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This time we're talking the new AEW television deals, a preview of Money in the Bank and what is coming up in WWE's PPV calendar.
Topic: WWE
Unsorted Television

eye 815

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¿Puede un virus tapar un pelotazo inmobiliario? Hola, Salud Bienvenidas a este Hoy desde Aquí, en el que os vamos a explicar como un virus microscópico, puede tapar un campo de golf de 200 hectáreas y 680 viviendas de lujo. Porque no sabemos si este virus ataca al cuerpo, a la mente, ó a los bolsillos, ó quizás depende de quien seas. Porque si eres un político de la Junta de Andalucía, o de Nerja, ó uno de sus amigos de la Sociedad Larios, este virus te allana las legislaciones...
Topics: Radio Almaina, Hoy desde Aquí
Unsorted Television
by Michael Davis

eye 802

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Bone2Pick Interview with the great Joseph Alessi of the New York Philharmonic and Julliard School of Music. I have been a big fan of Joe Alessi since I was in high school. Joe and I both grew up in the bay area and he was already a star by the time he was in high school. We’ve gone on to work together many times in New York on motion picture soundtracks, television commercials and even a few Hip-Bone Music projects. It is always an inspiration and a tremendous motivation to play with Joe....
Topics: trombone, trumpet, tuba, french horn, euphonium, baritone, jazz, education, music, recording,...
Unsorted Television

eye 1,076

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Welcome to part one of our two part holiday TVM spectacular! We bring in Christmas Television expert Joanna Wilson and get all the deets on holiday horror and holiday saccharine with our look at Home for the Holidays (1972) and A Very Brady Christmas (1988)!
Topics: Holiday, Christmas, Made for Television, Television, classics
Unsorted Television

eye 80

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Remembering Nelson Mandela. His life, his legacy, his example. How right-wing media figures are remembering Mandela, and how the Fox News base is reacting to that praise (spoiler alert: it's ugly).  "It is never my custom to use words lightly. If twenty-seven years in prison have done anything to us, it was to use the silence of solitude to make us understand how precious words are and how real speech is in its impact on the way people live and die.” - Nelson Mandela From a global to a...
Topics: Nelson Mandela, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Fox News, Obamacare, Apartheid, Mr. Rogers, reading,...
Unsorted Television
by Michael Davis

eye 661

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Interview with Michael Davis and the great Mr. Gary Grant. I first heard Gary Grant in person at a Manhattan Transfer record date in LA in 1983. He was playing with Jerry Hey’s unbelievable horn section. That session changed my musical life in many ways. I was immediately struck by the power of Gary’s playing, but also his musical sensitivity. Simply stated, Gary is one of the most passionate musicians I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. That passion comes through in everything he does...
Topics: trombone, trumpet, tuba, french horn, euphonium, baritone, jazz, education, music, recording,...
Unsorted Television
by Pete Seeger; Theodore Bikel

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Pete Seeger and Theodore Bikel perform and discuss variations on "Hine Ma Tov" on episode 29 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Jewish music, Pete Seeger, Theodore Bikel
Unsorted Television

eye 409

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In this installment of Pulp Commentary: Horror Nights, it's time to celebrate your favorite holiday, kids! So, collect all your candy and plop yourselves down in front of the television set with us -- and don't forget to wear your masks! Because we're watching Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Brought to you by your fine friends at The Silver Shamrock Novelties Company.
Topics: pulp, nightmare, commentary, halloween 3, season of the witch
Unsorted Television
by Made for TV Mayhem Show

eye 888

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We're just in time for a spooktacular look at two beloved Halloween specials. The Halloween that Almost Wasn't has a disco-battle with The Paul Lynde Halloween Special (not really), and we duke it out ourselves with some serious Skype issues, including a sound delay which makes the whole recording just a touch bit awkward. But our love of the season is in check, and so is the fake Paul Lynde chest hair, so give us a whirl, disco baby!
Topics: Variety special, holiday special, Halloween, Classic television
Unsorted Television
by Michael Davis

eye 537

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I have had the great pleasure of knowing and working with Tony Kadleck since the 1980’s. He is an exceptional musician, virtuosic instrumentalist and one of the true gentlemen of the music industry. Our time together with Frank Sinatra will always bring back some of my most favorite memories. It continues to be an honor and an inspiration to work with Tony whenever I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity. We had the pleasure of recording together a couple months back on James Taylor’s...
Topics: trombone, trumpet, tuba, french horn, euphonium, baritone, jazz, education, music, recording,...
Unsorted Television
by Mike Cellamare

eye 339

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El locutor comercial Mike Cellamare cuenta con la tecnología para realizar doblajes, locución para trailers de cine, locución y narración Audiolibros, locución y narración de Audiocursos, locución y narración de documentales para prestigiosos canales de televisión por cable como; A&E Mundo, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Travel and Living, The History Channel, entre otros.
Topics: Portuguese voice over, movie trailers voice overs
Unsorted Television
by Hablemos Audio

