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Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 1,774

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The dark forces of Global Government are funding, training and protecting terrorist groups worldwide. In this blockbuster which has gained worldwide prestige you will learn the origins and the true story behind 9/11.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews )
Topics: infowars, alex jones, tyranny, global government, training, terrorist, 9/11, 9-11, 911, september...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:5cbc3f08e242243fb8b99a2b42d66d57b078a724
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 211

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Some of the best minds in the country combine in this film to expose a web of wickness controlling America today.
Topics: alex jones, infowars, matrix of evil, minds, film, wickedness, ifwdocuprisplan
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 10,146

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Misc documentaries by Alex Jones
Topics: infowars, alex jones, new world order, documentary, documentaries, bohemain grove, 9/11
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:74e63e7a95df9afe26cb88c4924a46748dba4de9
Unsorted Television

eye 2,855

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For the first time in history the occult pagan rituals of the global elite are captured on videotape. Witness bizarre mock sacrifice ceremonies undertaken by the world's elite. This updated version of Bohemian grove features extra footage and commentary on Alex's infamous infiltration of the elite ceremonial compound, including footage from inside the owl.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, occult, pagan, ritual, rituals, elite, global, globalist, video, videotape,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 5,367

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This is a small collection of videos featured from Not all videos from site are in torrent this is a good starter set for anyone looking to get Alex Jones videos Contents: --------- 1998 - America Destoryed by Design (Alex Jones) 1999 - Are You Practicing Communism (Alex Jones) 1999 - Police State 1 - 2000 (Alex Jones) 2000 - America Wake Up or Waco (Alex Jones) 2000 - Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Part 1 (Alex Jones) 2000 - Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Part 2 (Alex Jones) 2000 -...
Topics: alex jones, infowars, special reports, fema, fema camp, global extermination, webster tarpley,...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:228C3895FA82BE0E6686FAB9770A70566E1EAD81
Unsorted Television

eye 2,880

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Transcriptions for Infowars videos from 10-2019 to 12-2019
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews )
Topics: infowars, alex jones, video, subtitle, transcript
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:628c528da8fd239f1a90dbd65a1afad7cf2f2c1b
Unsorted Television

eye 656

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In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told-- prior to 9/11-- of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations' every move with implantable RFID microchips.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, aaron russo, film, filmmaker, music, rockefeller, 9/11, 9-11, 911, terror,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 753

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For the first time ever, the secret agenda of the planet’s ruthless Super-class is exposed in stark detail. This documentary film chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, invisible empire, new world order, documenatry, agenda, exposed, world...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 960

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Alex Jones, founder of alternative news networks Infowars and Prison Planet, presents a full-length documentary/presentation with Joel Skousen, author of Strategic Relocation, North American Guide to Safe Places and The Secure Home, to discuss the long-term threats facing Americans and how to relocate for safety and security. Joel and Alex examine the information within Strategic Relocation including the effects of natural disasters, nuclear war, long-term power failures, large-scale social...
Topics: north american guide to safe places, programming the nation, strategic relocation, police state,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 762

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"Loose Change 2nd Edition" is the follow-up to the most provocative 9-11 documentary on the market today. This film shows direct connection between the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the United States government. Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and most important, Americans who suffered through that tragic day. IT IS THE DUTY OF EVERY AMERICAN TO VIEW THIS FILM!
Topics: infowars, alex jones, 9-11, 9/11, 911, loose change, connection, government, terror, false flag,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 991

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Alex Jones Interviews Jordan Maxwell.mp4 - 1h 0min 640 x 360 Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell Discuss hidden symbolism, genetics, the universe and much more. Very interesting interview! MPEG-4 (Base Media): 163MB, 1h 0min 1 video stream: AVC 1 audio stream: AAC Overall bit rate: 374 kb/s Video: 240 kb/s, 640*360 (16:9), at 29.970 FPS, AVC Audio: English, 126 kb/s, 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, AAC
Topics: alex jones, infowars, jordan maxwell, hidden symbolism, symbolism, genetics, universe
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:7F8AA55F90A7FFE4553A2283997DF8F59378DE63
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 600

