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Poster: 76in Date: Oct 1, 2022 7:05pm
Forum: movies Subject: Reporting CP

I flagged a movie that is CP. Is there any other way of reporting the movie/uploader so it gets removed faster?

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Poster: TheWatcher713 Date: Oct 17, 2022 3:22pm
Forum: movies Subject: Re: Reporting CP

WTF? Is Internet Archive not moderated???

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Poster: PacManBoi Date: Oct 7, 2022 10:08pm
Forum: movies Subject: Re: Reporting CP

Is it gone yet? Do not report it to the police as they may confiscate your computer and delete everything, or worse, get arrested for it. It’s better to leave it alone, and move on. You may get yourself in trouble by trying to report it to a government. To check if it was intentionally uploaded, check the Scanner field, if it says HTML5 in it, it was intentionally uploaded. If it says Python or Tubeup, it is most likely unintentional, as the person was archiving a large quantity of videos, and accidentally archived it. If that is the case, leave it alone. The person who ran the script would not like to get their life potentially ruined, as there seems not to be an exception on unintentional archival in the US law that I know of.

This post was modified by PacManBoi on 2022-10-08 03:05:09
This post was modified by PacManBoi on 2022-10-08 05:03:27
This post was modified by PacManBoi on 2022-10-08 05:08:25