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En esta edición de Hablemos Audio, entrevistamos al ingeniero de sonido venezolano Enrique Barreto, especialista en audio para TV.
Topics: Televisión, Audio, Broadcast
Unsorted Television
by Radio Jódar SER

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En el tramo local del HORA 14 JÓDAR, 14:15, de este Jueves, 12 de Noviembre, en primer lugar hemos rescatado palabras de la Coordinadora y portavoz del Grupo Municipal de Izquierda Unida, Juana Cazorla, en rueda de prensa, se refería al tema ya tratado por el Alcalde, por la mañana, en la presentación de la Guardería Municipal, sobra la situación de las mujeres uqe no tienen acceso a un puesto de trabajo en la próxima campaña de aceituna, también al proceso de selección de la...
Topics: rueda prensa, iu, guarderia, cazorla, eurotoquies, aovetrip
Unsorted Television
by Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee; Pete Seeger

eye 118

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Sonny Terry, Brownie McGhee, and Pete Seeger perform Terry's "Hootin' the Blues" on episode 34 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, American music, Sonny Terry, Brownie McGhee, Pete Seeger,...
Unsorted Television

eye 48

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"Tout le monde connaît le nom de l'auteur populaire d'histoires humoristiques et présentateur de télévision Arkady Arkanov. Mais peu de gens savent que ce nom a un inconvénient.
Topic: Histoires
Unsorted Television

eye 179

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5 full hours of Christmas music, but not the super popular stuff you're sick of listening to. also contains interstitials from various radio and television sources.
Topics: christmas music, radio
Unsorted Television
by Michel Davis

eye 808

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As a youngster, before I ever thought of picking up the trombone, I was a fan of the great band Blood Sweat & Tears. In addition to how much they utilized the horn section in their music, there was one trumpet solo I was particularly drawn to. That solo was Lew’s classic statement on Spinning Wheel. I have been fortunate to go on to work with Lew dozens and dozens of times in a variety of musical settings. It has always impressed and inspired me how passionate Lew is every time he picks...
Topics: trombone, trumpet, tuba, french horn, euphonium, baritone, jazz, education, music, recording,...
Unsorted Television

eye 57

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Le devoir de l'historien par Henri Guillemin
Topics: henri guillemin, histoire, télévision, radio
Unsorted Television

eye 381

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El locutor comercial Mike Cellamare cuenta con la tecnología para realizar doblajes, locución para trailers de cine, locución y narración Audiolibros, locución y narración de Audiocursos, locución y narración de documentales para prestigiosos canales de televisión por cable como; A&E Mundo, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Travel and Living, The History Channel, entre otros.
Topics: locutor, trailers de cine, locución
Unsorted Television
by Aless Nox

eye 168

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Homeless Maddy is a reading of an original fiction work by the author AlessNox. This story was inspired by the television show Sherlock. Summary: If you sit in the right place, you might meet the guy in the long coat and make a little money. Maddy meets Sherlock Holmes planning to make a pound or two, but gets more than she expected.
Topics: Sherlock Holmes, Homeless, crime, life, love, friendship, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, poverty,...
Unsorted Television

eye 19

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Also stay active. Even though you may are just watching television, grab that opportunity to behave active. Slim Fusion Garcinia do simple yoga poses or simple cardio activities. Start doing simple exercise routines such as walking upon the park every day. Exercise will also help produce strong lean muscles, improve your stamina and improve your immune console. For women your tone and view of skin will improve, something for important to the women. >>...
Topic: Slim Fusion Garcinia
Unsorted Television

eye 77

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Patrick McDonald of interviews Haroula Rose, creator and director of the Tribeca: TV finalist "Lost & Found."
Topics: Haroula Rose,, Interview, Patrick McDonald, Television, Lost & Found, Los...
Unsorted Television
by cryptaesia

