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Classic TV Commercials

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Public Service Message on Pollution - from the 60's or 70's. This is the classic 'Crying Native American' AD (or 'crying Indian' ad, as some refer to it). It appears the copy I have here was the highest resolution copy of it on Archive dot Org for all of a week - and does NOT have a Web Site URL pasted over it - like does. I found this old recording of the (now famous?) PSA (Public Service Announcement) regarding environmental pollution - from "The...
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Topics: movie, PSA, commercial, crying indian, weeping native American, Saucer Bites, tv commercials,...
Classic TV Commercials
by US Ad Council

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"Crying Indian" PSA - from the 60's or 70's - remastered in HD. This is the classic 'Crying Native American' AD (or 'crying Indian' ad, as some refer to it). It appears the copy I have here is the highest resolution copy of it on Archive dot Org - and does NOT have a Web Site URL pasted over it. A pristine copy resurrected from VHS specifically for ... I found this old recording of the (now famous?) PSA (Public Service Announcement) regarding environmental pollution - from...
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Topics: crying indian, iron eyes cody, old commercials, psa, PSA, Retro TV Commercials, 1080HD, crying...