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Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Today's mystery objects are a football and a football boot but where would you find them both? 
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Topic: CBEEBIES Bits And Bobs
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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The children at the Balamory nursery keep asking Miss Hoolie if they could have a disco, just like the older children at the junior school. PC Plum comes into the nursery and Miss Hoolie asks him if he could organise the disco and to be the disco DJ. PC Plum says yes but he doesn't know much about music, especially the music that the nursery children like to listen to. He goes off to visit Josie Jump because she plays a lot of music. Josie puts on some disco music and teaches PC Plum some dance...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sees a box of milk chocolates on her table. Unfortunately, when Miss Hoolie takes off the box lid, she sees that the box is empty! Archie comes into the cafe and tells Miss Hoolie that he is meant to be taking Liam out today. Liam is Stevie's cousin. Stevie was meant to be taking Liam out but he had to drive to the ferryboat instead. Archie wants to do something outside with Liam but he can't think of anything to do outside. Miss Hoolie suggests...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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It's Lunchtime, Make a tasty meal and enjoy a special treat with the CBeebies favourites Teletubbies-Picking Chillies Bob The Builder-Bob's Pizza Me Too!-Chocolate Boogie Beebies-Go Go Mango Charlie & Lola-I Will Not Ever Never Eat A Tomato Fimbles-Jelly Pingu-Pingu The Chef Tweenies-Milo's Sweets Big Cook Little Cook-Gingerbread Man The Roly Mo Show-Sandwitch Come Outside-Apples Postman Pat-Postman Pat & The Stolen Strawberries Balamory-Spaghetti Day
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Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and finds the cafe's dustpan and brush on her chair. She puts it on her table and then she sneezes, which was caused by the dust in the dustpan. Miss Hoolie gets out her handkerchief and drops bits of rubbish onto the floor. Then Miss Hoolie cleans up the mess and puts it in the bin. Afterwards, Penny and Suzie come into the cafe and Penny tells Miss Hoolie that people keep dropping rubbish outside their shop. Suzie tells Miss Hoolie that whenever...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Archie comes into the nursery and he is going to be giving a talk to the nursery children later on about where milk comes from. Archie has even made an invention to show the children where milk comes from and shows it to Miss Hoolie. Miss Hoolie loves it but she tells Archie that he needs to explain to the nursery children that milk comes from cows. Archie agrees with Miss Hoolie. He tells Miss Hoolie that Edie McCredie has a cardboard cut out cow, which he could borrow to show the children...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sees a pair of fairy wings on the table. She thinks that they might have got something to do with the Balamory fun run, which is happening today. Josie Jump arrives and asks Miss Hoolie if she had seen PC Plum. This is because Josie wants to ask him if he could start the Balamory Fun Run. Miss Hoolie says no. Then Josie tells Miss Hoolie that if she can't find PC Plum, then she will have to start and finish the race, which isn't good because...
Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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PC Plum comes into the nursery and tells Miss Hoolie that Josie Jump has a cold so she has to stay in bed. She is meant to be organising a few of the races for the Balamory sports day. PC Plum tells Miss Hoolie what she is going to be expecting at the sports day. PC Plum has organised tickets, parking and seating. Miss Hoolie is a bit confused. She asks PC Plum if he had organised any races but he says no. He asks Miss Hoolie what races people do at sports day. Miss Hoolie tells PC Plum that...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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As today is PC Plum's birthday, I'd thought I'd upload a Balamory episode featuring him in it.  Miss Hoolie finds some farm animals in her cupboard, which reminds her that Edie is going to be taking her and the nursery children to the MacLeods' farm later on. Edie arrives at the nursery and is a bit worn out. She's been rushing here and there, she even didn't have enough time to make her breakfast! Miss Hoolie gives Edie a slice of apple to cheer her up but then Edie knocks the whole plateful...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Spencer comes into the nursery and sees the nursery children painting lots of colourful swirls. He loves them. Then Spencer tells Miss Hoolie that Edie McCredie says that she is having a visitor staying with her. The visitor is the famous fiddle player from the Exclaimers band, Shiona Docherty. Miss Hoolie tells Spencer that Shiona is coming into the nursery later on to play her fiddle to the nursery children. Spencer is delighted about this. He always wanted to meet Shiona. Spencer tells Miss...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds a stethoscope in her cupboard, which reminds her that Archie will be helping her and the nursery children with a game later. Archie arrives at the nursery and Miss Hoolie tells Archie about the game that they are going to play later on. It's a hospital game, which the nursery children will be doctors and nurses using the teddies and the dolls. Miss Hoolie wants Archie to invent something to make the game more fun. So Archie goes off to Pocket and Sweet's to get some ideas for...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds some chattering teeth in her cupboard, which reminds her that the dental hygienist is coming into the nursery today to look at the nursery children's teeth. Josie Jump comes into the nursery and Miss Hoolie asks her if she came up with a routine, which the nursery children could follow to help them remember to brush their teeth. Josie made up a rhyme and she tells it to Miss Hoolie. Then Miss Hoolie tells Josie that she needs musical sounds to go with her rhyme. Josie thinks...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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PC Plum comes into the nursery and looks at what the nursery children are doing while Miss Hoolie makes him and herself a cup of tea. PC Plum's hair keeps getting flopped in front of his eyes so Miss Hoolie suggests to him that he goes to have a haircut. PC Plum tells Miss Hoolie that he never has time to have a haircut because he has so much to do. Edie McCredie comes into the nursery with one of the nursery children's lunchbox, which they left on the bus. PC Plum tells Edie about his floppy...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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It's Miss Hoolie's birthday today. Spencer comes into the nursery and asks Miss Hoolie if she opened up her post that she got so far. Miss Hoolie says yes and then Spencer asks Miss Hoolie if she dropped any post. Then Miss Hoolie asks Spencer why he is interested in her mail. Spencer tells Miss Hoolie that he sent her a "thing" in the post. Miss Hoolie tells Spencer she hasn't received it. Spencer tells Miss Hoolie that he got Edie to post it with all the other "things"....
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Spencer comes into the nursery with a great big bag of coloured paper. He doesn't know what to do with them and nor does Miss Hoolie. So Spencer goes to visit Archie as he is always full of ideas. Archie suggests that Spencer could turn the paper into party hats or kites. But Archie has a better idea. He takes the coloured paper and turns the sheets into a book. Spencer loves the book but it hasn't got any pictures in it! Spencer has no idea what pictures to put into the book so he goes off to...
Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

eye 2,102

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down at her table. Archie comes in with the Balamory Express in his hand. Archie tells Miss Hoolie that the ferry to the mainland is delayed again. Miss Hoolie isn't happy with this because she is taking some of her friends to a picnic. Archie gives Miss Hoolie his phone so that she can ring up the people who work on the ferry. Unfortunately, the ferry people are busy so Miss Hoolie tries ringing PC Plum but he is busy too. So Archie goes...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down on her chair. Archie arrives at the cafe with a beautiful bunch of flowers. He is going to be meeting his sister and his little niece for lunch and he wants to make a special effort for her. Miss Hoolie notices that Archie is wearing odd socks! Archie tells Miss Hoolie that he got in such a hurry this morning and he only found the two socks that he is wearing. Miss Hoolie tells Archie to go back to his house and find two socks that are...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie couldn't get to sleep last night because she heard loud noises outside. She found some earmuffs in her cupboard, which would be very handy for her. PC Plum arrives at the nursery and tells Miss Hoolie about the noisy sounds outside. They kept everybody in Balamory awake, apart from PC Plum himself, he was on badger patrol. Miss Hoolie tells PC Plum what kind of noise she heard. The noise was a deep booming noise and it kept on saying "yogurt pots, yogurt pots, yogurt pots"...
Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

eye 1,261

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Archie comes into the nursery, with a very tickly nose. He tells Miss Hoolie that he has managed to finish his printing machine, which is great news. He goes off to get some paint from Spencer and tells him all about his sneezing. After a while, Archie manages to work out why he is sneezing, he has a dog allergy! Dougie, Archie's Aunt's dog, is making Archie sneeze! Archie was supposed to take Dougie to the nursery this afternoon along with his printing machine but he can't now, due to his...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

eye 2,187

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Tricks, Ghost Stories and Spooky Adventures will be great fun with the CBeebies Favourites. Bob The Builder-Muck’s Monster Charlie & Lola- Boo! Made You Jump Pingu-Pingu Runs Away Little Robots-Fly Me To The Moon The Koala Brothers-Ned’s Scary Night LazyTown-Ziggy’s Alien Me Too!-Spooky Party Teletubbies-Pumpkin Face Balamory-Halloween Fimbles-Pumpkin Tweenies-I’m Scared Come Outside-Sewage Postman Pat-Postman Pat & The Spooky Sleepover Lunar Jim-Space Pirate
Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Penny Pocket comes into the nursery with an important message for Miss Hoolie. She tells her that Mya, one of the nursery children, won't be coming to the nursery because she is going to her cousin Sonia's indian wedding. Penny and Suzie have to organise everything for the wedding. Miss Hoolie thinks that the nursery children would like to learn about indian weddings. Penny tells Miss Hoolie that Sonia has been teaching Josie Jump some special indian dances that they do after the wedding so...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Trug spots some things that might be useful for a trip to the dentist. 
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Topic: CBEEBIES Bits And Bobs
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Edie McCredie comes into the nursery and tells Miss Hoolie that she picks up some of the nursery children, which live a long way away, and she drives them over to the nursery. She also tells her that some of the children get really bored on the bus. Then Edie tells Miss Hoolie that she never gets bored because she drives the bus round and round the island. Then Miss Hoolie tells Edie that the children aren't driving the bus because they just sit. Miss Hoolie then tells Edie that she needs to...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sees a birthday card on her table. This is because it's PC Plum's birthday today. Katy MacLeod places the birthday cake onto the table and Roddy MacLeod lights the candles. When PC Plum arrives, everybody sings Happy Birthday to him. Then PC Plum blows out the candles. Afterwards, Miss Hoolie asks PC Plum if he is going to celebrate his birthday. PC Plum tells Miss Hoolie that she could help him celebrate. Miss Hoolie tells PC Plum she would...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Spencer comes into the nursery and tells Miss Hoolie that he has been invited to go swimming on the mainland with Morag and her children. He hasn't been to the mainland pool for a very long time as he always works very hard doing his jobs. Miss Hoolie tells Spencer to take a break from his jobs and to have fun instead. Spencer listens to Miss Hoolie and does what she told him. He leaves the nursery and goes off to Pocket and Sweet's shop to buy some swimming equipment, with help from Penny and...
Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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I really hope that you enjoy this video. 