eye 84

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Triskaidekaphobia 2.5 A  Here I Come Birthday Party : the Dim Locator Devo : Uncontrollable Urge Joe Jackson : Look Sharp Tears for Fears : Pale Shelter PIL : Poptones Ultravox : Monument Siousxie and the Banshees : Staircase Television : Prove It Simple Minds : Premonition Dalek I : Eight Track the Eurythmics : Take Me to Your Heart Magazine : the Honeymoon Killers Joy Division : Transmission Suicide : The Be Bop Kid Soft Cell : Sex Dwarf Chris and Cosey : This is Me
Topics: Triskaidekaphobia, notorious, NCTV Streaming, cryptaesia, Birthday Party, Devo, Joe Jackson, Tears...
Unsorted Television

eye 269

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Harry Nilsson's April 1st, 1970 appearance on the Ship Weshner radio show on KRHM in Los Angeles. Opening with live in the studio solo vocal/piano renditions of "Roses Are Blooming", "Poli High", "Old Forgotten Soldier" and "Think About Your Troubles", the show unfolds as DJ Skip Weshner plays selections from Nilsson's 1969 album, "Harry" and his latest release, "Nilsson Sings Newman" and converses at great length with Harry about all...
Topics: Harry Nilsson, Skip Weshner, KRHM, Los Angeles
Unsorted Television
by Fobosmedia

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Esta semana cerramos temporada y hemos realizado un programa monográfico dedicado a la España más profunda y negra. Para ello contamos con la presencia de un invitado muy especial como es  Juan Rada , antiguo director de  “El Caso” , un semanario español especializado en noticias de sucesos, que se caracterizó por relatar en sus páginas los crímenes y episodios trágicos,  más desagradables y escandalosos de la sociedad española de posguerra . Algunos sucesos de la década de...
Topics: El Caso, crimenes, misterios, sin resolver, enigmas
Unsorted Television
by Pete Seeger

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Pete Seeger performs Woody Guthrie's "Hard Travelin'" on episode 20 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of diverse American...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, American music, Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Great...
Unsorted Television
by Pham Duy; Addiss & Crofut

eye 42

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Pham Duy and Addiss & Crofut perform Hò Lơ (Rice Planting Song) on episode 30 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of diverse...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Vietnamese music, Pham Duy, Stephen Addiss, Bill Crofut
Unsorted Television

eye 35

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Patrick McDonald of interviews Matt Strauss, Executive VP of Video Services at Comcast.
Topics: Matthew Strauss, Comcast,, Interview, Patrick McDonald, Television, Streaming...
Unsorted Television

eye 28

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Unsorted Television
by Radio Jódar SER

eye 72

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En los dos primeros tramos del HOY POR HOY JÓDAR, 7:20 y 8:50, de este Viernes, 18 de Septiembre, en primer lugar nos hemos ocupado de los Premios “Jaén, paraíso interior”, con los que la Diputación Provincial distingue a personalidades y entidades que contribuyen a aumentar el conocimiento y la promoción de la provincia fuera del territorio jiennense, han sido concedidos este año a la presentadora Irma Soriano, al programa de la Cadena SER Andalucía Ser Viajeros, al Jaén Paraíso...
Topics: premios, "jaen paraiso interior", psoe, incendio, agroseguros, asaja, palabras,...
Unsorted Television
by Radio Jódar SER

eye 38

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En los dos primeros tramos del HOY POR HOY JÓDAR, 7:20 y 8:50, en este Jueves, 24 de Septiembre, en primer lugar hemos adelantado los contenidos de la Sesión Ordinaria del Pleno Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Jódar, prevista para mañana Viernes, 25, a las 11 de la mañana, en el Salón de Plenos, además de las actas de sesiones anteriores, decretos de la Alcaldía, mociones, ruegos y preguntas, sólo se van a tratar para su aprobación la ordenanza de transpariencia y buen Gobierno del...
Topics: orden, día, pleno, septiembre, premios, turismo, de moya, ubeda
Unsorted Television
by Radio Jódar SER

