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Bought from a shop called Rise (music, books, film and television, clothes) in Bristol. Sadly, it no longer exists. I have attached the front and back (with the track listing) covers as .jpg files.
Topic: Folk
Unsorted Television
by Vala - AKA Databases

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Please use earphones when on mobile devices. Vala, the female Rapper, Alias Legal Name: Sheree Madison. Songs and Tracks By Her. Instrumentals too Her Albums Albums already made,may be released in the future months and or years. Download Views Too This Site: Are Hidden Foe Future Archiving. From VAla's Song called Poor & Moore : my fixed income - without making music - my independent pussy got ten niggas giving up 3,ooo every day - my independent clitoris- the map is universally - ain't no...
Topics: Vala Songs, Vala Music, Vala Records, Sherre Madison, Music, Rap, R&B, Gangsta Females
Unsorted Television

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1908 – 2014 : Bangkit Dengan Mendengar Sebuah Mixtape Oleh : Hilman Fathoni Pada suatu waktu, ketika saya sedang agak senggang, di dalam kamar sambil melihat apa saja yang terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia dari layar kaca, melalui dunia maya, tiba-tiba telepon genggam saya bergetar. Rupanya ada pesan masuk dari seorang rekan dari BPPM Mahkamah yang mengajak saya untuk mengkontribusikan sebuah artikel untuk situs resmi BPPM Mahkamah dengan tema “Kebangkitan Nasional”. Pertamanya saya...
Topics: Mixtape, BPPM Mahkamah, Music, Kebangkitan Nasional
Unsorted Television
by Veteran Voices of Pittsburgh Oral History Initiative

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Larry Googins is a native of Portland, Maine, raised by his widowed mother and grandmother.  As a kid, his family avidly followed the Korean War through radio reports.  A decade later, news about Vietnam came by way of black and white television.  “When I went to college, I thought the Vietnam War would be over by the time I graduated in 1967.” Listed as 1A by the draft board and certain to go in the Army when his number came up, Larry took initiative and volunteered for the Air Force...
Topics: Vietnam, Air Force, Pittsburgh, veterans, oral history
Unsorted Television
by Vimal Vivekanandam

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This is a church song that does miracles with cross blood like bathing, giving food, giving cigarette smoke, giving goulash soup, showing television, giving Santa Claus presents and more.
Topic: church
Unsorted Television
by Veteran Voices of Pittsburgh Oral History Initiative

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Larry Googins is a native of Portland, Maine, raised by his widowed mother and grandmother.  As a kid, his family avidly followed the Korean War through radio reports.  A decade later, news about Vietnam came by way of black and white television.  “When I went to college, I thought the Vietnam War would be over by the time I graduated in 1967.” Listed as 1A by the draft board and certain to go in the Army when his number came up, Larry took initiative and volunteered for the Air Force...
Topics: veterans, oral history, storytelling, Pittsburgh, Vietnam, Air Force, F-4 Phantom
Unsorted Television
by Vassals of Kingsgrave

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Join us as we discuss the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first fully integrated television/streaming series, WandaVision!
Topics: Marvel, MCU, WandaVision, Scarlet Witch, VoK
Unsorted Television
by Veteran Voices of Pittsburgh Oral History Initiative

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R-ACT Theatre Productions' Annual Holiday Radio Show: "Three Men" & "A Child is Born." Recorded live on December 6, 2014 at Merrick Art Gallery, New Brighton, Pennsylvania. Audiography: Kevin Farkas/Veteran Voices of Pittsburgh ( THREE MEN Narrator/Announcer: Steve Walsh; Ballantine (Australian Soldier): Conrad Bianco; Gascoigne (French Soldier): Eric McAnallen; Melvin (American Soldier): Mark Murdoch; Stationmaster: Tom Boyce;...
Topics: radio drama, Christmas, Jesus, Nativity, WW I, theater
Unsorted Television

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  1908 – 2014 : Bangkit Dengan Mendengar Apa Yang Ada Sebuah Mixtape   Pada suatu waktu ketika saya sedang agak senggang, di dalam kamar sambil melihat apa saja yang terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia dari layar kaca, melalui dunia maya, tiba-tiba telpon genggam saya bergetar. Rupanya ada pesan masuk dari seorang rekan dari BPPM Mahkamah yang mengajak saya untuk mengkontribusikan sebuah artikel untuk situs resmi BPPM Mahkamah dengan tema “Kebangkitan Nasional”. Sempat saya menolak ajakan...
Topics: Mixtape, Kebangkitan Nasional