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Topic: CBEEBIES Songs
Children's Television Programs

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These are the 6 Missed Out Episodes from the DVD of CBeebies BBC The Ultimate Party Collection. Bob The Builder-Bob's Birthday. Postman Pat-Postman Pat Has A Great Big Party. Pingu-Pingu's Birthday. Boogie Beebies-Tea Time. Teletubbies-Chinese New Year. Come Outside-Cleaning.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 2 reviews )
Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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Join in the fun with the CBeebies favourites. Lazy Town-Rottenbeard Charlie & Lola-But That Is My Book Come Outside-Toothpaste Little Robots-Water Water Everywhere Bob The Builder-Mucky Muck Teletubbies-Swimming With Stephanie Balamory-Pancake Party Pingu-Music Lessons Tickkabilla-Food & Tidy Up Tweenies-The Wall Fimbles-The Three Bowls Big Cook Little Cook-Cowgirl The Roly Mo Show-Green Leaves Boogie Beebies-Space Walking
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Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds a small toy rhino in her cupboard. Edie comes into the nursery and Miss Hoolie asks Edie if she knows a story about a rhino. Miss Hoolie wants to tell a story to the nursery children about a rhino. Edie tells Miss Hoolie that she hadn't seen a single rhino in her travels. Then Edie tells Miss Hoolie that she could tell her a story about a snake. Miss Hoolie thinks that is a great idea. Edie tells Miss Hoolie that she needs a snake to tell the story with but Miss Hoolie tells...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie arrives at Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sees a book called Goldilocks And The Three Bears. She looks through the book and then Edie comes into the cafe. She tells Miss Hoolie that she wants to find a new and different tape that the nursery children can listen to when they are riding to and from school on her bus. Miss Hoolie suggests to Edie that she could make her own story tape but Edie hasn't got a tape recorder. Miss Hoolie tells Edie that she could borrow Josie Jump's tape...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Today is Dressing Up Day in the nursery. Archie comes into the nursery and shows Miss Hoolie the clothes for Dressing Up Day. Miss Hoolie likes them all. Miss Hoolie tells Archie to go and visit PC Plum to make sure he doesn't dress up in his policeman uniform, which he wears every single day! So Archie goes to see PC Plum and asks him what he is going to dress up as. PC Plum tells Archie he has to guess. PC Plum pops on his police hat and mimes being a policeman, which means that PC Plum is...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down at her table. Penny comes into the cafe with a plate of 5 delicious apples. This is for the picnic, which is happening later. Penny isn't sure what other food to take to the picnic. Miss Hoolie suggests to Penny that she could take some sandwiches to the picnic. So Penny puts 5 sandwiches on the plate along with 5 packets of crisps and 5 cartons of orange juice. Suzie also packs a first aid kit, sun cream and bats and balls. Penny asks...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down at her table. She finds one of Archie's inventions on her table, which reminds her that Archie is meant to be taking her somewhere later on. Archie arrives at the cafe and tells Miss Hoolie that they are going caving later. They will be going deep under the ground, which Miss Hoolie thinks that this might be dangerous. Archie tells Miss Hoolie that they will be safe under the ground. Archie goes to visit Josie Jump to try and get the...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Edie comes into the nursery, looking puzzled. She saw lots of birds in the vegetable patch. They had eaten all of the seeds! Edie tells Miss Hoolie that she should have put up a scarecrow. Miss Hoolie tells Edie that she did put up a scarecrow but the Scarecrow has gone missing! Edie goes to see PC Plum to see if he can find out what happened to the missing scarecrow. Edie gives PC Plum a description of the scarecrow and PC Plum writes what Edie tells him in his notebook. Then PC Plum puts...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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When Miss Hoolie opens her cupboard to put her coat away, she touches something prickly, a fir cone. The fir cone reminds Miss Hoolie that her and Josie Jump will be taking the nursery children for a walk in the woods later on but then Miss Hoolie remembers that it's a wet day in Balamory today, which means that the walk will be cancelled. Josie arrives at the nursery, feeling disappointed due to the woodland walk being cancelled. But Josie has a better idea, telling the nursery children a...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Milo wants to borrow Fizz's lamb, Lamby, for his game of Farmers. Fizz won't let Milo borrow Lamby so Milo tries to take it off her. But Milo ends up breaking off one of Lamby's legs! Fizz isn't happy with Milo. Judy hears Fizz crying and comes over to see what is going on. Fizz tells Judy about her broken Lamby and then they go off to fix Lamby. The other Tweenies go outside to play in the garden. Judy helps Fizz to fix Lamby properly and then Fizz goes into the playhouse with Lamby to play...
Topic: CBEEBIES Tweenies
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Bella and Fizz help Max to put up theirs and the other Tweenies' paintings on the wall. But when Bella tries to get Milo's painting, she accidentally spills the cup of water on Jake's painting! Jake is busy having fun with Milo outside in the garden. Fizz tells Jake that Bella has ruined his painting. So Milo and Jake go back into the playroom to see Bella. When Jake sees his ruined painting, he gets very upset with Bella. He decides to do another painting but this time, of a duck and a donkey....