eye 45

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En el tramo local del HORA 14 JÓDAR, 14:15, de este Jueves, 17 Septiembre, en primer lugar nos hemos ocupado del inicio del curso escolar también en el Centro de Adultos Puerta de Mágina de Jódar, que imparte sus clases en el IES Juan López Morillas, por las tardes, y que acoge a casi 180 alumnos y alumnas, según nos explicaba una de sus profesoras, Esther Torres Mesa.   A continuación hemos confirmado que el PSOE de Jaén se suma a las peticiones de sus alcaldes para que el Gobierno de...
Topics: escuela, adultos, psoe, incendio, quesada, premios, jaen, apertura, a-316
Unsorted Television
by Naomi Kills

eye 85

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01. Razvitanne z radzimaj; 02. Aliosha give me a chance - chains of love; 03. 16 horsepower - american wheeze; 04 - Funcadelic - I'll bet you; 05. Batmany Bolshoj Ukrainy - Uedu; 06. Peter, Sue & Marc - Birds of Paradise; 07. Beatles - while my guitar gently weeps; 08. Television Personalities - King and country; 09. Borka - igolki; 10. Daniel Johnston - some things last a long time; 11. The Lemons - I feel u inside of me
Topics: mix, aplaectolivc
Unsorted Television

eye 44

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Patrick McDonald of interview soundbite of Director Gigi Saul Guerrero of CULTURE SHOCK.
Topics: Culture Shock, Content, Film News, Patrick McDonald, Cinepocalypse, Music Box...
Unsorted Television

eye 85

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​Gerald is back with another block buster show! Covering ROH tv episodes 315, 316 and 317. 00:28  Why cant Gerald get out to see Bladerunner 2049? Why is Warner Bros. making itbso hard for us to get exciter for Justice League? Neville should come to ROH. Ad a bit on Global Wars Chicago. 15:51  ROH TV 315 Coast To Coast V The Tempura Boys V War Machine, Flips Gordon's awful theme music and his incredible upside, Flip Gordon V Corey Hollis and Frankie Kazarian V Cody for the ROH World...
Topic: WWPN
Unsorted Television
by alex, danny

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HORROR DECONSTRUCTION 4/19/16 NEWS danny and alex discuss upcoming films for theaters and netflix,  they discuss how the new twilight zone is produced to have young sexy men, the truly scary part of the new tales from series, the dark tower films, does this new year seem good for horror, we'll let you know
Topics: horror deconstruction, horror, movie, television
Unsorted Television
by Pete Seeger

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Pete Seeger performs "Housewife's Lament" on episode 7 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of diverse American and...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, American music, Pete Seeger
Unsorted Television
by Pete Seeger

eye 59

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Pete Seeger performs "Hudson River Steamboat" on episode 26 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of diverse American and...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, American music, Pete Seeger
Unsorted Television
by Pham Duy

eye 50

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Pham Duy performs Hát Hội (Song of the Full-Moon Festival) on episode 30 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of diverse American...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Vietnamese music, Pham Duy
Unsorted Television
by Pete Seeger

eye 47

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Pete Seeger performs Robert Lowry's "How Can I Keep from Singing?" on episode 30 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, American music, Pete Seeger, Robert Lowry, Hymns
Unsorted Television

eye 632

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Unsorted Television

eye 360

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El locutor comercial Mike Cellamare cuenta con la tecnología para realizar doblajes, locución para trailers de cine, locución y narración Audiolibros, locución y narración de Audiocursos, locución y narración de documentales para prestigiosos canales de televisión por cable como; A&E Mundo, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Travel and Living, The History Channel, entre otros.
Topics: Voice Talent, Voice Artist, Movie Trailers VO
Unsorted Television

eye 347

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El locutor comercial Mike Cellamare cuenta con la tecnología para realizar doblajes, locución para trailers de cine, locución y narración Audiolibros, locución y narración de Audiocursos, locución y narración de documentales para prestigiosos canales de televisión por cable como; A&E Mundo, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Travel and Living, The History Channel, entre otros.
Topics: Italian Voice Over, Cellamare
Unsorted Television

eye 208

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Article by Angela Dewan of CNN. Monday, October 16, 2017. London, UK- Lysette Anthony is the 3rd victim to come forward in The UK alleging sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein back in the 1980's. Anthony reported her claims to the London Metropolitan Police (LMP) on Wednesday, October 11 of this year. She recounts how Weinstein pushed himself into her apartment back in the 80's & pinned her against a coat rack. He tried to force his tongue into her mouth but she moved her head. She then just...
Topics: harvey weinstein, quentin tarantino, metoo, me too, oscars, academy of film, sexual assault, sexual...
Unsorted Television
by alex, danny, thea

eye 1,141

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HORROR DECONSTRUCTION: THE QUEEFING DEAD: THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 3: EPISODE 9 TO 11. danny. alex and thea ( the greatest female character  on dramatic television is Andrea from the walking dead she is so amazing in her nuances and character growth. Every choice she makes is the right one, and every speech she says is uplifting and a testament to fantastic writing.... this note was written on opposite day.
Unsorted Television
by Radio Jódar SER

