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by Unabashedly Obsessed (Erin King, James Anderson

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Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 144: Don't Go Down Stairs. ("Russian Doll") Hey, everyone! What if real life was a video game, where every time you died to respawned to your last save point? That's exactly the surface premise of Netflix's "Russian Doll", which stars Natasha Lyonne as a woman who keeps dying and respawning to the same moment. It's like "Groundhog Day", but trippier. Thank you to Jamie Chahine for our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was A Ladder...
Topics: russian doll, netflix, tv, television, tv shows
Unsorted Television
by University of Denver Department of Media Film & Journalism Studies

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The University of Denver Department of Media, Film & Journalism Studies is please to announce this year's Morton L. Margolin Distinguished Lecturer, Bill Arkin.  Join us as we welcome Bill's discussion on "How the News Media — and the Public — Contribute to Perpetual War."  William M. Arkin is a columnist for The Guardian and is writing a book on ending the era of perpetual war. He is an award winning journalist and columnist who has had front page bylines in The New York...
Topics: mfjs, du, university of denver, media, film, journalism, communication, studies, phd, master,...