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by Unabashedly Obsessed (Erin King, James Anderson

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Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 144: Don't Go Down Stairs. ("Russian Doll") Hey, everyone! What if real life was a video game, where every time you died to respawned to your last save point? That's exactly the surface premise of Netflix's "Russian Doll", which stars Natasha Lyonne as a woman who keeps dying and respawning to the same moment. It's like "Groundhog Day", but trippier. Thank you to Jamie Chahine for our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was A Ladder...
Topics: russian doll, netflix, tv, television, tv shows
Classic TV Commercials
by Universal Production Music

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Music used in the stylized GrummelNet weapon vendor commercials from Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time . Sourced from production music albums. 
Topics: ratchet and clank a crack in time, production music
Unsorted Television

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A historical and interesting documentary of the production of the funny television show " The Munsters"
Topics: historical, interesting, funny
Unsorted Television
by Unemployed Endevours

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We're joined by Diamanda Hagan (Channel Awesome) to talk about the Amazon pilot for the Ridley Scott produced adaptation of Phillip K. Dick's The Man In The High Castle.
Topics: the man in the high castle, nazis, phillip k dick, amazon, pilot, television
Unsorted Television

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A brief reunion of the cast of the iconic Television Program "Welcome Back Kotter"
Topics: funny, reunion, iconic
Unsorted Television
by Unknown

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This is a live television recording transferred from 7.5" Scotch reel tape recorded the day of the event. This selection covers the presentation of JFK's body to the Rotunda, as well as several clips of ABC news recordings following the shooting of Oswald by Ruby.
Topic: JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy Reel Tape Live News
Unsorted Television

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Conversamos con Néstor Piccone , co fundador de la Coalición por una Comunicación Democrática , acerca del futuro de la Televisión Digital Abierta (TDA) y el panorama tras los embates a la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual.
Topics: coalición por una comunicación democrática, fm boedo, ley de servicios de comunicación...
Unsorted Television

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Hoy en AnimeAnimate hablaremos de "gustos culposos" cuales son tus mayores gustos culposos? alguna canción culposa que tengas? que es lo que mas te da pena de ese gusto culposo? todo eso y mucho mucho mas ....
Topics: anime, radio, español, AnimeAnimate, gustos culposos, comida, dinero, canciones, amores,...
Unsorted Television
by Unabashedly Obsessed (Erin King, James Anderson)

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Hey everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Unabashedly Obsessed. This time, we talk about Stephen King (again) (because he's the best), and television. James hates spoilers (no, really, he REALLY hates spoilers) and Erin creates a new reality show.
Topics: unabashedly obsessed, the name game, tv, television, stephen king
Unsorted Television

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ZURZIR - 2005 - Battle Voice - Brazilian RAC Oi!
Topics: ZURZIR, 2005, Battle Voice, RAC, Oi!