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Who benefits from this atrocity? Islam? Israel? Or is it those who wish to establish a NEW WORLD ORDER on the smoldering ashes of American Sovereignty? Hilder's explosive 86 minute documentary blows the lid off the Illuminati orchestration of 9/11.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, illuminati, illuminazi, who benefits, que bono, atrocity, terror, 9/11, 9-11,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 799

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The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, the, obama, the obama deception, obama deception, the constitution,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 398

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Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the U.S. economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency. President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first U.S. president to chair the world body. A scientific...
Topics: infowars, alex jones, obama, barack obama, barack h obama, barack h. obama, documents, corporate,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 82

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: infowars, alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:e65cd1d33602f44c33ffdbbbe3a46b352420b13c
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 327

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Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp.
Topics: infowars, police state, national health care, documentary, alex jones, camps, tri-lateral...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 614

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Alex Jones exposes the growing militarization of American law enforcement and how it is being used to crush the American ideal of liberty and freedom.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, police, police state, police state 1, militarization, militarized, law...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 111

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The War Room from July 2021 in HD
Topic: The War Room from July 2021 in HD
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 422

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From the Tea Party Movement to State Legislators, the American people are drawing a line in the sand. On what side of it will you stand? Has the government our Founders created been forgotten by Washington DC? Is a Patriot Uprising ready to capture the spirit of 1776? "Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic" gives the viewer a look into the movements, mindset, and legislation that will catapult the "Great Restoration" into households across America.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, tread, american football (sport), don't, government, dont tread on me,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 2,102

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Join Alex Jones on his most important project to date. Find out more at
Topics: infowars, alex jones, reset wars, resetwars,
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 173

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Special 48 hour coverage of the 2020 Presidential Election
Topics: infowars, alex jones, david knight, owen shroyer, dianna lorraine, election, trump, biden, 2020,...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:a38b59f658d81b1332848348d95539da2d59d6fd
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 3,014

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For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.
Topics: world, alex jones, jones, new world order, endgame, alex, new, government, endgame: blueprint for...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 168

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: infowars, alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:ca5a01f469f067b62b55a64bd25d9041f5ac1323
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 903

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This important film will help open your friends' and family's eyes to the great illusion that the mainstream media has created around the September 11th attacks.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, george humphery, 9/11, 9-11, 911, september 11, terror, george bush, george w...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:26117effd6fb5ef8d652c9191286303ccf2c232d
YouTuber DUTCHSINSE captures what appears to be Directed Energy Weapons on satellite imagery
Topics: infowars, alex jones, greg reese, energy weapons, laser weapons, space force, dew, directed energy...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 753

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ENDGAME 1.5 is an all-new installment of extra footage from the ENDGAME sessions. Coupled with Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, its all you need to know about the mechanism of world government and the steps the Bilderberg group, along with its interlocking chambers of international cooperation, will take to erode national sovereignty once and for all. ENDGAME 1.5 takes you deeper with Bilderberg experts Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin as well as ecologist and world government expert Dr....
Topics: infowars, alex jones, endgame, blueprint for global enslavement, bilderberg, jim tucker, daniel...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 321

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In this powerful expose, Jones explains why the elite are using manufactured terrorism to coerce the masses into willingly volunteering their own enslavement.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, masters of terror, terror, terrorism, terrorist, terrorists, 9/11, 9-11, 911,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 88

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 164

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:5f1ae28c6e3251651ad84f6499649bb0e035e735
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 57

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Various special reports from Infowars
Topics: infowars, alex jones, special report, jon bowne, greg reese
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:e782d6061dfb1e175193ae315bfc42863fd2b83d
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 131

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Alex Jones exposes the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm being used to terrorize the American people
Topics: infowars, alex jones, police state, takeover, problem reaction solution, problem, reaction,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 513

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A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy.
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Topics: infowars, alex jones, jfk, john f kennedy, john f. kennedy, john kennedy, president kennedy, george...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 125

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television

eye 144

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This is Alex Jones' Infowars Unleashed. Behind the scenes rants and commentary. Go on a journey inside the Infowar Took the videos from and digitally remastered them using AI and machine learning. 
Topics: infowars, alex jones, rants, prisonplanet, tv, clips, remastered
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 99