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Topic: CBEEBIES Tweenies
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds a box, making animal noises, in her cupboard, which gives her an idea of a game to play with the nursery children later on. Edie McCredie comes into the nursery with a photo album and she and Miss Hoolie look at it together. The photos are from Edie's African Safari. Edie wanted to have a photo of all of her favourite animals together. Miss Hoolie suggests to Edie to go and visit Spencer as he could paint a picture for her. So Edie goes to visit Spencer and Spencer paints Edie...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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PC Plum comes into the nursery and has a really hot cup of tea as he is frozen due to the cold weather outside. He tells Miss Hoolie that he has been to see Mrs MacLeod as she is fed up because she hasn't been able to get outside as much as she used to. PC Plum decides to bring the outside, inside for Mrs MacLeod so he goes off to see Spencer so that he could paint some snowy pictures for Mrs MacLeod. On his way to Spencer's house, he notices that the weather is snowing. Spencer creates a big...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs

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I uploaded this especially for RVF2007. I hope you all enjoy this rare video. 
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Topic: CBEEBIES Rare Things
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Edie McCredie comes into the nursery and tells Miss Hoolie that it's madness on the road outside. It's because there are clowns on the road! All of the drivers are stopping to look at them! Edie tells Miss Hoolie that the clowns are pointing at different directions, which is why there is an enormous traffic jam outside. Edie shows Miss Hoolie a clown outside the nursery and thinks that it is funny. Edie tells Miss Hoolie that the clown is pointing to nowhere. Miss Hoolie sees a scarf on the...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down at her table. She is very excited as PC Plum is taking her on a day out. Penny arrives at the cafe and is a bit puzzled as to why Miss Hoolie hasn't left the cafe. Miss Hoolie thinks that PC Plum might be finishing off some important work. Penny decides to go and visit PC Plum to find out what he is doing. PC Plum is busy packing his things ready to go fishing with Spencer. He thinks that he is meant to be taking Miss Hoolie out...
favoritefavoritefavorite ( 2 reviews )
Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds a squirty flower in her cupboard. PC Plum arrives at the nursery and Miss Hoolie plays a trick on him using the squirty flower. But when PC Plum sits down, he hears a whoopee cushion on the chair! He tells Miss Hoolie that Mrs Riley has asked him to help her to tidy up her garden. PC Plum thinks that the nursery children might like to help Mrs Riley as well. Miss Hoolie thinks that this is a great idea. PC Plum decides to go to Pocket and Sweet's to buy some plants. He buys...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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Rain or shine whatever the weather will be great fun with the CBeebies favourites. Fimbles-Wind Pingu-Pingu Goes Ice Surfing Me Too!-Chilly Day Come Outside-A Rainy Day Balamory-Thunder Teletubbies-Playing In The Rain Little Robots-The Wind Machine Charlie & Lola-There’s Only One Sun & That Is Me Bob The Builder-Scoop Saves The Day Boogie Beebies-Every Kind Of Weather Song The Roly Mo Show-It’s Going To Rain Today Postman Pat-Postman Pat & The Thunderstorm
Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Suzie Sweet comes into the nursery with the delivery box of juice for the nursery children. She tells Miss Hoolie that she is in a terrible muddle. Miss Hoolie tells Suzie that everybody gets into a muddle sometimes. Miss Hoolie also tells Suzie that she is going to be making sock puppets with the nursery children this afternoon. Then Suzie decides to have a carton of juice before she goes but when Miss Hoolie opens up the box, she finds dustpans and brushes in it! Suzie brought the wrong box...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

eye 860

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down at her table. She notices a poster, advertising the Balamory Sand Sculpture Festival. Spencer will be organising the festival. The cafe is extremely packed with lots of people as they are all waiting for the bus to the Sand Sculpture Festival. Spencer arrives at the cafe, being very busy organising everything for the festival. But Spencer has forgotten to organise the bus service! So Spencer goes off to visit Edie McCredie to organise...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Today is the Balamory Street Party. Spencer arrives at the nursery and he wants Miss Hoolie to help him choose which instruments to play at the street party. Miss Hoolie suggests that Spencer should do his one man band. Spencer thinks that the people who will be coming to the street party won't be able to hear him but PC Plum will be setting up some roadblocks to make a traffic free zone for the street party. Spencer goes off to remind PC Plum to set up the roadblocks for the street party and...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds something flattened in her cupboard and wonders what it could be. Josie Jump arrives at the nursery and tells Miss Hoolie that she has lost her sports cupboard keys. She needs to get into her sports cupboard to get out lots of sports equipment for the nursery children's sports lesson. Unfortunately, Miss Hoolie doesn't have a spare key. Then Josie Jump finds the flattened object and finds that it's a beach ball. She tries to blow it up but she doesn't have enough puff. So she...
Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Archie comes into the nursery with his new invention, a rhyme machine. He explains to Miss Hoolie how it works and Miss Hoolie laughs at some of the rhyming sentences. Josie Jump is going to tell the nursery children a story later on and Archie goes off to visit her so that she can get some ideas from Archie's rhyme machine. When Archie arrives at Josie's house, he shows Josie his rhyme machine. Josie enjoys acting out the rhyming sentences and tells Archie that the sentences are like a poem....
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Archie comes into the nursery and tells Miss Hoolie that he is taking his nephew Christopher to the Big City to visit the Science Centre. Miss Hoolie suggests to Archie that he could take Spencer's niece Lucy with too. Then Archie notices a spinning top, which Miss Hoolie found in her cupboard earlier on, and plays with it. While he is doing this, Miss Hoolie explains to Archie what there is to see and do at the Science Centre. Then Archie goes to see Spencer to make sure he doesn't mind if...
Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs

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These are the 10 Missed Out Episodes from the DVD of CBeebies BBC The Ultimate Christmas Collection. Postman Pat-Postman Pat;s Christmas Eve. Bob The Builder-Bob White Christmas. Pingu-Pingu's Family Celebrates Christmas. Teleubbies-Feeding The Sheep In Winter. Little Robots-Sparkle Day. The Large Family-Baby Chilly. Brum-Brum & The Snow Thieves. Underground Erine-Snow Go. Jackanory Junior-The Last Polar Bears. Me Too!-Chilly Day
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Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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These are the 8 Missed Out Episodes from the DVD of CBeebies BBC Big Fun Time. Teletubbies-Jumping. Come Outside-Bulbs. Pingu-Barrel Of Fun. Bob The Builder-Lofty's Jungle Fun. Fimbles-Shadows. The Roly Mo Show-Rushing About. Postman Pat-Postman Pat & The Green Rabbit. Balamory-Dressing Up Day.
Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sees a walking stick near her table. Josie Jump arrives at the cafe and tells Miss Hoolie that she is looking after Ralph the dog for her sister. She has bought a ball for Ralph to play with but she wants to buy Ralph some other things, too like a collar and a lead. Miss Hoolie is a bit confused. She thinks that Ralph is a boy not a dog! Josie wants to take Ralph somewhere special so Miss Hoolie suggests to Josie to go and visit Edie because she...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Josie Jump comes into the nursery and Miss Hoolie gives Josie her hockey stick to borrow but Josie's hockey match got cancelled because of the rain. So Miss Hoolie suggests that Josie could play a game with the nursery children, about animal movements. Josie decides that she could sing a song about the animals as well so she decides to go and visit Spencer as he knows lots of songs. Spencer sings an animal song to Josie and then Spencer tells Josie lots of other animals that he didn't mention...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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A special celebrity has come to open Laugh A Lot Theme Park, Mr Tumble from Something Special. The Boss sends Nuzzle And Scratch to the theme park to help Mr Summers, the theme park manager before Mr Tumble arrives. 
