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Poster: danielson524 Date: Nov 28, 2022 12:45pm
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Searching for Episodes of "Concentration" roughly 1969

Sometime from 1968-1970 my Grandmother "Mary" appeared on an episode of "Concentration" and I would love to be able to find any form of recording for her. I've looked online for years, and all I've found for advice is to call someone at NBCs archives division (they're extremely spotty with anything before 1979), or potentially at the Library of Congress, but I've had no luck with either.

Today I've found a few episodes uploaded here by User: HappySwordsman but I can't seem to find more than the one or two uploaded. If anyone may know how I can find a recording, please reply here.
For reference, here is the game show in question. Please note, this would have been "Concentration" not "Classic Concentration"

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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Nov 30, 2022 4:40am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Searching for Episodes of 'Concentration' roughly 1969

The two episodes I uploaded came from DVD-Rs I bought featuring material from private collections of old film prints. Unfortunately, it's hard to figure out exactly what these collectors hold. I believe one of the episodes came from a DVD released by a company called Shokus, but I don't know if that helps.

This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2022-11-30 12:37:59
This post was modified by HappySwordsman on 2022-11-30 12:40:32