction and western novels by Louie LaAmour, Luke Short, Zane Grey, etc.

"politically incorrect" series would be greqt if they are available at no cost.

Thank You

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Poster: TwoNucker Date: Jun 5, 2019 6:03pm
Forum: opensource_audio Subject: Re: website presentation and design.

Your preference for a different color scheme was voiced by others many times before the current, less the optimum, style was pushed on us. Unfortunately it is not possible to chose your own colors here.
This is what the old version looked like. Is this better?

A quick search shows these audio files in the Archive.
Zane Grey

And a couple of movies based on Louis L'Amore