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Topic: CBEEBIES Nuzzle And Scratch
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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Animals large and small are great fun to be with, with the CBeebies favourites. Charlie & Lola-I Completely Know About Guinea Pigs Fimbles-Pop-Up Frog Me Too!-Clever Dog Boogie Beebies-Do The Duck Teletubbies-Emily Washing The Pony Come Outside-Rabbits Bob The Builder-Dizzy The Sheepdog Pingu-Pingu & The Seagull Little Robots-Teddy’s Big Day Out Big Cook Little Cook-Clover The Cow Postman Pat-Postman Pat & The Hungry Goat Balamory-Kitten Tweenies-Pigs
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews )
Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Archie comes into the nursery to tell Miss Hoolie about George the Guinea Pig. He is looking after him while his uncle Martin is away on holiday. Archie asks Miss Hoolie if she knew what guinea pigs eat. Miss Hoolie tells Archie that guinea pigs eat cucumber, celery, carrots and lettuce. Archie asks Miss Hoolie if she has any of these things grown in the nursery garden but Miss Hoolie says no. She suggests to Archie to visit Suzie Sweet and Penny Pocket because they might have those vegetables...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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The Tweenies all love different types of weather. Jake loves rain, Milo loves thunder, Bella loves wind and Fizz loves sun. They don't know much about the weather so they look on the computer and Mungo, the computer bug, tells the Tweenies lots of interesting facts about weather. Then the Tweenies all want to go outside. They all put on their sunhats as the weather is very warm. Milo can't resist trying on Fizz's pink sunhat. Judy tells Milo to give Fizz back her sunhat so Milo gives Fizz her...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Tweenies
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Rudi and Jack arrive at Granny Murray's house and Jack helps Rachel and Hope, the two children who are at Granny Murray's house today, dress up Claude as a gymnast because Granny Murray is taking them to Bobby's summertime gymnastics. Jack gives Rudi a plastic strawberry before he walks to his market stall. When Rudi arrives at his market stall, he gets changed into his smart uniform. Raymond arrives and asks Rudi for some strawberries. Rudi tells Raymond he hasn't got any strawberries as he is...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Me Too!
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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These are the 9 Missed Out Episodes from the DVD of CBeebies BBC Discover + Do. Pingu-Pingu The Conjurer's Apprentice. The Roly Mo Show-Show & Tell. Bob The Builder-Mr Bentley's Trains. Bobinogs-Make A List. Little Robots-Spotty's Big Idea. Postman Pat-Postman Pat The Magican. Come Outside-A Letter. The Large Family-You Can Do It. Me Too!-Helping Hand.
Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Beverly, Paul and Tamba look at fish and hens. 
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Topic: CBEEBIES Tikkabilla
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds a sheepdog in her cupboard, which reminds her that PC Plum will be coming into the nursery later on with a real sheepdog. PC Plum arrives at the nursery, with some bad news for Miss Hoolie. He tells her that the sheepdog won't be coming into the nursery this afternoon as Mr Mackenzie needs him to round up the sheep on the farm. So PC Plum decides to go and visit Archie as he could make a sheepdog for him. Archie and PC Plum both make a puppet sheepdog together using cardboard...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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PC Plum comes into the nursery and Miss Hoolie wants him to take the nursery children shell collecting at the beach. PC Plum would love to do this but this isn't the right day for him to do this because of the high tide. The sea is covered with the sand so there aren't any shells. PC Plum doesn't know when the tide will go out again. He doesn't have a book about tides so he goes to Pocket and Sweet's to try and get one. Suzie finds a Balamory Tide Chart but PC Plum isn't so sure about it. The...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Max has gone out fishing to catch a fish for his tea. He is going to use a motorboat to help him catch a fish but he shows us around the motorboat first before he uses it. After Max shows us around the motorboat, he turns on the engine and sets off. He manages to catch a wellington boot and some other things but he hasn't caught a fish, yet. Max goes below deck to have his picnic and then he reads a story called Ebb's New Friend before he has his nap. After Max has his nap, he has one more go...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Tweenies
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and finds Suzie's cafe order pad on one of the chairs. Suzie is having a very busy day in her cafe, rushing here, there and everywhere. Suzie decides to go and visit Josie Jump because she wants her to show her how to keep fit. Miss Hoolie looks after the cafe while Suzie's away. Josie teaches Suzie some good exercises but, unfortunately, Suzie can't keep up with Josie. So Suzie decides to go and visit Archie as he could invent something that can...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Milo, Fizz and Jake sing One Potato Two Potato but they need Bella to sing her verse. They look for Bella everywhere but they can't find her anywhere. Then Milo, Fizz and Jake see Max reading a letter and Max tells them that Bella has a funny tummy. Milo thinks that he can be the boss since Bella isn't here but Fizz tells him that Max is the boss. Milo tells Fizz that Max isn't little like him so he is the boss. Jake decides to pretend to be a girl so that Fizz can still have a best friend but...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Tweenies
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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The Complete Collection of Numbertime Addition & Subtraction Series.