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En el tramo local del HORA 14 JÓDAR, 14:15, de este Jueves, 22 de Octubre, en primer lugar hemos adelantad los contenidos de la Sesión Extraordianria del Pleno, que tendrá lugar el próximo Lunes, a partir de las  11 de la mañana:  propuesta de cesión del contrato de “La Cantera la Lancha” para la extracción de áridos, modificación de ordenanzas fiscales y presupuestos del Ayuntamiento para ste año 2015. También nos hemos hecho eco de la visitra del la Delegada del Gobierno de...
Topics: restauración, incendio, quesada, fiesta, primer, aceite, juventudes, socialistas, educación, junta
Radio Télévision Suisse, La Première, Hautes fréquences, 18.06.2017   Cʹest la plus vieille université du monde arabo-musulman, à Tunis, la Zitouna enseigne lʹislam depuis le 8e siècle. La dictature de Ben Ali, la révolution des printemps arabes et maintenant le terrorisme, lʹuniversité coranique est à chaque fois au cœur de la tempête. Lʹinstabilité politique et religieuse du pays rendent la réforme de lʹinstitution, amorcée il y a plus de vingt ans, lente et difficile....
Topics: Université Zitouna, Tunisie, enseignement, religion, islam
Unsorted Television
by Radio Jódar SER

eye 33

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En el  tramo local del HORA 14 JÓDAR, 14:15, DE este Jueves, 24 de Septiembre, en primer lugar hemos adelantado los contenidos de la Sesión Ordinaria del Pleno Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Jódar, prevista para mañana Viernes, 25, a las 11 de la mañana, en el Salón de Plenos, además de las actas de sesiones anteriores, decretos de la Alcaldía, mociones, ruegos y preguntas, sólo se van a tratar para su aprobación la ordenanza de transpariencia y buen Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de...
Topics: jornadas, mundo, rural, pleno, ayuntamiento jódar, mañana, premios, paraiso, interior, de moya,...
Unsorted Television
by Radio Jódar SER

eye 37

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En el tramo local del HORA 14 JÓDAR, de este Viernes, 13 de Noviembre,  hemos vuelta a incorporar el turno de intervención solicitado por la Coordinadora Local y Portavoz del Grupo Municipal de Izquierda Unida, Juana Cazorla, sobre la prohibición, en cumplimiento de la Ordenanza de Convivencia Ciudadana, de salir a anunciar con megafonia exterior, con un coche, el Acto Público previsto para esta tarde, con presencia del Coordinador Regional d e IU, Antonio Maillo. A continuación nos hemos...
Topics: prohibición, anuncios, coche, IU, unidad, popular, aovetrip, candidatos, pp, jaén, programa, psoe
Jim, Brian and Christian’s pre-Christmas Show!  We start the show by covering Brian’s TAG Post on  Windows Live Movie Maker  and discover how to build great videos with this free software. We also cover those crazy Microsoft Commercials where people say, “To the Cloud!” and no one knows why.  We talk about each one of the commercials in depth and give the product solutions that Microsoft fails to give. Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E at ...
Topics: Drobo, Messenger, To the Cloud, windows live essentials, Windows Live Mesh, Windows Live Movie Maker
Venue:  Sprint Center (now T-Mobile Center) in Kansas City, Missouri, USA Commentator: Jeremy Branham for KPRC-AM 950** in Houston & the Houston Sports Network from Learfield/IMG College (now known as simply Learfield) Boxscore Spoiler: **: Because this game was on a political radio station, there was a political radio program airing beforehand. The game broadcast starts at the 22:30 mark. If you want to watch...
Topics: University of Houston, Houston Cougars, University of Kentucky, Kentucky Wildcats, NCAA Tournament,...
Unsorted Television
by Sensei Buddha, Mr. Suave, Beat Physicist

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Sensei Buddha Blacks Out; Television Reviews
Topics: Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Security, Executive Protection, Combat, Crime