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Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 981

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-01-19. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Na de succesvolle zaak tegen Shell begint Milieudefensie nu een rechtszaak over klimaatschade tegen een van de grote banken. Het is... ING. (applaus) Hoeveel kans...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 240

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 19

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-03. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Na de aanklacht zijn er nu ook de verhalen. Mogelijk chemische aanvallen door Rusland. Onze verslaggever in Oekraïne spreekt er met militairen over. Verder in het...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 16

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-04.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 14

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-03. Transcription: Wat de nadelen zijn van de EU de irrelevantie van het Europees parlement, oproepen tot boycotten. Je ziet hier wel een drieledige campagnestrategie met heel concrete voorstellen wat je moet doen om de opkomst te verminderen. De mogelijkheden...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 14

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-05-03.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 12

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-05. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: De Amstel in Amsterdam is zo goed als klaar voor het 5 mei-concert. Het publiek is er al Op het speciaal gebouwde podium zit zo de Koninklijke Militaire Kapel Johan...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 15

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 13

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The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-05-03.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 11

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 13

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-02. Transcription: Het zorgt dus voor irritatie bij de soldaten. Het zorgt ook voor pijn waardoor soldaten dus eventueel de linies kunnen verbreken... en hun post verlaten, waardoor de Russen kunnen doorstoten. De Russen zetten structureel chemische wapens in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 10

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-05. Transcription: Langzaam komt het moment dichterbij dat het kabinet Rutte-4 plaats moet gaan maken voor het nieuwe program-kabinet. Wie worden er genoemd als kansrijke opvolgers, straks op het bordes? En wordt er al nagedacht over wie de nieuwe premier dan...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 9

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-06. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: De laatste formatieweek is aangebroken. En die begint meteen met een formatiestuk dat naar buiten komt. Waar zijn de formerende partijen het inmiddels over eens?...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 9

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-06. Transcription: Ik denk dat vandaag een goede dag was. Goede dag, ja. Zeker. De gesprekken lopen goed, we werken hard om snel tot een resultaat te komen en daar ga ik 't echt bij houden. En nog altijd zeggen ze weinig. Maar wat wat zegt het dat een...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 9

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-07. Transcription: Ook de vrienden van Israël waren kraakhelder: 't land zou een rode lijn overschrijden bij een invasie van Rafah. En dus is de vraag: wat betekent dat op de dag dat Israëlische tanks de stad in Gaza binnenrolden. En uit protest tegen de...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 13

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The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-05-02.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 12

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-02. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Het Oekraïense leger raakt steeds verder in de problemen. Ze hebben nog altijd een groot tekort aan wapens en munitie. Straks een reportage van onze verslaggever...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 8

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-08. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Studentenprotest breidt zich uit naar andere universiteiten in Nederland. In Amsterdam heeft de ME een einde gemaakt aan de bezetting van een aantal...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 15

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-01. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Amerikaanse tanks, een Duitse Leopard. Maar ook Turkse en Zweedse militaire voertuigen. Allemaal in beslag genomen door Rusland. En tentoongesteld in een park in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 8

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-05-06.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 16

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-30. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Mensen die erbij willen zijn, op 4 mei op de Dam, in Amsterdam moeten zich van te voren registreren. Voor 10.000 is er plek. En inmiddels is de inschrijving...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 18

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 8

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-05-08.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 17

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-01. Transcription: Maar zo ís het natuurlijk niet nu. Migratiedeals moeten dat veranderen. En nu wordt er gewerkt aan afspraken met Libanon. Zo'n deal zou verstrekkende gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de Syrische vluchtelingen daar. Wij kijken er de hele dag naar....
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 10

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-05-02.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 14

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-30. Transcription: De vrijheid van meningsuiting wordt gegarandeerd in de grondwet. Er staat zelfs verbod van censuur. Burgemeesters gaan nooit, maar dan ook nooit, over de inhoud van een boodschap. Burgemeester Halsema van Amsterdam maakt zich op voor...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 7

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 15

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-05-01.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 12

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 7

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-07. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Israëlische troepen nemen de grensovergang bij Rafah in in de Gazastrook. Maar het is nog niet de grote aanval, waar nu al dagen over wordt gesproken. En in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 13

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-04-30.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 13

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The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-05-01.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 12

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comment 0

The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-04-30.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 6

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 27

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-14. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Een massale aanval van Iran op Israël. Maar een met weinig schade. Bijna alle Iraanse drones en raketten werden onderschept. Israël zegt dat Iran een prijs zal...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 6

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comment 0

The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-05-06.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 13

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-04-29.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 6

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-08. Transcription: En zo eindigde dag 3 van de protesten bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Met opnieuw massale inzet van de politie bij de ontruiming. Wat willen de studenten precies en hoe realistisch zijn hun eisen? Nu kernenergie terug is op de politieke...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 5

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-05-09.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 20

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-27. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Gezelligheid, feest en vrijmarkten in Nederland op deze Koningsdag. De koning en familie vierden zijn verjaardag in Emmen. En velen gingen naar vrijmarkten en...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 55

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 5

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comment 0

The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-05-07.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 40

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comment 0

NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-12. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Israël houdt er rekening mee, dat een Iraanse vergeldingsaanval nu snel kan komen een wraakactie na het bombardement van de Iraanse ambassade, in Syrië. En als-ie...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 28