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Provocative film which highlights Marxist ideology and indoctrination in US universities. In this cutting exposé, documentary filmmakers Maloney, Browning and Greenberg shine a light on political correctness, academic bias, student censorship--even administrative cover-ups of death threats.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, brainwashing, marx, marxist, marxism, indoctrination, universities, expose,...
Unsorted Television

eye 102

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After Aaron Dykes refused to provide his full name, he was told to leave public property immediately or face arrest because the bank was concerned about what he was filming– despite the fact that the female security guard repeatedly admitted he had done nothing wrong.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, the, security, property, arrest, jones, false, bank, intelligence, peaceful,...
Unsorted Television

eye 840

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Ted Gunderson shows the link between Satanic ritual-abuse, drug trafficking and the international trafficking in children by the CIA.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, satanic, ritual abuse, drug trafficking, trafficking, cia, children, ted...
Unsorted Television

eye 410

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DARPA Death Bots And Khazar Impostors - Texe Marrs Interview With Alex Jones.mp4 - 1h 13min 9s 640 x 360 One of the more amazing interviews From the Alex Jones show.  On the Alex Jones show this time is Texe Marrs.  The topics include the obsession of the ruling elite with fleets of killer robots, the phasing out of human beings as unnecessary, and Khazar impostors persecuting Hebrews and  inhabiting the land of Israel.  Also discussed - the hijacking of Christian doctrine to neutralize...
Topics: alex jones, infowarss, darpa, khazar, impostors, texe marrs, interview
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:B1A21D6BAAFB5F1E6B1593BC4C28DE8587F7FD51
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 600

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Monday: The Alex Jones Show. Day One: 52 Hour Live Broadcast Pt.1 Available formats: mp4 wmv HD-MP4 File name: 20161107_Mon_Alex2 On this LIVE Monday, Nov. 7th 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we begin our historic 52 hour election coverage. Founder and host of Stefan Molyneux joins to discuss the truth behind Hillary's FBI investigation. John Brakey of explains how Democrats are rigging the election. Also, Clinton insider Larry Nichols shares...
Topics: infowars, alex jones, 52 hour, broadcast, 2016, election, trump, hillary, clinton, historic,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 218

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A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks “United We Fall” is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a Deeply Integrated North American Community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty. This...
Topics: infowars, alex jones, bryan law, dan dicks, documentary, north american union, canada, united...
Unsorted Television

eye 171

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In this extra from Invisible Empire, veteran deep politics author Peter Dale Scott discusses how the plan for how the United States would respond to a nuclear attack evolved into a pretext to impose CoG policies in response to any declared emergency, empowering the shadow government to enact its agenda on 9/11.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, invisible empire, peter dale scott, peter scott, cog, united states, us,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 158

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In these never before seen extended extras is even more footage from Bilderberg 2008 that didn’t fit into The Obama Deception. Alex, Tucker and hundreds of other patriots stand up to the secret proceedings of the global elite.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, extended, deception, extras, bilderberg, obama, extendedextrasbilderberg,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 218

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 47

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 238

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The sacrifice of national sovereignty to global government and the UN. Alex refuses to thumb scan for a drivers license and is arrested. Plus the Oklahoma City bombing, where does the evidence lead us?
Topics: infowars, alex jones, america, destroyed, design, sacrifice, national, nation, nationalist,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 37

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The David Knight Show from October 2018 in HD
Topics: david, knight, real news, david knight show, hd, globalists, globalism, trump, new world order,...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:76dec0d44eda03c9402cdacd61d85af7f94ed77b
Unsorted Television

eye 413

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Alex Jones exposes the endgame of the globalists unraveling now as the authoritarian clamp down on the population spreads. See Alex's predictions before they became reality in the film 'Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement Watch Endgame now:
Topics: un, globalists, globalism, united nations, medical tyranny, takeover, endgame, lockdown, blueprint...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 136

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A scientifically crafted global dictatorship sworn to enslave every man, woman and child.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, police state, enslavement, slave, enslave, science, scientific,...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 188