Topic: 1995
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie finds a yogurt pot filled with bits and pieces in her cupboard, which reminds her that Archie will be coming to the nursery later to invent something special with the nursery children. Miss Hoolie thinks that he might invent something to do with sea creatures. Edie McCredie comes into the nursery with a bag of lost money. She has found them all lying around on her bus. Miss Hoolie can't remember losing any money so she suggests to Edie to go and see PC Plum as he'll know what to do...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Bobby and Kai arrive at Granny Murray's house and Kai helps Zane and Adil, the two children who are at Granny Murray's house today, dress up Claude in warm clothes ready to watch the fireworks, which are happening today at Riverseafingal Castle. Bobby tells Granny Murray that Kai might get scared of the loud bangs from the fireworks but Granny Murray tells Bobby that she will tell Kai all about fireworks. Before Bobby goes to work, Kai gives her a sparkle toy but then Bobby realises that Kai...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Me Too!
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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The Boss receives a call from the ice cream van seller Maria Glacé. She needs help running her van so the Boss sends Nuzzle And Scratch over to help her. Nuzzle and Scratch do a really good job selling ice creams to some children despite the van being covered in ice cream! 
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Topic: CBEEBIES Nuzzle And Scratch
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie opens her cupboard to put her coat away but when she opens it, lots of foil trays fall onto the floor. Suzie gave them all to Miss Hoolie to use for lots of things but she ended up giving her too much foil trays. Spencer arrives at the nursery and Miss Hoolie shows him the foil trays. Spencer uses them for the same sort of things as Miss Hoolie does. Spencer decides to go and visit Archie as he could maybe invent something with the foil trays. Spencer shows the foil trays to Archie...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs

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Makka Pakka goes around the night garden washing all of the other people's faces. Everybody loves it, even the pontipines! Credit goes to my very good friend James McSmith for sending me this. 
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Topic: CBEEBIES In The Night Garden
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down at her table. She finds a handheld fan on her table, perfect for a hot day like today! Suzie Sweet comes into the cafe after being busy cleaning the spots on her house wall. Josie Jump also has spots on her house window and Miss Hoolie has spots on hers too! Some of the spots on Suzie's house wall are very high up so Suzie pops over to see Spencer so that he could lend her his ladder. Spencer decides to be kind and decides that he...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by Milo Jennings

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Miss Hoolie goes into Pocket and Sweet's cafe and sits down at her table. She sees a poster, advertising the Balamory Car Rally, which will be happening later on today. There will also be a Wheelie Day event for the children as well. Josie Jump arrives at the cafe and tells Miss Hoolie that she will be organising the Wheelie Day. Suzie tells Josie and Miss Hoolie that she will be in charge of the main car park, where it'll be very noisy. This won't be good for Josie as she will be the announcer...
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Topic: CBEEBIES Balamory
Children's Television Programs
by James Tulloch-Knight

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These are the 7 Missed Out Episodes from the DVD of CBeebies BBC Bedtime. Come Outside-Street Lamps. Bob The Builder-Muck's Sleepover. Pingu-Pingu & Pinga Stay Up. The Large Family-Sebastian's Sleepover. Boogie Beebies-Little Dreamer. Postman Pat-Postman Pat's Pigeon Post. LazyTown-Sleepless In LazyTown
Topic: 1995