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 28

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-24. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: LIVEPROGRAMMA, ONDERTITELING KAN ACHTERLOPEN Goedenavond! Live vanuit Leusden zijn we hier in afwachting van het Musical Awards Gala 2024. Straks na het journaal...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 31

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comment 0

Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by RTV Utrecht

eye 5

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UVandaag is a daily news show from regional Dutch broadcaster RTV Utrecht. Only news from within the province of Utrecht is discussed. Broadcast from 2024-05-07.
Topics: RTV Utrecht, Utrecht, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 26

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-24. Transcription: Wat is er gebeurd rond de ziekenhuizen in Gaza? Het beeld is niet eenduidig, wat weten we wel, wat weten we niet. Wat doet drugscriminaliteit met onze samenleving, in kwetsbare wijken? We onderzoeken dat de komende tijden van dichtbij....
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 4

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The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-05-09.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 4

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comment 0

The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-05-08.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

eye 9

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comment 0

The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-04-29.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 45

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 19

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-27. Transcription: Na een week van protesten op Amerikaanse universiteiten is de vraag: hoe gaan Nederlandse universiteiten om met studenten... die willen demonstreren op de campus? En naast alle zorgen is er zeker ook reden voor optimisme over het klimaat. Er...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-16. Transcription: Meneer Wilders? Ja. Leuke schijnbeweging. Maar was het gisteren nou een schijnbeweging? Weglopen en terugkomen? De worsteling met migratie, en met wat onder elk onderwerp ligt: het geld. Twee maanden voor de Europese verkiezingen staat in...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by Omrop Fryslân

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The latest news from Friesland in Fryslân Hjoed. In it, the news is viewed in a different way and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the news. Fryslân Hjoed is presented by Arjen de Boer, Jantine Weidenaar, Afke Boven and Timo Jepkema. Broadcast from 2024-03-29.
Topics: Omrop Fryslân, Fryslân Hjoed, Friesland, Journaal, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-20. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Landelijke protestactie van het openbaar vervoer tegen 't toegenomen geweld. Verbaal geweld, maar ook fysiek geweld. Bespugingen. En collega's die zich zelfs voor...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-05-09. Transcription: Ik vind het schandalig. Echt. Ik bedoel, dat je ergens voor staat, dat je een mening hebt, prima. Maar dat je de hele buurt sloopt vind ik niet kunnen. Iedereen lijkt boos op elkaar, na dagen van protesten, van barricades en van ontruimingen....
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-03-08. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Spoedeisende Hulp wordt overspoeld door ouderen, die geen medisch noodgeval zijn. Deskundigen waarschuwen dat de zorg volledig vastloopt als er niets gebeurt. Maar...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-29. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Een van de grootste terreurprocessen in Duitsland is begonnen tegen de Reichsbürgerbeweging. Deze extreemrechtse groep wordt ervan verdacht dat ze een staatsgreep...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 2

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-05-09. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Niet alleen studenten, maar ook docenten keren zich tegen universiteitsbestuur na de ontruimingen en charges van de ME, gisteravond in Amsterdam. En ook: wat vinden...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 29

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-29. Transcription: Ze wilden volgens de Duitse justitie de Bondsdag bestormen, omdat ze niks op hebben met de moderne democratie. Een groep Duitse zogenoemde Rijksburgers onder leiding van een oude prins staan vandaag voor de rechter. Kan zo'n ondergrondse...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 34

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 36

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 31

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 18

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-22. Transcription: Het was niet een literaire schrijver, het was een schrijver uit z'n hart. Prinses Irene over Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, auteur van Soldaat van Oranje. Zijn archief gaat naar het Literatuurmuseum. En minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Hanke...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 13

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-20.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-21. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Grote opluchting in Oekraïne nu Amerika over de brug komt met een miljardensteun. Extra munitie en materieel om de Russische opmars tegen te houden. Hoe lang gaat...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 15

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-23. Transcription: Uw veronderstelling, dat dingen niet kunnen, ga ik niet in mee. De formerende partijen zoeken naarstig naar mogelijkheden om het aantal asielzoekers naar Nederland in te perken. Biedt het uitroepen van een crisis extra mogelijkheden?...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 20

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-01-05. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: De zandzakken kunnen nog niet weg, maar het lijkt op de meeste plaatsen goed te gaan in Nederland. Heel anders dan in Engeland. Daar hebben ze pas echt problemen...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by WNL

eye 33

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Goedemorgen Nederland (Good morning the Netherlands) is a Dutch television program of broadcaster WNL. It is broadcasted every workday from seven to nine o'clock on NPO 1.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, WNL, Goedemorgen Nederland, News
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 15

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-26. Transcription: Ik heb hier een abonnement. Cardioloog, longarts, vaatchirurg, MDL. Ik loop bij vaatchirurgie, bij cardiologie, bij nefrologie. Het aantal patiënten met meerdere aandoeningen groeit hard. En daar zijn ziekenhuizen niet op ingesteld. Maar het...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS - NTR

eye 14

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Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Broadcast from 2024-04-04.
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 2, NOS, NTR, Nieuwsuur, News
Source: Digitenne
Dutch Television
by NOS

eye 19

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NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Broadcast from 2024-04-19. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Transcription: Explosies vannacht in het luchtruim van Iran. Was dat de tegenaanval van Israël? Niets aan de hand, zegt Iran. Klopt dat? En verder in het nieuws: Emoties bij...
Topics: Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NPO, NPO 1, NOS, Achtuurjournaal, Journaal, News
Source: Digitenne