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From the Bush family business ties to the bin Ladens, to insider trading just prior to the attacks, this video featuring Alex Jones and extensive documentation provides the proof you need to share with others.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, bush, george bush, george w bush, george w. bush, president bush, president...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 91

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: infowars, alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:66a8adb53328599ccde205e8bd383123096f55c9
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 33

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television

eye 87

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Alex gives a speech to the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth conference in which he discusses how the 9/11 truth movement has grown to represent a fundamental threat to the establishment, which is why the system has resorted to a full scale demonization campaign.
Topics: Alex Jones, infowars, 9/11, architects & engineers for 9/11 truth, architects and engineers for...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 79

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 46

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 148

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The War Room is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer. See all full quality items for the War Room, click here .
Topics: war room, owen shroyer, roger stone, infowars, allidoisowen, trump, donald trump
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 36

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The War Room is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer. See all full quality items for the War Room, click here .
Topics: war room, owen shroyer, roger stone, infowars, allidoisowen, trump, donald trump
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 54

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During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization maintained to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the Fed is shrouded in secrecy.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, woodrow wilson, great depression, president, government, sanctions, federal...
Unsorted Television

eye 295

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Rock icon Dave Mustaine, frontman for heavy metal titans Megadeth, talks with Alex Jones about his own personal awakening to the new world order, his recent conversion to Christianity after formerly dabbling with occultism, and how is he now using his music, namely his recent critically acclaimed album Engdame, to educate his fans and the general public about the conspiracy behind the march towards global government.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, dave mustaine, megadeth, interview, frontman, heavy metal, rock, new world...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 48

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 29

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The War Room is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer. See all full quality items for the War Room, click here .
Topics: war room, owen shroyer, roger stone, infowars, allidoisowen, trump, donald trump
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 66

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The War Room is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer. See all full quality items for the War Room, click here .
Topics: war room, owen shroyer, roger stone, infowars, allidoisowen, trump, donald trump
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 30

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The War Room is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer. See all full quality items for the War Room, click here .
Topics: war room, owen shroyer, roger stone, infowars, allidoisowen, trump, donald trump
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 19

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The War Room is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer. See all full quality items for the War Room, click here .
Topics: war room, owen shroyer, roger stone, infowars, allidoisowen, trump, donald trump
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 129

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This video documents how the U.S. Government grossly overstepped Constitutional Boundaries, as well as the cover up that followed with the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, waco, texas, atf, constitution, branch dividians, david koresch, guns, gun...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 63

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 117

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 115

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:4643627324405e469587eba4433cb5e4901a4e4e
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 30

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 22

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The David Knight Show from May 2018 in HD
Topics: david, knight, real news, david knight show, hd, globalists, globalism, trump, new world order,...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:64456928b45ae46fc10613adb04e2914a19c40b2
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 79

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 147

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The latest release from Infowars is finally here! ‘COVIDLAND’ is a riveting and fast-paced movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones that’s designed to break people out of their trance, see the big picture, and take our world back! Buy COVIDLAND: The Lockdown today! Adding this groundbreaking physical DVD to your library is essential in this age of censorship! Save up to 60% on our most popular items during the Christmas Super Sale today!
Topics: covidland trailer, covidland
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

eye 17

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The David Knight Show from November 2018 in HD
Topics: david, knight, real news, david knight show, hd, globalists, globalism, trump, new world order,...
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:2d2417297659e9d5cc9ceb76276102c078266a6c
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

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Charlie Sheen addresses the President about 9/11 in a special video message, shortly after releasing his "20 Minutes with the President," specifically addressing 20 key points that need to be answered by a truly independent investigation.
Topics: infowars, alex jones, fall of the republic, extra, charlie sheen, 9/11, 9-11, 911, 20 minutes with...
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The War Room is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer. See all full quality items for the War Room, click here .
Topics: war room, owen shroyer, roger stone, infowars, allidoisowen, trump, donald trump
Unsorted Television
by Infowars

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Because there is a war on for your mind! See all full quality items for the Alex Jones Show, click here .
Topics: alex jones, talk radio, conspiracy theories, government coverups, mike adams, gerald celente, tv...