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Poster: MPDMedia Date: Mar 17, 2020 6:28am
Forum: bobandraytoaster Subject: Re Tape 18

Reference to Moondog led me to this message board
(note, this link has a 'not secure' notice)

from a forum message by ApexJazz:
"In 1951, they broke onto the national NBC airwaves, more polished but not much. They were immediately heralded by comedians and writers, yet always flying slightly under the radar of public consciousness. They never achieved massive fame, which probably assured their longevity.
They had to be fertile because of the sheer creative output demanded on them.
For a period in 1953 they had a daily two hour morning WINS radio show (during commercials they would run down Rockefeller Center to improvise man-on-the-street bits for The Today Show), an afternoon NBC tv show, and a late night Mutual radio program. Understandably with that schedule they occasionally sound punch-drunk.
Their late evening Mutual show gives a flavour of both beatnik New York and the Broadway scene in the 1950s. With changing theme music by Moondog aka Louis Thomas Hardin (recorded from the streets) , constant plugs for the records of Leona Anderson and Florence Foster Jenkins, prank calling Stan Freberg, and cod-poetry readings, the show was an island of acceptance for the off-beat. Around this time they also introduced element of thf theatrical scene with the creation of Barry Campbell, the notorious Broadway failure, who would be interviewed about his latest futile venture (could be a newly opened-closed on the same night play, an all-girl orchestra, movies, insurance, or an ice cream truck)."